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What helps black radish juice. Bronchitis, colds, runny nose and sinusitis. You are one of those millions of women who are struggling with being overweight.

Black radish, today, is a vegetable that is extremely underestimated and long forgotten by many, but you should ask what benefits it brings, and you will immediately want to include it in your diet more often. What are the properties and contraindications of radish - today's material.

It so happened that black rare has always been a frequent guest on our table, especially in winter. In our family, this is a favorite vegetable, which is usually appropriate for meat, as it facilitates digestion, and the taste is a little sharp, like horseradish.

Of course, much of our traditional medicine exaggerated, but the black radish is exceptional in its value, a product. Why so, read on.

Useful properties of black radish

Black radish has been cultivated since Ancient Greece where it was used both as food and as medicine. Unfortunately, over time, this vegetable has lost its popularity, however beneficial features And the nutritional value don't share it anywhere.

Fortunately, today we have black radish a very affordable product that everyone can buy. That is why it is worth remembering why radish is so useful and why it is worth using it more often.

Compound. Radish is primarily distinguished by its composition, which is incredibly rich essential minerals, such as iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, shit is not devoid of essential vitamins - it good source vitamins of groups B, A, C and E.

  • Removes swelling;
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • Removes waste and toxins from the body;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Possesses diuretic and choleretic actions;
  • It has a positive effect on the reproductive systems of women and men.

My grandmother used black radish to treat sore joints. She rubbed the radish, put it in gauze, and applied it to the sore spot for several hours.

How to drink black radish juice

For the treatment and prevention of many diseases, not so much the radish itself is used, but its juice. At home, in the absence of a good juicer, the root crop is simply passed through a grater, left for a while to release the juice, and squeezed with gauze.

The juice from the radish is obtained in another way: the radish is cut in half, the core is cut out and a little honey is added there. After a while, the juice is released and mixed with honey.

Black radish juice with honey is good for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, with tonsillitis, bronchitis and cough. Add 1 tablespoon of honey per 100 ml of juice, drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals.

Pure radish juice or mixed with honey is also used to treat sore joints - they simply rub them in the right places.

Black radish - contraindications and harm

This root crop is one of the most useful of those that I have ever studied, but it still has a lot of contraindications. Of course, firstly, the sharp and burning taste of black radish already suggests that it is unsuitable for consumption by those who suffer from stomach diseases. With gastritis and ulcers, black radish is absolutely contraindicated.

In addition, radish is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperacidity stomach.

It is important to be informed about the benefits and harms of black radish, as well as about other food products, in order not to harm your health and at the same time eat as properly and varied as possible.

With this article I want to draw attention to simple and available products, which are very useful, but unfairly forgotten by many. Remember that best food, is the one that is grown within 300 km of where you live.


Black radish is not only delicious, but also very healthy vegetable, which has a lot of powerful medicinal properties. Hippocrates once spoke about the usefulness of black radish - in the days of Ancient Greece, this vegetable was used with great pleasure.

This root crop contains carbohydrates, a lot of protein, minerals, essential oils. The root crop contains a lot of different vitamins - PP, A, B1, B5, B9, E and C, as well as organic acids, which are so necessary for a person to normalize many processes in the body.

100 g of the product contains:

  • proteins - 2 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.7 g;
  • fiber - 2.1 g.

The calorie content of radish is only 36 kcal, which suggests that this root crop can and should be eaten by everyone who is overweight or on a diet.

The inclusion of black radish in your diet will not only be useful, but can also help with many ailments. It is worth considering each case separately.

Digestive system. Due high level fiber content in the composition, this root vegetable is great for cleansing digestive system- this root crop relieves the body of harmful substances.

This is necessary for normal operation intestines, because taking a root crop can significantly reduce the risk of congestion in the body.

Thanks to the regular inclusion of black radish in the diet, blood circulation in the walls can be increased. gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the constituents of the root crop useful trace elements help in the elimination of dysbacteriosis. Doctors advise people to use this vegetable if they suffer from cholelithiasis, since the properties of black radish are such that taking the root vegetable stimulates the excretion of bile.

Treatment of various diseases. Thanks to the phytoncides contained in the composition, the radish not only has a bitter taste, but also acquires bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Having caught a runny nose in the spring, try to include this root vegetable in your diet. Also allows you to eliminate urinary retention, relieves pain during menstruation. The healing properties of black radish are also noticed in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and bladder, kidney.

Cough and bronchitis. The benefits of black radish are also observed in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This root crop contributes to normal expectoration. If you are coughing a lot, it is best to drink radish juice, taking a spoonful of it several times a day before meals.

Treatment of black radish for vascular and heart diseases. The juice of this root also has a beneficial effect on the body in atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, and lowers cholesterol levels.

Prevention of the appearance of tumors. Doctors often advise including radish in the diet for those who are predisposed to the appearance of prostate adenoma. Also, radish has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of mastopathy, tumors of the uterus.

So, black radish can cause harm in case of stomach ulcers, during an exacerbation of gastritis. Essential oils can exacerbate liver and kidney disease. People suffering from gout should also not include this root vegetable in their diet. The harm of a vegetable lies in the fact that this one irritates the gastric mucosa, leading to belching. In addition, you should not use this root crop for people who have undergonemyocardial infarction or haveother chronic heart diseases. And for those who are inclined to allergic reactions, it is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no allergy to this vegetable.

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine. The healing properties of this wonderful root vegetable were well known to the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates also appreciated them. He treated with her help dropsy, many diseases of the lungs. The ancient Greeks used the radish to combat different types cough, normalized digestion and even treated eye diseases. Interesting fact: black radish and garlic were part of the daily diet of the Egyptians, who were involved in the construction of the pyramids, to prevent various diseases.

Black radish is a close relative of cabbage. Do not be surprised, it belongs to the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). This amazing root crop is not included in the register of medicinal raw materials, but at the same time even official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of radish and recommends including the vegetable in the diet, and using it along with traditional therapeutic agents in the treatment of many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The miracle root crop is still widely used today in the treatment of many ailments. Black which today is well studied, a native of Asia. This is a biennial plant up to 80 cm high. Today, annual varieties have also been bred. IN medicinal purposes it is better to use medium-sized fruits. They contain the most large quantity minerals and vitamins.

Biochemical composition

Radish is rich in trace elements and vitamins. It contains carbohydrates and proteins, essential oils And minerals, glucosides. In addition, the root crop is rich in sodium and potassium, phosphorus and iodine, iron and magnesium, calcium and other useful substances. It also includes the main vitamins: B, A, C and E. One hundred grams of black radish contains only 16 calories.

Beneficial features

It should be said that the main drug based on a bitter vegetable is black radish juice. The benefits of this substance have been proven by modern scientists. In its composition, the radish is close to the known natural remedies- fresh onions, garlic, bee honey. And sometimes its bactericidal properties surpass them. This is due to the high content in the vegetable of a large number of glycosides and essential oils.

In addition, the antimicrobial substance lysozyme was found in the radish. He is capable of destroying harmful microorganisms: mycobacteria, pertussis and diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. With the help of a root crop that has a sharp and harsh taste, you can rid the body of harmful substances, viruses and bacteria. potassium, which in large numbers contained in radish, normalizes water-salt exchange freeing the body from excess fluid. The root crop is mild in its action laxative and diuretic and remedy.

Black radish juice: effects on the body

The beneficial effect of this substance is difficult to overestimate. Judge for yourself:

So, you consulted with your doctor and decided to use black radish juice for treatment. How to cook healing remedy? This can be done in two ways. Let's consider each of them.

First way

Wash the medium-sized root crops well under running water and grate them together with the peel. Fold the gauze in several layers, put the grated vegetable on it and squeeze the black radish juice. If you have been diagnosed with bronchitis or other inflammation of the respiratory tract, then do not rush to throw away the pulp left after squeezing the juice: it can be used instead of mustard plasters.

Spread the pulp (in gauze) and put it on the chest (bypassing the heart area), cover with polyethylene, and then with a towel and leave it until the skin turns slightly red. This procedure usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Before and after the compress, drink a tablespoon of juice, which can be mixed with honey (1:1). The medicine will become more pleasant to the taste and the healing properties will increase.

Second way

Sugar and honey perfectly draw out the juice of black radish. Wash the root crop, cut off its top, and then with a knife or spoon, select the central part of the pulp, making a deep hole. Pour sugar into it or pour honey. Juice begins to be produced in two to three hours. Pour it into an enameled or glass dish, and again add honey or sugar to the hole. It is advisable to drink the juice immediately. In order not to wait a long time for the next portion of juice, make several of these fruit cups at once.

Cough treatment

Black radish juice is used to treat many respiratory diseases. For cough, a mixture of juice and honey is most often used. It tastes good and is very useful medicine not only adults, but also children are happy to take it. It will help not only cure a cough, but also return a "shrunken" voice, eliminate a sore throat, as well as symptoms of bronchitis.

To obtain the drug, use the second method described above. But in this case, only natural liquid honey should be used to fill the recess in the root crop. One root crop is usually enough for several days. Then the root crop will wither, and the juice will cease to stand out. If during this time the cough has not stopped, use another fruit.

chronic cough

So the doctors call the lungs, chronic bronchitis, smoker's cough, etc. And in this case, a drug containing black radish juice will help you. The composition will help you get rid of a cough, which is not difficult to prepare. For this you will need:

  • badger (or mutton) fat;
  • bone marrow (preferably from lamb bones);

Fat, brain and honey are taken in 250 grams. 100 ml of black radish and ginger juice are added to them. Fat must be melted in a water bath, and then add the rest of the ingredients to it and put on water bath for about thirty minutes. Then the composition must be cooled at room temperature and transferred to glass jar with tight-fitting lid. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Take on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon (tablespoon). The product should be mixed in half a glass hot water or milk.

Treatment of children

It is no secret that when a child falls ill, parents try to use the most effective and safe means. If a child has a cough, it is urgent to show it to the doctor. When the diagnosis will be made, along with the traditional therapeutic treatment you will also need black radish juice. Children can take it from the age of three. Radish with honey - excellent tool for the treatment of all types of cough in children. It tastes very good, so even sick children, who are usually naughty, willingly take it.

Black radish juice is known for its powerful expectorant effect, it accelerates the process of sputum separation. Such a sweet medicine is safe for kids because it is made from natural products. The only restriction to its use may be an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. The drug is prepared in the same way as for adults.

Black radish juice: how to drink?

The use of radish juice in the treatment of other diseases

Traditional healers successfully use black radish juice to treat many diseases. We will present you only the main, most effective of them.


Wash the root crop thoroughly and, without peeling the peel, chop it on a grater or with a blender. Squeeze out the juice through two or three layers of gauze and wipe the body of a cold person with it at night. Be sure to wipe your feet. Put on pajamas and socks for the patient. Before going to bed, you should drink the remaining juice, diluted with warm boiled water(1:1). For taste, you can add a spoonful of natural honey.

Treat sore joints

Squeeze 300 g of juice from the grated root pulp, mix it with 200 g of liquid honey, add 100 g of vodka and one teaspoon of salt to this mass. At joint pain 50 g should be taken daily healing composition on an empty stomach in the morning. In addition, it is necessary to rub it into diseased joints. If after taking the remedy you feel discomfort, stop using it inside, use only externally.

Stagnation of bile

This ailment is treated in two stages, and not only juice is used, but also the cake left after its preparation. Ten kilograms of black radish should be washed and grated (with the peel) on a grater. Since the volume is significant, you can use a juicer.

In the cake remaining after squeezing the juice, add honey at the rate of 1 kg of pulp - 300 grams of honey. Put a press on this mass, and remove the container in a warm place for fermentation.

At the first stage, start taking pure radish juice in a teaspoon after each meal. Every day, increase the dose, gradually bringing it up to 100 ml. During treatment, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Carefully monitor your condition: if there are pains in the liver (tolerable), you should not interrupt the treatment, just put a warm heating pad on the liver.

When all the squeezed juice is over, proceed to the second stage. Now it is necessary to take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of fermented pulp during meals until it runs out. This course is recommended twice a year.


This is an insidious, and for a long time not making itself felt, disease. Very often official medicine suggests operational solution this problem. Folk healers claim that black radish juice works wonders for gallstone disease. It helps to clear gallbladder from the sediment of bilirubin and dissolve the formed stones. And its use in preventive purposes prevents the formation of new stones. We offer you three ways to treat this disease.

radish juice

Every day after a meal, one hundred grams of freshly squeezed radish juice should be taken. You should take 400-500 ml per day. Treatment continues for at least two weeks. This remedy can only be used if you are not bothered by pain in the liver area.

Radish and honey

To many people, radish juice in pure form not to taste. Mix it with honey. To 100 ml of juice add 80 ml of honey. The mixture is prepared immediately before taking. The course of treatment is at least thirty days.

Juice mix

To 180 ml of juice, add 50 ml of beetroot and carrot juice. They are mixed before use, and the entire volume is drunk immediately. Treatment continues for fifteen days.

With hypertension

Grind in a meat grinder and blender one medium-sized root crop of black radish, red beet and add 200 grams of cranberries. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and mix it with 200 g of high-quality cognac. Keep this product in a cool place. Take one tablespoon (tablespoon) one hour before meals.

dissolving stones

If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, try drinking fifty milliliters of radish juice after meals for two months.

Runny nose and sinusitis

Everyone knows how painful a common cold can be, not to mention this one. serious illness like sinusitis. Traditional healers recommend instilling three drops of black radish juice into each nostril.

General tonic

And this tool is suitable for everyone who feels a breakdown, fatigue, especially in spring. It can be used daily in the morning: add three quarters of a glass of chilled boiled water to a quarter glass of juice. A spoonful of natural honey will improve the taste of the product.


To cleanse the walls of blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, it is necessary to consume a spoon (table) of juice daily three times a day. In addition, include in your diet raw radish, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band watered with unrefined sunflower oil. Salt in this case is better not to use.


As you can see, black radish juice has many healing properties. This remedy also has contraindications and they cannot be ignored. These include:

  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • some kidney disease;
  • heart defects.

The use of radish juice for cholelithiasis requires caution and constant monitoring. medical workers, you should not use this remedy for the treatment of children under three years of age. All preparations based on radish juice should be completely excluded with a tendency to allergic reactions and loose stools.

Despite the fact that the radish in its pure form rarely causes allergies, treatment with its juice should begin with small doses(1 tablespoon) and, of course, only after prior consultation with your doctor.

So far, there is no official information on how black radish affects the body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother. The benefits and harms of juice in this case have not been established either, so it is better to refrain from using it.

Today we talked about the medicinal properties of black radish juice. But many doctors and traditional healers sure that in order not to bring to many serious problems with health, it is enough to eat black radish in winter and spring, preferably raw.

Many people perceive it as food for the poor.

However healing properties black radish, described in antiquity, can compete with many medicines.

Chemical composition

Useful properties and contraindications of black radish are due to the characteristics of organic compounds. The root crop cannot boast of a variety of components.

About 90% of it is water. Remaining 10%: ~7% carbs, ~2% dietary fiber slightly less protein. Contains almost no fat. Calorie content - 36 kcal / 100 g.

Vitamins, macro- and microelements black, it is also deprived. In small quantities there are:

  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • vit. B1, B2, B5, B6, niacin, vit. RR, A, E.

But the content of vitamin C, potassium and iron abound, which determines the healing properties of black radish.

Still, the vegetable contains essential oils and substances (characteristic of the Cabbage or Cruciferous family), which give it bitterness and specific smell. They are found in seeds, but after fermentation, they are also found in the root.

  1. Sulforaphane. Anticancer and antibacterial compound.
  2. Allyl mustard oil. It has a pungent odor, causes tearing and irritation of the skin, mucous membranes.
  3. Methylmercaptan (methanethiol). Gas with a very unpleasant strong smell. Has an effect on the central nervous system.
  4. Sinalbin. Glycoside. Its crystals are soluble in hot water. They give the radish a very bitter taste (the method of getting rid of bitterness by scalding is based on this).

Beneficial features

How useful is black radish for the body? Composition and low calorie can be used for weight loss. The presence of fiber in combination with vitamin C will cleanse the intestines, restore activity normal microflora. Applied in medical purposes, radish can compete with antibiotics and antiviral drugs.

Root masks and tonics even out skin tone, tighten pores, and cause an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. Reduce the amount of dandruff and secretion of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

A variety of dishes and drinks are made from this vegetable. They are especially in demand during fasting or dieting. For industrial purposes, essential oil is made from the seeds.

The healing components of the root crop help with diseases of the joints, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract. Indications for its use may be:

  1. anemia;
  2. menstrual irregularities;
  3. neuralgia;
  4. flatulence;
  5. sand in the gallbladder
  6. urolithiasis disease;
  7. atherosclerosis, etc.

With rheumatism, gout, sciatica, neuralgia, radish is used externally, making rubbing or compresses.

Contraindications for use

You can not use this vegetable when:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. inflammation of the stomach, kidneys, pancreas;
  3. increased acidity of the stomach;
  4. diffuse toxic goiter;
  5. organic lesions of the heart;
  6. heart attack;
  7. gout (by mouth).

The classic way to get rid of a cough is black radish with honey. The recipe has several options.

You can take the crushed root crop or juice from it and mix with honey. In the first case, you will have to wait some time for the juice to stand out from the pieces.

Sometimes they make a recess in the middle of the vegetable, put honey there and close it with the cut part. After 4-5 hours, the mixture will be ready.

For children, black radish can be made with sugar for coughing: small pieces are put in a container, sprinkled with sugar and put in the oven to bake for a couple of hours. The resulting liquid is drained.

Black radish juice

Freshly squeezed juice is a highly active, concentrated, potent drink. May cause allergies. Not stored.

The effect on the body of black radish juice is the same as that of the root crop itself. Its use leads to the following therapeutic effects:

  • increases and improves metabolism;
  • appetite increases, intestinal function and the release of digestive enzymes are stimulated;
  • increased lactation;
  • the hormonal background is normalized;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • increased blood circulation, sweating and urination, etc.

Black Radish Recipes

Salads, sandwiches, hot and cold soups, side dishes are made from radishes. Put as a filling for pies, dumplings; salted and marinated. It is preferable, however, to use it raw.

Not everyone likes the bitter taste of a root vegetable, so below are tips on how to remove bitterness from black radish.

  • Hold the chopped product in hot water for five minutes.
  • Soak grated or finely chopped vegetable for half an hour in milk. Squeeze.
  • Use salted water instead of milk.

Recipes for black radish dishes are not complicated. Ingredients can be: carrots, sauerkraut, onions, garlic, etc. Kvass, kefir, yogurt are taken as a liquid base. Such combinations are typical for ancient cuisine.

Now this vegetable is undeservedly given little attention. More often during fasting, with weight loss, on fasting days.

Modern recipes for the preparation of black radish have expanded. It is combined with meat, seafood, sausage and so on. But this is more likely to be attributed to culinary fantasy than to healthy or therapeutic nutrition.

The benefits and harms of black radish depend on storage conditions. If stored improperly, sulfur-containing compounds decompose, releasing methanethiol. The ideal place would be a cellar. Root crops are put in a box, sprinkled with sand.

In the refrigerator, it is stored from one to 3 months. It can also be frozen, pickled, salted, sour. And she will give health all year round.

Well, now the video.

Black radish - the most useful radish of all its many varieties. She has a pronounced healing effect contains many vitamins and minerals.

Many will remember how the juice of black radish, which is released when the pulp is lubricated with honey, was “prescribed” for coughing by doctors of the old school, thereby recognizing high efficiency and, more importantly, safety folk remedy. Black radish really quickly treated colds, coughs and even bronchitis. And radish juice was also used to treat joints, rheumatism, neuralgia and cholelithiasis. Black radish is not only healthy, but also tasty. It is not easy to prepare, but we should pay closer attention to it, if only because of the unique medicinal properties. After all, we all want to live long happy life and not get sick.

Where did black radish come from?

Black radish grows in Eurasia and North America. We can say that this root crop is known everywhere except Africa and Australia, and in different places planets prepare it according to a similar principle. Black radish is eaten raw, pickled, fried, boiled and mashed or added to soups. Even these options are enough to experiment with black radish for a long time. It is curious that the radish was included in the "food basket" of the builders Egyptian pyramids, and in ancient China she was one of the most important medicinal plants. Traces of black radish cultivation have been found in ancient tombs in Egypt, which puts it on a par with the oldest vegetables and root crops used by man. It should be noted that the ancients always grew only what they especially valued. Any ancient cultivated plant contains the maximum amount useful substances or able to heal and make us stronger. Now black radish is grown commercially in China, Japan, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Holland.

What is useful black radish

100 g of black radish contains 554 mg of potassium, 105 mg of calcium, 100 mg of vitamin C, 36 micrograms of vitamin B9 and 9 mg of sodium. In addition, black radish contains zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Radish extract or juice contains antimicrobial and antiviral components that successfully fight against pulmonary and intestinal diseases. There is a study showing that radish juice is more effective than penicillin in some cases. Radish contains a lot of potassium, which, according to latest research, is just as necessary for bone and joint health as calcium.

How to treat a cough with black radish

This is a very simple recipe known from London to Beijing. It is in this way that ancient world treated for a cough or severe cold.
. Wash a large radish
. Cut a cone-shaped deep funnel with a knife, and cut off the base so that the radish stands steadily,
. Thickly brush the walls of the funnel with honey,
. Drink the secreted juice 1 teaspoon 3 times a day,
. Do not forget to additionally lubricate the radish with honey - one radish is enough for several days.

In such a simple way, from a radish you can get very healthy juice. If you need more juice, you can grind the radish in a food processor and sprinkle generously with sugar.

Attention! Radish juice is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, serious illnesses hearts.

Black radish taste

Black radish tastes like radish. Its white elastic crunchy flesh is slightly spicy, but sweeter than radishes. On the palate, you can distinguish creamy shades, a hint of horseradish and turnips. If you love radishes and fresh radish salads, you might like black radish even more. Some types of black radish can be bitter, but there is nothing to worry about, the bitterness is not so strong as to deprive yourself of a delicious vitamin vegetable because of this.

What to eat with radish

Black radish can be added to soup, potato salad, mashed potatoes or fried potatoes, mix with vegetables and make a vitamin salad, cut into thin chips and eat with a thick sauce, mix with honey and get a spicy sweet dessert, boil with pumpkin and mash. With radish, you can do everything that we usually do with root crops with one caveat: raw radish is much healthier, therefore, it is logical first of all to make such dishes in which there will be minimal temperature effect on the radish.

Recipes with black radish

Fried black radish

Fried radish is not as healthy as fresh, but with this recipe you can easily start your acquaintance with this root vegetable. Do not forget that fresh herbs always go well with fried vegetables.

2 medium sized black radishes
4-6 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil

Rinse and clean the radish (remove the layer of black skin). Cut into thin circles and fry in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Salt the finished radish and eat it hot.

Potato salad with radish

450 g wax potatoes,
220 g black radish,
5 garlic cloves,
4 teaspoons olive oil
2 teaspoons of wine vinegar,
2 teaspoons of honey
1 teaspoon dried paprika
50 g peeled walnuts,
Black pepper,

Cut the peeled potatoes and radish into strips on a Korean carrot grater. You can do the same with a knife or in a food processor. Place the potatoes with 3 cloves of garlic in the steamer for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the radish with salt while cooking the potatoes, then rinse and pat dry. This will remove the excess bitterness of the radish. Transfer the radish to a salad bowl, add vinegar, oil and a couple of chopped garlic cloves, add warm potatoes. Stir gently, add nuts and paprika, pepper and salt.

Black radish salad with vegetables and cheese

1 bunch of arugula
1 black radish
1 carrot
1 fennel
50-70 g parmesan,
5-6 art. spoons of olive oil,
4-5 art. spoons of lemon juice,
1 st. a spoonful of lemon zest
Black pepper, salt to taste.

Remove the zest from the lemon. mix olive oil with lemon juice, pepper and salt the mixture. Mix and try. If not enough salt or pepper, add. Peel the fennel, radish and carrots. Make thin shavings (for example, with a paring knife). Make the same thin shavings of cheese. Pour in the sauce and stir. Put in a salad bowl, scatter arugula on top.

Simple fresh black radish salad

1 black radish
cabbage, smaller than a radish,
1 small carrot
1 small onion
a couple of green onion feathers,
1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice
½ tsp sugar
2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
a bunch of greens (parsley, mint, dill or cilantro - according to mood),
salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and clean vegetables. Chop very finely in any way (sharp knife, combine, coarse grater, grater for Korean carrots). Finely chop the greens. Mix vegetables with herbs, add lemon juice and butter, add sugar, pepper and salt. Mix and put in a salad bowl.

Salad with black radish and mustard

This Spanish spicy salad is great as a spicy salad. cold appetizer before main meals.

2 black radishes
3 art. spoons of Dijon mustard
4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon wine vinegar
¼ cup fresh chopped parsley
salt, black pepper to taste.

Peel the radish and grate on a coarse grater. In a cup or mug warmed with boiling water, whisk 3 tablespoons of mustard with 3 tablespoons of hot (almost boiling) water, adding a little olive oil, salt and pepper to get a thick sauce. Mix the radish with chopped parsley, pour over the sauce and serve.

Korean black radish kimchi

Kimchi is pickled spicy vegetables, such as " Korean carrot”, which is sold in markets and shops. This cooking method is great for black radish.

3 black radishes
2 teaspoons of salt
1-2 teaspoons chili powder or cayenne pepper
one and a half st. tablespoons rice (or white wine or apple) vinegar,
2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 st. a spoonful of sugar.

Chop the peeled radish into long thin sticks, like noodles or spaghetti. It is convenient to do this with a special grater or in a combine. Sprinkle the radish with salt, let stand for 10-20 minutes and rinse in cold water. Carefully squeeze the radish out of the juice. Save the juice or drink it, it is useful, but it will be superfluous in kimchi. Mix radish, vinegar, sugar, garlic and pepper in a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly and let stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. Ready salad can be eaten for the next few days.

Black radish chips for beer

It's one of the best beer hors d'oeuvres, sort of like the arch-classic savoy cabbages served in British or German pubs.

Just make thin chips from peeled raw black radish. The easiest way to do this is in a food processor, but you can also use a vegetable peeler if you only need one or two servings. Sprinkle the finished chips over coarse sea ​​salt and serve with cold beer.

Black radish is really very tasty and extremely healthy root vegetable. You will certainly appreciate the ability of radish juice to treat colds and coughs, and radish vitamins will help you be healthy and beautiful. Try to eat fresh black radish in vegetable salads and be healthy!