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Small rash on the body, itching. Body itching in different places without rash

Skin rashes in the form of red spots with itching in adults can appear for many reasons, and everyone should know how to eliminate this pathology. In dermatology, there are at least 50 types of diseases that have such symptoms.

Starting with itchy spots, the pathology may take on a slightly different form over time. The spots can not only increase in size, but also flake, itch and affect new areas of the skin. In any case, such symptoms are a reason to immediately visit a dermatologist.

The rash manifests itself in completely different ways. In medicine, there are two stages of pathology manifestation: primary and secondary.

Primary manifestations of the rash:

  • Red spots on the skin that do not exceed skin level. Redness is associated with excessive blood flow. If you press on the affected area, it acquires its usual color in a matter of seconds.
  • Papules, also known as nodules, are lumps that protrude from the skin. Often the nodules have a conical or round shape, and if there are many of them, they are likely to merge into a plaque. It often reaches the size of a palm. If you press on the affected area, the normal color of the skin returns for a short time.
  • Another type of rash is vesicles. They are round blisters protruding above the skin. Inside the vesicle there may be a cloudy, clear liquid, often mixed with blood.
  • Rashes on the surface of the skin in the form of itchy red spots in adults can take the form of blisters. They have a round or oval shape, rising above the skin. They arise as a consequence of acute or limited edema.
  • Often, blisters with purulent filling, called pustules, also form. The appearance resembles blisters with inflammation at the base.

Secondary manifestations of the rash:

At this stage, during the development of the disease, modifications of the spots occur. Among the secondary signs are:

  • change in skin color, it may become slightly darker or completely discolored;
  • peeling of the affected area is noted;
  • if you open an abscess or vesicle, erosion may appear, and in severe cases, ulcers affecting the fatty tissue;
  • scratching is provoked by itching and leads to superficial and deep abrasions;
  • when the wet surface dries, a crust forms (at the site of erosion, abscess, bubble, blister and ulcer);
  • Tissue compaction is often observed.

Causes of formation of itchy red spots

  1. Such symptoms may occur due to an allergic reaction to medications, food, or surrounding objects. Swollen red spots with severe itching appear on the skin. In this case, under no circumstances should you comb the affected areas and you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. If the itching becomes unbearable, and there is still a lot of time before seeing a specialist, then you can relieve it with a soda solution (1 glass of water, 1 spoon of soda).
  2. Often, insect bites can provoke such a reaction in the body. The pathology can be eliminated with a special ointment, for example, Finistil-gel.
  3. Itchy red spots appear as symptoms of some skin diseases, such as lice, prickly heat, lichen, dermatitis, scabies and others. In this case, a visit to a specialist is necessary. In this case, the itchy rash can affect more than 50% of the body and be accompanied by other symptoms.
  4. Skin rashes in the form of red spots with itching in adults very often form as a result of nervous disorders. There are several forms of the disease: acute and chronic. In the second case, symptoms last for at least 30 days. Mostly, nervous disorders are accompanied by a red rash, less often blisters. The reason for contacting a specialist may be symptoms that do not disappear for several days.
  5. The primary symptoms of infectious diseases are expressed in the form of itchy red spots. The entire body is mainly affected, including the legs and head. They look like ulcers.

How to eliminate rashes

It is necessary to begin treatment of itchy skin rashes in the form of red spots only after a comprehensive examination and clarification of the causes of formation. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the causative agents of the disease.

  • Insect bites

Often, rashes caused by insect bites are eliminated with medications that have a cooling and healing effect. You can buy it at any pharmacy, for example Finistil-gel.

  • Allergic rashes

If the cause of itchy redness is an allergic reaction, then the dermatologist will prescribe antihistamines. In this case, eczema is eliminated with creams and ointments.

  • Nervous disorders

Rash due to nervous disorders can be removed with sedatives (teas with mint, lemon balm or Novopassit) and vitamin complexes.

Traditional medicine can be used in treatment only if the dermatological disease is at an early stage. Common remedies are decoctions of birch leaves, oak bark and herbal tea. They are used as bath products.

How to relieve itching

When the itching becomes simply unbearable, you can use some traditional medicine. Itching is relieved by cold. You can use a cold shower or apply compresses. But you shouldn’t overuse it, because moisture can aggravate skin conditions due to allergies.

The use of antihistamines in any form and ointments containing glucocorticosteroids is also common. But in no case should you self-medicate; all prescriptions should be made by a doctor.

For any skin rash, you should consult a specialist while the disease is at an early stage. Timely detection of pathology contributes to painless and rapid treatment. Taking care of your own health can prevent the formation of new ailments.

Human skin is very sensitive both to influences from the external environment and to processes occurring in the body itself. Therefore, deterioration in the condition of the skin may indicate the presence of one or another ailment. The appearance of rashes, blisters, and peeling on the skin surface is a cause for concern and contact a doctor. After all, all these skin pathologies can be an external expression of a serious illness, which, in the absence of therapeutic measures, can lead to severe and irreversible consequences for the entire body.

Skin rashes, which often occur with infectious diseases such as typhoid and typhus, are very dangerous and can even cause death.

The appearance of a rash often occurs as a result of exposure of the body to factors that provoke allergies. If this effect is not eliminated in time, anaphylactic shock may occur, often ending in the death of the patient.

Therefore, it is necessary to know why a small rash appears on the body. Knowing the factors that cause a rash to appear on the face, back, arms or legs of a child allows you to find the true cause of this phenomenon and take appropriate measures.

Why does a small rash appear on the skin in children and adults?

If a child begins to rash, this causes justifiable anxiety among parents. Unfortunately, some of them do not contact a specialist in time and make a diagnosis on their own, according to which they carry out treatment procedures. This approach is categorically unacceptable, since improper treatment leads to more serious consequences than the absence of any treatment procedures.

The rash on the face, chest, back and other areas of the child’s skin can be of different types. Dermatologists distinguish the following main forms:

  • rashes from vascular, hemorrhagic or pigmented spots - areas that stand out against the background of the rest of the skin only in color, do not rise above the surface of the surrounding skin and do not differ from it to the touch;
  • papular rash consisting of dense tubercles;
  • plaques are flat formations that rise above the skin surface;
  • bubbles;
  • nodes;
  • pustules, which are cavities filled with pus.

It is by the type of skin rashes that it is often possible to identify a specific disease.

Why does a child develop small rashes all over his body?

In what cases does a small rash occur in a child?

The cause of this phenomenon may be an infectious disease. There are a number of diseases that children usually suffer from, namely:

  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • rubella.

With these diseases, a rash in a child appears against the background of other symptoms of infection in the body, such as:

  • temperature increase;
  • signs of intoxication of the body - headache, loss of strength, deterioration of health;
  • inflammatory processes in the throat with scarlet fever, measles and rubella.

With measles and rubella, a small red rash forms all over the body. These diseases are very similar and are accompanied by cough, runny nose, and sore throat. A characteristic symptom of measles is watery eyes, especially when the eye is exposed to light. With this disease, a small rash first appears on the child’s face. Then it spreads to the rest of the skin. After it disappears, the skin may remain pigmented for some time, and sometimes flaky.

With chickenpox, a small itchy rash forms not only on the face, back and other parts of the child’s body, but also in the mouth and other mucous membranes. The rashes have the character of spots, which subsequently turn into blisters and are replaced by crusts.

Scarlet fever is a dangerous disease that in former times made a significant contribution to child mortality. Therefore, if a child contracts scarlet fever, it is very important to promptly differentiate it from other diseases accompanied by fever, as well as sore throat and redness. A specific symptom of scarlet fever is a small rash that appears first on the child’s back and chest, and then spreads to the entire skin, except for a small area in the chin and lips. Itching is often felt.

Subsequently, the rash on the child’s back and entire body is replaced by peeling, which lasts up to three weeks. Sometimes scarlet fever is atypical and looks like measles.

There are other, less well-known infectious diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of rashes, such as:

  • erythema infectiosum;
  • sudden exanthema;
  • mononucleosis;
  • yersiniosis.

Erythema infectiosum

This viral disease is epidemic in nature and affects children, mainly young and middle-aged. The disease initially manifests itself with fever and rhinitis. The rashes appear on the third day of illness on the child’s face and are initially pinpoint in nature, and then take the form of spots resembling marks from blows to the face. The spots spread over the entire skin surface and merge with each other. The resulting rash on the child’s back and other parts of his skin often resembles a geographical map.

This period of illness lasts about a week. However, spots may appear for some time after recovery - under stress, under the influence of sunlight or water, after physical exertion.

Sudden exanthema

The causative agent of this disease is one of the herpes viruses. The disease includes two periods, the first of which is characterized by fever, and the second by rashes. During the first period, the child experiences a high temperature, but this has little effect on his overall well-being. On the fourth day, the temperature drops sharply and a small rash appears, localized mainly on the neck, back and entire torso of the child. During this period of illness, the child’s lymph nodes enlarge and signs of intoxication appear: the child refuses to eat, he is lethargic or, on the contrary, capricious.


This disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is transmitted by contact. When infected, the patient's temperature rises, a sore throat develops, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. Rashes appear if the patient takes medications containing the antibiotic amoxicillin.


This bacterial infection can be contracted by eating raw vegetables or drinking uncooked goat's milk. Patients have a fever, stomach pain and joint pain. The disease is accompanied by diarrhea. Rashes with this disease appear in different places on the body and subsequently turn into peeling.

Changes in the skin can also occur with a disease that is much more dangerous than those listed above - with meningococcal infection.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus lives in the nasopharynx of many people, but only causes pharyngitis and a slight runny nose. However, sometimes this microorganism overcomes the immune barrier and enters the blood. There the bacteria die, releasing a strong toxin that causes blood clotting with the formation of numerous blood clots that cause rupture of blood vessels. As a result, the patient develops hemorrhagic rashes.

The disease is accompanied by:

  • high temperature;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Necrosis may develop due to hemorrhages.

The most common causes of rashes in infants are:

  • Toxic erythema.
  • Acne of newborns.
  • Prickly heat.

Toxic erythema is characterized by the formation of yellow papules and pustules, and sometimes red spots. The peak of such rashes in a child is observed at two days of age. There is no special treatment for toxic erythema; the disease goes away on its own. This skin pathology is very common and occurs in 50% of newborns born on time.

Neonatal acne develops due to the activation of the baby's sebaceous glands by maternal hormones. The baby develops papules and pustules. A small rash appears first on the child’s face, and then moves to the neck and back of the head. In the case of this disease, no special therapy is required, and only hygiene procedures are used. The disease occurs in 20% of children starting at three weeks of age.

Miliaria occurs most often in the summer, due to the fact that the sweat glands produce more fluid than the excretory duct can pass. The baby develops blistering and spotty rashes on the body, which do not particularly bother the child, and if hygiene is observed, they go away on their own.

A more serious disease is also associated with the sweat glands - vesicopustulosis. In this case, the mouths of the excretory ducts of these glands become inflamed, under the influence of a staphylococcal infection, and a small rash appears on the legs and other areas of the child’s skin. The rashes are blistering in nature. Pus is released from the ruptured blisters, causing infection of nearby areas of the skin. Treatment of the disease consists of cauterizing the pustules with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

Non-infectious causes of rashes

In both children and adults, rashes can occur not only due to infectious damage to the body. The most common cause of such skin pathologies is allergies. In this case, when exposed to an allergic agent, the concentration of histamine in the blood increases, which causes a corresponding reaction in the body. The most common factors that lead to allergies are:

  • animal hair;
  • fabrics and dyes used for dyeing them;
  • some medications;
  • pollen;
  • certain foods or additives they contain;
  • cosmetics, perfumes, washing powder and other household chemicals;
  • metals in contact with skin.

The following skin diseases occur due to allergies:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • hives.

With eczema, spots, papules and small blisters appear, leaving behind erosions from which serous fluid is released. In the chronic course of the disease, the skin peels off and cracks form on it.

Dermatitis is similar in appearance to eczema, but the symptoms are not as pronounced. The disease is accompanied by severe itching.

Hives are a form of dermatitis that causes large blisters to form. This skin pathology often occurs due to allergies, and can be either acute or chronic.

In case of allergic skin diseases, it is necessary to eliminate the corresponding irritating factor - otherwise, severe pathological conditions may develop, such as Quincke's edema or even anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.

Treatment uses external medications, and sometimes antihistamines are used.

Skin problems can be the result not only of allergies, but also of dysfunctions of internal organs and internal secretion. In this case, it is necessary to treat the pathology itself, the external manifestation of which is a rash.

Thus, the appearance of a rash in a child can be the result of serious illnesses, including life-threatening ones. Therefore, if a small rash occurs in one form or another on a child’s body, then immediate consultation with a doctor is necessary. This is especially true in cases where there are signs of general damage to the body - fever, deterioration in health, and so on.

Causes of itchy rash

A rash accompanied by itching occurred at least once in everyone.

Itchy skin significantly impairs the quality of life, leading to anxiety, sleep disturbances and impaired ability to work. Itchy skin makes you want to scratch it, and this leads to scratching and suppuration, through which infection can enter the bloodstream.

Itching itself is not a disease; it is just one of the symptoms of a skin disease or malfunction of internal organs.

How does the rash appear?

The most common types of rashes on the human body are:

  • In the form of spots. In this case, the rashes do not rise above the skin, but are at the same level with it.
  • Blisters. The rashes rise above the skin level, their surface is rough and uniform.
  • Bubbles. This is a cavity filled with liquid.
  • Nodules.
  • Crusts.

Causes of itchy rashes

The causes of a rash accompanied by itching can be:

  1. Allergy to medications, food, or in contact with a substance that causes such a strong reaction.
  2. Insect bites (mosquitoes, bees, wasps, ants).
  3. Skin diseases (scabies, pediculosis, various dermatitis, prickly heat, lichen planus, eczema and others).
  4. Nerve disorder.
  5. Infectious diseases.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.



Itchy skin with a rash can be caused by intolerance to a certain group of foods or medications, or contact with substances that irritate the skin (cream, perfume, washing powder, etc.).


Small rash or spots, swelling on the skin, severe itching.

Help measures:

  • Try not to scratch itchy areas,
  • Take an antiallergic drug prescribed by your doctor.
  • You can apply a compress with baking soda diluted in water.
  • For large areas of rashes, take a bath with a solution of baking soda.

Insect bites


Lubricate the bite with a special ointment (for example, Fenistil gel).

Skin diseases

A consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Especially if:

  • The rash does not go away within a few days.
  • The rash covers more than half of the body.
  • Causes severe inconvenience.
  • In addition to the rash, other symptoms include fatigue, fever, and changes in urine or stool.

Nerve disorder

One of the forms of allergies. It is also sometimes called urticaria due to its similarity to the rash from a nettle burn. There are acute (up to 30 days) and chronic (more than 30 days).

  1. Most often it appears as a small red rash, less often as blisters.
  2. If you are very nervous and have a small rash, it is advisable to take a sedative.
  3. In any case, you should consult a doctor, especially if the rash and itching do not go away within a few days.

Infectious diseases

Itching with a rash is often a sign of an infectious disease.

Most often, the rash appears throughout the body, including the head and legs. It is acne on the extremities of an adult that becomes one of the main signs of most diseases. Therefore, if a rash appears there, you should immediately consult a doctor.

And he will make a diagnosis based on the appearance of the rash and prescribe treatment.

When should you urgently call a doctor?

  • If after taking the medicine a rash appears and you feel very unwell and itchy.
  • If after the appearance of itchy pimples the temperature rises.
  • If the usual red rash has turned into blisters or blisters that itch unbearably.
  • If another member of your family has the same acne.
  • If the rash has an irregular shape in the form of hemorrhages, spreads to the legs and buttocks, and is accompanied by high fever. These are signs of a terrible disease - meningitis.
  • If the rash appears for no apparent reason, you feel severe itching, which prevents you from leading a normal life.

What can you do to relieve the itching?

  1. You can smear the affected areas with hydrocortisone ointment (if there are no signs of an infectious disease).
  2. Make soda baths (in an aqueous solution of baking soda).
  3. If you are sure that it is an allergy, take an anti-allergy drug prescribed by your doctor.
  4. Sometimes it is recommended to use a solution of fucorcin. It dries out pimples and relieves itching.

In any case, if the itching and rash do not go away within a week, do not self-medicate, consult a dermatologist.

Definition of skin rash in adults

All diseases known to modern medicine are directly related to changes in the human skin. Most often these changes are associated with a rash. This is not surprising, since the skin is considered the largest organ in the human body. Any pathological processes occurring in the body are instantly reflected on the human skin. Fortunately, there are few diseases associated with skin diseases. But, still, only a specialist doctor can make a correct diagnosis when examining a sick person.

Different types of rashes can be distinguished from each other by the order or speed at which the rash appears, location, absence or presence of itching, and the color of the rash itself.

The most common skin rashes are:

  1. Blisters are a type of rash, the elements of which are raised above the level of healthy skin. The blisters have a rough, dense surface.
  2. Blisters are cavities in the skin that fill with a clear liquid substance. Such bubbles are divided into large bullae and small vesicles.
  3. Spots (manicula) are a rash that is located at the level of healthy skin and does not rise above it. Spots are divided according to color criteria. Brown spots are areas of skin with limited pigmentation. Red spots are roseola and white spots called vitiligo. Bleeding into the skin can also cause spots. Such spots are divided depending on their size: into ecchymoses (hemorrhages larger than 1 centimeter); hematomas occur when there is a large accumulation of blood and petechiae (very small hemorrhages that are only a few centimeters in size).
  4. Papules are rash-like nodules that are located deep in the skin. Such a nodule is a solid formation up to 5 millimeters in size without an internal cavity.
  5. A pustule is a bubble with purulent contents.
  6. Crusts - appear in places where there were previously pustules, erosions, blisters and ulcers. The formation of such crusts indicates that the rash element is passing and the patient will soon recover.
  7. Ulcers and erosions. Elements of different depth and size that violate the integrity of the skin and also have cloudy or transparent contents with an unpleasant or odorless odor.

Below we will describe the most common skin rashes, by the appearance of which it is possible to immediately determine the disease the cause of the rash.

Skin rash due to infection

A not very contagious, fungal disease of the skin, the cause of which is considered to be excessive sweating. At the beginning of the disease, brown-yellow dots are formed on the skin, located at the site of the hair follicles. Afterwards, yellowish-brown spots with scalloped, clear edges appear in these places. Such spots are 1 centimeter or larger in size and have a surface that is covered with pityriasis scales.

With this disease, a skin rash appears in the secondary period of syphilis. Such a rash has a variety of elements in their location and quantity. Syphilitic rashes do not cause pain, and they disappear without a trace. When the secondary period of the disease begins, a rash in the form of spots appears on the patient’s body. Such spots are symmetrical, bright and abundant. The rash disappears after 2 months, without treatment on its own. After some time, the patient breaks out again. This time the rash is not as abundant, more faded, and it is located in those places where the skin has undergone trauma. The most typical places for such a rash are the groin, on the outside of the forearm and shoulder, between the buttocks and under the mammary glands.

Located on the feet and hands. Warts look like small, multiple, dense nodules with clearly defined gray papules and a rough surface.

Shiny and smooth translucent nodules with some depression in the very center of the nodule. This rash ranges in size from 2 to 7 millimeters and is grayish yellow or pink in color. If you press on such a nodule, a pasty whitish mass may come out of it.

It appears in the form of transparent, small, tightly adjacent bubbles, which have a hemispherical shape and are located on the skin of the lips and face. The skin becomes red and swollen. After a few days, the substance in the blisters begins to become cloudy, after which the blisters dry out and form dense yellow-grayish or dark brown crusts that are very tightly attached to the skin.

One of the most common fungal diseases, which is localized on the skin of the feet. At the very beginning, elements of the rash form in the third and fourth interdigital spaces. The rash manifests itself in the form of erosions, blisters, peeling and keratinized skin. If left untreated, this disease affects the entire skin of the foot.

It appears as single bubbles of medium size, which are located in the chest or back. After 2–3 days, the blisters begin to dry out and form yellow crusts. In these places, areas of skin hyperpigmentation appear.

With this disease, groups of transparent bubbles with a diameter of 0.5 centimeters appear on the lower back, back of the head, shoulder, and abdomen and chest. The patient feels pain and sensitivity is impaired. When the blisters dry out and the crusts fall off, scars and hyperpigmentation of the skin remain in these places.

Small pustules of 3-4 millimeters appear on the skin, which contain thick grayish-white pus. The pustules are permeated with hair and a reddish border is visible along the edge. This rash is located on the face, extensor surfaces of the limbs and on the scalp. After 3 or 5 days, the pustules dry out and form a yellow-brown crust. After the crust disappears, peeling and pigmentation of the skin remains in this place.

At the very beginning of the disease, an oval red-pink spot is located on the skin of the chest or back, which peels off in the center. Later, blisters, papules and spots appear on the skin of the entire torso and limbs, which are symmetrically located.

It appears in the form of nodules that are arranged in groups in one line, also in garlands, rings, and lines with a symmetrical rash. The rash occurs on the genitals, torso and inner surface of the legs and arms. The rash is itchy.

Small papules, vesicles and blisters appear on the skin. Such elements are formed in those places where the pathogen was introduced. There are also scabies that resemble a gray-white line measuring 1 centimeter in length and with a bubble at the end. The rash causes severe itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. Most often, scabies appears on the feet, hands and wrists.

This rash looks like warts. They are located on the perineum, on the penis, on the outer surface of the labia.

Condylomas can merge and form growths that resemble cauliflower. Sometimes the surface of such a rash becomes red or pigmented.

Located in the area of ​​the inguinal folds. At the beginning of the disease, superficial small pustules and blisters appear, which, when opened, can form brown-red, wet erosions that can merge into one whole. Small cracks and a white mushy mass appear in the folds of the skin.

Skin lesions in the area of ​​the groin folds and other places. The rash is of an infectious fungal nature and appears on the skin in the form of small round spots, with clear edges, a smooth surface, and pink color. After some time, these spots merge into one large lesion, which has scalloped edges. The edges of this formation are covered with bubbles, erosions, crusts and scales.

Skin rash that is not associated with infection

Changes in the skin that primarily affect those areas of the skin that have many sebaceous glands. These areas include: scalp, scalp, face and skin folds. Reddish-yellow spots and papules with clear edges of different sizes appear on the skin. The surface of the rash is greasy and flaky, and wet, sticky cracks and crusts form in the skin folds.

A severe rheumatological systemic disease in which skin changes are located on open areas of the skin in the upper chest, face, ears and neck. The skin on the cheeks and nose especially changes and the rash looks like a butterfly with open wings. The affected skin acquires a pink color, slight swelling and spots, which over time begin to increase and small grayish-white dense scales appear on them. After some time, such a lesion turns into a dense plaque, with white spots of cicatricial atrophy on it.

Skin cancer of a malignant nature manifests itself in the form of a rash slightly raised above the skin level, which is brown in color, with multiple black and grayish-pink splashes. This rash has irregularly shaped edges with reddened edges and is 2 to 3 millimeters in size.

These are areas of skin with hyperpigmentation that have a brownish color. This rash appears on the skin of the cheeks and forehead. Chloasma often appears in pregnant women and patients who suffer from diseases of the ovaries, liver and hormonal imbalance.

This rash appears as brown or yellow spots, which over time can increase in size and become covered with a greasy crust. At first, such a crust is removed without problems, but after some time, it becomes thick, dark, dense and covered with cracks. This rash spreads to closed areas of the skin.

Appears on the skin in the form of depigmented, that is, white spots that have different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the spots merge with each other and areas of increased pigmentation form around them.

They look like nodules that are localized on the forearms, face, hands and lips. These warts have a smooth surface, are small in size, multiple and have the color of healthy skin.

Acne is divided into such varieties as: pustules, papules, cysts, nodules and comedones. Their location is the face and torso. After acne heals, it leaves behind scars.

Round blisters appear on the skin, causing itching. These blisters vary in size and are pale red in color with a pinkish border around the edge of the blister, and the center of the blister is matte in color. Sometimes these blisters merge with each other.

Appear on those areas of the skin that are often exposed to direct sunlight. This rash looks like multiple lesions that have keratinization in the form of a dry gray crust.

It looks like severe swelling and redness of the skin on the nose, forehead, and neck. Against the background of this redness, many pustules, blackheads and nodules appear.

At the very beginning of the disease, bright red papules appear on the patient’s skin, which are covered with silvery scales in large quantities. After some time, these papules enlarge, they begin to merge with each other and form plaques of different sizes and shapes, which are located symmetrically in relation to each other; the very first elements of the rash appear on the scalp and on the extensor surfaces of large joints.

This disease is typical for people who have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The clinical picture is the formation of blisters in those areas of the skin where ultraviolet light reaches. Such a rash usually forms only after the patient has been exposed to sunlight.

Appear as a result of pressure or friction on the skin. This disease is characterized by redness of the skin or, in rare cases, erosions, blisters and sometimes ulcerations.

This disease is a type of mechanical dermatitis that occurs due to excessive sweating in skin folds such as the groin, between the buttocks and under the breasts. Swelling, redness and erosion appear in these places. The patient feels a burning and itching sensation.

The skin turns red, and papules, spots and blisters form on its background, which can have different colors, sizes and shapes. Very often you can observe a symmetrical arrangement of the rash. After the elements disappear, areas of hyperpigmentation remain in their place.

Skin rashes are a sign of the development of an independent disease of the dermis or a symptom of a serious pathology in the body.

Type of rash Description
Spot (skin formation that has no volume) Pigmentation (macula) is a brown spot of varying brightness. Refers to age-related skin changes (often appears in the central part of the face).
Roseola is a pinkish-reddish spot. Symptom of fulminant fever. It appears for 2-3 days and then disappears. The affected area is the face, back, chest, limbs.
Vitiligo - white spots on the skin (disorder of pigmentation of the dermis).
Bubble Skin rash in the form.
A rough formation on the skin that protrudes slightly above its surface.
Papule Rash with nodules inside the formations. Occurs mainly on the neck.
Ulcer (erosion) An area of ​​the dermis with a disturbed surface (often with fluid secretion).

Diseases that cause skin rashes in adults

The causes of neoplasms are determined, first of all, by their nature (color, intensity, shape, presence of itching, etc.) and location on the body. Depending on these signs, diseases caused by the rash are distinguished. The most common of them are discussed below.

Illness Nature of the rash
Infectious rash
Lichen girdling

Localized in the lower back, shoulders, back of the head, abdomen, chest. It looks like bubbles 0.5 cm in size. In areas of the skin with rashes, the patient may initially feel neuralgia, the intensity of which gradually decreases, and the affected area loses sensitivity.

It is characterized by the formation of pink oval spots with a flaky center on the skin of the back and chest. Gradually, rashes appear on other parts of the body (may be in the form of vesicles and blisters).

Pemphigus Formation of blisters on the chest and back (not localized in groups). After 4-5 days they dry out and form a yellowish crust.
Furunculosis The formation of pustular lesions on the body caused by staphylococcus.
Scabies It is characterized by the appearance of papules and vesicles with protruding lines on the dermis and a vesicular formation at the end (scabies tracts). The feet, wrists and hands are usually affected. The rash on the body of an adult itches, causing severe discomfort in the patient.
Syphilis It is localized on the forearms (from the outside), under the breasts, between the gluteal muscles, and in the groin area. The rash on the body of an adult does not itch and appears unexpectedly.
Herpes Characterized by the appearance of spherical bubbles filled with liquid. Formations appear on the mucous membranes and lips. After 2-3 days they dry out and turn into yellowish-brown crusts.
Non-infectious diseases
Acne Appears in adolescence, during pregnancy and with hormonal imbalance. There are different types (comedones, globular acne, etc.) Localized on the face, back, forearms and chest.
Rubella, measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox

The rash is accompanied by other symptoms depending on the type of disease (fever, sore throat, etc.).

Psoriasis A pinkish-red scaly rash forms on the scalp, elbows, and inner forearms.
Allergic rash
Hives Characterized by the appearance of blisters similar to a nettle burn. The disease may be accompanied by other symptoms (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, itching). A rash on the body of an adult due to nervousness also belongs to the variety of urticaria.
Eczema Swelling of the mucous membrane with the appearance of blisters and dry areas of the skin, which can turn into weeping formations. Eczema can be seborrheic, fungal, true and microbial (they differ in the nature of the rash and localization).
Dermatitis (contact, taxidermy, etc.) A red rash on the body of an adult itches and peels. Appears after contact with an allergen. Often accompanied by swelling. The intensity and localization of formations depends on the type of disease.

Photo of a rash on the body of an adult


Treatment for the rash depends on the disease that caused it:

  1. Allergic formations are treated with antihistamines for internal use (Suprastin, Zodak, Zirtek) and special creams and ointments to relieve itching, swelling, and aid in tissue regeneration (Fenistil, Epidel, zinc ointment, etc.).
  2. Diseases of a non-allergic nature are treated with traditional medicine (chain, chamomile, mumiyo, salicylic acid, etc.), as well as medications based on zinc, azelaic acid retinoids, etc. It is very important to maintain diet and water balance during therapy.
  3. Infectious rashes caused by “childhood” diseases cannot be treated with special means. All symptoms go away on their own after the required time. You can only make this period easier for the patient with the help of nasal medications and antipyretics (for scarlet fever, antibiotics can be prescribed). Scabies, herpes and syphilis require medical treatment, drugs for which are prescribed by a doctor.

The appearance of a rash in an adult is an alarming sign. There is no point in waiting for its further spread. It is better to get diagnosed and start treatment as early as possible. In some cases, this will protect not only the victim, but also his loved ones.