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Causes of peptic ulcer of the duodenal head 12. Causes of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Reasons for the development of pathology

Few people are not familiar with heaviness in the stomach after eating. And most people do not pay attention to such sensations, believing that this is a temporary consequence of overeating or poor nutrition.

However, if such sensations begin to visit you more and more often, and stomach pain is added to them, then you urgently need to take care of yourself. After all, this may indicate a nascent ulcer. And in the spring, all ulcers are able to feel its exacerbation or appearance.

What can you do to protect yourself from ulcerative processes in the stomach and duodenum, or to prevent its exacerbation? What are the symptoms and signs of an ulcer, and what causes it? Let's talk about this, because knowing the problem in person is already half the solution to this problem.

By various reasons the ulcerative process damages the gastric mucosa, 12 duodenum, subsequently, if there is no treatment, this process can “perforate” the organ right through. Most of all, this disease affects people from 30 to 40 years old, and men are much more likely than women (to be precise, twice as often).

Causes of ulcers

Stomach ulcer. Increased acidity and overly active secretion gastric juice are its provocateurs. The walls of the stomach are corroded by acid due to

  • stress,
  • nervous tension,
  • bad heredity,
  • dry food or long periods between meals,
  • smoking (nicotine contained in cigarettes prevents food from being digested normally, increases the production of hydrochloric acid and impairs the production of substances in the pancreas that protect the gastric mucosa),
  • consumption and abuse of alcohol and spicy foods,
  • active use of some medicines(aspirin, diclofenac, reserpine, ibuprofen, etc.)

Gastric juice is produced in excess quantities - these are the common causes of stomach ulcers.

Duodenal ulcer. It is often formed due to bad work stomach. The environment in the intestines is usually alkaline, but when the stomach does not cope well with the process of digesting food, food enters the intestines in large quantities, contributing to an increase in acidity in it, and the alkaline environment changes to acidic.

But just so you know, all of the above reasons are concomitant. The most important reason for the appearance of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract is bacterium Helicobacter Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) . When this bacterium penetrates the stomach, it begins active reproduction and an equally active destructive effect on our mucous membranes. It “triggers” the production of proteases and ureases - special enzymes that damage the protective layer of the mucous membranes of the duodenum and stomach. Mucus production, cell function, metabolic processes - all this is disrupted, and ulcers begin to form. We can get Helicobacter Pylori through kissing, sharing utensils, towels, due to lack of hygiene in public toilets...

Signs and symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers

Ulcerative process in the stomach. In terms of symptoms, it is similar to the manifestations of gastritis. Like him, an ulcer signals itself with heartburn and indigestion, sour belching and, as well. Problems with appetite begin, the person loses weight, experiencing fear of eating food.

The most obvious and main signs of an ulcer are pain in the abdominal area, usually appearing after 30-40 minutes. after eating. They can be pressing, aching, burning or stabbing. Pain sensations form in the upper abdominal cavity and radiate to the lower back and left hypochondrium. The duration of such attacks is from one and a half to three hours.

Ulcerative process in the duodenum. With this problem, symptoms in the form pain start at upper area abdomen or in the navel area, and a person can clearly determine the localization of pain himself. Usually pain appears an hour after eating or on an empty stomach. Other symptoms of an ulcer include: excessive gas formation; bloating; diarrhea, rarely constipation; Nausea is common and vomiting is less common. Signs of an ulcer can also include “hungry” or night pain (at about 2 a.m. the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases), when there is a need to “quench” the pain with food.

If the ulcer is not treated, vomiting of blood occurs, and this phenomenon becomes chronic; blood is also often found in the stool.

Of course, in order to make a clear diagnosis that it is an ulcer, you need to contact a specialist and undergo the necessary tests.

What is the danger of an ulcer?

If an ulcer is detected in time and treated correctly, complications can be avoided. If you self-medicate without consulting a specialist and do not follow his advice, then negative consequences may “show up” unexpectedly...

The ulcer can progress to bleeding, perforation (“perforate” the walls of the intestine or stomach), cause inflammatory process in the abdominal region, form adhesions with neighboring organs, up to the appearance of malignant tumors.

If you don’t want all these consequences to appear when you least expect them, you need to start treating the ulcer, or even better, preventing it.

Who is at risk?

  • The first “in line” are those who already have stomach problems - often chronic gastritis“flows” into an ulcer.
  • Heredity also plays a significant role, so take care of your stomach if any of your close relatives had a peptic ulcer.
  • If you smoke, take a lot of medications, are constantly in nervous tension and in a state of stress, you are “in your prime” and you are at risk.
  • A person who eats irregularly, preferring salty, spicy and rough foods, himself creates the preconditions for the formation of ulcers.

How to prevent ulcers?

Prevention in spring peptic ulcer you need to start with following a diet. Forget about fatty, sour, spicy, smoked foods, carbonated drinks, chips and fast food.

When the ulcer worsens, eliminate coffee, citrus fruits and fresh White bread, replace the latter with crackers.

In spring, our body works differently than at other times of the year. Acidity may change, and gastrointestinal activity may also decrease. We are experiencing a deficiency of vitamins C and group B, which are necessary for the renewal of mucous membranes. Hormones are in full swing in us. All these factors can provoke the appearance or exacerbation of an ulcer.

For the prevention of peptic ulcers, porridge, vegetables and boiled meat are good, mashed potatoes, jelly. Drink a cup of a little warmed water in the morning on an empty stomach - such a drink will improve digestion and “wake up” your stomach. Don't overeat or abuse alcohol.

The most important rule is to bypass stress and do not allow yourself to “drown” in depression. When a person begins to get nervous, an increase in the level of hydrochloric acid occurs in his stomach, which contributes to pain in peptic ulcers. Calm down, do not allow yourself to get annoyed over trifles, take everything easier. Your body will respond to this with gratitude.

To calm your nervous system, drink mint or chamomile tea, tea with lemon balm.

As I mentioned above, the main cause of peptic ulcer is Helicobacter pylori. Even at home, this bacterium can often be found on dishes; it is unlikely that any of us disinfects home plates, cups, spoons. Therefore, it is advisable to have separate dishes from which only you eat. It is especially worth paying attention to this for those who have a family member who already has stomach problems.

How to treat peptic ulcer?

It often happens that self-treatment this disease leads to sad consequences If you suspect you have an ulcer, consult your doctor. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe treatment, the gastroenterologist will recommend a diet based on the degree of mucosal damage, the level of acidity and other factors.

In one of the following articles, I will dwell in more detail on folk remedies for ulcers, nutrition and diet for this disease. After all, if you do not adhere to the diet, it is impossible to cure an ulcer. So don't miss blog updates.

Although I will say right away, the main obstacle to curing an ulcer is a constant stay in a state of stress.

An ulcer is classified as serious illnesses, it is capable of moving into chronic stage. Because as soon as you have identified yourself initial signs and symptoms of stomach or duodenal ulcers, start taking care of your health.

Today, duodenal ulcer is one of the most common diseases. This is facilitated by poor ecology, poor quality food, as well as abuse bad habits. This pathology often develops in parallel with a stomach ulcer, and has characteristic symptoms.

Reasons for the development of pathology

A duodenal ulcer can develop under the influence of the following factors:

  • increased acidity;
  • penetration of the Helicobacter bacterium into the body;
  • increased motor skills;
  • suffered stress and strong emotional stress;
  • increased secretion of enzymes involved in the digestion process;
  • eating disorder (after long fasting The gastrointestinal tract is overloaded with a large volume of food);
  • consumption of harmful foods;
  • bad heredity, etc.


Primary symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers should make people wary and encourage them to go to a medical facility. They can be confused with signs of gastric damage, so only a highly specialized specialist can diagnose the pathological process.

Symptoms of a duodenal ulcer in women and men appear with the progression of this disease:

  • pain syndrome, the location of which is upper sections abdominal cavity or navel area;
  • the pain has a point character, therefore, during the examination, the patient can indicate to the doctor in which place it is localized;
  • pain increases after eating (about an hour later) or on an empty stomach;
  • nausea and vomiting reflex;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • belching, heartburn;
  • feeling of hunger that occurs at night;
  • pale skin;
  • insomnia, irritability, chronic fatigue;
  • disruption of bowel movements (diarrhea is often observed);
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • coated tongue;
  • against the background of increased accumulation of gases, patients feel discomfort due to bloating, which greatly increases in volume, etc.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer in men and women indicate the presence chronic inflammation mucous membrane, on the walls of which there are erosive defects. If this disease is not treated in a timely manner, the pathological process may spread to other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnostic measures

To make an accurate diagnosis of a patient, a specialist must collect an anamnesis of the disease, conduct an examination and prescribe a set of hardware and laboratory research. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy allows you to visually assess the condition of the duodenal mucosa and detect erosive changes and ulcers on its walls.

Today in almost all medical institutions primary diagnosis carried out using the endoscopic method. Each patient must understand that this pathological process will not go away on its own, and over time it will become chronic. All complications arising from it will have to be eliminated surgically, because drug therapy will not bring the expected effect.

What complications may develop?

Appeared signs of duodenal ulcer 12 indicate an exacerbation of the disease. This period can last from 7 days to several weeks, after which the stage of remission often occurs. If the patient does not pass complex treatment, then he will most likely encounter unpleasant consequences:

  1. Development of bleeding. During the inflammatory process, the vessels present in the intestinal mucosa begin to dilate. If the enzymes present in the digestive juice corrode their walls, the result will be the formation of bleeding ulcers. Diagnosis of this pathological process is made possible by stool analysis, which reveals hidden blood. If a large vessel is damaged during an exacerbation of the disease, the patient may experience massive bleeding. At the same time, vomiting will appear, the contents of which will be Brown color, as well as diarrhea ( feces are black). The patient's skin becomes pale and general weakness And severe dizziness, cold sweat. If such symptoms appear, emergency medical attention is required. An ambulance should be called, which will take the patient to the hospital, as his life is in danger. Most likely, treatment will be surgical if drug therapy does not help stabilize the condition.
  2. Rupture of the duodenal wall (perforation). If the patient encounters such a complication, he will experience severe pain in the abdominal area, as the contents of the intestine will penetrate into the abdominal cavity. After a few hours, the pain may disappear and the patient will feel relief. But it is during this period that he will develop peritonitis. The appearance of such signs should not be ignored, since the lack of qualified medical care may be fatal.
  3. Rupture of the duodenal wall (penetration), in which all its contents penetrate into a nearby organ (most often the pancreas). If such a complication occurs, the consequences will be rapid and irreversible. Patients may experience the following symptoms: low-intensity pain, abdominal muscle tension.
  4. Deformation, cicatricial changes, narrowing of the pyloroduodenal area. Such pathological processes develop gradually, after each exacerbation of the disease. Initially, they do not have any symptoms, so patients often seek help untimely. After the narrowed pyloroduodenal zone begins to interfere with the passage of food into the intestines, patients develop characteristic symptoms: weight loss, gag reflex (stagnant food comes out), development of anemia, etc.

One of the most famous and common diseases is peptic ulcer localized in the stomach, esophagus, but more often in the duodenum, or more precisely, in its bulb. Ulcers form for various reasons that have not been fully proven. However, risk factors for the disease are known and reliable.

Duodenal ulcer: causes

Duodenal ulcer - disease inflammatory in nature, having chronic course and recurrent nature. The mucous and submucosal layer of the intestinal wall is affected with the formation of a defect - an ulcer, the bottom of which is located in the muscular layer of the intestine. The following protective factors are present within the intestine:

  • rich blood supply, providing adequate nutrition to mucosal cells and their rapid restoration in case of damage;
  • alkaline reaction of the environment, neutralizing hydrochloric acid stomach;
  • the ability to form protective mucus to destroy or become immune to bacterial agents.

Factors of aggression include:

  • acidic environment of gastric juice;
  • increased gastric motility;
  • intensive synthesis of digestive enzymes.

When the activity of protective factors weakens, and aggressive factors, on the contrary, increase, there is a high risk of ulcers. The disease can be caused not by a single cause, but by a combination of several. Here are the main ones that are possible:

  • an infectious inflammatory process caused by certain types of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria;
  • chronic stressful state, frequent nervous overstrain(due to vascular spasms, blood circulation and nutrition of the cells of the duodenal mucosa are disrupted);
  • genetic factors ( hereditary predisposition to the disease);
  • Irrational regime and diet: long periods of hunger, overload digestive system for one meal, " fast food", abuse of aggressive foods (fried, fatty, smoked, canned foods);
  • frequent alcoholism;
  • smoking abuse, especially on an empty stomach;
  • various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Rural residents are less susceptible to the disease than urban residents - in the city there is a more intense pace of life, less healthy eating. The highest incidence rate is observed in adults aged 30–45 years. Ulcers are more common in men than in women.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer

Below are the main signs of ulcers characteristic of the disease. They can help you suspect a disease and seek medical help, examination and treatment as soon as possible.

  • Pain. Localized (located) in the epigastric region (upper, “epigastric” region of the abdomen). They can radiate to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, to the lower back. They occur approximately an hour after a meal or snack, often at night or early in the morning (“hunger pain”).
  • Heartburn. Occurs in 30% of cases of the disease. It is caused by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the intestine and stomach, as well as a violation of their motility. As a result, the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus.
  • Nausea, vomiting. They don't happen that often. Vomiting may include food or stomach contents. After vomiting, relief occurs and nausea disappears.
  • Appetite disorders. More often they manifest themselves as an increase in it, but there is also an aversion to food and a fear of it associated with the occurrence of pain.
  • Stool disorders. More often there is a tendency to weaken, the stool is mushy, but sometimes there may be constipation.
  • Flatulence. Increased amount of intestinal gases, bloating due to disruption of food digestion.

Peptic ulcer of the duodenum is characterized by a cyclical course: periods of exacerbation of symptoms are replaced by periods of remission (calmness of the process). An exacerbation lasts from several days to 1.5 - 2 months. Remissions can be short or long. During the lull of the disease, patients feel absolutely healthy even without following a diet or medical recommendations. The disease worsens most often in the spring and autumn periods.

Complications of the disease

Duodenal ulcer disease is dangerous because if left untreated, life-threatening complications can occur.

Perforated ulcer - the formation of a perforation (through hole) in the wall of the duodenum. In this case, blood from damaged vessels, as well as the contents of the intestine, leak into the peritoneal cavity, as a result of which peritonitis can develop.

Perforation of the ulcer is accompanied by a characteristic sharp “dagger” pain. The intensity of the pain forces the patient to take forced supine position on your back or side with your legs brought to your stomach. At the same time, the patient’s stomach is hard – “board-shaped”, the skin is very pale, any movement causes pain. Sometimes an imaginary improvement occurs, but it can cost a person his life. In the case of a perforated ulcer, emergency surgery is necessary.

Ulcer penetration. A type of perforation of an ulcer, but not into the abdominal cavity, but into an organ located adjacent to the duodenum. Most often - in the pancreas. During penetration, pain is also characteristic, but the intensity of the pain is less, and the abdomen does not become board-shaped. Nevertheless, this state requires urgent hospitalization.

Internal bleeding. With an increase in the ulcer, everything is involved in the inflammatory process and destruction. large quantity tissues, including walls blood vessels. Therefore, bleeding can open from damaged vessels. If the blood loss is small, clinical picture will be as follows: tarry or dark pasty stools and “coffee grounds” vomit (vomit in color and consistency resembles ground coffee). With massive blood loss, symptoms of shock will be observed: pallor skin, cold sticky sweat, progressive weakness, dizziness, panic, loss of consciousness. This situation requires emergency medical attention.

Cicatricial duodenal stenosis. At frequent exacerbations and extensive ulcerative defects, healed areas of the intestine can become deformed, narrowing the intestinal lumen. This will interfere with the normal movement of food, cause vomiting and lead to distension of the stomach. As a result, the work of the whole organism is disrupted. Cicatricial stenosis requires a surgical solution to the problem.

Malignancy, or malignancy of the ulcer. Sometimes a cancerous tumor forms at the site of ulceration, requiring observation and treatment by an oncologist.


A local physician or gastroenterologist will be able to determine the presence of an ulcer using the following measures:

  • careful collection of anamnesis (complaints of the patient, symptoms of the disease);
  • palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (better known as FGS);
  • contrast radiography;
  • laboratory tests (analysis of feces for the presence of hidden blood, clinical and biochemical tests blood);
  • tests for the detection of Helicobacter pylori;
  • determination of the acidity level of gastric juice.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer

In order not to lead the disease to complications, after diagnosing a peptic ulcer, it is necessary to immediately begin thorough treatment. The exacerbation stage is treated in a hospital setting. During remission, the patient undergoes treatment at home, visiting a doctor on an outpatient basis. The treatment regimen is developed by the doctor based on integrated approach. Drug therapy from the following groups of drugs is prescribed.

  • Gastroprotectors are agents that protect the intestinal mucosa from hydrochloric acid of gastric juice; in addition, bismuth-based gastroprotectors inhibit the activity of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria (Sucralfate, De-Nol, Venter).
  • Antisecretory agents - inhibit the production of gastric secretions, reduce the aggressive effect of gastric acid. This group includes proton pump inhibitors, H2 receptor blockers, anticholinergics (Omez, Famotidine, Gastrocepin).
  • Antibacterial and antiprotozoal drugs - to inhibit the vital activity of Helicobacter Pylori (Amoxicillin, Metronidazole).
  • Prokinetic agents are drugs that improve gastrointestinal motility and relieve nausea and vomiting (Metoclopramide, Motilium).
  • Antacids - for symptomatic treatment of heartburn. They have an enveloping effect, neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach (Maalox, Phosphalugel).
  • Analgesics, antispasmodics - to relieve pain and spasms (Spazmalgon, Drotaverine).
  • Drugs that affect metabolic processes in tissues improve blood supply to the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, cell nutrition (Actovegin, Solcoseryl, B vitamins).

The course of treatment is selected based on the severity of the process, and also taking into account whether the patient has Helicobacter Pylori. After treatment, a thorough examination should be repeated. Mandatory FGS for clarity of dynamics.

Nutrition for peptic ulcers

Food should be gentle for the gastrointestinal tract. Excludes aggressive chemical, mechanical and thermal effect. Dishes are served warm (not cold or hot), and during an exacerbation - pureed and liquid. In the hospital it is prescribed special diet No. 1. Eating fractional, 5 - 6 times a day in small quantities.

Boiled dishes are allowed low-fat varieties meat and fish, meat soufflés, steamed fish balls, acid-free dairy products, vegetables and fruits without coarse fiber in mashed form, boiled porridge, white, dried or yesterday's bread, weak tea and coffee, with milk, rosehip decoction.

Strictly prohibited: spicy, salty, pickled, fried foods, canned food, smoked meats, mushrooms, strong tea and coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fatty varieties meat and fish, sour fruits, berries and juices.

With a serious approach to the question of how to treat peptic ulcer disease and how to be treated so as to feel in full health for a long time, you can achieve long-term stable remission of the disease. According to the controversial opinion of some doctors, a peptic ulcer can be cured forever only if it is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. If there is a genetic factor, you can only achieve remission, the duration of which depends on the patient’s lifestyle and his attitude towards his health.

Peptic ulcer is a disease in which defects (ulcers) form in the human stomach and (or) duodenum. Most often, men between 20 and 50 years old suffer from peptic ulcers.

The disease is characterized by a chronic course and cyclicality: the disease undermines the health of its owner for years, periods of exacerbation are replaced by deceptive calm. Most often, the ulcer makes itself felt in spring and autumn.

Duodenal ulcers are much more common than gastric ulcers.


The spiral-shaped microbe plays a leading role in the development of the disease. Helicobacter pylori, which damages the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. At the same time, this microorganism can be found in more than 80% of Russian residents, but not everyone suffers from peptic ulcer disease.

The fact is, an ulcer does not develop without a number of additional factors:

  • stress, anxiety, depression. In this case, there is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system with a predominance of tone vagus nerve. This, in turn, causes spasm of the muscles and blood vessels of the stomach. As a result, he is left without good nutrition and becomes vulnerable to the action of hydrochloric acid: the walls begin to be digested by caustic gastric juice. An ulcer forms
  • bad heredity;
  • unhealthy diet: consumption of rough and spicy food. This increases the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • alcohol abuse. Alcohol enhances the aggressive properties of gastric juice and reduces the protective properties of the mucous membrane.
  • smoking. Nicotine increases the production of hydrochloric acid, interferes with normal digestion of food, damages the stomach wall, and also disrupts the production of protective factors for the gastric mucosa in the pancreas.;
  • uncontrolled use of certain medications (reserpine, corticosteroid hormones, aspirin).

What's happening?

The microbe Helicobacter pylori is transmitted from person to person through close, prolonged contact, for example, through kissing, through shared dishes and towels, as well as through poor hygiene in toilets.

Caught in Helicobacter stomach, begins to actively multiply and conduct subversive activities. It produces special enzymes (urease, proteases) that damage the protective layer of the mucous (inner) lining of the stomach and duodenum, disrupts cell function, mucus production and metabolic processes and causes the formation of ulcers.

How does it manifest?

First of all, a person is signaled by pain in the upper half of the abdomen about the occurrence and development of a peptic ulcer. Night and “hunger” pains are disturbing, in which a person needs to eat something in order to “extinguish” the pain.

Pain in peptic ulcer disease has a clear rhythm (time of occurrence and connection with food intake), periodicity (alternation of pain with periods of its absence) and seasonality of exacerbations (spring and autumn). It is typical that pain during peptic ulcer disease decreases or disappears after eating and antacids (Almagel, Maalox).

One of the common symptoms of peptic ulcers is heartburn, which usually occurs 2-3 hours after eating. Nausea, vomiting, “sour” belching, constipation - these nonspecific symptoms may also indicate an ulcer. Appetite in case of peptic ulcer is usually preserved or even increased, the so-called “painful feeling of hunger.”

Keep in mind that in some cases the ulcer may be asymptomatic!

If the disease is not treated, the ulcer spreads deep into the stomach wall. This process can result in life-threatening complications: perforation, in which a through hole is formed in the wall of the stomach or intestine, or bleeding.

Signs of a sucking in the pit of the stomach in the morning, nausea, and a feeling of hunger can be a signal of an impending disaster called an “ulcer.” No need to wait for the steadfast pain syndrome and serious complications, and it is better to immediately visit a therapist at the slightest suspicion of pathology. Let's look at what a duodenal ulcer is, its symptoms and treatment, diet, complications and consequences.

What is the duodenum

Duodenum (duodenum) is a section of the digestive canal located immediately behind the stomach. Its length is equal to the width of 12 fingers, which is 25-30 cm. It is shaped like a loop with a bend around the head of the pancreas. The wall consists of the same layers as the entire digestive canal:

  1. External (from connective tissue) – carries out protective functions.
  2. Muscular – provides contractile activity, contains nerve nodes.
  3. Submucosal (with many blood vessels and lymphatic vessels) – forms crescent-shaped and spiral folds. They do not smooth out even when the intestines are full of food gruel.
  4. Mucous (with short and wide villi).

WPC - part small intestine, performing the series essential functions:

  • The breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into molecules that can be absorbed into the blood.
  • A shift in the pH of food coming from the stomach towards an acidic reaction.
  • Regulation of the process of secretion of pancreatic juice and bile, depending on those contained in chyme nutrients.
  • Gatekeeper's job.

What causes ulcers?

Duodenal ulcer (ICD code 10 K26) occurs when the balance between the aggressive factors of the digestive canal and its protective capabilities is disturbed:

The disease begins with inflammation of the mucous membrane WPC, and ends with the formation on it serious defects with a bottom in the muscle layer. They appear, as a rule, in the initial section of the duodenum, where acidic gastric juice is most often thrown.

The disease occurs in 10% of the population. These are mostly young and middle-aged men. They are not drafted into the army. In women, pathology is less common due to estrogens, which provide a trophic effect on tissues, improve their blood supply and nutrition, and increase vitality. There are frequent cases of complete recovery of women with ulcers during pregnancy.

Among the causes of the disease, not the last place is occupied by a spiral - a common inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract. It coexists with the host for a long time, but under certain conditions it sharply increases the size of the colony and damages the cells that produce mucus.

Early theories of ulcer development include the idea of ​​an imbalance between protective properties mucous membrane and the destructive effects of enzymes and hydrochloric acid, which are observed with pyloric dysfunction. Today no one denies that there are more ulcers among people with blood group I.

In Soviet times, the prevailing opinion was that defects in the duodenum are more often formed in people exposed to chronic stress and overwork (this stimulates the release of gastrin as a mediator of inflammation). The hormone is released in larger volume if a person stays in the sun for a long time. Gastroenterologists are confident that the ulcer is psychosomatic illness. Usually it affects people with constant mood swings, excessive suspiciousness, excitability, and anxiety. An important circumstance is the weakening of the immune system.

Provocateurs of ulceration include corticosteroids and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibiotics. The mucous membrane suffers from negative impact nicotine and alcohol. Ethanol causes direct harm to her.

A repetition of the “family scenario” threatens those who have ulcers in their family. The reason is hereditary factors, namely in the psychological status, as well as in the number of cells that produce hydrochloric acid. In combination with poor nutrition, disorderly lifestyle, the probability of defects on the walls of the duodenum reaches 100%.

Ulcer symptoms, how it hurts

The pathology is characterized by a chronic relapsing course. Periods of exacerbations are followed by remissions. Scars form in place of the damaged mucosa. A large number of them deform and narrow the lumen of the duodenum. Signs of an ulcer become more pronounced during exacerbation, including:

  • Pain above the navel radiating to the heart and scapula. Occurs in dark time days, 2-3 hours after eating. It increases with the abuse of alcohol, non-compliance with the diet, taking a number of medications.
  • Mild belching and heartburn.
  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Disorders of the stool with prolonged constipation, feces with mucus or blood impurities.
  • Irritability, problems sleeping.
  • Losing weight even with a good appetite.

The disease worsens in the off-season. The most difficult, according to doctors, is a “silent” ulcer that occurs without pain. Occurs in 15% of cases. It makes itself felt only during exacerbation in the form of perforation or bleeding.

Accurate diagnosis

To identify a peptic ulcer, the doctor needs to find out:

  • How often do you worry about discomfort in the epigastric area, what is it associated with?
  • Have any blood relatives suffered from gastrointestinal problems?

The patient is asked to undergo tests:

  • Urine, blood, feces.
  • To determine the pH level of gastric juice.

Among instrumental methods diagnostics:

  • and determining the condition of the mucous layer with a biopsy for histological examination nature of defects. The doctor can visually assess the characteristics of the ulcerations. At the same time, it is possible to remove existing polyps.
  • to examine the outlines of the duodenum, its deformations, areas of narrowing, and neoplasms. An outdated method, which is used if the medical institution does not have the appropriate equipment or the patient has suffered a stroke or suffers from angina pectoris or recurrent attacks bronchial asthma, severe arrhythmias.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is less informative methods diagnostics of the disease in question, but also clarifies the overall picture.

Treatment of duodenal ulcers

The disease is successfully cured using one of the specially developed regimens, including drips, injections, and tablets. Along with conservative therapy, the following are useful:

  • Health-improving gymnastics that eliminates congestion in the digestive canal.
  • Spa treatment.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Compliance with a special diet.

Taken together, these measures help get rid of Helicobacter pylori and bulbitis, do not allow development negative consequences. In case of complications, the patient is hospitalized in order to observe and take timely measures in each case.


At the core conservative therapy proton pump inhibitors to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid:

  • Omez.
  • Losek.
  • Gastrozol.
  • Paries.

Gastrocepin and other drugs that block M-cholinergic receptors help reduce the synthesis of pepsin and chloride acid and resist pain. Taking them often leads to dry mouth and increased heart rate.

H2-histamine blockers are no longer used in treatment practice, since when they are discontinued, the signs of pathology quickly return.

To protect the bottom of the ulcer, Sucralfate is used, De-nol helps to create a film on intestinal defects. Prostaglandins are used to stimulate recovery processes and mucus formation.

Symptomatic treatment Duodenal ulcers are treated using certain groups of medications:

  • Antispasmodics.
  • Drugs that improve nutrition of the mucous membrane.
  • Antidepressants to calm the central nervous system.
  • Cerucal, Metoclopramide and other prokinetics to normalize intestinal motility.

Antacids in liquid form: Almagel, Maalox, in tablet form (Becarbon, Bellalgin) help eliminate heartburn, neutralize hydrochloric acid, and have an adsorbing astringent effect. The action time is from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the alkalizing properties of the medication. Dosage regimen: several times during the day with an additional portion at night.

If Helicobacter is present, use antibacterial drugs:

  • Clarithromycin.
  • Amoxicillin.
  • Metronidazole.

If the microbes survive, therapy is carried out according to a different scheme. The process is controlled by a doctor. Self-medication can result in complications.

For duration therapeutic measures affects general state patient, as well as the size of the ulcerations. They usually last from 2 to 6 weeks. In case of exacerbation it is indicated bed rest and peace.

Baking soda, which has always been the No. 1 remedy for high acidity of gastric juice, really instantly neutralizes the cause of low pH. But it leads to the release of large volumes carbon dioxide, which only enhances the secretory capabilities of the duodenum. Therefore, when frequent use she brings more harm than good.

Folk remedies

Among the most effective formulations:

  • Freshly squeezed potato juice (can be combined with cabbage). It’s easy to prepare: chop healthy tubers and squeeze out the liquid part from them. From 1 to 3 days – drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. From 4 to 6 - 2 tbsp. l. WITH gradual increase up to 125 ml at a time. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. Take while on a diet. Repeat if necessary.
  • No less useful natural honey . Ayurveda uses it to transport a number of medicines that provide healing. It can be eaten in pure form or taken in combination with olive oil(1:1) 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. mixtures. The course lasting 2 weeks is repeated if necessary after 10 days.
  • Decoction of 10 g plantain seeds and 100 ml of boiling water. Let cool, drink 3 times 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals.
  • A mixture of a kilogram of melted butter and 150 g of crushed propolis. For complete dissolution, keep in a water bath and store in the cold. Take 1 tsp. 3 times an hour before meals. The course of treatment is a month. After 3 weeks you can repeat.
  • Powerful wound healing antimicrobial St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drink 1 tsp of its decoction. on an empty stomach.
  • To reduce the duration of scarring of ulcerations To relieve pain and discomfort in the abdominal area, you can also use yarrow and calendula.

All folk remedies can be taken only after a doctor's permission.


Surgery indicated in the following conditions:

  • The presence of polyposis, which increases the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Bleeding.
  • Degeneration of an ulcer into a cancerous tumor.
  • Ineffectiveness of drug therapy.

Local excision of the ulceration or resection of the duodenum is performed.


A gentle diet for ulcers should become part of the patient’s life. It can be zigzag, that is, during an exacerbation, it is as dietary as possible, and during periods of calm (within reasonable limits) even some harmful products. Remissions will be longer if:

  • Take food at least 5 times a day in small portions.
  • Avoid cold and too hot foods; the optimal temperature for ulcers is 25-30 °C.
  • Minimum salt.
  • In case of exacerbation, only pureed food.
  • Soft ripe fruits and vegetables.
  • Dilute concentrated juices with water.

Permitted and prohibited products

The list of dangerous foods includes those foods that provoke an increase in the acidity of gastric juice:

  • Baking and Rye bread.
  • Rich broths.
  • Fried foods.
  • Canned food.
  • Smoked meats.
  • Citrus.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Alcohol, fortified and dry wines.
  • Sparkling water.

The diet should include more soups with milk and vegetable broths, cereals, boiled meat and low-fat fish.

Foods rich in fiber irritate the walls of the duodenum. Therefore, it is worth excluding or limiting the consumption of corn, peas, radishes, white cabbage.

Exacerbation of ulcer

If a person violates the medical and protective regime, does not follow a diet, abuses alcohol, or is exposed to constant stress, then chronic illness, which is characterized by a wave-like flow, inevitably worsens. In spring and autumn, the body's resistance decreases, so the manifestation of ulcers becomes brighter. Saves intensive therapy, carried out in the department of surgery or gastroenterology for a period of 2 to 8 weeks.

Complications and consequences

At timely treatment duodenal ulcers, it is possible to relieve pain, achieve healing of the mucous membrane, and long periods of satisfactory well-being. Without adequate medical care, quite severe conditions:

  • Narrowing (stenosis) of the duodenal lumen as a result of scarring. In this case, food stagnation occurs, as well as repeated vomiting.
  • Internal bleeding, which can be identified by dark, tarry stool, loss of consciousness.
  • Development cancerous tumor at the site of mucosal defects.

Particularly dangerous is intestinal perforation, which looks like a sudden rupture of its membranes with characteristic features:

  • "Board belly."
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Thirst.
  • Dagger pain.

After some time, the discomfort partially disappears. The imaginary improvement lasts no more than 24 hours, then peritonitis develops with chills, fever up to 38-39 °C, and confusion. In this condition, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital.