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I can’t sleep what to do. How to relax so you can fall asleep quickly? Breathing techniques for falling asleep quickly

Almost each of us has encountered a situation when, before going to bed, the desire to sleep is great, but as soon as you lie down, it immediately disappears, past events begin to replay in your head, and different thoughts creep into your head. Everyone has wondered: why is it difficult to fall asleep at night? This article will help you learn how to fall asleep quickly and easily, thanks to it you can forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as insomnia.

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia is not a separate disease, it is only a manifestation of another illness. Most often, sleep disturbance is caused by:

  • chronic lack of sleep, when the minimum sleep time is 5 hours for 3 or more days;
  • stress;
  • working with a variable schedule;
  • lack of a constant daily routine;
  • changing time zones.

Preparation for sleep

How to fall asleep faster at night? The number of different methods of preparing for bed is huge, let's look at the most basic ones. So, in order to fall asleep faster, you need to adhere to the following rules.

  • Sticking to a consistent schedule every day is the most important factor in getting rid of insomnia. If you get up and go to bed at the same time every day, the body will get used to the order and will easily turn off and turn on every day at a certain time.
  • Physical activity before bed. After a hard workout, you literally fall off your feet and fall asleep on the go. Therefore, having sports in your daily schedule is a definite plus. A lot of resources are spent on physical activity, and the body will try to fall asleep as soon as possible in order to restore these resources during sleep.
  • Turn off all electronic devices. Any use of electronic devices causes strain on the eyes and brain. And the excited brain will take a long time to calm down, preventing you from falling asleep. Therefore, 20-30 minutes before bedtime, you should turn off the computer, phone and TV. During this half hour, you should relax - look out the window, meditate, and complete all your housework. And then, with a calm brain, go to bed.
  • Quitting alcohol. You should not drink alcohol before going to bed; even a glass of wine can lead to sleep disturbances, not to mention more serious dosages. It's always quite difficult to fall asleep after a noisy party.
  • Elimination of non-periodic daytime sleep. If you sleep 5-6 hours all week and sleep during the day on weekends, then this situation has an even worse effect on the body. Periodic unpredictable moments of sleep do not allow the brain to decide when the next dream will occur, which is why it refuses to go to rest even at the usual time.
  • It is recommended to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise the food does not have time to be completely digested, and the body is busy with the digestive process, and this will certainly lead to insomnia.
  • Eliminate irritants. Before going to bed, it is better to close the curtains tightly, turn off the lights and close the doors to the bedroom so that unnecessary sounds do not penetrate inside. In such an environment, nothing will prevent you from falling asleep quickly.
  • Relaxation. Before going to bed, you need to relax, you can listen to calm music and dream. It is better to postpone active work and solving complex problems until tomorrow.
  • Taking a warm bath 30-40 minutes before bed will help relax your muscles and prepare your body for sleep.
  • Eliminate invigorating foods. It is not advisable to drink coffee, energy drinks and drinks with taurine and caffeine in the afternoon. They speed up your heart rate and prevent you from falling asleep.


How to fall asleep at night if you can't sleep? You can try one of the following proven methods.

Physical exercise

If you can’t sleep, you can do a basic complex physical exercise- do push-ups, squats, stretches. If the weather permits, you can even take a short walk or jog around the house.

Correct breathing

The main purpose of breathing exercises is to stabilize the heart rate, making it calmer. The most popular is the “4-7-8” method. It consists of three stages:

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose for 4 seconds;
  2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds;
  3. Long, full exhalation through the nasopharynx in 8 seconds.

You need to repeat the breathing cycle 3-5 times. If done correctly, you will immediately start yawning and quickly fall asleep.

Eye exercises

If you can’t close your eyes, you need to do the following exercise. Open your eyes wide and roll them for 30-40 seconds. Then begin to move your gaze from one object in the room to another, focusing on them for a short time. After a couple of minutes, you will feel heaviness in your eyelids and want to sleep.

Methodology of "special services"

KGB agents, when they could not sleep, used this method. It consists of completely relaxing, stretching your arms along your body, palms up, and rolling your eyes, closing your eyelids. This is the position that is considered natural during sleep. You will want to yawn instantly, and then a sweet dream will come.

Getting rid of unnecessary thoughts

Sometimes it makes it difficult to fall asleep because of the huge number of different thoughts that pop into your head. To stop their random movement, you need to get up and write them down on a piece of paper, promising yourself to deal with them in the morning. This way, you will clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and be able to fall asleep with a clear head.

Sleeping pills

If the methods described above do not help, then you can take a sleeping pill before bed. Of course, before purchasing it, you need to consult a doctor who will select the optimal drug.

However, there are several safe drugs that can be taken without a doctor’s prescription: Valerian, Nozepam, Tazepam, Temazepam, Signopam.

Folk remedies

  • Honey with milk. A widely known sleeping pill recipe is honey combined with warm milk. It has a relaxing effect and helps you fall asleep. In addition to milk, honey can be added to kefir, or even to regular warm water.
  • Hawthorn. For the same purposes, you can use hawthorn - pour two tablespoons of dried fruit into a glass of boiling water and drink half an hour before bedtime.
  • Bananas and kiwi They also help you relax and help you fall asleep quickly, as they are rich in endorphins.

The average person spends more than a third of their life sleeping. But don't let this fool you. If the body is asleep, this does not mean that our body slows down.

During sleep, the body repairs itself, so we wake up refreshed and rested. If you toss and turn all night, it affects your judgment, productivity, and ability to retain information the next day. Over time, this contributes to the development of diabetes, obesity and constant bad mood.

Here are a few mistakes we make that are not conducive to good sleep.

How to sleep if you can't sleep

1. Don't go to bed with cold feet

Cold feet can interrupt sleep, so it's best to warm your feet with a heating pad or socks before going to bed.

2. Get ready for bed

The established routine will develop the habit of falling asleep, just as you get used to brushing your teeth or washing your face.

3. Avoid drinking coffee 4 hours before bedtime

Caffeine negatively affects sleep and keeps you awake longer.

4. Avoid certain sleeping positions

Experts advise sleeping on your left side, as your body rests better in this position.

5. Keep electronic devices away from the bed

You need to develop a habit of going to sleep at the same time every night so that your brain is ready accordingly.

Looking at a smartphone or tablet before bed can have a negative impact because the bright light from the screen makes it difficult for your brain to fall asleep.

How to sleep properly

6. You shouldn’t read before bed either.

Reading before bed is known to keep you awake even longer.

7. Avoid bright alarm clocks

The light from your alarm screen can be a constant distraction and disrupt your sleep, leaving you feeling less rested in the morning.

8. Don't drink liquids an hour before bed.

If you drink water 1-2 hours before bed, you will wake up 2-3 times to go to the toilet.

9. Avoid sleeping during the day

Napping during the day helps you feel rested for longer than you should and changes your sleep-wake routine.

10. Change your mattress for a better night's sleep.

A good mattress is essential to ensuring you get a good night's sleep so you can wake up feeling rested and energized.

11. Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime

When you go to bed with a full stomach, you cannot fall asleep quickly because the digestion process forces your body to stay awake.

12. Don't exercise before bed

When you exercise, your body is filled with adrenaline and prevents you from falling asleep.

How to quickly fall asleep in 1 minute?

There is a breathing exercise that will help you fall asleep in less than a minute.

The “4-7-8” exercise is taken from an ancient Indian practice and helps you fall asleep quickly.

Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds

Hold your breath for 7 seconds

Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds

Anxiety and stress lead to improper breathing, causing it to become short and shallow. By increasing your inhalation, you inhale more oxygen, then allow it to better enter your bloodstream and effectively remove carbon dioxide from your lungs.

This method slows the heartbeat, relaxes the nervous system and has a mild sedative effect.

We all know that sleep duration plays a big role in our mental and physical health, but our sleep position is also an important factor in our well-being.

According to experts, there is a sleeping position that has great benefits for our health.

It turns out that sleeping on the left side is better for digestion, back and heart due to the position of the internal organs. Here are some benefits of this sleeping position:

Which side is better to sleep on?

Sleeping on your left side strengthens the lymphatic system

Sleeping on your left side allows your body to better filter lymph fluid, since the left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side.
Western scientists have also found that sleeping on the left side helps the body better process waste products from the brain, while sleeping on the right side can reduce the efficiency of the lymphatic system.

Sleeping on your left side improves digestion

Sleeping on the left side is preferable to sleeping on the right side due to simple gravity. When you lie on your left side, food waste passes smoothly through the large intestine and, as a result, you have an easier bowel movement in the morning. It also allows the stomach and pancreas to be in a more suitable position (the stomach is on the left), and promotes better production of pancreatic enzymes.

Sleeping on your left side is good for your heart

Doctors have long recommended that pregnant women sleep on their left side to improve circulation to the heart. Even if you're not pregnant, sleeping on your left side can help take some of the stress off your heart, as gravity promotes lymphatic drainage and arterial circulation away from the heart.

However, there is still debate among experts about which side is best to sleep on for heart health. For example, people with chronic heart failure and those who have had a heart attack are better off sleeping on their right side.

How to sleep during pregnancy?

It is optimal for pregnant women to sleep on their left side

Sleeping on the left side not only improves blood circulation in pregnant women, but also relieves stress on the back, prevents compression of the liver by the uterus, and improves blood flow to the uterus, kidneys and fetus. For this reason, doctors often recommend sleeping on your left side during pregnancy.

Sleeping on your left side reduces heartburn

A study has shown that lying on your left side reduces the symptoms of acid reflux. This is again due to the fact that the stomach is on the left. Conversely, lying on your right side can make your heartburn symptoms worse.

The effect occurs almost immediately, so if you experience heartburn after eating, lie on your left side for 10 minutes.

Sleeping on your left side relieves back pain

People suffering from chronic back pain can greatly benefit from sleeping on their left side, as it helps relieve pressure on the spine. A feeling of comfort will in turn lead to a restful sleep.

Sleeping on your left side helps blood circulation

If you have varicose veins, you may want to sleep on your left side, as this improves blood circulation by reducing pressure on the vena cava, the main vein located on the right side of the body.

Is it possible to sleep on your right side?

While there is much to be said for sleeping on the left side, it's worth noting that people with heart disease, sleep apnea, glaucoma, and carpal tunnel syndrome should be careful about sleeping on the left side and consult a doctor.

How to change your position while sleeping?

If you want to learn to sleep on your left side, it may take some time to develop this habit. For example, you can put a pillow under your back to make it harder for you to roll to the other side.

You can also try sleep on the other side of the bed, so your position will not seem so unusual.

It is important to pay attention mattress, on which you sleep. Since sleeping on your side puts pressure on your hips and shoulders, it's best to choose a softer mattress to reduce stress in these areas.

But of course, the most important thing is how comfortable you feel on the mattress and in a certain position, since this is what will help you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed.

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What to do if you can’t sleep: 20 great tips + 3 great exercises + 7 best cures for insomnia.

Do not worry!

We'll tell you what to do if you can't sleep no matter what your plans are for the night - sleep peacefully or spend this time more interesting!

Why do you need to know what to do if you can’t sleep: 5 main “horrors” of insomnia

You shouldn’t put off finding a solution to the problem, what to do if you can’t sleep, because:

    Insomnia seriously harms your health.

    First of all, you are faced with such diagnoses as hyperthyroidism (thyroid problems), hypertension.

    So it’s easier to get better sleep than to spend days and nights in hospitals;

    something needs to be done if you can’t sleep, as this reduces your performance.

    Yes, it’s difficult to be a lively person and solve work problems on a “universal” scale if you fall asleep in the morning.

    Well, how are you going to earn your bread and butter in this state?

    Insomnia clearly does not make you “the most charming and attractive”, since now irritability, neuroses, daytime sleepiness and memory impairment are your constant companions.

    And they certainly won't make you the star of the party!

    If you don't sleep, your appearance will seriously suffer.

    Bags under red eyes, dull skin, disheveled hair and other “charms” - the picture is still the same!

    you can’t get enough sleep or compensate for lack of sleep the next night.

    In order to fully recover from just one (!) sleepless night, your poor body will need a whole week.

In order not to look like a piece of chewed paper in the morning and pester everyone with the question “What to do if you can’t sleep?”, we recommend that you:

    Warm your feet.

    Cold feet will prevent you from switching from the annual report to thoughts of “high”, so the finest hour has come for socks knitted by your grandmother or a heating pad donated by your beloved mother-in-law.

    Establish some cute rituals to prepare for bed if you can’t sleep.

    This could be anything: from drawing in an anti-stress coloring book for adults to half an hour of meditation.

    The main thing is to give your brain a signal: “Now you and I are going to have a little more fun here, and then you know – right away we’re going to have fun!”

    Coffee and strong tea, if you periodically cannot sleep, no later than 4 hours before going to bed.

    And there is no need to make such a tragic face - herbal teas, drinks made from chicory and barley, warm milk with honey and cinnamon will be an excellent alternative.

    Or do you enjoy staring into the darkness all night?

    Try not to lie on your back or right side for a long time if you can’t sleep:

    Experts advise lying down more comfortably on your left side, they say, this way the body relaxes better.

    Make it a habit to always go to bed at the same time if you can’t sleep.

    Yes, yes, even if tomorrow is Sunday, you shouldn’t “hang out” on 5 episodes of the series in a row. The heroes of the film will certainly wait for you the next day.

    Don’t “torment” your mobile phone or tablet before bed if you can’t sleep.

    Haven't you already been tired of email, VKontakte and Facebook for the whole day? Your dreams can be much more interesting than your news feed!

    Don't read electronic readers before bed. Give preference to the good old one.

    And the best thing you can do if you can’t sleep is to read a couple of pages of something terribly boring, for example, descriptions of nature in “War and Peace.”

    You will start yawning in about five minutes (checked by the author of the article!).

    Feel free to throw away your alarm clock (and any other device) if it lights up the room like the star on the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower.

    But you already need to decide what to do if you can’t sleep!

    As soon as you stand up, a hungry dog, attacked by a “night watcher,” will grab your leg, and then the Internet beckons, winking invitingly with the laptop’s sensors. Do you need it?

    Try not to “sleep” during the day, even if the meeting in the office of your favorite boss turned out to be extremely boring.

    It was not enough for the problem of unemployment to be added to the problem of insomnia.

    Psychologists advise those who regularly cannot sleep to get a dog, they say, daily evening walks will give them healthy sleep.

    Eh, if these same psychologists also groomed, fed and took the dog to the veterinarian, then they would have no value!

    Sometimes the solution to the problem of what to do if you can’t sleep is to replace an uncomfortable mattress or a too soft pillow.

    Make sure that all this bed “brotherhood” is comfortable for you. Maybe it's time to finally buy an orthopedic mattress?

    If you are attacked by insomnia, leave jogging, strength exercises with dumbbells and other sports “feats” for the first half of the day so that the adrenaline in your body does not go off scale before going to bed.

    And even if houses collapse around you and terrorists seize airports, you will sleep well and be fresher than a May rose.

    Have dinner 2.5-3 hours before bedtime if you regularly do not sleep.

    Neither an empty stomach nor half a pack of your favorite sweets contributes to healthy sleep.

    Try relaxing your body with a warm bath or shower with peppermint, chamomile, or lavender essential oils when you can't sleep.

    8-10 minutes of “heavenly pleasure” - and sleep will come to you much faster.

    Ventilate the room if you can't sleep.

    And there will be more oxygen in the room to make it easier to fall asleep, and you will look at the stars from the window or from the balcony. Something needs to be done!

    Treat yourself to linen sheets if you can't sleep.

    Scientists say that you will fall asleep much faster on bedding made of this material.

    Before going to bed, put an amethyst ring on your finger if you can’t sleep.

    Yeah, and feel like the Lord of the Rings!

    Knowledgeable people claim that the stone is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

    Don’t go to bed thinking, “Well, I can’t sleep again!”, even if last night you “played” circles around the room waiting for Morpheus.

    Self-hypnosis is a great thing!

3 exercises to do if you can't sleep: a scientific approach

1) Fall asleep in 1 minute: a yoga exercise that should be done for those who cannot sleep

Yogis can not only twist themselves into a ram’s horn, but are also ready to offer those who are wondering what to do if they can’t sleep, their own solution to the problem - the “4 – 7 – 8” exercise, which consists of three stages:

  • inhale through your nose (4 seconds);
  • hold your breath (7 seconds);
  • exhale through your mouth (8 seconds).

2) Remember your childhood: “erase” the numbers on the school board if you can’t sleep

  • mentally erase the numbers written in reverse order (from 100 to 1) from the board;
  • Breathe evenly and deeply through your nose, “wiping” one number with each inhalation.

3) “I solved the infinity sign...”: if you can’t sleep, draw a figure eight

  • Try closing your eyes and using them to write a “lying” figure eight on a white background if you can’t sleep.

12 tips for “unbridled fun” at night: what to do if you can’t sleep, but don’t really want to

When you can’t sleep, but want to do something more interesting than counting a flock of sheep in your head, we suggest:

    Make alcoholic cocktails.

    “Thermonuclear” “screwdriver”, girlish “Cosmopolitan”, stunning “B52” - there is no better time than the night to improve your bartending skills.

    Search the sky for constellations, armed with an astronomical atlas, when you need to decide what to do if you can’t sleep.

    “One of the brightest nights of my life was last summer: my girlfriend and I lay in a wheat field for several hours, looking for constellations and comparing the real picture with a drawing from an astronomy textbook.

    I would never have thought that I, a grown man of 33 years old, was still capable of such romance. We plan to continue to do this,”

    – Stas from Nikolaev shares his impressions.

  1. Trying to visualize your most cherished dream is a great option for what to do if you can’t sleep.

    And whether it will be just a drawing, an entry in a diary or - it’s up to you.

    Go to a nightclub if you can't sleep.

    This is truly the place where you can meet night owls like you.

    And who knows - perhaps the story of how you “partyed” all night will stay with you for inspiration until the end of your days (from the series “There is something to remember, nothing to tell your grandchildren!”).

    Listen to an audiobook when you need to do something and can’t sleep.

    Climb into a warm bed, turn on the audio file on your smartphone and let the velvety voices of the announcers lull you to sleep.

    The main thing is to choose the right work (no Stephen King or other “horror” films!).

    Feel like a real night owl, rushing to drink coffee in a 24-hour cafe if you can’t sleep.

    Enjoy the night and feel like the hero/heroine of a good thriller.

    Find out which of your friends are online on the Internet (which means they, like you, can’t sleep) and invite them to visit you or go to them.

    Light up this night!

    Have sex with your loved one when you can't sleep.

    Yes, with such an invention that the directors of German films for adults would dream of getting you as actors.

    You can go on a photo walk through the city at night if you don’t know what to do if you can’t sleep.

    Go “hunting” for successful shots and bright emotions!

    Go to billiards if you have nothing else to do.

    Typically, such establishments operate around the clock. Cigarette smoke, the sound of balls, the shimmering shine of cloth - this is real night romance, gentlemen!

    Writing poetry is what you can try to do if you can’t sleep.

    And don't be shy! You are not laying claim to Yesenin’s laurels, but are developing your creativity, which the night greatly contributes to.

    Cook something delicious when you need to decide what to do if.

    Tomorrow, when you are “attacked” by hungry household members, you will breathe a sigh of relief and throw your nightly culinary masterpieces onto the table.

What to do if you can’t sleep, according to pharmacists: 7 best medications for insomnia

Pharmacy employees can advise what to do when you can’t sleep, because they stock effective sleeping pills that can be bought without a prescription or a visit to the doctor:

For starters, you can get by with soothing teas:

What are the causes of insomnia and how to deal with it?

Good advice from a practicing psychotherapist in this video:

As you can see, there are options to spend the night usefully and decide what to do if you can't sleep- weight!

You just need to decide whether you want to spend this time like all “normal” people in bed or whether your soul requires a holiday.

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Insomnia, as doctors prefer to call it, is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, shallow restless sleep with frequent and/or early awakenings. There are many reasons for insomnia, including both physiological and psychological disorders. The body thus makes it clear that something is wrong with it and the nervous system cannot cope with one of its most important functions - regulating sleep. What to do if you have insomnia?

Good sleep is the key to health

First of all, take the problem seriously. Sleep disturbances for at least 3-4 days immediately affect your well-being: a feeling of “being overwhelmed” arises, performance decreases, and concentration decreases. Systematic lack of sleep can lead to the development of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems, and metabolic disorders.

Down with stress and rush jobs!

It is believed that insomnia is a problem affecting mainly elderly people and melancholic individuals prone to depression. But according to statistics, regular sleep problems Today, many socially active and energetic people aged 30 to 45 are complaining - they experience frequent stress and have long working hours. And in most cases, they can help themselves without resorting to sleeping pills or the help of doctors. Do they need to take any special remedies for insomnia? In most cases no. Usually it is enough to reduce your workload, adjust your daily routine, be less nervous, not overeat at night, play sports, move more and walk in the fresh air. Adequate sleep and our health are interconnected things, so in the fight against insomnia, the first place should be general healing of the body.

Zinaida Kolesnikova

neurologist, head of the neurological department of polyclinic No. 1 of the National Medical Center named after. Pirogov

If sleep is disturbed, then disturbances occur in the functioning of the brain. Therefore, solving the problem of insomnia must be approached comprehensively. First of all, you need eliminate factor, provoking her. Secondly, you should restore mode wakefulness and sleep, it is important to go to bed and get up at the same time. Thirdly, you need normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Symptoms of stress can be relieved with non-toxic and non-addictive medications, such as homeostres or persen. They should be selected by a doctor. If you cannot cope with the problem of insomnia, in addition to a neurologist, you should contact a psychologist and other specialists.

Go to bed before midnight

For a long time, doctors said that you need to sleep at least eight hours. Today, doctors recommend sleeping as much as your body needs to recover: for some, six hours of sleep is enough, and for others, nine is not enough. The optimal time for going to bed is no later than 23.00. If you go to bed late after midnight, the natural biorhythms of the body, and you don’t get enough sleep, even if you sleep until lunch. This disruption of circadian biorhythms is a fairly common cause of insomnia. Change daily regime, get up and go to bed earlier - and your sleep problems will disappear.

It's two in the morning, and you're still trying to get into the sleepy kingdom of Morpheus? Anxious thoughts haunt you and you can't sleep? If you are familiar with this problem, read about how to fall asleep at night if you can’t sleepand what to do in such cases, as well as a unique technique that will tell you how to fall asleep in 1 minute without any sleeping pills.

If you often suffer from insomnia, know that you are not alone. According to statistics, about half of the world's population has the same problem. Constant lack of sleep leads to the fact that the body does not have time to restore its strength, and as a result - lethargy, decreased concentration and irritability during the day.

In addition, lack of sleep at night leads to weakened immunity and also increases the risk of heart disease. So, read carefully and take your time.

Can't sleep at night: what to do to fix the problem?

I tried all these techniques, which you will read about below, from my own experience. And let me tell you, they work! So:

Physical exercise

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you are probably familiar with insomnia. To avoid this problem, purchase a gym membership or train yourself to exercise on your own; even a light jog will do. Scientists have noticed that people who exercise during the day quickly fall asleep and have sound and healthy sleep.

Just don't exercise right before bed: do it at least three hours before going to bed. After all, after physical activity our body remains excited for some time, which will not allow us to fall asleep quickly.

Comfort and coziness in the bedroom

Surround yourself in the bedroom with things that are pleasant and bring positive emotions. Your favorite teddy bear, a beautiful bedding set that you just want to lie on - all this will set you up for positivity, distract you from anxious thoughts and make it possible to fall asleep faster.

Take care of comfort: the mattress and pillow should be comfortable, and the blanket should be weightless and warm. Be sure to ventilate your bedroom before going to bed. The temperature in the room should be three degrees lower than usual. It has been proven that in a cool room the ability to fall asleep quickly increases.

Buy thick curtains that will not let in moonlight, light from lanterns and headlights of passing cars, as well as noise from the street.

Compliance with the regime

Try to go to bed at the same time, even if you have to get up earlier than usual. This way your “internal clock” will adjust to your bedtime and it will be much easier for you to fall asleep and wake up.

Trying to fall asleep earlier than usual will result in you tossing and turning a lot longer, resulting in less time to sleep.

Say a firm no to reading before bed

Moreover, do not try to lull yourself to sleep with the help of electronic gadgets: tablets, laptops and other modern devices. You won't succeed anyway! After all, light, without which reading is impossible, suppresses the production of the hormone that regulates sleep - melatonin. Thus, instead of resting, your brain will try to process the newly received information and you will not be able to sleep.

Relax before bed

Take a hot bath, listen to your favorite calming music, or ask family members to give you a massage. All this will set your body up for rest and give you the opportunity to sleep peacefully.

Taking a hot bath works especially well. Our body first warms up and then gradually begins to cool, which helps us fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.

Fight depression and chronic fatigue

Stress is the main cause of insomnia. Therefore, make every effort to prevent depression from overpowering you. Learn to get rid of worries and worries. Take a break from your daily routine, visit your favorite places, surround yourself with people you like, learn how to...

Don't have dinner late

Train yourself to have dinner a few hours before bed. After all, late meals not only lead to excess weight, but also lead to insomnia.

For dinner, eat foods that promote the production of the “sleepy” hormone, melatonin. This is primarily fish, which contains vitamin B, as well as dairy products and nuts containing tryptophan.

Also try to drink less liquid of any kind before bed. After all, a full bladder does not contribute to sound sleep.

How to fall asleep in 1 minute: an amazing technique!

What is this method based on? These are simple breathing exercises that will help you fall asleep quickly without resorting to taking strong pharmaceutical drugs for insomnia.

The exercise should be done lying down. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t despair: train every day and in the end it should definitely bring results. So:

  • take a comfortable position and to control that the stomach is also involved in the process, place your hand on your chest;
  • touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue;
  • After counting to four, take a deep breath through your nose;
  • hold your breath for seven seconds;
  • through a half-open mouth, without changing the position of the tongue, exhale, counting to eight;
  • the exercise must be repeated 4-8 times, taking a short break.

Repetitions need to be increased gradually. Start with two or three, and then add one daily.

And finally, watch this video with tips on how to fall asleep at night if you can’t sleep:

P.S. I hope these tips were helpful to you. If so, please share them with your friends on social networks.