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Does saline solution cure almost everything? Use of sodium chloride solution for the gastrointestinal tract. I. Shcheglov about salt dressings

Since ancient times, salt has been considered a magical and healing product. With its help, they caused and removed damage, bewitched, and performed rituals for wealth and abundance. This is due to the crystalline structure of the salt, as well as its excellent solubility in water. Any crystal can be a carrier of information.

Being dissolved in water, it is able to transfer it to its destination in a drink, food or air vapor.

Table salt consists of only two atoms - sodium and chlorine, connected by an ionic bond. This structure of the substance allows not only to store information, but also to quickly get rid of it by heating or freezing.

All salt can be divided into two types:

  • table food, extracted from the bowels of the earth;
  • marine, which is obtained by evaporating or freezing salty water bodies on the surface of the Earth.

In their composition, table and sea salts do not differ from each other. Both consist of 97-98% of the same substance - sodium chloride. 2-3% are minerals such as magnesium, calcium, chromium. Depending on the deposit, iodine, iron, selenium, manganese and silicon may be added.

Salts can differ from each other only in the size of the crystals (table salts are larger) and the quality of the anti-caking additive. Aluminum silicate was previously added to table salt to maintain the friability of the product. Aluminum is considered a toxic substance for the human body that can provoke the development of Alzheimer's disease. Now, potassium carbonate, which is completely harmless in small quantities, has been used instead.

INTERESTING! Esotericists believe that table salt carries the energy of the Earth, and sea salt carries the energy of the Sun. For this reason regular salt It is better to use it to cleanse the body, and sea water to nourish it with solar energy.

The human body cannot independently synthesize sodium and chlorine ions. It must be supplied with food and water. Salt in the human body:

Both culinary and sea ​​salt can be used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases associated with slagging of the body, metabolic disorders, diseases of the respiratory system and nervous system.

Indications for use. What does it cure?

Sea salt is commonly used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and nasopharynx:

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • sore throat;
  • adenovirus infection.

This is due to the antihistamine, antiseptic and anticonvulsant properties of saline solutions. Sodium chloride is also used to get rid of skin and nail fungus and digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation). Sea salt is widely used to restore the nervous system for:

  • emotional exhaustion;
  • neuroses;
  • sleep disorders.

Sea salt also helps healing gynecological diseases in the form of douches and tampons.

Table salt is used as a powerful antiseptic for treatment purulent wounds, boils, prevention, etc.

In folk medicine, saline solutions are widely used to treat cancer, as well as benign tumors.

Table salt can prevent older people from developing:

  • osteoporosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • formation of pigment spots.

Both types of salt can be successfully used in cosmetology:

  • when exfoliating the skin as part of scrubs;
  • for anti-cellulite massage;
  • as part of hair masks to enhance hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Regular salt is truly universal remedy in the treatment of many diseases. But when using it, you must comply certain rules to avoid swelling, skin inflammation and exacerbation of diseases.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Salt can cause major harm if it is used incorrectly. A person's consumption of more than three grams per kilogram of weight is considered fatal. Even a small overdose of sodium chloride can lead to such undesirable consequences as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling;
  • headache;
  • exacerbation of joint disease;
  • nervousness and irritability.

It should be noted that average rate consumption of this product ranges from 4 to 10 g per day depending on individual characteristics man and his way of life.

Excess salt is very easy to remove from the body by consuming up to one and a half liters per day clean water(preferably thawed).

When using sodium chloride externally, you must strictly adhere to the recommended concentration of the solution. Salt compresses, applications and baths are prohibited if:

During these periods, the body is tuned to intensive cleaning. Salt procedures can cause a powerful release of waste and toxins into the blood. The body may not be able to cope with such a load.

Methods of use in folk medicine

When treating diseases and general health of the body with the help of sodium chloride, salt solutions of various concentrations are used for both internal and external use.

To cleanse the body

To avoid making mistakes with concentration, you can do this:

  • drink a glass of water;
  • wet the pad index finger saliva;
  • dip your finger in salt;
  • Place the crystals stuck to your wet finger on your tongue.

When using this method, salt should dissolve on the tongue on its own.

After just a week of daily intake of saline solution in the morning, normalization is observed. digestive processes, increasing the tone of the body, sharpening intellectual abilities.

REFERENCE! After two weeks, a cleansing crisis may occur, that is, within one or two days there will be a loss of strength, exacerbation of chronic diseases, runny nose, cough, headache. Don't be afraid of this and stop taking salt. The condition quickly normalizes.

For adenovirus infection

Viral diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics. But the use of a 2% saline solution when instilled into the nose gives excellent results, protecting the nasopharyngeal mucosa from dehydration and creating natural protection.

To prepare the drops you need to take 50 ml of melted water or just boiled water, dissolve 1 g of sea salt in it. Instillation should be done every three hours for five days. Before use, the drops must be heated in a water bath to body temperature.

Gargle three times a day with the following composition:

Already after the first use, significant relief is observed. The throat softens, the soreness disappears, and it becomes easier to swallow.

Vodka with salt for diarrhea

Even with the most severe diarrhea The following remedy may help:

  • 50 ml vodka;
  • two pinches of table salt.

After the crystals dissolve, the solution should be drunk in one gulp, without drinking water. After three hours, you can repeat, reducing the amount of vodka to 30 ml (three tablespoons).

Severe diarrhea is dangerous due to general dehydration of the body. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, it is advisable to drink small sips of hot water every fifteen minutes.

For constipation

The most severe constipation can be cured by applying the following remedy on an empty stomach:

  • 50 ml milk;
  • 50 ml raw water;
  • 5 g table salt.

The solution should be at room temperature. Half an hour after taking it, you can drink a glass of cool melt water.

To prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of salted kefir (1 g of salt per 200 ml) every night at night.

For gynecological diseases

If you have fibroids or fibroids of the uterus, you can douche every evening with an 8% solution of sea salt (250 ml warm water take 2 g).

For resorption of tumors, neoplasms, normalization of organ function ethnoscience recommends using saline dressings. For the procedure you need to take:

  • any cotton cloth, gauze or bandage;
  • 10% saline solution, that is, dissolve ten grams of table salt in one liter of water.

The fabric is moistened in the solution, applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and secured with a bandage for 3-4 hours. Then the used fabric is removed and replaced with a new one soaked in the same solution.

Do not cover the bandage with polyethylene or oilcloth. She must “breathe”.

This procedure must be carried out as often as possible until the tumor or neoplasm is completely resolved.

For purulent wounds or boils

N.I. Pirogov recommended using the following remedy for the treatment of non-healing purulent wounds, fistulas or boils:

  • 50 ml of 10% saline solution;
  • 50 ml dry red wine.

Mix the two ingredients, moisten a piece of gauze with the resulting solution, and apply to the previously cleansed affected area of ​​skin. Change after an hour until the purulent discharge disappears completely.

For neurosis and emotional exhaustion

Saline hot bath It's very easy to prepare. To do this, add a handful of table salt to water at a temperature of 50 degrees. The duration of the procedure should not exceed five minutes.

This bath should be taken only in the morning or afternoon, twice a week. It perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and waste, giving a powerful boost of energy. Nervous system recovers within two weeks.

For asthma or allergic rhinitis

Sea salt has antihistamine properties. It can help with an asthma attack or allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa in the form of inhalations.

To carry out the procedure, one tablespoon dissolved in one liter of boiling water is enough. During treatment, you can use the “Romashka” device or simply breathe salty fumes over a bowl of water, covered with a towel.

INTERESTING! Traditional healers It is believed that baths with table salt and eucalyptus herb can save a person from old and family damage, as well as some types of curses.

Application in cosmetology

Sodium chloride can be used for body rubs, face and hair masks, and for making scrubs.

Body Scrub

When using a scrub consisting of 100 g of sour cream and 20 g of table salt once a week, you can forget about flaking, sagging and laxity of the skin. After the first use, the skin will become pink, smooth and silky.

For cellulite

Massaging problem areas with a mixture of honey and sea salt activates blood circulation, helps relieve swelling, removes toxins and harmful products metabolism.

The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. For dry skin, you can add a little olive oil.

For hair loss

Mix 20 g sea salt and 10 g dry mustard and dilute hot water. Apply the warm mixture along the partings to the scalp, cover with polyethylene for ten minutes, and rinse with water. If desired, you can use shampoo when rinsing.

Apply the mask only to damp hair, before washing.

For cleansing facial skin

A mask made of salt, cosmetic clay and hydrogen peroxide can replace a visit to a beauty salon. To prepare you need:

  • 10 g of green clay (pink for dry skin) diluted in large quantities warm water;
  • add 5 g sea salt;
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply to cleansed face for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Salts - organic and inorganic chemical substances complex composition. In chemical theory there is no strict and final definition of salts. They can be described as compounds:
- consisting of anions and cations;
— obtained as a result of the interaction of acids and bases;
- consisting of acidic residues and metal ions.

Acidic residues can be associated not with metal atoms, but with ammonium ions (NH 4) +, phosphonium (PH 4) +, hydronium (H 3 O) + and some others.

Types of salts

- Acid, medium, basic. If all the hydrogen protons in an acid are replaced by metal ions, then such salts are called medium salts, for example, NaCl. If hydrogen is only partially replaced, then such salts are acidic, for example. KHSO 4 and NaH 2 PO 4. If the hydroxyl groups (OH) of the base are not completely replaced by the acidic residue, then the salt is basic, for example. CuCl(OH), Al(OH)SO 4 .

- Simple, double, mixed. Simple salts consist of one metal and one acid residue, for example, K 2 SO 4. Double salts contain two metals, for example KAl(SO 4) 2. Mixed salts have two acidic residues, e.g. AgClBr.

— Organic and inorganic.
— Complex salts with a complex ion: K 2 , Cl 2 and others.
— Crystal hydrates and crystal solvates.
— Crystalline hydrates with molecules of water of crystallization. CaSO 4 *2H 2 O.
— Crystal solvates with solvent molecules. For example, LiCl in liquid ammonia NH 3 gives LiCl*5NH 3 solvate.
— Oxygen-containing and oxygen-free.
— Internal, otherwise called bipolar ions.


Most salts are solids with high temperature melting, non-conducting. Solubility in water - important characteristic, on its basis, reagents are divided into water-soluble, slightly soluble and insoluble. Many salts dissolve in organic solvents.

Salts react:
— with more active metals;
- with acids, bases, and other salts, if the interaction produces substances that do not participate in further reactions, for example, gas, insoluble precipitate, water. They decompose when heated and hydrolyze in water.

In nature, salts are widely distributed in the form of minerals, brines, and salt deposits. They are also extracted from sea water and mountain ores.

Salts are necessary to the human body. Iron salts are needed to replenish hemoglobin, calcium - participate in the formation of the skeleton, magnesium - regulate activity gastrointestinal tract.

Application of salts

Salts are actively used in production, everyday life, agriculture, medicine, food industry, chemical synthesis and analysis, in laboratory practice. Here are just a few areas of their application:

— Sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium nitrates (saltpeter); calcium phosphate, Potassium chloride is a raw material for the production of fertilizers.
— Sodium chloride is necessary for the production of table salt; it is used in the chemical industry for the production of chlorine, soda, and caustic soda.
— Sodium hypochlorite is a popular bleach and water disinfectant.
— Salts acetic acid(acetates) are used in food industry as preservatives (potassium and calcium acetate); in medicine for the manufacture of drugs, in the cosmetics industry (sodium acetate), for many other purposes.
— Potassium-aluminum and potassium-chromium alums are in demand in medicine and the food industry; for dyeing fabrics, leather, furs.
— Many salts are used as fixatives to determine the chemical composition of substances, water quality, acidity level, etc.

Our store offers a wide range of salts, both organic and inorganic.

Sea salt. The foundation of health. Return the body's most important microelements Tatyana Kogan

2.2. The use of sea salt in folk medicine

In folk medicine, there are many treatment recipes where sea salt is used. Her beneficial features are used both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. For this purpose, salt solutions and baths are used, salt rubbing and rinsing, compresses, inhalations and lotions are made. Sea salt is quite affordable and economical.

To use sea salt as medicine no special skills or any complex devices are required. It is only important that before starting treatment with sea salt, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your own health.

We need edible sea salt not only to improve taste, but also for the following conditions:

Chronic fatigue syndrome;


Stress and nervous disorders;

High blood pressure;

Dehydration of the body;

Metabolic disorders;

Colds of the ear, throat, nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);


Pain when spraining ligaments.

In addition, sea salt has proven to be an excellent preventative for diseases such as brain disease (sodium provides normal functioning cells), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, capillary spasms and thrombus formation.

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Mask of cottage cheese and sea salt: 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese is mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream or cream and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Rub everything until smooth, apply the mask to the face for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Salt is a medicine that is always at hand. It is difficult to imagine a house that would not have salt. After all, almost no food preparation can be done without it. But few people know that salt can be used not only in the kitchen, it can become an indispensable medicine. Today we will talk about a slightly unusual way for most of us to use it, namely about salt as a cure for many diseases.

Salt treatment is by no means a new thing in folk medicine. Our great-grandfathers knew about its properties. And during the Second World War it stood alongside medications, which were in short supply at that time. It was salt that was used to disinfect the wounds of soldiers. Thanks to its absorbent property, it helped to disinfect damaged skin areas and relieve inflammation. Salt saved a huge number of soldiers wounded in wartime from gangrene.

And even today, when you can buy any medicine at the pharmacy, people could not refuse the use of salt in medicinal purposes. And this indicates only one thing - salt treatment is really effective. Therefore, next we will talk in more detail about what diseases can be cured with its help, and how to do it correctly.

Treating illness with salt

Salt treatment (saline dressings and solutions) can be a worthy alternative for many diseases conventional treatment. We'll talk more about this a little later. Now let’s figure out in what cases salt therapy can be used:

  • Treatment of respiratory organs;
  • Disinfection and restoration of damaged skin, healing lacerations, suppuration, burns;
  • Help for the treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • For mastopathy and oncology;
  • Treatment of the first signs of a cold;
  • Treatment of joints;
  • Poisoning;
  • Cleansing the scalp.

Opinions of specialist doctors about salt treatment and salt dressings

I think many of you will be interested to know what experts think about the use of salt for medicinal purposes. And this is correct, because before you start using any treatment method, even salt treatment, you need to know, if not everything, then a lot about it.

Doctors' opinions boil down to the fact that this type of treatment is effective, and here's why. Salt is a natural absorbent. The result of its contact with the skin is its disinfection. She's capable enough fast time remove bacteria, viruses and microbes from damaged skin. Salt also helps cleanse and renew body tissues.

But a lack of sodium in the body, which is one of the trace elements of salt, can affect health. If it is deficient, you may experience an imbalance in the body and dehydration. Therefore, to completely give up salt, as many people do today, either in pursuit of an ideal figure, or for fashion healthy eating I don't think it's worth it. But you can’t use it in large quantities either. There must be a measure for everything. I always talk about our wisdom.

Opinion of Academician B.V. Bolotova about salt treatment

I am sure that those of you, dear readers, who are interested in how to maintain health and prolong youth, have heard about academician Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov. He is called the “Ukrainian wizard.” He developed two techniques that were tested in practice. They promote rejuvenation cellular composition body.

I recommend you read the book Boris Bolotov, Gleb Pogozhev “Bolotov’s People’s Clinic”. The academician wrote this book together with his follower. It outlines the principles of Bolotov’s medicine and shows the connection between theory and practice. You will be able to understand the essence of Bolotov’s ideas and independently select medications to get rid of any ailment.

  1. Place a gram of salt on your tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. The procedure is done immediately after eating, and also an hour after eating. You can repeat this up to 10 times throughout the day.
  2. Salted food. You can eat salted and pickled vegetables and even fruits. Moreover, almost everything needs to be salted (salted): bread, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, watermelons, melons, cottage cheese, and butter, and sour cream. It is advisable not to use temporarily vegetable oil, and also temporarily limit the intake of margarines, mayonnaise and all products prepared with vegetable oils.

The material is taken from the book “Bolotov’s People’s Clinic”.

The regular presence of salt in the body makes it invulnerable, strengthens the immune system, and therefore colds and infectious diseases people get sick less often.

I.I. Shcheglov about salt dressings

During World War II, surgeon Ivan Ivanovich Shcheglov widely used a hypertonic (saturated) solution of table salt for damage to bones and joints.

On large and dirty wounds he applied loose, generously moistened hypertonic solution a large napkin. After 3-4 days, the wound became clean and pink, the temperature dropped to normal, after which a plaster cast was applied. Then the wounded man went to the rear.

According to Shcheglov's method, it is even possible to treat caries complicated by granuloma with salt tampons. The doctor describes cases where he even treated appendicitis and bursitis with saline dressings knee joint and many other diseases without surgical intervention.

Solution and saline dressing

Treatment with salt and saline solution, like any other therapy, should be discussed with a specialist. You also need to understand that not every solution is suitable for medicinal purposes, because high concentration the main component may be of dubious benefit. Let's figure out how to properly prepare the solution and find out the main points on using a saline dressing.

For treatment purposes, an 8–10% solution is used. If the concentration of sodium chloride in it is higher, then this can lead not only to unpleasant sensations in the area where the saline dressing was applied, but also to damage blood vessels. Therefore, correct concentration is the key effective treatment and absence of undesirable consequences.

How to prepare saline solution and saline dressing?

You can prepare an 8-10% saline solution by mixing 3 tablespoons of salt with 1 liter of water for adults. For children (2 teaspoons per 250 ml of water).

It is better to use distilled water, heated to 60 -70 C, while you prepare the bandage, it will cool down.

The bandage should be applied to cleanly washed skin.

The fabric for the bandage should be breathable and absorb water well. If you have gauze at home, it will work perfectly if you fold it in several layers. If you don’t have it, you can get by with cotton fabric, cotton or linen. Fold gauze in 6-8 layers, and cotton fabric in 4 layers (no more).

Make sure that the bandage soaked in saline solution, was moderately damp, but no solution was dripping from it.

The time the bandage is on the body is also determined by the disease. You can keep it on for up to 12 hours, after which you need to rinse in fresh water and rinse the bandage in fresh water for the next compress.

You cannot put cellophane over the bandage or wrap it in woolen cloth for a warming effect! The air must circulate, this is the only way to achieve healing effect. You can secure the bandage by wrapping it with gauze, a bandage, or using a plaster (fix it at the edges).

If you still have questions, I suggest watching a video about salt treatment. In it you can find answers to your questions, as well as learn how to properly prepare a saline solution and apply a bandage.

Treatment of joints with salt (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism)

Salt is used to treat joints and is common and effective therapy. But it is better to resort to it as an auxiliary to the main treatment. If you are worried about joint pain, then salt dressings will help relieve painful sensations, inflammation.

Saline dressings for joints

To do this, soak the bandage in a 10% solution, wring it out and apply it to the area of ​​the affected joints for 10 hours (you can slightly cover the area above and below the affected area). Secure the bandage with a bandage or plaster. The procedure is best performed at night for 14 days.

Snow with salt for the treatment of joints

You can treat joints in another way, which requires 1 glass of salt and 2 glasses of snow. The snow-salt mixture will relieve pain and swelling. To do this, it must be applied to the affected area in a thick layer and left for 5 minutes. After the procedure, the area of ​​skin on which the snow-salt mixture was applied should not be wetted for at least 10 hours. To eliminate pain that has arisen for the first time, you can limit yourself to one procedure. IN advanced cases It is recommended to carry out procedures every other day for a week.

I suggest watching a video that talks about the benefits of salt for the body, daily norm use and how it can be used for arthritis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with salt

If you know firsthand what osteochondrosis is, and back pain makes itself felt more and more often, for 2 weeks before going to bed, apply sore spot bandage. It must be moistened in a 10% solution, squeezed thoroughly, applied to the painful area and fixed.

Not long ago I myself used such salt dressings. It caught my back, there were nagging pain. I did 10 procedures. It has become incomparably better. I was very pleased with my review of salt treatment. And most importantly, it’s so simple and accessible to everyone. And you don’t need to buy expensive gels, ointments for rubbing and relieving the condition, or take painkillers.

There's still one good recipe treatment of osteochondrosis with salt:

Heat 1 kg salt in a frying pan, 2 tablespoons mustard powder, a quarter glass of water. To obtain the desired consistency, add bran. Lie down, apply the warm mixture to the sore spots, cover with film, a blanket or woolen scarf on top and lie there until the mixture cools down.

Treatment with salt at the first signs of a cold, cough, bronchitis

If you have a cold, then take 3 liter baths every night at night. hot water, 3 tbsp. salt and the same amount of baking soda. Keep your feet in this solution until the water cools down. After this, dry your feet, put on socks and lie down under the blanket. This recipe can only be used if you do not have a fever.

If you have the first signs of a cold, then place a bandage soaked in an 8% solution on your head (forehead, temples). A bandage on the neck and back will help relieve sore throat and cure cough that occurs with the flu or bronchitis. To do this, a towel is soaked in an 8% solution, wrung out and placed on the back and neck area, and secured with a bandage on top. After just a few procedures you will feel relief.

Most often, a 10% solution is used for therapeutic salt dressings. But if you need to prepare 8%, then this can be done by dissolving 80 grams of salt in 1 liter of water.

There is one unusual recipe- soak mittens, socks, scarf with hot salt solution (1 tbsp per glass of water). And then use it wet or dried. You can wear mittens or gloves to relieve pain in your hands if you have arthritis, wrap a scarf around you if you have radiculitis, or wear socks if you have a cold.

For sore throat and sore throat, it is very good to gargle with salted water, half a teaspoon per 1 glass of warm water.

Help with sinusitis

Salt dressings will also help in the treatment of sinusitis. It is necessary to prepare a 10% saline solution, soak a bandage in it, squeeze it out and place it in such a way as to cover the forehead, nose and cheeks. For convenience, you can use several pieces of gauze or other material. To prevent the bandage from slipping during sleep, it can be secured with a bandage.

Runny nose, headache, high blood pressure

For runny nose, headache and high pressure You can also get rid of it with salt. To do this, prepare an 8% solution, soak gauze in it and squeeze it out. Wrap the bandage around your head (it should be located at forehead level) and secure with a bandage or plaster. Keep it there until you feel relief.

If you have a runny nose, it is a good idea to rinse your nose with a salt solution. Just make it not so concentrated. It is enough to dilute 1–1.5 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and wash it three times a day. Additionally, I invite you to read my blog article. It should be remembered that it is better to coordinate nasal rinsing with your doctor. Such washings are not always possible. Otherwise, the matter may lead to otitis media.

Mastopathy and oncology

For mastopathy and oncology, Academician Bolotov also recommends using salt dressings. For mastopathy and breast cancer, they should be applied to both breasts for about 8 hours. For mastopathy, the course of treatment is 2 weeks, in the case of oncological diseases- 3 weeks.

Varicose veins

For varicose veins, it is also good to use salt dressings. To do this, soak socks in a 10% saline solution and put them on overnight (you can put another one on top). After the procedures, swelling decreases and vascular function normalizes. And the veins themselves shrink.

Precautionary measures

Salt treatment is effective only when it is carried out correctly. And for this, it is not enough to follow the recommendations for preparing a saline solution, be able to apply a bandage correctly and strictly follow the instructions for use for the treatment of a particular disease.

You should not start treatment with salt without consulting a specialist if you have:

  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Regular migraines;
  • Heart failure;
  • Kidney problems;
  • The functioning of the urinary system is disrupted;
  • Metabolism is disrupted.

In case of cerebral vascular sclerosis, a salt dressing is contraindicated!

In it you will learn how to prepare a miracle remedy for tightened and elastic skin at home yourself.

And remember, any disease requires proper and timely treatment. So don't delay it.

And for the sake of the soul, we will listen Sting Fragile. How fragile we are after all - a poetic translation of the title of this song.

see also

Traditional medicine - treatment with salt Treatment with salt in folk medicine is recommended both by taking it orally and using it externally. Sea or rock salt is suitable for this. I will give a few examples of how traditional medicine uses sodium chloride internally. For cardiac pathology, as well as for certain diseases digestive tract You can drink kefir with a pinch of salt at night. In case of poisoning, traditional medicine recommends drinking a glass of vodka with the addition of a teaspoon of salt. If you have belching or overeating, you can drink a glass of tea or milk with the addition of a pinch of sodium chloride. Table salt – treatment with external use. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with saline solution for sore throat, as well as for pharyngitis. To do this, you need a teaspoon of salt per 200 milliliters of warm water. If you have a cold, you can use this effective recipe. You will need salt in the amount of one teaspoon and a glass of warm water, add five drops of regular alcohol solution Yoda. This drug should be used to rinse the mouth, and it is also necessary to rinse the nasal cavity daily. For some skin diseases, and also as a rejuvenating agent, you can prepare such a healing mixture that should be wiped on the skin. You will need a liter of fairly hot water, add two tablespoons apple cider vinegar and the same amount of salt, as well as fifteen milliliters of honey. Rock salt - use for wraps. To do this, you will need a glass of sodium chloride and a liter of water. They soak a sheet or long shirt in this liquid, wring it out and wrap themselves in it, and then go to bed. In the morning, wipe the skin with a dry cloth, while making massaging movements. You can prepare a strong solution. This will require 500 grams of salt and a liter of water. They wipe themselves with this liquid, and after thirty minutes they need to take a warm shower to wash off brine. Grind coarse sea salt in the amount of a tablespoon with 100 grams wheat flour, then add some warm water. The result should be a thick dough. It is recommended to spread it on the affected skin, in particular on areas of eczema, as well as on sore joints, and put a plastic film on top and create a bandage. At ringworm It is recommended to soak in a strong saline solution Rye bread, after which the resulting mass is applied to the sore joints and a compress is tied for a while. Mix salt and honey in equal proportions and use this mixture to rub joints, and it is also useful to rub this mixture into sore gums. In addition, you can add sodium chloride to blue clay when you plan to make applications or compresses with it, in this situation the effect of clay on the body will increase.