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What are the types of wheezing in the lungs? Causes of wheezing in patients. How to treat dry wheezing in the lungs

Do you hear wheezing? You have bronchitis!

I have a cough, a sore throat, chest, and headache. And then some more wheezing appeared. What to do? It's time to see the doctor. He will listen, standard: “Breathe, don’t breathe.” And he will give a verdict: “You have bronchitis.” Don’t despair, the main thing is to know how treat wheezing in the lungs at home.

This pathology appears during breathing at the moment when the air stream encounters an obstacle in the form of sputum or mucus.

Then an additional sound occurs, a noise called wheezing.

The patient begins to feel as if there is a whistling noise somewhere inside that is disturbing him. Once you clear your throat, how can these sensations go away?.

Breathing is hard, noisy, exhalation is very long. Often, even in the immediate environment, this condition of the patient is noticed, defining it as “he/she is breathing heavily.”

Important. If it becomes difficult to breathe, inhalation is difficult, then immediately call an ambulance. This condition can be a harbinger of severe pathologies, such as pulmonary edema, etc.

Definition of wheezing

Only a doctor can determine what type of additional noise struck a person. They come in wet, dry, and various types.

Dry wheezing arise due to difficulty in passage oxygen air along the respiratory tract.

A thick secretion closes or narrows the branches of the bronchial mucosa, which is formed in increased quantity for bronchitis or other diseases. Types of dry noise:

  • buzzing;
  • whistling.

They appear both during inhalation and exhalation. Bronchitis is more characterized by moist wheezing, when fluid in the form of sputum forms in the lungs. Such sounds in turn are divided into:

  • finely bubbled;
  • medium bubbly;
  • large-bubbly.

In young children moist ralesmore common occurrence than in adults. And the symptoms are more pronounced. Therefore to treatment of wheezing in the bronchi In a child, you need to approach it especially carefully.

Quite often, doctors resort to children. But treatment of wheezing in the lungs folk remedies also produces amazing results.

How to cure wheezing in the lungs with a folk remedy

People often ask how and how to cure wheezing in the bronchi using folk remedies? Next we will look at how you can do this.

Healers have accumulated experience for centuries . But before using it, consult your doctor. In tandem with standard therapy, medicinal treatments will give good results:

  • Resin and wax against wheezing. Take in equal shares, for example one glass, beeswax crushed, sunflower oil, fresh honey, pine resin. Place on the stove and cook for a while. Make sure it doesn't boil. Leave the decoction for an hour. Take a teaspoon before meals, or with a warm drink. Storage conditions: in a cool place;

Important. This recipe is also suitable for children aged two years and older. To make it easier for them to swallow the medicine, make small balls from the boiled mass. Can be served with sweet tea. Tasty and healthy.

  • Miracle cure for ailments. Take the ingredients in parts in a ratio of 1:2:2: aloe, lard, honey. Everything is combined and placed in the oven at 200 degrees. They soar for 6 hours. Then take it out, cool slightly and give the sick person 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. Treatment is stopped as soon as the person can breathe easier and the cough subsides.
  • Herbal tea for cough and lung noise. Mix crushed herbs in equal parts: coltsfoot, St. John's wort, dandelion, plantain, licorice. Pour boiling water, approximately 700 ml. Let it sit in a dark room for 4 hours. Drink a little, in small sips three times a day for a week.
  • Traditional honey and onions as a panacea for all diseases. These two products in equal quantities, say 50 grams per 50, are grated or mixed with a blender. And eat 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for at least a week. Be careful if you have a stomach problem.

Not as difficult as many people think. After all, in the arsenal of herbalists there are still various lotions, compresses, ointments and other secrets that will instantly put the once sick person on his feet. And also body baths:

  • Narvit sagebrush, dry it. Then add the resulting mixture to a bowl and place your feet in it. Soar in hot water feet 15 minutes. Do the procedure once a day. You can also breathe wormwood. Just put it in a saucepan, fill it with water and go.

Anti-wheezing compresses

Very effective remedyboiled potatoes. Better young. Boil the potatoes in their jackets, remember. Also add a couple of drops of iodine and a little vegetable oil.

Mix well, then place on a towel. And on the chest. You need to stay warm, so cover yourself with a woolen scarf or blanket. The ideal option is to warm your chest in this way before going to bed.

How to cure wheezing in the lungs with ointment

When everything hurts and nothing helps, the patient and his family frantically begin to think about how else, besides the pills and injections prescribed by the doctor, to cure wheezing in the bronchi.

This recipe is well known to any healer:

Be sure to take enamel cookware. Then add one glass of vegetable oil, put a fistful of beeswax and put it on the stove over low heat to melt the wax.

At this time, hard boil an egg.. We will need the yolk from it. Add a little bit of it to the pan with the mash. Once all the yolk is there, cook for another two minutes, then remove from the stove and cool. Strain. The mixture is ready. It is stored in the refrigerator. Take orally, on an empty stomach. Take a teaspoon two to three times a day until symptoms disappear.

This universal remedy also apply a small layer to the chest area and wrap it up to keep warm.

Today there are modern means treatment of bronchitis. For example, inhalation using various nebulizers using medications and tinctures.

Prevention of bronchial noise

To prevent complications, it is necessary not to start the disease. After all, barely audible wheezing can grow like a snowball, and a simple illness can develop into a serious chronic disease, for example bronchial asthma. That's why:

  • Contact your doctor promptly.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • In contact with

It is very difficult to comment on any wheezing in the lungs without professional intervention.

There are dry and wet rales. The real picture of many pulmonary diseases lies in the fact that one type of wheezing transforms into another as the disease develops, but even more often the presence of wheezing of both types is observed.

If dry or moist wheezing is detected in the lungs, you should contact a pediatrician, pulmonologist, therapist, or oncologist, they will help you decide accurate diagnosis and prescription of treatment.

Causes and types of wheezing

Damp and cool weather, prolonged stay in a poorly heated room, diseases that reduce performance immune system, smoking can cause infection in the bronchi.

The disease can rarely be identified immediately. Since in special device(phonendoscope), a specialist cannot always hear wheezing in the lungs, especially to a person far from medicine. As a rule, there are several options for the development of the disease.

The most acceptable way is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. If the specialist is competent enough, special problems will not arise with the appointment of treatment.

But there are times when:

  • doctors do not hear the beginnings of dry or moist wheezing in the lungs;
  • the patient comes to the clinic too late.

As you know, there are several types of wheezing. Their appearance is accompanied by chest pain, difficulty breathing, and fever. Coughing is a sign of wheezing in the lungs (but not always); it can be caused by completely different reasons.

Dry and moist rales correspond to different types of lung diseases. Each type has its own nature, and accordingly, different treatments are prescribed.

A dry cough most often appears in a child or adult with laryngitis, ARVI, or the initial stage of bronchitis. When, while breathing deeply, the doctor hears dry wheezing in only one area of ​​the lungs, this may indicate the presence of a cavity. This diagnosis requires confirmation by other studies.

Classification of moist rales

The presence of moist rales indicates the presence of a serious disease. It can be:

  • chronic or obstructive bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • advanced pneumonia;
  • special lung diseases that can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

In addition, this means that fluid accumulates in an organ where there should be no moisture. Wet wheezing is accompanied by:

Depending on the location of the lesion, large-bubble, medium- and small-bubble rales are distinguished. If we draw some analogy, wet wheezing symbolizes the blowing of a straw in a glass of water. Something similar happens during inhalation and exhalation; at these moments, air passes through exudate or transudate accumulated in the bronchi. But this comparison is not entirely correct, since the fluid that accumulates in the lungs is more like plasma or clots from a healing or gaping wound. But thanks to this property of the liquid, moist rales in the thick, small bronchi and bronchioles correspond to quite distinct sounds both during inhalation and exhalation.

Fine bubbling rales correspond to damage to the small bronchi or alveoli.

It is difficult to listen to these moist rales; they are best heard when deep breath.

The next type portends the presence of exudate or transudate in medium-sized bronchi; these include crackling wheezing. Their nature differs from the usual passage of air through a liquid and is more similar to the unraveling (sound, as if Velcro is being torn off) of the walls of the alveoli during inhalation, which in all other positions are in a compressed state due to environment. They often accompany pulmonary fibrosis.

Pneumonia or bronchitis?

Yet a doctor who reports that he hears wheezing in the upper or lower part of the right lung is discouraging to the patient. It is very difficult to understand the meaning of these words. It could be Chronical bronchitis, and pneumonia.

The nature of the appearance of moist rales is to some extent understandable, but only by listening can it be difficult to make a diagnosis. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor refers the person for additional studies:

Various moist rales will be accompanied by:

  • increased number of leukocytes;
  • change in the picture of the lungs, more precisely, the bronchi and bronchioles;
  • darkening of any area of ​​the lung.

But very often, wheezing in the lungs does not immediately appear moist. on initial stages have similar symptoms, including dry cough, elevated temperature. But with pneumonia it rises to higher levels. An adult can clearly distinguish pain in the sternum; it manifests itself with bronchitis.

To primary symptoms helped to distinguish between these two diseases, we must pay attention to the fact that when breathing, bronchitis is accompanied by whistling sounds.

Diseases in lower sections lungs can be of varying severity:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Lesions in this part of the lung can cause severe pain in the side, which most often indicates developing pneumonia.

It is important to understand that all knowledge about the disease is given for one purpose. The patient, based on the existing signs of the disease, regardless of the reasons that caused them, consulted a doctor in a timely manner.

Based on the mechanism by which wheezing occurs, as well as the sound sensation obtained when listening to it, wheezing is divided into dry and wet.

Wet wheezing occur when fluid accumulates in the bronchi (liquid secretions or blood); a passing stream of air foams the accumulated liquid, the bubbles formed on its surface burst and are perceived by the examiner's ear as wet rales. When fluid accumulates in the bronchioles and small bronchi (bronchopneumonia, bronchiolitis), fine bubbling rales are heard; if liquid secretions or blood are contained in the bronchi of medium or large caliber (bronchitis, pulmonary edema) or in correspondingly sized cavities (bronchiectasis, abscess,), medium or coarse bubbling rales are heard. It is necessary to differentiate fine bubbling rales from crepitus (see). When compacted lung tissue around the cavity, moist rales become loud.

Dry wheezing occur when bronchial obstruction is impaired (bronchus, its deformation or compression, swelling of the bronchial mucosa or accumulation of viscous sputum in them). Their formation is associated with vortex-like air movements in places of narrowing.

Buzzing (bass) dry rales are formed in large bronchi, whistling - in small bronchi, bronchioles.

With extensive bronchial obstruction, dry wheezing is heard over all pulmonary fields (for example, bronchial asthma, bronchitis).

The persistence of dry wheezing over any part of the lung tissue is a symptom of a local inflammatory focus or tumor, causing a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi.

Wheezing (rhonclii) is a pathological breathing noise that occurs in the bronchi, trachea, as well as in pathological cavities of the lungs (abscess, cavity, bronchiectasis). In the absence of cavities in the lungs, the appearance of wheezing indicates a violation of bronchial obstruction. There are dry and wet rales.

Dry wheezing have a single mechanism of formation - narrowing of the bronchial lumen, which occurs during bronchial spasms (bronchial asthma), swelling of the bronchial mucosa (inflammation, allergic reactions), in the presence of a mucous viscous secretion adhering to the walls of the bronchi
(bronchitis), with the growth of a bronchogenic tumor or compression of the bronchus from the outside (tumor, enlarged lymph node, inflammatory process). In areas of narrowing of the bronchi, the passing air makes additional vortex-like movements, which cause the appearance of dry wheezing. Dry wheezing is heard during inhalation and exhalation. Depending on the width of the lumen and the degree of narrowing of the bronchus, high (treble) - whistling and low, buzzing - bass wheezing are distinguished. Higher dry wheezes (rhonchi sibilantes) occur in small bronchi, and lower ones (rlionchi sonores) - in large ones. Dry wheezing is highly variable: over a short period of time and in the same area, their number can either increase or decrease, they can disappear and reappear. When you cough, a viscous secretion moves from one bronchus to another, so wheezing can change its character - disappear in the place where it was heard before the cough, and appear where it was not there before the cough. This makes it possible to distinguish them from other additional breath sounds(crepitus, pleural friction noise), which do not change with coughing. The more energetic the movement of the masses located in the bronchi, the louder the wheezing. Since with deep breathing the speed of air movement in the bronchi increases, the amplitude of vibrations increases and the volume of wheezing increases. Therefore, when listening, you should force the patient to breathe deeper. When exhaling, the speed of air flow in the bronchi is less than during inhalation, therefore, during exhalation, wheezing is heard less clearly than during inhalation. An exception is bronchial asthma, when dry wheezing is heard mainly during exhalation.

Constant dry wheezing over any area of ​​the lung tissue has a large) diagnostic value, since they are a symptom of a local inflammatory focus or tumor in the lung, which reduces the lumen of the bronchus.

Wet wheezing occur in the bronchi and pathological cavities of the lungs if the secretion they contain has a liquid consistency (liquid sputum, exudate or transudate, blood). They resemble the sound of air bubbles bursting in water, blown through a tube. In most cases, the mechanism of occurrence of moist rales is exactly this. During inhalation and exhalation, air passing through the liquid filling the bronchus foams it. The bubbles, rising to the surface of the liquid, burst and are perceived when heard as moist rales. According to B. S. Shklyar, the described mechanism for the occurrence of moist rales can only occur if the contents of the bronchi are completely liquid. If the masses contained in the bronchi are semi-liquid ( thick sputum), it is difficult to allow the possibility of air passing through them to form bubbles. In these cases, apparently, a semi-liquid film forms in front of the air stream, which, stretching, gradually becomes thinner and bursts, producing a sound perceived as a wet wheezing.

The size of the air bubbles formed depends on the force of movement of the air stream, its speed, the amount of secretion and mainly on the width of the lumen of the bronchi or the diameter of the pathological cavities. When listening, some of the moist rales resemble the sound of smaller bubbles bursting, others - larger ones. Therefore, moist rales are divided into large, medium and small bubbles. Large bubbling rales occur in large bronchi with pulmonary edema and in pathological cavities. Tracheal bubbling rales usually appear when in serious condition patient when he is unable to cough up mucus from the trachea. Such wheezing is often heard during the period of agony. The appearance of large bubble rales over the peripheral parts of the lungs, where there are no large bronchi, may indicate the formation of a cavity.

Medium-bubbly moist rales are formed in the bronchi of medium caliber and are a sign of bronchitis or appear during congestion in the pulmonary circulation.

Fine-bubbly moist rales occur in small and minute bronchi with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the latter (bronchitis, bronchiolitis). Small bronchi are often involved in the inflammatory process when lung damage Therefore, moist fine bubbling rales are often detected in focal pneumonia. The presence of moist small- and medium-bubble rales in the lower parts of both lungs is often associated with circulatory failure, in which stagnation of blood develops in the pulmonary circulation (heart defects, cardiosclerosis, cardiac asthma).

Moist rales are divided into sonorous and silent. The sonority of wheezing depends on the degree of sound transmission by the lungs and the presence of resonance. When the sound conductivity of the lungs increases (compaction) and especially in the presence of resonance (cavity), moist rales become sonorous. With caverns, sonorous moist rales often have a metallic tint. This is facilitated by the dense lung tissue surrounding the cavity, which enhances the resonance.

Silent moist rales are heard during bronchitis and congestion in the lungs. It is necessary to differentiate fine bubbling rales from crepitus (see) and pleural friction noise. Fine bubble moist rales are heard at different times in both phases of breathing, while crepitus is heard only at the height of inspiration in the form of an “explosion”. Moist rales change after coughing (increase, decrease, change their localization), but crepitus does not change. To distinguish the pleural friction noise from moist wheezing, the patient is asked to cough - in this case, the wheezing changes, but the pleural friction noise does not change; They ask the patient to close his mouth and pinch his nose, and then pull in and protrude his stomach - the sound of pleural friction is heard, but there is no wheezing, since there is no air flow. When breathing, pleural friction noise is most often
accompanied by pain in the corresponding half chest, which does not happen with wheezing.

The presence of wheezing indicates a pathological process in the lungs, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • general weakness, increased sweating;
  • with a severe prolonged attack of bronchial asthma (chronic inflammatory disease bronchi, manifested by repeated episodes of dry cough, shortness of breath, suffocation) dry wheezing can be heard at a distance;
  • with pulmonary edema, moist rales can be heard at a distance (“bubbling breathing”).


Dry wheezing:

  • whistling - occurs when air passes through a narrowed, swollen, spasmodic bronchus (for example, with bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)) or when there is an obstacle to the movement of air (a foreign body, a tumor growing inside the bronchus);
  • buzzing (humming) - occur when there is thick viscous sputum in the bronchus (for example, with bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Wet wheezing: occur when there are less dense liquids in the bronchi or cavities communicating with them (thin sputum, blood, edematous fluid). An air stream foams a low-viscosity liquid and forms instantly bursting air bubbles on its surface, which is why moist rales are sometimes called bubbly rales. Depending on the size of the bronchus in which wheezing occurs, there are:
  • moist coarse bubbling rales (in large-caliber bronchi and in cavities, for example, tuberculosis cavity (a cavity formed in the area of ​​the tuberculosis process), lung abscess ( limited focus inflammation of the lung tissue with its melting and the formation of a cavity filled with purulent masses);
  • moist medium-bubble rales (in bronchi of medium size and in cavities, for example, tuberculous cavity, lung abscess, bronchiectasis (dilation, deformation of the bronchus) in bronchi of the specified size);
  • moist fine bubbling rales (in small bronchi and bronchioles):
    • sonorous – more indicative of the presence of local inflammatory process(for example, pneumonia (pneumonia));
    • silent – ​​most typical for the accumulation of edematous fluid (pulmonary edema, chronic heart failure). It should be highlighted separately crepitus, which is similar to moist rales, but differs in the mechanism of occurrence.

Crepitus forms in the alveoli (respiratory vesicles in which gas exchange occurs) when there is a small amount of inflammatory fluid. At the moment of inhalation, the alveoli “unstick” with the formation of a characteristic sound reminiscent of crackling, crunching of snow, rustling of cellophane, which is called crepitation. Most often this sound is heard in the initial and final stages of pneumonia.
The sound phenomena are very similar to crepitation and the so-called fibrous crackle(“crackling” wheezing). This sound phenomenon also occurs during inspiration and is associated with stretching of the overgrown rough connective tissue(tissue of the body that forms the supporting frame of all organs) that seals the lung. This process underlies diseases such as fibrosing alveolitis. Fibrous crack persists for a long time (for several months and years).


  • Respiratory diseases leading to the appearance of sputum. For example, pneumonia (pneumonia).
  • Diseases respiratory system, characterized by narrowing of the bronchus (swelling, spasm, excess mucus production).
  • Tumors growing inside the bronchus or compressing it from the outside.
  • Foreign bodies in the lumen of the bronchus.
  • Heart failure.


Wheezing is detected by auscultation - listening to the lungs using a phonendoscope.
However, establishing the presence of wheezing is not enough to make a diagnosis of a particular disease. For determining correct diagnosis The doctor will ask you to undergo a number of the following examination methods:

  • general blood analysis;
  • sputum analysis;
  • chest x-ray;
  • computed tomography of the chest;
  • spirometry (spirography). Allows you to evaluate air permeability respiratory tract and the ability of the lungs to expand;
  • test with a bronchodilator - performing spirometry before and after inhalation of a drug that dilates the bronchus. Used to assess the reversibility of bronchial narrowing;
  • bronchoprovocation test - performing spirometry before and after inhalation of methacholine or histamine. Allows you to detect increased sensitivity bronchus, manifested in the form of bronchospasm;
  • study of blood gas composition (determination of oxygen tension in the blood, carbon dioxide, assessment of blood oxygen saturation);
  • body plethysmography is a method for assessing the function of external respiration, which allows you to determine all volumes and capacities of the lungs, including those that are not determined by spirography;
  • fibrobronchoscopy - a study that allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the bronchi from the inside and examine it cellular composition using a special apparatus. The method is used in case of unclear diagnosis in order to exclude others possible diseases with similar manifestations;
  • angiopulmonography – study of pulmonary vessels;
  • lung biopsy.
Consultation is also possible.

Treatment of wheezing

  • Mucolytic drugs (sputum thinners) are prescribed in the presence of viscous, difficult to separate sputum.
  • Expectorants – promote better discharge of liquid sputum.
  • Bronchodilators - expand the narrowed bronchus, helping to improve the passage of air through the respiratory tract.

Prevention of wheezing

  • Treatment of the underlying disease.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Avoiding contact with allergens (for example, dust, animal dander, bird feathers, some food products etc.), provoking bronchial spasm.
  • Avoiding hypothermia.

The development of pathological processes in the organs of the upper and lower respiratory tract is accompanied by the manifestation of such symptoms as wheezing in the lungs. They arise due to the accumulation of mucus in the trachea, bronchi or lungs, as well as stenosis of the respiratory tract.

Wheezing is a noise that occurs in the respiratory system due to the passage of air through it under the condition of any obstruction. This may be mucus, swelling of the bronchi, or the presence of a foreign object.

The sounds that appear in this case are varied. They resemble bubbling, buzzing and even whistling.

Why wheezing occurs

In most cases, the nature of the origin of wheezing lies in diseases inflammatory in nature, localized in the lower parts of the respiratory system. This:

  • pneumonia;
  • pneumofibrosis;
  • acute or chronic form of bronchitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • lung abscess;
  • asthma.

Listening to noises not associated with diseases of the respiratory organs is observed in such pathologies as:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pulmonary edema due to somatic pathologies;
  • oncology.

Regardless of the disease that causes wheezing, it is heard in the lungs due to two main factors that trigger the mechanism of wheezing:

  1. Stenosis (narrowing) of the lumen in the bronchi.
  2. Education in respiratory organs sputum or pus. Excessive mucus production, which prevents the free passage of air, begins to move during the breathing process, as a result of which all kinds of sounds appear in various areas of the lungs and bronchi.

In addition, almost any cough due to influenza, colds, or acute respiratory viral infections is accompanied by difficulty breathing and the occurrence of a variety of wheezing.

Other reasons

Among negative factors, provoking wheezing in the lungs when breathing, the following conditions and situations are noted:

  1. Allergic reaction. The development of laryngeal edema due to allergies, the appearance of an intense cough and runny nose are accompanied by noisy breathing of various types. Irritants include dust, pollen from flowering plants, medications, facilities household chemicals, pet hair, various products.
  2. The possibility of wheezing in the lungs due to foreign objects entering the respiratory tract cannot be ruled out. These are small pieces of food, children's toys, swallowed through negligence during play or conversation while consuming food. Foreign bodies, blocking the free passage of the air stream into the lungs, provoke the occurrence of mechanical noise.
  3. U infants wheezing in the throat before four months of age is considered normal. This is due to imperfection breathing apparatus, which is formed up to 1.5 – 2 years. TO this state you can take it calmly if there are no symptoms such as heat, refusal to eat, restless sleep. Anxiety, concern and immediate appeal see a doctor for symptoms of wheezing with associated cough and a runny nose, accompanied by cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and a temperature of about 40°. This may indicate serious illness- croup, threatening for the baby's life.

Intense cough and wheezing in the lungs without fever are often observed in heavy smokers, as well as in people whose professional activity associated with long stay in dusty or gas-filled areas.

Classification of species and types

There are two main categories pathological manifestations– wheezing, wet and dry.


Their appearance is associated with the formation of mucus, blood flakes and excess fluid caused by edema. All this negatively affects the condition of the respiratory system and greatly complicates the breathing process.

The following happens:

  • a stream of air overcomes the obstacle created by sputum deposited on the walls of the bronchi;
  • as a result, small air bubbles form and then burst;
  • due to their formation in large quantities moist rales are observed.

Depending on the quantitative composition of mucus accumulations, the following types of moist rales are distinguished:

  1. Fine bubbles.
  2. Average.
  3. Large-bubble.

The formation of small bubbles is accompanied by a noise similar to the sounds produced by a foaming liquid.

Medium-bubble wheezing is heard in the form of gurgling sounds that occur when air passes through a tube if you immerse it in a vessel with water and blow. Such noises sometimes resemble crackling sounds—crackling wheezing can be heard. Such manifestations are characteristic of the onset of the disease, accompanied by the development of edema in the lungs.

The accumulation of sputum, localized in the upper respiratory tract - bronchi or trachea, causes the formation of large bubbles. Their presence in the respiratory organs provokes bubbling breathing. Such wheezing indicates advanced disease bronchi or lungs, as well as a weak manifestation of the cough reflex, during which excess mucus is removed.

Dry wheezing

The occurrence of a spasm accompanied by stenosis of the respiratory tract, or the consequences of an injury, is the cause of noise that resembles a vortex-like movement of air. This type of wheezing is most often observed. They signal the beginning of a pathological process in the respiratory organs. Sound effects of the following sound scale are observed:

  1. Whistling. The localization of wheezing is in narrow sections of the bronchi. These noises come in high and low pitches. Conditions in which such wheezing is detected are bronchial asthma, chronic diseases respiratory system, formation of neoplasms of various etiologies, as well as the presence of a foreign object in the trachea or bronchi.
  2. Buzzing. For bronchi with a large volume, dry rales of this type are characteristic. They occur due to the accumulation of mucus thick consistency on the mucous membrane of the bronchial tube.
  3. The noise sometimes resembles crackling - crackling wheezing can be heard. Such manifestations are characteristic of the onset of the disease, accompanied by the development of edema in the pulmonary system.

The patient himself is not always able to hear wheezing in the lungs. This is how distant noises are heard, which are audible not only to the patient, but also to others. Other types of murmurs can be identified with a thorough examination. Almost all types of wheezing pose a health risk.

Noises that appear at different stages of the respiratory process

Their occurrence in some cases can be heard when taking a deep breath, and sometimes wheezing is heard when exhaling.

Wheezing when inhaling (inspiratory) – characteristic symptom acute bronchitis. Expiratory wheezing, heard when exhaling air, is a sign of bronchial asthma.

Noises mixed type are heard due to inflammation of the walls of the alveoli, which are characterized by swelling. Such changes lead to intense formation of exudate, which causes difficulty breathing and pathological noises that can occur both during inhalation and exhalation.

Determining the type of negative noise is an important diagnostic indicator that helps differentiate various diseases.

Clinical picture

The most expressive symptom is the inconstancy of the localization and nature of wheezing. Noise in the lungs manifests itself as follows:

  • it can be permanent or short-term;
  • by intensity - weakening and increasing;
  • by localization - due to the movement of mucus, it is felt first in one part of the bronchi, then in another, it disappears and appears depending on the intensity of the cough;

In terms of expressiveness of sound effects, wheezing is also inconsistent - from a whistle to a crack.

Other manifestations

In addition to the inconsistency of wheezing, other accompanying symptoms are observed. Among them:

  • severe swelling, cramps;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • suffocation;
  • pain in the trachea and bronchi;
  • burning, tickling, tickling;
  • hard breathing;
  • chilliness;
  • In an adult patient, wheezing without fever may appear, in children - more often with high fever levels.

Prolonged course of the disease, accompanied by pathological wheezing, causes deterioration general condition patient, weakness and excessive sweating.

Diagnostic measures

The appearance of wheezing or the described accompanying symptoms becomes a signal about the need to consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination, the purpose of which is to identify the underlying disease that caused their manifestation.

After listening to the patient’s complaints and listening to the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs with a phonendoscope, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • clinical blood test;
  • microbiological examination of sputum;
  • X-ray;
  • spirography;
  • biopsy.

In complex diagnostic measures The specified types are not always used. Sometimes, to establish a diagnosis, it is enough to conduct an x-ray, with the help of which pneumonia and bronchitis are detected.


Trying to cure wheezing without clarifying the diagnosis and prescriptions professional specialists(general practitioner, pulmonologist, cardiologist) is not recommended.

Independent uncontrolled use medications will mute for a while pathological process, will mask negative symptoms, but will not eliminate the root cause of the disease.

The selective approach to the choice of drugs is due to the peculiarities of the nature of the inflammatory process:

  1. Antibiotics. The prescription of drugs in this group is used for diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. Detection of pneumonia involves a course of treatment with Ceftriaxone, Kanamycin or representatives penicillin series. Positive dynamics are observed quite quickly with the injection of drugs.
  2. Mucolytics that help thin sputum. The most effective representatives of this group are Mucomist, Fluimucil, Mukobene.
  3. Expectorants medicines. The removal of mucus from the respiratory tract is facilitated by the use of Mucaltin, Bromhexine or ACC.
  4. Damage to the respiratory tract due to an infection of viral origin requires the use of antiviral agents. Ingavirin and Kagocel are considered the most effective. Children in this situation are prescribed Interferon, Cytovir (syrup) and rectal administration of Viferon (suppositories).
  5. Antihistamines. Wheezing of allergic etiology is eliminated by the use of Suprastin, Cromoglin, Tavegil.
  6. Bronchodilators. Their use is due to the need to relieve spasm in the bronchi. Salbutamol, Atrovent and Berodual act quickly and effectively.

To treat cough, a common cause of wheezing, it is recommended to take herbal remedies. Well proven Chamomile tea and Breast collection.

Complex treatment involves the use of massage and physical therapy. Thanks to these techniques, blood circulation improves, enriching the respiratory organs with oxygen, which significantly contributes to the removal of mucus from them.

How to treat at home

Eliminate wheezing using only remedies traditional medicine, fails. This is an additional component of general therapeutic treatment.

Enough effective means, which are very popular in the treatment of wheezing in the lungs, are recognized as:

  1. An infusion of plantain leaves, viburnum, raspberry leaves or berries.
  2. Chamomile or thyme decoction.
  3. Inhalations using potato broth, soda and salt or Zvezdochka balm.
  4. For children, it is recommended to use nebulizers with special pharmaceutical solutions or saline solution prepared independently. In 200 ml warm boiled water should add 1 tsp. salt.
  5. A proven remedy for wheezing is milk (200 ml) with honey (1 tsp), soda (on the tip of a knife) and butter (3 g). It is advisable to drink before bedtime.

Application folk recipes alleviates the condition, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, you should not rely solely on their use.


The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on timely consultation with a doctor, a thorough examination to identify the main cause of wheezing and strict adherence to the instructions of the attending physician.

Self-treatment is fraught with the likelihood of a protracted course of the disease, the development chronic forms pathology, which leads to the need for long-term therapeutic effects.