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Can a broken horn bother a cow? Partial dehorning of cattle


In ruminants, it can be in the form of separation of the horny sheath from the horny process, tearing off the horny sheath from the horny process and fracture of the horn.

Causes. Falling of an animal onto hard ground, forcible release of a horn pinched between boards or metal bars, hitting the horns with heavy objects (stones, sticks, boards, etc.), rubbing the horn with a chain while keeping the animal tied by the horns.

Clinical signs. When the horny sheath is separated, the connection between the horny leaves and the leaves of the base of the skin is disrupted. At the base of the horn, blood first appears, and then purulent exudate appears. The horny cover is movable and can sometimes be easily removed.

When palpating the horns, pain and a local increase in temperature are noted. The animal lowers its head down and tilts towards the damaged horn.

When the horny sheath is completely separated and torn off from the horny process of the frontal bone, the base of the skin of the horn is exposed. The latter bleeds in fresh cases, and injuries and contamination are often found on it.

Fractures of the corneal process can occur at its base, in the middle and near the apex of the process. Characteristic features fractures are mobility of the horn when it shakes and unilateral bleeding from the nasal passage. IN nasal cavity blood penetrates through frontal sinus. When the corneal process is fractured at its base, the horn hangs down, held only by the skin.

Forecast. When the horny sheath is separated and torn off, as well as when the apex and middle of the horn are fractured, the prognosis is favorable. For horn fractures at its base, the prognosis is cautious due to possible development purulent inflammation of the frontal sinus and meninges.

Treatment. When separating the horny sheath, it is removed, since it does not adhere to the base of the skin. A bandage with liquid Vishnevsky ointment, streptocide emulsion, antibiotic ointment or tar is applied to the exposed corneal process. The wound is bandaged after 5-6 days. At closed fractures The corneal process in the area of ​​its apex or middle is fixed with wooden or metal splints. If a fracture of the corneal process occurs at its base, then the horn is amputated, and if purulent inflammation of the frontal sinus develops as a result of the fracture, trepanation of the latter is performed.

Prevention. General events aimed at reducing animal injuries. WITH for preventive purposes remove the horns from a large cattle and prevent the growth of horns in calves.

alveolar periodontitis caries pulpitis


Inflammation of the maxillary sinus, or maxillary sinus, - sinusitis - is observed mainly in horses (Fig. 95).

Causes. The disease can be the result of periodontitis and dental caries, complicated fractures of the maxillary, zygomatic and lacrimal bones, foreign bodies and neoplasms in the sinuses, infectious diseases (wash, glanders).

Pathogenesis. Sinusitis occurs in the form of catarrhal or purulent inflammation. At catarrh vascular hyperemia and swelling of the sinus mucosa occur. The latter accumulates serous exudate. At purulent sinusitis Polypous growths are found on the mucous membrane of the anterior sinus.

Purulent exudate is released through the nasomaxillary fissure. If the specified gap, due to large inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane, does not allow pus to pass through, then the latter perforates the bone wall of the sinus, resulting in a purulent fistula.

Clinical signs. With catarrhal sinusitis, there is a unilateral discharge of serous-mucosal exudate from the nose, and with purulent sinusitis - hemorrhagic, purulent or ichorous. The amount of exudate released from the nose increases when the animal's head is lowered or tilted. In case of defeat lower section sinuses and the accumulation of a large amount of pus in it, deformation of the maxillary bones is observed. When percussing the sinuses, a dull sound is detected, as well as a pain reaction of the animal. There may be a violation of the act of chewing.

Forecast. At the onset of the disease, the prognosis is favorable, advanced cases and in case of complications (necrosis of the nasal turbinates, osteomyelitis, neoplasm) - careful.

Treatment. For aseptic catarrhal sinusitis apply conservative treatment(heat, irradiation with Minin lamps, Sollux, mud therapy, etc.), and for purulent cases - surgery.

In cattle kept free-stall, horn injuries are often recorded (cracks and fractures of the horny process of the frontal bone at the base of the skull, in the middle and near the apex). In addition, separation of the horny sheath from the horny process or its complete tearing off is observed.
Etiology. Various injuries horns occur when animals accidentally fall or fall incorrectly, blows, damage from a mechanical harness, or pinched horns between metal and wooden objects. Rupture of the horny sheath or fracture of the corneal process more often occurs when transporting restless animals by car. Predisposing factors are osteodystrophy and osteomyelitis of the horny process of the frontal bone.
Clinical signs. In case of fractures of the corneal process near the apex or in the middle with preservation of the horny sheath, the horn is mobile when staggering. There is pain when touching the horn. In case of rupture of blood vessels, blood flows into the sinus of the corneal process or into the frontal sinus.
A complete fracture of the corneal process at the base of the horn is characterized by its drooping (held by the soft tissues of the corolla of the horn). Observed heavy bleeding into the frontal sinus and nasal cavity. The corneal sinus is completely exposed. If the horny sheath is torn off, the integrity of the skin of the corolla of the horn is broken and the bleeding base of the skin is exposed.
When the horny sheath is separated from the horny process, the connection between the leaflets of the base of the skin of the horn and the horny leaves of the horny sheath is broken, but the latter is retained on the horny process. However, tissue rupture and bleeding occur along the coronal edge of the horn. Clinical signs are supplemented by an increase in local temperature, pain, development of inflammation at the base of the horn and appearance after 2-3 days. purulent exudate. The horny sheath becomes mobile, the strength of its connection with the horny process decreases, and it is without special effort removed. There may be no bleeding when the corneal process is removed.
Diagnosis. The degree of injury to the horn is determined by clinical signs. X-rays are used to diagnose fractures of the corneal process in the middle or upper part, as well as for cracks.
Forecast favorable for tearing or separation of the horny sheath, fractures of the apex or middle of the corneal process and cracks. In the case of complete fractures of the horny process at the base of the frontal bone, the prognosis is cautious, since the resulting bleeding can penetrate into the frontal sinus and, if microflora enters, purulent inflammation (purulent sinusitis) can develop.
Treatment. With a complete fracture, the horny sheath does not heal. Therefore, it is removed and a bandage with tar or Vishnevsky’s emulsion is applied to the corneal process, and it is changed after 5-7 days. Subsequently, the horny process is covered with a young scar horn, which is formed into a durable horny sheath. After tearing off the horny sheath, the horny process is cleaned of dirt and washed. warm solution potassium permanganate, then proceed in the same way as with a complete fracture. In case of fractures of the corneal process while maintaining the integrity of the corneal sheath, it is fixed plaster cast or metal and wooden tires.
Open fractures of the apex and middle of the horn are accompanied by severe bleeding. Therefore, first of all, the bleeding is stopped, the wound surface is cleaned of contaminants, and an antiseptic bandage with tar or Vishnevsky’s emulsion is applied to the stump of the broken horn and secured with a bandage to the healthy horn. When a young scar horn appears, the bandage is removed.
In case of a fracture of the corneal process at the base of the horn, it is removed after anesthesia, the sharp ends of the bone fracture are straightened with special forceps or a saw, the bleeding is stopped, the frontal sinus is closed with tampons soaked in a solution of furatsilin (1:5000). Then an adhesive antiseptic bandage with tar, Vishnevsky's emulsion or molten paste of the following composition is applied to the stump: paraffin - 10.0, petroleum jelly - 2.0, ichthyol - 2.0. Change the bandage after 2-3 days. and remove the gauze swab. Subsequently, it is changed every 5-7 days. before the growth of a young scar horn appears. Surgery to amputate a broken cornea is performed in different ways. To preserve the growth of the horn, you should leave the tissue of its rim and, conversely, to prevent growth, remove the skin around the base of the horn to a width of 1 cm.
To tampon the corneal stump, you can use tampons from collagen sponge, soaked in furatsilin solution (1:5000). They stop bleeding well, promote regenerative processes, and there is no need to remove them from the frontal sinus. The bandage using collagen tampons can be changed on the 5-7th day.
To close the stump after amputation of the horn of I.Ya. Tikhonin and M.A. Feldshtein recommend polymer glue - gihlovul, which before use is melted in a water bath at 100-120 ° C, a gauze cloth folded in four layers is soaked in it, and the wound surface of the frontal bone is covered. Then a bandage is sealed for 30 days or more.
For fractures of the apex or middle of the horn, if necessary, they are amputated. To do this, use a bow saw (hacksaw), a wire bone obstetric loop, or amputate them using the Shitov method with the application of vacuum rubber rings to the base of the skin at the base of the corneal process. In the latter case, the horns fall off after 30-40 days, and no further treatment is required.
Prevention. Must be observed sanitary rules keeping animals, they should not be crowded, the use of non-standard tethers should not be allowed, and livestock premises should not be cluttered with foreign objects. When transporting cattle by road, it is necessary to secure the animals to the side of the vehicle with a special bridle.
In order to prevent injuries from horns in complexes with free-stall livestock, it is advisable to create polled herds or remove horns from cows, dehorning calves.

Horn fractures are common in cattle and less common in goats and sheep. In young bulls kept loose, horn injuries are accompanied by separation of the sheath from the horny process of the frontal bone or fracture of the process at its base.
Etiology. Occurs due to impacts, falls, damage from a mechanical harness or a moving conveyor, inappropriate fall, or pinching between hard objects. Massive injuries to the end of the horn are recorded in cows kept in stalls as a result of the gradual grinding of the horny sheath against the walls of the concrete feeder.
Clinical signs. When the horny process is fractured at its base, pain and swelling of the surrounding tissues are noted, the horn hangs down or is separated along with the horny sheath, while the sinus of the horny process is exposed, through it blood flows into the frontal sinus, and from it into the nasal cavity (Fig. 5) . The presence of blood in the frontal sinus is determined by percussion and radiography.
When the corneal process is fractured in the middle or near the apex with preservation of the horny sheath, mobility of the horn, pain and swelling of the tissues at the base of the horn are noted. The sinus of the corneal process is located below its middle, so bleeding may not be visible.
Tearing off the horny sheath from the process of the frontal bone leads to bleeding at the base of the horn, the tissue around the horn is swollen and painful. The horny sheath is movable and can be easily removed from the bone process. It is possible to completely separate the sheath from the horny process, and the connection between the leaves of the base of the skin of the horn and the leaves of the bony process is disrupted. Diagnosis. Cracks and fractures of the corneal process in the middle and upper parts established by palpation and radiography.
Forecast. With fractures of the corneal process and blood flow into the frontal sinus, development purulent frontal sinusitis, meningitis or phlegmon at the base of the horn, auricle and temporal fossa, the prognosis ranges from cautious to unfavorable.
Treatment. The horny cover, which has lost connection with the producing layer, is removed; A bandage impregnated with ichthyol or tar ointment, aminocaproic acid is applied to the exposed bone process.
When a bone process is fractured while the horny sheath is preserved, an improvised splint is applied to the damaged horn, which facilitates the formation of a strong callus.
If the horn fracture occurs at its base, then soft fabrics They are prepared, the uneven edges of the bone process are smoothed with a rasp, saw or forceps, then a skin incision up to 4 cm long is made along the outer frontal ridge and a second one is made in the occipital direction. Both cuts at the base of the horn are connected by two semicircular cuts. The sinus of the corneal process is closed with displaced skin flaps, the latter are brought together with knotted sutures. In the presence of purulent inflammation, carry out surgical treatment wounds; a bandage impregnated with Vishnevsky's liniment, dermato-tar or ichthyol ointments, irrigate with an aerosol of Chronicin, Kubatol, Libyan, Lifusol.
Rice. 5. Fracture of the horn at the base
Prevention. When keeping livestock loose, it is advisable to dehorn cows and prevent the growth of horns in calves. The zoohygienic conditions of keeping, tethering and grazing animals should not be violated.



In ruminants, especially in cattle, damage to the horns occurs in the form of fractures and cracks of the horny process of the frontal bone at the base, in the middle and near the apex; separation of the horny sheath from the corneal process; tearing off the horny cover.

Etiology. Impacts, falls, damage from mechanical tethering, unskillful felling of animals, pinching of horns between wooden or metal objects. Osteodystrophy, osteomyelitis of the corneal process, etc. predispose to damage to the horns.

Clinical signs. With a complete fracture of the horny process of the frontal bone at the base, the horn usually hangs down, partially held by the soft tissues of the corolla of the horn. Severe bleeding occurs, the sinus of the corneal process is exposed, blood flows into the frontal sinus, and from it into the nasal cavity of the side where the horn is damaged.

In case of fractures of the corneal process in the middle or near the apex with preservation of the horny sheath, mobility of the horn when it staggers and pain is noted. The animal resists when it is held by the horns or when the horn is percussed. In case of rupture of blood vessels, hemorrhage into the sinus of the corneal process and into the frontal sinus is possible.

Tearing off the horny sheath from the horny process of the frontal bone is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin along the corolla of the horn, exposing the bleeding base of the horn skin, which in many places is torn down to the bone and is often contaminated with earth, dust or manure.

When the horny sheath is separated from the horny process, the connection between the leaves of the base of the skin of the horn and the horny leaves is lost. The horny sheath is held on the corneal process, but tissue rupture and bleeding are noted along the corolla. On palpation, the horn is painful, an increase in local temperature is noted, inflammation develops, and after 2...3 days a purulent exudate appears. The horny cover becomes movable and can be removed without much effort.

Diagnosis. The clinical picture with a complete fracture of the horny process of the frontal bone at the base is characteristic and does not require additional research. When diagnosing fractures in the middle and upper parts of the horn or fissures of the corneal process, radiography is indicated. Forecast. In case of fractures of the apex and middle of the horn, disruption or separation of the horny sheath, the prognosis is favorable. If the corneal process is fractured at the base, the prognosis is cautious, since in these cases blood may flow into the frontal sinus and the development of purulent frontal sinusitis.

Treatment. In case of open fractures of the apex and middle of the horn, the bleeding is stopped, visible particles of dirt are removed from the surface and an antiseptic bandage is applied (Vishnevsky's emulsion, tar), which is fixed around the healthy horn, placing rounds of the bandage in a figure eight. This treatment is carried out until a young scar horn forms.

In cases of fractures of the horny process while maintaining the integrity of the horny sheath, metal or wooden splints are used for fixation or a plaster cast is applied to the horn.

If the corneal process is fractured at the base of the horn, preparation is made surgical field and anesthesia, after which the horn is completely removed, the sharp ends of the bone fracture are leveled with bone forceps or a saw, the bleeding is stopped, the cavity of the frontal sinus is tamponed with gauze soaked in a solution of furatsilin (1:5000). Several layers of gauze impregnated with Vishnevsky's emulsion, tar or molten paste of the following composition are applied to the stump: Cegae flayae (paraf-fini) - 10.0; Olei vaselini - 2.0; Picis liquidae (Ichthyoli) - 2.0. The stump is then covered with an adhesive bandage. The bandage is changed after 2...3 days. When changing the dressing for the first time, remove the gauze swab from the frontal sinus. If amputation is done in such a way that there is no growth of the horn, then the skin should be removed 1 cm from the base of the horn.

I. Ya. Tikhonin and M. A. Feldshtein recommend polymer glue-gikhlovul, melted in a water bath at a temperature of 100... 120 ° C, for closing the stump after amputation of the horn. A gauze cloth folded in four is soaked in it, and the wound is covered with it. The wound is hermetically sealed with a bandage for 30 days or more.

When the horny sheath is torn off, as well as when the latter loses its connection with the base of the skin of the corneal process, the engraftment of the horn does not occur. For treatment, after thoroughly removing contaminants from it with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, a bandage soaked in tar or Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the exposed corneal process. The bandage is changed after 5...6 days. The corneal process is covered with a new horn.

Amputation of horns in cattle and rams also has to be performed in cases where the growing horns, changing their direction, injure soft tissues with their ends, causing ulcerative lesions, and often stick into tissue. For this purpose, the end part of the horn is removed either with a bow saw (hacksaw), or using special scissors designed by V.K. Vasin. Prevention. To prevent damage to the horns, zoohygienic conditions for keeping, housing, tethering and grazing animals should be observed. Do not clutter the premises where animals, pastures, etc. are kept with foreign objects; take precautions when knocking down animals.

IN last years In connection with the transfer of cattle to free-stall housing to prevent injuries to cows caused by horns to each other, there is a need to create polled herds by dehorning calves. (For the surgical technique, see the textbook on operative surgery.)


According to L.I. Tselishchev and V.L. Kupchinsky, purulent inflammation of the base of the skin in breeding rams occurs in 7...8% of cases of the total.

Etiology. Purulent inflammation the basis of the skin occurs as a result mechanical damage her when struck by horns at the moment of butting.

Pathogenesis. In case of injuries in the area of ​​the base of the horn, the vessels of the base of the skin of the horn rupture, and hemorrhages occur between the base of the skin and the horny sheath. Inflammation develops at the base of the horn, as a result of which the base of the skin at the corolla separates from the horny sheath and exposes it. On the exposed base of the skin, ulcers with overgrown granulations appear, which are easily destroyed with the formation of a foul-smelling exudate. Inflammation can spread to the horny process of the frontal bone, causing osteomyelitis and bone abscess.

At the sites of lesions in summer period the Wohlfarth fly lays larvae, which cause the breakdown of soft tissues with the release of ichorous exudate, proliferation granulation tissue.

Clinical signs. The animal stands with its head lowered towards the damaged horn. At the base of the horn, purulent inflammation, ulcers, overgrown foci of granulation tissue with the presence of liquid ichorous exudate are found, around which there is a proliferation of soft and. flabby horn. With wolfhartiosis, fly larvae can be found in the lesion.

Diagnosis. Purulent pododermatitis of the horn is diagnosed based on clinical picture.

Forecast. At timely treatment the prognosis is favorable.

Treatment. Surgical treatment of the ulcerative surface is performed and the horn is amputated 6 cm above its base, so as not to open the horny sinus. A paraffin-gauze application and a pressure bandage are used on the stump. For three days after the operation, streptomycin is administered intramuscularly once a day, 500 thousand units in a 0.5% solution of novocaine.

When complicated by wolfarthiosis, the ulcerative surface is treated with Estrosol, Dichlorvos, and Chlorophos aerosols in order to destroy fly larvae. Then the larvae are removed, and the affected areas are washed with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, creolin or Lysol and a bandage with Vishnevsky's emulsion is applied.


Etiology. Wounds jaw joint inflicted on animals random items, spikes of a forged horse, horns. There are gunshot wounds, complicated by intra-articular and periarticular bone fractures and disruption of the integrity of the articular cartilage.

Clinical signs. At puncture wounds on the first day, you can observe a small amount of clotted blood, which in the form of a crust is retained on the skin and closes the entrance to the wound canal. There is pain on palpation and opening oral cavity and slight swelling in the joint area.

With bruised and lacerated wounds, bleeding with an admixture of synovium is observed, and then on the 3rd...4th day, with the development of purulent inflammation, purulent exudate with an admixture of synovium begins to be released. The edges of the wound are swollen and uneven.

If the integrity of the bones is damaged, fragments are found in the lumen of the wound; eating and chewing food is painful, so the animal refuses food or has difficulty accepting it, although the appetite is preserved.

Diagnosis. The nature and type of wound is diagnosed based on the clinical picture and radiography.

Forecast. For wounds of the jaw joint, the prognosis is cautious. The development of purulent arthritis, osteomyelitis and deforming arthritis, joint ankylosis is possible, which leads to exhaustion of the animal.

Treatment. For puncture wounds, the hair around the wound opening is removed, the surface of the skin is treated with a 0.5% ammonia solution, wiped dry with a cotton swab, and then the skin and blood clots on the surface of the wound are lubricated twice with 5% alcohol solution iodine, apply an alcohol bandage. If on the 2...3rd day the inflammation does not intensify and the painful reaction decreases, then alcohol dressings continue to be used until 7...8 days. If inflammation intensifies, swelling increases, and local temperature rises, then novocaine-antibiotic solutions (penicillin, bicillin-3, bicillin-5) are injected into the joint cavity with a sterile needle.

For penetrating gaping wounds, primary surgical treatment of the wound is performed, the joint cavity is washed with a solution of furatsilin (1:5000) or ethacridine lactate (1:500), and then irrigated with a 0.5% solution of novocaine with penicillin. In the case of penetrating wounds with damage to the articular surfaces, the wound is inspected, loose bone fragments are carefully removed, and then the same treatment is carried out as in previous cases.

Animals with penetrating joint wounds are given crushed food to reduce chewing movements. After the wound heals, chewing function is restored.


Inflammation of the jaw joint can be acute and chronic, serous, aseptic, purulent and deforming.

Etiology. Acute serous aseptic inflammation of the jaw joint occurs as a result of blows and rough manipulations. Purulent inflammation develops with penetrating wounds, complicated fractures, during the transition inflammatory process on the joint from surrounding tissues, when feather grass awns and leaves, etc., penetrate into the tissues surrounding the joint.

Chronic deforming arthritis develops as a result of bruises, purulent arthritis, dental disease, prolonged one-sided chewing, etc.

Clinical signs. In acute serous aseptic arthritis, a limited, fluctuating, painful swelling with an increase in local temperature appears in the joint area. Pain also appears when opening the mouth. Chewing function is impaired. At chronic course atrophy of the masticatory muscles occurs.

With purulent arthritis, the swelling in the joint area is larger, the pain is more severe, and it is possible to increase not only local, but also general temperature bodies. If arthritis has developed due to a penetrating wound, then synovial fluid with purulent exudate is released from the wound opening on the 3rd...4th day, and then begins copious discharge purulent exudate mixed with synovium. There is destruction of articular cartilage and caries of the articular surfaces of bones. With prolonged arthritis, joint stiffness develops and scissor teeth form. Sick animals lose weight quickly.

With deforming arthritis, an oval or spherical painless thickening is observed in the area of ​​the affected joint, sick animals have difficulty opening their mouths, they develop scissor teeth, and atrophy of the masticatory muscles appears. Chewing occurs only on the unaffected side of the jaw. In horses, feed masses accumulate between the cheek and teeth of the affected side, which, if not removed in a timely manner, are compressed into dense formations. Animals progressively lose weight.

Diagnosis. The basis for diagnosis is characteristic clinical signs. Forecast. In case of acute aseptic inflammation of the jaw joint, the prognosis is favorable, in case of purulent and deforming arthritis - cautious or unfavorable.

Treatment. At the beginning of the development of acute serous inflammation, cold is used on the first day, and then alcohol or alcohol-ichthyol warming compresses are used. During the same period, a short novocaine blockade is indicated. Subsequently, irradiation with a Sollux lamp is used 2 times a day for 25...30 minutes, applications of paraffin, ozokerite, electrophoresis of iodine ions. After reducing inflammation and pain reaction, massage with iodine preparations is used.

For chronic arthritis, irritating ointments are rubbed in and diathermy is used.

For purulent arthritis, the joint cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions (furacilin, ethacridine lactate) and the wound is inspected, during which bone fragments are removed, pockets are opened, fistulas are expanded, dead tissue is removed with a sharp spoon and capillary drainage soaked in antibiotics or Vishnevsky's emulsion is introduced. In case of destruction of the articular surfaces, as well as in case of ankylosis of the joint in especially valuable animals, resection of the articular process of the lower jaw can be performed.

For deforming arthritis in cases where there is no stiffness of the joint, UHF, point cauterization is used, and acutely irritating ointments are rubbed in.

If the animal is not of particular value, then it is advisable to discard it in all cases of complicated purulent arthritis, deforming arthritis and ankylosis of the joint.


Mandibular luxation occurs primarily in dogs and cats; it is often bilateral, sometimes complicated by a fracture of the articular process.

Etiology. Impacts to the lower jaw, falling animals, excessive opening of the oral cavity.

Clinical signs. The animal's mouth is open, passive closure is impossible, drooling, prolapse of the tongue, displacement of the jaw to the side, and exophthalmia due to displacement of the coronoid process are observed. Dislocation is most often observed with a displacement of the lower jaw forward, as a result of which it appears longer than the upper one.

Diagnosis. Dislocation of the lower jaw is diagnosed based on clinical signs. This disease should be differentiated from paralysis of the lower jaw (rabies), in which the mouth is easily closed with the hands, and from foreign bodies getting stuck between the teeth, which are identified during examination of the oral cavity. Forecast. For dislocations not complicated by a fracture of the articular process, the prognosis is favorable.

Treatment. Produces pain relief mandibular nerves and antipsychotics (aminazine, rompun) are administered. When reducing a dislocation lower jaw it is necessary to pull down and push back, using next step: a stick, 1..2 cm thick (for dogs) and 4...5 cm (for horses), is placed in the mouth between the molars as far back as possible, then the ends of both jaws are grabbed and brought closer to each other, while simultaneously pushing the lower one jaw back. If there is a displacement of the coronoid process to the side, then with your hand you press on the jaw from the side towards the midline.

U small dogs and in cats, reduction of the dislocation can be done manually by pushing the coronoidal processes down and back. As soon as articular surfaces will fall into place, the mouth will close freely.


Foreign bodies in the mouth and throat occur in all types of pets. They enter the oral cavity along with food, and in dogs, in addition, due to the habit of catching objects with their mouths. Foreign bodies in the oral cavity most often occur in dogs and cats (pins, needles, bones, wire, etc.), less often in cattle and horses (plant spines, pieces of wood and wire and other objects); In birds, foreign bodies in the oral cavity often contain threads and hairs that cover the tongue. Acute foreign objects pierce the tongue, palate, gums and cheeks; blunt objects get stuck between the teeth and cheeks, ring-shaped ones - on the tongue, enveloping it in a ring.

In sheep with gingivitis and periodontitis, changing teeth, Wohlfarth fly larvae can be found in the oral cavity at the site of these lesions.

Foreign bodies in the pharynx are most often found in cattle and dogs, and less commonly in horses. Usually, large animals get stuck with roots and tubers, pieces of uncrushed cake, corn cobs, cabbage stalks, etc., and small animals get stuck with needles and bones. In horses, the larvae of the gastric gadfly - Gastrophyli - sometimes enter the pharyngeal cavity and attach to the mucous membrane of the posterior and lateral walls of the pharynx, around the larynx and on the soft palate.


Literature review. Dehorning of adult cattle is recommended to be carried out at the age of no older than one and a half to two years. At this age, animals tolerate surgery more easily and complications are relatively rare. In animal husbandry practice, in order to prevent injuries, one should use those methods of dehorning that will be more economical and practically convenient in specific conditions. An integral condition for the transfer of livestock farming to an industrial basis is the creation of large complexes with high level mechanization production processes, large concentrations of animals in limited areas.

This livestock farming technology, with all its positive features, caused the emergence of mass surgical diseases, one of them is injuries caused by sharp horns of animals, which causes considerable economic damage.

The pathogenic effect of trauma on the animal’s body has a number of features, the essence of which is as follows. Firstly, in acute cases, injury may be accompanied by an immediate danger to the life of the animal, due to damage to vital tissues and organs, bleeding, etc.

Secondly, with extensive closed damage tissues and intensive absorption of tissue decay products often causes traumatic toxicosis in animals. Thirdly, in case of injuries caused by strong impact of a mechanical factor, rupture may occur internal organs(liver, stomach, intestines, bladder and etc.).

Fourthly, when pathogenic microbes penetrate injured tissues, injuries are often complicated by abscesses, phlegmon, necrobacteriosis, actinomycosis, etc.

Fifthly, in some cases, injured animals develop neurotrophic disorders in the form of paresis, paralysis, atrophy, which significantly worsen general state injured animal. A large number of injuries when animals are kept in large groups are caused by horns. Therefore, the task of farm veterinary specialists is to create polled herds.

1. Definition of the concept

DECORNUATION, decornuatio, onis, f (from Latin de destruction, separation - cornu horn) - dehorning, surgical removal horns or artificially preventing their growth.

2. Indications for surgery

Produced to prevent horn injuries, as well as for improper growth, fractures and their diseases; Dehorning is carried out in cattle in order to prevent injuries due to diseases of the horns, their damage, neoplasms, rotting and abnormal growth. If surgery is not performed on a sick animal in a timely manner, this can lead to complications and even in some cases the death of the animal.

The operation was performed on a clinically healthy animal for educational purposes. But this operation can also be carried out for economic purposes. Since after the successful completion of this operation there is an increase in live weight and milk yield of cattle. This operation is mainly carried out to prevent injuries and to keep cattle loose.

3. Anatomical and topographical data of the site operational access to the organ

1. Horny capsule

2 Basal layer of the epidermis

3. Papillary layer of horn dermis

4. Reticular layer of horn dermis

5. Subcutaneous layer

6. Horny process of the frontal bone

7. Frontal sinus

External structure of cattle horn

1. Base of the horn

2. Horn body

3. Top of the horn

4. Horn rings

The horns are located on the border of the aboral and external frontal crest. They belong to the frontal bones, but are still derivatives of the skin.

The base of the horn is formed by the horny process of the frontal bone, 7 to 20 cm long. Inside the process has a sinus covered with a mucous membrane, which communicates with the frontal sinus. The horny process is covered by the base of the horn skin, which fuses with its periosteum. Outer layer the basis of the skin of the horn is formed by papillae, covered with a productive layer of the epidermis; the latter produces a dense stratum corneum that forms the horny sheath of the horn. The outer layer of the horn is represented by a horny sheath, protruding beyond the boundaries of the corneal process.

On the frontal bone, at the site of the future formation of the horny process above the periosteum, exostosis occurs, and a horny rudiment is laid in the thickness of the skin, which creates a horny tubercle. The exostosis and the horny rudiment are separated from each other by the periosteum, and then they grow together. At the same time, a small cavity appears in the horny tubercle, connected to the sinus of the frontal bone. During the process of growth, its cavity continues into an enlarging horny process.

In young animals, the horn cavity has a large number of partitions of different size, shape and direction. As the animal grows, the partitions become thicker, and their length, on the contrary, decreases, due to which the horn cavity becomes larger.

The horn is divided into root, body and apex.

The root of the horn -- radix cornus -- is the thinnest part of the horn, which is located at the junction of the horn with the skin of the forehead. The body of the horn - corpus cornus - continues from the root to the apex and is the most extensive and massive part. The apex of the horn -- apex cornus -- is the pointed free end of the horn. At the root of the horns outer surface ring-shaped interceptions are noticeable, which in a cow are associated with the pregnancy period.

Innervation. The main nerve is the nerve of the horn - n. cornus -- branch of the ophthalmic nerve. Coming out of the orbit, it runs along the external frontal crest, being covered by skin, fascia, fronto-scutellum muscle and a layer of fat. The branches of the frontal and subtrochlear nerves approach the base of the horn, which, connecting with their branches, form a kind of plexus. In addition, branches of the dorsal trunks of the first cervical nerves approach the base of the horn.

The blood supply to the horn is provided by the horn artery - a. cornus, originating from the temporal superficial. It runs along the external frontal ridge, accompanied by the nerve of the same name, and divides at the base of the horn into lateral and medial branches.

trauma operating room animal surgeon

4. Animal registration

Gender - Bull

Breed - black and white

Color: black with white spots

Weight - 200 kg

Age - 2 years

Owner - Vivarium of the Department of Surgery.

The laboratory animal is clinically healthy, the operation is performed for educational purposes.

T - 38.4 ?S P - 72 D - 34

5. Preparation of the surgical field

Treatment of the surgical field takes place in several stages:

Mechanical cleaning - removal of foreign bodies contaminating the surface, as well as removal of grease and epidermal crusts. Mechanical cleaning was carried out using a fat-soluble substance (0.5% ammonia solution).

Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at destroying pathogens infectious diseases and destruction of toxins in environmental objects.

The field was treated with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

6. Preparing the surgeon's hands

Hand treatment consists of three stages: mechanical cleaning, disinfection, leather tanning.

Mechanical cleaning - the use of substances that dissolve grease and crusts of the epidermis.

Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at destroying pathogens of infectious diseases and destroying toxins in environmental objects.

Tanning is the removal of excess water from the leather and the closing of the pores of the leather.

The preparation of the surgeon's hands was carried out according to Olivkov's method:

Washing hands in 0.5% ammonia solution - 5 minutes.

They are thoroughly washed alternately in two basins for 2.5 minutes or under a running stream using a haze napkin.

Disinfection and tanning were carried out with a solution of iodized alcohol 1:1000 or 1:3000 until crepitation. This is done by wiping your hands with a swab - 2 times.

Treatment of the ends of the fingers, under the nail spaces and nail beds with 5% iodine.

7. Material support for the operation



Rubber band

Syringe with a capacity of 20 ml

Luer lock syringe

Injection needle

Special Purpose Tools

Sheet saw

Dressing material used:

Sterilization of instruments.

Sterilization is the destruction of all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and their spores, fungi, viruses and prions, located on the surfaces of instruments.

Sterilization of the instrument was carried out by autoclaving at 1.5 Atmospheres 126.8*C for 30 minutes.

Instruments must be sterilized when opened or disassembled!


The following were used to treat the surgeon’s hands and the surgical field:

Ammonia solution - 0.5%

Alcohol solution of iodine 1:1000

Iodoform powder

Iodine solution - 5%

To premedicate the animal and block the horn nerve, the following were used:

Xylazine - 2% 1 ml. - for premedication

Novocaine solution 3% - 40ml

Recipes for drugs used in this operation:

Rp.: Sol. Jodi spiritousae 5% - 20ml

Rp.: Sol. Ammonii 0.5% - 1000ml

D.S.: for treating the surgical field and the surgeon's hands.

Rp.: Sol. Jodii spiritousae 0.1% - 200ml

D.S: for treating surgeon's hands.

Rp.: Sol. Xylazini 2% - 50ml

D.S.: 2 ml IM for premedication.

Rp.: Sol. Novocaini 3% - 40ml

D.S.: inject 10-15 ml to block one nerve of the horn.

8. Fixation of the animal

The animal being operated on is fixed in the machine in a standing position. For more reliable fixation, the animal’s head can be held by nasal septum and squeeze it with your fingers, you can also use nasal forceps.

9. Pain relief

Xylosine was used as a neuroleptic at a dose of 0.5 ml. per 100 kg. Animal weight. The weight of the operated bull was 200 kg, 1.0 ml was injected. xylazine. Palpation determines the outer crest of the frontal bone. Halfway between the orbit and the base of the horn, the skin is pierced with a needle and 20 ml of a 3% novocaine solution is injected. Then the needle is directed under the ridge to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and another 20 ml of 3% novocaine solution is injected. Anesthesia occurs within 5-10 minutes.

Neuroleptanesthesia and horn nerve block were used

10. Selected method of operation

To remove adult horns cattle 2 methods are used:

1. Bloodless

2. Bloody

1. Bloodless. A rubber ring made of white vacuum rubber with an outer diameter of 35 mm and an inner diameter of 10 mm is placed on the base of the horn. Before applying the ring, the hair at the base of the horn is cut off, the skin is cleaned of dirt and disinfected. The horn is anesthetized. To put on the ring, use a dilator or gauze straps. The ring is finally fixed with a metal spatula, using it to move the ring under the raised edges of the horny capsule. Constant pressure of the ring causes atrophy of the edge of the horny capsule, soft tissues and underlying bone tissue. The horns fall off within 28-47 days from the moment the rings are applied. The defects are covered with a small amount of fibrinous exudate, which then turns into a dense dry scab. Its formation prevents the development of infection in the frontal sinus. In the first days after the application of the rings, animal anxiety and loss of live weight (from 3 to 20%) are observed. 6-7 days before the horns completely fall off, the animals begin to worry again. After rejection of the horns, the general condition of the animal is normalized, milk yield and fatness are restored.

2. Bloody. The surgical site is prepared in the generally accepted manner. Then neuroleptanesthesia and horn nerve block are performed: the outer crest of the frontal bone is determined by palpation. Halfway between the orbit and the base of the horn, the skin is pierced with a needle and 20 ml of a 3% novocaine solution is injected. Then the needle is directed under the ridge to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and another 20 ml of 3% novocaine solution is injected. During the operation, a tourniquet is applied around the base of the horn to compress the right and left artery horns and thus warn arterial bleeding. Amputation is carried out with a sheet saw. Bleeding areas are smeared with a scalpel to accelerate thrombus formation. The amputation wound can be treated with an antibiotic. Then apply cotton gauze bandage. Healing of wound defects after amputation of horns lasts 1.5-2 months.

The bloody method of operation was chosen. It was more expedient to use it, because the animal endures the operation not as painfully as with in a bloodless way operations, and the productivity of the animal practically does not decrease.

11. Online access

According to the existing nomenclature, the name of the operation is based on the name(s) of the organs being operated on and the main surgical technique used. At the same time (in most cases in words Greek origin) the name of the operation is combined into one word (enterotomy, cholecystectomy, pneumonectomy, omentocardiopexy, endarterectomy, biovarectomy). In a number of cases (mainly in words Latin origin) the name of the operation consists of two words (resection of 7/8 of the stomach, amputation of the thigh in the middle third). Features of surgical access and anesthetic management introduce qualifying adjectives into the name of the operation (puncture liver biopsy, endoscopic papillosphincterotomy).

The surgical stage consisted of removing a third of the horn.

12. Surgical procedure

After treatment of the surgical field, neuroleptanesthesia and horn nerve block are performed: the outer crest of the frontal bone is determined by palpation. Halfway between the orbit and the base of the horn, the skin is pierced with a needle and 20 ml of a 3% novocaine solution is injected. Then a tourniquet is applied to the base of the horns. Amputation of the horn is carried out with a sheet saw, and the head is tilted towards the amputated horn in order to prevent the flow of blood into the frontal sinus. At the end of the amputation of the horns, the tourniquet is removed and the places where bleeding is observed are smeared with a scalpel to cause faster thrombosis of the damaged area.

The final stage.

The final stage of this operation is the application of a figure of eight gauze bandage on the horn.

The bandage is applied in rounds, with both hands, alternately rotating the bandage around the horn with one or the other hand.

Postoperative condition.

Postoperative wound healing in the animal proceeds favorably, without complications.




The expediency of this operation is not doubtful. Since cattle are kept en masse in livestock complexes, there is a very high risk of surgical trauma caused by the sharp horns of the animal, and considerable economic damage is caused.

Injuries caused to cattle can be very dangerous both to other animals and to workers of livestock farms, since after being hit by a horn they can occur serious injuries or even death.

List of used literature

1. Olive general surgery 2010

2. Operative surgery. Workshop: Proc. Benefit. I. I. Magda, V. M. Vlasenko, E. M. Ponomarenko.-- K-: Higher. school, 2010

3. Somatic systems of domestic animals. Textbook Benefit. I.V. Yatsenko, V.P. Gorbatenko, V.I. Simonenko and others.

4. Operative surgery with the basics of topographic anatomy of domestic animals I. I. MAGDA, B. Z. ITKIN, I. Y. VORONIN MOSCOW “KOLOS” 2009

5. General veterinary surgery. A. D. Belov, M. V. Plakhotin, B. A. Bashkirov and others; Ed. A. D. Belov, V. A. Lukyanovsky. -- M. Agropromizdat, 2009

6. Anatomy of domestic animals. Akaevsky A.I. M.: “Kolos”, 2011


Cattle before surgery

Treatment of the surgical field

Pain relief for cattle horns

Applying a tourniquet to the base of cattle horns

Amputation of part of a cattle horn