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Balanced nutrition: golden rules, menus, reviews. A complete balanced diet is simple and accessible to everyone

What a person consumes on a daily basis undoubtedly affects his health and appearance. Moreover, this factor can affect both positively and negatively. There are certain principles of a balanced diet, following which you can maintain youth, improve your health and significantly improve your appearance.

Principles of a balanced diet

There are several foundations on which to build balanced diet:

  • Regular supply into the body in the optimal amount of substances necessary for it. We are talking about proteins, carbohydrates and fats. If each of the listed components is supplied in greater or lesser quantities, then violations will occur.
  • It is recommended to eat food exclusively at the same time, it is recommended to allocate certain period for tomorrow, lunch and dinner.
  • During meals you only need to think about food and the composition of the products from which the dish is made. You should not watch TV, talk or read books while eating. Nutritionists say that this way you can eat several times more.
  • It is recommended to eat small portions. It is believed that the stomach needs an amount of food equal to the size of a person’s palm.
  • Of course, when we're talking about about rational nutrition, one cannot ignore such a factor as liquid. It should be consumed in an amount of at least two liters a day. For fat people this rate should be higher.
  • Balanced diet must be written correctly. Only then can we wait positive result. The diet of women can differ markedly from the diet of men.

Features of a balanced diet for women

A real woman for whom great importance has her appearance, she can only allow herself to relax on holidays. In another article we tell you how to calculate.

On weekdays, her meals must be balanced; it must be prepared according to special rules:

In a similar article you will find.

Features of a balanced diet for men

For a full-fledged existence, men need more calories than women, especially those who engage in heavy physical activity. Quantity daily allowance can be up to 2–2.5 thousand calories per day. However, you should not exceed this figure either, otherwise you may experience excess weight.

There are features proper nutrition for men:

Balanced diet menu for a week for weight loss

The first thing a person who plans to eat rationally needs to do is decide on the caloric intake.

If a man is losing weight, then it is enough for him to consume up to 1800 calories per day. The athlete is allowed to increase this norm to 2300.

There are several rules on how to eat right in order to lose excess weight:

  • Water must be consumed wisely. The first glass of clean liquid should be drunk immediately after waking up; it will start the body working. You should also drink it 15 minutes before each meal. It will fill the stomach and the person will eat less. It is not recommended to drink water afterwards, so as not to stretch it.
  • Do not drink tea with sweets and pastries, it is better to replace them with dried fruits.

    Famous low-calorie weight loss bars also contain unwanted sugar.

  • It is not recommended to eat the whole egg, it is better to eat only protein, it is less calorie and full of nutrients.
  • If you still want to eat something tasty, but forbidden, it is better to do it in the first half of the day and in a minimum quantity.
  • Each product can be consumed strictly at a certain time. From these you can create a complete daily diet for every day.

Menu for every day

Breakfast options for seven days:

  1. Milk porridge, preferably oatmeal. People who are losing weight are not recommended to eat rice and semolina porridge, they contain a large amount of carbohydrates;
  2. Muesli with the addition of natural yoghurt or milk;
  3. Cottage cheese;
  4. Buckwheat porridge with milk diluted with water;
  5. Oatmeal in water with the addition of fruits, nuts or honey;
  6. Omelette;
  7. Fruit salad.

As for drinks, in the first half of the day you can drink jelly, compote or herbal tea.

Lunch options:

  1. Vegetable soup with added lean meat;
  2. Boiled fish and green salad;
  3. Vegetable soup with added spinach;
  4. Boiled chicken with rice or buckwheat;
  5. The vinaigrette;
  6. Lenten borscht without meat;
  7. Cheesecakes + fruit salad.

You can combine the first and second courses in this meal at the same time, but overall size two servings should not exceed 400 grams. It is advisable to choose a vitamin drink, for example, freshly squeezed juice or cocoa.

Dinner options:

  1. Boiled or baked meat;
  2. Seafood;
  3. Boiled or baked fish;
  4. Seafood;
  5. Rice and beans;
  6. Steamed vegetables;
  7. Pearl barley porridge on water.

Best drink for dinner green tea. You can add snacks throughout the day, up to two. They can be used nuts, fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir. It is recommended to complete the daily diet with the last dairy product.

Balanced meal menu for a week to maintain weight

Maintaining weight is several times easier than losing it.

Women can consume 1.4–1.6 thousand calories per day. If she plays sports, then this figure can be increased to 1.8-2 thousand.

Men can consume 2.3-2.5 thousand calories per day. Athletes can increase the daily diet to 3 thousand.

People who maintain weight can eat any sweets, pastries and bakery products. It is recommended to do this in the morning. After lunch, it is recommended to consume protein and fiber. However, it is still recommended to eat right so that the body functions fully and does not gain weight. By the way, cellulite comes from harmful products may appear even without weight gain.

People who want to keep in shape are allowed wide list products, as opposed to those who need to reset overweight. From these you can create a food menu for the week.

Menu for every day

Breakfast options for 7 days:

Lunch options:

  1. Rice with meat or pilaf, vegetable salad, compote;
  2. Vegetable soup on meat broth, sweet tea;
  3. Durum pasta with pasta or vegetables, jelly;
  4. Pearl barley porridge with meat, any one fruit or a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  5. Vegetable stew, herbal tea;
  6. Potatoes with vegetable salad, low-fat yogurt;
  7. Cereals (buckwheat or rice), fish baked with vegetables, sweet tea.

Dinner options:

  1. The vinaigrette;
  2. Fish with vegetable salad;
  3. Cheese casserole;
  4. Boiled chicken with side dish;
  5. Carrot casserole;
  6. Grainy cottage cheese with fresh vegetables;
  7. Beans with fish or chicken.

Can be used as a snack fresh vegetables, fruits, yogurts or nuts.


Vitamin omelet

The dish is cooked in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Two whole eggs should be thoroughly beaten with two separated whites. It is recommended to pour the whipped mixture into a pan, add greens. The dish must be cooked over low heat. Cooking time 10–15 minutes;

Breaded cauliflower

We recommend dividing the cauliflower into small florets and rinsing thoroughly. Each piece must be dipped first in cream, then egg white and lastly into the semolina. Breaded cabbage is baked in the oven. Depending on its power, the cooking time can range from 30 to 50 minutes;

Vegetable stew

Vegetables should be cut into cubes: eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini. Pour the resulting mixture into a frying pan and add a small amount of water to it. It is recommended to simmer vegetables for one hour.


Proper and rational nutrition is 70% of success in losing and maintaining weight. Sports activities and cosmetic procedures will help to consolidate the result.

A balanced diet is a daily diet that fully meets the body’s daily energy needs, as well as maintaining an optimal balance of vitamins and microelements. A balanced diet ensures normal development, growth and vital functions of the body, and also contributes to the prevention of diseases and general strengthening health.

Balanced diet: basic principles of healthy eating

A balanced diet is often understood as a diet that excludes harmful foods. This opinion is partly wrong. After all, excluding harmful foods from the diet does not ensure its completeness. The basic principle of a balanced diet is to maintain optimal levels of vitamins and microelements, many of which are not synthesized in the body, and the food consumed is the main source of their supply.

A balanced diet is also often compared to diets. However, not every balanced diet contributes to weight loss.

The main principles of a balanced diet are:

  • Energy adequacy - each person's need for energy is different. To a healthy body You need between 1,300 and 2,000 calories per day for your body to function properly. Exceeding the threshold of 2000 calories daily, the body begins to accumulate excess weight, while a lack of calories will transfer the body to rely on its own fat reserves, which will lead to weight loss;
  • The correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is determined by the formula 1:1:4;
  • Optimal balance of vitamins and microelements. It should also be taken into account that both a deficiency of vitamins (hypovitaminosis) and their excess are harmful ( excess accumulation, hypervitaminosis);
  • Correct division of the daily caloric intake into meals, of which 25% of calories come from breakfast, 50% from lunch, and 25% from dinner.

To comply with these principles, it is enough to know:

  • Calorie content of consumed foods;
  • The mass of products for each meal;
  • The content of vitamins and microelements in consumed products.

A balanced diet must correspond to a person’s health, condition, gender, age, and lifestyle.

Balanced diet for weight loss: dietary guidelines

Losing weight through a balanced diet is a longer process, but less harmful and more effective for the body. Unlike diets in the traditional sense, a balanced diet does not provide for significant restrictions. On the contrary, adhering balanced diet, man gets everything essential vitamins and microelements. A balanced diet for weight loss involves reducing the calorie intake. Yes, to maintain normal condition the body needs about 1500 calories, while for weight loss the upper limit of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1300.

A diet that excludes certain foods from the diet can cause significant harm to the body, leading to failure of some of its systems and vitamin deficiency, while a low-calorie balanced diet activates the body’s metabolism, burning internal fat reserves.

A balanced diet for weight loss, unlike a diet, does not exclude consumption flour products and cereals (source of carbohydrates and fiber), dairy products (source of protein, calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin), protein products (source of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12), vegetables and legumes (source of plant fiber, folic acid, vitamins A and C), fruits (a source of fiber and vitamin C).

However, a balanced diet, just like a diet, provides for some restrictions in the amount of foods consumed, the way they are eaten heat treatment. So, in order to get the maximum useful substances Of the vegetables and fruits consumed, they are recommended to be consumed raw, boiled or steamed. Any types of meat are also recommended to be consumed boiled or baked in the oven without fat.

Proper nutrition for weight loss also requires a review of fluid intake. For healthy functioning, the body needs 1.5 liters of water per day. It is also recommended to exclude fruit juices packaged, sweet, carbonated drinks.

When maintaining a balanced diet for weight loss, you must be extremely careful when drinking alcohol, as alcohol awakens a strong appetite.

It should also be remembered that after desired results, the caloric intake of the diet must be increased gradually, which will help avoid weight gain in the future.

Balanced diet: menu and its variations

To get everyone necessary for the body vitamins and microelements, the most complete coverage of products from each group is necessary (flour products and cereals, dairy products, protein products, vegetables and legumes, fruits), which determines the fragmentation and frequency of meals.

A balanced diet, the menu of which contains sufficient energy and vitamin potential, offers a weekly cycle that covers everything necessary groups products, contains all the necessary vitamins and elements, but does not exceed the energy value.

Among flour products and cereals, it is necessary to give preference to whole grain varieties of bread, pasta durum wheat, brown brown rice. Among dairy products, preference should be given to low-fat or low-fat products. From meat products greater preference should be given to red lean meat, white poultry meat, low-fat varieties fish. Vegetables and legumes should make up to 50% of the diet. Preference must be given fresh products, avoid canned and frozen foods. Fruits can be consumed in unlimited quantities and follow the same principle: give preference to fresh, seasonal fruits. Avoid canned, frozen fruits. Dried fruits are also not a complete alternative to fresh fruits.

Balanced diet for the week

A balanced diet for a week is a complete diet. Offered balanced meals, the menu of which covers everything necessary elements, is of a recommendatory nature:

  • Cereals, bread - up to 6 servings of food per week. Moreover, giving preference to ready-made breakfast cereals, the number of servings should be reduced to 3 per week;
  • 6 servings of low-fat dairy products or 3 servings of low-fat dairy products;
  • 3 servings of red lean meat and 2 servings of fish or white meat;
  • Up to 5 servings of vegetables and legumes per day;
  • Fruits in unlimited quantities, however, at least 2 servings per day.

Maintaining such a balanced diet for a week will significantly improve your well-being, activate your metabolism, and relieve the feeling of heaviness in your stomach. A balanced diet is the basis for healthy functioning of the body and the prevention of common diseases.

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet brings great benefits to the human body. With a properly designed and rational menu combustion can be achieved extra pounds and normalization of metabolism. In addition, a healthy, balanced diet provides the body with vitamins and minerals. If you have set a goal to maintain your weight at the same level, then follow several principles that will help your body stay in good shape. The main principles are to create a clear diet and think through a schedule for eating food high in energy and nutrients.

The energy value of food is healthy calories which include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. After their absorption, the body is endowed with the energy necessary for normal functioning. A rational, balanced diet is responsible for improving your condition, helping you lose weight or maintaining your optimal weight.

Thus, a balanced diet is characterized by the creation of a competent schedule for food intake with the presence of exclusively nutrients for the body.

A balanced diet is selected for each person in individually in such a way that it ensures regulation of food in qualitative and quantitative terms. In this case, it is necessary to take into account gender, age and characteristics of the profession. This or that product has a different ratio of vitamins and amino acids, so their effect on the body manifests itself in different ways.

How to balance nutrition?

Three rules must be taken into account:

    Take care of the variety of products, because in order to maintain health on high level a person can not do without trace elements. Thus, food should be varied. This is the main difference between a balanced diet and diets aimed at eliminating most foods.

    Achieve nutrient balance. You can forget about the health of the body in the absence of the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The recommended ratio B/W/U is 15%/30%/55%.

    Don't forget about energy balancing. Food is converted into energy. If its amount becomes too large, the body has to store food in the form of fat. Lack of nutrition will start the process of extracting stored energy from the body. When endowing the body physical activity more food will be needed to balance the energy.

Balanced diet: health. In order not to spend a lot of time creating a menu and selecting the right ingredients, order a ready-made diet from Denis Gusev’s company Level Kitchen, which will help you maintain a comfortable weight. The program consists of dishes with an equal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates and optimal quantity fat It helps to stay at a comfortable weight, improve health and well-being, normalize metabolism and provide the body with useful substances.

What foods contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

Nutrition must be balanced, therefore daily consumption proteins, fats and carbohydrates plays important role. If all these components are regularly provided to the body, then an increase in general condition health and individual organs, as well as changes in better side will affect appearance and psycho-emotional state.

    Proteins are considered the main building material for the body and a component of the body's biological reactions. They are divided into plant and animal. Animal proteins - meat, fish, seafood, poultry and dairy products. Squirrels plant origin represented by legumes and nuts. A balanced diet involves consuming all types of proteins.

    From fats the body receives vitamins and fatty acid, which are a kind of lubricant for the entire musculoskeletal system. Do not exclude peanuts and olive oil, avocado, nuts (peanuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds) sea ​​fish, olives and poultry.

    Carbohydrates are called the body's fuel, renewing everything. important functions. High carbohydrate foods include whole grain pasta, Rye bread, porridge (buckwheat and oatmeal), rice, fruits and vegetables. There are slow and fast carbohydrates, between which there is a difference. To eat properly, you need to eat slow carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates are refined foods and foods containing sugar, which are best avoided.

What rules should you follow?

A balanced diet requires compliance with the following rules:

    Consume as many calories as your body can burn in a day.

    Diversify your diet so that your body gets different types of nutrients.

    Try not to consume sugar. This limitation will help you achieve your goal faster. Replace sweets with fruits that have a beneficial effect on well-being, appearance and health.

    fight with overweight It’s hard to imagine without drinking water, which is effective means burning fat. Water has a direct effect on metabolism: if not large quantities Drinking liquid slows down metabolic processes in the body, which leads to longer burning of calories.

    Fiber, which is indigestible dietary fiber, has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract, cleaning it. Cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables and berries are famous for containing a large amount of such fibers.

    It is recommended to limit the consumption of fat, which is so important for the body, as much as possible. Eating large amounts of fat every day leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease. Fried foods should be replaced by baked or boiled foods in a balanced diet.

    Excessive use salt causes hypertension due to great content sodium Try to reduce your salt intake or replace it with iodized salt.

    Avoid using alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is high in calories and stimulates the appetite. This may negatively affect your diet.

Eat a lot, a variety and don’t be afraid of the inedible. The importance of nutrition is great, and to organize healthy diet, allowing you to support normal weight And good health, a few simple rules will help.

Rule 1. Eat as much as you need

And we're not talking about hunger. Daily ration a person must be supported as many calories as he can burn this day. Otherwise, you will either start to lose weight or gain weight. And, most likely, gain weight, because modern man He moves very little and doesn’t forget to eat.

The energy value of foods and energy consumption are measured in calories. You will spend from 1200 kilocalories per day, which includes basic expenses for maintaining work and body temperature, as well as minimal physical activity. The more you move, the more calories you can afford.

The databases on our website will help you comply with this rule: the most accurate table of calorie content of foods, which was prepared with the support of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and a table of calorie consumption when various types activities: from washing dishes to skiing.

Rule 2. Eat well

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day should be approximately equal to 1:1:4 . You can remember the correct proportions using a simple mnemonic: imagine a plate divided into three equal parts. Two of them are occupied by carbohydrates, and the third is equally divided by proteins and fats.

Rule 3. Diversify your diet

The same foods on the table are boring and fraught with a lack of important nutritional components. Get the necessary set of vitamins, microelements and minerals Can only from long list products, most of which are quite affordable: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, nuts, dairy products, legumes, bread, durum wheat pasta, berries and herbs.

Do you dream of losing weight deliciously and with pleasure! And the main thing is to get a long-term and healthy result? It is possible if you follow a balanced diet for weight loss. I will help you create a menu for the week... A super cheat sheet for losing weight is in this article!

Hello, my dear readers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. Why now, in our well-fed age, when almost everyone can eat nutritiously, do many still prefer to starve for the sake of being slim?

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter: Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • We reveal five reasons for all chronic disorders in organism.
  • How to remove disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract?
  • How to get rid of cholelithiasis and is it possible to do without surgery?
  • Why do people have a strong craving for sweets?
  • Low-fat diets are a shortcut to intensive care.
  • Impotence and prostatitis: breaking stereotypes and eliminating the problem
  • Where to start restoring your health today?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

Bottom line

The menu is quite simple to create. You just rarely have time for this, right?

It will be easier if you always have a list of prohibited foods and healthy ones that you can combine as you please.

What products do we focus on:

  • Fat burners: hot spices, citrus fruits, pineapple;
    • Salt. If possible, it is better not to add salt at all. If you can’t do without salt, then you need to limit it to 1 tsp. in a day.
    • Fast food;
    • Fatty, fried, smoked, salty;
    • Canned food;
    • Sweets;
    • Bakery;
    • Soda, packaged juices, sweet teas;
    • Rich broths.

    A balanced and varied diet is, of course, good. 70% success in any business. But don't forget about sports, good sleep and positive emotions - you can’t disperse without them. Which means you won’t lose weight.

    Leave questions in the comments, share your experiences and favorite healthy food recipes.

    See you soon!