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Acute laryngitis: causes and treatment. Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults. Treatment of phlegmonous laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is the most common inflammatory disease of the larynx. It affects people of all ages and genders. What causes laryngitis and how to identify it? Why is he dangerous? How to treat it correctly? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from this article.

Features of the disease


Laryngitis can appear on its own, but in most cases it occurs against the background viral diseases upper respiratory tract. Often it is accompanied by inflammation of the trachea, bronchi and pharynx (,).

Acute laryngitis is:

  • (the mucous layer becomes inflamed). This form is the most common and easy;
  • edematous (inflammation affects the submucosal layer, the course of the disease is more severe);
  • . Most dangerous view laryngitis is rare.

Inflammation begins in the mucous layer, then passes to the submucosal, and in severe cases- on the muscle layer. This can happen due to improper treatment or lack thereof, as well as due to the weak resistance of the body.

Inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by redness and swelling of the tissues. Laryngitis can be isolated (for example, affects only the epiglottis) or cover all parts of the organ, which sometimes leads to stenosis, which is life-threatening.

Duration acute laryngitis is 1-2 weeks. If the disease is delayed, then there is a possibility of transition to.
Occurs in children special form laryngitis, which is called false croup. This disease is very dangerous and requires immediate hospitalization.

Causes of acute laryngitis

What causes laryngitis? The causative agents of this disease are usually various infections. These can be viruses (, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria), bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) and, extremely rarely, fungi. Sometimes there are several infections at once.

It is known that the microflora of the larynx contains conditionally pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms (pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria). Under normal conditions, our body is able to fight them on its own, but when the immune system is weakened, they begin to actively multiply and cause disease. That is, the main cause of laryngitis is a weak defense of the body.

There is also a list of factors that affect the development of inflammation in the larynx:

  • polluted, dusty air. This problem is faced by people in large cities with poor environmental conditions and those who work in hazardous industries;
  • eating too hot or spicy foods and drinks that irritate the walls of the throat;
  • overstrain of the vocal apparatus (for example, when screaming or working with people of vocal professions);
  • alcohol and tobacco use;
  • injuries and tumors of the throat, microcracks in the mucous membrane;
  • talking in the cold and hypothermia of the throat;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

At risk are people who, for some reason, have difficulty breathing, increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the larynx, impaired metabolism, caries or other dental diseases.

Also, acute laryngitis in adults can occur as a result of allergic reactions, persistent heartburn, and in rare cases it becomes a complication of tuberculosis, syphilis, cancer (Wegener's granulomatosis, sleroma) and rheumatoid arthritis.

From cough, drugs that reduce the excitability of the cough center are prescribed:

  1. Kodilak. The tablets contain codeine, a substance that affects the cough center. Hydrocarbon sodium reduces the viscosity of sputum, and licorice root and thermopsis grass help to expectorate it;
  2. Glycodin. It contains Dextromethorphan, which reduces the excitability of the cough center, Terpinhydrate (reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its release), and Levomenthol (reduces irritation and soothes the mucous membrane). Sold as a syrup;
  3. Hederin syrup. This is a herbal preparation, which is made on the basis of ivy leaf extract. It has an antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and tonic effect;
  4. Libeksin. Its antitussive action is due to prenoxdiazine. Libexin is available in tablets.

Additionally, gargling is carried out 3-4 times a day.

How to gargle with acute laryngitis? For this, decoctions from various medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, calamus root, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, fennel. soda and saline solutions are not recommended.

In advanced cases, for the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults, steam inhalations are used with the addition of drugs. Inhalations with laryngitis have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

To evenly distribute the drug and enhance the therapeutic effect, a device called a nebulizer is used. This is an inhalation device that converts liquid preparations into an aerosol. nebulizer help relieve inflammation and unpleasant symptoms, moisturize the mucous membrane of the larynx and reduce the viscosity of sputum. You can also use a special inhaler or just breathe in the steam from the treatment solution.

What means can be used for inhalation:

  • miramistin or dioxidin (antibacterial);
  • alkaline mineral water, for example, Essentuki. Help to eliminate dryness in the throat;
  • mucolytic agents (chymopsin);
  • aromatic oils of mint, menthol, eucalyptus (to relieve irritation, itching and pain, as well as cough treatment);
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile, oregano, sage), which have antimicrobial, analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties.

Inhalations for acute laryngitis are carried out three times a day, their duration is 5-10 minutes.

In addition to treatment, physical procedures may be prescribed, for example, UHF, microwave therapy on the throat area, electrophonophoresis.

Throat compresses for laryngitis are not as effective and, according to some information, can lead to complications, so it is better not to use them.

Antibiotics for acute laryngitis are prescribed if severe laryngeal edema is diagnosed and severe intoxication organism. They are also prescribed if, after 4-5 days of treatment by other methods, the disease continues to develop. Antimicrobial therapy is usually carried out in a hospital setting. Used with clavulanic acid (), fluoroquinolones or macrolides (Azithromycin). Antimicrobials for acute laryngitis are used together with drug installations.

When injecting antihistamines: Tavegil, Histidil. And glucocorticosteroids: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

Surgical treatment of acute laryngitis in adults is carried out with the development of purulent complications.

During the treatment of acute laryngitis, treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastroesophageal reflux and sanitation of the oral cavity (if necessary) should be carried out.

Acute laryngitis: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used to treat laryngitis as an adjuvant. What is used to treat acute laryngitis at home:

  • honey. Prepare a solution of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of honey and gargle with it 2-3 times a day. For greater effectiveness, add a little lemon juice or cranberries - they are also useful;
  • gargling with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, calamus root, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, fennel), which are carried out every hour;
  • warm milk and eggnog - mogul. To prepare the latter, you need to take 2 yolks and grind with sugar and butter. Some add honey and milk. Such a drink envelops the throat and eliminates pain, burning, cough;
  • vodka compresses. Moisten gauze - cotton swab in vodka, apply to the throat. Top with polyethylene and wrap with a warm scarf. Leave overnight;
  • a decoction of anise seeds, which is consumed internally. To prepare it, you need 250 ml of water and 100 g of seeds. Boil water and add anise there, wait another 15 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool. Honey can be added to the mixture. Drink up to 7 times a day;
  • foot baths with mustard.

Important! Consult your doctor before using any remedy!

Informative video

Disease prevention

To prevent laryngitis, you must:

  • timely treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract;
  • avoid hypothermia, too cold and hot food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take medicines to prevent flu and colds;
  • avoid overexertion of the throat;
  • increase immunity (harden, drink vitamins, eat healthy food);
  • ventilate the room in which you live and maintain normal humidity. Don't forget about wet cleaning.

It is also important to observe basic hygiene rules, such as washing hands and brushing your teeth, and to prevent complications, do not self-medicate and do not prescribe antibiotics yourself!

Diseases of the throat and respiratory organs are one of the most common pathologies that occurs in children and adults. Acute laryngitis occurs when the glottis and ligaments become inflamed. What drugs and therapeutic agents are effective for treatment?

Acute laryngitis - what is it

Laryngitis - inflammatory process mucous membrane of the respiratory system in the larynx, it can be acute and chronic, infectious and viral. The acute form is often accompanied by a complete loss of voice, signs of severe intoxication. At proper treatment the duration of acute infectious laryngitis is not more than 10 days. ICD 10 code - J 04.0.

Forms of acute laryngitis:

  1. Spicy catarrhal laryngitis- the mildest and most common form of the disease. The cause of the pathology is infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Manifested by sore throat, hoarseness, coughing fits.
  2. Edema-infiltrative form - it is characterized by severe swelling, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
  3. Phlegmous laryngitis is an inflammatory process that spreads to nearby tissues of the larynx, accompanied by purulent discharge.
  4. Chondroperichondritis is a severe form of the disease, the inflammatory process affects the cartilage.
  5. Abscess of the larynx - the abscess is located on the seer, which is located at the entrance of the larynx.

Acute obstructive laryngitis - croup, false croup, a special form of laryngitis, is often diagnosed in preschool children. Occurs against the background of viral diseases, characterized by a barking cough, in a hoarse voice, hoarse breathing and shortness of breath.


Most often, the acute form of laryngitis develops as a complication of viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract - SARS, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis. It can develop against the background of diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, rheumatism and gout.

Main reasons:

  • complication after influenza, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, adenovirus infection;
  • hypothermia of the larynx or the whole organism as a whole;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx against the background of prolonged bronchitis and dry cough;
  • severe forms of tuberculosis;
  • damage to the respiratory organs by fungal microflora;
  • caries.

Chronic laryngitis is often diagnosed in smokers, lovers of strong liquor, adherents of spicy and hot food. Chronic inflammation of the ligaments - occupational disease teachers, actors, singers.


In acute laryngitis in adults, pathological processes in the tissues of the mucous membrane of the larynx, the protective mechanisms are weakened. With the accumulation of pathogenic microflora in large numbers, blood vessels expand, the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes in the blood increases, and severe swelling appears.

The inflamed throat loses its ability to pass air in sufficient quantities, the bronchial tree dries up, the vocal cords increase in size - the voice becomes hoarse.

Signs of the disease:

  • severe sore throat, which increases during a conversation, coughing, swallowing;
  • heat, symptoms of severe intoxication;
  • frequent seizures unproductive cough, sputum separation is insignificant;
  • rhinitis.

Chronic inflammation of the larynx has a not so bright clinical picture, manifests itself in the form constant feeling foreign body in the throat, dry mucous membranes, dull voice. With an exacerbation, blood clots may be present in the mucus.

Acute laryngitis in children

In children, false croup is most often diagnosed - acute stenosing laryngitis, the disease is characterized by severe swelling of the mucosa, blockage of the gaps with accumulations of sputum, and frequent reflex spasms. The attack begins suddenly, most often during a night's rest.

Disease grades:

  1. On initial stage the child becomes restless, breathing becomes noisy, a dry cough appears.
  2. In the second stage, shortness of breath appears, nasolabial triangle takes on a bluish tint.
  3. At the decompensated stage, the skin becomes pale, cold sweat appears on it, the heart sounds are muffled, the pulse quickens.
  4. Asphyxia - the child cannot breathe, convulsions appear, breathing and heartbeat stop.

Treatment of laryngitis in children requires immediate medical attention. Urgent Care consists in steam inhalation - dissolve 15 g of sea or edible salt in 1.5 liters of boiling water. If the child is very small or weak, he should be taken to the bathroom, fill the sink with hot water, dilute 50-60 g of soda in it - there should be a lot of steam with a clear smell of soda. The child needs to drink warm milk with Borjomi, tea, calm down.

Important! For treatment, inhalations are used with a nebulizer using Lazolvan, Hydrocartisone.

Acute laryngitis in pregnant women

Laryngitis during pregnancy develops against the background of hypothermia, colds, inhalation of polluted air. The greatest danger to the baby is the viral form of the disease - fetal pathologies, premature birth, fetal fading may occur.

Acute laryngitis is characterized by a barking cough, hoarse voice, scraping in the throat, swallowing and speaking painfully. When such signs appear, it is necessary to consult with an ENT.

It is difficult to treat laryngitis in pregnant women - most of the drugs are not intended for expectant mothers. Permitted antiviral agents - Viferon, Aflubin. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used topically - Miramistin spray, Efizol lozenges.

For severe coughing early dates it can be eliminated only with the help of warm, plentiful drink - milk, rosehip broth. In the second half of pregnancy, you can use Sinekod to eliminate cough. The main type of treatment is inhalation with a nebulizer with Borjomi, saline, Dekasan.

How to treat laryngitis, and are antibacterial agents needed? Bacterial laryngitis is diagnosed in every fifth patient, viral or allergic - in every third. The main cause of inflammation of the ligaments is bad habits, adverse conditions external environment. Therefore, the advisability of using antibiotics can only be determined by a doctor, after receiving the results of a study of a throat swab.

If the tests showed the presence of bacteria, then appoint antibacterial drugs in the form of lozenges, sprays - Strepsils. Tanum verde, Hexoral.

Strong antibiotics may be prescribed if signs of severe intoxication do not disappear after 5 days of symptomatic therapy. The most effective in the treatment of laryngitis are antibacterial agents from the macrolide group - Erythromycin, Clarithromycin.

Important! In acute laryngitis, you can not gargle with soda or salt solutions - these substances can further destroy the tissues of the mucous membrane. It is contraindicated to strongly warm the throat with ointments and compresses.

Treatment in the hospital for acute viral laryngitis is rarely carried out - only if there are purulent foci of inflammation, the threat of development severe swelling or stenosis. At home, I recommend inhaling with a nebulizer - a special device that turns medicines into an aerosol.

Medications for the nebulizer:

  • antibiotics - Miramistin, Dioxidin;
  • means for thinning sputum - ACC, Chymotrypsin;
  • alkaline mineral waters for moisturizing the mucosa, better sputum discharge - Essentuki No. 4, 17.

Acute laryngitis without cough is Lazolvan necessary? Lazolvan is one of the most expectorant drugs, reduces the viscosity of sputum, and contributes to its better discharge. If there is no cough, then the use of the drug is impractical.

Complications of acute laryngitis

Most often, laryngitis leads to the development of chronic bronchitis and tonsillitis. In the acute stage, severe swelling of the larynx, false croup is possible - the person begins to suffocate, the skin becomes pale, the nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint. Without timely medical attention death may come within an hour.

Other complications include a change in the timbre of the voice, the spread of infection to other internal organs, oncological diseases, a strong weakening of the protective functions of the body.

To prevent acute laryngitis, contact with all possible allergens should be excluded, the room should be maintained at an optimal temperature and humidity, and bad habits. People of voice professions need to regularly unload ligaments, breathe mountain or sea air.

Acute laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The disease can be independent, which is quite rare, or a consequence of a cold or SARS (influenza, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza), when the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx, and sometimes the lower respiratory tract (bronchi, lungs) are involved in the inflammatory process.

Causes of acute laryngitis

The main cause of the disease is respiratory viruses. Bacteria such as staphylococcus or streptococcus can also provoke a disease that occurs on its own or against the background of SARS. Scientists identify some other causes that cause acute laryngitis:

  1. Long stay in a smoky room, even such an innocent pastime as long sitting near a campfire and, therefore, inhaling the smoke from it can cause laryngitis.
  2. Even long conversations can provoke illness. For example, a fan who actively supports his favorite team at the stadium may feel a sore throat and notice a hoarseness in his voice the next day or late in the evening.
  3. Smoking is the strongest irritant, many experienced smokers notice such a symptom of laryngitis as a hoarse voice. If laryngitis manifests itself by itself, and not after some kind of disease, for example, tonsillitis, then the cause must be sought in the presence of a constant irritant. In this case, it is tobacco smoke.
  4. At risk of earning acute laryngitis are people employed in jobs that involve constant contact with dust, steam, smoke and other irritants that can eventually damage the mucous membrane of the throat, which will lead to.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and signs

From the very beginning, the disease may not affect the general well-being of a person, only a slight malaise is possible. Body temperature is often normal, in some cases only slightly elevated. Over time, there is a feeling of dryness, the presence of a foreign body, burning, scratching, possibly painful swallowing, sometimes there is a painful dry cough. At the beginning of the disease, the voice quickly gets tired, then hoarse, hoarse, and sometimes partially disappears. Patients often have aphonia, when the voice loses its sonority, but whispered speech remains. The cough turns from dry to wet, first mucous is separated, and then mucopurulent sputum.

With a special examination of the throat with a mirror, the reddened and swollen mucous membrane of the larynx is seen, the vocal folds are thickened and become pink or bright red. Most often, the diagnosis can be made immediately after such an examination.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults and children

Most cases of laryngitis are viral in nature, so effective ways little treatment. The best of these is rest and supportive care to relieve symptoms. The illness lasts about a week, at the end of which the symptoms disappear. If necessary, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and procedures in the hospital, such as electrophoresis or phonopedic sessions. There are some recommendations that must be followed so that the disease passes faster and delivers a minimum of discomfort. These include:

  1. Limitation of voice activity, and it is better not to talk at all. However, if it is impossible to create complete vocal rest, then it is better to speak in an even and calm voice, and not whisper, since whispering speech increases the load on the larynx.
  2. Avoid spicy, salty, hot foods.
  3. Eliminate bad habits - alcohol and smoking.
  4. As prescribed by the doctor, do inhalations containing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs; inhalations with alkaline mineral water are very useful.
  5. Observe drinking regimen, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, which acts as a prevention of drying out of the larynx. You need to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, sometimes you can replace the water fruit juice, berry juice or herbal tea. Very useful for acute laryngitis hot tea with honey. Warm tea soothes the affected throat tissue, while honey has an antibacterial effect, creating an environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Acute laryngitis: treatment with folk remedies

There are many effective folk recipes for treatment this disease in adults and children, which are very easy to implement at home. The most effective of them:

  1. Honey and carrots. It will take a glass carrot juice, in which you need to dissolve 1 tbsp. honey. We accept 1 tbsp. several times a day.
  2. Mix a glass of honey and half a glass of lemon juice, take 1 tsp. every 5 minutes. If desired, lemon juice can be replaced with cranberry.
  3. We take honey and plantain juice in equal quantities, we simmer the mass in a water bath for half an hour. We store the resulting product in a dark, cool place and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  4. Boil 100 g of carrots in 0.5 liters of milk, the resulting broth is taken orally in a glass 3 times a day.
  5. Boil 1-2 cloves of minced garlic in a glass of milk. Drink warm milk in small sips for 30 minutes.
  6. Boil 50 g of raisins in 0.5 l of water for 15 minutes, add the juice of one onion to the prepared broth and take it 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

Folk remedies for acute laryngitis are effective, they can be treated, but only as an adjuvant therapy. Drug treatment and physiotherapy prescribed by an otolaryngologist cannot be ignored and replaced.

The word "laryngitis" in Latin means "disease of the larynx". Acute laryngitis, the symptoms and treatment of which we will now consider, has signs similar to other throat diseases, but more on that below. How to treat acute laryngitis in adults, also read further in the article.

Acute laryngitis - symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis is known to be an inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. It is characterized by a sudden, very rapid onset, without warning.

A few words about the symptoms of laryngitis in adults. The most obvious and common symptom of acute laryngitis is hoarseness, it even happens total loss vote. It may feel sore and dry in the throat, as well as pain when swallowing. Adults may develop dry barking cough, shortness of breath, a bluish tint of the skin appears; the mucous membrane of the larynx looks sharply reddened.

sore throat,



dryness of the mucosa.

It is often difficult for a patient with symptoms of acute laryngitis to swallow. His throat turns red, his breath becomes wheezing. Sometimes the patient has a fever, a headache. Often laryngitis is accompanied by a barking dry cough, later turning into a wet one.

Cough in acute laryngitis usually develops after a viral infection. At first, signs of pharyngitis appear - a dry cough, a feeling of dryness in the throat, perspiration. Then the voice becomes hoarse, rough, sometimes completely disappears. Cough with acute laryngitis lasts about a week, but with improper treatment and constant violation of the voice mode, it can become chronic.

Visually, with acute laryngitis in adults, the mucous throat looks reddened, sometimes severely; in the area of ​​the folds of the vestibule, the swelling is more pronounced. From the vessels dilated due to inflammation, the blood that leaks can form purple and red dots on the mucous membrane, such as with influenza with complications.

If acute laryngitis occurs in an isolated form, then redness and mucosal infiltration can be observed only in the epiglottis. Often, inflammation in acute laryngitis spreads to the trachea, and then it develops into laryngotracheitis - dangerous complication diseases.

Basically, the symptoms of acute laryngitis go away after a week, while the consequences of the disease can be disturbing for up to two weeks, until they completely disappear.

Symptoms of complications of acute laryngitis in adults

The disease usually responds well to treatment. If laryngitis is not treated, you can earn unpleasant complications. The main complication of laryngitis acute form is stenosis against the background of edema, abscessing of the epiglottis or infiltration. Patients with a similar course of the disease need urgent hospitalization in an ENT hospital.

Especially dangerous is false croup - laryngotracheitis or stenosis of the larynx, caused by acute laryngitis in children. Because the larynx of a child small size, swelling of the ligaments can completely block the access of air and cause suffocation. Therefore, it is so important to start the treatment of laryngitis on time.

If complications after laryngitis occur suddenly, consult a doctor. If you have a cough with blood, difficulty swallowing, severe pain, lost voice or hoarseness, then be sure to seek medical help, as complications of laryngitis can become chronic.

How to treat acute laryngitis in adults?

Rarely, colds “come alone”: the thing is that many are used to enduring a cold, as they say, “on their feet”. One of the common diseases that accompany a cold is laryngitis. So, you want to know how to cure laryngitis in adults? Read on for tips on treating this disease.

So, if you feel the symptoms of acute laryngitis, do not panic, but start treatment, seek advice from traditional medicine

Gargle. To treat laryngitis, rinses are prescribed (decoctions medicinal herbs- chamomile, sage)

Steam your feet.

Home treatment for acute laryngitis is to limit the load on the throat. Patients are advised to adhere to the voice mode. This means - do not strain your voice. Don't whisper! It is better to speak quietly, but not in a whisper. So the load on the throat will be less.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke, eat spicy dishes. Doctors forbid the patient to drink alcohol, smoke, eat spicy seasonings, spices, salty foods, too cold or hot dishes, because. all of the above can irritate the larynx, thereby complicating the process of healing from laryngitis. Doctors strongly recommend refraining from going outside in foggy weather, they advise not to breathe cold and smoky air

Drink more warm. It can be tea, milk, Borjomi. But keep in mind that drinks should be at room temperature, not hot. This is especially true of milk with honey, because everyone knows that the properties of honey change when it is heated excessively. Hot in this state is contraindicated for the larynx.

Take inhalations from alkaline water with the addition of herbs. Use traditional medicine recipes. All sorts of sprays and lozenges for the treatment of the throat are excellent. One of the main enemies of laryngitis is warm, moist air, so alkaline-oil inhalations are very effective. They need to be done every 2-3 hours for 15-20 minutes. It's a good idea to put a humidifier in the room of a patient with laryngitis or simply organize the opportunity to breathe steam in the bathroom by turning on hot water.

Use compresses and warm wraps around the neck to treat acute laryngitis.

It is worth attaching mustard plasters.

If after 5-7 days you do not feel better, use antibiotics local action in aerosols, and better - consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary drug treatment acute laryngitis. An untreated ailment can become chronic, and then the problem will accompany you for many weeks.

Treatment of acute laryngitis with antibiotics

To avoid complications, as well as in difficult cases, when laryngitis is very neglected or too acute, the doctor suggests treating laryngitis with antibiotics.

Since laryngitis is caused by a variety of pathogens, it is treated with antibiotics. broad action. As a rule, the primary causative agent of laryngitis is a virus, but the viral process often entails an additional bacterial one, and antibiotics should fight against it.

For the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults, natural penicillins, semi-synthetic penicillins, fluoroquinolones (Levoflaxacin, Moxifloxacin), cephalosporins (in the pharmacy it is Zinacef, Aksetin, Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime), macrolides (they are also known to us as Azithromycin, Sumamed, Hemomycin, clarithromycin) are used. ).

However, it must be remembered that the treatment of laryngitis with antibiotics is a strictly individual process. In no case should you take something that somehow helped your friends: "their" drug may not suit you. Antibiotics are selected only by a doctor, focusing on your individual characteristics, the course of the disease, its severity and the type of pathogen that caused laryngitis.

Antibiotics should also be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor or instructions. By skipping antibiotics, you can cause the bacteria that overwhelm you to adapt to a weaker concentration of the drug, in the end, it will cease to be fatal to them. You will get not just a disease, but a disease resistant to a certain type of antibiotics. Then you have to start all over again.

Therefore, treat the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults with antibiotics carefully, take care of your throat, take your medicines on time. Usually, acute laryngitis, which is conscientiously treated, resolves in about a week.

Traditional treatment of acute laryngitis in adults

For the treatment of acute laryngitis, physiotherapy is used: Sollux on the front of the neck, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with Novocain on the larynx, ultrasound and microwave therapy. If a cough has joined the laryngitis, cough remedies are used.

After laryngitis, patients with voice disorders should be consulted by a phoniatrist to correct therapy. Patients after laryngitis are sent to phonopedia, the purpose of which is to establish a sonorous voice and phonation breathing. Such exercises help to improve the condition of the larynx and prevent the formation of a vestibular-folded voice.

Acute laryngitis can be treated with plenty of alkaline fluids, anti-inflammatory drugs, hot foot baths. Prescribe drugs that relieve swelling of tissues, such as, for example, diphenhydramine and suprastin.

First aid for complications of acute laryngitis

If a patient with laryngitis has an acute cough, shortness of breath, you need to call an ambulance, and before it arrives, do the following:

open the window and free the chest of the patient with laryngitis from tight clothing;

to give the patient with symptoms of acute laryngitis a semi-sitting position;

put the patient's legs with laryngitis in the warmest possible water, in this case the blood will move away from the inflamed larynx and, accordingly, will rush to the legs, so the edema will be removed - this is the so-called "distracting" procedure);

do alkaline inhalation, that is, breathe over the steam of water, to which 1 tablespoon of soda is added.

Causes and prevention of acute laryngitis

Acute type causes general hypothermia with the weakening of the body. Such laryngitis is a viral or bacterial infection. Burns and trauma can also cause laryngitis. SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, whooping cough and other infections of the upper respiratory tract can provoke laryngitis. Acute laryngitis in adulthood can also be caused by vocal cord nodes or polyps, ulcers, age-related changes, ligament paralysis due to a stroke, or pulmonary edema.

The causes of acute laryngitis in children and adults can be infectious diseases - scarlet fever, whooping cough, influenza, less often - diphtheria. Then in the complex treatment of the disease you will cure the accompanying laryngitis. But also the causes of acute laryngitis lie in everyday problems - smoking, drinking alcohol, constant or short-term overexertion of the throat. If the air you breathe contains a lot of dust, the risk of developing laryngitis increases many times over.

Prevention of acute laryngitis

The main and decisive importance in the prevention of laryngitis is regular exercise (breathing control), hardening of the body, starting from an earlier age.

It is also important for the prevention of laryngitis to observe what is taught in children's cartoons, wash hands with soap, use disposable wipes, do not touch the nasal and oral cavity with dirty hands, and most importantly, avoid close contact with people with ARVI. There is also a good old proven method that allows you to avoid any diseases - this is hardening (contrast shower, wiping and dousing with cold water). You also need to get enough sleep and spend more time outdoors.

With all this, for the prevention of acute laryngitis, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia of the body, especially the legs, since most of the diseases come from cold feet. It is necessary to try to talk less in cold air, in order to avoid hypothermia of the vocal cords. Will be much less chance get sick if there is less dust in the house and the air is of moderate temperature and humidity.

If, due to the specification of your work, you are in dust or in contact with harmful substances, it is best to work with a respirator to prevent laryngitis or, upon arrival home, inhale to cleanse the mucous membranes and respiratory tract from harmful substances

How to prevent complications of laryngitis in adults?

Be sure to take care of your body after you have suffered laryngitis. Complications may require attention if you are a member of the vocal professions. Great attention should be paid to patients with increased demands on the voice. Treatment of such patients should begin when the first symptoms of laryngitis appear. Great importance is attached to the voice mode, restorative therapy for the prevention of hypotonic dysphonia - a common complication of acute laryngitis.

To relieve discomfort in the throat, suck on cough drops, they moisten the throat with laryngitis and help to cope with laryngitis faster. Choose honey or fruit flavors, mint and menthol dry your throat.

Representatives of vocal professions who have suffered acute laryngitis are required to be under the supervision of a phoniatrist. The frequency of observation of complications of laryngitis is determined depending on the requirements that apply to the quality of the voice, as well as the presence of chronic pathology of the vocal apparatus.

Patients for the prevention of complications of acute laryngitis require a daily examination by a specialist after a voice load from the moment of onset labor activity to correct, if necessary, the volume of the voice load.

Be careful and take care of your health!

What is Laryngitis (acute) -

Laryngitis(acute) is an acute inflammation of the larynx, has a secondary origin. Together with laryngitis (acute), the patient has accompanying illnesses nasopharynx and lower respiratory tract. In terms of prevalence, 80% of all diseases of the larynx are assigned to laryngitis. Laryngitis (acute) is more common in older children, the most dangerous is considered under the age of 3 years.

In the case when laryngitis is superimposed on the primary disease - bacterial infection, then the disease proceeds as a viral-bacterial infection with a characteristic lesion of the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, parenchymal organs, and the central nervous system.

Acute laryngitis is also a complication after acute infectious diseases - influenza, measles, scarlet fever, etc. Children have a predisposition to laryngitis after past illnesses, such as chronic nasopharyngitis, purulent sinusitis, mouth breathing.

What provokes / Causes of Laryngitis (acute):

The disease develops after inhalation of cold air through the mouth, drinking a cold drink during overheating of the body, overstrain of the vocal apparatus, infection with a viral or bactericidal infection, after mechanical, thermal, chemical damage.

Laryngitis may appear due to internal disorders in the body: wrong exchange substances with increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the larynx even to weak stimuli, heavy sweating with vegetative neurosis.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Laryngitis (acute):

Laryngitis(acute) is divided into diffuse (diffuse) and limited. The following signs are characteristic of diffuse laryngitis: reddening of the mucous membrane, severe swelling in the area of ​​the folds of the vestibule, leakage of blood from inflamed vessels. The limited form is characterized by: redness and infiltration of the mucous membrane only in the epiglottis, the inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the larynx and trachea, accompanied by strong cough with sputum. In acute laryngitis, ruptures, desquamation and partial rejection of the columnar epithelium occur.

Symptoms of Laryngitis (acute):

Common features of laryngitis Clinical signs: gradual, which is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, the patient feels satisfactory, but we note that sometimes in some forms of laryngitis, the disease may have a sudden onset.

With laryngitis (acute), patients have a pronounced hyperesthesia of the larynx. Patients have a feeling of dryness, which turns into a dry cough, as well as burning, soreness and soreness in the throat, pain when swallowing, hoarseness, the voice becomes rough,. If timely treatment is not started, a dry cough can turn into a wet one with secretions of mucous and purulent sputum.

The signs of the disease include: serous impregnation of the mucous membrane, small-point infiltration, submucosal tissue and muscles of the larynx.

Since laryngitis is a secondary disease, it has different symptoms depending on primary disease:

Laryngitis (acute stenosis of the larynx) with measles. It can develop on the 6-8th day of the primary illness - during this period, the measles virus is introduced into the mucous membrane of the larynx. If laryngitis starts from day 14 primary disease, then its course is very severe - there is an ulcerative necrotic lesion of the mucous membrane of the larynx, diffuse hyperemia of the mucous membrane, the vocal folds are bright red in color, covered with a transparent mucous secretion, the glottis is free, patients may experience sudden spasms, barking dry cough, voice changes, rash in the subglottic cavity, hoarseness, breathing - stenotic.

Laryngitis with scarlet fever. This type of disease is rare, in only 1% of cases. With this laryngitis, the following symptoms are observed: catarrhal phenomena, ulcerative phlegmon, deep phlegmonoma of the neck, sharp pain in the throat, inability to swallow, the patient takes a forced posture of the head.

Laryngitis in whooping cough and chicken pox. With laryngitis against the background of whooping cough, blood vessels expand as a result of coughing, hypertrophy can be traced lymphoid tissue, hoarseness. With chickenpox, laryngitis is quite rare. So, on the mucous membrane of the larynx, single vesicles are observed, the rupture of which leads to the appearance of an ulcerative surface with a pronounced perifocal reaction in the form of edema, difficulty breathing.

Laryngitis with herpes infection. This is a rare type of laryngitis that occurs simultaneously with herpes of the pharynx. Symptoms include high fever, headache, the formation of small bubbles on the back of the pharynx, extends to the surface of the tongue and the epiglottis. Herpetic vesicles are prone to rupture, leaving plaque-covered ulcers. Signs include: dryness of the nasopharynx, pain when swallowing, hoarseness.

Laryngitis in typhoid fever. With typhoid fever, laryngitis is observed at 3-4 weeks of the primary disease. Patients develop pain when swallowing, hoarseness, limited hyperemia, swelling, aphonia, stenosis, dense fibrous plaque.

Laryngitis in typhus. With laryngitis against the background of typhus, acute and chronic stenoses of the larynx, vascular thrombosis, changes in deep tissues, swelling, cartilage damage (cartilage disease can last up to 3 months or more), sore throat when swallowing, hoarseness, difficulty breathing can develop.

Laryngitis in smallpox. Laryngitis develops at the beginning of the primary disease (on the 3-6th day) or for more late stage. Accompanied by: smallpox pustules on the epiglottis, arytenoid cartilages, vestibular and vocal folds. After opening the pustules, superficial ulcers remain, which respond well to healing. In severe cases, ulcers can deepen into the perichondria, which can lead to cicatricial stenosis. Patients have observed immobilization of the vocal folds, erythema, superficial ulceration, covered with a grayish coating, or deep ulcers with infiltration.

Diphtheria laryngitis of the larynx (true croup). Leakage laryngitis depends on the severity of the form of the course of the primary disease -. Diphtheria laryngitis is most commonly seen in children 1 to 5 years of age, but is rare in older children. The smaller the child, the more severe the course of the disease. Diphtheria laryngitis is manifested by the following symptoms: stenosis, dysphonia and a cough corresponding to the voice. The disease develops in 3 stages:

  • Stage I (catarrhal phenomena), its duration is 2-4 days, in children younger age- a few hours: fever up to 38 ºС, lethargy and pallor of the skin, slight hyperemia, nasal congestion, obsessive cough, focal whitish plaque.
  • Stage II (severe clinical symptoms): a sharp deterioration in the general condition, a barking cough (may turn into a silent one), fading of the voice to aphonia, difficulty breathing, the appearance of fibrous films, hoarseness, stenosis, intoxication of the cervical lymph nodes, a large number of formations of diphtheria films of dirty gray in color, after their separation, ulcers remain.
  • Stage III (asphyxia): drowsiness, indifference, pallor, earthy-gray shade of the skin, cold extremities, rapid breathing, intoxication and reaction of the cervical lymph nodes, atony of the vocal folds and diaphragm, thready pulse, low arterial pressure paralysis of the respiratory center.

Influenza laryngitis. Occurs against the background of any viral infection with influenza type A or B, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and enterovirus infections. Accompanied by croup syndrome or general intoxication. Symptoms: capillary circulation disorders, necrosis, mucosal edema, rapid development of the disease, airway obstruction, vomiting, headache, child anxiety, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, cough, epistaxis, hoarseness, aphonia, hyperemia (catarrhal, purulent, fibrous, hemorrhagic, necrotic).

Acute subglottic laryngitis. It is localized in the zone of the subvocal cavity. This is an inflammatory process that has arisen due to a respiratory viral disease, which has specific symptoms: a narrow lumen of the larynx, sudden attacks of suffocation, anxiety, inspiratory dyspnea, barking cough with viscous sputum, noisy breathing, vomiting.

Phlegmonous laryngitis. This serious disease that occurs after injuries of the larynx and mucous membrane. Phlegmonous laryngitis can also develop secondarily, be a complication after laryngeal tonsillitis, typhoid fever, measles, scarlet fever, laryngeal diphtheria and other diseases. Symptoms: sudden onset of the disease, a sharp increase in temperature, weakness, sore throat, malaise, hoarseness, severe course of the disease, intoxication, stenotic disorders, abscess.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the larynx. secondary disease with symptoms: acute onset of the disease, fever, chills, sharp pain when swallowing, shortness of breath.

Acute chondroperichondritis of the larynx. It appears due to trauma to the larynx or an infectious disease (flu, typhoid, measles, etc.), accompanied by the following symptoms: swelling, hyperemia, formation of fistulas during suppuration, pain when swallowing, the patient takes a forced position of the head, fever, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, aphonia, cough, shortness of breath, hoarseness, the glottis sharply narrows.

Allergic edema of the larynx. Occurs after exposure to the body of allergens in the form of household, food and medications. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: allergic edema, rapid development of stenosis, voice disorder, the lining of the larynx has a pale color.

Diagnosis of Laryngitis (acute):

In establishing a diagnosis laryngitis use a wide range of techniques:

  • Analysis and assessment of the epidemiological history and symptoms - examination of the vocal cords, visual examination of the lymph nodes, nose, mouth and throat for inflammation (acute laryngitis, with scarlet fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, influenza, phlegmonous and other types).
  • Bacteriological examination of a smear (measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, etc.).
  • Laryngoscopy - instrumental diagnosis of laryngitis, helps to identify hyperemia, edema, increased vascular pattern, incomplete closure of the vocal cords (diphtheria laryngitis, influenza, etc.)
  • Radiography - shows borders internal organs, as well as the accumulation of air in the organs. An increase in organs indicates a disease (influenza laryngitis, etc.)
  • Virological analysis and PCR analysis of swabs from the upper respiratory tract is carried out to identify the virus.
  • The differential method is used to exclude - parainfluenza and adenovirus acute stenosis of the larynx, laryngeal angina, acute rhinitis (measles, herpes, diphtheria, influenza), bronchial asthma, pharyngeal abscess, larynx papillomatosis, epiglottitis, congenital stridor, etc.

Treatment of Laryngitis (acute):

During treatment, the patient must comply bed rest, peace of the vocal cords, eat non-irritating food (excluding spicy and hot dishes), alkaline mineral waters and plenty of warm drinks are introduced into the diet. The therapy includes folk remedies - mustard plasters on the neck, legs and warming compresses.

Physiotherapy is also used: UHF therapy, steam or aerosol inhalations of a 2-3% solution of soda, chlorethone, vasodilators, herbal inhalations, aerosols - cameton, ingalipt, ingacamf, camphomen.

In drug therapy, they use: soothing coughs and expectorants. With viral laryngitis antibiotics and sulfa drugs are introduced into therapy. In case of a protracted state of the disease, iodine is prescribed in a mixture or sodium iodide solution is injected intramuscularly at 0.3-1.0 ml of 2-3% 3-4 times a day or intravenously 10% solution of 5-10 ml per infusion.

The duration of the disease is 5-10 days. With timely treatment, the patient's condition quickly improves: hyperemia and edema disappear. But when the treatment is delayed, acute laryngitis can turn into subacute and chronic forms.

Treatment of measles laryngitis. Appointed large doses antibiotics, vitamins, inhalation procedures, symptomatic remedies. The patient is given gamma globulin, which prevents complications. In the event of a sharp difficulty in breathing, the patient undergoes a tracheotomy. The disease has a favorable prognosis.

Treatment laryngitis in scarlet fever. The same treatment is prescribed as for acute laryngitis.

Treatment of laryngitis with herpes infection. The patient is prescribed antiherpetic drugs, inhalation therapy, warming compresses on the neck, the patient must be in a state of voice rest. Favorable prognosis for recovery.

Treatment of laryngitis in typhoid fever. Anti-inflammatory, decongestants, inhalation therapy are prescribed. In case of progressive increase respiratory failure tracheotomy is performed.

Treatment of laryngitis in typhus. Complex, anti-inflammatory, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. If necessary, a tracheotomy is performed.

Treatment of laryngitis in smallpox. The goal of therapy is to restore breathing, eliminate the inflammatory process and prevent persistent stenotic disorders.

Treatment of diphtheria laryngitis of the larynx (true croup). The main method of treatment is the introduction of antidiphtheria serum. Serum is injected 2-3 times a day until the plaque disappears, after 1 time per day until it disappears completely. To prevent a secondary infection, antibiotics and a tonic are prescribed, symptomatic therapy. Assign gargling, irrigation with weak disinfectant solutions, removal and suction of fibrinous films during laryngoscopy. In severe cases, a tracheotomy is performed. Patients may develop complications from toxic form: nephrosis, myocarditis, cardiac collapse, polyradiculoneuritis.

Treatment of influenzal laryngitis. Therapy includes early hospitalization, timely complex therapy. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the condition of the sick child, the affected organs, the type of virus and the manifestation of symptoms. In influenza laryngitis, hyposensitizing, etiotropic (the use of leukocyte interferon, anti-influenza and antistaphylococcal gamma globulin and serum, native toxoid), reflex (vagosympathetic blockade, tranquilizers, neuroleptics are prescribed to relieve stress reactions, peripheral vascular spasm, cardiac agents are administered), anti-inflammatory, corrective homeostasis therapy, intravenous detoxification therapy, take measures to relieve bronchospasm, remove sputum, laryngoscopy. Influenza laryngitis presented various symptoms and therapy is aimed at its treatment.

Treatment of acute subglottic laryngitis. Treatment is stationary and is aimed at stopping the edematous-inflammatory process and restoring breathing. Apply different kinds therapy: dehydration, hyposensitizing, sedative, reflex. In severe cases, intubation or tracheotomy is used.

Treatment phlegmonous laryngitis. Aimed at restoring breathing with antibiotics a wide range actions, decongestant therapy is used with antihistamines and diuretics, corticosteroids. The patient should be at rest, he is prescribed thermal procedures - warming compresses, poultices, heating pads, steam inhalations.

Treatment erysipelas larynx. It is treated with the help of antibacterial, hyposensitizing therapy.

Treatment of acute chondroperichondritis of the larynx. Aimed at the elimination of the etiological factor. For this, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, combining them with sulfa drugs, glucocorticoids, and decongestants. Abscesses are removed. In severe cases, nasotracheal intubation and tracheotomy are performed. Note that chondroperichondritis may have serious complications- aspiration pneumonia, septicopyemia, mediastinitis.

Treatment of allergic edema of the larynx. First of all, the allergen that led to the edema is eliminated, and then the edema itself. For this, glucocorticoids are administered intravenously, hypertonic solution glucose, plasma, urotropin; magnesium sulfate, atropine are administered intramuscularly, diuretics are used, nonspecific hyposensitization, intranasal novocaine blockade. If swelling increases, nasotracheal intubation or tracheotomy is performed.

Prevention of Laryngitis (acute):

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing laryngitis. Such measures include: increasing the immunity of the child, timely treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, vaccination against childhood infections.

In order to prevent an already sick child, it is necessary to isolate from the rest of the family. After that, it is necessary to disinfect the house and urgently begin treatment.

With influenza laryngitis, prevention is difficult.

Which doctors should you contact if you have Laryngitis (acute):




Are you worried about something? Do you want to know more detailed information about Laryngitis (acute), its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and following a diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help and make a diagnosis. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

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You? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

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Other diseases from the group Diseases of the child (pediatrics):

Bacillus cereus in children
Adenovirus infection in children
Alimentary dyspepsia
Allergic diathesis in children
Allergic conjunctivitis in children
Allergic rhinitis in children
Angina in children
Atrial septal aneurysm
Aneurysm in children
Anemia in children
Arrhythmia in children
Arterial hypertension in children
Ascariasis in children
Asphyxia of newborns
Atopic dermatitis in children
Autism in children
Rabies in children
Blepharitis in children
Heart blocks in children
Lateral cyst of the neck in children
Marfan's disease (syndrome)
Hirschsprung disease in children
Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis) in children
Legionnaires' disease in children
Meniere's disease in children
Botulism in children
Bronchial asthma in children
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Brucellosis in children
Typhoid fever in children
Spring catarrh in children
Chickenpox in children
Viral conjunctivitis in children
Temporal lobe epilepsy in children
Visceral leishmaniasis in children
HIV infection in children
Intracranial birth injury
Inflammation of the intestines in a child
Congenital heart defects (CHD) in children
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in children
Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children
Hemophilia in children
Haemophilus influenzae in children
Generalized learning disabilities in children
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Children
Geographic language in a child
Hepatitis G in children
Hepatitis A in children
Hepatitis B in children
Hepatitis D in children
Hepatitis E in children
Hepatitis C in children
Herpes in children
Herpes in newborns
Hydrocephalic syndrome in children
Hyperactivity in children
Hypervitaminosis in children
Hyperexcitability in children
Hypovitaminosis in children
Fetal hypoxia
Hypotension in children
Hypotrophy in a child
Histiocytosis in children
Glaucoma in children
Deafness (deafness)
Gonoblenorrhea in children
Influenza in children
Dacryoadenitis in children
Dacryocystitis in children
depression in children
Dysentery (shigellosis) in children
Dysbacteriosis in children
Dysmetabolic nephropathy in children
Diphtheria in children
Benign lymphoreticulosis in children
Iron deficiency anemia in a child
Yellow fever in children
Occipital epilepsy in children
Heartburn (GERD) in children
Immunodeficiency in children
Impetigo in children
Intestinal intussusception
Infectious mononucleosis in children
Deviated septum in children
Ischemic neuropathy in children
Campylobacteriosis in children
Canaliculitis in children
Candidiasis (thrush) in children
Carotid-cavernous fistula in children
Keratitis in children
Klebsiella in children
Tick-borne typhus in children
Tick-borne encephalitis in children
Clostridium in children
Coarctation of the aorta in children
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in children
Whooping cough in children
Coxsackie- and ECHO infection in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Coronavirus infection in children
Measles in children
Club hand
Urticaria in children
Rubella in children
Cryptorchidism in children
Croup in a child
Croupous pneumonia in children
Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in children
Q fever in children
Labyrinthitis in children
Lactase deficiency in children
Pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
Leukemia in children
Drug allergies in children
Leptospirosis in children
Lethargic encephalitis in children
Lymphogranulomatosis in children
Lymphoma in children
Listeriosis in children
Ebola in children
Frontal epilepsy in children
Malabsorption in children
Malaria in children
MARS in children
Mastoiditis in children
Meningitis in children
Meningococcal infection in children
Meningococcal meningitis in children
Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents
Myasthenia gravis in children
Migraine in children
Mycoplasmosis in children
Myocardial dystrophy in children
Myocarditis in children
Myoclonic epilepsy in early childhood
mitral stenosis
Urolithiasis (ICD) in children
Cystic fibrosis in children
Otitis externa in children
Speech disorders in children
neuroses in children
mitral valve insufficiency
Incomplete bowel rotation
Sensorineural hearing loss in children
Neurofibromatosis in children
Diabetes insipidus in children
Nephrotic syndrome in children
Nosebleeds in children
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children
Obstructive bronchitis in children
Obesity in children
Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) in children
Opisthorchiasis in children
Shingles in children
Brain tumors in children
Tumors of the spinal cord and spine in children
ear tumor
Ornithosis in children
Smallpox rickettsiosis in children
Acute renal failure in children
Pinworms in children
Acute sinusitis
Acute herpetic stomatitis in children
Acute pancreatitis in children
Acute pyelonephritis in children
Quincke's edema in children
Otitis media in children (chronic)
Otomycosis in children
Otosclerosis in children
Focal pneumonia in children
Parainfluenza in children
Parawhooping cough in children
Paratrophy in children
Paroxysmal tachycardia in children
Parotitis in children
Pericarditis in children
Pyloric stenosis in children
child food allergy
Pleurisy in children
Pneumococcal infection in children
Pneumonia in children
Pneumothorax in children
Corneal injury in children
Increased intraocular pressure
High blood pressure in a child
Polio in children
Polyps in the nose
Pollinosis in children
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children
Precocious sexual development