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Tincture of pine cones on vodka, water: medicinal properties, indications for use, contraindications, instructions for preparation and use, reviews. What does alcohol tincture of pine cones treat? When and what kind of pine cones to collect for vodka tincture

modern medicine offers cures for almost all diseases. However, all more people tend to use non-traditional traditional medicine instead of pills and potions made in laboratories. As you know, there is nothing more effective than what is created by nature itself. After all, it is not in vain that animals at the level of instinct help themselves from diseases by eating certain products of plant origin.

So, American scientists noticed one feature. IN winter period many animals dig up pine cones from under the snow and eat them. The logical conclusion from this observation led to the fact that the composition of such herbal products carefully studied.

The results were not long in coming. It turned out that pine cones accumulate in themselves during the summer period and part of the winter a large number of phytoncides, essential oils, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antiviral substances. Also, their composition in a small proportion includes resin acids, ascorbic acid, tannins and anthocyanins. What makes the cones very attractive for human use in the fight against various ailments.

Used in traditional medicine not only ripe, but also green fruits. The best option for their use is the means for the manufacture of which you need to fill pine cones with vodka.

Areas of use

There are many diseases for the treatment of which pine cones on vodka are used. Their use is based on the ability of their constituent nutrients to dissolve in alcohol and acquire even better properties. functional properties already in the form of a tincture.

The action of this infusion is as follows:

  • restoration of brain cells and functions nervous system after a stroke;
  • treatment and prevention of pulmonary diseases;
  • elimination of disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • oral treatment;
  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism and muscle spasms;
  • treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anemia treatment;
  • gout.

Apart from a wide range therapeutic action, like any medicine, pine cones on vodka also have disadvantages. Contraindications to their use are based on individual characteristics each organism and are reduced to the following points:

  1. Intolerance or inability to take alcohol.
  2. Age limits: up to 7 and after 60 years.
  3. Diseases of the kidneys and liver (in violation of dosing).
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. lactation period.

Let us consider in more detail the spectrum of action and the main ailments in which green and mature pine cones on vodka are used, contraindications to their use.

Green cones: human application

Young, immature pine cones have a beautiful green color and look very dense and strong.

In addition, tannins can stimulate recovery cell structures, which is used as the basis for therapy after a stroke. Vitamins and essential cones help strengthen immune system, increasing vitality and providing a burst of energy.

It is recommended to collect them in June-August. It is at this time that they contain a lot nutrients for the maturation of the inner seed. Maximum benefit extract from them is obtained by using such an infusion as green pine cones on vodka.

What diseases use alcohol infusion of green cones

Infusion of pine cones on vodka (green) is used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys. Also long-term use V Not large doses allows you to get rid of fatigue, chronic drowsiness, headaches and bad mood.

Green pine cones, infused with vodka, are very good for atherosclerosis, to cleanse blood vessels.

Mortar recipe

For cooking healing infusion we will need:

  • enamel pot;
  • collection of green cones;
  • moderately warm room;
  • vodka.

We fill the prepared dishes by a third with green cones washed in warm water and cut into pieces. Then pour vodka so that the ingredients are immersed in liquid. We cover with a lid and put in a room with a temperature of at least 20 0 C. We insist for about 40 days, and readiness is determined by color. The color should turn dark brown.

This is the first recipe to use green pine cones. allows all useful components to go into solution and become more digestible.

Another recipe for which you will need:

  • cup;
  • green cones;
  • vodka;
  • the lid is tight on the glass;
  • warm place;
  • fine sieve.

Pour crushed cones into a glass and fill to the brim with vodka (cones and vodka equally). Close tightly and put in a warm place to infuse. We leave for 10 days. Then we filter the tincture through a sieve and take the resulting solution 20 drops before meals. It is advisable to breed with warm water.

Green pine cones on vodka: contraindications

The main contraindications for use alcohol infusion from green cones are the same as for products from ripe pine cones on vodka. This is pregnancy and lactation, elderly age, intolerance of components ( atopic dermatitis, allergies), kidney or liver failure.

The only thing that can be highlighted here is a violation of the dosing of the tincture. This is absolutely impossible to do. The consequences can be severe disruption of the stomach, damage to the walls digestive tract. Maybe even poisoning. Feeling unwell, nausea, dizziness. Since the tincture is alcohol, its use in large doses and often for a long time can provoke the formation of alcohol dependence.

Mature pine cones: characteristics of the components and application

Mature pine cones are very easy to distinguish from young ones by appearance. They are brown, loose, almost completely open. In many, ripened seeds can be observed.

In addition to those components already listed for young fruits, mature pine cones also contain increased amount tannins. It is this feature that determines the direction of their application in alternative medicine.

The main thing is, of course, the treatment of stroke and post-stroke conditions. Therapy with this infusion contributes to the renewal of brain cells, their rapid regeneration and normal functioning. Infusion of pine cones on vodka ensures the restoration of cellular structures higher department nervous system, and also blocks the enzyme that causes their death during a stroke.

If young cones can be used for a very wide range of diseases, then the use of mature ones is currently limited to the treatment of a stroke condition. Thanks to American scientists who proved that pine cones (vodka tincture) are a way to get back on your feet after a serious illness.

Consider how best to collect the material, prepare it and what recipe to make a healing infusion.

Collection of mature cones

These buds are best harvested from December to March. for summer and autumn period they manage to accumulate a mass useful components. Like canned food, which consist of extremely useful and biologically significant substances for the body.

Phytoncides and tannins, bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, essential oils and tannins, resins and carotene, vitamins C and A, antioxidants - all this is stored in mature pine cones securely covered with snow. That is why animals in zoos and nurseries love to chew them so much.

Special processing collected material It consists in cleaning from foreign components and dust. To do this, you just need to rinse the cone crop with warm water. Subsequent drying will complete the pre-treatment step and the product will be completely ready for infusion.

Recipe: pine cones on vodka (mature)

To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • a small bowl with a tight-fitting lid;
  • vodka or alcohol (70%);
  • 5-6 mature buds, washed and prepared;
  • cool place to infuse.

We take the cones, grind and place in a bowl. Pour 200-250 ml of vodka or alcohol, cover with a lid and put in a cool place for infusion. After half a month, the medicine is ready. Take one teaspoon after meals once a day. The course of treatment - from 3 months and longer. At correct reception it is practically unlimited.

Negative effect, contraindications

With proper use, without violating dosing and without abuse of components, as well as with proper cooking infusion, in which the base is mature pine cones on vodka, contraindications to its use have not been identified.

In case of violation of any of the points, the consequences can be gastrointestinal diseases of varying complexity, poisoning, alcohol dependence.

Article publication date: 04/03/2017

Article last updated: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: do pine cones help against a stroke, how to harvest them correctly. Recipes for making tinctures (on vodka, on alcohol, on water). The combination of cones with others natural ingredients. Useful and side effects, contraindications.

Pine cones - excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of stroke. But be aware that herbal remedy cannot completely replace classical treatment and is only suitable as a supplement.

Before using a tincture of cones, consult with your doctor (cardiologist or neurologist).

Results from pine cone treatment

Pine cones have an intense hypotensive effect. The pressure decreases already on the fifth day of constant intake of tincture.

It is also noted that in patients who took such tinctures for six months after suffering a stroke, speech and coordination recovered faster than in patients who did not supplement drug treatment with this folk remedy.

The composition and useful properties of pine cones

Pine cones are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen cardiovascular system and the whole organism

  • Vitamin C - increases immunity and accelerates the restoration of damaged body tissues.
  • Vitamin P - reduces the fragility of capillaries and increases their elasticity.
  • B vitamins - are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its faster recovery. Participate in the process of hemoglobin synthesis and the formation of red blood cells.
  • Iron is part of hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in the body (and, as a result, reduced hemoglobin), tachyarrhythmias may occur.
  • Magnesium is needed for normal functioning heart muscle.
  • Selenium - strengthens the myocardium, slows down the aging process of cells.

The cones also contain tannins, which lower arterial pressure, prevent thrombosis and accelerate the recovery of brain tissue, and a number of flavonoids that help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

They contain a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels.

There are also substances with anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to this abundance of nutrients, pine cones can be very effective prevention stroke. You can also speed up the process of recovery of the central nervous system after a stroke has already occurred.

Tincture can perfectly complement the treatment:

  • inflammatory diseases respiratory tract(bronchitis, tracheitis);
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • arthritis
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension.

Harvesting pine cones

You need to start collecting them at a time when they are still green. Young cones contain the largest number useful substances (there are especially a lot of magnesium in them during these periods - it is part of chlorophyll, which gives them a green color).

Treatment with green cones will be especially effective for arrhythmias and other heart pathologies.

But even if they are already starting to lose their green color, they can still be harvested. You can do this while they are still open. Opened bumps are already losing most their useful properties- their treatment will be ineffective.

The period when you can collect plant materials is from the beginning of May to the end of June.

store bumps for a long time not worth it. It is better to make a tincture of them immediately after collection. That is why such products are more often made on alcohol or vodka than on water. Alcohol tinctures can be stored for a long time, so you do not need to store the cones themselves.

If you still want to make a water tincture or other bud products, you need to save them. To do this, grind them and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees.

tincture recipes

Most the best option- cooking with alcohol. A 70% alcohol solution can be bought at a pharmacy. It, unlike vodka, does not contain any unnecessary additives.

1. On alcohol

To prepare the product, take 10 g of pine cones and 50 ml of alcohol. Grind vegetable raw materials. Fill with alcohol. Close hermetically. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Shake well every day. After 2 weeks, strain and pour into a container in which you will store the medicine.

Alcohol tincture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals (15 minutes).

2. On vodka

If you are preparing a vodka tincture, then it will need twice as much as alcohol. That is, for 10 g of cones 100 ml of vodka. The rest of the recipe remains the same. When choosing a drink to prepare medicine Special attention pay attention to its quality. Vodka should be natural, should not contain any harmful additives.

For a medicine on vodka, the dosage is the same as for alcohol.

3. On the water

This option is preferred for those who are contraindicated in alcohol. For long-term treatment it is better to use a water tincture.

Take 5 cones medium size. Grind. Fill with 2 glasses warm water. Put on fire and wait until it boils. Cook for 5 more minutes. Cool down.

Water remedy take a quarter cup 3 times a day before meals.

4. Combined funds

With needles

Pine cones can be supplemented with needles of the same plant. It contains a large number ascorbic acid. As well as essential oils, which improve the body's recovery process after a stroke and normalize heart rhythm, and alkaloids, which help with pain in the heart. It also contains substances that lower cholesterol.

Treatment with a tincture of cones and needles is effective if the stroke was triggered by disorders heart rate or atherosclerosis. In addition to accelerating the recovery process of the body, the risk of a second stroke also decreases.

  1. Take 10 g of cones and 10 g of needles.
  2. Pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  3. Insist 2 weeks.
  4. When the remedy is infused, strain.

For a medicine with needles, the dosage is 15-20 drops three times a day.

With honey

Another good addition is honey. It enhances the hypotensive and immunomodulatory properties of pine cones. Treatment with this remedy helps a lot with high blood pressure, which can provoke a second stroke.

  • Take liter jar cones.
  • Add 400 ml liquid honey.
  • Close tightly and place in a warm place.
  • Insist 4 months. During this period, the cones will “give up” their beneficial substances to honey.
  • Shake every day.
  • Strain.

For the preparation of this recipe, only young cones are suitable: no more than 4 cm in size, green, not hardened. They should scratch easily with a fingernail. Hardened ones have a lower permeability, which is why honey is not saturated with useful substances.

Honey, saturated with the beneficial substances of cones, is eaten in a tablespoon 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

Treatment with pine cones usually does not cause side effects. They can appear only with individual intolerance to this plant. Then there is a rash on the body, itching, nausea.

Headaches, nausea and diarrhea can also occur with an overdose. In this case, consult your doctor and reduce the dosage or completely stop taking this folk medicine.

Reception of funds from cones is contraindicated in case of kidney failure and hepatitis of any type. Use with caution over the age of 60 years.

Healing tincture of pine cones For health and longevity

Needles are taken in winter on frosty days, when coniferous needles contain the largest amount of active, medicinal substance. Pollen is collected in early spring, during the period of pollination and the emergence of new life, and green pine cones are harvested in the summer, during their active growth and the accumulation of useful, medicinal properties, and in the summer a tincture is prepared from them.

When preparing alcohol tinctures from pine gifts, biologically active, medicinal and essential substances for the body, including bioflavonoids, are transferred into tinctures, preserved in them with alcohol, while retaining their unique healing properties.

Pine tinctures (especially from young pine cones) have antimicrobial, deodorant, and disinfectant properties. When these tinctures are used together, the best result is achieved. healing effect: the body's defenses (immunity) are strengthened, toxins and toxins are removed, pathogenic microflora is suppressed.

These tinctures, including from young pine cones, are used for respiratory diseases, both colds and infectious nature: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Tincture of pine pollen, tincture of young pine cones and tincture of pine needles have an expectorant effect, help to clear the respiratory tract and sputum. Tinctures are an effective wound healing agent for ulcers and wounds. At bronchial asthma they are used as an anti-asthma agent.

These tinctures are an excellent medicine in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach. Young pine tops with pollen are the best fixative, antiscorbutic and balsamic remedy for scurvy or scurvy - which literally means "mouth in ulcers." Good results achieved in treatment advanced tuberculosis lungs with the use of tinctures of young pine cones, pine pollen and pine needles.

Tincture of young pine cones, tinctures of pollen and pine needles are the main components in the preparation of medicinal coniferous balsams. Pine tinctures are compatible with almost all medicinal plants, which makes it possible to produce balms with various healing effects.

For example: if you add tincture of young green pine cones tincture of sweet clover, tincture of fruits or flowers of chestnut, tincture of verbena officinalis in the ratio 5:1:1:1, then we get lovely balm for the treatment of thrombophlebitis with an immunomodulatory effect.

Also: add honey (100 g) and 100 ml of aloe juice to the tincture of young green pine cones or tincture of pine pollen (500 ml), mix well, close and put in a dark place for a day. We get an excellent balm for raising immunity and treating lung diseases.
Ingredients: ethyl alcohol 40, young green pine cones or young pine shoots, or green pine needles.
Method of application: for the prevention of colds and other diseases, drink 1 teaspoon of any of the tinctures once a day. For treatment, drink 1-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals for 20-40 minutes for three weeks.

Treatment will be more effective if pine tinctures are washed down with hot tea or infusion of herbs. Outwardly: on wounds and ulcers make dressings 1-2 times a day or as needed.

Recipe for tincture of pine cones

For medicinal tincture pick green pine cones away from the roads. You can collect them from May to July, while they have not yet gained hardness. The best tincture is obtained from cones collected in late May and early June.

recipe for tincture of young pine cones: 100 g of crushed young pine cones is poured into 500 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, insisted for 14 days, filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day with water (50 grams) for a month with gastritis, peptic ulcer and respiratory diseases.

Video: Treatment of blood vessels (stroke) with tincture of pine cones 1 ORT channel

Recipe for the treatment of goiter with tincture of pine cones

Cut the prepared green pine cones into 2-4 parts and place them in a jar (preferably dark glass). Pour in 90% alcohol to completely cover the buds.
Close the jar with a tight lid, wrap it in paper and insist in a dark place for a month, shaking occasionally.
Then strain the cones tincture and store in the refrigerator.

Take a tincture of pine cones to treat goiter:

- the first three days, drop by drop three times a day.
- further, within a month, three drops three times a day.
Then month break and repeat the course of treatment. Continue treatment until recovery.

Tincture of green pine cones after 2 weeks of infusion is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a month with gastritis, peptic ulcer and cough, respiratory diseases and tumors.

Rules for taking herbal medicines from medicinal plants

When treating with products made from medicinal plants, the following rules should be followed:

  • herbal treatment should always be started after consultation with the attending physician and with small doses;
  • it is not recommended for a long time to carry out treatment with preparations of the same medicinal plants;
  • drugs medicinal herbs, which have a strong effect, should be taken within 7-20 days. Then, after a 10-day break, the course of treatment can be resumed;
  • herbal preparations that do not strong action, can be taken no more than 2 months;
  • the doses indicated in the prescription are for adults, therefore, for children, adolescents, the elderly, underweight patients, the dose of the drug should be reduced in accordance with the recommendation of a specialist;
  • if there are no other indications in the recipe, then it is advisable to take the drugs 20-30 minutes before meals.

Medicinal tinctures with green cones

In Rus', tinctures appeared around the 10th century. new era. A certain man named Erofey tried to use an old oriental recipe for making strong alcoholic drink.
He insisted on vodka anise, mint, crushed nuts. He poured all the products that make up the future tincture into a bottle, filled it with vodka and placed it in a warm place. The vessel stood in a warm room near the stove for more than 12 days.
When Erofey decided to see what exactly he did, he discovered a qualitatively new drink. Now we can say with certainty that it was a tincture.

  1. Tincture "Coniferous fragrant". Compound:
    1 l vodka, 50 g lemon zest, 1 nutmeg, 7 - 10 pcs. carnations, 10 - 15 young pine cones.

    Dry lemon peel, nutmeg, cloves and pine cones pour vodka and leave for 1 month. Strain and bottle;

  2. Tincture "Healing". Compound:
    10 - 15 young green pine cones, 10 g of anise, 10 g of chamomile, 10 g of dill, 1 liter of vodka.

    Pine young cones, anise, chamomile and dill pour vodka and leave for 5 weeks, then strain and bottle;

  3. Cherry tincture. Compound:
    3 green pine cones, 0.5 l of vodka, 0.5 kg of cherries, 5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

    Cherries, pine cones and honey pour vodka, mix thoroughly. Put to infuse in a dark place, shake occasionally. After 20–25 days, drain the tincture, bottle it and cork it;

  4. Recipe with cones and honey. The composition of the tincture:
    3 liters of vodka, 20 young pine cones, a glass of honey, 5 pcs. bay leaf, 5 pieces. allspice, 5 pcs. black pepper, 1 piece hot capsicum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint or lemon balm, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

    Finely chop the pine cones, mix all the ingredients, pour in vodka and keep in a dark place for 30–40 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the drink and bottle it;

  5. Another tincture recipe. Compound:
    3 liters of vodka, 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark, 15 - 20 pine cones, 1-2 peppercorns, 2 pcs. bay leaf, a pinch of St. John's wort, lemon balm and tarragon, 2 slices of dry citrus peels, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 10–15 pcs. partitions walnut.

    Preparation of tincture
    Put walnut partitions into vodka and let it brew for 3-5 days. Strain the infusion, add all the ingredients (chopped pine cones) and keep in a dark place for 30-40 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the drink and bottle it;

Be healthy, don't get sick!

Successfully survive the winter with its frosts, lack of sunlight and disadvantage fresh vegetables and fruits, ordinary pine cones will help you. vodka tincture, medicinal properties which we describe, helps to saturate the body life force and energy, strengthens the immune system and allows you to forget about diseases and ailments.

The healing properties of cones have been known since ancient Rus'. At a time when the medicine we were accustomed to simply did not exist, healers widely used the entire available arsenal of means offered by nature. Scurvy, which was a true scourge of almost all walks of life, was cured almost instantly when coniferous raw materials were used. The invigorating effect of pine needles, coupled with its availability, made it the number one drug for both commoners and boyars.

What are the fruits of pine

It is rare to find a plant that would serve as a source of so many of the most diverse healing substances. Cones found:

  • Vitamins A and C, groups B, E and PP
  • Essential oils- they improve blood circulation both throughout the body and in the vessels of the brain
  • Tannins - tannins that help with diarrhea, bleeding and hemorrhoids. Tannins also have an anti-inflammatory effect and serve as an antidote for many poisonings.
  • Trace elements: magnesium (among many important properties it is indispensable for normal operation nervous system), iron (part of hemoglobin, a life-forming compound that helps atmospheric oxygen enter the blood) and selenium

Under what conditions should you use pine cones

The medicinal properties and contraindications of this product are distinguished by an abundance of beneficial effects and a very small number of possible negative consequences. We recommend that you use it if:

  • You feel a general lack of energy, fatigue and lethargy
  • You are going through periods of physical or mental overload
  • Would you like to improve man's health
  • you have an elevated blood pressure
  • You have suffered a stroke and you need to improve the blood supply to the brain and ensure the restoration of damaged functions
  • You have a disease of the respiratory organs (trachea, bronchi, lungs), and it is important for you to thin the sputum and ensure that it is easy to expectorate
  • You have loose stools
  • Do you have problems with impure skin?

Since the most important medical principle is to protect the patient from collateral damage, which carry drugs and drugs, we advise you to refrain from using cones when:

  • Your kidneys are not all right
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Do you have allergic reaction(in order to detect it in a timely manner, always start with small doses and increase the amount of drugs taken smoothly and gradually)
  • you suffer from hepatitis
  • You have an irritated stomach lining and alcohol-containing substances exacerbate this irritation
  • For one reason or another (religious beliefs, struggle with addiction), you abstain from drinking alcohol

Elderly people (from 65 and older) and children can be harmful to any, even the smallest, doses of alcohol - you should always remember this.

Harvesting cones for tincture

So, you have decided to apply the tincture. One of its components - vodka - you can easily buy in the store. How and where to take the second ingredient - in fact, pine cones? The use in folk medicine for many centuries provides the following proven recommendations regarding the search and collection of coniferous fruits.

Recipe for vodka tincture from pine cones

Often there are recommendations to use moonshine for the preparation of tinctures. Alas, this advice causes only a smile of bewilderment. Obviously, fundamentally unfilterable in artisanal conditions fusel oils only undermine the already weakened health, but will not contribute to its strengthening. Choose cleared medical alcohol(70%) or the most filtered vodka without extraneous additives (honey, pepper, lemon, etc.) Here is a short step-by-step instruction:

  • We need about a hundred grams of fruit. Rinse them thoroughly with running water.
  • We grind the blanks: we cut them into four, five and more parts. This will increase the surface area that comes into contact with alcohol and allow the liquid to absorb the maximum amount of useful substances.
  • We place the pieces in a glass container and pour alcohol or vodka in a volume of half a liter.
  • Close the vessel with a lid and place in a dark place at room temperature.
  • It makes sense to periodically (once or twice a day) shake the solution for the best dissolution of beneficial components.
  • Alcohol tincture is usually kept for up to two weeks, and vodka - up to three.
  • Strain the mixture in a fine sieve. The tool is ready for use.

Application of tincture

In no case should we forget that the drink described by us is a drug. It is strictly forbidden to drink it in whole piles or put it on the table during friendly gatherings. Do not exceed the following recommended doses:

  • If you are using a tonic and preventive effect, then limit yourself to one teaspoon (it contains about five milliliters) per day. No appointment time essential, although it is usually taken in the morning.
  • For medicinal purposes, the infusion is drunk three times a day for a teaspoon.
  • At the beginning of the reception, use a quarter to a third of the described dose and gradually increase the dosage. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say in advance whether your allergy will manifest itself, so a precaution will not be superfluous.
  • The duration of taking the drug varies: from two months to six months. Every thirty days it makes sense to arrange for yourself a small medicinal vacation of 5-7 days.

Tincture of pine cones in folk medicine

We hope that our advice will be useful to you, and your health and well-being will be consistently excellent. Perhaps you will take a fresh look at pine cones. Their tincture of vodka, whose medicinal properties are so wide, is another proof of the limitless healing possibilities of the green pharmacy that surrounds us.

Pine is one of the most common plants in our region. This tree can be found in almost every forest. Since ancient times, pine needles and pine resin have been called resin. This definition was not chosen by chance. It was resin that has been used since ancient times to strengthen the immune system, prevent beriberi, and anemia. The remedy also helps with many other pathologies.

Last time medicinal formulations based cones are becoming more and more popular.

What effect to expect?

Green pine cones the most powerful tool capable of fighting many diseases. Medications based on them will help strengthen the immune system and significantly improve well-being.

The main pathologies that can be eliminated with the help of such means include:

  • - vascular diseases;
  • - disruptions at work respiratory system(tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia and others);
  • - strokes;
  • - diseases of the joints;
  • - stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • - violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • - diseases of a cold nature.

Not all cones are able to benefit the body. In order for the source material to be useful, it is important to follow some simple rules when preparing it.

  1. Pay close attention to the condition of the trees on which the cones grow. They must be healthy. If the tree is sick, has multiple damage caused by insects, you should not collect its cones. Also, the raw material will not bring the desired effect.
  2. It is important to strictly monitor the dosage. Otherwise, you can get a backlash. High chance of showing side effects. May appear headache or gastrointestinal problems.
  3. It should be borne in mind that the patient may have an individual intolerance to the individual components of the drugs.
  4. Such therapy is categorically contraindicated in children under the age of seven, as well as people over sixty.

Contraindications to the use of products based on pine cones

Medicines, the main component of which are pine cones, are contraindicated for the following groups of people:

  • - pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • - patients who have been diagnosed with disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • - people with cardiac arrhythmias;
  • - Patients suffering from hepatitis.

Infusion of cones will help to cope with bronchitis and cough

For its preparation you will need: one tablespoon of cones and one glass clean water. Cones need to pour boiling water. The workpiece is insisted for twelve hours. It is recommended to take the infusion three to four times before meals.

In addition to treating cough, this infusion has a hemostatic property. It can be used for pain in the heart area.

A tincture of mature buds will help to cope with the consequences of a stroke.

The healing properties of cone tincture have become known not so long ago, but its unique effect has official clinical confirmation.

Ingredients you need to make it: mature bumps(it is important that they are sufficiently hard, slightly opened and brown in color) and 70% alcohol. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka.

  • Recipe 1

Take a clean liter jar and fill it with cones. Then the container must be filled with alcohol “up to the shoulders”. Next, the workpiece should be infused for two weeks (in a dark place). The resulting infusion should be carefully filtered. The drug is taken once a day immediately after meals. Dosage: one teaspoon.

  • Recipe 2

You will need: five large cones, one teaspoon of vinegar (apple) and one glass of alcohol. Cones are filled with alcohol. The blank is placed in a dark place for ten days. The resulting solution is filtered. Next, you need to add Apple vinegar(allows replacing it with grape).

One teaspoon of infusion is dissolved in a glass of warm tea (weak) and taken before bedtime.

Doctors have found that in patients who take this tincture for at least six months after a stroke, motor function can be restored, speech normalizes, well-being improves, tone rises.

Jam will strengthen the immune system

To prepare such a sweet "medicine" you will need: one kilogram of young (preferably still green) cones, a kilogram of granulated sugar and two liters of clean cold water.

Cones are poured with water and left to infuse for exactly one day. Further filter. Sugar is added to the resulting water. The syrup must be brought to a boil. Then lower the cones into the container. Future jam is cooked over low heat for one and a half to two hours. During the cooking process, foam is periodically formed. It needs to be removed regularly.

The result is a delicious delicacy of a pleasant amber hue. Jam has a delicious smell and taste somewhat similar to strawberries.

There is another (no less popular) recipe for cone-based healing jam.

The cones are dipped in a pre-prepared syrup for five to seven minutes. Then the workpiece is allowed to settle for a day. The whole cycle is then repeated twice. The resulting jam is placed in a dry, sterilized container.

Jam on young cones is a really effective immunostimulant. To achieve the desired result, it will be enough to take it just one tablespoon daily.

Pine cones will help get rid of excess salts

You need to take one cone of medium size and put it in a pan. Next, the container is poured with a glass of water and left overnight. In the morning, put the pan on the stove and let it boil a little. The mass is cooled and water is added to the original level. Everything that turned out in the end is divided into two equal parts. Each of them should be drunk during the day.

Tincture on cones for peptic ulcer

Pre-prepared pine cones (necessarily green) should be cut and placed in a liter glass jar. Buds should take up about one third of the capacity. Next, you need to add vodka and tightly close the jar with a lid. The future tincture is placed in a dark place and left there for more than a week.

The finished tincture is filtered and taken according to the following scheme: one tablespoon is diluted with fifty grams of water and drunk twice a day before meals. The treatment course is two months.

Tincture for gastritis

Tincture for treatment this disease prepared on the basis of 70% alcohol.

For cooking you will need:

  • one hundred grams of young cones and half a liter of alcohol.

Cones are poured with alcohol and placed in a dark place for two weeks. Take tincture three times a day before meals in a tablespoon.

Treatment of thyroid diseases

Few people know that cones can be used to treat a number of pathologies. thyroid gland. Cone-based tinctures will be an effective addition to drug treatment thyroid diseases.

Varicose veins


  • - five parts of the finished tincture of pine cones;
  • - one part horse chestnut;
  • - one part of verbena;
  • - one part of the sweet clover.

All these components can be purchased ready-made in almost any pharmacy. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture is used three times a day after meals, ten to twenty drops.

Osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis

To treat these diseases, pine oil should be prepared. It is not difficult. It is necessary to fill the cones with any vegetable oil. Then put in the oven and hold there until the mass acquires a red tint. As soon as it appears desired color, the workpiece is taken out and drained. The oil is ready. It can be used for massages and rubbing. It is effective for the treatment of diseased joints and spine.

Soothing and relaxing baths

It will take one to two kilograms of cones and three to five liters of water. The cones are boiled for a while. After that, filter and the resulting water is poured into a pre-prepared bath. The recommended procedure time is ten to fifteen minutes.

Nature has given people a truly unique medicinal plant- pine. The cones of this tree are endowed with a whole spectrum medicinal properties. Preparations based on pine cones are available to almost everyone, and their preparation does not require special material costs.

Each of the recipes has been tested by many generations. There is no doubt about their safety and effectiveness.