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Causes of formation and methods of treatment of ulcers on the body. Erosive and ulcerative skin lesions

V.N. Mordovtsev, V.V. Mordovtseva, L.V. Alchangyan

Central Research Institute of Dermatovenerology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow


E Rosative and ulcerative skin lesions are a heterogeneous group of diseases for which common feature are a violation of the integrity of the skin and the formation of a defect within the epidermis (erosion) or reaching the dermis itself (ulcer). The formation of erosions and ulcers can be caused by for various reasons: they can form at the site of the primary cystic elements as a result of insufficient local blood circulation (ischemia), and also arise as a consequence of an infectious inflammatory process or injury. In the case of a chronic, long-term non-healing ulcer, especially in an unusual location, it is necessary histological examination to exclude a malignant process (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, lymphoma, metastatic cancer). Thus, we can propose the following pathogenetic classification of the main erosive-ulcerative skin lesions, including mainly those dermatoses where the formation of ulcers is a consequence of the natural evolution of the pathological process, and not other changes (for example, infection of erosions).

Blistering dermatoses

  • Pemphigus
  • Epidermolysis bullosa

Circulatory failure

  • Trophic ulcers of arterial origin
  • Trophic ulcers of venous origin
  • Neurotrophic ulcers
  • Martorella's ulcer

Inflammatory vascular diseases

  • Vasculitis (Wegener's granulomatosis, periarteritis nodosa, etc.)
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum


  • Patomimia

Infectious inflammatory processes

  • Tuberculosis (scrofuloderma, indurated erythema of Bazin) and other mycobacterioses
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Pyoderma (ecthyma, chronic ulcerative-vegetative pyoderma, chancriform pyoderma)


The development of the disease is based on an autoimmune process in which antibodies are produced to various antigens of intercellular bridges - desmosomes, as a result of which epidermal cells lose contact with each other (acantholysis) and blisters form.
Pemphigus is characterized by the development of blisters with a flaccid operculum, transparent contents, on the skin of the face, torso, in folds and on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Often blisters and erosions in the oral cavity are the first manifestation of the disease. Under the weight of the exudate, large blisters can take on a pear shape. The blisters spontaneously burst with the formation of extensive eroded areas of the skin. When pulling on the cover of the bladder, the phenomenon of epidermal separation in the adjacent area of ​​unaffected skin with an increase in the cavity of the bladder is observed - Nikolsky's symptom.
The disease often becomes generalized and severe, threatening the life of the patient.

Epidermolysis bullosa

Epidermolysis bullosa/hereditary pemphigus (Fig. 1 on color insert, p. 198) is a genetically determined disease, including over 20 clinical variants, characterized by a tendency of the skin and mucous membranes to blistering, mainly in places of minor mechanical trauma (friction, pressure, ingestion of solid food). This is one of the most severe hereditary skin diseases, often ending fatal in children early age and is a cause of disability in adults.
Develops in the first days of life, can exist from birth, and also develop in more late age. The condition worsens in the summer months.
According to the level of blistering in the epidermis, all forms of epidermolysis bullosa are divided into 3 groups: simple epidermolysis bullosa (intraepidermal blisters), borderline epidermolysis bullosa (bullosa in the area of ​​the basement membrane plate) and dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (bubbles between the epidermis and dermis).
Recessively inherited forms are the most severe. They are characterized by a generalized eruption of blisters that heal slowly to form scars. Recurrence of blisters on the skin of the hands, feet, knees, elbows, wrist joints leads to the development of scar contractures and finger fusion. Scarring of blisters on mucous membranes digestive tract also ends with the development of strictures and obstruction. The course and prognosis are worsened by secondary infection of bullous elements and tumors developing at the site of long-existing erosive and ulcerative skin lesions.

Familial benign chronic pemphigus

Familial benign chronic pemphigus is manifested by grouped vesicular and cystic rashes, prone to recurrence, with a predominant localization in the folds. It is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, most cases are familial.
The disease usually develops in puberty, but often at the age of 20-40 years. Clinically, multiple blisters or small blisters are detected. Favorite localization is the neck, axillary, inguinal folds, navel area, under the mammary glands. Rashes can appear on the mucous membranes and become generalized. The elements quickly open up, and when they merge, lesions are formed with a weeping surface, winding erosions - cracks, between which there are vegetations in the form of low ridges, bordered by an edematous corolla growing along the periphery. Nearby, Nikolsky's sign may be positive. A secondary infection is often observed.


Pyoderma most often develops in children and adolescents. Caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal flora.
Ecthyma begins with a superficial pustule, flaccid, with turbid contents, prone to peripheral growth. Gradually, the process becomes deep, acquires an infiltrative character, and a round ulcer is formed, covered with a dense crust.
Ulcerative-vegetative pyoderma. Ulcerative-vegetative pyoderma is characterized by the development in place of pustules of ulcerated lesions of a purplish-red color with uneven outlines. The surface is covered with papillomatous growths, and there is purulent discharge in the area of ​​ulceration.
Chancriform pyoderma(Figure 2 on color insert, page 198). The ulcer in chancriform pyoderma resembles syphilitic chancre. The disease begins with the appearance of a vesicle, in its place a painless erosion or ulcer with a compacted pinkish-red bottom and raised edges forms. Staphylococci and streptococci are usually found in scanty serous-purulent discharge. Regional nodes are dense, painless, and not fused to the underlying tissues.

Trophic ulcers

The most common reason the occurrence of trophic ulcers is a disease venous vessels lower extremities. As a result of valve insufficiency, blood is redistributed, pressure in the vessels increases, and blood flows back into the capillaries.
Venous ulcers are usually located on the lateral surfaces of the legs, as a rule, they are superficial and painless, with jagged edges. There are other signs varicose veins- swelling of the limbs, varicose veins, hemorrhages (purpura) or hyperpigmentation of the skin as a consequence, eczema, white skin atrophy (white scar covered with a network of dilated vessels) at the site of the previous ulcer.
Trophic ulcers of arterial origin are a consequence of atherosclerosis. They usually form in areas of poor blood supply - on the tips of the toes, the back of the feet, and on the legs. Arterial ulcers are deep and painful, with smooth edges. The affected limb is pale, cold, and the peripheral pulse is not palpable. A characteristic sign of chronic limb ischemia is cessation of hair growth. If left untreated, gangrene may develop.
Neurotrophic ulcers occur at the site of injury due to loss of sensitivity in the limb (for example, with diabetes). Most often, such ulcers develop over bony prominences (for example, in the area calcaneus). Such ulcers are deep, painless and often covered with thick horny layers.
Ulcers in diabetes can also have another origin, namely as a result of diabetic angiopathy. In these cases, as a rule, the ulcers progress rapidly during wet gangrene limbs. Ulcerations can also be observed in necrobiosis lipoidica, which is often detected in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Martorella's ulcer. Develops in patients with severe arterial hypertension on the skin of the legs as a result of spasm of small arteries. The ulcers are very painful, with smooth edges, surrounded by a halo of hyperemia.


Scrofuloderma. Represents secondary lesion skin with abscess formation in those affected by tuberculosis lymph nodes, bones or joints. Characterized by the appearance in subcutaneous tissue nodes are round in shape, dense to the touch. At first, the nodes are mobile, but as they increase in size, they become fused with the surrounding tissues. The skin over the nodes gradually acquires a bluish-red color. The nodes are opened with the formation of sluggish granulating ulcers with irregular, star-shaped outlines and deep undermined edges. The discharge from the ulcer is purulent-hemorrhagic or crumbly due to necrotic masses.
Indurated erythema of Bazin. The disease is based on deep allergic vasculitis in combination with panniculitis, caused by increased sensitivity to mycobacteria, which enter the skin mainly through the hematogenous route. Clinical picture characterized by the appearance on the shins of symmetrical, deeply located nodes of doughy and densely elastic consistency. The nodes are usually slightly painful and isolated from each other. As they grow, the skin over the nodes becomes hyperemic, bluish, and fused with them. Some of the nodes in the center soften and ulcerate. The resulting ulcers are often shallow, have a yellow-red bottom, covered with flaccid granulations and serous-purulent discharge. The edges of the ulcers are steep and dense due to the rim of undissolved infiltrate.
Other mycobacterioses(Figure 3 on color insert, page 198). Infection with Mycobacterium marinum usually occurs in an aquatic environment (swimming pool, fish tank, etc.) at the site of injury, usually on the extremities. An inflammatory nodule develops with a verrucous or hyperkeratotic surface, which can reach 3-4 cm in diameter. Subjectively, itching and sometimes pain are noted. The nodes often ulcerate. The ulcers are covered with crusts, when removed, serous or purulent discharge is visible. The formation of daughter nodes, draining sinuses and fistulas is possible. When localized on the shoulder or forearm, the development of lymphangitis and inflammation of regional lymph nodes are characteristic.


Cutaneous leishmaniasis- it is endemic infectious disease, caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. In Russia, two varieties are found - the anthroponotic type (caused by Leishmania tropica minor) and the zoonotic type (caused by Leishmania tropica major). Carriers are various types of mosquitoes.
Anthroponotic type of cutaneous leishmaniasis. At the site of the bite, a small dense tubercle of flesh-colored or reddish color with a shiny surface forms. It grows slowly and a depression forms in the center. Then the tubercle disintegrates and ulcerates. The ulcer is usually shallow, with uneven, abrupt edges and scanty serous-purulent discharge or without it. Heals within a year or more with the formation of a scar.
Zoonotic type of cutaneous leishmaniasis. At the site of the bites, multiple acutely inflammatory painful bumps form, which quickly increase in size against the background of inflammatory swelling of the skin. Quite quickly, ulcers form with abrupt edges and a necrotic bottom, copious serous-purulent discharge, which sometimes shrinks into crusts. Along the periphery of the ulcers there may be a significant inflammatory infiltrate, as well as small tubercles of contamination. From the process of tubercle formation to scarring of the ulcer, no more than 4-6 months pass.


Patomimia (dermatitis artefacta) (Fig. 4 on color insert, p. 198)). Pathomimia is often a manifestation of severe mental illness. In the presence of ulcers of bizarre shape (for example, triangular or linear) and unusual localization, first of all, injury to the patient himself should be excluded. In typical cases, patients colorfully describe how, upon waking up in the morning, they noticed suddenly formed red spots, in the place of which ulcers quickly developed. It is noteworthy that the ulcers are localized only in those areas of the skin that the patient can reach. When collecting an anamnesis, it is usually possible to establish that similar or even stranger cases have “happened” before.

Periarteritis nodosa

This is a multisystem necrotizing vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized arteries. In rare benign cases, there is isolated involvement of skin arteries, mainly of the lower extremities, in the pathological process. It is characterized by the formation of painful subcutaneous nodes along the affected arteries, prone to ulceration. The skin over the nodes is hyperemic. At the same time there is livedo reticularis. Patients complain of muscle pain, paresthesia, numbness of the limbs. Ulcerative-necrotizing vasculitis is one of the most common forms of allergic vasculitis.

Wegener's granulomatosis

It is a chronic systemic vasculitis with damage to the arteries and veins and the formation of granulomas in the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Characterized by nosebleeds and the formation of ulcers in the nasal and oral cavity. One of the main manifestations is glomerulitis.
More than half of the patients have skin rashes with predominant localization on lower limbs. They can be papular, vesicular, hemorrhagic. However, subcutaneous nodes prone to ulceration or ulcers resembling pyoderma gangrenosum are more often observed.

Pyoderma gangrenosum

This is a chronic condition of unknown etiology, most often observed in combination with such systemic diseases like chronic ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease. Characterized by acute onset with the appearance of a painful node or bubble with hemorrhagic contents, which is opened and a painful ulcer is formed with uneven, overhanging edges of a purple color and a bottom covered with purulent exudate.

Treatment of erosive and ulcerative skin lesions

In addition to special (pathogenetic) drugs for the treatment of these diseases (for example, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants for pemphigus, systemic vasculitis, drugs that improve peripheral blood circulation (arterial and venous) during trophic ulcers; antibiotics for pyoderma, etc.) common to this group of diseases is therapy aimed at stimulating the healing of erosions and ulcers. Zinc hyaluronate has proven itself well in the treatment of erosive and ulcerative skin defects. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid included in the drug, rapid epithelization of the lesions occurs, and zinc provides an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, which eliminates the need to use local anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, which usually inhibit the healing process.

Most often suffers from external negative factors the top layer of the epidermis. Changes in temperature, pressure or external mechanical influence can cause damage that provokes the appearance of ulcers on the skin. This kind of defect is very common. And ulcers form as a result of disruptions in a number of important processes in the human body.

What is a skin ulcer

Often, damage to the skin is restored after a while. However, there are a number of phenomena in which the healing process slows down. In this case, the necrotic areas of tissue disappear, and in their place a new layer of epithelium slowly forms or the regeneration process stops altogether. It is these places that are called skin ulcers.

Absolutely every pathology occurring in the human body has Negative influence and on the skin. The reason is that, due to disturbances in the functioning of the body associated with the progression of the disease, the protective functions of the immune system are weakened, as a result of which the natural process of skin renewal is suspended.

Important: One of the main provocateurs of the appearance of ulcerative defects is metabolic failure. The slightest disturbance in the functioning of this system and the regeneration of the skin is suspended.

As a rule, in places where necrotic fragments fall off, a new layer of skin has not formed, and ulcerative formations appear. Moreover, if no timely measures are taken to eliminate such a defect, very soon such a formation will become a gateway for various infections to enter the body.

What types are they classified into?

Depending on the location of the ulcerative defect, the causes of formation and consequences have a certain classification:

  • skin ulcers formed as a result of injury or damage due to electrical, mechanical, radiation or thermal effects;
  • the formation of the defect in question as a result of the formation of benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • formation of a wound surface due to impaired arterial circulation;
  • infection of the body by pathogenic bacteria;
  • disorders of neurotrophic origin;
  • ulcerative formation resulting from disturbances and changes in the walls of the vascular system.

Such a classification makes it possible to determine the origin of the formed wound surface and select the most effective therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the root cause, as well as the consequences.


The inflammatory process that develops as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands is called acne. There are several reasons for the progression of this pathology:

  • failure hormonal levels;
  • regular stress;
  • heredity;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • improper cleansing of the skin or basic disregard for personal hygiene rules.

Acne most often appears on the face, décolleté, back and shoulders. Acne appears first, in the absence of timely treatment The appearance of ulcers is often observed. If acne is in advanced stage, ulcers appear on the face and other parts of the body.

This skin disease is the most common on earth. Research shows that over 80% of people face this problem. As for therapy, in order to get rid of such a defect, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the root cause and only then deal with the consequences.


Any inflammation of the skin is called dermatitis. This pathology has several types:

  • atopic. With this type, the skin becomes dry, irritable and sensitive;
  • seborrheic;
  • contact;
  • diaper

In this case, the main sign of dermatitis of any origin is severe itching. This pathology is chronic nature. As for the reasons for development, the following are distinguished:

  • heredity;
  • impact on the skin in the form of pressure and friction;
  • direct hits sun rays or due to the effect of increasing temperature.;
  • use of low-quality or aggressive chemicals and cosmetics.

Dermatitis appears severe itching and burning. Then the skin becomes covered with blisters, around which there is swelling. If treatment is not started promptly similar condition, the blisters burst and ulcers form, covered with a dry crust.


Chronic skin disease is also called acne vulgaris. In mild forms, the pathology is eliminated, leaving no scars or marks at all. However, if the disease develops into a more complex form, acne develops into purulent ulcers. The main provocateurs of the disease in question are the following factors:

  • predisposition at the genetic level;
  • heredity;
  • puberty that occurs in adolescents;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • previous diseases.

Important: Acne often becomes the cause of the development of more dangerous negative conditions. The reason is blockage of the sebaceous glands. This creates a favorable environment for infection.

As practice shows, representatives of the fair half of humanity are more often susceptible to such a negative state. The main cause of rash in women is hormonal changes during childbearing, the onset of puberty, stress, the use of low-quality cosmetics and an unbalanced diet. In men, a similar rash occurs due to male sex hormones.

Skin infection of fungal origin

An infection of fungal origin can form on any part of the body, and most often such a defect is observed on the hands. This pathology has infectious origin, but is transmitted by contact through household items.

In the advanced stage, wounds similar to ulcers form on the hands and feet. Moreover, the healing process of such wound surfaces largely depends on the timely elimination of the cause that caused such a condition.

As for treatment methods, ointments, creams, injections are recommended to eliminate the consequences and causes, and in advanced stages, a blood transfusion may be required. Given the many types of pathogens, only a dermatologist can select adequate therapy after a thorough examination and scraping.


Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases, the symptoms of which appear in childhood. Unfortunately, similar form pathology cannot be treated. Eczema can only be controlled. At the same time, from time to time the symptoms of the disease will remind themselves.

Most often, people with an allergic reaction are susceptible to this defect. Skin rashes that develop into ulcers may occur due to contact with:

  • food;
  • household chemicals;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • from plants and animals.

It is impossible to get rid of eczema forever. However, its attacks can be stopped with special creams or ointments.


Ringworm is a highly contagious disease that untimely treatment may develop into ulcers. There are several reasons why this defect occurs:

  • contact with an infected animal;
  • damage by fungal or viral microflora;
  • weakened the immune system;
  • regular stress;
  • infectious pathologies.

First, the pathology manifests itself in the form of a red spot, the edges of which have Brown color. Over time, the spots develop into crusted ulcers. With absence adequate therapy, often the patient’s temperature may rise.

Ringworms are treated comprehensively using antifungal medications, gels and tablets. This type of skin disease is quite insidious. Therefore, at the first signs you should immediately contact a dermatologist.


Herpes has several types. Moreover, all types of this pathology have common causes:

  • weak immune system;
  • metabolic failure;
  • bad habits;
  • acute respiratory illnesses;
  • improper functioning of the intestinal tract.

It is easy to detect the appearance of herpes. Small blisters appear on any part of the body, with similar rashes most often observed on the lips. At first the rash is covered with a crust, then on the third day it bursts and ulcers form.

Skin invasion

Infestation refers to malignant neoplasms. This type of pathology manifests itself in the form of red, hard nodules, which subsequently transform into ulcers. Trying to treat this type on your own is strictly prohibited. If you suspect an invasion, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only qualified specialist can help in this case.


Bedsores are called ulcerative formations, which are characterized by tissue death to the bone. There are several reasons why such a defect occurs:

  • mechanical factors acting from outside. For example, gypsum bandage or prosthesis;
  • disruption of the normal process of tissue nutrition;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • the appearance of redness and swelling on skin;
  • the formation of blisters, the opening of which leads to the appearance of ulcers.

Important: Ulcerative formations affect even the deepest layers of the skin. This leads to the fact that such a wound surface becomes a kind of gateway for infections.

Most often, bedsores form in bedridden patients. The reason for this is the constant pressure of weight on a certain area of ​​the skin, which provokes the development of such a negative phenomenon as an ulcer on the body.


Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. This pathology can only be eliminated surgically. Moreover, if you consult a dermatologist in a timely manner, this defect can be successfully treated. If the problem is ignored, the wound area will transform into an ulcerative defect, which will be difficult to get rid of in the future.

Melanoma is an asymmetrical spot. This formation may vary in color.


Scabies is considered one of the most common ailments. The causative agent of this type of pathology is a tick. Most often, the defect is located on the fingers, in the chest or navel area, signaling the following symptoms:

  • severe itching of the affected areas;
  • the appearance of rashes that transform into ulcers in the scratching area;
  • bubble formation;
  • the formation of so-called scabies.

Nowadays, scabies is easily treatable. However, if timely therapeutic measures are ignored, this disease can provoke blood poisoning and other equally dangerous conditions.


If a person has developed pyoderma, rashes with purulent spots located in the center will appear on all parts of the body along the skin. In addition, the progression of the disease will be accompanied by elevated temperature.

If left untreated, ulcers form at the site of the rash, which are difficult to treat. Moreover, the advanced stage becomes chronic, which entails loss of ability to work.

It is worth noting that pyoderma is quite difficult to treat. Often, therapeutic measures are long-term. This is due to the fact that microbes, penetrating inside, affect the deepest layers of the epidermis.


Despite the intensive development of medicine, even today, unfortunately, it is impossible to answer exactly why psoria occurs. The only known fact is that the pathology in question is chronic and its origin is non-infectious.

Psoriasis can be identified by red spots covering the skin throughout the body. The resulting spots are covered with whitish or grayish scales. Without treatment, ulcers form.

Today it is impossible to completely get rid of psoriasis. At the same time, there are a number of effective medications that can be used to suppress unpleasant symptoms and control further progression diseases.


One of the most unpleasant and complex diseases is erysipelas. The signs of this pathology are as follows:

  • the affected area becomes dense, red and swollen with clearly defined contours;
  • the person develops a fever and feels unwell;
  • the patient feels weak.

Most often, erysipelas appears on the arms and legs. In the absence of timely therapy, the wound surface transforms into an ulcerative defect with a large area of ​​damage.


Keratosis is characterized by the formation of compaction and keratinization of the wound area. If the disease progresses, the person experiences severe pain, and ulcers appear on the affected areas. There are several reasons why this disease appears:

  • predisposition;
  • constant contact with chemical irritants;
  • weakened immunity;
  • previous infectious diseases.

There are several signs of the development of pathology:

  • first, a roughness appears on the legs, touching which the patient feels irregularities on the surface of the skin;
  • then, the irregularities change color, becoming red or brown;
  • further, peeling occurs around the formations;
  • in parallel, the development of keratosis is accompanied by severe itching;
  • in the advanced stage, ulcers form in places of unevenness.

Timely elimination of the root cause allows you to get rid of the disease and its consequences. The main task of the patient at the first symptom is to contact a dermatologist.


Carcinoma is the first warning signal indicating the development of skin cancer. The type in question forms on any part of the body and is signaled by the following symptoms:

  • small bumps appear on the skin with a pearlescent color;
  • then the bumps transform into red raised spots;
  • then the spots turn into ulcers.

The first sign of the progression of this pathology is the appearance of a large number of moles on the body. Having identified such a symptom, you should immediately visit a dermatologist and oncologist.

Treatment of skin ulcers

If ulcers are found on the skin, treatment is necessary, since this is the first sign of the progression of a certain pathology in the human body. That's why therapeutic approach must be comprehensive, consisting of the following steps:

  • elimination external manifestations using appropriate topical medications;
  • strengthening the immune system with vitamin complexes;
  • fighting the root cause.

In addition, if conservative treatment does not bring results, specialists often resort to a surgical method in which the affected area is excised and then covered with a skin graft.

After eliminating the provocateur and the consequences, the patient needs to monitor his immunity and protect his body from negative external influences.

Human skin is regularly exposed external influence, which can be very unfavorable.

In the same time internal state the body, and especially metabolism, clearly affect the condition of the skin. Both factors can lead to consequences such as ulcers on the body.

Provoking diseases

Why do such violations occur?

First, let's look at the definition itself. Damage to the skin occurs regularly, because one of its main functions is to protect the internal environment of the body. At the same time, a significant part of the wounds heal quickly and without consequences, sometimes scars form. But in some cases, the process of restoration of the integument is inhibited, the wound site becomes inflamed, and ulcers form.

They occur in places where dead tissue has already separated and new tissue has not yet formed. At the same time, they tend not to heal for a long time, and the open surface becomes a source of additional infection with various bacteria and fungi, which only worsens the condition of the skin.

The causes of ulcers on the body can be divided into several groups:

  • mechanical injuries: when the upper layers of the skin are damaged, the infection penetrates more easily into the body and can provoke inflammatory processes in the dermis and even deeper;
  • metabolic disorder, for example, a disease such as diabetes characterized unpleasant feature– any injury heals very poorly and is accompanied by the formation of ulcers; due to poor circulation, ulcerative processes may occur on the legs;
  • malignant and benign tumors often accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, this is especially true for melanoma, sarcoma and lymphogranulomatosis;
  • some infectious diseases, such as syphilis, in which the appearance of ulcers in certain parts of the body is one of the symptoms of the disease;
  • neurotrophic disorders lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and, accordingly, the regulation of many processes, which can also contribute to the occurrence of ulcers;
  • An unhealthy lifestyle leads to metabolic disorders and the accumulation of toxic products in the body, some of which come out through the skin, causing inflammation.

Types of ulcerative rashes

Since the appearance of ulcers in humans can occur due to various reasons and in different places on the body, they differ from each other and can be classified according to several criteria.

Firstly, according to the source of occurrence, as mentioned above, formations on the skin may vary depending on the reason that caused them.

Secondly, by location on the body.

They may appear:

  • and neck;
  • on the arms or legs;
  • all over the body;
  • only on the genitals and so on.

Thirdly, according to appearance.

So, ulcers can be:

  • small in size or large;
  • superficial or deep;
  • in the form of purulent or having a hard core;
  • gradually spreading or remaining in a certain size;
  • spreading throughout the body or always occurring in the same place.

Herpes rash on the body

One of the most problematic, but not always immediately noted, is. What is this? It represents an infection. Initially, it looks completely harmless and many simply do not notice it, believing that it will go away on its own. However, such behavior only worsens the development of the situation.


Doctors identify diseases that a person can get sick with, only a few of them spread over the surface of the entire body: familiar to everyone from childhood, and for adults this is, and three types that have not yet been fully studied, but according to assumptions, can provoke sudden or affect nervous system, causing neurological disorders.

The symptoms of herpes are well known and are somewhat similar to common colds:

  • decreased appetite;
  • pain and aches throughout the body;
  • general weakness;
  • appearance of rashes.

As a rule, ulcers form after a few days as the last of the symptoms of the disease.

Depending on the type of herpes, they can be localized:

The rash in appearance resembles blisters filled with liquid, which form on their own and itch, especially in some areas of the body. The liquid they contain contains herpes viral particles.

The vesicles are located along the nerve trunks. Gradually, the bubbles mature and burst, then their contents enter the environment, becoming a new source of infection, and small sores form in this place.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the person’s immunity and the presence concomitant diseases. The better the immune system works, the less likely manifestations of the disease.

Video from an expert:

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Should, only he is able to distinguish this disease from another with similar symptoms.

Diagnostics takes place in three stages:

  • collection of information;
  • examination of the patient;
  • performance clinical tests blood and taking smears.

Most precise method definition is . Having detected it and determined the type, the specialist can prescribe treatment.

It is worth noting that it is not yet possible to completely get rid of the virus; it remains in the human body, persisting in nerve cells, and appears immediately as soon as the immune system fails. Then how to treat the disease and what, in fact, to be treated for?

Therapy is aimed at three goals:

  • suppression of the virus so that it goes into a latent state and does not manifest itself;
  • activation of natural immunity, which will fight the virus;
  • prevention of complications that may appear after the onset of herpes.

Drug treatment includes taking:

  1. , suppressing the activity of the pathogen. They can be either in the form of tablets or in the form of an ointment applied to the affected areas. Such drugs include: Virolex, Serol and others.
  2. Painkillers and antipyretics that help relieve unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.
  3. Healing agents that help quickly eliminate the consequences of the disease and restore the integrity of the skin: Panthenol, Depanthenol;
  4. Antiseptics used to disinfect affected areas and prevent the spread of the virus: Zinc ointment, ;
  5. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes that help strengthen the body’s immunity and increase its ability to resist the action of pathogens.

During the treatment process, it is important to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of the virus in environment. Thus, sharing a towel or lipstick with a sick person is unacceptable. The same applies to application. Experts recommend using cotton swab, which should be taken new each time and thrown away after the procedure for treating the ulcers.

As important method Physiotherapy procedures are used to combat herpes: ultraviolet and infrared irradiation, bioresonance and others.

They help quickly restore the condition of the skin, strengthen the immune system and disinfect existing ulcers. This traditional method is very effective and painless, and helps prevent a new outbreak of the disease.

There are also herpes rashes. First of all, these are infusions from medicinal herbs: wormwood, string, tansy, oregano, celandine.

They are prepared at the rate of two teaspoons of herbs per glass of boiling water, after which they are infused for 10-15 minutes and can be used. They are used to make compresses for damaged areas, taking baths and treating wounds.

Can also be taken orally, but herbs can cause allergic reaction, and some of them are poisonous, so the latter method is suitable only for those who are well versed in the peculiarities of herbal medicine.

Also used alcohol tinctures from echinacea, calendula and chamomile. You can purchase them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself by pouring alcohol into the flowers in a ratio of 1 to 10, then placing them in a dark place for a couple of weeks. After straining, the product can be used to prepare compresses and rubdowns, as well as take a teaspoon orally.

A few more video recipes:

Diet is very important in the treatment of herpes rash.

This is not necessarily a strict avoidance of many foods, but rather adherence to recommendations that include:

  • consumption of fermented milk products;
  • the use of foods rich in iodine, such as seaweed, fish, seafood;
  • preparing dishes with easily digestible proteins: chicken, eggs, lean meat;
  • consumption of onions and garlic containing large quantities not only vitamin C, but also phytoncides;
  • eating fresh greens;
  • avoidance of spices, coffee and alcoholic products.

No matter how it appears, it is necessary to find out its cause and begin treatment in order to prevent a more severe course of the disease.

Most often, ulcerative formations on the skin can mean internal illnesses associated with oncology, infectious diseases and the presence of dermatological problems in humans.

Ulcers that are observed on the skin have different shape, size, location and even properties. They can be random, fleeting, benign or malignant, and even too persistent, which long time do not pass and, moreover, tend to increase in size, covering more and more of the human skin (for example, scrofulous, syphilitic and scurvy ulcers). In medical practice, malignant ulcers on the body, known as cancerous, are often encountered. They can lead to the death of the patient.

Most often, people encounter ulcers on the body that arise as a result of chronic venous insufficiency. Adults are at risk of developing this disease, since not a single case of this disease has been recorded among children under 14 years of age. Due to venous insufficiency, ulcers form only on the legs of an adult. The reason for their appearance is the weakness of the walls of blood vessels. Usually used for treatment complex therapy using special ointments, medicines and other medicines. Varicose ulcers are not as scary as they might seem at first glance: with proper and regular treatment, they quickly disappear, and painful sensations it doesn’t happen from them. After successful therapy, it is very important to prevent the disease.

The appearance of ulcers on the body, in particular on the legs, may indicate the presence of a disease such as obliterating atherosclerosis. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “ischemic ulcers.” Middle-aged and older men are at risk. The disease manifests itself as itching, pain, and hair loss at the site of ulcer formation.

The occurrence of this disease, which accompanies ulcers, largely depends on the quality of a person’s lifestyle. Thus, the cause of the disease is usually: alcohol and tobacco abuse, consumption of unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyle life. To avoid the appearance of such ulcers, you should review your diet, diet, give up alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, and give preference fresh products and playing sports.

Another cause of ulcers on the body (and also on the skin of the legs) is livedo vasculitis. During this disease, vascular thrombosis develops greatly, as a result of which the skin of the legs becomes covered with ulcers. New growths that appear are often painful and susceptible to various irritants (even ordinary clothing can cause pain when touching the damaged area). This type of ulcer is very difficult to treat. But thanks modern medicine A cure is still possible if you approach this process responsibly.

If ulcers appear on the body, the causes may be oncological in nature. Thus, such painful manifestations that appear on the skin of the whole body may indicate the presence of cancer. Most often, such ulcers appear with melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), and basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

Since cancerous ulcers can be malignant, it is very important to immediately consult a specialist if such symptoms are detected. It would not be superfluous to undergo a standard examination of the body for the presence of cancer cells, that is, do a biopsy. Such an examination will help either exclude cancer or confirm it, which to some extent is also good, because the disease that is detected on early stages of its development, it is much easier to treat.

Finally, body ulcers can be caused by an infectious or bacterial virus. Most often in this case, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci. These ulcers are very similar to gangrene wounds, but they should not be confused. For example, ulcers caused by streptococcus have their own name - streptococcal ecthyma. Those ulcerative wounds that are considered gangrenous (gangrenous ecthyma) appear as a result of severe mechanical damage to the skin.

Having learned about the reasons for the appearance of ulcerative tumors on the skin, another question arises: “How to treat ulcers on the body?” It’s worth saying right away that self-medication is contraindicated here, because only a specialist can prescribe correct and effective therapy. Usually used complex treatment, which includes ointments and preparations that should be taken internally. Often they are aimed at removing ulcers.

Aphid cankers can be dangerous and should not be forgotten. In addition, successful treatment lies in the joint activity of the patient and the doctor, which will contribute to a speedy recovery.