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The main sources of negative impact on human health. Chapter 2. Factors affecting the health of modern man

All elements of nature are interconnected. A person who is also a part of it is influenced by various factors, including harmful ones. Their impact negatively affects health. Most often, the digestive system suffers. The rhythm of life in which we live simply does not allow us to eat properly. Apart from harmful products, there are many other factors that have a negative impact on the human body.

Conditionally everything harmful factors that affect human health can be divided into those whose impact is inevitable, and those that can be excluded from your life.

Alcohol and overeating. Very often, after the holidays, usually accompanied by feasts with the use of a large amount of heavy food and alcohol, we do not feel very well.

Such errors in nutrition, of course, have Negative influence on digestive system. Overeating and alcohol delay the breakdown of body fat, which is reflected in the figure. As a result of the ingress of alcohol, as well as its cleavage products, into the intestines, due to a violation of the microflora, we have additional problems like abdominal pain.

Fatty, spicy food eaten the day before is poorly digested by the stomach, which leads to a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, frustration and nausea. With a constant violation of the principles of proper nutrition, you will inevitably develop health problems over time.

Smoking. To common negative factors includes smoking. This bad habit disrupts the functioning of not only the respiratory system, larynx and pulmonary system, but also causes diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers), intestines, adversely affects the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. The poison from nicotine poisons our entire body, which weakens immune system and causes a greater tendency to various diseases than u not people who smoke.

Carcinogenic substances and heavy metals gradually accumulate in the body of a heavy smoker, causing irreversible changes in all organs and systems. It is known that very often people suffering from tobacco addiction die from stroke, myocardial infarction and lung cancer.

Sedentary lifestyle. IN modern world many suffer from the effects of hypodynamia. But movement has always been the key good health. Regular sports loads stimulate all body systems, including the digestive system. Do physically active person there is practically no flatulence, constipation and similar problems associated with congestion and putrefactive processes in the intestines.

coffeemania. Many people are used to drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. This helps to cheer up and quickly tune in to the working mood. Coffee does not pose a danger to the body only if a person is limited to one cup a day. By abusing it, we burden the heart and endanger our health.

Treatment abuse. Regular use causes great harm to the body. medicines which can even be addictive. Painkillers, enzymes that help the stomach digest heavy foods are in each home first aid kit, but one could completely do without them if a person followed what and in what volumes he eats, how he chews everything, what lifestyle he leads. All body systems are closely interconnected with each other.

Medicines destroy the microflora of the stomach and intestines and have negative impact on mucous membranes. The circle closes and we reach for the pills again.

All these factors are harmful to human health, affect the body, gradually worsening its condition. But many people are not interested in how they could maintain health and prolong their lives, and they do so absolutely in vain ... If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you must take into account the factors affecting health! Do not be indifferent to yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle!

1. Tobacco smoking - the most common substance abuse in the world today. Extensive advertising tobacco products on television involves more and more tens of millions of Russians into the whirlpool of smoking and diseases associated with it.

Smoking is not without reason called the "tobacco plague", and some doctors believe that the harm caused by plague epidemics in the middle of the 20th century pales before the modern epidemic of smoking. The number of direct victims of tobacco in the world is estimated at 2 million lives per year (L. A. Leshchinsky).

With smoking, the body enters more than a hundred harmful substances- nicotine, hydrogen sulfide, acetic, formic and hydrocyanic acids, ethylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, various resins, radioactive polonium, salts heavy metals, a group of carcinogens that stimulate growth cancer cells and others. The above substances together make up about 13 mg, and 1.5 g of nicotine and others can be isolated from hundreds of cigarettes. toxic substances. Settling in the lungs and getting into the blood, they have a devastating effect on the body. Nicotine is especially toxic.

Nicotine - the strongest poison, has a harmful effect on all organs and primarily on the central nervous system. Nicotine contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, including those that supply blood to vital organs - the brain, heart, kidneys.

Smoking causes calcification of blood vessels, has a negative effect on blood pressure, heart function, and oxygen consumption. Smokers are much more likely to suffer from angina pectoris, earlier and more severely they begin to suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension. Smokers are 5 to 6 times more likely than non-smokers sudden death from cardiovascular diseases (L. A. Leshchinsky).

Perhaps the highest argument against smoking is high probability cancer of the lungs, respiratory tract, lips, tongue, larynx, esophagus, stomach, urinary tract. It has been established with great accuracy that an "inveterate" smoker injects into his lungs about 800 g of tobacco tar per year, which contains so-called carcinogens - chemical stimulants of malignant tumors. Smokers account for 90% of all diagnosed cases of lung cancer. People who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day are 10 to 15 times more likely to get cancer than those who don't smoke at all.

A.P. Laptev cites the instructive testament of the American actor Yul Brynner, published by US television. Shortly before his death in October 1985 from lung cancer, Brynner recorded a short video message to his compatriots: “Now that I have died, I warn you: DON'T SMOK. If I didn't smoke, I wouldn't have cancer. I'm absolutely sure of it."

It should be remembered that almost a third of all diseases in men after 45 years of age are caused by addiction to smoking. Mortality among smokers aged 40–49 is 3 times higher than among non-smokers, and among 60–69 year olds it is 19 times higher. A 50-year-old person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day is twice as likely to die as a non-smoker of the same age. The British Union of Physicians carefully calculated that each cigarette shortens life by 5-6 minutes. A person who smokes 9 cigarettes a day, therefore, shortens life by 5 years; 20-30 cigarettes - for 6.2 years, up to 40 cigarettes - for 8.3 years (A.P. Laptev).

Epidemiological surveys of approximately 1 million Americans conducted by the US Cancer Institute revealed statistics on the reduction in the life of smokers (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3

Reducing the life of a smoker depending on the number of cigarettes smoked daily and his age

Shortening of life with daily smoking

1–9 cigarettes

over 40 cigarettes

Here we also note that a number of other factors also influence the life expectancy of smokers (age, the onset of smoking, the way of smoking, lifestyle, attitude to sports, etc.).

Smoking is not only a shortening of life, lung cancer, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension - these are also diverse violations of the body's control by the nervous system, fatigue deterioration in the quality of work and study.

Nicotine and other toxic substances gradually suppress the function of the gonads, reduce the productivity of germ cells and their quality.

A huge danger to the reproduction of a healthy population is the consequences of smoking women. Professor L. A. Leshchinsky, referring to the report of the committee of experts of the World Health Organization, cites alarming data on the consequences of women smoking. At smoking women Stillbirths, miscarriages, and fetal death shortly after birth were more common than in non-smokers. The body weight of infants born to smoking mothers is on average 150-240 g less than that of children born to non-smoking women. This is due not even to nicotine, but carbon monoxide, which easily passes through the placenta and forms a special compound with hemoglobin in the fetal blood (erythrocytes) - carboxyhemoglobin. At the same time, there is more carboxyhemoglobin in the blood of the fetus than in the mother. Consequently, a smoking mother, as it were, makes the fetus "smoke" even more intensely than she herself does. In the group of women who smoke, 2-3 times more often observed premature birth. Smoking during pregnancy causes a large number of deformities, various anomalies in newborns. Children of smoking mothers often, up to the age of seven, lag behind in mental and physical development from peers. In addition, children born to women who smoke during pregnancy have a lifetime increased risk of developing oncological diseases. All girls, women, mothers really need to think about this before you start smoking!

It should be added that even appearance, portrait of a female smoker is unattractive. Smokers' voices quickly grow coarse, their complexion deteriorates (pale yellow - the "signature" skin color of smoking women), wrinkles appear, teeth and fingers turn yellow, and smells of an "ashtray" from the mouth. You can even say that because of smoking, she loses her femininity, and the body quickly fades.

Smoking, like alcohol, is a socio-psychological factor. At the same time, the continuation of smoking depends mainly on the formed habit to the effects of nicotine.

Sociologists have determined that the habit of smoking among young people is formed under the influence of three factors: living in an environment of smokers, smoking parents smoking friends. The very factors that motivate a person to smoke are very primitive. Usually they come down to curiosity, imitation and the desire to follow fashion. To a large extent, the onset of smoking is explained by psychological features a person: increased suggestibility and uncritical perception of extraneous influences, a tendency to imitate, a desire for self-affirmation and independence, for a sharp protest against any "prohibitions".

At present, it is clear to everyone that smoking is a great evil both for the smoker himself, and for the people around him and in general for the whole society. But the army of smokers is not decreasing. What motivates smokers and makes them smoke for years, decades? In this case, it must be taken into account that nicotine, regularly introduced from the outside into the body, from a certain moment begins to be included in the course. metabolic processes. Nicotine deficiency in metabolic processes causes a number of unpleasant sensations. Nicotine is also included in the nervous control system (nervous regulation) of the body in two directions - an increase in excitability, which is then replaced by depression nerve cells that needs to be reused. It should be remembered that when smoking, there is an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system between the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts in the direction of predominance sympathetic department. In order to maintain balance, he has to smoke again and again. Reducing or stopping the intake of nicotine in the body causes a temporary disease state. This state is called " withdrawal syndrome". When trying to quit smoking, a person experiences discomfort withdrawal symptoms are headaches, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, palpitations, sweating, hand trembling, general weakness and fatigue, frequent anxiety, anxiety, impaired attention mobilization.

Of great importance are, first of all, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and special anti-smoking campaigns in educational institutions at work, at home, in the family. Of particular importance is the explanatory work among students of vocational schools, technical schools and universities. great role and personal example especially parents, teachers, educators, coaches, doctors and medical workers. But the most important thing is the conscious determination to quit smoking and the will to implement this decision. When I.P. Pavlov was asked how he lived to old age, practically unaware of illnesses, the wise scientist - physiologist said with conviction: "Do not drink wine, do not upset your heart with tobacco - you will live as long as Titian lived." Recall that the Italian artist, whom he mentioned, lived to be 104 years old.

2. Alcohol. A special case is the use of alcohol. Any, even the smallest dose of it leads to an increased release of norepinephrine, and therefore to the depletion of the nervous system. It has been established that the most defenseless against the toxic effects of alcohol is the brain. There is a so-called blood-brain barrier, reliably protecting the brain from the intake of various harmful substances from the blood, but it is not a barrier to alcohol. By increasing the permeability of cell membranes, alcohol makes it easier for other harmful substances to enter the brain. It should be emphasized that appetite after drinking alcohol is stimulated only on initial stages drunkenness by increasing the acidity of gastric juice. Subsequently, the acidity decreases to total absence acids in gastric juice. As a result of functional overload of liver cells, fatty degeneration and hepatitis, and then cirrhosis of the liver, in which dead liver cells are replaced connective tissue. Ultimately, the liver decreases in size, ceases to perform its functions. Women should pay attention to the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This leads to underdevelopment of the fetus, the birth of weakened or dead children, congenital deformities, high level infant mortality. Alcohol, penetrating into the blood of the fetus, causes malformations of its development, called "fetal alcohol syndrome". The French doctor Deme studied the health of the offspring of 10 families of alcoholics. Of the 57 children, 25 died in early age(up to a year), 5 suffered from epilepsy, 5 from severe dropsy, 12 turned out to be helpless mentally retarded and only 10 were normal.

Alcohol forms a compound in the brain with products of neurohormones, which causes a hallucinatory state in a person, which dulls the sharpness of the perception of events. Once in the human body, alcohol paralyzes, first of all, the central nervous system. More recently, it has been shown that brain cells produce few enzymes that break down alcohol. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood is taken as one, then in the liver it will be equal to 1.45, in cerebrospinal fluid- 1.5, in the brain - 1.75. Due to originating in the brain oxygen starvation cortical cells die, which is why there is a decrease in memory and a slowdown in mental activity. It seems to a person in a state of intoxication that he has come to a sedative discharge, but in fact he has increased nervous tension and fatigue.

The most important part of a healthy lifestyle regimen is abstinence from alcohol. A healthy lifestyle is, above all, a sober lifestyle. According to psychologist B. S. Bratus, one of the socio-psychological factors that determine potential drunkenness is bad influence environment, the so-called alcoholic traditions, i.e. the habit of accompanying large and small events with a drink, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "real man" as a drinking person. Alcohol at systematically drinking man from a certain moment it is firmly included in metabolic processes, it becomes, as it were, a necessary part of them. This leads to the fact that abstinence from drinking in such a person causes a number of painful manifestations, which, by volitional effort (and sometimes by a number of special curative measures) can eventually be overcome. The insidiousness of alcohol also lies in the fact that it is often not so easy to break out of the "spiritual embrace" of drunkenness, and this requires the mobilization of all the mental and volitional resources of a person, the help of the family, the team, and often serious medical care.

We will give the well-known scheme of Jellinek, which shows the development of the disease of alcoholism.

  • 1. initial phase. Intoxication with loss of memory, "eclipses". Secret drinks. Looking for an opportunity to drink in secret from others. Constant thoughts about drinking. Increasingly, it seems that drinking is not enough. The desire to drink "for the future." Craving for alcohol. Consciousness of one's guilt, the desire to avoid talking about cravings for alcohol.
  • 2. critical phase. Loss of control after the first sip. The desire to find an excuse for his craving for alcohol. Resistance to all attempts to stop drunkenness. Arrogance, aggressive behavior, the desire to blame others for their troubles. Prolonged guilt. Random drinks. Periods of complete abstinence, interrupted by relapses of drunkenness. Random drunkenness. Loss of friends. Leaving a permanent job, odd jobs. Loss of interest in everything that has nothing to do with drinking. Bad mood. poor appetite. Sobering-up station, hospital. Staying there causes irritation and the desire to explain this by chance, injustice, intrigues of enemies. Loss of sexual potency. Increasing passion for alcohol. Constant drinking.
  • 3. chronic phase. Prolonged, persistent, daily hangover. Personality breakdown. Constant clouding of memory. Confusion of thoughts. Consumption of alcoholic products intended for technical purposes. Loss of the body's adaptive abilities in relation to alcohol. Unfounded obsession. heart attacks, alcoholic delirium, "delirium tremens". Alcoholic psychosis. "It is difficult to imagine the beneficial change that would take place in all human life if people stopped intoxicating with vodka, wine, tobacco, opium," he said. great writer L. N. Tolstoy.

Every person who is excessively inclined to consume alcohol should ask himself, with full responsibility and self-criticism, whether he himself, without outside interference, can get rid of harmful attachment. If the answer is negative or attempts to overcome the disease on your own turn out to be futile, you should resort to the help of medicine. Here it would be appropriate to quote the fair words of Academician I. P. Pavlov: "Alcohol causes much more grief than joy, although it is used for the sake of joy." It is quite obvious that this is worth thinking about, and not only for student-athletes.

Drugs. Every sane person should consider drugs as the most dangerous enemy for his health. Drugs include opium and its derivatives, Indian cannabis preparations, and some sleeping pills. Addiction to them, even episodic, has a detrimental effect on the body and can lead to serious illness - addiction. When drugs are introduced into the body, they cause a special state euphoria. Along with the rise in mood, a slight degree of clouding of consciousness (stunning), distortion of perception of complex and simple phenomena appears, attention worsens, thinking is upset, coordination of movements is disturbed.

The insidious effect of drugs also lies in the fact that an irresistible craving for them imperceptibly develops, which is characterized by a number of signs. First, the usual doses no longer give the desired effect. Secondly, there is an irresistible desire to this drug and the desire to get it, no matter what. Thirdly, with drug deprivation develops serious condition, which is characterized physical weakness, longing, insomnia (A. P. Laptev).

It is not uncommon for some people to become addicted to drugs while being treated with these drugs. After recovery, they continue to experience the need for drugs, although the need for their use is medical indicators has already passed.

Another danger is the frequent and uncontrolled use of sleeping pills. The habit of these far from harmless drugs does not bode well. In large doses, they toxic effect on the body. Therefore use sleeping pills only need for medical indications and under constant medical supervision.

However, most often a fatal step on the road to drug addiction is a single use of the drug because of curiosity, a desire to experience its effect, or for the purpose of imitation.

At long-term use drugs, chronic poisoning of the body occurs with profound disturbances in various bodies. Gradually, mental and physical exhaustion sets in. Inveterate drug addicts are characterized by increased irritability, unstable mood, impaired coordination of movements, hand tremors, and sweating. Their mental abilities noticeably decrease, their memory deteriorates, their ability to work drops sharply, their will weakens, and their sense of duty is lost. Drug addicts quickly degrade as individuals and sometimes reach serious crimes (A.P. Laptev).

Strict measures are being taken in Russia and around the world to prevent the possibility of manufacturing and using drugs. The legislation provides for severe punishment for the illegal manufacture, storage and sale of any type of narcotic substances. Nevertheless, drug addiction exists, and therefore every cultured person, every athlete and athlete should be clearly aware of the disastrous effect of drugs and always remember that careless handling of them leads to extremely serious consequences.

In addition, no less dangerous for the health of athletes and athletes stimulants, belonging to the group of so-called doping, who first began to use the "pros". Back in Rome, at the Olympics-60, doping led to the death of Danish cyclist Knud Jensen.

Like a cancerous tumor, doping began to corrode the sport and penetrated into almost all of its types. Application anabolic steroids in order to increase the level of human performance leads to disruption of the functions of the heart, liver, genital organs and other harmful consequences. Of particular danger is the use of steroids by athletes, especially young ones, in whom the process of growth and development has not yet ended. Side effects preparations are manifested by musculinization, disruption of the normal growth process, voice change, hairiness along male type. When taking steroids, there is also a violation of the menstrual cycle.

Doping must be fought relentlessly. There are lists of officially prohibited drugs. At major international and national competitions, when fixing world, European and Olympic records, doping control became mandatory. But, unfortunately, we can cite dozens of cases of the use of prohibited doping drugs and stimulants by outstanding athletes. As an example, the scandal at the 1994 World Cup with D. Maradona.

In the world of sport, the noble Olympic ideals should triumph, and sport itself should not serve as a bargaining chip for businessmen who, in essence, are completely alien to its interests, and so that the day does not come when sport will no longer be called a synonym for health. Outstanding athletes are worth millions, and we must not forget this.

As you can see, you have to fight for health, give up some of your views and habits. We must always remember the responsibility for our health to ourselves, children, relatives, loved ones, to society.

"Make sure you stay healthy! ", - said the People's Artist of the USSR F. Ranevskaya, known for her creative longevity.

Opportunities and reserves for long-term and healthy life a lot, but the reserves without load are not preserved on their own, they need to be constantly supported - trained. A person must take care of this himself, and at the same time make significant efforts. The authors could not ignore the recommendations of the famous cardiac surgeon N. M. Amosova.

  • 1. Most diseases are not to blame for nature, not society, but only the person himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes also from irrationality.
  • 2. Don't rely on medicine. It treats many diseases well, but cannot make a person healthy. Until she can teach a person how to become healthy. Furthermore: be afraid to be taken prisoner by the doctors! Sometimes they tend to exaggerate the weaknesses of man and the power of their science, create imaginary illnesses in people and issue bills that they cannot pay.
  • 3. To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them. Man, fortunately, is so perfect that it is almost always possible to restore health. Only necessary efforts increase with age and the deepening of diseases.
  • 4. The magnitude of any effort is determined by incentives, incentives - by the significance of the goal, time and probability of achieving it. And I'm sorry, but also in character! Unfortunately, health, as an important goal, confronts a person when death becomes a close reality. However weak man Even death cannot frighten for a long time.
  • 5. Equally essential for health four conditions: physical exercise, dietary restrictions, hardening, time and ability to rest. And a fifthhappy life!

Unfortunately, without the first conditions, it does not provide health. But if there is no happiness in life, then where can one find incentives for efforts to strain and starve? Alas!

  • 6. Nature is merciful: 20-30 minutes of physical education a day is enough, but such that you suffocate, sweat and your pulse doubles. If this time is doubled, it will be generally excellent.
  • 7. You need to limit yourself in food. normal weight human (body length (in centimeters) minus 100).
  • 8. Know how to relax science, but it also requires character. If only he was!
  • 9. About a happy life. They say that health is happiness in itself. This is not true: it is so easy to get used to health and stop noticing it. However, it helps to achieve happiness in the family and at work. Helps, but does not define. True, the disease - it is certainly a misfortune.

So is it worth it to fight for health? Think! Here we note that if a person dreams, sets himself an achievable goal in the future, then he will always be young in his soul, despite his age (I. A. Pismensky, Yu. N. Allyanov).

The environment is the totality of everything that is around a person during his life. It consists of natural components, such as: earth, air, water, solar radiation, and man-made, which include all manifestations of human civilization. To health human body have a direct or indirect effect various properties and quality of all environmental environmental factors. About this, about the influence of environmental factors on human health, we are with the editors of the site www..

Let's consider the most important of them:

1. climatic factors

Weather conditions have an impact on the well-being and normal performance of a person. With this in our time, no one will argue. For example, if the air temperature has dropped significantly, you need to protect the body from hypothermia. Without doing this, a person risks getting sick with acute respiratory diseases.

Environmental factors such as: change atmospheric pressure, air humidity, electromagnetic field planets, precipitation in the form of rain or snow, movement of atmospheric fronts, cyclones, gusts of wind - lead to a change in well-being.

They can cause headaches, exacerbation of joint diseases, blood pressure. But weather changes affect different people differently. If a person is healthy, then his body will quickly adjust to the new climatic conditions and unpleasant sensations will bypass him. A sick or weakened human body has a impaired ability to quickly adjust to changes in the weather, so it suffers from general malaise and pain.

Conclusion - try to maintain the state of health at the proper level, respond in a timely manner to environmental changes and climatic factors will not cause you discomfort. To acclimatize the body, do exercises daily, walk for an hour, observe the daily routine.

2. Chemical and biological factors

Technogenic activities of people lead to an increase in emissions of production waste into the environment. Chemical compounds from waste enter the soil, air and body of water, and then, through the use of contaminated food and water, inhalation of air saturated with harmful elements, enter the body. As a result, all human organs, including the brain, contain several milligrams of poisons that poison life. Exposure to toxic substances can cause nausea, coughing, and dizziness. If they regularly get inside, then development is possible. chronic poisoning. Its symptoms: rapid fatigue, constant fatigue, insomnia or drowsiness, apathy, frequent drops mood, impaired attention, psychomotor reactions. If you suspect signs of chronic poisoning, you should undergo a medical examination and take action, and possibly even change your place of residence if this threatens your life and health.

3. Nutrition

Eating is one of the basic instincts of the body. The intake of nutrients necessary for normal life comes from external environment. The health of the body largely depends on the quality and quantity of food. Medical research has shown that for optimal performance physiological processes necessary condition is rational good nutrition. The body daily needs a certain amount of protein compounds, carbohydrates, fats, trace elements and vitamins. In the case when nutrition is inadequate, irrational - conditions arise for the development of diseases of the heart - vascular system, digestive canals, violation of metabolic processes.

For example, constant overeating of foods rich in carbohydrates and fats can cause obesity, diabetes, vascular and heart muscle diseases.
The use of genetically modified organisms and products containing high concentrations of harmful substances leads to deterioration general condition health and development a wide range diseases. But all this comes to a person precisely from the environment, so be vigilant when choosing food!

Of course, this review is not at all complete, and one can write a weighty volume about the influence of each of the listed and not listed environmental factors on a person ... but, unfortunately, the framework of the informational article does not allow this. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that these problems should be puzzled as much as possible more people - I hope so!

Elena_Nevskih, www.site

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Health of each person and society as a whole is determined by a number of factors that positively or negatively affect the human body. Based on the conclusions of experts from the World Health Organization, several main groups of factors affecting human health have been identified. These health factors can influence both positively and negatively, depending on the points of application.

Physical activity as a factor in human health.

Physical activity is very important for the normal functioning of the body, since this factor greatly affects human health, providing normal work physiological processes, organs and tissues can receive the necessary nutrients and are cleared of metabolic products. IN physical activity does not include sedentary work and mechanical repetition of the same type of action. For best effect the load should be distributed over the maximum number of muscles. Another important factor is that professional sports are not very healthy, as they burn our bodies ahead of time. There must be a measure in everything.

Ecology as a factor of human health.

Contemporary ecological the state of the environment is one of the most influential factors on human health, of course not in a good way. One of the factors affecting the high life expectancy of villagers is clean air. Very big influence influences the quantity and quality of natural energy received by city dwellers. It is not for nothing that we are very happy to go to nature outside the city, to those places where there are more trees and there are natural reservoirs. This should be done as often as possible.

Lifestyle as a factor in human health.

Lifestyle is also the most important factor human health. It would seem, what could be easier if we are already people? Everything is really simple, if only there was no “but”. A person has high mental abilities, but at the same time we love to imitate and mimic. For example, a person naturally considers himself the crown and master of nature, but why does a “perfect” creature want to be brave like a lion and strong like a bear, and so on. Why animals can remain themselves, but for some reason we need to be like someone else? No one talks about lions rescuing children from a fire or bears building bridges across a river. These examples may look silly, but such absurdities fill our life, turning it into nightmare from which you can’t wake up and it seems that there is no way out. We have forgotten who we really are and what our purpose is. After all, a person with his consciousness differs significantly from all living beings, while having very large “powers”, if he follows his goal, as the Guardian of the Earth. But, unfortunately, it turns out that one of the methods that make us come to our senses are illnesses that make us seek salvation, which in the end can lead a person to search for the meaning of existence. IN Eastern countries There is a proverb “a disease is given to a person as a gift”.

Rational nutrition as a factor of human health.

Rational proper nutrition cannot be ruled out, since it is the most important factor in human health, which acts “from within” us. The resources that are laid down in us by nature are exactly 2 times higher than the average life expectancy in modern man. One of the main "burners" life force is malnutrition. Under proper nutrition different people imply different principles - separate nutrition, vegetarianism, omnivore, diets, calorie control, fasting and other types of nutrition methods. Each of the methods has its pros and cons, based on which you can choose a power scheme according to your requirements. The main point is just that. That you do not need to eat everything indiscriminately, you need to control this process to achieve certain goals.

Genetic inheritance as a factor in human health.

Genetics, as a health factor plays a huge role in our life. Exist genetically congenital diseases, which modern medicine is not yet able to completely cure. It is interesting to note that in modern research found that some diseases (including psychosomatic disorders) are transmitted not through a change in the DNA molecule, but through the labels that are attached to the genes. These marks appeared due to the experience gained during the life of our ancestors (in this way it is explained, for example, ancestral curse). In addition, it became known that under certain conditions, tags can be deactivated, changing the situation in the other direction. These conditions include: positive thinking, reading mantras or prayers, establishing harmonious interaction with others, as well as meditative methods, which is a miracle for our medicine and has been actively used by almost all traditions of the world since ancient times.

Human activities over the past few millennia have been able to affect the Earth. As reality shows, it becomes the only source of pollution in the environment. Because of what is observed: a decrease in soil fertility, desertification and land degradation, deterioration of air and water quality, and the disappearance of ecosystems. In addition, there is a negative impact on human health and life expectancy. According to modern statistics, more than 80% of diseases are related to what we breathe, what water we drink and what soil we walk on. Let's consider this in more detail.

The negative impact of the environment on human health is due to industrial enterprises located near residential areas. As a rule, these are powerful sources of harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Various solid and gaseous substances enter the air every day. It's about about carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, lead compounds, dust, chromium, asbestos, which can have poisonous breath, mucous membranes, vision and smell).

The impact of environmental pollution on human health contributes to the deterioration of the general condition. As a result, nausea appears, headaches and a feeling of weakness torment, and working capacity decreases.

Earth also has a negative impact. Diseases that are transmitted through contaminated sources cause deterioration and often death. As a rule, the most dangerous are ponds, lakes and rivers, in which pathogens and viruses.

polluted drinking water, which comes from the water supply, contributes to the development of cardiovascular and renal pathologies in humans, the appearance of various diseases.

Consequently, as a result of the fact that a person constantly creates a large number of conveniences for his life, scientific progress "does not stand still." Due to the implementation of most of his achievements, a whole range of harmful and adverse factors for life. We are talking about increased levels of radiation, toxic substances, combustible flammable materials and noise.

In addition, one can note the psychological impact on a person. For example, because large settlements saturated with cars, not only the negative impact of transport on the environment is carried out, but also tension and overwork appear.

The influence of the environment on human health occurs through the soil, the sources of pollution of which are enterprises and residential buildings. Thanks to human activity, it receives not only chemical (mercury, lead, arsenic, and so on), but also organic compounds. From the soil, they penetrate into groundwater, which are absorbed by plants, and then through plants, meat and milk enter the body.

So it turns out that the impact of the environment on human health, as a habitat, is negative.