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Where does food digestion take place in humans? The process of digestion is the initial stage. The digestive system and the process of digestion in the oral cavity

The attitude to food differs from person to person. For some, this is just a way to replenish lost energy resources, while for others it is pleasure and enjoyment. But one thing remains common: few people know what happens to food after it enters the human body.

Meanwhile, the issues of digestion and assimilation of food are very important if you want to have good health. Knowing the laws in accordance with which our body is arranged, you can adjust your diet and make it more balanced and literate. After all, the faster the food is digested, the more efficiently the digestive system works and the metabolism improves.

We tell you what you need to know about the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the time that the body needs to digest certain foods.

How metabolism works

To begin with, it is necessary to define such an important process as the digestion of food. What is it? In fact, it is a set of mechanical and biochemical processes in the body that convert the food absorbed by a person into substances that can be absorbed.

First, food enters the human stomach. This is the initial process that ensures further absorption of substances. Then the food enters the small intestine, where it is exposed to various food enzymes. So, it is at this stage that carbohydrates are converted into glucose, lipids are broken down into fatty acid and monoglycerides, and proteins are converted into amino acids. All these substances enter the bloodstream, being absorbed through the walls of the intestine.

Digestion and subsequent assimilation of food is a complex process, which, meanwhile, does not last for hours. In addition, not all substances are really absorbed by the human body. This needs to be known and taken into account.

What does food digestion depend on?

There is no doubt that the digestion of food is a complex and complex process. What does it depend on? There are certain factors that can either speed up or slow down the digestion of food. You should definitely know them if you care about your health.

So, the digestion of food largely depends on the processing of food and the way they are prepared. So, the time of assimilation of fried and boiled food increases by 1.5 hours compared to raw food. This is due to the fact that the original structure of the product is modified and some important enzymes are destroyed. That is why raw foods should be preferred if it is possible to eat them without heat treatment.

In addition, the digestion of food is affected by its temperature. cold food, for example, is digested much faster. In this regard, between hot and warm soup, it is preferable to choose the second option.

The food mixing factor is also important. The fact is that each product has its own absorption time. And there are some foods that are not digested at all. If you mix products with different times digestion and consume them in one meal, their digestion time will noticeably change.

Absorption of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are broken down in the body by the action of digestive enzymes. The key to this process is salivary and pancreatic amylase.

Another important term if we are talking about the absorption of carbohydrates is hydrolysis. This is the conversion of carbohydrates into usable glucose. This process directly depends on the glycemic index of a particular product. We explain: if the glycemic index of glucose is 100%, then this means that the human body will absorb it 100%, respectively.

With equal caloric content of products, their glycemic index may differ from each other. Consequently, the concentration of glucose that enters the bloodstream during the breakdown of such food will not be the same.

As a general rule, the lower the glycemic index of a food, the healthier it is. It contains fewer calories and energizes the body for a longer period. Thus, complex carbohydrates, which include cereals, legumes, a number of vegetables, there is an advantage over simple ones (confectionery and flour products, sweet fruits, fast food, fried food).

Let's look at examples. 100 grams of fried potatoes and lentils contain 400 kilocalories. Their glycemic index is 95 and 30 respectively. After digestion of these products, 380 kilocalories enter the blood in the form of glucose ( fried potatoes) and 120 kilocalories (lentils). The difference is quite significant.

Absorption of fats

It is difficult to overestimate the role of fats in the human diet. They must be present, because it is a valuable source of energy. They have higher calorie content compared to proteins and carbohydrates. Cro In addition, fats are directly related to the intake and absorption of vitamins A, D, E and a number of others, since they are their solvents.

Many fats are also a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely important for the full growth and development of the body and for strengthening the immune system.A. Together with fats, a person receives a complex biologically active substances that favorably affect the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism.

How are fats digested in the human body? IN oral cavity they do not undergo any changes, since human saliva does not contain enzymes that break down fats. In the stomach of an adult, fats also do not undergo significant changes, since there are no special conditions for this. Thus, the breakdown of fats in humans occurs in the upper sections small intestine.

The average daily optimal fat intake for an adult is 60–100 grams. Most fats in food (up to 90%) are classified as neutral fats, i.e. triglycerides. The remaining fats are phospholipids, cholesterol esters, and fat-soluble vitamins.

Healthy fats, which include meat, fish, avocados, olive oil, nuts, are used by the body almost immediately after consumption. But trans fats, which are considered unhealthy foods (fast food, fried foods, sweets), are stored in fat reserves.

Protein absorption

Protein is a very important substance for human health. It must be present in the diet. Proteins, as a rule, are advised to be consumed for lunch and dinner, combining them with fiber. However, they are also good for breakfast. This fact is confirmed by numerous scientific studies, during which it was found that eggs - a valuable source of protein - are ideal for a tasty, satisfying and healthy breakfast.

Protein absorption is influenced by various factors. The most important of these are the origin and composition of the protein. Proteins are plant and animal. Animals include meat, poultry, fish and a number of other products. Basically, these products are absorbed by the body by 100%. What can you say about squirrels plant origin. Some numbers: lentils are absorbed by the body by 52%, chickpeas - by 70%, and wheat - by 36%.

There is a rule: if you want to get the most accurate information - refer to the directory. Therefore, let's open the 24th volume of the Great Medical Encyclopedia and read on page 603: "Digestion is the initial stage of metabolism in the body, which consists in the physical and chemical processing of food." Isn't it very difficult?

Indeed, dear reader, we believe that not in the dining room where you run into lunch break, neither at home after work, when you dine with appetite, nor in a restaurant where you sometimes sit with friends, it never occurs to you that you are doing the "initial stage of metabolism in the body." We think that you also do not suspect that your essence changes depending on which side you look at. For yourself - you are a person, for a waiter in a restaurant - a client, for comrades sitting with you at a restaurant table - a pleasant conversationalist and your own person, and from the point of view of the digestive process, you are a heterotrophic organism that is not able to synthesize organic compounds from inorganic ones and needs at least the simplest organic substrates that enter the body with food.

And, probably, it is not necessary that such thoughts come to mind during lunch or dinner. Nutrition, above all, is an aesthetic act. As I. P. Pavlov said, “you need to eat in such a way that food gives you pleasure,” and therefore it is hardly advisable to imagine while eating what and how your favorite dumplings or cod turn into tomato sauce. However, you need to be smart about this. For what? Allow me, dear reader, we will ask you a question: do you know how to eat?

Eka is unseen, another will say. What's so difficult? Take a spoon or a fork, sometimes a knife and act so that nothing remains on the plate! No, it's not that simple. Don't believe? Then answer the following questions:

1. How many calories does a person need per day?
2. How many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts should a person consume per day?
3. How long does it take to chew food?
4. When should you leave the table?
5. How many times a day should I eat?
6. How many hours before bedtime should I eat my last meal?
7. What should be the principles for compiling the menu?

The list of questions can be continued. Well, dear reader, if you don’t even answer one of the seven questions above, you can assume that you don’t know how to eat and that your personal nutrition system, in addition to allowing you to introduce the necessary nutrients into the body, does some harm every day. your intestines, your heart, your vessels. Let every day this harm is small, imperceptible. But small things make big things. That is why we decided to talk about digestion first, so that the reader can understand how we eat, and in the future we will talk about how to eat properly.

The process of digestion begins long before the first piece of food enters the mouth.. The beginning of digestion is associated with a certain time, individual for each person. The so-called “biological clock” works in our body: during the day the rhythm of all life processes changes cyclically, the number of blood cells periodically decreases and increases, its clotting changes, the activity of the digestive glands also changes - at certain hours they are activated, and at other times they activity is slowed down. This means that at a certain time (when these glands are activated), a person begins to experience a feeling of hunger.

In addition to this internal mechanism associated with biorhythms, there is another, which is based on the individual habits of a person - at those hours when he usually has breakfast, lunch or dinner, based on individual experience, his digestive glands begin to activate their activity. So, the process of digestion begins with two reflexes "on time": unconditional, associated with hereditary biorhythms, and conditional, depending on the time of eating by this particular person.

Then comes the period of action of other stimuli: a person finds himself in the usual atmosphere of a dining room, restaurant, or sits down at the dinner table at home. There is a conditioned reflex to the situation, which activates the digestive apparatus even more. But this reflex, like the previous ones (for a while), produces, so to speak, a non-specific activation of the digestive apparatus: the digestive glands, primarily the glands of the stomach, begin to secrete juice, but its composition will be the same in all cases. After that, specific reflexes are turned on: a person sees food, smells it, when food enters the mouth, taste buds are irritated - nerve endings embedded in the language. Here already irritation "will be specific, and the digestive glands will begin to secrete juice, different in quantity and composition, depending on the type of food that a person takes: meat will be allocated a large number of gastric juice, rich in enzymes, for milk - a smaller amount with a lower content of enzymes. If you eat crackers, then a large amount of saliva is released, containing enough high concentration the enzyme amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates. And if something sour gets into your mouth (for example, you chewed a slice of lemon), then saliva begins to literally spurt, but it contains almost no enzymes, but is rich in mineral salts that are involved in neutralizing citric acid.

Under the influence of all these factors, first of all, the gastric glands rebuild their activity in a short time - the first phase of gastric secretion begins, which is called the complex reflex, since a whole complex of reflexes, both unconditioned and conditioned, takes part in its formation.

When food enters the stomach, the second phase of gastric secretion will begin - neurochemical, which is already associated with the direct action of the food bolus on the walls of the stomach, on its glands, on the nerve endings embedded in this wall.

This phase is called nervous because the reflex component continues to play a role in it, and chemical - due to the fact that chemical substances food directly affect the wall of the stomach.

Before the food enters the stomach, another important initial stage of the digestion process is carried out - chewing food. Food is crushed and due to this in the future it will be more exposed to the digestive juices of the stomach. The chemical processing of food begins in the oral cavity. Saliva contains an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates - ptyalin, or amylase.

This enzyme breaks down starch - a polysaccharide into smaller components - dextrans. Try this experiment: take a small piece of bread and chew it for a long time. You will feel that the bread acquires a sweetish aftertaste, as the starch has been broken down into sugary substances. Usually we do not chew food for several minutes and therefore carbohydrates in the oral cavity are only partially broken down. In addition, in saliva there is a mucous substance - mucin. It envelops and, as it were, “lubricates” food particles, facilitating their movement along the digestive canal.

Digestion of proteins contained in food begins in the stomach cavity under the influence of the enzyme pepsin and of hydrochloric acid. The gastric glands secrete the inactive proenzyme pepsinogen, which is activated by hydrochloric acid, also produced by the glands of the gastric wall. Hydrochloric acid, in addition to activating pepsin, performs a number of other important functions: it causes swelling of some proteins, preparing them for cleavage by pepsin, creates the acidic reaction of the environment necessary for the action of pepsin, and also has a bactericidal (that is, killing microbes) effect.

The production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid by the glands of the stomach wall begins even before food enters the stomach. If the first complex reflex phase of gastric secretion is well expressed, then the food enters the stomach, which is already ready for digestion, and splitting nutrients is active. The amount of hydrochloric acid and pepsin secreted by the stomach depends on the nature of the food entering the digestive tract: in one case, the environment will be very acidic and contain a lot of pepsin, and in the other, slightly acidic, pepsin-poor gastric juice is released. Pepsin has a huge digestive capacity: one gram of pepsin can digest approximately 50 kg of egg albumin in two hours, and gastric juice contains about one gram of pepsin per liter. It is very important that the gastric juice is secreted in the exact amount with the nature and quantity of the food entering the stomach, otherwise it may adversely affect the gastric wall. No wonder the occurrence of gastric ulcer is often preceded by gastritis: inflammation of the gastric wall with high acidity and a rich content of pepsin in gastric juice.

In order to imagine how the dynamics of digestion in the stomach depends on the nature of the food taken, we, at the risk of somewhat overloading our story with factual material, will cite enough great quote from the same 24th volume of the BME, since it very accurately and concisely gives an idea on this issue. “When taking mixed food, the quantity and quality of gastric juice varies depending on percentage the main types of food included in it, as well as various additional substances added to a particular dish. It has been established that when taking various soups, the largest amount of juice is separated into barley, oatmeal and potato soups and relatively less - into rice and semolina.

A significant amount of juice is released when eating pickle and cabbage soup, especially sour ones. Of the second courses, the largest amount of juice is separated on the fish soufflé and the least on rice pudding and semolina. From meat dishes the largest amount of juice is separated when taking meatloaf and the smallest - pasta.

A large amount of juice is released when eating stews and especially beef stroganoff.

Of the sweet dishes, compote of dry fruits with an admixture of raw orange juice causes the greatest secretion. It should be added to the above quotation that, depending on the nature of the food, the duration of secretion and its latent period, that is, the time elapsed between the intake of food and the beginning of secretion, also vary. Thus, gastric secretion largely depends on what and how we eat.

From the stomach, the food bolus enters the duodenum, where digestion occurs under the influence of juices secreted from the so-called Brunner glands of its wall, the secretion of the pancreas, liver and small intestine. Highest value in duodenal digestion (duodenum is the Latin name for the duodenum) belongs to pancreatic juice (pancreas is the Latin name for the pancreas), which is secreted in an amount of 600 ml to 2000 ml per day and contains enzymes that break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates. These include protein-cleaving trypsin, chemotripsin, and carboxypeptidase; saccharolytic enzymes - amylase, maltase and lactase - and lipase.

The mechanism by which these enzymes are incorporated into the digestive process is very complex. Many of them are allocated in an inactive state and must be activated.

The digestive power of these enzymes depends not only on their quantity, but also on the reaction of the environment in the duodenum, on how acidic the contents of the stomach were.

The action of enzymes that break down proteins in the duodenum also depends on how intensively the primary breakdown of proteins in the stomach has passed.

duodenal digestion is also associated with the rate of entry of the food bolus from the stomach, and this, in turn, is due to the acidity of gastric juice. Without going into details that are not necessary in popular science literature, we only want to emphasize that the level of duodenal digestion is closely related to digestion in the stomach and is determined by the same factors.

Talking about digestion in the duodenum, it must be emphasized that a very important enzyme in pancreatic juice is lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats. Enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates are found in many parts of the digestive tract, and pancreatic lipase is practically the only lipolytic enzyme. Therefore, in violation of the excretory function (that is, the production of digestive enzymes) of the pancreas, it is the fat metabolism that is significantly disrupted.

Bile from the liver also enters the duodenum. Bile emulsifies fats and activates lipase, that is, it promotes the breakdown of fats. Both the secretion of pancreatic juice and the secretion of bile, as well as the secretion of gastric juice, go through two phases - complex reflex and neurochemical and obey the same laws as in the stomach.

final split food products occurs in the small intestine, where food masses are processed under the influence of pancreatic juice, which they are soaked in the duodenum, and enzymes produced by the glands of the wall of the small intestine. In the small intestine, the absorption of digested food products occurs mainly (partially it begins already in the stomach, where a small amount of water and, if it has been taken, alcohol) are absorbed, which enter the bloodstream. Together with the blood flow, nutrients enter the liver - the main chemical laboratory of the body, where they are processed further; some of them are carried with the blood flow throughout the body and enter the cells, others are deposited in the liver or go for the synthesis of other substances, in particular proteins. In the liver, the products formed during the breakdown of nutrients that are toxic to the body are detoxified.

In the large intestine, into which the small intestine passes, intensive absorption of water occurs. The food bolus here is already split less intensively, since the juice of the large intestine is poor in enzymes. Of great importance for the chemical processes in the large intestine is the normal intestinal microflora. Undigested food remains are expelled from the body in the form of feces. It should be emphasized that in the large intestine, products that are toxic to the body are formed in relatively small quantities, which, being absorbed, enter the liver and are neutralized there. In the large intestine there is also the formation of gases (ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide). Gases, formed mostly during the final breakdown of proteins, are needed to stimulate the motility of the large intestine and push the feces to the rectum.

This is, in a nutshell, the process of digestion in the human body..

The concept of physiology can be interpreted as the science of the laws of operation and regulation of a biological system in conditions of health and the presence of diseases. Physiology studies, among other things, the vital activity of individual systems and processes, in a particular case, this is, i.e. the vital activity of the digestive process, the patterns of its work and regulation.

The very concept of digestion means a complex of physical, chemical and physiological processes, as a result of which, in the process, they are split into simple chemical compounds - monomers. Passing through the wall gastrointestinal tract, they enter the bloodstream and are absorbed by the body.

The digestive system and the process of digestion in the oral cavity

In the process of digestion, a group of organs is involved, which is divided into two large sections: the digestive glands ( salivary glands, glands of the liver and pancreas) and the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive enzymes are divided into three main groups: proteases, lipases, and amylases.

Among the functions of the digestive tract, one can note: the promotion of food, the absorption and excretion of undigested food residues from the body.

The process is born. During chewing, the food supplied in the process is crushed and moistened with saliva, which is produced by three pairs of large glands (sublingual, submandibular and parotid) and microscopic glands located in the mouth. Saliva contains the enzymes amylase and maltase, which break down nutrients.

Thus, the process of digestion in the mouth consists in the physical crushing of food, exerting a chemical effect on it and moisturizing it with saliva for ease of swallowing and continuing the digestion process.

Digestion in the stomach

The process begins with the fact that food, crushed and moistened with saliva, passes through the esophagus and enters the organ. Within a few hours, the food bolus experiences mechanical (muscle contraction when moving to the intestines) and chemical effects (gastric juice) inside the organ.

Gastric juice consists of enzymes, hydrochloric acid and mucus. The main role belongs to hydrochloric acid, which activates enzymes, promotes fragmentary cleavage, has a bactericidal effect, destroying a lot of bacteria. The enzyme pepsin in the composition of gastric juice is the main one, splitting proteins. The action of mucus is aimed at preventing mechanical and chemical damage to the shell of the organ.

What composition and amount of gastric juice will depend on the chemical composition and nature of food. The sight and smell of food contributes to the release of the necessary digestive juice.

As the digestion process progresses, food gradually and portionwise moves into the duodenum.

Digestion in the small intestine

The process begins in the cavity of the duodenum, where the food bolus is affected by pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice, since it contains the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. Inside this organ, proteins are digested into monomers (simple compounds) that are absorbed by the body. Learn more about the three components of chemical exposure in the small intestine.

The composition of pancreatic juice includes the enzyme trypsin, which breaks down proteins, which converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol, the enzyme lipase, as well as amylase and maltase, which break down starch into monosaccharides.

Bile is synthesized by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, from where it enters the duodenum. It activates the lipase enzyme, participates in the absorption of fatty acids, increases the synthesis of pancreatic juice, and activates intestinal motility.

Intestinal juice is produced by special glands during inner shell small intestine. It contains over 20 enzymes.

There are two types of digestion in the intestine and this is its feature:

  • cavitary - carried out by enzymes in the cavity of the organ;
  • contact or membrane - performed by enzymes that are located on the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the small intestine.

Thus, food substances in the small intestine are actually completely digested, and the end products - monomers are absorbed into the blood. Upon completion of the digestion process, the digested food remains from the small intestine into the large intestine.

Digestion in the large intestine

The process of enzymatic processing of food in the large intestine is rather insignificant. However, in addition to enzymes, obligate microorganisms (bifidobacteria, coli, streptococci, lactic acid bacteria).

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are extremely important for the body: they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, participate in the breakdown, ensure the quality of protein and mineral metabolism, enhance the body's resistance, and have an antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effect.

Intermediate products of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are broken down here to monomers. Colon microorganisms produce (groups B, PP, K, E, D, biotin, pantothenic and folic acids), a number of enzymes, amino acids and other substances.

The final stage of the digestion process is the formation of fecal masses, which are 1/3 composed of bacteria, and also contain epithelium, insoluble salts, pigments, mucus, fiber, etc.

Absorption of nutrients

Let's dwell on the process separately. It represents the ultimate goal of the digestion process, when food components are transported from the digestive tract to the internal environment of the body - blood and lymph. Absorption occurs in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Absorption in the mouth is practically not carried out due to the short period (15 - 20 s) of food in the cavity of the organ, but not without exceptions. In the stomach, the absorption process partially covers glucose, a number of amino acids, dissolved alcohol. Absorption in the small intestine is the most extensive, largely due to the structure of the small intestine, which is well adapted to the suction function. Absorption in the large intestine concerns water, salts, vitamins and monomers (fatty acids, monosaccharides, glycerol, amino acids, etc.).

The central nervous system coordinates all nutrient absorption processes. Humoral regulation is also involved.

The process of protein absorption occurs in the form of amino acids and water solutions - 90% in the small intestine, 10% in the large intestine. Absorption of carbohydrates is carried out in the form of various monosaccharides (galactose, fructose, glucose) with different speed. Sodium salts play a role in this. Fats are absorbed in the form of glycerol and fatty acids in the small intestine into the lymph. Water and mineral salts begin to be absorbed in the stomach, but this process proceeds more intensively in the intestines.

Thus, it covers the process of digestion of nutrients in the mouth, in the stomach, in the small and large intestines, as well as the process of absorption.

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Today is a very serious topic - we will analyze how food is digested in the human body. Without this knowledge, you will never figure out what to eat, when, how much, how to mix.

You are a future mother, it is important for you to understand this, for yourself and for your baby. After all, you are his first and most important doctor.

I will talk about all the processes of digestion briefly and simply.

Food and everything connected with it is the territory of an endless battle, this is one of the most confusing issues, everyone has their own theory of how to eat and what is right. In such situations, I adhere to the following principle: if in doubt, look at how it works.

So many questions will simply disappear by themselves when you figure out how food is digested inside you.

So let's get started.

Where has nature gone?

Digestion is a huge factory where millions of processes take place, everything is interconnected and everything is thought out, all the puzzles, the components are perfect for each other. With due attention, this factory has been operating without failure for many decades.

Have you ever thought about the absurdity of what is happening - newborns always have dysbacteriosis, always colic in the first months of life. We, doctors, are already used to saying: “Don't worry, mommy, this is normal, since the intestines of the newborn are not yet mature enough, so it reacts like that” - we repeat the memorized information received in medical universities.

As a matter of fact, a why the intestines should not be mature enough, where nature "pierced"?

Why does the baby react this way to eating? What is he eating? Only mother's milk?

And what then does the mother eat if the child, like litmus paper, reacts to every meal eaten with flour, intestinal colic.

And the long journey begins: Dill water which brings more harm, bifidus and lactobacilli, a ban on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, honey, etc. But Nature has created us perfect, and your baby's intestines are quite mature and formed. It's all about us, our food.

We powerfully and constantly violate all the rules of the digestive factory and then naively believe that "dysbacteriosis", "cholecystitis", "gastritis" is in itself "from life", or worse, hereditary :)

Breaking down into components

First, all the food that comes to us in the form of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats - cannot be taken "as is".

Any food must first be digested, “disassembled” into small components, and only then our human proteins, fats, hormones, etc., must be put together from the composite bricks. They help us to "disband" food - enzymes, for each species - their own enzymes.

Yes, and I will say that All compounds are made up of the same molecules: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

Carbohydrates(bananas, potatoes) from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, just the same fats(oils) from the same carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but their chains are longer and the configuration of "attachment" of these elements is slightly different, squirrels(the same nuts) - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

Digestion occurs throughout the digestive tract, starting in the mouth and ending in the large intestine. But everywhere everything happens differently, has its own purpose, its own functions, speed, properties, acidity, different enzymes work.

Where does it all start

So, our factory begins in the oral cavity, there are six pairs of glands that produce the enzymes "ptyalin" and "maltase" without interruption. for the initial breakdown of carbohydrates.

Only carbohydrates begin to be digested in the mouth, proteins are simply mechanically crushed.

In addition, there are two interesting substances in saliva - it is mucin - a viscous liquid, the function of which is to moisten food to easily slip through the larynx and dissolve some substances, for better digestion further - in the stomach.

The second substance is "lysozyme" its function is to protect against bacteria, if any, in food.

Connecting the imagination

These are all ordinary medical facts, now imagine how it all happens!

You bite off a piece of bread - the tongue enters first - its task is to check this piece for freshness - “and whether it is spoiled”, then determine the taste.

While we mechanically grind bread with our teeth, it is abundantly moistened with mucin, the enzymes ptyalin and maltase penetrate into it, immediately digesting it to large polymeric sugars, it is enveloped by lysozyme, destroying bacterial cells, if any.

In theory, swallowing a piece of bread, you already give the stomach a third of the work done. But that's only if you chew, which you understand - we do it infrequently.

So the first rule- chew at least 15 times on each side. Of course not 32, I know that yogis chew 32 times, but let's start small.

food in the stomach

An acidic environment reigns here, since the glands of the stomach itself produce 0.4% hydrochloric acid. Its task is to process food, neutralize all remaining bacteria, if saliva failed to cope with something.

Its second task is to activate the enzyme of the stomach - pepsin, which recycles, breaks down proteins!

Why is enzyme activation needed?

You have probably heard the term " acid-base balance”, This is a very important indicator for any fluid and environment of our body. In particular, for all digestive organs.

The environment of the digestive organ is extremely important for the functioning of enzymes! The environment is changing - there is no activity of enzymes, they simply cannot break down and digest anything.

The mouth is alkaline, the stomach is acidic.

Enzymes of the stomach, the same pepsin, are inactive in an alkaline environment, and therefore hydrochloric acid is needed to prepare a “working” environment for the enzyme.

Of course, getting into the stomach along with food, saliva enzymes, which work only in an alkaline environment, gradually begin to deactivate, neutralize with acid and give way to other enzymes.

Stomach volumes and digestion

Its volume is very much dependent on the amount of food that a person regularly absorbs.

You have probably heard that the stomach can expand and contract.However, normally it holds 1.5-2 liters.

If you load it full/full or even more, it can't compress properly and stir the food to get enzymes and hydrochloric acid into it. To imagine this state, type many, many nuts in your mouth, to the point of failure, and now try to worry.

So the second rule don't stuff your stomach. Clench your fist - this is the approximate amount of food you can eat. Especially if we are talking about boiled food - meat, pasta, bread and more. Try to pause, eat a little - stop, sit for 3-4 minutes, if you feel full, then you can stop eating.

Heavy food (boiled potatoes, pasta, rice, meat, poultry, fish) is in the stomach from 2 to 4 hours, light food (fruits, juices, fresh salads, greens) is located - 35-40 minutes.

After spending the prescribed time in the stomach from 40 minutes to 4 hours, the food bolus should be well moistened with hydrochloric acid, the proteins are treated with the pepsin enzyme. At the exit of the stomach there is a so-called "sphincter", a tight muscular ring that keeps food from getting further into the small intestine.

At the very bottom of the stomach there is a section called the "pylorus", it passes food in small portions into the small intestine.

Here, at the very beginning of the small intestine, to begin with, it is necessary to bring the pH of the food slurry coming from the stomach to an alkaline, which does not irritate the sections of the small intestine.

For protein digestion it is very important that the hydrochloric acid in the stomach be with a strictly defined% acidity.

If it is not acidic enough, it will not be able to neutralize bacteria, it will not be able to properly activate enzymes, which means digestion will go badly.

And the food that they can digest will not go into the small intestine, simply larger protein molecules mixed with completely undigested protein molecules.

From here next ruledo not drink during and after meals until the food is in the stomach. If you ate something heavy, you can not drink for 2-4 hours, if it is light vegetable, then 40 minutes.

Although from my own experience I can say that the strongest thirst appears if you eat flour, potatoes, porridge, rice, pasta, etc. It feels like the food is just sucking up water.

Small intestine

It is in the small intestine, and not in the stomach, that the main digestion of food takes place!

The small intestine is made up of 3 sections:

  • Duodenum (23-30 cm long) - this is where basic digestion of food
  • The jejunum (from 80 cm to 1.9 meters) - this is where absorption of nutrients
  • Small (or ileum) intestine (from 1.32 to 2.64 m) - this is where food bolus transit further into the large intestine

The total length of the small intestine is from 2.2 meters to 4.4 meters


The ducts of the pancreas and liver open into the duodenum. Two absolutely amazing organs, the work of which we will briefly analyze.

So, it is precisely due to the enzymes that the pancreas and liver secrete that all food is digested:

  • for proteins(partially digested in the stomach to oligopeptides) the pancreas secretes the enzyme "trypsin"
  • for carbohydrates(complex polypeptides, after initial digestion in the oral cavity) the pancreas secretes the enzyme "amylase"
  • for fats the pancreas secretes an enzyme - "lipase", and the liver secretes "bile".

In addition to what the glands (pancreas and liver) secrete, the small intestine itself produces its own internal glands, located along the entire length, intestinal juice, which contains more than 20 different enzymes (!).


So, let's focus on the pancreas - this is a small, very delicate, and almost weightless gland that works every day, gives a huge amount of enzymes and produces hormones, in particular insulin. The weight of the gland in total is 60-100 grams (!), The length is 12-15 cm.

And yet - here are produced by the body three necessary groups of enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

According to the research of the famous doctor, naturopath, Marva Oganyan, the pancreas has a certain cycle of work, its function stops after 8 pm. This means that if we ate in the evening after 20:00, then the food will lie undigested in the duodenum until 09:00 in the morning!

Hence the following rule of proper nutrition: we do not eat anything after 20:00, only juice, Herb tea with honey.


The liver produces from the remnants of (processed, spent its own) hemoglobin molecules an extremely useful liquid - bile.

About 0.5-1.5 liters of bile is produced per day, it enters the gallbladder in a very concentrated form, which is located here under the liver, and as soon as the food bolus from the stomach enters the duodenum, bile is supplied from the gallbladder.

Why do we have bile?

  1. Just like hydrochloric acid, bile activates enzymes, only it makes the environment of the small intestine alkaline (not acidic).
  2. Bile breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids, in this form they can already be absorbed into the blood, activates their absorption.
  3. Bile activates peristalsis, or movement (muscle contraction) of the small intestine. Fourth, it enhances the absorption of vitamin K.

Therefore, it is obvious that if a person has clogged bile ducts, an inflamed gall bladder, then bile is not secreted enough and enzymes are not active - which means that food is not properly digested.

The second section of the small intestine is the jejunum

  • proteins to amino acids
  • carbohydrates - to mono sugars, glucose, fructose
  • fats - to glycerol and fatty acids

And here everything is already prepared.The structure of the small intestine is maximally prepared for the absorption of a large amount of nutrients.

Its entire surface is covered with villi, 1 mm in height, and those, in turn, are also covered with microvilli (see the structure of the villus in the picture below). All this allows you to increase the suction area up to 200 square meters (!) With a length of only 2.2-4.4 meters. Can you imagine how ingenious and simple!

Besides in every villus there is a capillary network and 1 lymphatic vessel. It is through these vessels that amino acids, mono sugars, glycerin enter the blood, and fatty acids and glycerol enter the lymph.


Right here, in the cells of the intestinal villi of glycerol and fatty acids our, human fat molecules are synthesized, and already ready, they enter the lymphatic vessel, along it into the large thoracic lymphatic duct, and from there into the blood.


Mono sugars (decomposed in the intestines) are absorbed into the blood with the help of villi: some of them go to the needs of the cells, and some to the liver. The liver can metabolize and store excess glucose in the blood, converting it to glycogen.

And it happens like this: as soon as the level of glucose in the blood rises, insulin transfers it to the liver, where glycogen is formed (the energy reserve is a pantry). If there is little glucose and its level drops, the liver very quickly removes glycogen - turning it back into glucose - into the blood.

However, if too much sugar enters - and there is enough in the blood, and there is too much in the liver, then all this is processed into subcutaneous fat. So to speak, "stored" until better times.

Amino acids:

These small components of the protein are also absorbed in the small intestine into the blood, from the intestine the vessels first go to the liver, where the blood is purified from poisons that have come with food, toxins, decay products.

Proteins that have been digested into amino acids are taken to the liver, where the synthesis of our human proteins takes place from the obtained raw materials, as from bricks, amino acids.

If some part of the food is not digested, rots, releases poisons, it will go to the liver and be rendered harmless there, the liver will produce and release its specific substances, and all this will be excreted by the kidneys from the body.

How poisons can be formed during digestion, we will consider in detail in other articles.

So, almost all the nutrients got into the blood, lymph, but the food bolus still contains some amount of water, mineral salts, undigested residues - in the form of hard cellulose (peel of fruits, vegetables, seed coat). All this enters the large intestine.

In the small intestine, food (if you eat boiled heavy food) is 4-5 hours, if you are on a plant-based diet, then we can safely cut this figure in half - 2-2.5 hours.


Its length is 1.5-2 meters, diameter is about 4-8 cm. There are already very few intestinal glands, since enzymes are not particularly needed - the main process of digestion has already passed, it remains only to deal with undigested food, such as cellulose, to absorb mineral salts, soak up the rest of the water.

In the large intestine, boiled, heavy food is 12-18 hours, and vegetable - 6-9.

In addition to digestion, the large intestine provides immunological protection; a large number of lymph nodes are located in it over the entire surface, which purify the lymph.

However, this is not all the functions of the large intestine.

Absolutely amazing things happen in it, living microorganisms that are useful to us live in it.

These are no longer substances, and not enzymes, but living organisms, albeit tiny ones. They are distinguished by a huge number of species, but the most important and basic are: bifidum and lactobacilli.

See for yourself what these essential microorganisms do for us:

  1. They digest part of the undigested food - cellulose - the walls of plants, the peel of vegetables, fruits, the shell of seeds. No one but microorganisms can do this, enzymes cannot cope with this. Cellulose is the food of our microorganisms. Fiber is the natural habitat of our microflora, no fiber - no food for bacteria - the amount of beneficial microflora decreases - the amount increases harmful bacteria. In addition, fiber increases the mass of the muscular layer of the intestine and regulates its peristalsis; affects the rate of absorption of nutrients; participates in the formation of feces, binds water, bile acids, adsorbs toxic compounds.
  2. Protect us from the invasion of harmful bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms. Firstly, if there are many "ours", then "strangers" have nowhere to sit and nothing to eat. Secondly, "their own" produce special substances (bacteriocins and microcins), which are poisons for "foreign" bacteria.
  3. Work out (!) pay attention themselves vitamin C, vitamin K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 ( folic acid ), AT 12.
  4. Synthesize proteins and amino acids(!) including those that are called "irreplaceable". Amino acids are the smallest parts of the protein, they enter the liver and other organs with the blood, where the “assembly” of various necessary to a person proteins. That is, our body is able to independently produce proteins! Of course, subject to the excellent work of those very “friendly” bacteria.
  5. Actively participate in detoxification of the body: Microorganisms take an active part in the destruction and accelerated elimination of toxins, mutagens, anti-genes, carcinogens.
  6. Improve absorption of iron, calcium and vitaminsD

Hence another rule - feed your friends - friendly bacteria, eat as many raw vegetables as possible, fruits with peel and seeds, greens with stems. For them, this is the best food!

The appendix stores intact bacteria

In the large intestine there is an appendix, a small process 12-15 cm, which also plays important role: performs protective function, is a reservoir of the necessary microorganisms.

In the mucosa of the appendix there are a lot of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph to the nearest lymph nodes of the same large intestine. IN lymph nodes there is a constant cleansing of the lymph from bacteria, foreign proteins, cells that can be reborn and cause cancer.

A new population of "own" microorganisms lives in the appendix, in case the pathogenic microflora takes over in the large intestine, new microorganisms will be released to restore the population.

The appendix acts as a "safe haven" for the bacteria needed for healthy digestion. In fact, it resets the digestive system after various illnesses.

As you can see a lot depends on how much and what kind of microflora in our intestines.

And she suffers primarily from a lack of fiber in food and antibiotics, which we take in huge quantities, often without a doctor's prescription, just in case. Antibiotics simply burn out all the microorganisms of the intestine, without understanding where one's own / another's.

Beneficial microorganisms suffer greatly from poorly digested food, if proteins rot and carbohydrates ferment - this is a disaster for beneficial microflora and this is a holiday for "strangers", this is their food.

Therefore, it is important not to run for antibiotics every time something gets sick, with these drugs you need to be as careful as possible.

A factory that works without breaks and weekends

The whole process of digestion takes 18 to 27 hours (raw fooders probably half that - 9-13 hours), but this is a rather long period of time and it is important not to eat new food until the previous one has at least passed into the small intestine.

And this means that if you had a hearty breakfast, then you can have lunch in 4-5 hours, and also have dinner.

However, if we follow such a regime, then our entire digestive factory will only sort, split, neutralize, synthesize and absorb until night (or even at night). There is no time for anything else.

Hence another quite logical rule: the body needs rest. This means that it is necessary to carry out fasting days, on water or on freshly squeezed juices.

What is separate food and who is it suitable for?

Often separate meals are prescribed if there are already some problems with digestion.

Although, the practice of eating proteins separately from carbohydrates is very natural and beneficial for any person.

As for a pregnant woman, from the first months you feel the discomfort associated with eating and digesting food, this is heartburn, and nausea, and.

To you, my dears, God himself ordered to strictly observe separate meals. I will tell you what it is, and you will immediately understand how natural it is.

As you and I understood, in order to break down, say, proteins, a strongly acidic environment in the stomach is needed in order for the necessary gastric enzymes to stand out.

Then a semi-digested piece of protein food, for example, meat, will go to the small intestine, where the pancreas will secrete its enzymes and properly process this piece to amino acids, which will be absorbed further in the following sections of the small intestine.

And what if there is meat with pasta and bread?

So you bit off the meat, which means that the receptors in the mouth transmitted information to the stomach - “prepare hydrochloric acid and enzymes for proteins”, and in the mouth an alkaline environment for processing and digesting carbohydrates - bread and pasta.

As a result, a mixed piece of food treated with alkali enters the stomach.

The acid in the stomach neutralizes the alkali, and all the bread and pasta is no longer digested. And a poorly digested piece of bread and pasta will go into the small intestine.

Moreover, the meat will not be able to be digested normally, because in order for the enzymes of the stomach to work, a good concentration of hydrochloric acid is clearly needed, but it is not, partially gone to neutralize the alkali.

And therefore, the meat enters the small intestine almost intact, and in fact there “wait” for meat, disassembled to oligopeptides (smaller parts), which means pancreatic enzymes can only digest what has been disassembled into smaller pieces.Large ones will not be able to digest and will go to rot in the large intestine.

It's like a factory

Imagine the workers dismantling the house, with the help of equipment they break the wall - in large pieces, then the workers separate bricks from these large pieces of the wall, then the bricks themselves fall into the grinding, where the excess mortar is removed from them, and then the clean bricks are processed to sand.

This is a fictional process. However, imagine that a half-wall piece, brick fragments, mortar, and so on, get into a brick-to-sand processing machine?

“The logic of separate nutrition follows from the fact that proteins and carbohydrates pass
the cycle of chemical processing in the gastrointestinal tract is fundamentally different.
Proteins - mainly in an acidic environment, carbohydrates - in an alkaline.

And since acids and alkalis are chemical antagonists
(they neutralize each other), then when combining proteins and carbohydrates in one dish,
in one meal there are no conditions for the complete chemical breakdown of products in the digestive tract.

Unprocessed foods remain in the intestines
for many years and become a source of dangerous contamination of the human body.

Numerous diseases appear, the beginning of which
- "wrong consciousness", ignorance of normal physiology
Gastrointestinal tract and chemistry of food digestion”

“Vegetarian cuisine of separate meals”, Nadezhda Semenova

Therefore, the next rule is to eat separately: proteins are separated from carbohydrates. Proteins can be eaten with greens with oils, carbohydrates with oils and vegetables.

What to combine proteins and carbohydrates with?

For example: Meat/poultry/fish go well with leafy greens, vegetable salad.

All the usual side dishes, such as potatoes, rice, pasta, are also well absorbed either simply with butter, or with salad and herbs.

Eat fruits separately from any other food, take a 30-40 minute break after taking them.

Sweets with tea are also a separate meal, only after the food that you took at lunch / dinner has left the stomach. In the case of potatoes, rice, meat, fish, poultry, this is after 2-3 hours. In the case of vegetables - 40-50 minutes.

I have been practicing separate nutrition for a long time and I already have a lot interesting recipes. I will publish them soon on my blog. If you have something interesting, please write in the comments.

Let's summarize the information:

  1. In the mouth digestion of carbohydrates begins, food is crushed, moistened and processed from bacteria.
  2. In the stomach: hydrochloric acid solution activates enzymes, neutralizes food.
  3. In the stomach, with the help of the enzyme pepsin, proteins are processed into smaller molecules of “oligopeptides”. Some fats are digested.
  4. Heavy food (boiled potatoes, pasta, rice, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, mushrooms, bread) is in the stomach from 2 to 4 hours, light (fruits, juices, fresh salads, herbs) is - 35-40 minutes.
  5. In the small intestine: the pancreas to prepare three types of enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the first section of the small intestine - the “duodenum”
  6. Liver prepares bile for processing fats, activating intestinal enzymes. Plus, another 20 different enzymes of the small intestine itself help in digestion.
  7. In the second section of the small intestine almost completely digested food is absorbed into the blood, right here fats are synthesized and enter the lymph.
  8. In the small intestine food (boiled, solid food) is 4-5 hours, fresh plant foods - 2-2.5 hours.
  9. Colon: friendly bacteria in the large intestine digest part of undigested food - the walls of plants, the peel of vegetables, fruits, the shell of seeds. They produce vitamins: C, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 (folic acid), B12. Synthesize proteins and amino acids (!) including those called "essential".
  10. In the large intestine boiled, heavy food is 12-18 hours, and vegetable - 6-9.
  11. Appendix is a population bank of healthy “friendly” bacteria

Healthy eating rules:

  1. chew food at least 15 times on each side.
  2. Don't stuff your stomach. Clench your fist - this is the approximate amount of food you can eat.
  3. Do not drink during and immediately after meals while the food is in the stomach. If you ate something heavy, you can not drink for 2-4 hours, if it is light vegetable, then - 40 minutes.
  4. Do not eat after 20:00 nothing, just juice, herbal tea with honey.
  5. Eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible with skin and seeds, greens with stems.
  6. Don't use antibiotics whenever something hurts, with these drugs you need to be as careful as possible.
  7. Spend fasting days water or freshly squeezed juices.
  8. Eat separately: proteins separate from carbohydrates.

Comments: 15

    12:44 / 10-04-2017

    The article is good. There are comments. For normal operation gastrointestinal tract and all important organs it is necessary to observe the water-salt balance. Somehow it was missed. The first cause of heartburn is the lack of NaCl salt and water!!! When food salt NaCl splits - chlorine combines with hydrogen and forms hydrochloric acid HCl, on the other hand, an alkaline bond is obtained from sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, called sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3, which enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body (NaCl + CO2 + H2O = NaHCO3 + HCl). The production of sodium bicarbonate is important for the body.
    But in general, the article is very useful for people. Many people know more about the car than about their own body.

      17:12 / 25-04-2017

      Anatoly, thanks for your comment. I will keep it in mind when writing future articles.

        06:49 / 20-06-2017

        Good day, Natalia! More details about the causes of almost all diseases in the body can be found in the works of the Iranian scientist F. Batmanghelidzh. I will give an example of another scientist E. A. Lappo, professor and his short article: Prevention and treatment of cancer by controlling the hydrogen index

        Cancer has been consistently ranked second in terms of mortality after heart attack and stroke for decades.

        Long-term observations have shown that a failure in the system of the human body begins with a decrease in the hydrogen index.

        Before deciding, you need to remember that a person, as a biological species, and his intestines, according to the type of food processing, are herbivores, as, for example, in a monkey and a horse. In a horse, the intestines are 12 times larger than its height (in humans, the same). Horses need alkali in the range of 12-14 pH units for food processing. At birth, the pH of a person is 7.41 pH units, and in the process of life there is a decrease to 5.41. And at 5.41 pH units, irreversible processes begin, a person gets sick and dies.

        But there are times when the pH index drops even lower. WITH medical point vision, these are hopeless patients. Taking emergency measures yet managed to save them.

        Patients with brain tumors present the greatest difficulty. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to check brain cells, since analysis cannot be done. Over 40 years of work, I have learned to determine the development of cancer not only at stage III, but also at stages II and I. At the second stage, it is determined with 100% probability, and at the I stage of oncological formation and diabetes practically do not differ. But diabetes manifests itself by the presence of sugar in the blood.

        The treatment methodology, as important components of the links, includes:

        1. Complete rejection of meat food, including eggs, dairy products, fish, vodka, sugar. I give examples of products that reduce the pH value: meat dishes (2.3 pH units), eggs (2.4 pH units), dairy products (1.9 pH units), fish (1.3 pH units), vodka (100 g - 1.4 pH units, 200 g -1.8 pH units). Rice, buckwheat, flour, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, and legumes do not reduce the pH level.

        2. Complete transition to plant foods with a predominance of rice, buckwheat, vegetables, in the first place - beets, zucchini, garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, seaweed, mushrooms.

        3. Depending on the stage of the disease, it is recommended therapeutic fasting from 3 to 21 days under the supervision of a doctor or an experienced specialist. Most patients are prescribed anthelmintic drugs. On the second day of fasting, enemas are given from "dead" water with celandine or wormwood, depending on the indications.

        4. Hydrogen indicator raises the intake of "live" water (up to 150-160 g 50 minutes before a meal) and food prepared with an infusion of microelements. living water pH 8.5.

        I do not hide the fact that the patient requires great willpower in the treatment and knowledge of what is happening in his body. Patients who follow this technique live much longer than people who are not ill, in full mind and health. I believe that cancer is not a disease of one organ, but of the whole organism. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove individual organs - we have nothing superfluous.

        The immune system does not work with cancer because it cannot recognize the cancer cell. Suppression of tumor growth begins at a pH of 7.2 pH units. To achieve this is the task of the doctor and the patient.

        To destroy a cancer cell, to stop its growth, it is necessary to deprive it of nutrition: animal proteins, sugar, oxygen, i.e. reduce blood cholesterol readings to 3.33 mmol / l.

        What should a cancer patient know?

        Often we do not take into account individual factors that lead to death. Without knowing the cause of a cancer cell, it cannot be eliminated. It turned out that it is the same in plants, in animals and in man. By itself surgical intervention does not save from the disease, but for some time delays the lethal outcome or accelerates it. Without treatment, a person dies within 22 months in agony.

        For a long time, our Center was engaged in the study of plant diseases, spending 30 years on this. When one of our workers fell ill himself, he transferred this method to himself. The results were positive. After that, dozens of cancer patients were cured.

        The main conclusion is that a person himself provokes the conditions for the growth of oncological diseases, not knowing certain issues related to nutrition and behavior.

        What do you need to know to avoid getting sick? For a better understanding, let's compare the food processing system of the wolf and that of the horse. The wolf eats meat; Acid is needed to process meat. The horse eats grass, hay, oats and other plant food; alkali is needed to process plant foods. A person eats both, he needs both alkali and acid. This is where the problem starts. If a person eats meat for a long time (an acidic environment appears in the body), it begins to grow. oncological tumor. But this does not always happen.

        Two conditions are necessary for tumor growth:

        a) cooling the body or its individual parts;
        b) the accumulation of poisons in the body (nicotine, alcohol, chemicals and etc.).

        All together gives rise to tumor growth. It can develop actively if there is enough food for it, i.e. growing conditions. When a person eats meat dishes, his reaction of blood, saliva, urine, etc. is constantly acidic. An acidic environment contributes to the increased growth of an oncological tumor. It must be borne in mind that all tumors grow intensively in an acidic environment (and not only oncological ones).

        What should be done if there is a suspicion of cancer?

        FIRST: check the reaction of saliva, urine, blood. If less than 6 pH units, urgent action must be taken.

        SECOND: refuse meat dishes, in whatever form it may be presented. It must be borne in mind that by the age of 40 a person has already lost 0.9 pH units, and by the age of 60 he loses the ability of the liver to produce alkali already by 1.3-1.9 units. These age-related changes must be taken into account in treatment.

        THIRD: go to preventive fasting. If in 2 days (48 hours) the reaction has not changed, you need to switch to therapeutic fasting under the supervision of a doctor and wait until you have a fracture. If a fracture does not occur, take measures to strengthen the transfer of the body to an alkaline environment: living water, alkaline waters any origin, where the pH is not less than 8.5 units. You can use coral calcium or "Drops of Atlantes", but we must remember: best result these funds are given in the first hour after preparation. It is recommended to drink them through a straw so as not to damage the enamel of the teeth.

        And what to eat?

        First of all - plant foods. This includes beans, beans, Jerusalem artichoke, vegetables of all kinds, buckwheat, peas, potatoes, mushrooms (honey mushroom, champignons, oyster mushrooms, black mushrooms of raw pickling), fish is allowed once every two weeks, beets in any form, nettles, blueberries.

        All acidic foods are excluded from the diet: meat, sugar, vodka, margarine, butter. Butter should be replaced with vegetable. After the patient's reaction becomes at least 7.1 pH units, it is necessary to use one of the methods of biological heating of both the tumor site and the upper or lower part of the spine in order to reduce the tumor.

        It must be remembered that an oncological tumor begins to decrease at a temperature of 54 ° C, if the pH at this time is at least 7.1 units. This procedure must be done every other day or two until the tumor is completely reduced.

        For biological heating, you can use black radish, horseradish (root and leaf), wood lice, etc. For the first time, it is advisable to keep it for no more than 14 minutes so as not to get skin burns. Grated radish or horseradish must be heated in a water bath to 56 ° C.

        The fracture of the disease occurs in everyone in different ways. One - for 3-5 days, the other - for the second month. Becomes better color face, redden lips, improve mood and appetite. I want something unusual. In a word, the person is on the mend.

        Healing occurs after 1.5 months, and sometimes after 9 months. However, a successful outcome in treatment should not lull the patient's vigilance.

        If, after an illness, a person who has had cancer begins to eat meat, lard, smoked meats, milk, abuse smoking or alcohol, the disease may recur.

        This must not be forgotten. After all, it will begin in another place, and more actively.

        This method of treatment of oncological diseases gives a good result for other concomitant diseases.

        Considering that hypothermia and colds, together with internal poisons, contribute to the development of cancer, regular visits to the steam room, baths, saunas are necessary for prevention. warming up the body at least once a week. It is noticed that people of physical labor are less susceptible to oncological diseases. Physical labor always passes with the release of sweat, and along with sweat, diseases also go away. Creating conditions for the body to sweat is a guarantee that a person will not get sick.

        Evgeny Alekseevich Lappo, professor

        210029, Vitebsk, PO box 30;

    Thank you va oboim!

    01:48 / 14-06-2018

    if the food is not digested, then the food has nowhere to go. it means that the entire intestine is clogged with stones and foreign bodies - substances that many generations carried in themselves - hoarding them and passing them on to the next generation. These substances are poisonous and if they are forced to be digested again, then poisoning can be caused throughout the body, as a result of which leukocytes will appear in large quantities and a person can be put in intensive care in order to pump out at least something there, but pump out not with the help of an enema, but with the help of all sorts of operations and injections and droppers, since the patient himself is lazy and does not like to follow himself and his intestines with enemas and the system for cleaning the body. a person does not want to do an enema, but for that he wants to cause nausea and vomiting, as well as cause a loss of appetite. enema system for 14 days every morning using an enema mug with a hose - filling it with 75% water and 25% morning urine there so that the intestinal walls are more thoroughly cleansed, using a pose on the elbows and knees - since the enema water will go deeper this way. I’m still ready for this, since another 200 years must pass for a person to understand how he works and that only he must take care of himself and not bring himself to such a state that he cannot help himself and be agile and fully moving so that he can help himself , without bringing himself to a lifeless state and relying only on the doctors and that they will always be in time and always decide everything for him. And the patient turns his body for the experiments and experiments of doctors and experiments new and new on himself, allowing himself like a pig from a laboratory

Digestion- a set of processes that provide physical change and chemical breakdown of nutrients into simple water-soluble compounds that can be easily absorbed into the blood and participate in the vital functions of the human body. Digestion takes place in a special human digestive apparatus.

It consists of the following bodies: oral cavity (oral opening, tongue, teeth, chewing muscles, salivary glands, glands of the oral mucosa), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, liver, small intestine, large intestine rectum (Fig. 2.1). The esophagus, stomach, intestines consist of three membranes: internal - mucous, in which are located

Rice. 2.1. Diagram of the digestive apparatus:

/ - oral cavity; 2 - salivary glands; 3 - throat; 4 - esophagus; 5 - stomach; 6 - pancreas; 7 - small intestines; 8- large intestines; 9 - rectum; 10 - duodenum; // - gallbladder; 12 - liver

glands that secrete mucus, and in a number of organs - digestive juices; middle - muscular, providing by reducing the movement of food; external - serous, playing the role of the integumentary layer.

A person during the day stands out around 7 l digestive juices, which include: iodine, which thins the food slurry, mucus, which promotes better movement of food, salts and enzymes-catalysts of biochemical processes that break down food substances into simple compounds. Depending on the action of nate or other substances, enzymes are divided into proteases break down proteins (proteins), amylase, break down carbohydrates (amylose), and lipases, break down fats (lipids). Each enzyme is active only in a certain environment (acidic, or alkaline, or neutral). As a result of cleavage, amino acids are obtained from proteins, glycerol and fatty acids from fats, and mainly glucose from carbohydrates. Water, mineral salts, vitamins contained in food do not undergo changes during digestion.

Digestion in the mouth and esophagus. Oral cavity - This is the initial section of the digestive apparatus. With the help of teeth, tongue and cheek muscles, food undergoes initial mechanical processing, and with the help of saliva - chemical.

Saliva is a slightly alkaline digestive juice produced by three pairs of salivary glands (parotid, sublingual, submandibular) and entering the oral cavity through the ducts. In addition, saliva is secreted by the salivary glands of the lips, cheeks, and tongue. In just a day, about 1 liter of saliva of different consistency is produced: thick saliva is allocated for the digestion of liquid food, liquid - for dry food. Saliva contains enzymes: amylase, or ptyalin, which partially breaks down starch to maltose, an enzyme malypaza, which breaks down maltose to glucose, and the enzyme lysozyme, having antimicrobial activity.

Food is in the oral cavity for a relatively short time (10 ... 25 s). Digestion in the mouth is reduced mainly to the formation of a food bolus prepared for swallowing. The chemical effect of saliva on food substances in the oral cavity is negligible due to the short stay of food. Its action continues in the stomach until the food bolus is completely saturated with acidic gastric juice. However, the processing of food in the mouth is of great importance for the further course of the digestive process, since the act of eating is a powerful reflex stimulus for the activity of all digestive organs. With the help of coordinated movements of the tongue and cheeks, the food bolus moves to the pharynx, where the act of swallowing takes place. From the oral cavity, food enters the esophagus.

Esophagus- a muscular tube 25 ... 30 cm long, along which, due to muscle contraction, the food bolus moves to the stomach in 1 ... 9 s, depending on the consistency of the food.

Digestion in the stomach. Stomach - the widest part of the digestive tract - is a hollow organ consisting of an inlet, bottom, body and outlet. The inlet and outlet openings are closed with a muscle roller (pulp). The volume of the stomach of an adult is about 2 liters, but can increase up to 5 liters. The internal mucous membrane of the stomach is folded, which increases its surface. In the thickness of the mucous membrane there are up to 25 million glands that produce gastric juice and mucus.

Gastric juice is a colorless acidic liquid containing 0.4 ... 0.5% hydrochloric acid, which activates enzymes gastric juice and has a bactericidal effect on microbes that enter V stomach with food. In the composition of gastric juice Enzymes include: pepsin, chymosin (rennet), lipase. Enzyme pepsin breaks down food proteins into more simple substances(peptones and albumoses), which are further digested in the small intestine. Chymosin found in the gastric juice of infants, coagulating their milk protein in the ventricle. Lipase gastric juice breaks down only emulsified fats (milk, mayonnaise) to glycerol and fatty acids.

Human body secretes gastric juice 1.5 ... 2.5 liters per day, depending on the amount and composition of food. Food in the stomach is digested from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the composition, volume, consistency and method of its processing. Fatty, dense foods stay in the stomach longer than liquid foods containing carbohydrates. Due to the contraction of the muscular membrane of the stomach, the food is crushed, turning into a homogeneous mass.

The mechanism of secretion of gastric juice is a complex process consisting of two phases. The first phase of gastric secretion is a conditioned and unconditioned reflex process, depending on the appearance, smell and eating conditions. The great Russian scientist-physiologist I.P. Pavlov called this gastric juice “appetizing”, or “ignition”, on which the further course of digestion depends. The second phase of gastric secretion is associated with chemical stimulants of food and is called neurochemical. The mechanism of secretion of gastric juice also depends on the action of specific hormones of the digestive organs. Absorption takes place in the stomach V blood water and mineral salts.

After digestion in the stomach, food gruel in small portions enters the initial section of the small intestine - duodenum, where the food mass is exposed to

Tive effect of the digestive juices of the pancreas, liver and mucous membrane of the intestine itself.

The role of the pancreas in the process of digestion. pancreas- digestive organ, consists of cells that form lobules, which have output ducts that connect V common flow. That's why duct digestive juice from the pancreas into the duodenum intestine (up to 0.8 liters per day).

The digestive juice of the pancreas is a colorless transparent liquid. alkaline reactions. It consists of enzymes: trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, amylase, maltase. trypsin And chymotrypsin break down proteins, peptones, albumoses from the stomach to polypeptides. Lipase With the help of bile, it breaks down fats in food to glycerol and fatty acids. Amylase And maltase break down starch into glucose. In addition, there are special cells in the pancreas (islets of Langerhans) that produce the hormone insulin, which enters the bloodstream. This hormone regulates carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the absorption of sugar by the cells of the body. In the absence of insulin, diabetes mellitus occurs.

The role of the liver in the process of digestion. Liver - a large gland weighing up to 1.5 ... 2 kg, consisting of cells that produce bile up to 1 liter per day. Bile is a liquid from light yellow to dark green, slightly alkaline reaction, activates the enzyme lipase of pancreatic and intestinal juice, emulsifies fats, promotes the absorption of fatty acids, enhances the movement (peristalsis) of the intestine, suppresses putrefactive processes in the intestine.

Bile from the hepatic ducts enters gallbladder - thin-walled pear-shaped bag with a volume of 60 ml. During digestion, bile flows from the gallbladder through the duct into the duodenum.

In addition to the process of digestion, the liver is involved in metabolism, hematopoiesis, retention and neutralization of toxic substances that enter the bloodstream during digestion.

Digestion in the small intestine. Length small intestine is 5 ... 6 m. It completes the process of digestion due to pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice secreted by the glands of the intestinal mucosa (up to 2 liters per day).

Intestinal juice is a cloudy liquid of an alkaline reaction, which includes mucus and enzymes: polypeptidase And dipeptidases, splitting (hydrolyzing) polypeptides to amino acids; lipase, splitting fats to glycerol and fatty acids; amylase And maltase digesting starch and maltose to glucose; sucrase, splitting

sucrose to glucose and fructose; lactase, breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose.

The main causative agent of the secret activity of the intestines are chemicals contained in food, bile and pancreatic juice.

In the small intestine, food slurry (chyme) moves, mixes, and is distributed in a thin layer along the wall, where the final digestion process takes place - the absorption of food breakdown products, as well as vitamins, minerals, and water into the blood. Here aqueous solutions nutrients formed during digestion through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract penetrate into the blood and lymphatic vessels.

The walls of the small intestine contain special suction organs - villi, which there are 18...40 pcs. per 1 mm 2 (Fig. 2.2). Nutrients substances are absorbed through the superficial layer of the villi. amino acids, glucose, water, minerals, vitamins, soluble in water enter the blood. Glycerin and fatty acids in the walls villi form droplets of fat, inherent the human body, which penetrate into the lymph, A then V blood. Further, the blood through the portal vein enters the liver, where, having been cleansed of the toxic substances of digestion, it supplies nutrients all tissues and organs.

The role of the large intestine in the process of digestion. IN colon up to 1 m long undigested food remains. A small amount of glands of the large intestine secretes inactive digestive juice, which partially continues the digestion of nutrients. The large intestine contains a large number of bacteria, causing fermentation os-

Rice. 2.2. Scheme of the structure of the villi:

/ - villi; 2 - layer of cells through which absorption occurs; 3 - Start lymphatic vessel in the villus; 4 - blood vessels in the villus; 5 - intestinal glands; 6 - lymphatic vessel in the intestinal wall; 7- blood vessels in the intestinal wall; 8 - part of the muscular layer in the intestinal wall

carbohydrates, putrefaction of protein residues and partial breakdown of fiber. In this case, a number of toxic substances harmful to the body (indole, skatole, phenol, cresol) are formed, which are absorbed into the blood and then neutralized. V liver.

Composition of bacteria in the large intestine depends on the composition of the incoming food. So, lacto-vegetarian food creates favorable conditions for the development of lactic acid bacteria, and food, rich in protein, contributes to the development of putrefactive microbes. In the large intestine, the main mass of water is absorbed into the blood, as a result of which the contents of the intestine thicken and move to the exit. Removal of stool from organism through rectum and is called defecation.