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Common childhood infectious diseases. Children's infectious diseases: classification. Problems with the digestive tract

This article was written for you, dear parents, so that you are aware of what dangerous childhood diseases exist, the causes of their occurrence, and symptoms. Knowing this information, you may be able to avoid these ailments, or at least quickly diagnose and cure them, we hope that This information will help you at least a little.

We have collected ten dangerous childhood diseases, this does not mean that they are the most dangerous of the existing ailments, we selected them according to several criteria - prevalence, complexity of treatment, possible consequences and danger to the future life of the child. Well, let's get started.

Salmonellosis is a dangerous intestinal infection

Salmonellosis is an intestinal infection that is caused by various microbes of the Salmonella genus. Salmonella bacteria survive quite well in external environment, transfer low temperature, but they die from the high. These bacteria multiply in meat, eggs, milk and related products, and can produce toxins that can damage the intestinal mucosa.

The main route of illness for salmonellosis is food. Salmonella enters the child's body with food that is not cooked immediately before eating (cheese, cakes). Once in the body, salmonella release toxins that lead to damage to many organs and also damage the intestinal mucosa.

The onset of the disease begins with nausea and vomiting, then the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, characterized by lack of appetite and abdominal pain. The frequency of stool depends on the degree of infection, and soon the child becomes dehydrated.

Staphylococcal infection is dangerous due to complications

Staphylococcal infection is a group of diseases that is caused by staphylococcus and has various clinical manifestations, general intoxication of the body, purulent-inflammatory foci throughout the body. Staphylococci are a whole genus of microorganisms, 14 of them live on our body and mucous membranes, and only 3 pose a threat to human health. Most dangerous Staphylococcus aureus, it can cause more than 100 diseases. Next comes Staphylococcus epidermidis - it is less dangerous than Staphylococcus aureus and appears in weakened children (after operations, severe illnesses). Well, the last one is saprophytic staphylococcus, cases of infection involving it are very rare.

Infection with staphylococcus in children most often occurs from humans (medical staff, relatives, friends), as well as through dirty hands. In addition, this infection spreads quickly in food products (confectionery and dairy products, fresh salads).

Symptoms and consequences after infection with staphylococcus can be different, depending on what area of ​​the body is damaged and what disease was caused, here are some examples of diseases: boils, osteomyelitis, arthritis, sore throat, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia, poisoning, meningitis and many other diseases.

Hepatitis A is a virus that attacks the liver

Hepatitis A, or as it is also called Botkin's disease, is an infectious disease that affects the liver. This virus is transmitted through food, water, from another person with hepatitis A, as well as dirty hands smeared in feces. This is why it is very important to wash your hands after using the toilet and walking, and wash your food before eating. The insidiousness of this disease is that it cannot be immediately detected if healthy child communicated with a patient with hepatitis and became infected, then symptoms may appear only 2-4 weeks after this communication.

Symptoms of hepatitis A begin with an increase in temperature from 37.5 to 39 degrees, along with weakness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain in the right hypochondrium. Then, before the onset of jaundice itself, two obvious symptoms appear: the urine becomes dark (the color of beer), and the feces, on the contrary, turn white. Well, then comes the yellowing of the skin.

Sweating is not as dangerous as it is common

Miliaria are small pink dots on the baby’s skin, they appear suddenly, and, as a rule, after a walk or sleep, this is the main symptom of prickly heat. This disease, if treated in time, behaves passively, nothing bothers the child, no fever or discomfort. But if it is not treated, the irritated skin can become inflamed, and purulent skin diseases begin.

The fact is that in infants, the body first gets used to environment. Therefore, it functions a little differently, not like an adult. As soon as the child gets hot, sweat glands, in order to protect the baby from overheating, they produce a certain liquid, and if something disrupts normal sweating (the skin is covered with a thick layer of cream, or the child is dressed too warmly), then this liquid accumulates in the glands. And as a result, the skin becomes irritated and bright pink, and a small reddish rash appears on it.

Ear infections are dangerous for babies

It is not so easy to recognize this disease because infants and children are more susceptible to it. early age, and at this age your child cannot explain what is wrong with him. If the baby has a runny nose and cough, and after 3-5 days a high temperature is added to everything, an ear infection may be to blame; the child may delay sore ear, be in a very bad mood, and if the baby already knows how to walk, then problems with balance may arise.

What causes ear infection? It's all about eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, and drains fluid from the middle ear. Usually the fluid is removed without problems, but in children, unlike adults, the tube is located more horizontally and does not work very effectively, and it can also swell from a cold, allergy or runny nose, which will interfere with the removal of fluid and it will accumulate in the middle ear. Any bacteria that are in the liquid at this time begin to multiply quickly in a warm environment, which causes pus to form, the eardrum to become inflamed and increase in size. And then this condition is called purulent acute middle ear.

Mumps or mumps

Pig – infectious disease, which most of all affects the ear glands, and after suffering the disease there remains a strong immunity to this disease for life. Mostly children aged 3-15 years, adults can also get sick, but these are isolated cases. Since this viral infection, then infection most often occurs from a patient with mumps (airborne), that is, when talking, sneezing, coughing, the virus from a sick child through the oral cavity or nasal mucosa healthy baby penetrates the blood, and then enters the genital, salivary and pancreas glands, where reproduction occurs, bacteria accumulate, and again in large quantities enters the blood.

The disease has an incubation period of 11 to 23 days, after which a rise in temperature, loss of appetite, and, as a consequence, malaise begins, headache. After a couple of days, tension appears in the area around the ear, nagging pain, there is pain when chewing. After this, swelling appears in front, behind and below the ear, which means an inflammatory enlargement of the parotid salivary gland. The disease can have an extremely unpleasant complication in the form of orchitis (inflammation of the testicles in boys), oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries in girls), which in the future may affect reproductive function your child.

Polio is very dangerous

Poliomyelitis is infantile spinal paralysis, an infectious disease that affects Gray matter spinal cord, the so-called poliovirus. Mostly children under the age of 10 are affected; this infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, through contaminated things, water and food. Calls various shapes paralysis, which in 50 percent of cases are completely cured, and the remaining 50% remain with moderate and severe impairments. In addition, there are a number of complications: muscle atrophy, interstitial myocarditis, pulmonary atelectasis, limb deformation, etc.

Incubation period This illness lasts 3-14 days, after which the main symptoms of the disease begin, which are very similar to colds (cough, sore throat, runny nose, headaches), but all this is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tension in the muscles of the neck and head.

Whooping cough causes whooping cough

Whooping cough is an infectious disease that affects Airways, and manifests itself in attacks convulsive cough. Most often, children under 5 years old suffer from this disease. Infection with whooping cough can only occur through airborne droplets, since this pathogen is extremely unstable in the external environment, so infection through ordinary objects is not possible.

So, the infection enters the blood through the respiratory tract, after which it spreads throughout the body. After this, the incubation period begins, lasting from 3 days to 2 weeks. Symptoms of the disease are general malaise, loss of appetite, a cough, runny nose, and fever up to 40 degrees (usually in the evening). Later, the cough attacks in attacks, often during sleep, chest pain and burning appear. Breathing becomes noisy sticky sputum difficult to move away. During attacks, the child's face may turn blue. At proper treatment cough goes away after a couple of weeks severe cases a couple of months, and if something goes wrong, pneumonia may develop.

Umbilical hernia is a consequence of disorders or bad heredity

An umbilical hernia is a consequence of a defect in the baby’s anterior abdominal wall, caused by a weakness of the umbilical ring. Statistics show that most often this disease occurs in male newborns, the reasons for this are still not clear. Except hereditary predisposition, doctors believe that the appearance of an umbilical hernia depends on many physical, chemical and biological factors that affect the fetus even in utero.

There are two types of umbilical hernia:

  1. Acquired. That is umbilical hernia occurs when there is a violation gastrointestinal tract child, as a result the navel closes very slowly, thereby creating the preconditions for the formation of a hernia.
  2. Congenital. As a rule, this is the result of a special anatomical structure the newborn's body.

Of the symptoms, perhaps only one can be identified, this is a convex lump near the navel, which looks very much like a pea.

Scarlet fever is almost like rubella, but different

– an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. More often, this disease affects children from 2 to 7 years old, and mainly in the autumn-winter period. This virus is transmitted by airborne droplets (by sneezing, talking, coughing), since the causative agent of scarlet fever is found in the saliva and sputum of the patient, which is dangerous to others during the course of the entire disease. The virus also tends to persist for some time on objects that have been touched by a sick child, and accordingly they are also a source of infection.

As soon as streptococcus enters the mucous membrane, it begins to multiply, and inflammation occurs in their place. In this case, streptococcus releases a toxin, which, when released into the blood, causes malaise, rash, and nerve damage.

Symptoms, like many other diseases, do not appear immediately; there is an incubation period of 2-11 days, after which a rise in temperature, sore throat, malaise, and sometimes vomiting begins. Later, a rash appears, but not everywhere at once, first on the neck, upper back, and then quickly throughout the body. The rash is bright pink color, the size of a poppy seed. Also, the tongue will be covered with a white coating for the first 2-3 days, after which the coating will disappear and it will turn bright red. All symptoms persist for an average of 5 days, after which they will slowly begin to disappear.

This is where this general informational article ends, the main thing to remember, dear parents, is not to joke with your child’s health, reading this or similar material does not make you an expert in the field of medicine, it is better to trust the professionals, because we are talking about the health of your baby. Such material is for informational purposes only, for general development, so that you can monitor the progress of your child’s illness, and not stand on the sidelines, not knowing anything. We hope that we have helped you at least a little, good luck and health to you and your children!

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Summer is over. Autumn is in full swing, winter is ahead. And that means kindergarten, school. All this is not bad at all, if not for seasonal diseases, which bloom in full bloom precisely in cold times, and infectious diseases, which are transmitted in children's groups with incredible speed.

Experts say that parental observation is the key to timely and successful treatment. Unadvanced diseases are easier to treat and go away faster. And neglected ones are fraught with complications: otitis media, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other numerous troubles.

Symptoms of diseases

You need to know the enemy by sight. No one encourages parents to take on the role of pediatrician. But we must understand what is happening to the child and correctly describe the symptoms to the doctor. This means you need to keep your eyes open, be observant and imagine the main “signs” of at least the most common ailments.


Inflammation of the nasal cavity and back wall pharynx occurs in children not just often, but very often.


  • High temperature (up to 39 degrees).
  • Discharge from the nose, at first clear and liquid, similar to water, gradually becomes thicker and acquires a yellowish or green color.
  • In addition to a runny nose, the child is bothered by a dry, strong cough.

Rhinopharyngitis should not be taken lightly. It can lead to complications such as sore throat or bronchitis.


Most often, the tonsils are affected, which are located in the place where the oral cavity passes into the pharynx.


  • Sore throat, difficulty swallowing.
  • High temperature (up to 39 - 40 degrees).
  • Headache.
  • Ear pain.
  • Sometimes vomiting may occur.


Behind it a beautiful word the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is hidden.


  • Difficult, sometimes wheezing due to narrowing of the laryngeal cavity.
  • Sore throat.
  • Fever.
  • Hoarse voice.
  • Cough.

Wheezing may suggest false croup. In this case, parents can do the following:

  1. Call a doctor urgently
  2. Make it for the child steam inhalation. To do this, you can turn on in the bathroom with the doors closed. hot water and stay there with a sick child for about 20 minutes. This will alleviate the patient's condition.


Inflammation of the middle ear, tympanic cavity And eardrum fraught serious complications(up to meningitis).


  • Ear pain
  • Restless sleep (parents of very young, not yet speaking children should especially pay attention to this “sign”)
  • Restless movements, grimaces of pain, the baby may touch his ears and wince.

Important! With otitis media, the temperature may not rise or rise slightly.

If your child suddenly develops redness and swelling behind the ear(s), this may be a symptom of mastoiditis (serious inflammatory process). It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If redness is detected in the evening, do not wait for the morning - call " ambulance“or take the child to the hospital yourself.


Inflammation of the transparent mucous membrane (conjunctiva) covering inner surface eyelid and front part eyeball, occurs quite often and causes children and their parents a lot of trouble. Conjunctivitis is divided into two large groups (infectious and allergic). However, their symptoms are largely the same.


  • Redness of the eyeball (or both).
  • Watery or purulent discharge.
  • Tearing.
  • Sensation of dryness and "sand" in the eyes.
  • Swelling and peeling of the eyelids.
  • Photophobia (may occur with allergic conjunctivitis).

Important! Any changes in the condition of the child's eyes are the basis for immediate appeal to the doctor. After all external manifestations some serious eye diseases do not differ from the symptoms of conjunctivitis.


This is a serious infectious disease that is now quite common. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion that your baby has mononucleosis, immediately call a doctor.


  • Increase lymph nodes especially the neck ones.
  • Nasal congestion (even with severe difficulty breathing, nasal discharge does not appear immediately, but, as a rule, after a few days).
  • Hoarseness, constriction of voice.
  • Enlarged tonsils and plaque on them.
  • Puffiness, swelling of the face.
  • A rash may appear.
  • Increased temperature (does not always rise in the first days of illness).

Important! Please note that symptoms may not appear all at once or at the same time, but rather gradually.

If your baby is already two years old, you can begin to strengthen his immunity with the help of herbal preparations, such as extracts and tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, and golden root. But be sure to consult your doctor before taking it. He will tell you the dosage and duration of use.

Parotitis (mumps)

Another infectious disease, very contagious and therefore requiring isolation of the child.


  • Rapid increase in temperature (up to 40 degrees and above).
  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Enlargement of the parotid glands. When palpating, moving, or even swallowing, the patient experiences pain. The skin where the glands are enlarged is stretched and may become shiny.

Important! can be confused with the previously mentioned mononucleosis and some other diseases. It is dangerous due to complications and long-term consequences. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable.


An acute infectious disease caused by an extremely tenacious virus.


  • Weakness, malaise, moodiness, weakness.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Headache.
  • Sore throat, discomfort in the throat.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Enlargement and tenderness of the occipital lymph nodes.
  • Increase in temperature (usually within 38 degrees).
  • Dry cough.
  • Small pinpoint rashes on the skin.

Important! is dangerous due to its “similarity” to many diseases, because the symptoms, including the characteristic rash, do not appear immediately, not simultaneously, but gradually.

Chicken pox

Everyone knows it is caused by a virus transmitted by airborne droplets and affecting the skin and mucous membranes.


  • Rash. Quite large, with blisters. Its amount can increase quickly, but there are also cases of the rash spreading slowly throughout the body. Because of this, the first manifestations of chickenpox are sometimes confused with insect bites.
  • Temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees.
  • Weakness.

Important! The chickenpox rash can be confused with the chickenpox rash. enterovirus infection. Keep in mind that a rash on the palms and soles of your feet is not typical for chickenpox.

Scarlet fever

A common infectious disease that can lead to dangerous complications. Therefore, it requires timely diagnosis and proper treatment.


  • A sore throat.
  • Rapid rise in temperature.
  • Acute damage to the tonsils.
  • Enlargement and tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes.
  • Minor rash. Especially a lot pinpoint rashes usually on the elbows, in the groin, on the sides. The skin becomes rough.
  • White coating on the tongue. Redness, up to a bright crimson color, of the papillae of the tongue (the tongue becomes like a strawberry).
  • Peeling of the skin (a few days after the rash appears).

Important! When the rash usually does not affect the nasolabial triangle, which on a reddened face stands out white and is striking.

These are the main diseases that our children face. There is no need to be afraid of them, but you need to be able to recognize them. And then no complications will be scary. After all timely treatment can save them.

Photo - photobank Lori

Childhood diseases belong to a separate group of diseases that first appear between the ages of 0 and 14 years. Only in in rare cases(without vaccinations) the child manages to avoid them. But even this age threshold does not guarantee that adult life these infections will not overtake a person.

What groups are they divided into and for what reasons do they arise?

Childhood diseases are divided into two categories:

1. Diseases that predominate only in childhood:

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: the disease occurs when attacked by a virus containing RNA that is not resistant to the external environment. If ingested, the infection affects the upper respiratory system. It then penetrates the blood and affects the lymph nodes.

Age: Rubella infection is possible as early as 6 years of age one month old. The peak incidence occurs between 3 and 8 years.

Incubation period: the disease lasts from 10 to 25 days (usually 14-18 days). The first thing that appears is a rash on the face, then it gradually covers the whole body. Then the lymph nodes enlarge and the temperature rises to 38°C. The rash disappears on the 3-4th day of illness.

Complications: the consequences of rubella appear very rarely; they usually develop into polyarthritis or encephalitis.

Treatment: special treatment against rubella is not required. It is enough for the child to regularly give antipyretic drugs (at high temperatures). In case of complications, the child is hospitalized. After illness, strong immunity appears and reinfection almost impossible. Read more about rubella treatment.


Symptoms: inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa (soreness, sore throat, runny nose), temperature 39-40°C, hemorrhagic rashes/spots appear on days 2-3. Next, hemorrhages of 2-7 mm begin to appear under the skin, bleeding from the nose, shortness of breath, and tachycardia appear. The last symptoms are vomiting, loss of consciousness, decreased pulse. In the active stage of the disease, the child has 10-19 hours. If help is not provided in time, death is possible.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: enters through the oral mucosa. Then it passes into the lymph nodes and penetrates into circulatory system. The virus covers the entire body. Actively penetrates the brain, causing inflammation and meningoencephalitis.

Age: In up to 87% of cases, the virus affects children under 5-6 years of age.

Incubation period: from 2 to 10 days (usually 3-4 days). If you do not provide assistance to the child in the first 2-3 days, then the child’s probable mortality increases to 85%.

Complications: purulent meningitis (inflammation of the brain), death.

Treatment: carried out exclusively in a hospital.

Spreading: airborne, contact.

Symptoms: temperature (38-41°C), runny nose, cough, on the 1st day ulcers appear in the mouth, similar to stomatitis. Next, ulcers appear on the face near the mouth and cheeks. The child is bothered by abdominal pain. Diarrhea may occur. No appetite. Ulcers and rashes gradually spread to the entire body.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: First of all, measles penetrates the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Then it passes into the conjunctiva of both eyes. The virus then enters the bloodstream, causing a rash throughout the body.

Age: from 3 months to 18 years. The peak incidence occurs between 2 and 6 years of age.

Incubation period: from 7 to 18 days. In the first 3 days a temperature appears, cold symptoms, conjunctivitis. Next, a rash occurs in the mouth and after 14 hours it can cover the entire face and gradually spread to the body. After 8 days, the rash goes away and the temperature returns to normal.

Complications: bronchitis, laryngitis, croup, pneumonia, encephalitis

Treatment: take antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen) at home. In case of complications, hospital treatment is necessary.

At the age of 12-14 months, children are vaccinated against measles.

Mumps (mumps)

Spreading: airborne, contact.

Symptoms: parotid muscles increase salivary glands, lymph nodes are enlarged, the throat is red, pain when chewing, temperature 38-40°C. At acute form There is headache, vomiting and abdominal pain.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: After contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx, the virus enters the blood. The disease affects the parotid salivary glands, pancreas and testicles.

Age: from 1 to 15 years old. Peak incidence from 3 to 7 years.

Incubation period: from 12 to 25 days.

Complications: meningitis, encephalitis, pancreatitis, orchitis

Treatment: homemade - bed rest, taking antipyretic drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen), mouth irrigation (tantum verde), painkillers. During complications, the child must be transferred to a hospital.

Immunity after illness is stable, re-infection is practically excluded. At 1-2 years old they are vaccinated.

Spreading: airborne, contact.

Symptoms: strong pain in the throat, temperature 38-40°C, enlarged tonsils, possible vomiting and small rash over the body. Nasolabial triangle turns pale.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: In the first days, the disease affects the upper respiratory tract, then penetrates the blood, causing a rash and general malaise. The rash begins to disappear within 5-7 days.

Age: from 1 year to 10 years.

Incubation period: 5 to 7 days. The disease begins immediately in an acute form, similar to a sore throat.

Complications: joint inflammation, myocarditis, lymphadenitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia.

Treatment: at home, antibiotics (ceftriaxone), antibacterial and analgesic throat sprays (ingalipt, tantum verde, oralsept), antipyretics (nurofen, panadol) are prescribed. If the child is an infant or complications arise, he is sent to the hospital.

After past illness stable immunity occurs.

Chicken pox

Spreading: airborne, through direct contact with a patient.

Symptoms: temperature 37.5-38°C, appearance pink spots throughout the body, after 4-7 hours the rash turns into small blisters, and after a day or two it becomes covered with a crust. Possible itching. More information about symptoms and signs chicken pox you will find.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: The herpes virus (chickenpox) affects the upper respiratory tract, penetrates the lymphatic tract and then enters the blood. Then it appears in the form of a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. After 7-15 days, the crusts disappear. Temperatures can rise in waves.

Age: from 1 year to 13 years. The peak incidence occurs from 3 to 6 years.

Incubation period: from 11 to 27 days (usually 13-21 days).

Complications: pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis, croup, stomatitis.

Treatment: rinsing the mouth with an antibacterial solution, taking antipyretic drugs, lubricating the rash with brilliant green (spot-on), using antiviral ointments. More information about chickenpox treatment.

Spreading: airborne, fecal-oral.

Symptoms: high fever, cold symptoms, problems with stool, lethargy, weakness, bodily irritability, muscle weakness, it is painful for the child to sit on the potty, sweating, shortness of breath, and convulsions appear.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: the infection strikes immediately nervous system, penetrating into spinal cord. During the first 1-3 days, a high temperature of 38-40°C appears, and joint pain appears. Then, after 2-4 days, the child has problems with facial expressions and speech impairment. With severe exacerbation of the disease, loss of consciousness is possible. After 2 weeks, all symptoms gradually subside.

Age: from 1 year to 6 years

Incubation period: from 7 to 23 days.

Complications: meningitis, curvature of bones and joints, disability.

Treatment: There is no cure for the disease, but vaccination effectively helps strengthen the immune system. After an illness, therapeutic and restorative gymnastics are actively used. As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, the child must be hospitalized.

After illness, immunity becomes stable. Re-infection is excluded. The vaccine also works actively; it eliminates infection in 99%.

This video presents the “Live Healthy” program with Elena Malysheva. The topic of the program is “Polio.” It talks about the symptoms of the disease, its treatment and consequences.

Whooping cough

Spreading: airborne droplets and through close contact with a patient.

Symptoms: During the first 1-2 weeks the child is bothered by a simple cough and mild fever, then the cough becomes paroxysmal. The child may turn blue when coughing and the capillaries of the eyes may burst.

Development of the disease: the bacterium penetrates the upper respiratory tract and is present there for 1-2 months. It almost immediately provokes the receptors of the cough zone, which causes persistent cough, up to the gag reflex. Even after healing, paroxysmal cough can persist for 2-3 months.

Age: from 6 months up to 14 years old

Incubation period: from 3 to 15 days. Infectiousness persists for the first 20-30 days after infection.

Complications: pneumonia.

Treatment: at home, use antitussive drugs (oralsept), less often prescribe antibiotics (amoxicillin).


Spreading: airborne, contact-household.

Symptoms: high temperature from 38°C, sore throat, swelling of the nasopharynx, redness of the tonsils. On the second day, a plaque appears in the throat, films begin to form on the tonsils. Swelling occurs subcutaneous tissue neck.

What does the disease look like:

Development of the disease: The causative agent of the infection is the diphtheria bacterium, it penetrates the upper respiratory tract and affects the throat and lymph nodes. Distinctive feature– formation of diphtheria film in the mouth. After 6-10 days the disease subsides. In the acute form, on the first day the child develops a lot of films in the mouth, the throat becomes very swollen. If first aid is not provided, death is possible within 2-3 days.

Age: from 1 year to 13 years

Incubation period: from 2 to 11 days (usually 3-5 days).

Treatment: self-treatment unacceptable, only hospitalization.

Intestinal infections

In childhood, intestinal infections often occur, which can be attributed to their occurrence exclusively in the period from one to 16 years.
  • Dysentery. Characterized by acute diarrhea and general intoxication. The age of increased incidence is 2-8 years. The disease is highly contagious. It is transmitted through household contact. The incubation period lasts 2-7 days. The symptoms are classic: diarrhea, abdominal pain, rumbling, stool with mucus, rarely stool with blood. There may be vomiting. Treatments are carried out antimicrobials(enterofuril) and antibiotics (see about). It is also important to drink Smecta.
  • Rotavirus infection. Occurs when hygiene rules are not followed. TO rotavirus infections include entire groups of pathogens. It is important to always thoroughly wash your child's hands, as well as vegetables, fruits and chicken eggs. Symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature from 38°C, inflamed nasopharynx, and possible nasal congestion. The illness lasts 5-10 days. Rotavirus is treated at home or in a hospital. Popular medications: Enterofuril, Ceftriaxone, Smecta. You also need to adhere to.
An important component against infection intestinal infections is hygiene.

Respiratory diseases

TO respiratory diseases refers to a whole group of infections that affect the respiratory tract and are spread by airborne droplets.
  • . The diseases have the following symptoms: sore throat, cough, temperature from 37 to 40°C, weakness. Depending on the type of infection, the child's condition may vary. Read more about the symptoms and signs of ARVI. Some diseases go away in mild form, and some have complications in the form of sore throat, pharyngitis. carried out at home. Antiviral and antipyretic drugs are used. In case of complications, antibiotics are prescribed and hospitalization is suggested.
  • . Common childhood disease age group. It affects the nasopharynx, tonsils and lymph nodes. It spreads through airborne droplets and through household contact. : temperature rises (from 38 to 40°C), severe sore throat appears, soreness in the lymph nodes occurs, severe runny nose(sometimes with the discharge of pus), a white or yellow pustular coating forms in the mouth on the tonsils. The disease lasts 7-12 days. carried out at home with the help of antipyretic and antiviral drugs. You can use throat sprays and gargles.
  • . Separate group viruses with many strains. Every year it mutates and forms new subspecies. Transmitted by airborne droplets. – sore throat, high temperature, runny nose, aches, headache and photophobia. The disease lasts 7-15 days. held antiviral drugs And strong antibiotic. In case of complications, the child is hospitalized.
  • . They penetrate the child’s body through the upper mucous membranes. Affects the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract. The incubation period is 3-10 days. The disease is contagious. The symptoms are classic - sore throat, runny nose. Distinctive features enterovirus - tension of the occipital muscles, rashes on the body (rash or sores). Treatment is recommended in a hospital. Antibiotics and enteroviral drugs are most often used.


Regardless of the type of disease, when alarming symptoms, you should immediately conduct tests for the suspected causative agent of infection. Analyzes are carried out in stationary mode.

There are 2 methods for determining the pathogen in the laboratory:

  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - provides accurate diagnostic results, detects antibodies and helps prevent secondary infection.
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – detects microorganisms in small quantities. The analysis is highly sensitive and specific.
Classic analyzes are also carried out:
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis.
Please note that if the disease is accurately diagnosed in a timely manner, you can prescribe effective treatment and provide the child with the correct medical care in a timely manner.

Prevention of childhood diseases

To protect your child as much as possible from infectious diseases, you must follow a number of preventive measures:
  • fence off (isolate) healthy child from contagious;
  • harden the child in accordance with the season;
  • ventilate the room daily;
  • Maintain hygiene: wash your hands often, make your child a separate towel for his hands and face, wash baby underwear (used) daily.
  • The child must have his own dishes and bed linen;
  • give the child only boiled fresh water;
  • give your child only thoroughly washed foods (vegetables, fruits, eggs, berries);
  • use only disposable paper tissues;

Children with normal breathing can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician. The bodies of infants and young children do not retain heat well. Therefore, when they have a cough or cold, children should be dressed warmly, but not overheated, fed well and given plenty of water. Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

A high temperature may indicate a serious threat to his health, so the patient should be seen by a doctor immediately. Before the doctor arrives to reduce high temperature The child can be wiped with a damp sponge.

When a child has a cough or cold, it is necessary to clean (blow his nose) more often, especially before eating or going to bed.

If you have a cough or cold, it may be difficult to breastfeed your baby. However breast-feeding must be continued, as it helps strengthen. During illness, feedings should be more frequent, but shorter. If the baby cannot suck, breast milk should be expressed into a clean cup and fed to the baby from it.

Oral rehydration salt solution (ORS)

What are SPRs?

Salts for oral rehydration- this is a special combination of dry salts, which, subject to the rules for preparing them aqueous solution may contribute to recovery water balance in the body if fluid loss due to diarrhea is small.

Where can I get the SPR?

Packets of salt for oral rehydration are sold in pharmacies, available in medical institutions.

How to prepare SPR solution?

Place the contents of the SPR package in a clean container. Read the instructions for use on the package and add the required amount to the container clean water. If there is not enough water, diarrhea may worsen.

Add only water. Do not dilute salt with milk, soup, fruit juice or soft drinks. There is no need to add sugar to the solution.

Shake the solution well and give it to your child from a clean cup. The use of a bottle is not permitted.

How much SPR solution should be given to a child?

Let your child drink the solution as much as possible.

A child under two years old should be given a quarter to a half of a large cup of solution (50-100 ml) after each watery stool.

For a child two years old and older - half to a full large cup of solution (100-200 ml) after each watery stool.

Special edition "Facts for Life", developed and published
with the assistance of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),