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Severe damage to the central nervous system. Traumatic injuries of the central nervous system

Every expectant mother is afraid of the pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth and wants to prevent them.

One of these pathologies is fetal hypoxia and hypoxia during childbirth, which can lead to disturbances in the functioning of many organs and tissues, including the brain.

The consequences of such damage can be long time sometimes for a lifetime.

Causes of hypoxic CNS damage in a newborn

The central nervous system is the first to suffer from a lack of oxygen, which can be caused by various factors during pregnancy and childbirth. It can be:

During pregnancy:

Gestosis on later dates;

Premature abruption of the placenta, the threat of termination of pregnancy;

Heart defects in the mother and fetus;

Maternal anemia;

deficiency or excess amniotic fluid;

Maternal intoxication (drug, occupational, smoking);

Rh-conflict of mother and fetus;

Infectious diseases of the mother;

During childbirth:

Entanglement of the umbilical cord on the neck of the fetus;

Weakness labor activity;

Protracted childbirth;

Bleeding in the mother;

birth trauma neck.

As you can see, most dangerous factors affect the health of the baby even before birth, and only some - during childbirth.

Exacerbate the course of pregnancy pathologies leading to hypoxic damage to the central nervous system in a newborn chronic diseases mother or her too young or too mature age (under 18 or over 35). And with any of the types of hypoxia, the brain is affected in the first place.

Symptoms of brain damage

In the first hours and days after birth signs of violations on the part of of cardio-vascular system, and the symptoms of hypoxic CNS damage begin to manifest themselves later.

If the brain damage is caused by the pathology of pregnancy, then the child may be lethargic, he has weakened or completely absent reflexes that should be healthy newborn. With a pathology that occurs during childbirth, the child does not immediately begin to breathe after birth, the skin has a bluish tint, the frequency of respiratory movements is lower than normal. And physiological reflexes will be reduced in the same way - according to these signs, one can suspect oxygen starvation.

At an older age brain hypoxia, if it was not cured in time, manifests itself as a slowdown in psycho-emotional development up to severe forms dementia, movement disorders. In this case, the presence of organic pathology is possible - brain cysts, hydrocephalus (especially often occurs with intrauterine infections). Severe cerebral hypoxia can lead to lethal outcome.

Diagnosis of hypoxic CNS damage in a newborn

The first diagnostic procedure that is performed for all newborns immediately after birth is an assessment of his condition on the Apgar scale, which takes into account such vital signs as breathing, heartbeat, condition skin, muscle tone and reflexes. A healthy child scores 9-10 points on the Apgar scale, signs of hypoxic CNS damage can significantly reduce this indicator, which should be the reason for more accurate examinations.

Doppler ultrasound allows you to assess the condition blood vessels brain and identify them congenital anomalies, which can become one of the causes of fetal and newborn hypoxia.

Ultrasound, CT and MRI of the brain can reveal various organic pathologies nervous system- cysts, hydrocephalus, areas of ischemia, underdevelopment of certain departments, tumors. The difference in the principles of action of these methods allows you to see the most complete picture of brain damage.

To assess damage to the functions of the nervous system, neurography and myography are used - these are methods based on the impact on muscle and nervous tissue electric shock, and allowing you to track how they react to it different areas nerves and muscles. In the case of congenital hypoxic damage to the central nervous system in a newborn, this method allows us to understand how much the peripheral nervous system has suffered, and how great are the chances of the child for a full-fledged physical development.

Additionally assigned biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis, allowing to identify biochemical disorders associated with cerebral hypoxia.

Treatment of hypoxia in newborns

Treatment for hypoxic brain injury depends on its cause and severity. If hypoxia occurs during childbirth and is not accompanied by an organic pathology of the brain, blood vessels, heart, lungs, or spine, then, depending on the degree, it can either go away on its own within a few hours ( mild form, Apgar 7-8), or require treatment in an oxygen chamber with normal or high blood pressure(hyperbaric oxygen therapy).

Organic pathology, which is the cause of permanent hypoxia of the brain (heart defects, respiratory system, neck injuries) is usually treated surgically. The question of the possibility of surgery and its timing depends on the condition of the child. The same applies to the organic pathology of the brain (cysts, hydrocephalus), which occurs as a result of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. In most cases, the earlier the operation is performed, the more chances the child has for full development.

Prevention of hypoxic brain damage

Since the consequences of intrauterine fetal hypoxia are extremely destructive for the child's brain in the future, a pregnant woman needs to be very careful about her health. It is necessary to minimize the impact of factors that can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy - avoid stress, eat well, exercise in moderation, give up alcohol and smoking, visit antenatal clinics on time.

With severe gestosis, as well as with the appearance of signs of premature detachment of the placenta and the threat of termination of pregnancy - abdominal pain, bloody issues from the genital tract, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, sudden nausea and vomiting for no reason - you should immediately consult a doctor. It may be recommended to lie down for preservation - this recommendation should not be neglected. Complex curative measures conducted in the hospital will avoid severe fetal hypoxia and its consequences in the form of congenital pathologies of the brain.

Ultrasound done on recent weeks pregnancy, allows you to identify such potentially dangerous states as an entanglement with the umbilical cord, which during childbirth can prevent the baby from taking the first breath, breech or lateral presentation, which is also dangerous because hypoxia of the newborn will develop during childbirth. To correct dangerous presentation, there are sets of exercises, and if they are ineffective, a caesarean section is recommended. It is also recommended for entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Measurements of the size of the fetus and pelvis of a woman allows you to determine anatomically and clinically narrow pelvis- discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the size of the head of the child. In this case, natural childbirth will be very traumatic for both mother and baby, or may be completely impossible. by the most safe method delivery in this case is a caesarean section.

During childbirth, it is imperative to monitor the intensity of contractions - if it becomes insufficient for a quick delivery, labor is stimulated. Long stay fetus in the birth canal can lead to the development of cerebral hypoxia, since the placenta no longer supplies oxygen to the body, and the first breath is possible only after birth. This state of affairs can be avoided physical exercise to prepare for childbirth.

If the doctor talks about neuralgia and even VVD, then a common person at least roughly what it is about. But the diagnosis of “residual organic lesion of the central nervous system”, as a rule, confuses everyone (except physicians). It is clear that this is "something in the head." But what? How dangerous and whether it can be treated - this topic requires a serious approach.

What is hidden behind the complex term?

Before revealing such a medical concept as a residual organic lesion of the central nervous system, it is necessary to understand what is generally understood as an organic disorder. This means that the brain is dystrophic changes- cells are destroyed and die, that is, this organ is in an unstable state. The word "residual" indicates that the pathology appeared in a person during the perinatal period (when he was still in the womb) - from 154 days of gestation (in other words, at 22 weeks), when the fetus weighed 500 g, and 7 days after emergence into the world. The disease consists in the fact that the work of the central nervous system organs is disrupted. Thus, a person acquires this pathology as an infant, and it can manifest itself both immediately after birth and in adulthood. The cause of its development in adults is trauma, intoxication (including alcohol, drugs), inflammatory diseases(encephalitis, meningitis).

Why suffer from a headache or spinal cord(it also refers to the CNS)? If we talk about the second, then the reason may be incorrect obstetric care - for example, inaccurate turns of the head when removing the baby. Residual-organic brain damage develops due to genetic disorders that are inherited, maternal diseases, abnormal births, stress, malnutrition and behavior of a pregnant woman (in particular, taking dietary supplements, medications that adversely affect the formation of the organs of the nervous system), asphyxia during childbirth, infectious diseases lactating woman and other adverse factors.

Not like everyone else! External signs of a dangerous inheritance

It is quite difficult to identify residual organic CNS lesions in children without instrumental methods of examination. Parents may not notice anything unusual in physical condition and behavior of the baby. But an experienced neurologist will likely notice anxiety symptoms. His attention will be attracted by such characteristic signs of pathology in an infant:

  • involuntary trembling upper limbs and chin;
  • unmotivated anxiety;
  • lack of muscle tension (which is typical for newborns);
  • lagging behind deadlines formation of voluntary movements.

With gross brain damage, the picture of the disease looks like this:

  • paralysis of any of the limbs;
  • blindness;
  • violation of pupil movements, strabismus;
  • reflex failure.

In an older child and an adult, pathology can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • fatigue, unstable mood, inability to adapt to physical and mental stress, increased irritability, capriciousness;
  • tic, fears, nocturnal enuresis;
  • mental anxiety, distraction;
  • poor memory, lag in intellectual and speech development, low learning ability, impaired perception;
  • aggression, agitation, tantrums and, lack of self-criticism;
  • inability to independent decisions, suppression, dependence;
  • motor hyperactivity;
  • spilled headache(especially in the morning);
  • progressive loss of vision;
  • sometimes vomiting without nausea;
  • convulsions.

Important! At the first, even minor, signs of organic brain damage, it is recommended to immediately contact a highly qualified specialist, since a timely diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of developing dangerous and irreversible consequences.

Read also:

What diagnostic procedures will confirm the diagnosis?

Today, the following methods are used to diagnose this pathology:

  • MRI of the brain;
  • electroencephalography;
  • raoencephalography.

The patient must be examined by several specialists: a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a defectologist, a speech therapist.

Can the brain be healed?

It must be understood that the term "unspecified residual organic lesion of the central nervous system" (ICB code 10 - G96.9) means several pathologies. Therefore the choice therapeutic methods impact depends on the prevalence, location, degree of necrosis nervous tissue and the condition of the patient. The medicinal component of treatment usually includes sedatives, nootropics, tranquilizers, hypnotics, neuroleptics, psychostimulants, drugs that improve cerebral circulation, vitamin complexes. Good results gives physiotherapy, acupuncture, bioacoustic correction of GM, massage sessions. A child with such a diagnosis needs psychotherapeutic intervention, neuropsychological rehabilitation, and the help of a speech therapist.

Although it is believed that organic lesions nervous system persistent and lifelong, with mild disorders and integrated approach However, treatment can still lead to a complete recovery. In severe lesions, brain edema, spasm of the respiratory muscles, and a malfunction of the center that controls the work of the cardiovascular system are possible. Therefore, constant medical monitoring of the patient's condition is indicated. Epilepsy can be a consequence of this pathology, mental retardation. In the worst case, when the scale of damage is too great, it can lead to the death of the newborn or fetus.

Despite the variety of causes leading to perinatal damage to the nervous system, three periods are distinguished during the course of the disease:

  • acute - 1st month of life);
  • recovery, which is divided into early (from the 2nd to the 3rd month of life) and late (from 4 months to 1 year in full-term ones, up to 2 years in premature ones);
  • outcome of the disease.

In each period, perinatal injuries have different clinical manifestations, which doctors are accustomed to isolate in the form various syndromes(set clinical manifestations diseases grouped under common ground). In addition, a combination of several syndromes is often observed in one child. The severity of each syndrome and their combination make it possible to determine the severity of damage to the nervous system, correctly prescribe treatment and make predictions for the future.

Syndromes of the acute period

Syndromes of the acute period include: CNS depression syndrome, coma syndrome, increased neuro-reflex excitability syndrome, convulsive syndrome, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome.

With mild CNS injuries in newborns, the most common is syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability which is manifested by a startle, increase (hypertonicity) or decrease (hypotension ^ muscle tone, increased reflexes, tremor (trembling) of the chin and limbs, restless superficial sleep, frequent "unreasonable" crying.

With CNS damage medium degree severity in the first days of life, children often have CNS depression in the form of a reduction motor activity and decrease in muscle tone, weakening of reflexes of newborns, including reflexes of sucking and swallowing. By the end of the 1st month of life, CNS depression gradually disappears, and in some children it is replaced by increased arousal. With an average degree of CNS damage, disturbances in work are observed. internal organs and systems ( vegetative-visceral syndrome) in the form of uneven skin coloration (marbling of the skin) due to imperfect regulation of vascular tone, disturbances in the rhythm of breathing and heart contractions, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract in the form of an unstable stool, constipation, frequent regurgitation, flatulence. May be less common convulsive syndrome, in which paroxysmal twitching of the limbs and head, episodes of shuddering and other manifestations of convulsions are observed.

Often in children in the acute period of the disease there are signs hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, which is characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the spaces of the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid, which leads to an increase intracranial pressure. The main symptoms that the doctor notes and that parents may suspect are the rapid growth rate of the child's head circumference (more than 1 cm per week), big sizes and bulging of the large fontanel, divergence of the cranial sutures, anxiety, frequent regurgitation, unusual eye movements (peculiar trembling eyeballs when looking away to the side, up, down - this is called nystagmus), etc.

A sharp inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system and other organs and systems is inherent in the extremely difficult condition of the newborn with the development comatose syndrome(lack of consciousness and coordinating function of the brain). Such a state requires emergency care in resuscitation.

recovery syndromes

In the recovery period of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, the following syndromes are distinguished: syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability, epileptic syndrome, hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome, syndrome of vegetative-visceral dysfunctions, syndrome movement disorders syndrome of delayed psychomotor development. Long-lasting violations of muscle tone often lead to the appearance of a delay in psychomotor development in children, tk. violations of muscle tone and the presence of pathological motor activity - hyperkinesis (involuntary movements caused by contraction of the muscles of the face, trunk, limbs, less often the larynx, soft palate, tongue, external muscles of the eyes) prevent the performance of purposeful movements, the formation of normal motor functions in the baby. With a delay in motor development, the child later begins to hold his head, sit, crawl, walk. Poverty of facial expressions, late appearance of a smile, reduced interest in toys and objects environment, as well as a weak monotonous cry, a delay in the appearance of cooing and babble should alert parents in terms of mental retardation in the baby.

Disease outcomes

By the age of one year, in most children, the manifestations of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system gradually disappear or their minor manifestations persist. TO frequent consequences perinatal lesions include:

  • delayed mental, motor or speech development;
  • cerebroasthenic syndrome (it is manifested by mood swings, motor restlessness, anxious restless sleep, meteorological dependence);
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a disorder of the central nervous system, manifested by aggressiveness, impulsivity, difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, learning and memory disorders.

The most unfavorable outcomes are epilepsy, hydrocephalus, childhood cerebral paralysis, indicating severe perinatal damage to the central nervous system.

In the diagnosis, the doctor must necessarily reflect the alleged causes of damage to the central nervous system, the severity, syndromes and the period of the disease.

In order to diagnose and confirm perinatal CNS damage in children, in addition to a clinical examination, additional instrumental research nervous system, such as neurosonography, dopplerography, computed and magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, etc.

Recently, the most accessible and widely used method for examining children in the first year of life is neurosonography ( ultrasonography brain), which is carried out through a large fontanel. This study is harmless, can be repeated both in full-term and premature babies, allowing you to monitor the processes occurring in the brain in dynamics. In addition, the study can be performed on newborns in serious condition forced to be in the intensive care unit in incubators (special beds with transparent walls that allow you to provide a certain temperature regime, control the condition of the newborn) and on a ventilator ( artificial respiration through the machine). Neurosonography allows assessing the state of the substance of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (brain structures filled with liquid - cerebrospinal fluid), identifying malformations, and suggesting possible reasons damage to the nervous system (hypoxia, hemorrhage, infection).

If a child has severe neurological disorders in the absence of signs of brain damage on neurosonography, such children are prescribed more precise methods CNS studies - computed (CT) or magnetic resonance (MRI) tomography. Unlike neurosonography, these methods allow us to assess the smallest structural changes brain and spinal cord. However, they can only be carried out in a hospital, since during the study the baby should not make active movements, which is achieved by the introduction of special drugs to the child.

In addition to studying the structures of the brain, it has recently become possible to assess blood flow in cerebral vessels using dopplerography. However, the data obtained during its implementation can only be taken into account in conjunction with the results of other research methods.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method of studying the bioelectrical activity of the brain. It allows you to assess the degree of maturity of the brain, to suggest the presence of a convulsive syndrome in a baby. Due to the immaturity of the brain in children in the first year of life, the final assessment of EEG parameters is possible only if this study is repeatedly conducted in dynamics.

Thus, the diagnosis of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system in a baby is established by the doctor after a thorough analysis of data on the course of pregnancy and childbirth, on the condition of the newborn at birth, on the presence of disease syndromes identified in him, as well as on these additional research methods. In the diagnosis, the doctor will necessarily reflect the alleged causes of CNS damage, the severity, syndromes and the period of the disease.

Why do CNS disorders occur?

Analyzing the causes leading to disturbances in the work of the central nervous system of a newborn, doctors distinguish four groups of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system:

  • hypoxic lesions of the central nervous system, in which the main damaging factor is hypoxia (lack of oxygen);
  • traumatic lesions resulting from mechanical damage tissues of the brain and spinal cord during childbirth, in the first minutes and hours of a child's life;
  • dysmetabolic and toxic-metabolic lesions, the main damaging factor of which are metabolic disorders in the child's body, as well as damage as a result of the use of toxic substances by a pregnant woman (drugs, alcohol, drugs, smoking);
  • lesions of the central nervous system in infectious diseases of the perinatal period "when the main damaging effect is exerted by an infectious agent (viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms).

Help for children with CNS damage

In connection with the possibilities early diagnosis perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, the treatment and rehabilitation of these conditions should be carried out as soon as possible early dates so that the therapeutic effects fall on the first months of the baby's life, when the violations are still reversible. It should be said that the ability of the child's brain to restore disturbed functions, as well as the capabilities of the whole organism as a whole, are very high precisely during this period of life. It is in the first months of life that the maturation of brain nerve cells to replace those that died after hypoxia is still possible, the formation of new connections between them, due to which the normal development of the organism as a whole will be determined in the future. I would like to note that even minimal manifestations of perinatal CNS lesions require appropriate treatment for prevent adverse outcomes of the disease.

Assistance to children with CNS injuries is carried out in three stages.

First stage involves assistance in maternity hospital(delivery room, ward intensive care, neonatal intensive care unit) and includes the restoration and maintenance of the functioning of vital organs (heart, lungs, kidneys), normalization of metabolic processes, treatment of CNS damage syndromes (oppression or excitation, seizures, cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, etc.). It is at the first stage of care that the main treatments for children with severe CNS injuries are medication and intensive (for example, mechanical ventilation) therapy.

On the background of treatment, the condition of babies gradually improves, however, many symptoms of CNS damage (impaired muscle tone, reflexes, fatigue, anxiety, dysfunction in the lungs, heart, gastrointestinal tract) may persist, which requires the transfer of children to second stage of treatment and rehabilitation, namely - to the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies or to the neurological department of the children's hospital.

On this stage prescribe drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease (infections, toxic substances) and affecting the mechanism of the development of the disease, as well as drugs used to treat certain syndromes of CNS damage. These are drugs that improve the nutrition of nerve cells, stimulate the maturation of brain tissue, improve microcirculation 2 and cerebral circulation, reduce muscle tone, etc. later) a course of massage can be prescribed with the gradual addition of therapeutic exercises, electrophoresis sessions and other rehabilitation methods.

After the end of the course of treatment, most children are discharged home with recommendations for further observation in a children's clinic ( third stage of rehabilitation). Pediatrician together with a neuropathologist, and, if necessary, with others narrow specialists(oculist, otolaryngologist, orthopedist, psychologist, physiotherapist, etc.) is individual plan observation of the child in the first year of life. During this period, all greater value begin to acquire non-drug methods rehabilitation such as massage, physiotherapy, electrophoresis, impulse currents, acupuncture, thermal treatments, balneotherapy (therapeutic baths), swimming, as well as psychological and pedagogical methods of correction aimed at developing motor skills, speech and the psyche of the child.

If the damage to the central nervous system is not severe and the baby is discharged from maternity ward home, it is important to create a therapeutic and protective regimen during the acute period of the disease. And this means - to protect the child from unnecessary irritants ( loud noise radio, TV, loud conversations), create conditions for thermal comfort (avoid both overheating and hypothermia), not forgetting to regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located. In addition, it is necessary to protect the child as much as possible from the possibility of any infection, limiting visits to the newborn by acquaintances and relatives.

Particular attention should be paid proper nutrition, as it is a powerful healing factor. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients for the full development of the child. Early translation into artificial feeding leads to early start and more frequent development of infectious diseases. Meanwhile, the protective factors of mother's milk are able to partially compensate for the lack of their own immune factors during this period of development, allowing the baby to direct all his compensatory abilities to restore impaired functions after hypoxia. And the biologically active substances, hormones, growth factors contained in breast milk can activate the processes of restoration and maturation of the central nervous system. In addition, maternal touch during breastfeeding is an important emotional stimulant that helps reduce stressful condition, which means a more complete perception of the world around children.

Premature babies and babies born with severe CNS damage are often forced to be fed through a tube or bottle in the first days of life. Do not despair, but try to save breast milk, expressing it regularly and giving it to the baby. As soon as the condition of your crumbs improves, it will definitely be attached to the mother's breast.

An important place in the recovery period is occupied by massotherapy and gymnastics, which normalize muscle tone, improve metabolic processes, blood circulation, thereby increasing the overall reactivity of the body, contribute to the psychomotor development of the child. The course of massage includes from 10 to 20 sessions. Depending on the severity of the CNS lesion in the first year of life, at least 3-4 massage courses are performed with an interval of 1-1.5 months. At the same time, between courses, parents continue to practice therapeutic exercises with the child at home, having previously learned during the classes.

Methods of massage and therapeutic gymnastics depend, first of all, on the nature of motor disorders, the characteristics of changes in muscle tone, and also on the prevalence of certain syndromes of CNS damage.

So, in hyperexcitability syndrome, techniques are used to reduce general excitability (swaying in the fetal position or on a ball) and muscle tone (relaxing massage with elements of acupressure). At the same time, in children with signs of depression of the nervous system, a strengthening massage of the muscles of the back, abdomen, gluteal muscles, as well as relaxed arms and legs is used.

Massage and therapeutic gymnastics create favorable conditions For general development the child is accelerated by the development of motor functions (mastering such skills as raising and holding the head, turning on the side, stomach, back, sitting, crawling, walking independently). Particular importance is given to classes on inflatable objects - balls, rolls (rollers). They are used to develop vestibular functions, help to relax tense and strengthen relaxed muscles, water. In this case, the exercises are carried out in ordinary baths, their duration at first is 5-7 minutes and gradually increases to 15 minutes. At the beginning of the course, it is desirable to undergo training with a medical instructor, and then it is possible to conduct classes in a home bath. Water not only tones weak muscles and relaxes tense ones, stimulates metabolism and blood circulation, has a hardening effect, but also has a calming effect on the baby's nervous system. It should be noted that an increase in intracranial pressure in children is not a contraindication to swimming - in this case, diving should only be excluded.

It is also possible to have a stimulating underwater shower-massage in a warm bath. At the same time, water entering through a wide tip under low pressure (0.5 atmospheres) has a massaging effect on the muscles. To do this, a stream of water is slowly moved from the periphery to the center at a distance of 10-20 cm from the surface of the body. This massage is carried out in a hospital or clinic.

Among the water procedures that have healing effects, for children with perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, balneotherapy is used - taking therapeutic baths. Due to the peculiarities of the skin in children (high permeability, rich vascular network, abundance nerve endings- receptors), therapeutic baths are especially effective. Under the action of salts dissolved in water, blood circulation and metabolism in the skin, muscles and the whole body are enhanced. Parents can carry out these procedures on their own at home, having received the recommendations of a doctor. Salt baths are prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of sea or table salt per 10 liters of water, water temperature 36°C. They take procedures from 3-5 to 10-15 minutes every other day, the course of treatment is 10-15 baths. In excitable children, it is often recommended to add coniferous baths to salty baths, as well as baths with decoctions of valerian, motherwort, which have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Among the methods of physiotherapy most often used medicinal electrophoresis, impulse currents, inductothermy, ultrasound, etc. Introduction to the body medicinal substances with the help of direct current (electrophoresis) improves blood circulation in tissues and muscle tone, promotes the resorption of inflammatory foci, and when exposed to collar zone improves cerebral circulation and brain activity. The impact of pulsed currents of various characteristics can have both excitatory and inhibitory effects on muscles, which is often used in the treatment of paresis and paralysis.

In the treatment of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system in children, local thermal procedures (heat therapy) are also used by applying ozocerite (mountain wax), paraffin or sandbags to the affected areas. Thermal effects cause tissue warming, vasodilation, increasing blood circulation and metabolism, in addition, recovery processes are activated, muscle tone decreases. To do this, pre-heated to 39-42 ° C, ozokerite is applied to the site of exposure, covered with a blanket and left to act for 15-30 minutes, depending on age. Procedures are carried out every other day in the amount of 15-20 per course of treatment.

Impact on particularly sensitive points in order to stimulate reflexes is carried out using the method of acupuncture. In this case, the effects can be carried out with an acupuncture (used in acupuncture) needle, pulsed electric current, laser radiation or a magnetic field.

With the onset of the recovery period of the disease, it is necessary to gradually expand auditory, visual, emotional contacts with the baby, as they are a kind of non-drug "nootrophs" - stimulants for the developing brain. These are toys that develop rugs and complexes, books and pictures, individually selected musical programs recorded on a tape recorder, and, of course, mother's songs.

However, it should be remembered that overindulgence early development programs can lead to fatigue and disruption of the baby's not yet fully strengthened nervous system. Therefore, show moderation and patience in everything, and even better - do not forget to discuss all undertakings with your doctor. Remember - the health of your child is in your hands. So do not spare the time and effort to restore the injured baby.

New medicine for the rehabilitation of the baby

The new methods of rehabilitation of children with CNS lesions include the method of soft vibration massage in weightlessness (rehabilitation bed "Saturn"). For this, the child is placed on an individual diaper in a “pseudo-liquid” heated to the required temperature from glass microballoons moving in the bed under the influence of an air flow. The effect of buoyancy is created (close to intrauterine), in which up to 65% of the surface of the child's body is immersed in the "pseudo-fluid". At the same time, the soft massage effect on the skin of the microballoons leads to irritation of the peripheral nerve endings and the transmission of impulses to the central nervous system, which ensures the treatment of paralysis.

Another of the new rehabilitation methods is the “dry immersion” method, which also creates the effect of a partial imitation of the prenatal state of the child. In this case, the babies are located on a plastic film lying freely on the swaying surface of water with a temperature of 35~37 ° C. During the session, excited children calm down, often fall asleep, which contributes to a decrease in muscle tone, ”while children with CNS depression are somewhat activated.

1 Perinatal - referring to the period starting a few weeks before the birth of the child, including the moment of his birth and ending a few days after the birth of the child. This period lasts from the 28th week of pregnancy to the 7th day after the birth of the child.

2 The movement of blood through the smallest vessels organism in order to better deliver oxygen to the cells and nutrients, as well as the excretion of metabolic products of cells

All living things cannot exist without taking signals into account. external environment. Perceives them, processes and provides interaction with the surrounding nature of the nervous system. It also coordinates the work of all systems within the body.

neurological disease

The central nervous system plays an important role in regulating human behavior. Diseases of the central nervous system today affect people of all ages.

Damage to the central nervous system is neurological disease. Patients with disorders of the central nervous system are under the supervision of a neurologist, although diseases of any other organs may be concomitant.

Disorders of the nervous system are closely intertwined with severe disharmony mental activity that provokes change positive qualities character of a person. Damage to the central nervous system can affect the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, leading to neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Causes of CNS damage

The central nervous system can be affected by some of the medicines, physical or emotional overload, difficult and difficult childbirth.

CNS damage can be caused by drug use and abuse alcoholic beverages, which leads to a decrease in the potential of important centers of the brain.

CNS diseases are caused by trauma, infections, autoimmune diseases, structural defects, tumors, and stroke.

Types of CNS damage

One of the varieties of diseases of the central nervous system are neurodegenerative diseases, which are characterized by progressive dysfunction and cell death in certain areas nervous system. These include Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease, lateral amyotrophic sclerosis(ALS). Alzheimer's disease causes memory loss, personality changes, dementia, and eventually death. Parkinson's disease causes tremors, rigidity, and impaired movement control as a result of loss of dopamine. Most characteristic symptoms Huntington's disease is random and uncontrolled movements.

A potential threat to the central nervous system is presented by retroviral infections, which illustrate the molecular interaction between some viral pathogens and pathological reactions resulting from this interaction.

Viral infections of the nervous system are increasing from year to year, which confirms the significant increase in global epidemics during recent years.

Disorders in the work of the central nervous system in some cases occur during fetal development or during childbirth.

With damage to the central nervous system, an imbalance occurs in all human organs, the work of which is regulated by the central nervous system.

Failure of the central nervous system in any case will lead to damage or disruption of the activity of other organs.

Organic damage to the CNS

Inadequate brain activity means that an organic lesion of the nervous system has occurred, which can be congenital or acquired. Most people have mild degree a lesion that does not require treatment. The presence of a moderate and severe degree of this disease requires medical intervention, as there is a violation of the central nervous system.

Signs of an organic lesion of the central nervous system are hyperexcitability, quick distractibility, urinary incontinence in daytime, sleep disturbance. In some cases, the work of the organs of hearing and vision worsens, and coordination of movements is also disturbed. Suffering the immune system person.

Viral infections that occur in a woman who is carrying a child, the use of various medical preparations, smoking or drinking alcohol during pregnancy affect the functioning of the central nervous system and lead to its disruption.

Organic damage to the nervous system can be observed in both children and adults.

The central nervous system includes the spinal cord and brain. The spinal cord is located in spinal column and is presented in the form of a strand, which starts from the occipital foramen and ends in lumbar region. The brain is located inside the skull. An organic lesion of the central nervous system means that the human brain is defective. Doctors say that the first stage of this disease can be detected in 99% of people. This stage has no symptoms and does not need treatment. However, stage 2 is a more severe type of lesion, but stage 3 is serious disease with serious deviations.


Brain damage can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathologies develop if during pregnancy a woman:

  • used alcohol, drugs or smoked
  • had the flu, SARS
  • taking certain drugs that have a toxic effect
  • experienced a lot of stress.

Also, reasons include hereditary predisposition and too young age of the expectant mother. In addition, organic brain damage can occur with improper management of childbirth and birth trauma.

Acquired damage to the central nervous system occurs after:

  • stroke
  • traumatic brain injury
  • alcohol and drug use
  • infectious diseases (meningitis, meningoencephalitis)

In addition, damage can occur against the background of autoimmune diseases and tumor processes in the brain.

Symptoms of damage to the central nervous system:

  • fast fatiguability
  • daytime urinary incontinence
  • incoordination
  • decreased vision and hearing
  • quick distractibility
  • reduced immunity

Children with an organic lesion of the central nervous system are called mentally retarded. They are out of order mental development inhibited active perception, speech, logical thinking and arbitrary memory. For such children, either increased excitability or inertia is characteristic. They have difficulty in forming interests and communicating with peers.

In addition, the physical development of the child also suffers. Such children have an irregular shape of the skull, their general and fine motor skills, there are difficulties in the formation of motor automatisms.

Diseases of the central nervous system caused by organic damage to the brain:

  1. Oligophrenia
  2. dementia

Oligophrenia is a disease characterized by mental retardation. Such children have reduced intelligence, they lag behind speech, motor skills, emotions. The disease is often congenital or develops in the first year of life. These people are able to take care of themselves.

The human central nervous system consists of neurons and their processes, when these neurons begin to break down, dementia occurs. Dementia is a disease in which there is a loss of skills and knowledge and the inability to acquire new ones.

The disease is acquired in nature and occurs as a symptom of many diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause dementia (55 - 60% of cases)
  • vascular
  • alcoholism
  • brain tumors
  • traumatic brain injury

There are 3 degrees of severity of dementia. At grade 1, the patient is capable of self-service, but social activity is already impaired. At grade 2, the patient requires self-monitoring. At grade 3, the patient does not understand what they are saying to him and does not say anything himself. Not capable of self-care. Needs constant supervision.


Psychiatrists and neurologists deal with organic lesions of the central nervous system. An experienced psychiatrist, looking at the face, can determine if the child has "organic" (organic brain damage). Patients will also be given medical checkup Key words: ultrasound examination of the brain, electroencephalogram, rheoencephalogram. All these studies will help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Congenital Therapy organic disorders brain is a very long process. The child will need a whole range of activities and consultations of all specialists. To improve cerebral circulation, children are prescribed nootropics:

  • Piracetam
  • Oxiracetam
  • phenotropil
  • Semax

Also, children are shown drugs to correct affective lability and suppress perverted cravings:

  • Phenazepam
  • Sonapax

In addition, children need:

  • massage
  • physiotherapy treatment that improves cerebral circulation, reduces muscle spasm
  • classes with a psychologist and defectologist

Before starting to treat acquired brain lesions, it is necessary to find out the cause of their development. After finding out the cause, the doctor will prescribe a treatment aimed at curing the underlying disease and symptomatic therapy. Patients need to prescribe drugs that improve cerebral circulation, moderate physical exercise, nutrition, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, as well as antidepressants and antipsychotics.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. They are responsible for normal life person. Congenital and acquired organic lesions of the central nervous system began to occur quite often. This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, non-compliance with all the rules during pregnancy, and many others. Remember, in order for a child to be born healthy, you need to eat right, give up bad habits and avoid stress and not self-medicate. It must be remembered that many drugs are prohibited during pregnancy. If your child is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, do not lose heart.
