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That the person will drink little water. How much water should you drink or why is its deficiency dangerous?

The human body is predominantly composed of water. It is not at all surprising that our body needs it in sufficient quantities to restore a harmonious balance. But how much is enough?

Common figures that constantly circulate from mouth to mouth are hardly true for everyone: 2.5 liters of clean drinking water per day is quite a lot for a fragile girl. Therefore, discard stereotypes and drink in a way that makes you feel comfortable. True, unfortunately, many do not drink even the daily minimum.

We decided to dispel common myths, provide answers to frequently asked burning questions and convince you once and for all that you need to drink water. And the more, the better!

Why does the human body need water?

The answer is quite banal. The body needs water to live. On average, about 5 liters of fluid circulate in the body of an adult, and blood plasma consists of 92–95% water. It helps the body perform its functions: delivers nutrients to cells, supports water-salt balance, normalizes hormone function, removes waste and toxins.

If there is not enough water in the body, the blood becomes viscous and viscous. It becomes difficult for the heart to pump it, as a result of which the heart muscle quickly wears out, which can lead to serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

If I don't drink enough water, could this be causing my headaches?

Yes maybe. This is due to the fact that brain cells are 80% water. If you don't drink enough, water does not reach the brain, the body begins to suffer from dehydration and headaches appear. And such negative effect possible even with mild degree dehydration.

By the way, along with water, oxygen and glucose enter the brain. They are vital for normal functioning nervous system, so your mood and well-being also directly depend on how much water you drink daily. Here is another important reason to monitor this amount and drink more fluid.

What will happen to me if I don't drink enough water?

If a person drinks little water, his body suffers from dehydration. In particularly critical cases, this condition becomes very dangerous and can even lead to death.

If dehydration is not chronic, then a person may not understand from the symptoms that the problem is that he is not consuming enough fluid. Lack of water manifests itself in headaches, lack of appetite and energy, apathy and weakness, disturbances in the digestive system and intoxication of the body.

When should you drink more than your daily allowance?

There are situations in which it is better to drink a little more water than required. Here are the main situations that should make you always carry a bottle of clean drinking water with you: staying in a hot climate, active sports and physical exercise, problems with digestive system, intoxication of the body.

By the way, young couples who are planning to have a child also need to drink more water. How is this related? The fact is that the basis of seminal fluid is water. It is thanks to her that the sperm manages to easily overcome the woman’s reproductive tract and reach the egg.

I forget to drink water. How to train yourself?

Discipline must be actively trained. The easiest way to remember to drink is to carry a water bottle with you always and everywhere. She will always be in your sight, which means that you simply will not be able to forget about her.

It will also help to determine specific dates when you will drink your next glass. Ideally, drink water half an hour before meals.

Today on the Internet you can find a huge amount mobile applications that help develop good habits. Set alerts to remind you that it's time to drink another glass of water. You'll see, very soon you'll be reaching for water yourself without any reminders!

The human body is approximately 60% water. And without the supply of this fluid in sufficient quantities, the body waits Negative consequences. Nutritionist Helen Bond will tell you which ones.


Even slight dehydration can make you feel tired and lethargic. Metabolism slows down and concentration decreases significantly. To increase your energy level, you should drink water in the required amount.

Decreased mental performance

Our brain is 75% fluid, so it is not surprising that dehydration affects its functionality. In addition, a person’s mood decreases and he becomes irritable.

Loss of skin elasticity

The water concentration in the skin reaches 72%. Therefore, sufficient fluid is required to maintain its elasticity. With a lack of water, the skin becomes dry and less resistant to influences. external environment.

Memory impairment

Dehydration of the body by just 2% has a negative impact on both short-term and long-term memory.

Increased risk of urinary tract infection

Drinking little water not only increases the risk of infection urinary tract, but also the appearance of kidney stones.


Enough level Hydration of the body helps normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. If water is supplied in insufficient quantities, then constipation and bloating are likely.

Increased anxiety and stress

Even minimal dehydration can cause stress, tension and anxiety in a person. These conditions will negatively affect general process life activity.

Dry mouth

Water is a key component of saliva. Therefore, it is not surprising that dehydration of the body leads to dryness in the oral cavity. And disruption of salivary secretions can lead to tooth decay over time.


Many people think it comes from malnutrition. In fact, dehydration also makes you feel dizzy.

Water in the human body is needed to cushion and lubricate joints, to regulate body temperature and to nourish the brain and spinal cord. Water is not only part of the blood; the brain and heart of an adult are almost ¾ of water. About the same percentage of moisture in a banana.

The average person consists of 50-60% water. The percentage of water in a baby is even greater - up to 75%, approximately the same as in fish. When a child turns one year old, the percentage of water in the body becomes less - approximately 65%.

What will happen to the body if you drink little water: dehydration is detrimental to the body

Human lungs are similar in moisture content to apples - 83%, and dry-looking human bones contain 31% water.

Every day a person loses about two liters of water through sweating, urination, bowel movements and even respiratory process. In this regard, the lost fluid must be replenished. Otherwise, dehydration will occur.

But water consumption should be moderate, because excess moisture, as well as its lack, are detrimental to the human body.

The first sign of a lack of fluid in the body is darkening of the urine. If the body continues to remain without water, the person will begin to lose energy, his mood will worsen, signs of dry skin will appear, and blood pressure will drop.

It will become slow due to lack of water brain activity, the brain will even become smaller in volume.

If you drink little water, what will happen to the body: in rare cases, even death is possible

Hyperhydration or hyponatremia usually occurs due to overuse water for short term. Athletes often become victims of hyperhydration due to the difficulty of regulating water levels during heavy physical activity.

In severe cases, the kidneys cannot cope with the resulting amount of hypotonic urine - this leads to water intoxication. Headaches, vomiting, convulsions may begin, and in rare cases the situation can also lead to death.

Usually, water balance It is not difficult to maintain in the body. The main thing is that there should be clean available drinking water. There has been a lot of talk about drinking eight glasses of water a day. Then these data were clarified and now they say that the amount of moisture required depends on the weight of a person and on the environment in which he is located.

Water is the healthiest source of moisture, although other liquids, even those containing caffeine, will help rehydrate. With food, a person receives about a fifth of the necessary moisture per day.

Scientists have proven that optimal water balance in the body can protect against stroke, diabetes and even malignant tumors. In any case, the correct water balance in the body is the key to excellent health.

If a person drinks little water, this can have a detrimental effect on the condition of his body, because we are 70% water. People can go without food for several weeks, but without water for only a couple of days!

What happens if you don't drink enough water?

Water is necessary for normal operation all organs. It is even needed to breathe; only up to half a liter of water is consumed every day in the body during exhalations. A constant lack of water in the body can cause excess fat and poor performance. digestive tract, bad muscle tone. And also a lack of water can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. The first symptom of lack of water is thirst and headache, especially in the evening. The reason for this is that there is not enough water for the brain, which is 90% water.

Symptoms of severe dehydration: extreme thirst, very severe dryness in the mouth, dry mucous membranes, decreased blood pressure, dizziness and irregular heartbeat.

How to regulate your drinking regime

Pure drinking or mineral table water - best options to replenish water loss in the body. It is necessary to learn to control and understand the signals of your body, for example, in the summer and during physical activity drink more water. In such cases healthy body It tells you if a person doesn’t drink enough water.

It is especially important to control the amount of water drunk for people at risk: children, elderly people, people with chronic diseases, athletes.

How much water to drink per day?

Most people live in a state of dehydration and don't even know it. If you make a habit of drinking the required amount of water per day, then
you can be sure that your body will not experience dehydration. There is a method for calculating drinking water: 30 ml per 1 kg of person’s weight. If for average weight take 70 kg, then this is 2.1 liters, that is, a little more than 8 glasses. In fact, the question of how much water to drink is not at all specific, since it depends on activity, temperature environment and how much water comes with food. Gender also matters - men due to the large ratio muscle mass to the body, should drink more water.

Caffeine and alcohol - drinks not for replenishing fluids

You need to quench your thirst with water at room temperature, if your health allows you to drink better cold water, since it is absorbed by the body faster. It is also recommended to use a large number of fruits and vegetables. This is important because most of fluids that enter the body come with food

“I started drinking less water!”

If you have no signs of dehydration, but you start drinking less water, this is not a reason to worry. Perhaps more water began to enter the body with food (juicy vegetables, fruits, liquid food etc.), or began to move less, the air temperature around became lower than it was before.

Water exists in almost everything and everywhere, from soil moisture and ice caps to the cells inside our own bodies. Depending on factors such as location, body fat index, age and gender, the average person is 55-60% water. At birth, babies contain even more moisture. Consisting of 75% water, they look like fish. But the amount of water in their body drops to 65% after their first birthday. So what role does water play in our bodies, and how much should we drink to stay healthy?

Water in our body is necessary to soften and lubricate joints, regulate temperature and nourish the brain and spinal cord. Water is not only found in our blood. Brain and heart An adult human being is almost three-quarters water. This is roughly equivalent to the amount of moisture in a banana.

Lungs more like an apple and contain 83% water. And even seemingly dry human bones consist of 31% water. If our body contains and is surrounded by so much water, why do we need to drink so much?

Every day we lose two to three liters through sweat, urine and bowels, and even just through breath. Therefore, we must compensate for the loss of fluid. Maintaining a balanced water level has important. This helps to avoid dehydration or excessive hydration. Both processes can have a devastating effect on general state health. When first discovered low level water, sensory receptors the hypothalamus of the brain signals the release of antidiuretic hormone. When it reaches the kidneys, they create aquaporins, special channels that allow the blood to absorb and retain more water, resulting in concentrated, dark-colored urine.

Increased dehydration can cause noticeable losses in energy, mood, skin moisture, and blood pressure, as well as signs of cognitive impairment. A dehydrated brain finds it more difficult to cope with the same volume of tasks than normal brain, and it even decreases temporarily due to lack of water. Overhydration or hyponatremia is usually caused by excessive consumption water in a short period of time.

Athletes often fall victim to overhydration due to complications in regulating water levels in extreme physical conditions. While a dehydrated brain increases production antidiuretic hormone, over-hydration of the brain slows down or even stops its release into the blood. Sodium electrolytes in the body become dilute, causing cells to swell. IN severe cases the kidneys cannot cope with the resulting volumes of dilute urine. Then comes water intoxication, which can cause headache, vomiting, and, in rare cases, seizures or even death. But this is a rather extreme situation.

For a long time, conventional wisdom said that we should drink eight glasses of water a day. This norm has since been adjusted. We are now guided by the fact that the amount of water we should drink depends largely on our weight and our environment. Recommended daily dose varies from 2.5-3.7 liters of water for men and about 2-2.7 liters for women.

The norm may vary depending on health status, activity, age, and living conditions. While water is the healthiest hydrator, other drinks, even those containing caffeine such as coffee or tea, also replenish your body's fluid levels. Water in food makes up about a fifth of our daily consumption. Fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, cucumbers, and even broccoli contain more than 90% water and can supplement fluid intake while providing valuable nutrients. nutrients and fibers. Drinking also has various long-term benefits. Research has shown that optimal hydration can reduce the likelihood of stroke, help manage diabetes, and possibly reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Remember this and don't forget to drink enough water!