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We treat oral cancer. Oral cancer - causes and treatment

Oral cancer is a group of malignant tumors that develop on the mucous membranes of the mouth. This type of cancer is distinguished by the possibility of early diagnosis, which increases the chances of successful treatment.

Despite this fact, few people seek help from specialists when they have primary symptoms. As a result, this reduces the favorable prognosis.

According to statistics, oral cancer is several times more common in men than in women. The main risk group includes older people over the age of sixty.

Causes of mouth cancer

According to numerous studies, cancer mainly occurs on pathologically altered tissues formed due to dyskeratosis and many other inflammatory processes.

A special role in the development of malignant neoplasms is played by bad habits: chewing betel leaves (common among the people of India), the use of "nas" (among the people Central Asia), alcohol consumption and smoking. In addition, the appearance of cavity cancer is preceded by numerous mechanical injuries that are caused by sharp teeth, low-quality prostheses, etc.

The nature of nutrition also plays a role in the development of oncology (drinking hot or spicy food lack of vitamin A). Behind last years Scientists have found that human papillomaviruses can influence the appearance of cancerous tumors.

Symptoms of oral cancer

Cancer oral cavity divided into three periods:


In the area of ​​the pathological focus, the patient notes strange unusual sensations. With visual examinations of the mouth, numerous changes can be detected: superficial sores, white spots, papillary formations, mucosal thickening, etc.

During the initial period of development, painful symptoms of oral cancer are observed in about 25% of cases, but they are associated with tonsillitis or dental diseases. There are three anatomical forms of this type cancer: ulcerative, nodular and papillary. In most cases, an ulcerative form occurs, and in some people, ulcers grow with very high speed while others, on the contrary, are very slow. Unfortunately, conservative methods treatments often do not lead to a decrease in the size of the ulcers.

The nodular form is a hardening in the tissues or a coating of white patches of compaction on the oral mucosa. Seals develop much faster than with any other anatomical forms, and have fairly clear boundaries. The papillary form is characterized by the development of dense formations above the mucous membrane. Usually, the outgrowths are covered with an intact mucous membrane and can develop very quickly.


This period has numerous symptoms: the manifestation of excruciating pain of varying intensity, increased salivation, fetid breath. Pain are usually local in nature, but in some cases they can also be given to the head area.

Salivation is enhanced due to the fact that the decay products of neoplasms irritate the mucous membrane. fetid odor formed due to the decay and infection of a malignant tumor.


Cancer of the oral cavity refers to exclusively malignant and aggressive neoplasms, subsequently the fact that this species cancer can spread quite quickly and destroy all surrounding tissues. that with lesions on the mucous membrane of the back of the mouth, the disease is much more severe than with other localizations, and is more difficult to treat. There are many locations for oral cancer, it can develop on the tongue, on the floor of the mouth, on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, palate and alveolar margin, as well as on the jaw itself.

The development of tongue cancer mainly occurs in the middle third of the lateral surfaces. Much less often, a neoplasm occurs on the tip and lower surface of the tongue. Fundal cancer occurs in 25% of all cases of squamous cell carcinoma. Quite often, the bottom is secondarily infected with malignant tumors of the submandibular glands, gums, tongue or mandible. In cancer of the buccal mucosa, the histological picture is similar to cancer of the tongue and cancer of the fundus cavity.

The mucous membrane of the cheek, as well as with cancer of the bottom cavity, can become infected for the second time from the sides of the skin, lips and tonsils. Metastases are rare. With cancer of the mucous membrane of the palate, malignant formations develop on the hard palate, which come from small salivary glands. Cancer of the mucous membrane of the alveolar margin of the lower and upper jaw has the structure of squamous cell oncology. It appears on early stages severe toothache.

With a running period, active destruction of surrounding tissues occurs. Gum cancer can spread to the mucous membranes of the floor of the mouth and cheeks. Regional metastases are diagnosed in 30% of patients.

Common symptoms of oral cancer

Stages of mouth cancer

  • 1st stage. The tumor reaches a diameter of up to one centimeter, without going beyond the mucous and submucosal layers. There is no regional metastasis.
  • 2nd stage. The stage is divided into two substages: 2A and 2B. At 2A, the tumor diameter is about two centimeters, and the underlying tissues can grow to a depth of one centimeter. The presence of regional metastases is not observed. Stage 2B is characterized by the presence of one displaced regional metastasis on the side of the lesion.
  • 3rd stage. At stage 3A, the neoplasm reaches three centimeters, metastasis is not observed. At stage 3B, displaceable metastases are observed on the side of the lesion.
  • 4th stage. Stage 4A is characterized by the defeat of the entire anatomical region. The neoplasm can spread to the bones of the facial skeleton and surrounding soft tissues. There are no regional metastases. In stage 4B, distant or non-displaceable regional metastases may occur.

Diagnosis of cancer in the mouth

It is customary to begin the diagnosis of cancer with a visual examination of the oral cavity, neck and palpation. lymph nodes. If necessary, an otolaryngologist is connected to the examination, who, according to indications, prescribes additional examination according to your profile.

To detect a cancerous lesion, the larynx, pharynx, and nasal cavity are examined using special instruments or mirrors, which allow you to examine problem areas in detail and, if necessary, take tissue for biopsy.

A peripheral blood test should be performed to detect anemia and assess the patient's condition. Thanks to biochemical analysis blood can reveal damage to the liver or bones.

To identify the affected lung tissue in the oncological process, computed tomography is performed. With CT guidance contrast medium localization, size and shape of the tumor is determined. CT scan allows you to detect enlarged lymph nodes.

To diagnose metastases, organs affected by squamous cell oncology are examined: ultrasonography liver and organ x-ray chest and blood is taken for biochemistry.

Oral Cancer Treatment

Three main methods are commonly used in the treatment of oral cancer: surgical intervention, radiation and chemotherapy. They can be used both independently and in combination.

  • Surgical intervention. This method involves the use of a variety of operations, depending on the stage of the process and the localization of the tumor. In order to restore the lost functions, reconstructive interventions are carried out. If the malignant tumor of the mouth is mobile, then the elimination of the tumor is performed without removal bone tissue. If the neoplasm has limited mobility, then it is removed along with part of the jaw. And the visible defeat of the jaw with the help of radiographs requires a more extensive excision of bone tissue.

For lip cancer, an operative micrographic method is used, the formation is removed in layers, followed by examination with a microscope. Thanks to the micrographic method, it is possible to remove the entire tumor with maximum preservation of healthy lip tissues.

Quite with oncological lesions of the oral cavity, the neoplasm spreads to cervical lymph nodes. If this fact is confirmed, then this is an indication for their removal. The volume of surgical intervention depends on the degree of spread of cancer cells, and in some cases the volume is significant - vessels, nerves and muscles are removed.

After surgical treatment side effects and complications may occur. After the elimination of the lymph nodes, prolapse may occur. lower lip, difficulty raising the arms above the head, numb the ear. This is due to the fact that the removal of lymph nodes is associated with nerve damage.

In rare cases, with large neoplasms of the oropharynx, leading to difficulty breathing, the trachea is dissected with the introduction of a breathing tube. After the elimination of the malignant tumor, the tube is removed, thereby restoring normal breathing.

  • Radiation therapy. This therapy may be a priority method in the treatment of cancer large sizes. If the neoplasm is of a significant size, then radiation therapy is used in combination with surgical treatment to remove any remaining cancer cells. In addition, radiation therapy is used to eliminate difficulty swallowing, stop bleeding and relieve pain syndrome. When using radiation therapy, side effects are possible, which are expressed by weakness, pain in grief, loss of taste, dry mouth and redness of the skin.
  • Chemotherapy. With this method, anticancer drugs are used. Used to reduce the size of a neoplasm before surgery or radiation therapy. Common side effects are bleeding, fatigue, baldness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain in the mouth
  • Loss of teeth
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Red spots on the oral mucosa
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Inability to chew food properly
  • Numbness in the mouth
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Swelling in the mouth
  • neck swelling
  • Spread of pain to other areas
  • Cancer of the oral cavity is characterized by the formation of a malignant tumor that is located on the mucosa. To the group possible ailments includes cancer of the tongue, floor of the mouth, cheeks, gums, hard palate, palatine-lingual arch, salivary glands. Pathologies are manifested in ulcers that heal for a long time, and in the growth of tissues.


    According to doctors, the male sex is much more likely to get sick with oral cancer. The group is made up of people over the age of 50. Provoking factors include the following indicators:

    • nicotine;
    • use of "smokeless" tobacco;
    • alcohol;
    • heredity;
    • prolonged sunbathing.

    The disease can also develop with damage to the oral cavity. The risk of developing cancer may be in people with, with weak immunity. Such reasons can also provoke the appearance of pathology - unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins, contact with asbestos.


    The disease may manifest itself in various forms depending on the form of development. Thus, doctors have identified three main types of cancer:

    • ulcerative - manifests itself in the form of an ulcer, which heals for a long time and can increase in volume;
    • knotty - seals are formed on different areas oral cavity, rapidly progressing, have a clear outline and shape, sometimes covered with white spots;
    • papillary - outgrowths of a dense formation that hang in the mouth and bring significant discomfort to the patient.

    The tumor can also be localized in different places. According to the location, doctors have identified several forms of cancer:

    • cheeks;
    • bottom of the mouth;
    • language;
    • in the area of ​​the alveolar processes;
    • palate.

    The disease develops with different intensity depending on the etiological factor. However, in each patient, the pathology is formed in 5 stages:

    • zero - the neoplasm does not go beyond the mucosa, the size of the tumor is relatively small;
    • the first - in the volume of the tumor is not more than 2 cm, growth does not occur further along the cavity;
    • the second - in diameter, the neoplasm reaches 4 cm, the progressive disease has not yet affected the lymph nodes;
    • the third - the tumor is more than four centimeters, the lymph nodes are damaged;
    • fourth - metastases spread to internal organs, a pathological process develops in the lungs, spreads to the bones of the face, nasal sinuses.

    Doctors and patients should take into account that if you start the disease to stages 3 and 4, then no therapy will help the patient. During this period, a person is prescribed only supportive treatment, which is aimed at a minimal improvement in the patient's health.

    The fourth stage of the disease is characterized by the appearance of metastases, and they, in turn, can spread further with different strengths. Therefore, doctors have identified another classification that perfectly helps to determine the degree of damage by metastases:

    • N1 - the only metastasis in the lymph node, the volume is not more than 3 centimeters;
    • N2 - foci of inflammation are formed in one or more nodes, the size increases to 6 cm;
    • N3 - metastases exceed six centimeters;
    • M - separate metastases appear.


    At the initial stage of the pathology, the patient does not feel any significant pain syndromes. At this point, the patient can be overcome specific symptoms oral cancer:

    • minor pain in the affected area;
    • with an increase in the volume of the tumor, the pain syndrome also progresses;
    • bouts of pain can be given to the ear, temple;
    • difficulty swallowing and chewing food;
    • the work of the salivary glands is enhanced.

    Recognize the ailment last stage it is possible by a characteristic sign - the stench from the oral cavity. This symptom indicates infection and decay of the tumor.

    In addition to the above indicators, the following signs can inform about the appearance of a malignant formation:

    • red or white spots on the mucous membrane;
    • feeling of swelling and swelling of some parts of the mouth;
    • numbness and bleeding in the mouth;
    • slightly swollen neck;
    • hoarseness of voice;
    • ear pain;
    • strong weight loss;
    • tooth loss.

    Such indicators are typical not only for cancer, but also for other dental problems. Therefore, if you turn to the doctor in time, it is possible to avoid complications and eliminate malignant neoplasms.


    After oral cancer has shown its symptoms and the patient has felt significant discomfort, he should definitely seek the help of a doctor. If the initial stage of cancer is detected in time, it is possible to eliminate it without serious surgical intervention.

    During the examination by the doctor, the patient is assigned several laboratory and instrumental methods of examination:

    • nasopharyngoscopy;
    • radiography of the chest and bones of the skull;
    • biopsy;
    • blood for tumor markers;
    • scintigraphy;

    Research by all possible methods allows you to accurately determine the disease, progression tumor process and identify the stage of neoplasm development.


    Cancer treatment is about giving the patient operational assistance, radiation exposure to the tumor or chemotherapy to reduce the number of cancer cells.

    Surgical treatment of a tumor in the oral cavity and oropharynx involves the removal of a neoplasm with nearby lymph nodes.

    If a patient has a mobile formation, then he is prescribed an operation to remove the tumor without excising the bone tissue. Depending on the progressive degree of pathology surgical care it can also be with partial removal of the jaw bones or the affected part of the tongue, with the removal of part of the skin and restoration of its taken particles in another place.

    In some cases, patients are prescribed a micrographic operation, which is based on the removal of the damaged part of the tissues in a layer-by-layer manner and their study during the operation.

    Radiation treatment is very often given to those patients who have small tumors in the mouth or oropharynx. If the patient has a formation of significant size, then such therapy is carried out together with the operation and is characterized by the same removal of the tumor. Similar treatment it is also prescribed to eliminate some symptoms - pain, bleeding, difficulty swallowing.

    In chemotherapy, doctors select drugs for each patient in individually. This treatment helps to completely get rid of cancer cells. Therapy chemicals may be administered along with surgery and radiation treatment.

    Chemotherapy is prescribed to the patient after the provision of surgical assistance. This is necessary in order to accurately eliminate all malignant cells.

    When conducting therapy with this method, the patient may experience several unpleasant side effects - nausea, vomiting, impaired stool, baldness, fatigue. All manifestations that happen to the patient after intravenous administration of drugs should be reported to the doctor so that he can analyze the effect of the drug on the body.

    When treating pathology, it is also very important to monitor oral hygiene. For cleaning, dentists recommend following these rules:

    • brush your teeth;
    • use dental floss;
    • reduce the amount of spices and solid foods in the diet;
    • avoid nicotine and alcohol;
    • chewing gum and lollipops must be sugar-free.


    To avoid malignant formation of oral pathology, doctors advise to monitor oral hygiene, brush your teeth regularly, and do not forget to rinse your mouth after each meal. It is also worth abandoning all negative habits, balance nutrition. Main advice about regular visits to the dentist. Thanks to constant consultations, the doctor will be able to quickly identify even the smallest diseases and the patient will be able to quickly cope with the pathology.

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    Throat and mouth cancers account for about 2% of all cancers. Early diagnosis And timely treatment oral cancers help markedly increase the chances of survival. For example, the five-year survival rate for patients with early-stage oral cancer is 83%, while the survival rate for cancer treatment is over late stages when the tumor metastasizes is only 32%. While both general practitioners and dentists know the symptoms of oral cancer, it can be helpful to know the signs of cancer, as this will allow early detection and treatment.


    Part 1

    Physical signs of cancer

      Check your mouth regularly. Most mouth and throat cancers are characteristics or manifest themselves already in the early stages, however, sometimes cancer can develop asymptomatically until the very advanced stages. Despite this, doctors and dentists always recommend not only to have regular check-ups with a doctor, but also to examine your mouth in the mirror yourself, checking it for abnormalities.

    1. Notice the small white sores in the mouth. Check for small white sores or sores in the mouth - doctors call this symptom leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is a common symptom of oral cancer, but it can be easily confused with stomatitis or just small sores caused by minor trauma. Leukoplakia is also easily confused with bacterial infection gums and tonsils, as well as with candidal infection of the oral cavity (thrush).

      • Stomatitis and other types of ulcers are usually very painful, and leukoplakia most often does not cause any discomfort, except in cases where the cancer has reached advanced stages.
      • Ulcers in stomatitis most often occur on inner sides lips, cheeks, and sides of the tongue, while leukoplakia can occur anywhere in the mouth.
      • By maintaining oral hygiene, stomatitis and small sores and cuts disappear within a week. Leukoplakia does not go away on its own, but more often it only becomes larger and more painful.
      • If you notice any white sores or sores in your mouth that don't go away within two weeks, see your doctor.
    2. Pay attention to red sores and spots. When checking the mouth and throat, also look for small red sores or spots. Red sores are called erythroplakia by doctors, and although they occur less frequently than leukoplakia, they have a greater potential to become cancerous tumors. Erythroplakia can be characterized by soft and painless sores that look the same as sores from stomatitis, herpes, or gum disease.

      • Usually sores with stomatitis are first red, and only then turn white. In contrast, erythroplakia remains red and does not go away on its own even after a few weeks.
      • Herpes can also occur in the mouth, but it is most common on outer sides lips. Erythroplakia always occurs in the mouth.
      • Blisters and irritation from eating acidic foods may resemble erythroplakia, but they disappear very quickly.
      • If you find any red spot or sore in your mouth that doesn't go away on its own within two weeks, see your doctor.
    3. Pay attention to bumps or hardened areas in the mouth. Also common signs of oral cancer are enlarged bumps or bumps, as well as areas in the mouth with rough mucous. Generally speaking, uncontrolled cell division is called cancer, so cancer often manifests itself as bumps and bumps, edema, or any other growths. Feel the entire mouth with your tongue, carefully go through all the areas and pay attention to any unusual bulging or rough areas. On early stages these areas are usually painless, and they can be mistakenly confused, for example, with a piece of food stuck to the mucosa.

      • Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) can often cover up potentially dangerous growths, but gingivitis is characterized by bleeding gums during brushing and flossing, and oral cancer is not characterized by this.
      • Bumps or thickening of tissues in the mouth often affect the position and comfort of dentures, which is one of the first signs of oral cancer.
      • Always pay attention to any bumps or rough patches of mucous in the mouth, especially if they increase in size.
      • Hardened patches in the mouth are often the result of chewing tobacco, dry mouth, dentures, and thrush.
      • If you find any bumps or areas of rough mucous in your mouth that do not go away on their own within two to three weeks, see your doctor.
    4. Pay attention to pain in the mouth. Mouth pain is most often caused by minor problems such as cavities, growing wisdom teeth, gum disease, oral infections, stomatitis, or poor dental work. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish cancer from similar problems, but if all the teeth are in order and the oral cavity looks healthy, pain in the mouth should be suspicious.

      • sharp strong pain usually caused by damage to the tooth or nerve and is not a sign of oral cancer.
      • Chronic mouth pains that get worse can be worrisome, but they are most often not related to cancer and can be treated by a dentist.
      • Aching pain that spreads throughout the oral cavity, which is accompanied by inflammation of the nearest lymph nodes, is a cause for concern. If you notice something similar in yourself, contact your doctor immediately.
      • Any prolonged numbness or, conversely, hypersensitivity lips, mouth or throat is also a reason to see a doctor and get an examination.

      Part 2

      Other signs of cancer
      1. Don't ignore chewing difficulties. Due to leukoplakia, erythroplakia, bumps, coarsened mucosal areas, as well as pain, patients with oral cancer often complain of difficulty chewing and moving their jaw or tongue in general. Difficulty chewing can also occur due to loosening or displacement of teeth due to tumor growth, so pay attention to any such changes.

        • If you wear dentures and have trouble chewing, don't blame ill-fitting dentures. Perhaps the dentures were well chosen, it's just that your mouth has changed.
        • In oral cancers, particularly those of the tongue or cheeks, patients often complain of accidentally biting their own tongue or cheek while chewing food.
        • If you notice that your teeth are crooked or seem to be loose, contact your dentist as soon as possible.
      2. Pay attention to difficulty in swallowing. Due to the growth of the tumor and the enlargement of the ulcers, it may be difficult to move the tongue. Many patients with oral cancer complain that they cannot swallow normally. It may start out as simple as swallowing food, but in later stages, patients may find it difficult to swallow drinks or even their own saliva.

        • Throat cancer can cause swelling and narrowing of the esophagus and lead to chronic inflammation throat, which causes pain every time you swallow. Esophageal cancer is considered one of the most rapidly progressive types of swallowing disorders (dysphagia).
        • Throat cancer also often causes a feeling of numbness in the throat and/or a feeling that something is stuck in the throat.
        • Cancers of the tonsils and the back of the tongue also often have difficulty swallowing.
      3. Note the change in voice. Another common symptom of cancer, especially in advanced stages, is difficulty speaking. Patients often have difficulty moving their tongue and/or jaw, which affects the ability to pronounce words. The voice may also become more hoarse as the swelling often affects vocal cords. That is why it is important to notice any changes in your voice and not ignore other people's remarks that you have begun to speak in a different way.

        • A sudden and unexplained change in voice may indicate problems with the vocal cords.
        • Due to the feeling of something stuck in the throat, people suffering from throat cancer often try to cough to clear their throats.
        • The tumor can cause airway obstruction, which in turn affects the way you speak and your voice.

    Oral cancer is very dangerous disease, in which malignant neoplasms form on the mucous membrane. Pathology affects men more often, and the age of patients usually exceeds 40 years.

    The insidiousness of mouth cancer is that only 50% of patients with this disease live longer than 5 years. Enough high level mortality from cancer is due to the late treatment of patients for medical care.

    Some people simply simply ignore the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, and when they finally decide to go to the doctor, it is often too late.

    Where can a tumor settle in the mouth?

    Depending on the location of the tumor, oral cancer can be localized:

    Forms of the disease

    IN medical practice There are three forms of oral cancer:

    1. Ulcerative- a bleeding sore with jagged edges appears in the mouth.
    2. infiltrative- The patient develops intense local pain. On palpation, the doctor reveals a dense, bumpy infiltrate that does not have clear boundaries. Mucous cover over the infiltrate is very thin.
    3. papillary- a small tumor protruding from the mucous surface. This form of cancer (compared to others) is characterized by slow growth.

    Stages of cancer

    There are four stages in the development of an oncological neoplasm in the oral cavity:

    Smoking, alcohol and malnutrition are a trio of killers

    May cause oral cancer different reasons However, in the risk group in the first place are people who abuse alcohol. They have a 6 times higher incidence rate than people leading healthy lifestyle life.

    Not much behind alcoholics in this regard are smokers and those patients who have a habit of chewing tobacco. When smoking a pipe, patients most often develop lip cancer, and those who chew tobacco suffer malignant neoplasms cheeks Unfortunately and passive smokers often pay for bad habit surrounding people.

    Malnutrition can be a provoking factor in oral cancer. Usually this is a deficiency in the diet of vegetables and fruits.

    For the same reason, dentures should not be used. Bad quality, frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays also contributes to swelling of the lips.

    The main symptoms and manifestations of the disease

    The fact that in the early stages of oral cancer, many patients do not notice any symptoms of the pathology negatively affects early diagnosis.

    Most often, patients come to the oncologist already in advanced stage which increase the mortality rate.

    However, signs of oral mucosal cancer do exist:

    • the affected area is covered with white or red spots;
    • there are non-healing ones in the mouth;
    • the tongue is swollen and sore;
    • a neoplasm that suddenly appeared does not go away for more than a month;
    • there is pain in the jaw and weakening of the teeth;
    • hoarseness of voice is observed;
    • a dull aching pain appears in the neck.

    However, some of these symptoms may be a manifestation of another disease. However, a doctor should be consulted at the first suspicion of a tumor. In this case, it's better to play it safe.

    Diagnostic measures

    Upon entering the oncology center for the first time, the patient must undergo a series of diagnostic procedures:

    1. - a technique that allows you to detect the presence of cancer cells in tissues. During a biopsy, the doctor pinches off a small sample of the affected tissue.
    2. Endoscopy of the throat, lungs and bronchi.
    3. X-ray of the jaw for the presence of metastases.
    4. MRI and CT- both of these techniques allow you to determine the boundaries of the tumor and the stage of pathology.

    Integrated approach to therapy

    The method that the doctor considers most appropriate for the treatment of a malignant tumor of the oral cavity depends on the neglect of the disease.

    In each case, the doctor will try to choose the method that is more likely to bring a positive effect.


    On initial stages The operation to excise the tumor followed by the use of radiotherapy may be quite effective in the development of cancer. In the presence of a large neoplasm, combined treatment is used.

    During the operation, the tumor is removed, and along with it, a small area of ​​healthy tissue is captured. To reduce the likelihood of re-development of cancer, lymph nodes are also removed, into which metastases often spread.

    Complicated situations require partial removal bones of the jaw or tongue. Such operations are performed by the maxillofacial surgeon, and postoperative period requires the patient to be in the intensive care unit.

    Sometimes surgeons resort to micrographic surgical intervention. essence this method consists in layer-by-layer excision of tissues and studying them under a microscope right during the operation.

    When the tissue ceases to be detected cancer cells, the operation is terminated. This technique is most often used for lip cancer.

    X-ray therapy - how effective?

    It is known that cancer cells are destroyed under the influence of X-rays, but healthy tissues also suffer to a small extent.

    X-ray therapy in the early stages of oral cancer is used as independent method. In addition, X-ray irradiation is sometimes prescribed before surgery, which increases the favorable outcome of the operation.

    The use of chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy, which is indicated after surgery, reduces the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease. This is because chemicals capable of destroying cancer cells. However, chemotherapy is not usually prescribed for lip cancer.

    Medicines are administered by intravenous injections. Such treatment provokes a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood, which is fraught with various infections. Therefore, during chemotherapy, the doctor must constantly monitor the composition of the blood.

    Chemotherapy has other negative manifestations:

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • stool disorder;
    • pain in the mouth;
    • excessive fatigue;
    • hair loss (baldness).


    For minor tumors, surgery can be replaced by a combination of x-rays and chemotherapy. Such treatment has less effect on speech and swallowing function, which cannot be said about the operation.

    Unfortunately not always general state health of the patient allows you to apply this technique. Contraindications are due to pronounced side effects.

    Complications and prognosis

    The development of a malignant tumor of the oral cavity is fraught with suppuration of the body of the neoplasm itself and surrounding tissues, with the germination of large vessels, bleeding and the formation of fistulas are possible. Big tumor can block Airways leading to asphyxia.

    Doctors can predict the outcome of the disease based on its form. Ulcerative cancer is the most difficult to treat, but the papillary form gives the highest percentage of complete recovery.

    With lip cancer, 90% of patients live 5 years or more. This figure drops to 65% in malignant tumors. posterior divisions oral cavity.

    How to prevent trouble?

    As preventive measures physicians recommend to their patients:

    • give up alcohol abuse and stop smoking;
    • protect the face from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays;
    • whenever possible, try to avoid contact with chemical reagents;
    • monitor the condition of the oral cavity and teeth in particular;
    • treat on time chronic diseases oral cavity;
    • Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals.

    Valery Zolotov

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    Cheek cancer - extremely rare disease, which often affects people who are fond of chewing tobacco. This is a malignant transformation of the cells that make up the superficial membrane. Cancer develops as a result pathological process. After all, under the influence of a carcinogen from tobacco products the mucous membrane dries up and ceases to perform its main functions.

    There is no consensus on the cause of cheek cancer, but there are major risk factors. Knowing the causes, you can do prevention, since it is quite difficult to treat cheek cancer.

    Cheek fat pad

    This is an aggressive form of cancer that strikes and is almost incurable.


    The main causes of cheek cancer include:

    • chewing tobacco;
    • alcohol and drug abuse;
    • heredity;
    • insufficient oral care, carious formations, inflammatory process long-acting, periodontal disease;
    • at malocclusion cheek tissues are constantly injured, which provokes the development of a malignant tumor;
    • reduced number of leukocytes;
    • hermetic infection and papilloma virus;
    • malnutrition and insufficient amount of vitamin C;
    • unsuitable working conditions.

    Types of cancer

    Cheek cancer can be divided into 3 main types:

    1. ulcerative tumor - resembles ordinary ulcers that do not heal at all even when exposed to medicines. This may be a sign of diabetes or malignancy. It is necessary to conduct tests: blood and scraping from the damaged area. Cancer also increases in size over time;
    2. nodular tumor - has the appearance of a nodal connection, a dense structure with clear forms and high speed growth. With an infectious infection, the formation is covered with a white coating. dangerous form cancer;
    3. - pathological. It has a regular rounded shape with clear boundaries. Quite quickly amenable to therapy. Does not metastasize. The dense structure resembles. The color of the mucous membrane does not change.


    Symptoms of the disease can be divided into three groups.

    First symptoms

    1. The first symptoms of the disease are quite vague, since cancer causes nothing more than just uncomfortable sensations. An unusual seal is felt in the oral cavity, which does not cause any particular problems;
    2. visual examination reveals swelling of the mucosa, a pathological change in cells, which manifests itself in the transformation of structure and shape;
    3. the appearance of ulcerative or papillary formations of a small size is possible.

    On initial stage you need to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, because it is very difficult to recognize a malignant formation in an ordinary ulcer. There are also cases that do not show external signs at the first.

    Pain that occurs against the background of cheek cancer makes the patient seek help in only 25% of cases. The remaining 75% associate it with tonsillitis and. Even doctors can be confused true symptoms tumors with similar diseases.

    Symptoms during development

    During this period, the symptoms manifest themselves most clearly.

    • Pains arise different intensity: have both local and global character. Can give in the ear, and throat;
    • increased salivation;
    • appears bad smell as a result of fast .

    At this stage, two forms of cancer are distinguished:

    1. exophytic is a papillary tumor that has a mushroom shape, as well as an ulcerative formation with a marginal ridge around the circumference. This cancer always remains superficial, despite its rapid growth.
    2. endophytic - an ulcerative-infiltrative form that penetrates through the mucosa to muscle tissues. They look like penetrating cracks with a diffuse lesion. The mucosa with this type of cancer is never expressed.

    By determining the nature of growth, you can understand which treatment will be effective.

    The endophytic form is much more dangerous than the exophytic one, since it is much more difficult to diagnose it, and the symptoms manifest themselves in more running form. They have a faster growth rate.

    Running form symptoms

    Comparison of PET and MRI results in squamous cell carcinoma


    As a rule, the first signs of the disease are noticed by the dentist on scheduled inspection. Malignant education has characteristic external characteristics. AND qualified specialist must recognize the disease. Nodal connections can alert unclear etiology, sores and pigmentation changes. At the first stage, a tissue sample is taken to determine the presence of cancer cells.

    1. for diagnosing metastases and pathological changes surrounding bone tissue is x-rayed;
    2. ultrasound allows you to determine the structure of tumor tissues;
    3. tomography examines the size and level of penetration of the cancer.


    Treatment of a malignant tumor is to eliminate the first signs and remove metastases. It all depends on the stage of the disease.

    Effective control methods are surgical intervention, radiation therapy and chemistry.

    • Operation. If the cancer has an exophytic form, then removing it is quite simple. The formation itself is excised with a part of healthy tissues. Also, if nearby lymph nodes are affected, their removal is also possible. With the endophytic form, the operation is much more difficult. If muscle tissues affected completely, then you have to excise part of the cheek, followed by stretching of healthy tissues. However, such surgery is extremely rare;
    • chemotherapy. Chemistry is carried out in combination with the operation: either before or after it. Can act as preparatory phase, as well as eliminate the consequences to exclude recurrence;
    • . Thanks to ionizing radiation, a partial or complete destruction of the cancer process occurs. Relevant only in cases of local boundedness.

    Side effects

    Apart from positive side Cheek cancer treatment has negative factors. Since often the impact on malignant tumor carried out aggressively, the consequences may be different.

    • The most common side effect is tooth loss. Dry mouth occurs, changes taste sensations, and the process of swallowing is difficult;
    • cheek tissues are deformed, scars appear;
    • work changes;
    • oral infections occur.

    Taking care of your health timely diagnosis And effective treatment bring positive result in 60% of cases. The survival prognosis, even in the later stages, is high.