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Healer bazalkhan dyusupov in the name of life. Folk healer Bazalkhan Dyusupov

The legendary man Khadzhi Bazylkan Dyusupov and "In the Name of Life", a healing session unique in its kind, have already managed to receive numerous reviews over several years of successful sales on the Internet, which in the vast majority of cases have positive character. However, like any other healer, there are both admirers and skeptics who will call this technique a hoax.

This healing session involves the correction of the aura - after its restoration, the whole organism is renewed. All diseases go away, and even those who could not be helped can be cured traditional medicine.

Hadji Bazylkhan Dyusupov is indeed a legendary man who won world recognition thanks to his gift of healing. He distributes his unique methodology to all those in need of getting rid of various diseases. Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich made an incredible contribution to the development of medicine, received the title academician and folk healer of the Republic of Kazakhstan. However, he is among the few who have the highest rank - international healer.

Bazylkhan Dyusupov made a pilgrimage (hajj), thanks to which he has great respect in Muslim countries. Therefore, the word "haji" is added to the beginning of his name - among Muslims, such a person is listed as clothed in holiness.

Many people from among the healer's acquaintances consider him a conscientious and fair person who knows what he is saying and is responsible for his actions. Khadzhi Dyusupov has been creating and improving his method of healing session “In the name of life” for many years, which is aimed at healing people for whom traditional medicine has proven to be ineffective. This method was based on many years of studies of the healer himself, which were supplemented by useful studies of his predecessors. The collected information and skills over many centuries can have a valuable impact on a person at the present time.

Bazylkan pursues the following goals:

  • cross out any type of risk to human health;
  • achieve 100% success rate;
  • excluded from treatment medicines which can damage the human immune system.

You can judge whether Bazylkhan Dyusupov is a scammer or not by the reviews left by patients on. Many people agree to follow the whole path of healing, but due to many reasons, some of them do not succeed. The technique "In the name of life" helped in the life of more than a dozen people who despaired because of the discovery of terrible diseases in them.

Health of modern man

The main reason for the deterioration of the health of all people on our planet, according to many experts in the field of medicine and healers, is considered lifestyle change- she became more tense, and environmental degradation due to the structure of modern cities.

Even taking into account that the average life time of a person is increasing, general statistics show that people have become sick much more often, especially those who live in metropolitan areas. This is due to poor ecology and frequent stressful situations. All these factors have the worst effect on the human immune system, which leads to the development of various disruptions in the work of the human body.

A number of reasons that most often lead to disorders in the body:

In his videos addressed to people, Haji Bazylkhan repeatedly emphasizes the harmfulness of the above points. Some people have no desire to change something in their lives, while others have a desire, but lack perseverance and patience.

Particular emphasis should be placed on such factors that most adversely affect human immunity:

  • insufficient and unsystematic sleep;
  • unwillingness to think a lot and do something useful;
  • absolute rejection of any activities related to physical activity, including sports;
  • use alcoholic beverages or drug smoking;
  • uncontrolled and unprotected sex.

The healer Bazylkan Dyusupov believes that almost all problems in a person's life, up to 90%, appear due to ignoring the basic rules of life. The main point in the methodology “In the name of life” is resistance to all manifestations of incorrect lifestyle, including nutrition, which greatly ruin health.

Difference from other methods

After completing the main healing session of the “In the Name of Life” technique, a person will be able to recover and regain their former health. Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich brought to life a special technique that acts simultaneously in several directions, neutralizing negative external factors. Doctors have different attitudes to this technique, but they all believe that this type of treatment in any case has a positive effect.

Dyusupov's sessions differ from the courses of other healers involved in the elimination of all diseases without exception. The methodology "In the name of life" is not based on the treatment of a specific disease, but on the neutralization of all factors that led to a change in well-being for the worse. The course described in the video tells how to improve human health by activating idle mechanisms of self-regulation, which leads to the complete neutralization of the disease and preventing its occurrence in the future.

Actually, this method of treatment is incorporated in Dyusupov's technique "In the name of life", which is recorded in full on a video disk. Orders can be placed on . In addition, you can watch video reviews on the site real people who have been healed.

The principle of operation of the technique "In the name of life"

One of the branches in healing is the renewal of the firmness of a person's aura, which protects and heals him.

Bazylkana Dyusupov's disk contains the most valuable knowledge, which is a method of treating any disease. The film "In the name of life" does not carry randomly presented information, although some people think so and leave negative feedback. The film contains only useful information, consisting of the healer's speech, expressed in special phrases and words that can subconsciously make a person forget about the ailments that depress him. Only after annoying thoughts go away, the body will be able to activate the process of self-healing. After that, patients begin to feel better and better.

Is Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich really such a great modern healer, or is he an ordinary deceiver, of which there are a huge number? And does the disc with the film contain true information that allows you to get rid of any disease, or is it absolutely useless?

Naturally, the healing technique "In the name of life" is not a panacea, and the healer mentions this. You can verify this by going to his website and reading the relevant reviews about the methodology. First of all, sessions help those people who really believe in them and wish to recover. But, it is pointless to watch and study the technique for a person who, for example, is a heavy drinker, and who is by no means going to give up this bad habit.

It is always worth remembering:

  • The patient must be prepared endure all the way to fight the disease;
  • This the technique is aimed at treating incurable diseases, but not at incurable patients;
  • The film removes from a person's subconscious the very program aimed at the development of a disease that a person does not even know that it exists. This program is gradually destroying human body.

Often there are patients who complain of pain in the heart, low or high blood pressure, general fatigue. After conducting a survey in such people, it turns out that they do not have any abnormalities in the functioning of the body. As a result, it turns out that it is not clonidine that will help such people, but a suitable psychotherapist. At the heart of the film is precisely the help of a person on a psychological level, a person who is entangled in his own problems. And, as you know, for such reasons, diseases develop most often.

It must be remembered that pathological changes in the body, which led to the development serious illnesses cannot be treated by this method alone. You should continue to drink the drugs prescribed by the doctor, and at the same time study the film "In the name of life." Only in this case, after a while, you will definitely feel improvements, and it will be possible to refuse the pills!

Why traditional medicine is often ineffective

There are many people who speak badly about the healer, and advise in the reviews not to buy the film by Khadzhi Bazylkan Dyusupov "In the name of life" in any case. But one question arises: why is traditional medicine also not a 100% guarantee of a cure?

The main reason for the ineffectiveness of current medicine is that it often neutralizes the symptoms and consequences. pathological processes but not the cause of the illness itself.

One example of the principle of treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza:

  1. we go to the doctor, then to the pharmacy;
  2. we buy antibacterial or antiviral drugs;
  3. We use "grandmother's" recipes.

As a result, the disease recedes, and the person thinks that he is healthy, but after a while everything repeats, and he is again forced to be treated in the same way. As a result, the immune system starts to work worse and worse, because synthetic drugs do all the work for it, and it turns out that we can’t go anywhere without them.

It may seem that this is a hopeless situation, however, there are alternative healing sessions, among which there is the Dyusupov technique “In the name of life”. After healing by this method, the same diseases will not come to the patient again. The vast majority of reviews are positive, and all patients who came to see the healer can only say good things about him.

How to buy a CD "In the name of life"

You can buy the disk of Khadzhi Bazylkan Dyusupov "In the name of life" by clicking on the links below to the official website of the healer. There are many videos of patient testimonials that we recommend that you watch. Payment is made upon receipt at the post office. IN major cities courier delivery is possible.

Another purchase option is to fill out the order form directly on our website. The information is automatically transmitted to the representatives of Khadzhi Dyusupov. Within 15-30 minutes they will contact you to clarify the terms of delivery.

Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich Dyusupov was born on January 01, 1956 in the distant village of Vysokogorka, which is located in the Kurchum district of the East Kazakhstan region. Then his parents could not even imagine that this child from a simple and ordinary family would later become the most famous folk healer, Haji Dyusupov.

Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich began to be interested in medicine from an early age. He always sought to help others and, along with the study of the structure human body and capabilities of the organism, began the study of pharmacology and harmful effects on the human body chemicals. In this regard, he began to search for ways to treat the human body without drugs - folk remedies and set about serious progress along the path of folk healing.

In 1995, Bazylkhan Dyusupov studied at the School traditional medicine Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Eastern and modern medicine under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and received a certificate in the cycle "Bioenergetics, clairvoyance and aurovision" and immediately began practice in the treatment center organized by him. This treatment center small apartment, in which Dyusupov’s healing practice takes place) after some time dozens of people begin to visit, and Bazylkhan Dyusupov, thanks to his deep knowledge, love for people and a sincere desire to help them, began to receive numerous grateful reviews. His methods want to test everything on themselves more people who need help. But the folk healer himself believed that he had entered only at the very beginning of a long journey and set the goal of constant training and improving his own skills in the field of healing.

So, in 1996, he received a diploma in the specialty "Hypnology", a diploma in the specialty "Folk Healing" after studying at the Moscow School of Hypnosis at the International Center for the Development of Social Initiatives and a diploma in the qualification "Bioenergetics-Psychic" at the Academy of Esoteric Sciences. Then he studied at the School of Traditional Medicine of Kazakhstan on the cycle "Spiritual Healing", in 1998 in St. Petersburg he was trained under the programs of the World Association of Traditional Medicine under UNESCO "Theory and Practice of Massage" and " Alternative medicine and psychology” and received diplomas in the specialties “masseur” and “consultant psychologist”. At the same time, Haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov received permission to conduct health-prophylactic sessions using the methods developed by the Moscow School of Hypnosis together with the International Center for the Development of Social Initiatives, as well as the right to organize local branches of the school. More and more people who have lost faith in official medicine, come to Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich Dyusupov hoping for healing and having received the help of a traditional healer and full recovery, they begin a joyful life.

The merits of the folk healer of Kazakhstan can be listed for a long time, because he never stopped in his development, constantly improving his skills as a folk healer and working with great dedication and energy. For his invaluable contribution and work aimed at treating thousands of patients, folk healer Bazylkhan Dyusupov was repeatedly awarded diplomas, certificates, diplomas, as well as orders and medals of the state level. Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich made a pilgrimage (hajj), thanks to which he now has great respect in Muslim countries. That is why the word "haji" is added to the beginning of his name, and among Muslims such a person is considered clothed in holiness.

Since 2011, Haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov began to conduct healing seminars in Moscow for everyone. Released audio-video sessions on the unique healing technique "In the name of life". Healing sessions brought together more than 15 years of experience in healing, the deepest knowledge and the undoubted talent of Bazylkhan Dyusupov. These sessions on DVDs helped thousands of people from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan to heal from the most various diseases and ailments, including even those that traditional medicine calls incurable. The sessions received personal recommendations from such famous people, as the finalist of the 6th "Battle of Psychics" Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova (video review can be viewed) and the host of the popular TV program on the TNT channel "Inexplicably, but a fact" - Sergey Druzhko (review).

Khadzhi Bazylkan Dyusupov can rightly be called a "legend man" because not only the video session "In the name of life", but also his other video sessions, for example, from diabetes, from alcohol and tobacco addiction, from osteochondrosis, from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. are unique in their kind and have received huge success and numerous reviews. Sessions have no analogues in the world and are ordered even from the USA and Europe. The technique of video sessions implies the correction and restoration of the human aura (human energy body), after which all diseases go away, the whole organism is renewed. If you want to give yourself and your loved ones a complete and happy life, in which there will be no place for diseases, then Haji Bazylkan Dyusupov will be able to help you with this!

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- Helps to feel the taste of life again

Advantages: helps, works without pills and injections, even when doctors shrug

Cons: be careful with fakes

It turns out that sometimes in order to be cured, drugs from a pharmacy are not enough. Often doctors shrug their shoulders and try one course of treatment after another, but desired effect is never achieved. So it was with me. It started with a trifle - stones in the gallbladder. The operation was successful, I followed the diet, drank herbs, but after six months the body seemed to rebel. Every day I woke up with pain in one side, then in the other, then with a migraine. Literally everything hurt, and I already managed to run around everyone narrow specialists and try almost the entire arsenal in the pharmacy, until one day she listened to simple advice from a very experienced nurse from the hospital where I was undergoing regular treatment. Elderly woman advised me to watch the DVD "In the name of life", which is a kind of video pill for all ailments. At first I thought that she was joking - how can a video help me, when even the doctors do not know what and how to treat me already. Then we talked for probably two hours. The nurse told me how she herself suffered from female ailments and was cured only thanks to the video sessions of Haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov, and how she saved her husband from alcoholism with the same remedy, and how her sister was cured of arthritis, and that how many people she did not give her disk , everyone just remained grateful. I was impressed by the stories and decided that it would definitely not be worse for me. I asked my mother to order a miracle disk for me, and as soon as I was discharged from the hospital, I started watching it. I realized how much better I felt after the first session. Now I have already forgotten about pills and doctors, I feel great and promote the right inner attitude and treatment, first of all, of my subconscious. Thanks to the academician and recognized healer Dyusupov and my grateful review of his CDs "In the Name of Life".

What is the film In the name of life

When the disc in a modest package was in my hands, it was quite difficult for me to believe in its power. It just so happened that life has taught not to trust fairy tales and miracles, but to demand only facts and results. There was, in fact, only one motivation for watching - it definitely won’t get worse for me, so you can look at the healer, it will suddenly surprise you. Initially, it seemed to me that the film In the Name of Life would tell me about faith in myself and fortitude, but it turned out that everything was somewhat more complicated. Firstly, the author of the methodology, haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov, personally guarantees the effectiveness of his course, secondly, he explains why his methods work, and thirdly, it really helps. The content of the medical video is a kind of symbiosis of words, music, suggestion and disclosure of the secrets of health. When watching a DVD, it becomes as if warmer, as if the sun warms, and calmer, as if someone is in a hurry to solve all your problems, free and protect you from all troubles. In a word, it becomes very good, and you don’t even immediately understand why. It was only after a few sessions that I finally realized that I was doing just fine without pills, I didn’t have any pain anymore and I felt as if I had bathed in a living spring.

How treatment video works

I stopped going to the doctors, it's just that now I really don't need it. Mom, however, insisted on a medical examination to calm down, and the results completely coincided with my feelings - the body is healthy and does not need medicines. The attending physician even joked that it was probably love that worked such miracles with me, and I honestly told that it was medical video healed me. It turned out that the doctor knows perfectly well who Bazylkhan Dyusupov is, reviews about him are thundering throughout the hospital, and I am far from the first to whom the disk really helped. The healer from Kazakhstan is revered among doctors, and many even recommend his sessions to their patients. As the Aesculapius explain, the power of medicine is not unlimited, but the power of faith and internal is sometimes able to surprise and work miracles. Videos from Hajji not only inspire confidence in their own health, they renew the energy body, as if changing the code embedded in the body, setting it up for recovery and correct work internal organs.

To start your own treatment, you just need to have a disc and a device to view it. You can watch a movie alone, or with the whole family - this will not affect the effect. By the way, in order to understand Dyusupov, it is not even necessary to know Russian, as evidenced by the thanks sent from different countries. E there are restrictions on the time of views and their number. The disc can be passed from hand to hand - it will not lose the strength of its video from this. But the feeling of watching different people may differ. For example, after the first session, I felt warm. I don’t know how to explain it exactly, but while I was sick all the time I felt chills, I wanted to wrap myself in a blanket, blanket or scarf, if only something would cover me and give me a feeling of warmth. After watching the disc, this feeling gave way to a sense of security, as if I had been freezing for a long time and finally warmed up. But my mother, who had to watch the disc In the name of life with me, after the film she always slept sound sleep hours 2. The fact that her pain in the joints somehow imperceptibly disappeared and the migraine stopped appearing, she remembered only after a while.

What Dyusupov says and does in the name of life

The content of the disc is not a feature film with special effects, but watching it fascinates - that's a fact. The explanation for the video says that Dyusupov In the name of life developed and improved for several years, until he brought the technique to the ideal. All funds from the sale of discs, the academician directs to his health center, again to help people. Despite his great popularity and a lot of people grateful to him, the healer lives modestly and never ceases to quote the wisdom that a healthy beggar is much happier than a sick decrepit king. I cannot but agree with this. Now I finally feel really happy, because I am full of energy, there are no pains or strange sensations, incomprehensible anxieties and worries have passed. I know for sure that life is beautiful and I never get tired of being convinced of this.

How and to whom it helps In the name of the life of Bazylkhan Dyusupov

After my healing, I talked a lot with people on forums dedicated to the Haji technique. I do not hesitate to recommend her to people who need treatment, because I myself have gone through all these torments: when you experience severe pain and no medication gives relief. I do not urge you to run away from hospitals and be treated only with video courses, but I strongly advise you to just try to watch Bazylkhan Dyusupov in the name of life and see for yourself in his strength. Sometimes miracles do happen - now I have to admit this under the pressure of indisputable facts and my own well-being.

Where to order a CD by Bazylkhan Dyusupov

The only thing I want to warn you - be careful when ordering. Alas, scammers do not honor anything sacred, and even the healer's discs are brazenly forged. In order not to become a victim of deceivers, I advise you to order Bazylkhan Dyusupov's disc from his official distributors -. They have no problems with delivery: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities are serviced regularly. Service is pleasant and disc arrives intact original packaging. To get started, just start watching.

This site was created in support of Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich Dyusupov, academician, honorary folk healer of Kazakhstan, who released the famous sessions on DVD "In the Name of Life" a year and a half ago. Thanks to these sessions, tens of thousands (!!!) of people around the world (yes, CDs with sessions are ordered even from abroad) completely got rid of diseases that no medicine could cure them for!!!

Questions asked on the disc by Haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov and answers to them:

Is Bazylkhan Dyusupov a charlatan?

No, not a charlatan!!! The healing sessions on the For Life DVD really help!

What is recorded on Bazylkhan Dyusupov's discs?

The disc "In the Name of Life" contains 7 video sessions of general recovery and bonus audio sessions for alcoholism and smoking.

How does Bazylkhan Dyusupov's disc help? What is the mechanism of influence? How can record on a disk be cured? I understand that a face-to-face meeting with a healer, the impact of his biofield, etc...

If you have the opportunity to go to Kazakhstan for face-to-face sessions - great! Indeed, their strength is somewhat higher than on the record. But what about those who cannot travel? It was at the request of such people that the disc was made! As it turned out, its effectiveness is very high. Yes, and every day you won’t be able to go to the sessions, but you always have the disc and you can listen to it at any time as needed.

The effect of Dyusupov's healing sessions recorded on a disc is similar in principle to the effect of healing music, prayers or magic spells. The biofield does not play a role here. What matters is carefully chosen words, pronounced in a certain sequence and with a certain intonation.

Bazylkhan Dyusupov is one of the few real healers who has the ability to heal with a word. Suggestion, words recorded on a disk, triggers self-healing mechanisms in the human body, and healing occurs, while curing diseases that the patient himself and the attending physicians did not even suspect! In addition, special signals and vibrations are recorded on the disc, which some viewers perceive as interference.

But these are not interference or recording defects, this is done on purpose. These signals interact with the alpha waves of the brain, and also affect the human subtle body. As a result of the complex impact, the recovery processes of the body are launched at full capacity. Modern sound recording equipment very accurately conveys the smallest details of the voice, intonation, so the recording on the disc is very effective.

It seems to me that these sessions are nothing more than a placebo effect. Just under their influence, a person inspires recovery to himself ...

Did you notice one inconsistency in your own question? Clearly subconscious? "Man inspires himself to be cured under their influence"! That is, he himself, without outside help, without sessions, nothing to itself will inspire? Your subconscious is working in the right direction!

Also, do you know exactly what it means? placebo effect"? What is described in textbooks, when a patient was given simple chalk under the guise of a medicine and he was cured? But far from all textbooks say that not every doctor could treat with this effect!

Doctors who really have such a gift do not just give a dummy under the guise of medicine, but with certain words that play a decisive role. It is these words that trigger the mechanisms of self-healing of a person, and the medicine - a dummy plays only an auxiliary role, for greater persuasiveness. The patient, being confident in the attending physician, in the "medicine", without knowing it, is cured without medicine!

So is this placebo really a placebo? However, one can write a whole treatise on this topic for several hundred pages, which is beyond the scope of this publication. We are sure that you already understand what in question! After all, it's important final result: under the influence of the sessions of Bazylkhan Dyusupov, people are really healed, confirmation of this is the mass of reviews on the healer's website.

How often to watch sessions? Can I show them to children?

No, sessions are contraindicated for children under 14 years old! Adults can watch as much as they want. General recommendation is to view sessions 1 through 7 in their entirety at least once each. The main, main treatment session is the seventh. It must be watched and listened to without fail and especially carefully. If you suffer from alcoholism or smoking, listen to additional audio sessions as well. Basically this is enough. If you wish, you can watch and listen at least every day.

How quickly will the sessions of Bazylkhan Dyusupov start to work?

Within 7 months. This time, necessary for the body for self-healing. It happens much earlier, it all depends individual characteristics person.

Sessions "In the Name of Life" - is it a panacea for all diseases? That is, you can safely throw away all the medicines and rely only on the help of the disc?

Carefully read the materials, which perfectly describe what a "panacea" really is. In no case should you stop treatment prescribed in case of serious illness, when abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause serious complications! Just watch additional sessions, and over time it will turn out that the doctors themselves will cancel the medication as a result of a complete recovery.

I still don't believe in all this nonsense! Kashpirovsky, Chumak, now another Dyusupov! It's all a scam, it can't be!

Your right! No one forces you to believe and order a disc.

Why doesn't Dyusupov give away CDs for free? After all, he has a gift from God, is it possible to earn money on this?

And why in the church servants of God won't they even give you a candle for free? Why doesn't the post office send a parcel for free? Why does a factory that makes discs need to pay workers? Why don't pharmacies give out medicines for free? Do you know how much pill manufacturers and pharmacies earn on sick people? How much money is spent monthly on these medicines with a mass side effects? In addition, Bazylkhan Dyusupov DOES NOT earn money for himself, all funds go to development treatment center In Kazakhstan. The cost of the disc is already minimal, taking into account the costs of production and shipping.

I have heard that there are scammers on the Internet who sell very poor quality counterfeit discs. This is true? How not to run into a fake? Where can I order a licensed CD by Bazylkhan Dyusupov?

Unfortunately, scammers do exist. When ordering a disc on the official website of Bazylkhan Dyusupov, you are guaranteed to receive a real Dyusupov's disc "In the Name of Life".

After completing the application, you should receive a call from the delivery service. Be sure to enter a real phone number and address Email. The disc itself must be packed in a cardboard box with a green "USEND" inscription. USEND is a fast parcel delivery service. For residents of large cities of Russia and Ukraine,
delivery by courier directly to your apartment. Thus, the disk ordered on the site indicated above is 100% branded!

As you might guess, people are interested in who they are, or who they are. On the Internet, if we dig, we will find a lot of conflicting information on the topic folk healer of Kazakhstan Bazylkhan Dyusupov. This one was born unique folk healer in a village called Vysokogorka, which is located in the Kurchum region, and this is the East Kazakhstan region. As they say, talented people cannot have only one talent, Hadji Bazylkhan Dyusupov, also born in the very New Year, namely, on January 1st, 1956. Healing Bazylkhan began to study since 1995, at that time, he studied in Moscow, then, having moved to St. Petersburg Bazylkhan Dyusupov continued his studies, and in general, as befits an erudite person, he studied wherever the opportunity presented itself. The uniqueness of Bazylkhan Dyusupov lies in the fact that he did not just learn, did not blindly adopt folk methods treatment from others, but tried to combine, synthesize the information that was obtained as a result of training from a wide variety of sources, from different folk traditions healing. That helped healer Hadji Dyusupov Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich develop sufficient skills in healing, and then develop a completely new, exclusively own system, which is designed to improve a person. To date, Dyusupov Bazylkhan is the director of the branch Public Association, which bears the name "Republican Association of Professional Folk Healers". It is located in the hometown of Dyusupov, in Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Bazylkhan Dyusupov

CD "In the name of life"

2014 edition

Let's give the word to the healer himself, let him tell about himself:

As I said at the very beginning, I, Khadzhi Dyusupov Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich, I am famous in Kazakhstan and beyond traditional healer, academician and director of an officially registered center of professional folk healers. From 50 to 100 people visit my center every day and receive treatment from me. I have a license and work completely legally! Repeatedly awarded with awards and orders of the state level. Your Bazalkhan Dyusupov.

Bazylkhan Dyusupov

Here are some examples of awards received Khadzhi Dyusupov Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich:

The rest of the photos with diplomas and awards that Khadzhi Dyusupov Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich received can be downloaded directly from our website.

Now about the main thing, how is the treatment of those who cannot get an appointment at a clinic in Kazakhstan? Due to the uniqueness of the method of Bazylkhan Dyusupov, together with modern technologies this became possible. The sessions of the healer Haji Bazylkhan Dyusupov are recorded on a DVD called "In the name of Life". Further, the treatment itself occurs according to a very simple scheme - you put the disc in any DVD player, stationary or in a computer DVD-Rom and listen to the recordings. The rest happens by itself.

Bazylkhan Dyusupov

CD "In the name of life"

2014 edition

Disc Order Options" in the name of life":

If you are a resident of Russia or Ukraine then you can order disc with sessions of Hadji Dyusupov Bazylkhan Dyusenbievich CASH ON DELIVERY, and make payment at the post office of your city upon receipt of the package with the disc. In this case, you place an order, we send a parcel with a disk, you receive a notification from the mail, usually in 7-14 days, depending on your region of residence. You, with this notice, your passport and the necessary amount of money, come to the post office, pay the receipt, and immediately pick up your copy of the DVD.