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Flu treatment in children. Is bed rest necessary for flu? How is the flu transmitted?

In anticipation cold winter Doctors are redoubling their efforts to study the epidemiological situation in the country and in the world. This is done in order to warn the population about potential viruses and create conditions in time to prevent isolated outbreaks of the disease from turning into a global pandemic.

Epidemiologists suggest that ARVI and seasonal viral flu 2016-2017 are activated in November-December of the current year. Symptoms and signs of A strains will appear slightly later in adults and children (presumably early January 2017). However, doctors are confident that the incidence will not exceed last year’s figures and that each person will be provided with timely health care and necessary services for treatment and speedy recovery.

The only thing doctors ask is not to self-medicate, but to immediately contact specialists, especially in case of exacerbation primary symptoms. This will help to localize the source of infection in time and prevent viruses from spreading further. Therefore, if you suddenly feel unwell, start coughing and sneezing, feel sharp pains in the chest and severe weakness, do not delay treatment, but immediately go to the doctor. Based on the primary symptoms, he will be able to determine in time the nature of the disease, even without fever, and will immediately prescribe the correct treatment. Only then will the virus be quickly defeated and will it not cause any unpleasant or dangerous complications to the body of adults and children.

Flu 2016-2017: virologists' forecast of what kind of flu is expected

For the autumn-winter period of 2016-2017, virologists make a disappointing forecast: we expect not only traditional colds and acute respiratory viral infections, but several types of influenza, each of which is dangerous in its own way, both for children and adults. The epidemic season will begin at the end of October and will last almost until spring. The most actively circulating influenza virus strains will be:

  • H1N1 or swine flu. It is a subtype of the influenza A virus, which is considered one of the most widespread on the planet and causes the largest epidemics, accompanied by big amount victims from fatal. Distributed both among people and among animals and birds. WHO first registered large outbreaks of this disease in June 2009. The virus is transmitted in several ways: aerogenously - from the carrier to the victim during the process of sneezing or coughing; household contact – if personal hygiene rules are not observed (hand washing) after touching objects that have been exposed to elements of the virus that spreads the disease; passive - when eating contaminated pork cooked without proper heat treatment.
  • H2N2 or Asian flu. It first manifested itself in February 1957 in southern China and caused an epidemic there that was devastating in scale. Over the course of a year, between 1 and 4 million people died from the deadly effects of the virus. At the beginning of spring, the disease spread to Singapore, and already in May the impact of the influenza virus was felt in the border areas Soviet Union. By the end of 1957 in the USSR, the number of patients affected by the Asian flu ranged from 30 to 50 percent of the total population. A slight decline in the disease around the world began only in the fall of 1958, but already in December the pandemic entered its second active phase and spread to the Near and Middle East. The virus was curbed only by December 1959, however, as a result of its march around the world, between 1.5 and 2 billion people became ill, and more than 1 million people died as a result of the pandemic different countries. By 1968, the strain of this virus was finally “suppressed” and since then, vaccination of adults and children against H2N2 has not been carried out and immunity in modern people Those born after 1969 are not affected by this disease. WHO warns everyone about a possible H2N2 epidemic, since the cyclical nature of viral manifestations of this kind is 60 years and 2017 may well be the beginning of a new round of the pandemic.
  • H3N2 or Hong Kong flu. One of the rather old viruses that killed many people around the world in the late 60s of the last century. Symptoms similar to swine flu, but is considered somewhat less dangerous to people. Most often it affects not the active, working population under 60 years of age, but children who have the immune system has not yet had time to fully form, and older citizens with weakened age-related changes body and all kinds of chronic diseases varying degrees gravity. The disease is more dangerous for pregnant women, diabetics, heavy smokers, HIV-infected people and persons in large quantities consuming alcoholic drinks. Highest mortality rate from hong kong flu observed among children under 2 years of age and old people 65 years or more.

Classic and specific (dangerous) symptoms of influenza 2017 in adults

The bulk of the symptoms of the above strains appear in adults in the same way as the usual seasonal viral flu or ARVI. In almost all cases, the temperature rises, the throat feels sore, itchy persistent cough, and the nose is irritated by a profuse runny nose. The body aches from muscle pain, and the sudden onset of weakness makes you want to lie down, instead of going to work or doing your usual household chores. So unpleasant condition accompanied by severe headaches, constant chills and tachycardia.

Dangerous symptoms of influenza A strains in adults

When different strains of influenza enter the body, the classic symptoms of a cold are aggravated and complicated. additional symptoms. The patient should, without wasting a single minute, contact a specialized doctor for treatment or call an ambulance if:

  1. The temperature remains stable throughout the day at 39-40 degrees and cannot be brought down by any antipyretic drugs. Or if within 4-5 days the temperature does not drop below 38 degrees, despite active treatment, regular intake of appropriate medications, vitamins and tablets.
  2. Strong, It's a dull pain, aches and weakness are felt throughout the whole body. Nausea rises in the throat, sudden, unreasonable urge to vomit occurs, the lower abdomen pulls, diarrhea occurs periodically, and when urinating, there is difficulty or there is no urge at all for a long time. All this is accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, blue lips, signs of dehydration, cramping of the limbs, confusion and general disorientation.
  3. The disease progresses very actively and the patient’s condition worsens, literally before our eyes, sometimes within a few hours. Incubation period strains of influenza are very short and usually range from 2 to 4 days, so it is very important to identify the type of influenza as soon as possible and create all the conditions for the person to quality treatment illness.
  4. Intensive inflammatory processes, immediately following the increase in temperature. With regular seasonal flu, this only results in a runny nose and cough. When the body is affected by strains, the mucous membrane often becomes inflamed, and in severe cases insensitive to classical antibiotics occurs viral pneumonia. This is the most dangerous moment, since the complication progresses quickly and in the absence of timely and proper treatment may cause fatal outcome, moreover, just a day after observing the first symptoms of complications.

Flu: characteristic signs and symptoms in children

Symptoms and signs characteristic of influenza in children are very similar to the manifestation of the disease in adults. In the same way, children have a sharp rise in temperature, weakness and lethargy, a sore throat and a cough with a runny nose. Flu strains affect young patients even more severely than adults. Children are especially vulnerable to some of their symptoms, and according to some indicators they are even at risk of death in the absence of timely and qualified treatment.

  • For viral influenza in preschool children and school age The area of ​​the larynx, large bronchi and trachea are primarily affected. It is there that the most global morphological changes occur. IN lung tissue Blood circulation is disrupted, and small hemorrhages occur in the pleura. The younger the child is, the higher the risk of the formation of a focus of serous inflammation in the lungs and the subsequent development of pneumonia.
  • Symptoms of category A strains appear in children within 2 days, influenza B - within 3-4 days. The most acute phase is the onset of the disease. At this moment, the temperature “soars” to 39-40°C and it is not always possible to bring it down quickly. Children feel as bad as possible at the end of the first day and sometimes serious condition(weakness, joint and muscle pain, increased lethargy) continues into the second day of the disease.
  • Almost always, influenza in children is accompanied by a symptom such as a sharp decrease in appetite, and especially difficult cases complete refusal from food. Possible nausea and vomiting, severe headache, insomnia, less often delusions and hallucinations.
  • The following symptoms are most characteristic of the active course of the disease: cough, mucous discharge from the nose, acute sore throat, complications when swallowing, segmental pulmonary edema, pallor skin And increased sweating. In difficult cases it is possible meningeal symptoms, brief fainting, limb cramps and nosebleeds.

Flu 2016-2017 – prevention and treatment in adults and children

Among preventive procedures To help adults and children protect themselves from the symptoms of influenza 2016-2017 and ARVI, timely vaccination is considered the most effective. It is carried out in early autumn (from September to October). This is done so that by the beginning of a potential epidemic viral infections, the body became stronger and managed to develop immunity. Vaccination of children and adults is carried out using medical supplies containing surface antigens of influenza strains. After 14-30 days, the vaccination enters the active phase and the person becomes practically invulnerable to disease.

For adults and children who, for personal reasons, are unable to get vaccinated against influenza, a special option is offered for the prevention and treatment of primary symptoms: regular use of immunomodulators, strict adherence to personal hygiene rules, restriction of being in in public places, use of personal protective equipment, etc.

If, despite all precautions, children or adults develop primary signs and symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to obtain a qualified drug treatment. When all necessary medications prescribed, they will need to be taken in strict accordance with the doctor’s instructions. In addition, it is necessary to reduce contact with people to a minimum, limit (or completely cancel) any physical exercise, maintain bed rest (even when the illness passes without fever), eat well and take vitamins. These rules are equally relevant for both adults and children and are mandatory.

In this material, we will look at the main symptoms of swine flu in humans 2016. Since they are often similar to the symptoms of a cold, they are not paid serious attention in the first days. This is where the danger lies, because swine flu actively attacks the body in the first days, and complications begin to develop simultaneously with the virus.

Today you can find a lot of information in the press about how actively and exactly how the influenza virus mutates. However, at the end of winter this information constantly becomes relevant again, and experts from the World Health Organization do not have time to answer questions. So, you should now study the data on this disease, how relevant they are for 2016. As soon as you notice at least one of the symptoms listed below, you must definitely call a doctor and determine for sure whether it is the flu or a common cold. Healthy food to strengthen the immune system: .

About swine flu in 2016

No matter how much we would like to reassure the population, the A/H1N1 strain of influenza virus this year is the main enemy of the end of winter. An epidemic of this type of influenza has already been announced not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine. The Ministry of Health of these countries emphasizes that you should be careful about your health during this period.

If you experience any symptoms of a cold, not to mention the flu, you should immediately contact medical assistance. Because, during the described period of late winter 2016, the likelihood of becoming infected with the influenza virus, especially in big cities, high. The most important danger of swine flu is that complications develop as quickly as possible. First of all, they spread to the lungs and bronchial system. This is what can cause death if there is insufficient attention to one’s health and a long absence of treatment.

About the main symptoms

Currently, online forums are actively discussing the symptoms of swine flu in humans 2016. Here you need to understand that in many ways the symptoms are similar to ordinary flu or such a common flu colds like ARVI. Especially it concerns initial stage diseases. Body temperature will rise, there will be general feeling muscle aches, headaches will appear, many note an acute general state of weakness.

A feature of swine flu, which manifests itself in half of those sick, is the presence of diarrhea, nausea, and pain in the intestinal area. Plus, to the main symptoms you can add the appearance of a cough, runny nose, and sore throat. However, these symptoms appear after a few days. Inflammation in the eyes is another important sign namely swine flu, which appears 2-4 days after infection.

You need to understand that swine flu is a new virus, its etymology has not yet been fully studied. The virus received this name because the course of the disease is very similar to that observed in pigs. But you need to understand that pigs cannot infect humans with the influenza virus: it is transmitted only from a sick person to a healthy person. Pay attention to the calendar, but refuse to perform the sacrament during a flu epidemic.

Influenza virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, it can only be determined by the presence of certain antibodies in the results of a blood test. The death of the patient occurs not because of the flu, but because complications of the pulmonary system quickly develop in the absence of proper treatment. Complications of the heart and vascular system develop less frequently.

About treatment and prevention

We talked about what symptoms of swine flu in humans 2016 to pay attention to. Treatment, as has become clear from the description of the virus, is important and requires careful treatment. The manifestation of the H1N1 virus itself is practically not dangerous if medical assistance was provided on time. In such a situation, it will be possible to cope with the disease within a week. The doctor simply prescribes the appropriate medications that the patient must take during the day. They prevent virus cells from multiplying.

Important! None traditional treatment against swine flu, even for its prevention, will not help. It is important to rely only on proven strong drugs, which will 100% help cope with dangerous virus and not give him a chance for further development.

Swine flu cannot be tolerated on the legs; aspirin will not help with cravings. Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used as antipyretic drugs. First of all, you should protect your respiratory system from the virus, because it is under the main threat. You should take anti-expectorant medications. But all medications must be prescribed by a specialist based on the results of examination and tests.

Important! During the treatment process, the room where the large one is located must be periodically ventilated. The air in the room must be sufficiently humidified, because the virus will not survive. If after four days the illness does not begin to subside, you should call the doctor again.

About the flu epidemic

Agree, when you know the symptoms of swine flu in humans in 2016, you already feel somehow calm. After all, you know where trouble can come from, and you try to take all measures. It is important to emphasize once again, and it will never be superfluous, that swine flu is treated in the same way as regular flu. If intoxication of the body occurs, it happens in 99 cases out of 100, then a set of corrective measures must be prescribed.

The drug Tami-Flu has proven its effectiveness in the fight against swine flu. If it is difficult to find such a drug in your city, then a worthy alternative is the drug Relenza. At mild form swine flu, you can also take Arbidol. Despite the fact that ibuprofen and paracetamol are also recommended for use, they do not treat the flu itself, but help cope with the symptoms: they lower body temperature. Aspirin at the time of treatment the latest medications cannot be accepted.

Seven important issues about swine flu and answers to them

Is this a mutation of the common flu?

The mutation is not so scary, doctors emphasize. The influenza virus is constantly mutating, and it is important to be wary of complications that develop during the course of the disease. The first swine flu epidemic was in 2009, so doctors are already very familiar with the virus.

Even in the last century, this virus was known, and it was called “Spanish flu”. It was only in 1976 that this flu began to be called swine flu. This happened after a whole battalion of US soldiers became infected with this flu in Mexico. Some of the soldiers were located right in the area of ​​the pig farm. This type of influenza is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but both animals and people find it difficult to tolerate this form of the virus. However, calling swine flu the cause of death of patients is fundamentally wrong.

About transmission routes

The symptoms of swine flu in humans 2016, as can be seen from the sections of this material, are similar to ordinary flu. This particular virus did not get its name because the sources of infection are pigs. Influenza is transmitted only between people by airborne droplets, when the patient’s sputum and saliva enter the surrounding space.

If the room is closed and there are many people in it, then this influenza virus will spread at a distance of up to ten meters.

Is it possible to get infected from pork meat, lard

This route of infection does not exist and is simply impossible. It is always important to practice good hygiene when eating pork, but this has nothing to do with the flu.

Why is the epidemic back?

Since 2009, when there was the first epidemic of this flu, cases of infection with it have occurred constantly. But they were local and few in number. Due to insufficient flu vaccinations, this year a situation occurred where many people fell ill.

Will a vaccine help?

Since 2009, influenza vaccines have included components that protect specifically against the strain of the swine flu virus. So, you need to choose vaccines with exactly these components in the composition, and make sure in advance that they are definitely there.

It takes three weeks after the vaccine for the body to build immunity. It is best, of course, to vaccinate at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter. This should not be done at any other time.

How to bring down the temperature

An increase in body temperature during illness is an unpleasant but important condition. It says that. So, with the flu, it is important to gradually and smoothly reduce the temperature. Sharp jumps Temperatures are undesirable because they have a bad effect on the functioning of the heart.

Until the temperature is more than 38.5 in adults and 38 degrees in children, you should not take antipyretic drugs with the main active substance paracetamol. Ambulance should be called if, within several hours, taking the drug has no effect on the body’s functioning and the situation does not improve.

About the need for bed rest

It is important to stay at home, but it is not necessary to lie in bed if you do not feel dizzy and severe weakness. The point is that constant horizontal position leads to mucus stagnation in the bronchi and lungs, and ventilation of these organs decreases. The infection is coming down respiratory system, which leads to such dangerous complications like pneumonia, bronchitis.

It’s enough just to stay at home, try to ventilate the room every few hours, and monitor moderate air humidity. The virus is contagious within a week from the moment of illness. The virus should be treated until the very end, without stopping halfway, otherwise the infection may attack again.

What to do to prevent swine flu:

  • Do not visit public places;
  • After walking and public transport Be sure to wash your hands with soap. When outside, clean your hands with wipes and gels.
  • Rinse your nose with a salt solution, and before going outside, use axolinic ointment to lubricate the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • Wearing a bandage does not prevent you from contracting the virus. You can only wear headbands in public places or in constant close contact with people. There is no point in wearing a mask on the street, where the risk of contracting the virus, especially in the cold, is minimized.
  • It is important to ventilate the room. Swine flu cannot survive in cold conditions, but it multiplies favorably and quickly in dry rooms where it is warm.

This important symptoms swine flu in humans 2016, as well as all actual information about the epidemic, about how to protect yourself and your family members. Be careful and don't get sick!

Before each autumn-winter season, scientists study in detail the viruses and strains of influenza that will prevail this year. The flu itself is not dangerous disease, but its consequences can be extremely severe. Complications from this disease can lead to disability, and some cases are fatal.

What is the flu?

Flu is viral disease, flowing in acute form. The virus, regardless of the strain, affects the upper Airways. The disease affects the upper respiratory tract, affecting the trachea, larynx, and nasopharynx. The virus affects both men and women equally often. The greatest risk of getting sick is in people aged 20 to 50 years, especially those who have chronic pathologies, as well as immunodeficiencies. The disease is most dangerous for children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

An outbreak of an epidemic or pandemic of influenza usually occurs in the autumn-winter period, less often in early spring. Complications occur in every fifth sick person. In total, about 500 thousand people a year die from influenza. That's why it's important to know the signs and symptoms of the 2016 flu.

Routes of infection

Influenza in adults is transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as during household contacts. Respiratory route The most common. When a sick person sneezes or coughs, the flu pathogen enters the air, which is inhaled by a healthy person. More rare are cases when the virus settles on hands and surrounding objects and is transmitted through them. This applies to viruses type B and C. However, there is also an influenza virus type A, which also affects domestic animals and birds, so you can get infected from them too.

In conditions external environment any type of virus lives no more than eight hours. It lasts the longest when low temperatures air. The influenza virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the face - the eyes, nose and mouth.


Flu can be classified according to the severity of symptoms:

  • A mild form of the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to a maximum of 38 degrees and slight intoxication in the body.
  • Flu form moderate severity assumes an increase in temperature to 39.5 degrees and pronounced signs intoxication.
  • In severe form, the flu develops almost at lightning speed and is characterized by a fever of up to 40 degrees and above, sleep disturbances, and severe headaches are observed.

Important! With any form of influenza, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Sometimes there may be no signs of influenza in adults; this form of the disease is called atypical and is more difficult to diagnose.

Main symptoms of influenza:

  • Headache
  • No runny nose, dry nasopharynx
  • Pain and aches in muscles, joints, general weakness
  • Tearing
  • If you have a cough, it is dry, sore throat
  • No appetite
  • There is increased sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Photophobia

How to distinguish the flu from a cold

Treatment for flu and colds varies. But often the patient does not understand the full danger of the situation and confuses one disease with another. In fact, these diseases are very different from each other in many ways.

  • The flu begins abruptly, the very first signs appear very clearly, and an acute type of the disease is observed. A cold develops gradually.
  • The flu is characterized by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees; with a cold, such a high fever is not observed. How long the temperature lasts for the flu depends on timely and competent treatment.
  • With the flu, adults do not have a runny nose or sneezing, while with a cold these are some of the most painful symptoms.
  • Weakness and fatigue exist in both diseases, but with influenza it is more pronounced. General state bad for the flu.

Important! It is better not to risk it and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness. It will determine the symptoms and treatment of a flu or cold.

Flu strains in 2016

In 2016, virologists predict an outbreak of influenza, which is why they advise getting vaccinated on time. Predicted strains:

  1. Swine flu, H1N, is a type A viral flu that is transmitted not only between people, but also from animals to people. Characterized by large-scale epidemics, severe complications in humans and high mortality rate. In addition to traditional methods of transmission of the disease, the H1N1 virus is also transmitted passively, that is, by eating the meat of infected domestic animals and poultry.
  2. Asian flu, H2N The influenza virus manifests itself cyclically for 60 years, which is why scientists predict the appearance of this strain right now. The virus first appeared in 1957 in China. The epidemic raged for two years, reaching the USSR. Starting in 1968, the H2N2 strain was supplanted, and since then the flu vaccine for this type has ceased.
  3. Hong Kong flu, H3N Features diseases are similar to swine flu, but H3N2 is considered less dangerous. Most often it affects people with reduced immunity. At risk are children under two years of age and elderly people over 65 years of age, pregnant women, and HIV-infected people.

Attention! It is possible to determine which strain of influenza a person is infected with only after passing the appropriate tests.


Before prescribing any medications for the flu, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis to ensure that the disease is viral in nature:

  1. Anamnesis collection. The doctor listens to the patient's complaints and asks appropriate questions.
  2. Examination of the patient. Influenza in an adult is characterized by a white coating on the tongue, redness of the palate, tonsils, back wall pharynx and other signs.
  3. Listen to the lungs, as sometimes pneumonia occurs with the flu.
  4. Laboratory research. Includes general and biochemical analysis blood, urine and stool tests.
  5. Specific examinations. This includes a rapid test to determine the serotype of the virus using special test strips. The PCR method is also actively used, when a smear is taken from the nasopharyngeal mucosa. This is the most informative and accurate way to determine the type of virus. Other specific studies include linked immunosorbent assay, RSC analysis, RTGA analysis. Virological infection is determined by sputum culture.

Important! Type and strain definitions allow you to assign competent treatment against the flu.


Timely and competent treatment of influenza in adults helps to avoid complications and serious consequences.

Important! Only a doctor knows how to treat the flu! It is very important to strictly follow all his instructions: adhere to the regimen, take medications strictly according to schedule.

Flu, depending on the severity and form of its course, can be treated at home or in a hospital. Reasons for hospitalization may be the presence of complications, exacerbation chronic diseases, lack of proper care for the patient at home.

During treatment, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Bed rest
  2. Contraindications to physical activity
  3. Drink plenty of fluids
  4. Nutritious food
  5. Application physical methods cooling the body when high temperature, for example, a rubdown, or a cold bubble on the forehead

Drug therapy

After the examination, the doctor will select suitable medications for the treatment of influenza. The following groups of medications are usually prescribed:

  • Antiviral agents. They effectively fight the influenza virus, killing it. These include Remantadine, Arbidol, Tamiflu, Ingavirin, Grippferon and others.
  • An antibiotic is prescribed only when bacterial complications occur or to prevent them. Directly to the virus antibacterial drugs don't work.
  • Antipyretics. necessary when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs local action. If you have inflammation in your throat, you need to gargle it with a solution of salt, soda and iodine, Jox, Lugol's solution. Miramistin and Orosept spray help relieve inflammation. The most effective tablets are Lizobact, Faringosept, and Strepsils lozenges.
  • Antitussive medications are necessary if the flu is accompanied by a cough. ACC, Lazolvan and other medications are suitable.
  • Nasal sprays and drops. A runny nose with the flu is rare; if it occurs, you can use any medications to relieve the symptom.
  • Detoxification therapy. It is carried out intravenously at bright severe intoxication body.
  • Antihistamines are prescribed to reduce inflammation and desensitize the body.


Prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults includes the following actions:

  1. Strengthening the immune system.
  2. Avoiding large crowds of people during the period of virus activity.
  3. Avoiding contact with sick people.

At the first symptoms of the flu, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate, as this can lead to serious complications. Often, when signs of a cold or flu appear, people start taking an antibiotic, which in this case is useless.


Everyone knows that the most common prevention of influenza in adults is vaccination. Discussions about whether to get vaccinated and whether there will be an adverse reaction to the flu shot arise before each fall and winter season.

A vaccine that contains surface antigens of influenza strains is injected into the body healthy person. The question of whether to vaccinate must be decided long before the onset of the epidemic. The effect of the vaccination will be if it is done in September-October, since immunity to influenza viruses is developed within 2-4 weeks.

If there are contraindications and it is intended negative reaction, then adults cannot be vaccinated against the flu; a medical exemption is prescribed. Another prevention option is proposed: taking immunomodulatory drugs and observing personal hygiene rules.