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Where there is a large amount of vitamin C. Food sources of vitamin C - how “ascorbic acid” helped discover the New World

Many of us would agree that vitamin C is the most famous and popular among vitamins. Everyone has heard since childhood about the need to eat more fruits in order to get this vitamin. Where is the most vitamin C found?

This question is of great importance. After all, vitamin C is not synthesized independently in the human body. And for our health it is simply necessary.

It is worth noting that ascorbic acid and vitamin C have differences. Ascorbic acid is an artificial simplified form natural vitamin and was created in the laboratory.

ORDER natural vitamin WITH

Enhanced with natural metabolites.

Vitamin C is natural nutrient. One of the simplest and available ways fill the body with it - food products that contain the most vitamin C. It can also be found only in natural dietary supplements or multivitamins. It's not so easy to stick to these days good nutrition, then they come to the rescue.

The role of vitamin C cannot be overestimated. It is the most important, one might say the main, assistant for immunity. This the most powerful antioxidant, which can be considered the “vitamin of youth”. Participates in other vital processes in the body.

So, the body is not able to synthesize this on its own important substance. Therefore, the required amount of vitamin C must be replenished daily. How? Eating foods rich in it.

Let's take a closer look at the question - where is vitamin C found most? This list can immediately include vegetables, fruits and berries. The table below will help you identify foods that are particularly high in vitamin C.

Let's, before listing the products, where is the most great content vitamin C, learn more about its benefits. Agree that everyone, even children, know very well that this vitamin is very useful. But what exactly are its beneficial features We don’t always think about it.

In the cold winter period The question of how to increase the consumption of this vitamin is especially relevant. Since it is during this period that vitamin deficiency worsens and the risk of seasonal epidemics increases.

As mentioned earlier, vitamin C strengthens the immune system in the body. Improves blood circulation, hematopoiesis and endocrine and nervous systems. The vitamin also helps stimulate the synthesis of hormones and other nerve-stimulating substances. This has a positive effect on general state and mood.

Vitamin C also promotes the absorption of iron and is involved in amino acid synthesis. This amino acid releases energy by breaking down fat cells, helping in weight loss. In addition, the role of vitamin C is to deliver sulfuric acid salts to cells, without a sufficient amount of which microcracks occur in the body.

And further. Vitamin C has already been mentioned as a powerful antioxidant. This property prevents oxidation of the body. Therefore, consuming enough of this vitamin helps maintain cell youth. It is necessary for older people, women and athletes, helping the body not to wear out.

The table shows the vitamin C content in mg in food products per 100 grams

Let's summarize. So the table shows that among the products there are some kind of record holders, which contain the most vitamin C. Let us once again note the following in more detail:

Helpful tips on how to best preserve vitamin C in foods

  • Unpeeled potatoes retain more vitamins. Therefore, it is best to bake the vegetable in the oven in its peel or boil it “in its jacket” to preserve its beneficial properties.
  • It's harder to find in winter fresh berries and fruits. Thus best source Vitamin C can be fermented or fresh White cabbage and spinach. And in early spring best helper in the fight against vitamin deficiency - green onion shoots. Its green feathers contain a lot of carotene, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, potassium and sulfur.
  • When the integrity of a fresh apple is damaged, the enzyme ascorbinase is released, which destroys vitamin C. Therefore, to preserve the maximum of beneficial vitamins, try baking whole apples in the oven or cooking compote from whole fruits, but no more than five minutes.
  • Contrary to the general opinion about lemon among fruits, the undisputed leader in vitamin C content is kiwi. But few people know that kiwi is healthy to eat with its peel! These are natural alimentary fiber are not absorbed by the body, but swell in the stomach and are excreted gastrointestinal tract all undigested waste, products of decay and decay.

So, it is very important to replenish the body healthy products, where there is the most vitamin C! This way you can strengthen and maintain health, prolong youth and increase performance. The table above will help you create a suitable diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and be healthy!

Vitamin C also goes by the following names: antiscorbutic vitamin, antiscorbutic vitamin.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble substance and does not accumulate in the body. It must be supplied to the body through food every day, otherwise you will not be in high spirits all day long, as it has access to the emotional environment of a person. Vitamin C helps maintain vitality for many years.

The meaning and role of vitamin C

What else is vitamin C useful for: it has a strengthening effect on bone tissue, skin, tendons, teeth, blood vessels, especially microscopic capillaries, increases elasticity and strength blood vessels, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, bleeding gums. Taking a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid has a positive effect on regulatory metabolic processes. Vitamin C also improves performance and condition endocrine glands, digestive organs, adrenal glands and liver, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, has anti-allergic and anti-cancer effects, prevents the formation of ulcers in the stomach, has a beneficial effect on the eyes, removes toxins from alcoholics and drug addicts, helps with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, slows down the aging process of the body , eliminates folds and wrinkles, takes care of the slimness of our figure and beauty. Ascorbic acid is involved in the production of a number of hormones, including anti-stress ones. Calcium and vitamin C are natural dentists, say modern biochemists, because: Vitamin C fights bacteria that cause dental caries and strengthens gums, and calcium gives strength to teeth and jaw bones.

Daily requirement of vitamin C

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is:
  • for adults 45.0 - 70.0 mg;
  • for pregnant women 70.0 - 90.0 mg;
  • for nursing mothers 70.0 - 100.0 mg;
  • for children, depending on age and gender 40.0 - 50.0 mg;
  • For infants 30.0 - 35.0 mg.

With changes in climatic conditions, heavy muscle loads, illnesses, stressful situations and for older people, you need to increase your vitamin C intake.

What foods contain vitamin C (sources)

Plant foods containing vitamin C:

Dried rosehip, barberry, fresh rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currant, parsley, pepper, Brussels sprouts, dill, wild garlic, hawthorn, broccoli, cauliflower, kiwi, rowan, orange, grapefruit, strawberry, horseradish (root), white cabbage cabbage, lemon, tangerine, pineapple, sorrel, green onion, green peas, tomatoes, radish, potatoes, domestic apples, garlic, cucumbers, beets, carrots.

Vitamin C is found in foods of animal origin:

Horse milk.
The names of the products are written in descending order of the amount of vitamin C they contain. (the data is quite conditional, the content of vitamins and minerals may differ depending on the soil where the product grew)

Interaction and compatibility of vitamin C

Vitamin C promotes the absorption of aluminum, which can be toxic to you, so you should not take medications containing aluminum with ascorbic acid. Contraceptives and aspirin can reduce vitamin C levels in the blood. Vitamin C takes part in the absorption of iron and the neutralization of toxins, interacts with vitamins B2, B5. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the formation folic acid and protection of iron hemoglobin, as well as for stabilization, which in turn enhances the antioxidant properties of vitamin C.

Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

Possible symptoms of vitamin C deficiency:
  • frequent colds;
  • bleeding gums;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • joint pain;
  • dry skin;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • overweight;
  • lethargy;
  • increased fatigue;
  • weak nerves;
  • poor concentration;
  • irritability;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • early formation of wrinkles;
  • hair loss;
  • blurred vision;
  • scurvy.

Symptoms of vitamin C overdose

It must be remembered that the symptoms of an overdose are not as terrible as those caused by a lack of vitamin C. However, large doses can still change the absorption of vitamin B12 and lead to its deficiency. Long-term abuse of vitamin C may cause itchy skin, urinary tract irritation, diarrhea. Also, pregnant women, those with increased blood clotting and diabetes mellitus should not abuse ascorbic acid.

Having heard about the benefits of ascorbic acid, it is difficult to resist comparing products that are known for their high content. The data is sometimes contradictory, so the question often arises about where the most vitamin C, or simply ascorbic acid, is found. It is not easy to answer this, although there are methods of analysis that comparison tables. The fact is that ascorbic acid is destroyed during cooking and long-term storage, so the quantitative indicators in the same products are strikingly different.

What is vitamin C

Water-soluble L-ascorbic acid is vital for the body; the substance must be supplied with food every day. By chemical nature, vitamin C is a carbohydrate, structurally related to glucose, its formula is C 6 H 8 O 6. Foods that contain the most vitamin C are mainly plant origin.
The pharmaceutical and food industries have long established the synthesis of ascorbic acid. The compound is present in various medicines, dietary supplements, drinks and food.

What contains more vitamin C (which foods)

An increased content of ascorbic acid is typical for a large group of plants (mg/100 g of product):

  • dried rose hips (May, cinnamon) - 1000;
  • fresh multi-nut rosehip shells - 400;
  • sweet red pepper (Bulgarian) - 250;
  • bell pepper with yellow and green skin - 200;
  • sea ​​buckthorn fruits - 200;
  • black currant - 200;
  • kiwi fruits - 200.

To replenish daily requirement in vitamin C, a person can brew and infuse 60 g of dried rose hips, drink this vitamin drink in several doses (like tea). The amount of ascorbic acid in sweet peppers decreases after heat treatment 2-2.5 times. It is recommended to consume it in fresh, for example, in salads. Almost as good as the leaders in vitamin C content spices- parsley and dill. Plants in which the content of ascorbic acid is assessed as average:

  • Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, white cabbage;
  • viburnum;
  • strawberries and wild strawberries,
  • citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, tangerine).

Why is vitamin C so important for humans?

Ascorbic acid is an essential substance that is not synthesized in the human body. An adult requires about 150 mg of vitamin C per day, and its lack has a negative impact on life activity and condition. skin and mucous membranes. With a sufficient concentration of the compound, a person suffers less from colds, the body becomes more resistant to other infections and adverse environmental influences.

Vitamin C is a coenzyme - part of another biologically active molecule that regulates a number of chemical metabolic processes. In addition, the substance has strong antioxidant properties - it prevents the destruction cellular structures free radicals.

Consumption of those foods that contain the most vitamin C promotes the absorption and preservation in the body of other important participants in metabolism and antioxidants - vitamins A and E. Studies have proven the role of ascorbic acid in maintaining the strength and elasticity of capillary walls, dissolving excess cholesterol (plaques in blood vessels) , performing the functions of the liver and endocrine glands.

Hypovitaminosis C

Even in ancient times, travelers who ate mainly dry food and concentrates noted bleeding gums and tooth loss. The disease scurvy, associated with a lack of ascorbic acid, often affected representatives of the northern peoples. The symptoms disappeared as soon as the person began to eat foods that contain a lot of vitamin C.

  • long-term healing of even small wounds, scratches and abrasions on the skin;
  • susceptibility to colds;
  • bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • joint pain.

Taking increased doses of ascorbic acid

Many people have heard about research and publications twice Nobel laureate Linus Pauling in the field of treatment with vitamin C. The world-famous American chemist conducted experiments on taking large doses ascorbic acid for treatment various diseases. Pauling proved that colds go away faster when you increase daily consumption vitamin C 3-10 times. The upper limit is limited by so-called “intestinal intolerance”. If a person suffers from diarrhea, then he can reduce the amount of those dishes in the diet that contain more vitamin C. Typically, ascorbic acid that is not absorbed by the body is excreted through final products metabolism (with urine). Symptoms of hypervitaminosis C:

  • pain, colic in the lower abdomen;
  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loose stool.

These same signs are characteristic of many other diseases and conditions, so if they appear, it is better to consult a doctor.

In what form should you consume foods that contain the most vitamin C?

Ascorbic acid in L-form is present in different parts plants, less found in animal meat. What is better: taking synthetic vitamin preparations to cover the daily dose, or to enrich your diet with those foods and dishes that contain more vitamin C? For most people, the second way is preferable.

A high content of ascorbic acid was noted in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, green parts and underground organs of many plants. Vitamin C is unstable and is destroyed during storage and heating. For example, an increase in temperature can lead to the loss of 2/3 of ascorbic acid in products. Half of all vitamin C molecules are destroyed in potato tubers after 6 months of storage. To preserve ascorbic acid, the gifts of nature must be carefully cooked or consumed fresh.

In winter, the majority of the population in our country receives relatively large amounts of vitamin C from potatoes, as well as from fresh and sauerkraut.

Although potatoes at this time contain relatively little vitamin C (about 10 mg% per 100 g), and sauerkraut less than 20 mg%, thanks to their consumption in large quantities In total, the amount of vitamin C supplied by these products is significant.

With a lack of vitamin C, scurvy develops. Excessive doses (up to several g per day) of ascorbic acid are also not harmless to the body and can lead to severe complications, for example, renal stone disease.

Required amount of vitamin C(adults from 50 to 100 mg, children from 30 to 70 mg per day) should be ingested with food.

The main sources of vitamin C are berries, vegetables and fruits. The daily need for vitamin is met by cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc.

The largest amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips (up to 1200 mg), berries black currant(up to 200 mg), red pepper (up to 250 mg). There is a lot of vitamin C in sea buckthorn, oranges, lemons; very little - in animal products.

Vitamin C content in products. Table

The product's name

Vitamin C, mg/100 g.

Rosehip (dried)

Fresh rosehip

Cilantro (coriander) greens

Hot pepper (chili)

Red pepper (sweet and bitter)

Dried boletus (mushroom)

Sea ​​buckthorn

Black currant

Parsley (greens)

White dried (mushroom), Cloudberry

Sweet bell pepper

Brussels sprouts, horseradish

Dill, Kiwi


Cauliflower, Rowan

Green onion

Orange, Papaya, Kohlrabi, Pomelo

Sorrel, Cranberry, Strawberry

Red and white currants

Spinach, Pineapple

Red cabbage

Lemon, Grapefruit, Strawberry

Beef liver

Tangerines, green onions (feather)

Fresh white cabbage, leek

Apples, Porcini, rutabaga, Garlic, Mango

White cabbage (sauerkraut), Patisson

Green peas

Radish, Red tomato

Chicken liver

Pork liver

Radishes, Green beans, Asparagus

Potatoes, Lingonberries, Quince

Cherry, Sweet cherry, Cherry plum, Honey mushrooms, Lettuce, Zucchini

Peaches, Bananas, beets, plums, Butter, Onions.

Beef kidneys, Avocado, Pomegranate

Watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, eggplant, pear

Peanuts, pistachios

Sea fish

Milk, Cottage cheese, River fish


Vitamin C is not found in rye bread, in such cereals as: semolina, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet.

The table shows that the main sources of vitamin C are greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, and fruits. The daily need for this vitamin is satisfied by cabbage, potatoes, green onions, tomatoes, etc. A lot of ascorbic acid is also found in green sweet peppers, red peppers, black currants, horseradish, strawberries, sorrel, lemons, oranges and many other products of plant origin.

Its natural concentrate is rosehip (in 100 g dried fruits contains up to 1500 mg of vitamin C). Dried rose hips are an excellent source of vitamin C and are especially valuable in winter and spring. Infuse for 10-12 hours. rosehip decoction contains daily dose vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is also obtained synthetically; it is produced in the form of powder, dragees, glucose tablets, etc.; It is included in various multivitamin preparations.

But it's strange. The aborigines of the Far North - Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos - who do not consume vegetables, fruits, and greens, showed no signs of vitamin C deficiency. At one time there was the following hypothesis: a long, centuries-long diet of many generations, very poor in vitamin C, led to the fact that the body of these peoples adapted, adapted to small amounts of vitamin C, and sharply reduced its need for this nutritional factor.

What actually turned out to be? Research by the Arkhangelsk Medical Institute in the Far North of the USSR, conducted on the Nenets, and observations by American scientists on the Eskimos showed that these peoples still receive up to 50 mg of Vitamin C per day due to very large, from a European point of view, quantities of meat, fish, internal organs, often consumed lightly cooked or raw.

Supplying the body with vitamins and others nutritional factors depends to a large extent on the nutritional structure, which varies sharply among different peoples. For example, cabbage and potatoes, compared with many other products, are not so rich in ascorbic acid.

But the population of our and many other countries consumes them almost all year round in such significant quantities that due to them the need for vitamin C is satisfied to a much greater extent than due to, for example, pineapples or oranges, which are much richer in ascorbic acid. On the other hand, pineapples and oranges, which do not grow in Russia, are in some southern countries are products of mass consumption and, therefore, serve as very significant sources of vitamin C.

  • There are not many elements about the benefits of which so many facts would be known. People are interested in what foods contain vitamin C, because it is a source vitality and immunity. Substance needed to the human body like water and air. If you allow it to be deficient, you can seriously harm yourself. To receive the element in sufficient quantity, it is enough to properly organize your diet and diet. During the period of colds the best option - vitamin complexes, but don’t exclude healthy foods.

    Sources of Vitamin C

    It is known that a large number of useful element found in berries, fruits and vegetables. In products, its amount varies widely - from 1 to 1500 mg per 100 g.

    If we take meat into account, then a person receives almost no vitamin C from it. There is only 1 mg of it in 100 grams. About 33 mg is present in beef liver, pork and chicken. In order for the body to receive the daily requirement, you need to eat a lot of meat.

    It is interesting that the peoples of the Far North can obtain ascorbic acid in sufficient quantities from meat and fish, since they do not have vegetables and fruits. The fact is that they consume such products so much that not a single resident of European Russia would eat. Another source of vitamin C in their conditions is unpretentious cranberries, lingonberries, bearberry, blueberries and cloudberries.

    Fruits and berries richest in vitamins

    Although fruits contain a large amount, some vegetables are ahead of them. Berries popular in our country contain 200 mg each - sea buckthorn and black currant. This value is sufficient for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also, this amount will be useful for those who have been struck down by a cold.

    As for fruits, vitamin C is most present in guava - 230 mg. The norm for children is only 45 mg. This amount of acid is contained in 100 grams of kiwi, melon, pineapple, mango and apples.

    There is an opinion that vitamin C is most abundant in oranges and lemons. But this is a misconception. Although tea with lemon is very beneficial for humans, citrus fruits are not record holders for the content of useful elements. You could even say they are at the end of the list. The numbers speak for themselves - 100 grams of lemon contains approximately 45 mg. vitamin C. The daily requirement for an adult is 70 mg. It is clear that it is impossible to eat the whole lemon. Most often, it is added a few drops to tea, and the dosage is very small. Even oranges are healthier - 100 grams contain 65 mg, and this is already close to the norm.

    Vegetables and mushrooms as a source of vitamins

    List of products with the largest number useful vitamin, in this case wider. Element C is present in any pepper (hot, sweet, red) and cabbage (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, sauerkraut). Lettuce leaves and greens are also useful. All this contains the daily requirement of vitamin C (100 g). By the way, pepper contains 200 mg. During colds, you can save yourself with salads with plenty of this vegetable.

    A lot of useful elements can be obtained from mushrooms. Moreover, this also applies to dried ones - they contain more vitamins than fresh ones.

    Product table

    You can endlessly list those vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins. For greater convenience, you should take a look at the table where some products are listed. The right column shows the amount of vitamin C in 100 grams.

    Product Vitamin C content, mg
    Meat 0,1-1
    Milk, 2
    Peanuts, pistachios, grapes, 5
    Beef kidneys, peaches 10
    , salad, honey mushrooms 15
    , radish 20
    Chicken liver, radish, green peas 25
    , White mushrooms, 30
    , papaya 50
    Green 60
    Broccoli 90
    Cloudberries, dried porcini mushrooms 150
    Black/red 200/250
    Cilantro 500
    fresh 500-700
    Dried rose hips 1200—1500

    When creating a diet high in ascorbic acid, it is important to remember: its excess is just as dangerous as its deficiency. But to achieve it, you will have to consume a huge amount of rose hips, herbs and pepper, and this is impossible.

    Features of assimilation

    Vitamin C absorption occurs in small intestine. Bad influence Some medications can affect this process. In most cases this is - oral contraceptives, barbiturates, tetracyclines. Also, ascorbic acid is poorly absorbed in the presence of diseases digestive tract and with increased consumption of alkaline drinks.

    The vitamin is well absorbed even in large quantities. Main symptom in case of overdose - diarrhea. WHO experts calculated that the maximum permissible quantity for a person per day - 7.5 mg per kilogram of body weight.

    If symptoms of vitamin C excess or deficiency appear, you need to reconsider your diet.

    In what cases is it necessary to exceed the daily norm?

    There are deviations in which there is an even greater need for the vitamin:

    • During illness the norm is changing. The body needs additional resources to fight infection. A cold is a case when a person should receive approximately 500 mg of the substance from foods. Sometimes the need increases to 1800-2000 mg.
    • a person needs a little more ascorbic acid than usual. The norm is 500-600 mg. The same amount is needed smoking people and those who live in unfavorable climatic and environmental conditions.
    • Pregnant women need better nutrition- they need up to 200 mg.

    How does deficiency manifest itself?

    If the body does not receive the required amount of food, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Bleeding gums.
    • Wounds and abrasions do not heal well.
    • General weakness and fatigue.
    • Sudden change of mood.
    • Irritability reaching the point of hysteria.
    • Depression without good reason.
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Nosebleeds.
    • Pain in muscles and joints.
    • Puffiness of the face.

    The difficulty is that all these signs do not always indicate a lack of acid. Should be avoided self-diagnosis and always contact a specialist. If the problem really is a deficiency, then he will explain which foods contain more vitamin C, that is, he will advise consuming more berries, fruits and vegetables.

    How to preserve vitamin?

    Under some conditions, the vitamins contained in foods are lost, so you should find out the details regarding storage:

    • In order not to destroy the ascorbic acid in the product,high temperatures must be avoided .
    • Cannot be stored for a long time , because then the amount of vitamin in the product decreases by 2 times.
    • Should avoid exposure to sunlight .
    • To not allow long interaction with oxygen .
    • Avoid contact with metal .

    • Chopped vegetable mixtures should not be stored for a long time in iron and aluminum containers . It is better to use glass or enamel.
    • When cooking, immerse vegetables in already boiling water , they must be covered immediately.
    • Berries and fruits are best consumed fresh rather than boil them. It is also advisable to eat vegetables as a salad, rather than fry or stew them.
    • It’s good to prepare cucumbers for the winter, sauerkraut and tomatoes .
    • IN autumn period It’s worth drying the berries for future use , this is especially true for rose hips.
    • Where is the most vitamin C found? In the peel . Therefore, if possible, you should not cut it from fruits and vegetables.

    It is impossible to describe all the benefits of ascorbic acid in a nutshell. It's too big for a human. Unfortunately, most people still lack this element. Thanks to our article, you can understand which favorite product contains a large amount of a useful element.

    Obviously, among vitamins C is one of the most vital. Subject to proper diet nutrition, healthy image life can significantly improve your well-being. Supplementing your body with ascorbic acid is not so difficult, and its contribution to health is invaluable.