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Acoustic neuritis symptoms. Acoustic neuritis: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

Inflammation auditory nerve(neuritis) can be both congenital and acquired. The acquired disease is usually associated with atherosclerosis, intoxication, metabolic disorders, infections and internal disorders. Acoustic neuritis, treatment and symptoms of which are compiled according to clinical picture, can be determined using certain research methods, such as audiometry.

Neuritis is often diagnosed in elderly patients, men over 50 years of age are especially affected. There are frequent cases of middle-aged patients turning to an otolaryngologist. For what reasons does the auditory nerve become inflamed? What are the symptoms of the disease? What treatment is prescribed?

Acoustic neuritis is usually caused by atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, sharp jump blood pressure, especially in elderly patients. Infectious, viral diseases also contribute to the development of inflammation in the ear.

In case of intoxication (toxic neuritis of the ear), poisoning with mercury vapor, lead and other poisons, necrosis or atrophy of the hearing aid may occur. The risk group includes people whose professional activities involve heavy metals and toxic poisons.

In children, auditory nerve disease often appears against the background of diseases such as mumps ( parotitis), rubella due to weakened immune system. The likelihood of inflammation after a skull injury is very high.

Infectious inflammation of the nerve

Neuritis may occur as a complication large quantity diseases. The following pathologies most often precede inflammation:

  1. Influenza, the viruses of which affect the mucous membrane respiratory tract. They spread throughout all tissues of the body, thus infecting the hearing aid.
  2. Acute respiratory viral infections (colds) are caused by parainfluenza virus, adenovirus and others. ARVI often causes complications of neuritis in young children and elderly adults.
  3. Meningitis is caused by bacteria and viruses that attack the lining of the brain. This promotes inflammation of the auditory nerve, which is partially located in the cranium.
  4. Mumps is the most common viral disease in children, the virus infects the parotid salivary glands.
  5. Rubella is not dangerous disease, but its virus can cause complications on the nerve located in the ear and cause typical symptoms.

Toxic inflammation

Toxic damage to the auditory nerve appears against the background of prolonged action of toxic substances on the human body:

Traumatic brain injuries

During an injury, blood circulation is disrupted, swelling and minor hemorrhages occur in the capillaries. Often, due to injury, blood flow in the arteries of the auditory nerve is disrupted; this most often occurs with fractures of the skull and temple bones. The damaged nerve becomes infected and causes inflammation.

Professional influence factor

Inflammation in the auditory nerve is common in people whose work activity associated with prolonged exposure to high noise areas. For example, industrial production, where systems that produce technical noise are located.

While listening to music or audio works using headphones, many turn on the maximum volume on the listening device. Sounding too loudly increases the pressure in the ears. This causes nerve injury.

Age-related changes

Symptoms of acoustic neuritis in older people are associated with surges in blood pressure, which impairs blood circulation. There is insufficient blood flow to the auditory nerve, which causes inflammation.

Main symptoms

The following symptoms occur with inflammation of the nerve in the ear:

Inflammation of the nerve of the hearing aid can be either unilateral or bilateral. There are several degrees of development of complications of inflammation of the hearing aid. The symptoms by which auditory neuritis can be determined are diagnosed during an examination of the patient. Then he is sent for audiometry to make an accurate diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis.


The only way to diagnose acoustic neuritis is audiometry. This diagnostic test makes it possible to determine the acuity of hearing and the sensitivity of perception of sounds of different frequencies. With help special device– an audiometer can determine diseases in bone tissue, explore air permeability. This diagnostic method determines various diseases ears, including inflammation of the ear nerve, in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Principles of treatment

The correct treatment depends on the type of inflammation of the hearing aid nerve. If the disease is caused by viruses or infections, then, first of all, antibacterial therapy. Also prescribed vitamin preparations, drinking plenty of fluids. If the pathology is caused by intoxication and poisoning, then therapy is carried out using antidotes that remove toxins from the body.

IN complex treatment includes physiotherapeutic procedures, mineral baths. If neuritis occurs against the background of a traumatic brain injury, painkillers and diuretics are prescribed. Medicines to improve blood circulation and vitamin preparations are included in complex treatment.

Inflammation of the nerve fibers is usually accompanied by painful attacks, loss of sensitivity and fever. The consequences can be different, up to partial or complete loss of innervation (connection with the central nervous system) of the area where the source of damage is located. Such pathological processes include cochlear neuritis, which is a consequence of inflammation in inner ear. If left unattended, this phenomenon can lead to hearing impairment and even complete deafness. That is why doctors advise paying attention to the symptoms in case of acoustic neuritis and treatment in this case will be carried out in a timely manner.

Cochlear neuritis can occur directly from birth or at any other age. This pathology is characterized by tinnitus and painful attacks, as well as irreversible consequences, such as hearing loss. It can occur in one ear or in both ears at once. In case of acute inflammation ear nerve process ends in deafness in 2-3 days.

Damage to the auditory nerve occurs due to many factors, and the main ones are:

  • Dystrophic disorders located in the articular cartilages of the cervical spine;
  • Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Serious head injuries, especially localized in the temporal region;
  • Neoplasm in the auditory nerve bundle;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Deposits of atheromatous plaques in blood vessels (atherosclerosis);
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Hemorrhage occurring in the inner ear;
  • A complication after an infection, such as meningitis, shingles, or typhus;
  • Otitis of acute, chronic and purulent nature;
  • Pathological growth of bone in the middle ear, which arose against the background of disruptions in the ear circulatory system;
  • Flu, ARVI;
  • Atrophic changes that have occurred in the nervous tissue due to a long course of taking medications (antibiotics, diuretics, etc.) that contribute to the development of intoxication in the ear apparatus.

Cochlear neuritis occurs due to many reasons, but most often appears due to previous or complicated infectious diseases that are prone to the appearance of an inflammatory process. In addition to the factors mentioned above, less common ones should be noted:

  • Tendency to bad habits(smoking, alcoholism);
  • Constantly being in a noisy environment;
  • Work involving prolonged sensation of vibration.


When the auditory nerve is damaged, people most often suffer from constant noise or ringing against a background of general hearing impairment. Such attacks can haunt the patient around the clock or occur spontaneously. This appears pathological process due to spasms in the ear vessels, which are a consequence of a failure in the circulation of the hearing aid. Over time, hearing loss develops (hearing acuity decreases) and if inflammation of the auditory nerve is not treated, the person will become completely deaf.

Initially, the symptoms affect only one ear, but as the disease progresses, it spreads to the healthy ear. Further, the patient begins to suffer from nausea, even vomiting and dizziness. Over time, a person’s hearing becomes worse and worse, and the manifestations of the disease intensify.

Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve is quite rare, and it is especially dangerous, since the symptoms develop at lightning speed and literally within 2-3 days the patient becomes completely deaf. This form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Rhinitis (runny nose);
  • Rapid increase in temperature;
  • High pressure;
  • Cough;
  • Hyperemia (overflow of blood);
  • Dizziness;
  • Failures in coordination of movements.

A painful attack occurs mainly due to rapid movements of the head, as well as during walking or bending. If the disease affects both ears, then the patient has difficulty speaking and must be urgently hospitalized. Treatment of acoustic neuritis in such a situation takes place exclusively in a hospital setting with the help of intensive care aimed at preventing hearing loss.


An ENT doctor will have to diagnose cochlear neuritis after conducting all the necessary tests. The specialist will determine the cause of the pathological process, the degree of damage to the auditory nerve and prescribe a course of therapy.

Initially, the patient is examined and interviewed, and then instrumental methods for diagnosing deterioration of hearing acuity. One of them is pure-tone audiometry. It determines the threshold of frequencies that the patient can hear, as well as the degree of damage to nerve fibers. If signs of pathology (poor perception of high frequencies) were found in both ears, then this indicates the presence of pathology of the auditory nerve.
The doctor, relying on the results of the study, will prescribe a course of therapy and prescribe a hearing aid with the required frequency of perception. This procedure effectively helps even small children, since it can be performed during play or if the child is sleeping, and the examination is absolutely painless.

In case of head injury, brain tomography (computer, magnetic resonance imaging), as well as x-rays and encephalography are additionally prescribed. Such examination methods will allow the expert to assess the extent of damage.

Course of therapy

Understanding how to treat acoustic neuritis is quite difficult, because the course of therapy consists of a whole range of procedures aimed at restoring hearing. This cannot be done in all cases, since after typhus, malaria and others infectious pathologies Hearing loss occurs suddenly and people can become completely deaf in a matter of days. The same applies to the toxic effects of various toxic elements.

It is virtually impossible to restore hearing completely in such situations.

The course of therapy is drawn up by a doctor who selects procedures and medications depending on the cause of the pathological process:

  • If the culprit is viral infection, then medications with an antiviral effect are prescribed;
  • When neuritis is a consequence of bacteria, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics;
  • For treatment chronic form diseases require additional use of iodine-based drugs and nicotinic acid, and also give glucose injections.

This type of pathology is treated by an audiologist. Patients, especially those with chronic cochlear neuritis, undergo routine diagnostics by this specialist at least 2 times a year.

For any pathogen, the patient’s body will benefit from vitamins to improve immune defense. In addition to them, a person suffering from acoustic neuritis must stay in bed constantly and drink plenty of fluids to remove toxins, for example, warm tea.

If head trauma is the main cause of nerve damage, treatment is symptomatic. It is necessary to take diuretics (diuretic medications) to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. Medicines with anticonvulsant and analgesic effects will help eliminate a painful attack or spasm that occurs.

In case of poisoning with toxic substances, it is necessary to drink drugs to remove them (sorbents) and sit on special diet. It should contain more vegetables and dairy products. Physiotherapeutic procedures and mud treatment have a good effect.

For blue-collar workers, the main factor influencing the development of pathology is poor working conditions. For example, construction workers are constantly in a noisy environment and experience vibrations. The problem can be eliminated by changing your place of work, since nerve inflammation cannot be cured otherwise.

If due to external stimulus If a person has completely lost their hearing, they will need a hearing aid. In addition, in case of an injury of this type, the patient is prescribed medications with a sedative effect, as well as to improve blood circulation. In any case, hearing acuity decreases over time and in old age it will be lower than at a young age. It is impossible to completely eliminate such consequences and older people will need to constantly monitor their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. After 60-65 years, atrophic changes in the auditory muscles have a chronic course.

Hearing prosthetics is usually prescribed by a specialist if the patient’s perception of sounds has decreased to 40 dB or lower and there are problems with speech, which is the reason for wearing a hearing aid. Prosthetics are performed individually depending on the degree of hearing impairment.

Sometimes ear treatment requires surgical intervention. It is performed to remove tumors, hematomas, and also for implantation. If the patient is constantly bothered by ringing in the ears and dizziness, the doctor may amputate the tympanic plexus or perform a cervical sympathectomy (blocking the nerve trunk).

To protect the body from the effects of environmental irritants and to enhance the main course of treatment, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • Mineral baths, treatment with healing mud and relaxation in a sanatorium can speed up the healing of nerve fibers and eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • Normalize physical and Chemical properties nerve fibers can be treated with magnetic therapy;
  • You can improve nutrition and speed up regeneration using physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrophoresis, since the electric field penetrates well into the tissue;
  • To reduce pain and speed up the recovery of the auditory nerve, acupuncture can be used. In addition to her, it provides good influence acapuncture, phonopharesis and oxygen barotherapy for damaged nerve fibers.

Often, complications can be avoided in any course of cochlear neuritis and for this it is enough to contact an ENT doctor in a timely manner for examination and examination. A timely course of therapy allows you to avoid hearing loss, but if the situation is advanced, then it is virtually impossible to completely restore hearing.

Traditional medicine methods

Get rid of acoustic neuritis with treatment folk remedies It will not work completely, but you can alleviate the condition and improve the effect of the main course of therapy. The use of such methods is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

The following traditional methods can be used as a supplement to the course of ear treatment:

  • The auditory nerve can be treated with a compress. It is based on crushed garlic and 2-3 drops camphor oil. Ready mixture should be placed on gauze and then applied to the ear. It is better to do this at night, and if a burning sensation occurs, you need to urgently remove the compress and rinse the auricle;
  • A decoction made from golden mustache can help relieve inflammation. To prepare, you need to take 3 leaves of this plant and pour 1 liter of them. water and then boil for 5 minutes. Next, the medicine should be allowed to brew for 24 hours, and then you can drink this remedy 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Prognosis and prevention

At timely treatment Acoustic neuritis resolves without any complications. Basically, it is possible to restore hearing acuity entirely, but in some cases it is only possible to stop the pathological process and remove inflammation.

In a situation where the nerve began to die, the prognosis is extremely disappointing. The patient will probably lose his hearing and in such a situation it is necessary to perform a prosthetic procedure in order to regain the ability to fully perceive the world. The rhythm of life with a properly selected hearing aid will not change much and the person will be able to continue to work and go about their business.

It is better to avoid pathology than to treat it, but to do this you must follow the rules of prevention:

  • Do not overcool;
  • Completely treat all pathologies of the ENT organs;
  • If the work process takes place in constant noise, then it is necessary to wear special headphones to protect the hearing;
  • Drink a vitamin complex, especially in spring and autumn;
  • Try to comply healthy image life;
  • Do not use toxic drugs;
  • If the work is associated with a danger to the hearing aid, then you should undergo audiometry 2 times a year.

Acoustic neuritis is not fatal disease, but it can lead to disability, as hearing will gradually deteriorate. This can be prevented by following the rules of prevention, but if symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact an ENT doctor for examination.

Acoustic neuritis - a disease nervous system, characterized by the manifestation of an inflammatory process in the nerve that provides auditory function. IN medical literature this disease is also called “cochlear neuritis.” Usually this pathology diagnosed in older people over 50 years of age (more often in the stronger sex). Such people rarely seek help qualified specialist, considering the decline in hearing function as a normal process that accompanies the aging of the body.

It is worth noting that acoustic neuritis is more often diagnosed in residents of large cities. This trend is due to the fact that in such cities there is quite intense background noise, which negatively affects hearing function.

Depending on the duration of cochlear neuritis, there are three forms: acute, subacute and chronic. Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve occurs rapidly. Its main symptom is decreased hearing function. But since there are no other signs other than this, most people attribute hearing loss to the presence of cerumen. Chronic cochlear neuritis has undercurrent. He can long time do not show any symptoms. Periodically gives exacerbations.


Cochlear neuritis can begin to progress against the background of such ailments:

  • spinal column;
  • (or chronic);
  • , which began to progress against the background of impaired blood circulation in the ear;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • atrophy of the auditory nerve. This condition may occur due to long-term use diuretics, antibiotics, as well as other groups of drugs that contributed to the intoxication of the elements of the hearing aid;
  • tumor of the auditory nerve;
  • ailments infectious nature – , meningococcal infection And so on;
  • certain types of allergies;
  • hemorrhage in inner ear;
  • ailments endocrine system;
  • brain injuries.

It is worth noting that cochlear neuritis is most often a complication of infectious diseases. inflammatory processes, which progress in the human body. In addition to the above reasons, smoking can contribute to the development of auditory neuritis, regular use alcoholic drinks, work in conditions of increased noise and vibration.


Acute neuritis of the auditory nerve occurs rapidly and often against the background of absolute health. He also progresses quickly. It is worth noting that patients usually have no symptoms (no hyperthermia, no pain in the affected area).

The main symptoms of cochlear neuritis:

  • decreased hearing function varying degrees expressiveness. If you do not fully treat acoustic neuritis at this stage, the disease will progress and can lead to complete deafness;
  • , intense noise (can be either constant or periodic).

If you treat the disease when it appears specified symptoms, the prognosis is usually favorable. Without adequate therapy Vestibular disorders will occur, as well as irreversible changes in the auditory organ.

The chronic form of acoustic neuritis is characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. This form is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • neuralgia. Pain periodically occurs in the ear due to damage to the structures of the hearing aid;
  • dizziness;
  • symptoms of intoxication. A person may experience nausea and weakness;
  • hyperthermia, cough and sore throat appear if the main cause of progression of neuritis is a viral infection;
  • symptoms such as hypertension, severe headache and “floaters before the eyes” appear if blood circulation in the brain is disrupted.


If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a qualified professional for treatment. complex diagnostics. The doctor first examines the patient’s ear, collects an anamnesis of life and, directly, the disease itself. If necessary, asks a number of clarifying questions regarding professional activity And so on. Next are additional methods research:

  • tympanometry;
  • audiometry;
  • Rene's test;
  • Weber test.

To identify the true cause of the auditory neuritis, the patient may be referred for consultation to specialists, as well as several more studies - skull x-ray, CT scan, etc.


Before developing a treatment plan for cochlear neuritis, you should clarify the real reason illness. Treat patients with acute form V inpatient conditions. Therapy includes the following drugs:

  • diuretics;
  • means for normalizing metabolism;
  • medications to normalize blood circulation in the brain.

Detoxification therapy is also mandatory.

When treating the chronic form, it is important to eliminate the main etiological factor. If infectious neuritis has been diagnosed, it should be treated with antiviral drugs. medicines, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. In order to speed up metabolism in cells, antioxidants are prescribed, as well as various vitamin complexes.

Treatment of cochlear neuritis toxic form involves the use of specific antidotes (substances that help remove accumulated toxins from the human body). Also being developed symptomatic therapy, and rehabilitation and restoration measures are carried out. Treating this form of the disease with folk remedies is strictly contraindicated.

Experts begin to treat traumatic neuritis only after consulting a neurologist and receiving the results of an X-ray of the skull. Usually prescribed:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • diuretics;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • analgesics;
  • nootropic drugs.

Acoustic neuritis is a disease of the nerves that make up the nervous system of the auditory organs. It manifests itself as tinnitus and impaired hearing quality.

Currently, there is no unified classification of auditory neuritis. Based on audio-logical data, depending on the localization of the process, they distinguish: cochleitis - mainly damage to the receptor apparatus of the cochlea, neuritis - pathological changes nerve trunk and retracochlear lesions of the auditory analyzer when the process is localized in the auditory nuclei and overlying pathways of the brain stem.

Acute acoustic neuritis is a non-infectious inflammatory disease, which is accompanied by hearing loss and noise. The prevalence of this pathology reaches 5%. Men get sick more often than women. According to statistics, neuritis is most often diagnosed in people over 55 years of age. In ICD-10 this pathology is referred to as sensorineural hearing loss.


Neuritis- inflammatory disease peripheral nerves, in which, along with pain, symptoms are identified, so-called loss, i.e. loss or decrease in sensitivity, as well as paralysis and paresis.

A special form of neuritis is polyneuritis, in which many nerves are involved in the painful process.

Some polyneuritis is caused by a neurotropic virus and is usually accompanied by simultaneous damage to the spinal roots (polyradiculoneuritis), often the spinal cord and even the brain.

Most common cause polyneuritis are chronic exogenous (alcohol, botulinum toxin, lead, etc.) and endogenous (diabetes, uremia) intoxication.

Patients experience pain in the limbs, muscle weakness, sensitivity disorders, muscle atrophy and paresis, discoloration skin, sweating, chilliness, etc.

Causes of acoustic neuritis

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance auditory neuritis.

First of all, these are various inflammatory and infectious diseases, such as: otitis media, influenza, ARVI. It can also be the consequences of injuries, for example, after a traumatic brain injury. IN medical practice There are neuritis of the auditory nerve of allergic origin.

There are a lot of patients with occupational auditory neuritis. This occurs due to prolonged exposure of the auditory organs to noise or vibration. People over 60 years of age also suffer from this disease as a result of general aging of the body.

Other causes of acoustic neuritis include:

  • pathological changes;
  • congenital anomaly of the ear structure;
  • complication or ;
  • frequent use alcohol or smoking;
  • toxic effects;
  • mechanical damage;
  • injury to the ears or head;
  • education ;
  • the appearance of tumors or cysts.

In addition, the development of the disease can be caused by prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics or other medications.

Symptoms of acoustic neuritis

The obvious symptoms of auditory neuritis are noise and ringing in the ear. This leads to the patient beginning to hear much worse. Noise and ringing in the ear can be of varying strength and frequency. With the development of this disease, a person’s hearing may completely disappear.

A patient with auditory neuritis feels dizzy and is unable to maintain balance. Most often, during a routine examination of the ear, the doctor cannot detect any changes in it. Only audiometry can show the presence of this disease.

Descriptions of symptoms of acoustic neuritis

Treatment of acoustic neuritis

When treating auditory neuritis, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of this disease. Treatment should begin as early as possible, while the nerve tissue is still amenable to some kind of treatment. In case of acute auditory neuritis, the patient must be hospitalized in the ENT department.

For auditory neuritis, the patient is prescribed medications that can improve metabolic processes and restore nerve tissue. Among these drugs are vitamins A, B, and E, biogenic stimulants, such as, for example, aloe extract.

Very often the doctor prescribes various means to dilate blood vessels and improve microcirculation.

Among them:

  • a nicotinic acid,
  • trental,
  • Cavinton,
  • Stugeron.

A medicine such as prozerin is also used, which improves the conductivity of nerve tissue.

If you become ill with auditory neuritis again, then treatment is aimed at stopping the process of death of the auditory nerve. Once or twice a year the patient undergoes a course of maintenance treatment. This treatment is most often based on vitamins and biogenic stimulants.


Physiotherapeutic treatment methods have a positive stimulating effect:

  • reflexology: electropuncture, laser puncture, acupuncture;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • phonophoresis of drugs;
  • oxygen barotherapy.


Surgical treatment of acoustic neuritis is carried out to perform stem or cochlear implantation, removal of acoustic neuroma, hematoma or brain tumor.

Necessity surgical treatment may be caused by painful ear noise or attacks of intense dizziness.

In such cases, removal of the stellate ganglion, resection of the tympanic plexus or cervical sympathectomy is performed; in case of deafness or IV degree hearing loss, destructive operations on the cochlea are performed.

Hearing aid

If the patient has completely lost his hearing, then a hearing aid is selected for him. Analog, digital and linear can be used Hearing Aids. The selection and adjustment of the device is carried out by a hearing prosthetist. The sooner you begin the process of treating neuritis, the more effective its results will be.

Prevention of acoustic neuritis

In order to prevent auditory neuritis, the patient needs to protect the auditory organs from strong noise, vibration, as well as from exposure to various toxic substances. It is also very important to protect yourself from influenza, ARVI or measles. If you do get sick with one of these diseases, try to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Acoustic neuritis is a complex disease that requires special attention, both from doctors and from the patients themselves.

Be carefull: Do not put off the treatment of auditory neuritis if you do not want to remain deaf for the rest of your life.

Try to monitor your health as closely as possible always and everywhere. Even the basic wearing of a hat in the cold season is one of the very important points in order not to catch auditory neuritis.

Diagnosis of acoustic neuritis

When diagnosing acoustic neuritis, it is necessary not only to establish accurate diagnosis, but also to determine the causes of damage to the cochlear analyzer, to assess the level and dynamics of the process of hearing loss.

However, the main diagnostic tool is audiometry. It helps to identify a decrease in the perception of sounds (especially high-frequency waves) and the degree of damage to hearing function. In some cases, a paradoxical increase in volume is observed.

To exclude other ear diseases, electrocochleography, otoscopy and microotoscopy are performed. It is necessary to differentiate between acoustic neuritis and otosclerosis, in which bone conduction is well preserved.

Questions and answers on the topic "Acoustic neuritis"

Question:Hello, I received treatment with Benevron B and Neurox injections. While I was receiving the injections there was an improvement, but after that the noise in the ear returned. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answer: For successful treatment The doctor must determine the cause of the disease. Treatment methods: drug therapy, physiotherapy, surgery, in extreme cases- use of a hearing aid.

Question:I am 57 years old. Around the age of 35, I began to hear a noise in my left ear, similar to the chirping of a grasshopper, very weak, usually at night in absolute silence. Over the years, this noise grew and grew, which forced me to contact the appropriate doctors. Hearing loss was found in the left ear (40%). Diagnosis of acoustic neuritis. Treatment: Betaserx, vitamins B and that’s it. At the age of 50 day hospital Emoxipine was instilled intravenously (previously - a course of emoxipine intramuscularly). Effect this treatment didn't work at all. Currently, I have very poor hearing - the noise in my left ear drowns out external sounds. Please answer, is it possible to remove this noise in the ear and restore hearing? Thank you in advance.

Answer: Try using a good hearing aid, which will improve your hearing and mask the noise.

Question:Hello! Since childhood (I’m 41 years old) I have had otitis media. At the age of 30 I had rhinoplasty surgery. eardrum on right ear. After 8 years, hearing began to disappear and doctors diagnosed hearing loss of 3-4 degrees. In June of this year, after suffering from a cold, hearing began to decrease in the left ear. As a result, doctors made a diagnosis of auditory neuritis and grade 2 hearing loss. I underwent treatment - droppers, a pressure chamber, acupuncture, I take Betaserc tablets 24 g 2 times a day and Cavinton 3 times a day. There is constant noise in the left ear. Vacation is coming soon, let’s fly, tell me if it’s possible to fly, whether the flight will affect further hearing loss. And another question is whether auditory neuritis can be cured, if we can, what kind exists? effective treatment? Thank you.

Answer: Sensorineural hearing loss (auditory neuritis) cannot be restored. The only way to regain lost hearing is hearing aids (hearing aids). Airplane travel does not worsen sensorineural hearing loss. Before the flight, it is better to use Vibrocil spray.

Question:Hello! Please help us with advice. On March 1, 2012, the telephone rang in my ear. Diagnosis: acute neuritis auditory nerve on the right. Treatment completed: Cavinton, Dexamethasone, Actovegin, vitamin B, nicotine. Next are the tablets: Cavinton, Cytoflavin. My ear still hears poorly and the tinnitus persists. Does this mean that nothing helped and will not help? Or may the noise persist for some time after treatment? Is there any hope that the noise will go away and the hearing will be restored? Thank you.

Answer: Betaserc is possible, consult a neurologist, it is actually prescribed in similar cases. Milgamma - B vitamins, they are also indicated in such cases. From additional examinations You can do impedance measurements and Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck. You can undergo what the neurologist prescribed, unless electrical procedures are contraindicated (hypertension, for example).

Question:Good afternoon My mother is diagnosed with bilateral cochlear neuritis of the auditory nerve, and her hearing is completely lost. Hearing loss began at the age of 15 for an unknown reason (possibly poisoning medicines) and gradually occurred total loss hearing All her life she was treated according to the well-known method: injections, aloe, vitamin B6 and electrophoresis. Nothing helped, the hearing still disappeared. She is now 56 years old. We want to find out about the possibility of installing an “Electronic ear”; according to the audiogram, hearing loss is grade 4, and no hearing aids help. As I understand it, my mother needs to be examined again, please tell me where we should start. Thank you in advance, we are waiting for your response.

Answer: Unfortunately, without a personal examination and familiarization with the results of examinations completed in the past, it is impossible to judge whether such an operation can be performed in your case. The patient needs to seek a personal consultation with an audiologist, who can more accurately assess the situation and the chances of hearing restoration, and also draw up a plan for further examination.

Question:How to cure acoustic neuritis?

Answer: You need to contact a specialist - a neurologist. Typically, for neuritis, anti-inflammatory drugs, B vitamins, prozerin, and galantamine are prescribed.

Question:Hello! Doctors diagnosed me with “Acoustic neuritis”. Left ear He hasn't heard at all for 8 years now. They said the hearing could not be restored. Only hearing aids will help. I have several questions: 1) is it possible to restore hearing with neuritis at this time. 2) Are there any new treatment methods? 3) What do you recommend to me? If there are any new methods of hearing restoration in any country that you are aware of, please tell me.

Answer: Hello! In your case (neuritis or atrophy of the auditory nerve), the medicine that exists on the market really won’t help. at this stage, so hearing aids are the only way out of your situation.

A disease of the ear autonomic ganglion, manifested by paroxysms of vegetalgia, involving the parotid region and ear. During an attack, pain may radiate to the back of the head, lower jaw, neck, shoulder girdle, arm and upper sections chest. Paroxysm is accompanied by hypersalivation, sometimes by clicks in the ear and congestion. Hearing is not impaired. Diagnosis is carried out by a neurologist, but includes consultation with an otolaryngologist, dentist and other specialists depending on the clinical situation. The treatment plan consists of drugs for the relief of painful paroxysms, vascular, decongestant, metabolic drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures and reflexology. An important point is to eliminate the root cause of neuralgia.

General information

The auricular autonomic ganglion is a collection of interneurons of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve pathways. The node receives sympathetic preganglionic fibers through the plexus of the middle meningeal artery, and parasympathetic fibers from a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Postganglionic fibers of the ear ganglion are part of the auriculotemporal nerve, which is a branch trigeminal nerve. They go to the ear gland and vessels of the temporal region, providing their autonomic innervation.

Neuralgia of the ear ganglion is included in the group of vegetative ganglionitis of the head, which also includes neuralgia of the submandibular and sublingual ganglion, ganglionitis of the ciliary ganglion, ganglionitis of the pterygopalatine ganglion and the upper cervical sympathetic ganglion, cervical truncitis. Specialists in the field of neurology have collected statistical data indicating that neuralgia of the ear ganglion is most common in women of average and young.


Etiopathogenetically, neuralgia of the ear node is an irritative disease that develops reflexively in the presence of pathological autonomic impulses coming from chronic infectious foci or when chronic processes in somatic organs. Highest value has a pathology that is localized in the same region as the ear node and is infectious and inflammatory in nature. These include diseases of the parotid gland (mumps, sialadenitis, stones), chronic purulent otitis, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis), dental diseases (chronic periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis).

Less common is neuralgia of the ear node, caused by the presence of a distant source of infection (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis), general infectious process(tuberculosis, syphilis, chronic sepsis), metabolic disorders due to endocrine pathology(hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus) or somatic disease(liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, chronic renal failure, chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis, adnexitis).

Symptoms of neuralgia of the ear node

Neuralgia of the ear ganglion is manifested by attacks of vegetalgia that occur in front of the opening of the external auditory canal, in the parotid region and in the ear on the affected side. Intense burning or throbbing pain radiates to the lower jaw, behind the ear, to the back of the head, neck and shoulder girdle of the corresponding side. The reflex mechanism of pain irradiation leads to its spread to the upper chest and arm. Pain paroxysms can be provoked by ingestion of hot food or drinks, hypothermia of the face, psycho-emotional stress, excessive exercise stress. The duration of an attack of vegetalgia, as a rule, is several minutes, but can be an hour or more.

Dependence of the functioning of the autonomic nervous system on external factors(lighting, barometric pressure, temperature changes, air humidity, etc.) determines the characteristic rhythm of vegetalgia - its occurrence mainly in the evening and at night, exacerbation in the autumn and spring.

In some cases of neuralgia, a paroxysm of pain is accompanied by ear congestion or a sensation of clicking in it. The latter is caused by periodic reflex muscle spasms auditory tube. Often during an attack, patients note a noticeable increase in salivation, while in the interictal period hypersalivation is not observed. Hearing function doesn't suffer.

Diagnosis of neuralgia of the ear node

Often patients turn to a dentist or otolaryngologist for help, and then receive a referral from them to consult a neurologist. The latter makes a diagnosis based on typical complaints, the presence of sharp pain on palpation of the sclerotomal points of the auriculotemporal, mental and mandibular nerves, Richet's point - the place where the ear node anastomoses with mandibular nerve. The detection of hyperalgesia in the parotid region also speaks in favor of neuralgia. In a difficult diagnostic situation, they resort to diagnostic novocaine or lidocaine blockade of the ear ganglion.

In the process of diagnosis important role plays a role in determining the etiology of neuralgia. For this purpose, a dental examination and ultrasound of the parotid salivary gland, otolaryngological examination (audiometry, otoscopy, rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy, radiography of the paranasal sinuses) are performed. If necessary, consultations are scheduled narrow specialists(urologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, etc.) and additional research somatic organs (gastroscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the kidneys, study of hormone levels thyroid gland etc.).

Differential diagnosis is carried out with