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Where is the vestibular apparatus located, its structure and functions. What is the vestibular apparatus and where is it located - how it works and disorders, exercises for training

Vestibular apparatus participates in maintaining the balance necessary for orienting the human body in space. With any change in body position, the receptors of the vestibular apparatus are irritated. The resulting nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain to the appropriate centers.

The vestibular apparatus consists of two parts (Fig. 97): bony vestibule And three semicircular ducts(channels). Located in the bony vestibule and semicircular canals membranous labyrinth, filled with endolymph.

Rice. 97. Structure of the organ of balance:

1 - vestibule, 2 - semicircular canals, 3 - spherical sac, 4 - elliptical sac, 5 - endolymphatic duct, 6 - spot of spherical sac, 7 - otolithic apparatus, 8 - supporting cells, 9 - hair sensory cell, 10 - statoconia, 11 - statoconia membrane, 12 - lateral semicircular canal, 13 - anterior semicircular canal, 14 - posterior semicircular canal, 15 - ampulla, 16 - ampulla scallop, 17 - hair sensory cells, 18 - dome

Between the walls of the bone cavities and the membranous labyrinth repeating their shape, there is a slit-like space containing perilymph. The membranous vestibule, shaped like two sacs, communicates with the membranous cochlear duct. Three openings open into the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule membranous semicircular canals - anterior, posterior and lateral, oriented in three mutually perpendicular planes. Front, or superior, semicircular the canal lies in the frontal plane, rear – in the sagittal plane, external – in the horizontal plane. One end of each semicircular canal has an extension - ampoule. On the inner surface of the membranous sacs of the vestibule and ampullae of the semicircular canals, there are areas containing sensitive cells that perceive the position of the body in space and imbalance.

On inner surface membranous sacs are arranged in a complex arrangement otolith apparatus, dubbed spots(see Fig. 97). The spots, oriented in different planes, consist of clusters of sensitive hair cells. On the surface of these cells, which have hairs, there is a gelatinous statoconia membrane, which contains crystals of calcium carbonate - otoliths, or statoconia. The hairs of the receptor cells are immersed in statoconia membrane.

In the ampoules of the membranous semicircular canals, accumulations of receptor hair cells look like folds, called ampullary scallops. On the hair cells there is a gelatin-like transparent dome that does not have a cavity (see Fig. 97).

Sensitive receptor cells of the sacs and scallops of the ampullae of the semicircular canals are sensitive to any changes in the position of the body in space. Any change in body position causes movement of the gelatinous membrane of the statoconia. This movement is perceived by hair receptor cells, and a nerve impulse is generated in them.

Sensitive cells of the spots of the sacs perceive gravity and vibration vibrations. In normal body position, statoconia press on certain hair cells. When the position of the body changes, statoconia exert pressure on other receptor cells, new nerve impulses arise that enter the brain, into the central sections of the vestibular analyzer. These impulses signal a change in body position. Sensory hair cells in the ampullar ridges generate nerve impulses during various rotational movements of the head. Sensitive cells are excited by the movements of the endolymph located in the membranous semicircular canals. Since the semicircular canals are oriented in three mutually perpendicular planes, any turn of the head will necessarily cause the endolymph to move in one or another canal. Its inertial pressure excites receptor cells. The nerve impulse generated in the receptor hair cells of the macula sacs and ampullar ridges is transmitted to the following neurons, the processes of which form the vestibular (vestibular) nerve. This nerve along with auditory nerve comes out of the pyramid temporal bone through the internal auditory canal and is directed to the vestibular nuclei located in the lateral sections of the bridge. The processes of the cells of the vestibular nuclei of the bridge are sent to the cerebellar nuclei, motor nuclei of the brain and motor nuclei of the spinal cord. As a result, in response to stimulation of the vestibular receptors, the tone of the skeletal muscles reflexively changes, and the position of the head and the entire body changes in the required direction.

The vestibular apparatus is part of a complex mechanism that provides a person with balance and coordination of movements. It continuously interacts with the skin, visual and nervous systems. A study of the vestibular apparatus is required in cases where a failure occurs in their coordinated work, as a result of which a person loses his balance and ceases to orient himself in space.

Vestibular apparatus: concept

The organ is complicated organized by the system, the development of which is completed by 12-15 years. He is part inner ear.

Thanks to the work of the vestibular apparatus, a person easily navigates in space and maintains body balance even with eyes closed. When you try to make any movement, the system's receptors are instantly irritated, sending an impulse to the brain and muscle tissue. At the same time, the image is recorded on the retina. Due to this, the body can take any pose and long time hold her.

Like any other system of the body, the organ of balance is extremely vulnerable. At the first sign of any violation of the vestibular apparatus, you should immediately contact a general practitioner or an otorhinolaryngologist.

Causes of the disorder

Failure of the normal functioning of the body may be due to the development of certain diseases or the intake of certain medications. Often, violations of the vestibular apparatus appear as the body ages.

Most common reasons disorders are:

  1. Positional vertigo. Occurs when the head is raised up or turned to the side. It is strong in nature, but short-lived. Dizziness occurs due to disruption of the receptor structure. Because of this, incorrect information about the position of the body is sent to the brain. Reasons this state there may be head injuries, diseases nervous system, aging.
  2. Labyrinth infarction(one of the structures of the inner ear). Typically occurs in elderly patients. In young people it appears due to progression vascular diseases. Accompanied sudden loss hearing and motor coordination.
  3. Vestibular neuronitis. The cause is the herpes virus. The peak incidence occurs in the autumn-spring period.
  4. Labyrinthitis. Violation of one of the structures of the inner ear is caused by the activity of viruses and bacteria.
  5. Meniere's disease. Non-purulent ear disease. It is characterized by damage and subsequent regeneration of the labyrinth.
  6. Discharge disease. For example, due to long stay In a moving vehicle, a person involuntarily sways after getting out of it.
  7. Other reasons: migraine, diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.


A study of the vestibular apparatus should be carried out when the following signs of its disturbance appear:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • sudden loss of balance or feeling like you might fall;
  • weakness;
  • blurred vision;
  • a loss ;
  • a state of anxiety turning into panic;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • difficulty trying to concentrate.

Often a failure in the system is accompanied by violations on the part of gastrointestinal tract.


A study of the function of the vestibular apparatus is prescribed for:

  • frequent attacks of dizziness accompanied by hearing loss;
  • reduction of reflex reactions;
  • the presence of a tumor in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • degenerative damage to the nervous system.

In addition, it is required to study the function of the vestibular apparatus for the IHC (military medical commission) and when applying for a job associated with increased loads on the balance organ.


The examination is prohibited in the following cases:

  • acute period of head injury;
  • in the presence of serious cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increased intracranial pressure.


An important point before examining the function of the vestibular apparatus is the collection of anamnesis. With its help, assumptions are made regarding the cause of the violation and the most appropriate method of examination is selected.

The doctor pays special attention to the following:

  • when symptoms began, their frequency and duration;
  • the nature of the signs, the sequence of their occurrence;
  • Are there any hearing impairments?

Based on the history data, the specialist prescribes the most benign method of testing. Based on his decision, the patient may be redirected to other doctors.

To date, there are many methods for studying the vestibular apparatus. The most common are:

  1. Spontaneous nystagmus test(involuntary contractions eye muscles). Availability this symptom is defined as follows: the patient sits on a chair and fixes his gaze on index finger medical worker, located approximately 30 cm from the patient. The researcher begins to move his finger in different directions. When you move your gaze, nystagmus may appear. It has three degrees: weak, medium and strong.
  2. Study of positional nystagmus. It occurs due to circulatory problems and in some diseases cervical spine. To identify positional nystagmus, the patient's head is placed in a position that worsens blood flow in the arteries of the spine, and, consequently, in the ear labyrinth.
  3. Romberg test. The patient stands up and brings them together. After this, he should stretch his arms forward and close his eyes. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus is manifested by the patient swaying or falling.
  4. Index test. The patient closes his eyes, after which he is asked to touch the tip of his nose with his finger. If coordination of movements is impaired, he will not be able to do this.
  5. Writing test. The patient is seated at a table and given paper and pen. Then he needs to write several numbers from top to bottom and from left to right. After this, all actions are repeated, but with eyes closed. The result depends on the angle of deviation of the written numbers from the horizontal and vertical lines.
  6. Rotational test. The patient sits in Barani's chair and closes his eyes. After this, the chair begins to rotate. If the function of the vestibular apparatus is not impaired, after 10 uniform revolutions, nystagmus appears in the direction opposite to circling.
  7. Caloric test. A 100 ml syringe is filled with cold or hot water, after which it flows into ear canal. At normal operation vestibular apparatus, nystagmus will appear after ingestion of 50 ml of liquid. If there is dysfunction, there will be no reaction, even with the infusion of a large amount of water (up to 500 ml).
  8. Otolith reaction. The patient sits on the Barani chair, tilts his torso forward and closes his eyes. The chair begins to rotate intensively in different directions and abruptly stops. The patient should straighten his body and open his eyes. The nature of the reaction determines the degree of violation. At this method studies of the vestibular apparatus, the worst results are considered to be falling, vomiting, and fainting.

Where can I get a vestibular examination?

This diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist. If symptoms of dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus appear, you must contact an ENT specialist or a therapist who will give the appropriate direction. The procedure can also be carried out on a contractual basis by contacting a private clinic.


Vestibular apparatus - complex mechanism, providing a person with balance and the ability to navigate in space. It is closely connected with other organs. When the system fails, unpleasant symptoms. If they occur, a study of the vestibular apparatus by an otolaryngologist is indicated.

Disorders of the vestibular system cause symptoms that affect a person’s ability to work, and therefore their treatment is an urgent matter. Can provoke attacks of dizziness various diseases. The most common pathologies should be considered in more detail, as well as find out what diagnostic and treatment methods are used today.

Symptoms of disorders and their types

Violation of the vestibular apparatus is characterized by the appearance of dizziness and deterioration of orientation in space. Depending on the diagnosis, other symptoms may be added, mainly associated with the body’s autonomic reactions.

Problems that arise with the vestibular apparatus determine symptoms such as:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • problems with orientation in space;
  • feeling of falling;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • nystagmus;
  • loss of balance;
  • increased sweating;
  • pale skin;
  • pain in the ear area, temporal bone, can radiate to other parts of the body;
  • spots before the eyes;
  • noise in ears;
  • tachycardia;
  • respiratory rhythm disturbances;
  • hallucinations;
  • increased saliva production;
  • swallowing dysfunction;
  • facial nerve paresis;
  • stuffy ears.

Some of the symptoms can even be eliminated folk remedies. Others cannot be treated and accompany a person throughout his life.

IN medical practice many pathologies are known, but the following diseases associated with the vestibular organ are most common:

  • . There is a high probability of inheritance of this disease. Endolymph accumulates in the inner ear and hearing loss occurs.
  • . This violation of the vestibular apparatus is associated with the formation of clusters of otoliths that move along the endolymph and provoke positioning asymmetry when turning the head and torso.
  • Otosclerosis. With the development of this disease, hearing is reduced, sclerosed bone is formed in the labyrinth.
  • Blockage of the labyrinthine artery. Not only the functions of the organ of balance are disturbed, but the blood supply to the brain is also blocked, which is life-threatening.
  • Basilar migraine. An adolescent illness associated with headaches and dizziness.
  • Vestibular neuritis. Dysfunction of the vestibular process associated with infectious inflammation.
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome. A problem for older people related to the cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic bilateral vestibulopathy. Poisoning with ototoxic substances and drugs.
  • Epilepsy. Chronic neurological pathology, which is accompanied by paroxysmal symptoms, including involuntary muscle contraction and convulsions.
  • Craniovertebral pathology. Compression of nerve roots, defects in the connections of the skull and spine.

All these pathologies are directly or indirectly related to the organ of balance, which, when exacerbated, is characterized by the occurrence of dizziness and other accompanying symptoms.


The causes of violations of the vestibular apparatus are congenital and acquired. The following factors can provoke such problems:

  • Injuries. Traumatic brain injuries, hearing damage, pressure exposure, loud sounds, vibration. All this causes disruption of the balance organ.
  • Infections. Systemic diseases spread infection through the bloodstream, provoke side complications. Pathologies of nearby organs also play a role.
  • Intoxication. Ototoxic drugs, chemicals, heavy metals, poisons provoke defeat nerve endings. The same effect can be given by the uncontrolled use of folk remedies.
  • Chronic pathologies of the body. For example, diseases such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, problems thyroid gland, metabolism, etc.
  • . It is especially worth highlighting labyrinthitis, in which often there is an inflammatory lesion of the vestibular nerve and the organ as a whole.
  • Sulfur plug. May provoke attacks of dizziness.
  • Tumor. Oncology or neuroma puts pressure on the organ and leads to destructive processes.
  • Age. Over the years, the body loses the ability to qualitatively perform some of its functions. Wear and tear of human organs can be associated with past diseases or the characteristics of his work and lifestyle.
  • Heredity. Some diseases are transmitted from parents to children.
  • Congenital anomalies. This is the underdevelopment of the inner ear, neurological abnormalities, pregnancy pathologies, birth injuries.

Some people have a weak vestibular apparatus associated with hormonal development or the natural sensitivity of the organ. This problem can be eliminated with training or it will go away on its own.

Diagnostic methods

You can determine disorders of the vestibular apparatus yourself when a person begins to experience characteristic symptoms and sudden attacks dizziness. On early stages these signs are almost invisible, but diagnosis is still possible thanks to special methods.

The examination of the vestibular system should include testing of hearing, reflexes, neurological tests and tissue x-rays. The following methods are used:

  • audiometry;
  • Ultrasound Dopplerography (Doppler ultrasound);
  • CT/MRI;
  • radiography;
  • Electronystagmography.

They allow you to identify foci of damage and identify those diseases that provoked negative processes.

Special studies of the function of the vestibular apparatus include a set of tests showing the degree of sensitivity of the organ and the correctness of its operation:

  • Rotational test. A special chair is used, like a regular office chair. The patient is in a chair with his head bowed. The doctor spins it up to 10 revolutions for 20 seconds. After an abrupt stop, the doctor observes a period of dizziness and nystagmus, the duration of which indicates the presence of abnormalities. Using folk remedies in the form of spinning on a chair, you can achieve a similar effect.
  • Thermal research. The doctor alternately applies cold and cold water into the ear canal. warm water. Depending on the temperature, the direction of nystagmus changes and the sensitivity of the organ is expressed.
  • Index test. No auxiliary materials are needed for work. The patient closes his eyes and points towards an object located in front of him. If he missed, then there is a problem.
  • Romberg's test. You need to connect your legs and stand strictly vertically. Deviation from the axis indicates damage to one or another ear.

Balance disorder can be checked at home by testing your vestibular system by walking in a straight line, touching the tip of your nose, etc. Such methods are used by police officers when checking the stage of intoxication.

If damage to the labyrinth or signs of a disease affecting coordination have been detected, treatment must be started immediately.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of the vestibular system is based on its training and elimination of the main symptom – dizziness. Specific activities, namely appointment medicines and radical interventions in, is determined by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis and clarification of the cause of the disease. Physiotherapy methods are also used to improve the overall health of the body.

At home, most disorders can be partially managed with folk remedies. In particular, it is quite possible to get rid of dizziness using folk remedies. To eliminate this problem, use hawthorn tincture, oregano, and mint. Mint also relieves symptoms such as nausea, headache and emotional stress. To get rid of dizziness, you can massage your head.

Alternative medicine is actively used for disorders of the vestibular system. In addition to treatment with folk remedies, some diseases are eliminated through reflexology, balneology, etc.

Vestibular disorders can not only be treated, but also prevented. To do this, organ training methods are used. You need to regularly do exercises that involve bending the head and body, turning, and rotating. They are performed not only with with open eyes, but also with closed ones.

Restoring the balance function in case of organ disorders is possible with the help of carousels, yoga classes, coordination exercises, various types sports It is necessary to gradually increase the load on the vestibular apparatus in order to abrupt change body position did not lead to the development of new attacks of the disease. It is better to coordinate the training schedule and types of exercises used with. active image life will not only help eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but also generally have a positive effect on the body and prevent other problems.

The vestibular apparatus is nothing more than an organ of balance. Thanks to this mechanism, in human body the orientation of the body in space is carried out, which is located deep in the pyramid of the temporal bone, next to the cochlea of ​​the inner ear (hearing aid).


The vestibular apparatus consists of two pouches and three semicircular canals. The vestibule is lined from the inside flat endothelium and filled endolymph(liquid).

The channels are located in three mutually perpendicular directions. This corresponds to three dimensions of space (height, length, width) and allows you to determine the position and movement of the body in space.

Receptors vestibular apparatus are hair cells. They are in the walls of the sacs And semicircular canals. The bags are full thick liquid which contain small crystals of calcium salts. If the head is in vertical position, the pressure falls on cell hairs, located at the bottom of the bag. If the position of the head changes, the pressure shifts to its side walls.

The semicircular canals are, like the sacs, closed containers with liquid. During rotational movements of the body, the fluid in a certain tubule either lags behind in movement or continues to move by inertia, leading to deflection of sensitive hairs and excitation receptors.

From receptors of the vestibular apparatus nerve impulses go to central nervous system. At the level midbrain, the centers of the vestibular analyzer form close connections with centers of the oculomotor nerve. This, in particular, explains the illusion of objects moving in a circle after we stop rotating.

The vestibular centers are closely related to cerebellum And hypothalamus, because of which, when motion sickness occurs, a person loses coordination of movement and nausea occurs. The vestibular analyzer ends in the cerebral cortex. Its participation in the implementation of conscious movements allows you to control the body in space.


Unfortunately, the vestibular apparatus, like any other organ, is vulnerable. A sign of trouble in it is motion sickness syndrome. It can serve as a manifestation of one or another disease of the autonomic nervous system or gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory diseases hearing aid. In this case, it is necessary to carefully and persistently treat the underlying disease.

As you recover, they usually disappear and discomfort that occurred while traveling on a bus, train or car. But sometimes even practically healthy people get sick in transport.


There is such a thing as a syndrome hidden motion sickness. For example, a passenger tolerates trips by train, bus, or tram well, but in a passenger car with a soft, smooth ride he suddenly begins to feel motion sick. Or, the driver copes well with his driving duties.

But the driver found himself not in his usual driver’s seat, but nearby, and while driving he began to suffer from the unpleasant sensations characteristic of motion sickness syndrome. Every time he gets behind the wheel, he unconsciously sets himself a super task - to carefully monitor the road and follow the rules. traffic, do not create emergency situations. It is this that blocks the slightest manifestations of motion sickness syndrome.

Latent motion sickness syndrome can play a cruel joke on a person who is unaware of it. But the easiest way to get rid of it is to stop going to, say, causing dizziness and the stupidity of the bus.

Usually, in this case, a tram or other type of transport does not cause such symptoms. By constantly tempering and training, setting oneself up for victory and success, a person can cope with motion sickness syndrome and, forgetting about unpleasant and painful sensations without fear to hit the road.


What to do completely healthy people with motion sickness syndrome? It is necessary to remember well that an untrained, leading sedentary lifestyle At a certain point in a person’s life, a person’s well-being begins to deteriorate sharply, and the deterioration of the condition of the whole organism leads to dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.

And vice versa, "tempered", almost always feels good. So, even when hypersensitivity vestibular apparatus, he tolerates motion sickness less painfully or does not experience it at all.

Sports and physical education not only develop certain muscle groups, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body, in particular on the vestibular apparatus, training and strengthening it.

Most suitable species sports for people prone to motion sickness - aerobics, jogging, basketball, volleyball, football. When moving around the site or field with different speeds The excitability of the vestibular apparatus sharply decreases, the process of its adaptation to stress occurs, which helps a person get rid of motion sickness.


  • Feet shoulder-width apart, we stretch our hands first to the right, then to the left leg, be sure to monitor your breathing: tilt - exhale, return to the starting position - take a deep breath.
  • You can supplement your workout with boxing. Clenching our fists and bending our elbows, we box with an invisible opponent: we throw out right hand forward and to the left (the head and torso make a slight turn following the hand), return it to its original position and immediately forcefully throw the left hand forward and to the right.
  • Then we start walking: walk forward two meters and, without turning around, the same amount back. Moreover, for the first few days, perform this task with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed. You need to perform the complex every day, repeating each exercise 10–15 times.
  • Various tilts and turns of the head; its smooth rotation from one shoulder to the other; bends, turns, rotations of the body in different directions (you can include these exercises in a complex of morning exercises or perform them throughout the day; at first, do each movement 2-3 times, gradually increase the number of repetitions to 6-8 times or more, focusing on how you feel and mood during classes);
  • somersaults, gymnastic exercises on the horizontal bar, log.

Swinging in a hammock, on swings, carousels, and attractions also helps strengthen the vestibular apparatus. The mood in which you go on the road is also of great importance. Self-hypnosis before and during the trip, auto-training, confidence that everything will go well, pleasant memories or dreams of the future, which you can immerse yourself in when entering the bus or boarding the train, can save you from the painful anticipation of an attack of lightheadedness or fainting. , ward off the unpleasant sensations that accompany motion sickness syndrome.

Before the trip, you should not overeat, but it is not recommended to go on an empty stomach. Another one, helpful advice: Always leave home early. In case you feel the approach of lightheadedness, fainting, dizziness, weakness (these characteristic symptoms motion sickness syndrome, especially pronounced in crowded conditions and stuffiness), you will be able to get out of the bus or subway car and slowly walk part of the way.

Such forethought on your part will help remove nervous tension, avoid stress caused by the fear of waiting for the trip, and possibly motion sickness itself. Finally, there is another way to get rid of motion sickness syndrome - medication. When going on a long trip, take with you Aeron (or any analogue), which reduces the sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus.

But you should not abuse this remedy, otherwise a habit will quickly develop and the pills will no longer have any effect. desired effect. Pharmacies have a large assortment of these drugs, so the choice is yours, and have an easy journey!


  1. Mobile lifestyle;
  2. Healthy autonomic nervous system;
  3. Healthy hearing aid;


  1. Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle);;
  2. Diseases of the digestive tract;
  3. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  4. Diseases of the hearing aid.

The vestibular apparatus is a receptor section of the vestibular analyzer, located in. Thanks to special cells, the vestibular apparatus determines the position of the body in space and records its changes.

Structure of the vestibular apparatus

It is the vestibular apparatus that determines the position of our body in space.

The receptor apparatus of the balance organ is located deep in the pyramid of the temporal bone. It combines the membranous semicircular canals and vestibular sacs.

Membranous canals are located inside the bone canals. At the same time, they are smaller in diameter, but completely repeat all the bends of the bony semicircular canals and are attached to their walls by connective tissue cords, inside which supply vessels pass.

As a result of this structure, a small space is formed between the bony and membranous parts of the semicircular canals, which is filled by perilymph, and inside them there is endolymph. These two liquids have different electrolyte and biochemical composition, but a close connection with each other in a functional sense. They are located not only in the semicircular canals, but also in other parts of the ear labyrinth (cochlea, vestibule) and represent a kind of humoral system.

The bony semicircular canals are part of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear. In the human body, there are three such channels on the right and left sides:

  • outer,
  • front,
  • rear.

According to their orientation in space, the external semicircular canal can be called horizontal (since it is located in the horizontal plane), the anterior canal - frontal, and the posterior - sagittal.

The membranous semicircular canals are lined internally with endothelium, with the exception of the ampullary sections, which contain sensory cells. It is in the ampoules of these channels that there is a rounded protrusion (ridge) consisting of supporting and sensitive hair cells. The latter are the endings of the peripheral fibers of the vestibular ganglion. The long hairs of these cells are connected to each other in the form of a brush, the mechanical irritations of which, due to vibrations of the endolymph, are recorded by sensitive cells, converted into an electrical impulse and transmitted to the central nervous system.

In the central section of the labyrinth (bone vestibule) there are two membranous sacs - spherical and epileptic, connected to each other by a thin endolymphatic duct. These anatomical formations contain the otolithic apparatus in the form of elevations on the inner surface of the sacs, which also consist of supporting and sensory cells. The hairs of the latter intertwine with each other, forming a network, and are immersed in a jelly-like mass in which there is a large number of otoliths (calcium carbonate and phosphate crystals). With mechanical stimulation, the otoliths exert pressure on the hair cells, which promotes the formation of electrical impulses.

Thus, the vestibular receptor apparatus consists of five sensory zones, located one at a time in the vestibular sacs and semicircular canals. Each of these areas is approached by peripheral fibers of the vestibular nerve ganglion, which is part of the vestibular analyzer. To better understand the functioning of the balance organ, let us consider the structure of the latter.

Structure of the vestibular analyzer

Vestibular analyzer consists of the peripheral (receptor apparatus itself) and central department. His important part is the vestibular ganglion, located in the internal ear canal, the peripheral processes of which approach the sensitive hair cells, and the central ones are part of the vestibular part of the 8th pair of cranial nerves (vestibular-cochlear). It is through these fibers that electrical impulses from the receptors enter the medulla oblongata and the central nervous system.

The central part of the balance organ is located in the temporal lobe of the brain. On the way to it, sensory fibers approach a group of nuclei in the medulla oblongata, which enable the vestibular analyzer to form many associative connections. This is what determines its wide adaptive abilities. The main ones are:

  • vestibulospinal,
  • cerebellar, oculomotor,
  • vegetative,
  • cortical.

Such connections determine the development of certain reflex reactions; we will consider them below.

Functions of the vestibular analyzer

The vestibular apparatus not only determines the position of the body in space, but also adapts the body to changing environmental conditions - various types of accelerations.

The role of the vestibular analyzer is not only to determine the position of the body in space and register its changes, but also to correct them. Adequate stimuli for vestibular receptors are various types acceleration.

Thus, angular accelerations are perceived by the sensory cells of the semicircular canals, all types of rectilinear accelerations and vibration stimuli are recorded by the sensory cells of the vestibule sacs. In response to mechanical stimulation of this type, various vestibular reactions arise due to associative connections of the nuclei of the medulla oblongata.

  1. Vestibulosomatic (associated with the presence of spinal connections; provide redistribution of muscle fiber tone).
  2. Oculomotor (contribute to the occurrence of nystagmus in the presence of vestibulo-oculomotor connections).
  3. Vestibulovegetative (change blood pressure, heart rate, nausea, vomiting).
  4. Vestibulocerebellar (promote the redistribution of muscle tone in movement; aimed at maintaining a certain position of the human body in space).
  5. Central correction of vestibular reactions (due to connections with the cerebral cortex).

All these reactions are necessary for the body to maintain balance and body position in space, as well as to adapt to changing conditions. environment.


The vestibular analyzer has a rather complex structure, which ensures its normal functioning. The occurrence of malfunctions in its operation at any level leads to the emergence of pathological symptoms and the development of the disease.

Neurologist A. Medvedeva speaks about the vestibular apparatus:

Medical film “The Organ of Balance”: