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Urologist: what does this specialist treat for men and women. Diagnosis of urological diseases - features of female urology

Many people have vague or general idea, and therefore in this article we will try to reveal in as much detail as possible the essence of what a urologist treats and what he does. First of all, we note that symptoms such as pain during urination and burning, the appearance of blood in the urine and frequent urge urination, colic in the lumbar region and urinary incontinence - all these manifestations are a reason to visit this particular specialist. Well, as for the specific diseases that a urologist treats, in the field of urology they directly relate to such areas as urethra, kidneys, ureters, prostate gland and external genitalia.

Urologist: what does this doctor do?

Urology itself, as a field of medicine, is not a single direction, and this is due to the fact that the basis of urology is made up of some related disciplines. They relate in particular to pediatrics, gynecology and andrology. In addition, urology is also divided into a number of additional directions regarding the groups of persons whose treatment is carried out in each specific case. So, these are pediatric urology, female urology, male urology and geriatric urology (the latter option implies a direction focused on the treatment of elderly people). The main difference is the division by gender, so here we will, first of all, focus on aspects that are relevant for male and female urology.

  • Male urology. Otherwise, this direction is defined as andrology. The specialization of this field of medicine is focused on the treatment of a number of purely male diseases, these include male infertility, prostatitis (inflammatory process localized in the prostate gland). In addition, this includes diseases common to both sexes (differences, methods of diagnosis and treatment, meanwhile, may also have fundamental differences in implementation): urolithiasis, kidney inflammation, bladder inflammation and infections whose transmission occurs sexually (STDs - chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
  • Female urology. This direction also has another name, which is defined as urogynecology. The specificity of this area of ​​urology lies in the diagnosis and treatment inflammatory processes, developing in the area of ​​the internal and external genital organs, as well as in the area of ​​the urethra. Again, this includes urolithiasis and diseases whose transmission occurs through sexual contact, that is, through sexual intercourse, and, as already noted, diagnosis, treatment and other aspects may differ fundamentally from similar diseases in men.

Thus, it can be emphasized that a urologist is not exclusively a “male” doctor, as patients often mistakenly believe, which, in particular, is accompanied by the fact that until relatively recently, urologists dealt with problems that concern men's health. Andrology, already as a separate definition corresponding specifically to male specificity, began to be considered in the use of such a name for the sphere not so long ago.

As for the “children’s” direction, then pediatric urologist Based on the specifics of her own competence, she deals with various developmental defects in children, as well as diseases directly related to the genitourinary system.

Appointment with a urologist: when to take your child to the doctor?

The question regarding the need to visit a urologist, as the reader has already been able to understand, can arise for persons of any gender and any age group, and children, accordingly, are no exception. Diseases that fall under the scope of urology can develop in children even the most younger age, the following diseases are mainly considered among the main options for treatment:

  • cystitis is a disease accompanied by significant inflammation, and cystitis can develop in both boys and girls;
  • phimosis is a disease accompanied by a narrowing of the glans penis area foreskin in boys;
  • balanoposthitis, balanitis are inflammatory processes localized in the area of ​​the glans penis, which, accordingly, also classifies diseases as “boy” (male);
  • cryptorchidism is a type of pathology, the manifestation of which is accompanied either by underdevelopment of the testicle, or by its position in the scrotum in a position in which anatomically it should not be located (excluding treatment for cryptorchidism can cause the development of an irreversible form of sexual dysfunction in adulthood, this is important consider);
  • inflammatory processes and various anomalies developing in the genital area in girls.

Particularly common in both boys and girls are problems such as trauma to the genital organs, as well as urinary incontinence. Regardless of the problem that is relevant in each specific case, it is unacceptable to let the situation take its course, because otherwise the child may subsequently face more serious problems that can negatively affect the level of his quality of life and on it in general. Also, in the context of considering such a threat, it is important to understand that any of the infections that end up in the organ area genitourinary system, is predisposed to further spread, on the basis of which the transition to the chronic form of the existing disease becomes relevant.

Appointment with a urologist: when should adults see a doctor?

As for adults, in almost all cases they are faced with the listed pathologies and diseases, noted as problems occurring in children. Similarly, this includes the same cryptorchidism, which, if not identified and cured in childhood, will also turn out to be a constant companion of the patient in adulthood. Let us highlight those cases, the relevance of which requires an adult to consult a urologist and, quite likely, subsequent treatment from this specialist:

  • the appearance of painful sensations accompanying urination;
  • the appearance of too long a feeling of fullness, which is relevant for the bladder, which occurs even taking into account a slight accumulation of urine in it;
  • suspected presence of prostatitis (based on the corresponding symptoms);
  • frequent occurrence of delays regarding urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • changes in the quality characteristics of urine (color, consistency, transparency), the presence of any impurities in it (mucus or blood).

It should be noted that the symptoms relevant for prostatitis, as well as pain in the lower abdomen as indicated in the list of symptoms, are also combined with an increase in temperature, the appearance of malaise, thirst, and loss of appetite. In such cases, an urgent consultation with a urologist is necessary to avoid any delay. In addition, an appointment with a urologist is also necessary if any visible changes occur regarding the condition and shape of the genital organs, as well as erectile dysfunction. You should also visit a urologist if there is a need for circumcision of the foreskin. Keep in mind that these types of problems are not only delicate, but also quite serious, and therefore you can only entrust their solution to a specialist who is good in all respects.

A good urologist: how to find one?

Self-cure of the disease and hopes for a similar development of the disease on the part of patients are associated with serious risks; moreover, as already noted, many diseases with this attitude become a chronic form of their own course, which is accompanied by much more serious consequences. Treatment advanced diseases in most cases are difficult to respond to, and when they spread from urinary tract to the area internal organs(including to the kidneys and organs reproductive system), in the future such pathologies as frigidity, impotence, infertility and even cancer may become relevant.

If you detect any deviations from the usual mode of operation of the genitourinary system, it is important to contact specialized assistance. And it is at this stage that a reasonable question arises: how and, in fact, where to find a good urologist? A recommendation from friends or relatives seems like a good idea. Urologist, whose reviews are supported by specific positive results, of course, encourages trust, but there are situations in which desires or opportunities to discuss with someone delicate issue, simply not, and accordingly, there is also not always where to get such information from. Under such circumstances, it is more advisable to consider choosing an option such as a clinic where a urologist provides services for a fee. In this type of clinic, management values ​​the established reputation, because bad doctor As a rule, you won’t find a mid-level doctor here. Accordingly, they invite here only such specialists who have already proven themselves at the appropriate level within the framework of their specialization. Meanwhile, it also happens that from this rule, which seems to be completely supported by positive aspects, there may be some exceptions. So, how can you secure a truly reliable guarantee of the professionalism of the specialist you plan to turn to for help?

Criteria for choosing a urologist

Of course, the best option would be to contact a specialist who has considerable experience behind him, that is, experience in the specific specialty in question. As such, a figure of 10-15 years is considered as a minimum. In addition to the standard set of knowledge that a future specialist acquires at the relevant university, long-term experience in practice is only an advantage in the choice; naturally, here, again, the effectiveness of the treatment performed is taken into account. This also determines the guarantee regarding the smallest number of errors, which is achieved through skills and techniques that were developed precisely within the specified conditions.

Despite their own solid experience, good specialists always maintain an active professional position. This, in turn, means that they do not exclude the possibility of learning new information related to their own specialty. Moreover, related areas are also being studied, traditionally used treatment methods are being systematically improved, time is allocated for systematization and subsequent presentation collected material in the form of scientific articles or works. Often, highly qualified specialists also have an academic degree, which, again, gives them an additional advantage in terms of the existing marks indicating their professional recognition.

And although most diseases in the area urinary system(and especially in the area of ​​the genitourinary system) in men is recognized without much difficulty in accordance with characteristic description symptomatology, the beginning of serious treatment solely on the basis of the patient’s words, a really good urologist (as, indeed, any other doctor), simply will not carry out. Naturally, the patient will be interviewed in detail regarding existing complaints, he will be asked leading and specific questions, after which the doctor will necessarily refer him for tests, prescribing, in addition, additional methods diagnostic studies. All this will allow you to finally determine a specific diagnosis and eliminate the possibility of errors.

It should also be noted that a good urologist always takes into account possible risk transformation urological diseases in oncological diseases. For this reason, an appropriate examination will be carried out without fail, and this will be done even if the symptoms, in general, do not cause any particular suspicion. Here, again, the familiar rule applies that it is easier to prevent a disease than to subsequently cure it. Similarly, the motivation for such actions can be reduced to the fact that, within the framework of initial stages the disease is somewhat easier to cure than a disease that manifests itself at later stages.

After identifying specific disease The urologist will offer not only the entire range of treatment methods that are usually implemented in his address, but will also separately work out methods for the prevention of urological diseases. This also includes advice on the basis of which in the future the patient will be able to avoid a possible exacerbation of the disease that is relevant to him, as well as advice regarding the adoption of specific measures aimed at stopping the progression of the disease.

For the most part, urologists are also specialists who deal with diseases of the genital area, including STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which especially concerns men. If a man contacts a urologist regarding an inflammatory process that is relevant to the urinary tract area (that is, with corresponding symptoms), it is quite possible that if we're talking about about such a specialist, then practically the first measure for diagnosing a specific disease that is relevant for the patient will be a referral for blood tests for STDs. This decision, again, is an additional sign indicating the foresight of the doctor with the corresponding “baggage” of experience and knowledge. What is important here is confirmation (or, conversely, refutation) of the presence of an infection in the body that is in the latent (hidden) stage of its own activity.

Another possible specialization of a good specialist in the field of urology is sexopathology, because the point, again, is that in many cases diseases of the genitourinary system are directly related to the patient’s sexual activity. Accordingly, on this basis, sufficient orientation in this area is also an additional advantage, if not a requirement.

Regardless of the specifics or severity of the disease that is relevant to the patient, a good urologist will in any case exclude the possibility of disseminating information about it. Patient care and integrity are equally important criteria when considering professional qualities specialist in urology.

And finally, the final criterion on the basis of which you can make sure that you really got good specialist, will, in fact, be the results of the treatment prescribed to them. Nevertheless, interest and an active search for a urologist are precisely the first and main steps that will contribute to further recovery as much as possible.

Appointment with a urologist: what is included?

Based on legislative acts, an appointment with a urologist includes a number of the following components:

  • Mandatory medical services:
    • collection of medical history and complaints expressed by patients regarding their own condition;
    • general thermometry;
    • palpation, visual examination, tapping, performed as measures that complement the overall picture of the patient’s condition with actual pathology of the urinary system or kidney pathology.
  • Additional medical services:
    • pyeloscopy;
    • cystostomy;
    • urethroscopy;
    • suprapubic catheterization;
    • puncture from a cyst in the kidney, aspiration;
    • appointment of the appropriate drug therapy, as well as diet and health-improving regimen for the elimination and prevention of pathologies of the urinary system and kidney pathologies.

Kidney ultrasound: how to prepare for the procedure

Ultrasound of the kidneys is sufficient informative method research prescribed by a nephrologist as a method based on the results of which a specific diagnosis is clarified or confirmed.

Ultrasound of the kidneys is a rather complex procedure, and this is explained by the peculiarities of the location of the kidneys and their characteristic structure, due to which the picture that determines the diagnosis may have very ambiguous criteria.

We have previously identified those symptoms with which patients usually go to a therapist or directly to a nephrologist (and this is painful urination, renal colic, pain in the lumbar region, blood in the urine, constant high blood pressure). The examination, which we consider ultrasound to be, is relevant even if conventional analysis urine, indicators that change in their characteristics are noted.

Method ultrasound examination opens up the possibility of determining the condition of the kidneys, the characteristics of their size, location and shape, as well as their characteristic structure. Ultrasound of the kidneys also makes it possible to identify sand and stones if they are present, as well as to identify a disturbance in the outflow of urine or the relevance of any neoplasms in the area under study. By the way, ultrasound is the best option for research when monitoring the characteristics of kidney engraftment (which, as can be understood, is determined by its previous transplantation from a donor). Ultrasound of the kidneys is also performed to ensure appropriate control over the biopsy needle, which is inserted directly into the kidney for the subsequent removal of a certain part of the material, which, in turn, is subject to further microanalysis. The method is also relevant if it is necessary to install a drainage tube for the patient.

In general, no special preparation is required for the kidney ultrasound procedure; it is performed at the hospital, in specialized clinic or at a regular clinic. However, if the relevant factor for the patient is obesity, increased gas formation, or the procedure was performed immediately before the ultrasound instrumental research area of ​​the intestine (within which a contrast agent is usually used), then ultrasound, accordingly, becomes more complicated in terms of obtaining informative results. Additionally, before the ultrasound, you should tell the doctor what medications you are using, what additional treatment is being carried out to eliminate any disease, and what additional factors take place in the impact they have on the body, because all this can play against the accuracy of ultrasound results and, accordingly, against accuracy in making a diagnosis.

When conducting a study as a measure of control over the biopsy, as well as as an auxiliary measure for installing drainage, the doctor in individually will determine appropriate explanations regarding how to prepare for a kidney ultrasound.
The procedure itself is carried out as follows. The patient lies on his side or stomach or takes a standing position. You must first undress to the waist, after which the skin in the lumbar area corresponding to the study is lubricated with ultrasound gel. During the procedure, a special sensor is placed on the lower back, which intercepts reflected waves, these waves are processed by a computer, after which the image is transmitted in two-dimensional format to the monitor. After completing the procedure, the gel is wiped off using disposable paper towels.

Kidney ultrasound in children is performed in a similar way. The main point, sometimes difficult, is maintaining stillness during the procedure, which ensures that the resulting image is detailed and clear. The examination of the child is carried out in the direct presence of the parents.

Let us supplement this information with the fact that ultrasound is a completely safe, painless and harmless diagnostic method. There are no contraindications for its use. The duration of an ultrasound is about 15 minutes.

Our advantages

  • Inexpensive doctor's appointment 900 rubles
  • Urgently tests on the day of treatment from 20 minutes to 1 day
  • Painless collection of material for smears
  • Definition of infections without scrapings in men
  • Close 5 minutes from Varshavskaya and Chistye Prudy metro stations
  • Comfortable We work every day from 9 to 21 every day (including holidays)
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A urological clinic in Moscow is a place where you can get advice from a urologist, as well as undergo urology tests and have an ultrasound of the genitourinary system. Of course, you can contact government agency, but today it is much faster and more convenient to do all this for a fee, in good private clinic. Urology at the Private Practice clinic is an effective and fast examination under supervision experienced doctor urologist at affordable prices.

When is it necessary to contact a urologist?

Eat general signs, characteristic of urological diseases:

  • Pain, discomfort, other urinary problems
  • Changes in the odor, color and volume of urine
  • Atypical discharge from the urethra
  • Feeling of itching, burning in the genitals
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, perineum, groin, genitals
  • Visible changes in seminal fluid
  • Any changes appearance genitals

Appointment with a urologist at the Private Practice clinic

The Private Practice Clinic has been providing paid medical services in the field of urology for more than 10 years. With us, you can get a consultation with a urologist on the day of your visit, take necessary tests and undergo ultrasound diagnostics on the most modern ultrasound scanner. Prices for our services are available to everyone.

An initial consultation with a urologist in our clinic is:

  • A detailed and thorough conversation with the doctor, identifying patient complaints, concomitant diseases, to find out the history of the disease
  • Examination of the patient: the doctor evaluates general state the patient, examines the skin and mucous membranes, external genitalia, etc.; makes a preliminary diagnosis;
  • Discussion of the diagnostic plan: the doctor draws up a test plan, says what instrumental examinations need to go through, informs the patient about the cost;

Treatment of urological diseases at the Private Practice clinic

The following urological diseases are treated in our clinic:

  • Prostatitis
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Impotence
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

Based on the examination results, the urologist will prescribe a modern complex treatment, which the patient can receive in our clinic on an outpatient basis. This treatment regimen involves not only taking pills, injections and drips, but also physical therapy and local treatment, and correction of immunity.

So where is the best place to go to get a consultation with a urologist?

You can, of course, try contacting a urologist at a general clinic. But a long wait for an appointment and several hours in line can negate any desire to apply for medical care. And the doctor will be able to devote no more than 10 minutes of time to the examination, interview and filling out documentation, given the high workload. This is not to mention the fact that treatment is possible only in a reduced volume, which is allowed by the insurance company. About what is necessary in the treatment of prostatitis and urethritis additional procedures there is no talk at all.

There is an option for treatment in a hospital. But here they do spicy things, life-threatening states. And urology in the hospital is represented mainly by surgery.

The simplest and most rational way out is to contact a urologist at a specialized medical urological center for a fee:

  • Same day appointment and no queues
  • Narrow, highly qualified specialists of this urological profile have been assembled
  • All necessary equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases has been selected
  • Tests are taken at the initial appointment
  • There is the possibility of express diagnostics, ultrasound and diagnosis on the first day, and not within several weeks, as is sometimes the case in clinics
  • There is no limitation on the doctor’s time or in prescribing the most effective and necessary treatment method for a given patient.
  • And of course the comfort of a private medical clinic

Doctor of the clinic "Private Practice" dermatovenereologist, urologist Volokhov E.A. talks about visiting a urologist.

The “people” still believe that a urologist is exclusively male doctor. But this is absolutely not true. Urology is a part of medicine responsible for the health of the genitourinary system as a whole.

Women also turn to such a specialist. So what does a urologist treat for women? Let's figure it out.

Why do women go to him?

A urologist is a specialist who deals with problems of the genitourinary system.

Despite the fact that the urologist refers to narrow specialists, the clinical specialty itself encompasses many related industries. TO female body This includes, for example, gynecology, and pediatrics for children.

Women do not go directly to a urologist with their problems as often as men.

This can be explained quite simply: having felt pain or discomfort, representatives of the fair sex first go to a gynecologist, and he, in turn, after an examination, sends the patient to a specialist.

Which symptoms should be alarming:

A pregnant woman should be especially attentive to herself and her health.

During this period, including on the kidneys and bladder. Occurring during physiological processes lead to the risk of occurrence or exacerbation of diseases of the urinary system.

Symptoms you shouldn't ignore future mom:

  • Sharp pain in the kidney area;
  • Not passing painful sensations lower abdomen;
  • Any red discharge Brown from the genital tract;
  • Severe urination disturbance.

In these cases, the woman should immediately contact her doctor or call an ambulance.

When planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother must cure everything chronic diseases female genital organs.

What does a women's specialist do?

Urology in women is a highly focused specialization. However, the doctor must be both a urologist and a gynecologist in one person in order correctly distinguish one problem from another and help the patient in a timely manner.

A urologist treats diseases such as:

  • Stones in the kidneys and ureter;
  • Incontinence;
  • Congenital malformations genitourinary organs;
  • Bladder;
  • and neoplasms.

It is worth noting that the female half more often suffers from diseases of the urinary system than the male half. It's connected with structural features female genital organs.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

How is the reception going, what is he watching?

A good specialist can make a preliminary diagnosis based on examination and assessment of the patient’s symptoms.

After an external examination and palpation of problem organs, the doctor can measure body temperature and visually examine the kidney area by tapping the lower back. This is how a specialist determines external signs inflammation.

If the patient’s complaints concern the bladder, then the examination is done in the gynecological office.

The doctor may prescribe additional tests and research:

In unclear or difficult cases Urethroscopy and also pyeloscopy may be required.

Most often, a urologist prescribes Kidney ultrasound. There is no need to specially prepare for this procedure; however, before the study, you should exclude from your diet foods that lead to increased gas formation in the intestines, as this may distort the results.

The patient’s excess weight is also often an obstacle to staging correct diagnosis by using . If a kidney ultrasound is performed small child, it is important that he does not move during the entire procedure.

After diagnosis, Dr. prescribes therapy. Usually it includes medications, which may include various medications: broad-spectrum antibiotics, herbal preparations, diuretics and so on.

Usually prescribed by a doctor conservative methods treatments are given good result, but in severe cases resort to surgical intervention. A urologist also has this qualification.

When women need a urologist, the doctor will tell us in the video:

In fact, this specialist deals with the treatment of diseases genitourinary and reproductive systems.

Urology is a field of clinical medicine that helps not only to eliminate the symptoms of pathologies, but also to determine the causes of their occurrence. What is urology in men and how the examination by a doctor is carried out, we will find out further.

When should men see a urologist?

You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • Rash and redness of the genitals.
  • Specific secretions.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Itching or burning during urination.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Decreased erection.
  • Fast ejaculation.
  • Pain in the genital area during sexual intercourse.

As soon as rashes appear in the genital area, pain in the abdomen and genitals, you need to contact a urologist for help. Timely consultation will help in solving the problem.

If you ignore these symptoms, even the most harmless disease can turn into a serious pathology, which will be incredibly difficult to get rid of.

What kind of diseases does it treat?

A urologist treats the following diseases:

A urologist treats various inflammatory processes, infections, and neoplasms that have appeared in the genitourinary system. It will also help in the treatment of kidney failure and urolithiasis.

This doctor's range of knowledge is quite wide. Males can see a doctor any age. Not only adult men, but also boys visit the urologist.

How is the appointment, what does the doctor do?

An appointment with a urologist includes several procedures. First, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient, clarifying complaints and collecting information about the medical history. Then the patient's body temperature is checked.

Many male urological pathologies are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, so this symptom should not be ignored.

After examining the patient, the doctor gives several recommendations and prescribes medications. The patient gets dressed and listens to the doctor. This concludes the reception. It lasts no more than 15 minutes and rarely exceeds this time.

If the doctor finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, use additional diagnostic methods:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Urethroscopy.
  • Biopsy.
  • lower abdomen.

After performing these methods, the doctor looks at the results and on their basis prescribes treatment. These are modern effective methods, which allow you to quickly establish a disease, or assess the patient’s health and make sure there are no pathologies.

Typically, boys, unlike adult men, are prescribed fewer tests: only blood and urine tests. Other methods are used extremely rarely, only in the presence of a serious illness.

Reception of a boy is actually not much different from reception of an adult man. If the child is very small, one of the parents can come with him. The urologist asks the child about pain and discomfort and collects information for the medical history.

Then the child’s genitals are examined and, if necessary, sent for blood and urine tests. After the examination, the child can get dressed. The doctor says some recommendations about how to deal with pathology and prescribes treatment.

What tests are prescribed for patients?

A man undergoes tests at a urologist:

  • Analysis of urine.
  • Blood analysis.
  • Urethral swab.
  • Enzyme immunoassay blood test.
  • Spermogram.
  • Polymerase chain reaction.

During treatment the patient gets tested at least twice: at the beginning of treatment and at its completion. This allows the urologist to monitor the patient’s condition, make sure that their health is improving and that pathology is being eliminated.

If the urological treatment is long-term, the patient undergoes tests 2-3 times at intervals of several days.

The urologist has wide range knowledge. Regular visits to the urologist will help prevent pathologies of the male reproductive system and maintain its health. The urologist will diagnose pathologies and prescribe the necessary timely treatment.

What's happened urological examination A urologist will tell you in a video clip:

Some people have misconceptions about what a urologist treats. Most often, when answering this question, they answer about “male” diseases. But is this really so?

Urology itself does not stand out as a separate science. This is part of surgery. In addition, there are a number of related disciplines such as gynecology, pediatrics and andrology. There is pediatric urology, female urology, and male urology.

This department of urology studies mainly malformations of children and diseases that relate to the pediatric genitourinary system.

In some cases, symptoms that should be addressed to a urologist appear in childhood.

So with childhood the following diseases appear:

  1. Cystitis. It occurs as a result of bacterial growth or inflammation. Women, due to their physical structure, are much more susceptible to this disease. In some cases, cystitis occurs as a result of allergies to soap, talc, and certain types of vaginal deodorants.
  2. Phimosis. Due to the narrowness of the foreskin, the head of the penis cannot be exposed. It can be physiological and pathological. Treatment depends on the form. Often the disease develops due to scoliosis, flat feet and heart defects. There are also infectious and inflammatory processes.
  3. Balanoposthitis (balanitis) occurs as a result of infection with Escherichia coli, staphylococci, enterococci and others pathogenic microflora. In addition, the disease can be a consequence of other fungal diseases.
  4. Cryptorchidism is the undescended testicle into the scrotum. This pathology arises from birth and can be false or true. In case of a false testicle, the testicle can be manually moved into the scrotum. True pathology is a chromosomal disorder that can develop after infections suffered by the mother.
  5. Anomalies and inflammatory processes developing in girls.

Male pathologies

What does a urologist treat in men? Male urology in other words is called andrology. This branch of medicine studies and treats only male diseases. Infertility and prostatitis, urolithiasis and inflammatory processes in the kidneys are the most common among these diseases. Urologists also treat various infections in the bladder, sexually transmitted infections.

A urologist is perhaps the only specialist to whom male representatives turn with intimate problems. Such problems include:

  1. BPH. A more modern name is benign hyperplasia prostate gland. There is still no clear understanding of the causes of this disease, which results in the formation of one or more nodules on the prostate. The main indicator today is age.
  2. Vesiculitis. A rare disease during which the seminal vesicles become inflamed. The disease can often develop as a consequence long abstinence, frequent constipation, sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, depressed immune system.
  3. Orchitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the ovarian tissue and is most often a consequence of other infectious diseases. The cause may be testicular injury or allergic inflammation.
  4. Epididymitis. Inflammatory disease, which occurs on the epididymis as a result of infection. The reason may be the use of a catheter or.
  5. Infertility. In men, the first place among the causes of the disease is poor sperm motility or low sperm volume. The presence of varicose veins in the scrotum makes ejaculation difficult. And don’t forget about obstruction in reproductive organs, testicular dysfunction, drug use.
  6. Testicular tumor. This is a neoplasm that can be either benign or malignant (cancer).

There are many reasons for the appearance of tumors:

  • undescended testicles into the scrotum in infancy;
  • hereditary diseases of this type;
  • infertility;
  • underdevelopment of one or both testicles;
  • testicular injuries;
  • Surgery to remove testicles due to cancer.

Women's diseases

What does a urologist treat for women? Women visit this doctor much less often than men. The question arises, what does a urologist treat in women? Every woman should know that the sooner a urologist identifies diseases associated with the genitourinary system, the easier it will be to cure them. What problems worry women?

Female urology. In other words - urogynecology. This area of ​​urology identifies and diagnoses the urethra and genital organs, developing inflammatory processes, both internal and external. This includes urolithiasis and sexually transmitted diseases.

  1. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Most often they occur without making themselves felt for a long time. They appear when it has already arrived chronic form: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and others.
  2. Urethritis. The causative agent is coli, chlamydia, gonococcus, viral infections.
  3. Pyelonephritis. Viral disease, which affects the renal pelvis. Women who have difficulty with the flow of urine during pregnancy due to compression of the ureters by the uterus are more likely to suffer. In men, pyelonephritis can occur with age or as a result of prostate adenoma.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. There are many causes of stones in the kidneys, ureters, urethra or bladder. These include hypothermia, viruses, and bad hygiene care. The disease manifests itself renal colic, sharp increase fever, lower back pain.

Diseases such as pyelonephritis and urolithiasis occur in both women and men.

Symptoms, mandatory consultation with a doctor

Most people do not see a doctor until the last minute and try to cure themselves. But the sooner you see a doctor, the easier and less painful it will be will undergo treatment. Symptoms of visiting a urologist are as follows:

  1. or urethra. In certain cases, discharge may occur after past illness or hypothermia. If it seems to you that the amount of discharge has increased, this is the first sign that you need to go to the doctor for an appointment.
  2. Sharp pain when urinating, itching, burning. All this can be observed in healthy person, but if discomfort repeat, then you need to see a doctor.
  3. Frequent urination. A symptom that resembles cystitis. But in both cases it is better to seek help.
  4. Feeling incomplete emptying bladder is the first sign of urolithiasis, which indicates its appearance even before noticeable symptoms.
  5. Bloody discharge signals that serious inflammation has already begun in the kidneys, bladder or ureters. In this case, surgery will be necessary in most cases.
  6. Sexual dysfunction.

A timely visit to the urologist is the key to health. In some cases, after passing the tests, the doctor will simply prescribe pills.

Research methods

A urologist can make a diagnosis immediately, but in most cases he needs not only visual research methods.

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will use the following methods:

  • Cystoscopy. By using . There are types of cystoscopes:
  1. for examining the bladder (examination);
  2. to analyze urine taken directly from the pelvis of each individual kidney, there is a ureteral catheter (catheterization);
  3. for extraction foreign bodies or cauterization of some cells and blood vessels(operating rooms);
  4. photoscopes.

These tools are complex optical system, which allows you to identify sources of bleeding during urination or sources of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder, identify and examine tumors.

  • Urethroscopy. This method is based on the examination of the urethra. Thanks to the urethroscope, you can see the entire urethra. There are two types of urethroscopes:
  1. Valentin urethroscope, which has central illumination;
  2. Goldschmidt irrigation urethroscope.

This method is used for examination, detection of foreign bodies, urethral diverticula, ulcers, tumors, cysts.

  • Method. The physiology of the kidneys is that they secrete substances containing iodine. The patient is injected intravenously with several grams of X-ray contrast agent. The iodine reaction determines the ability of the kidneys and urinary tract to function normally.
    However, patients who suffer from impaired renal excretory function, liver disease, or hyperthyroidism cannot be examined in this way.
  • Pyelography. Thanks to the introduction of a radiopaque substance into the renal pelvis, it becomes possible to obtain an image of the pyelocaliceal system. Thanks to this method, it is possible to identify many features of changes in the genitourinary organs, namely the structures of the pelvis and calyces, developmental anomalies, pathological changes in the kidney with hydronephrosis, stones in the pelvis and ureters, tuberculous processes, neoplasms.
  • Cystography. A contrast solution is injected into the bladder. This allows you to judge its shape and size. Such a study serves to identify stones, anomalies, diverticula, tumors and others.
  • Urethrography. Using a contrast agent injected into the urethra, an image is taken that allows one to identify the presence of anomalies, diverticulum, various narrowings, stones, the presence of foreign bodies, inflammatory and tumor processes.
  • Angiography. Thanks to this method of introducing an x-ray substance into the lumen of blood vessels, it becomes possible to examine arterial, venous and lymphatic vessels.

Thus, a urologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the genitourinary system not only in men, but also in women and children. The sooner the patient is in the doctor’s office, the sooner he talks about his problems, the sooner he will be cured.