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How many months does a pregnant dog walk. How many walks a pregnant dog and care for her at this time. Caring for the expectant mother

Pregnancy in dogs is an important stage in the life of an animal, associated with stress for the body and a serious restructuring of its life. In veterinary medicine, instead of the term "pregnancy", it is preferable to use another name for this physiological state - "puppy". Pregnant women require special care and supervision of the owner, on which the success of the upcoming birth largely depends.

How long does a dog pregnancy last?

The duration of pregnancy in dogs varies from 56 to 72 days. The term of bearing offspring may have some dependence on the size of the dog and its breed. The earlier from the settlement date, the less viable they will be. The onset of labor is considered to be on the 60-66th day of pregnancy.

If this did not happen within the indicated period, it makes sense to seek the advice of a veterinarian so that he establishes observation of the animal. may come earlier. The duration of gestation may also depend on the number of puppies. If there are few puppies, pregnancy may occur a little later than the time calculated by the owner.

How to determine pregnancy

Identify signs of pregnancy in dogs early stage- the task is quite feasible for an attentive dog breeder. Usually, an increase in the volume of the abdomen occurs only in the second month of gestation. In the first month, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Pay attention to the dog's appetite. Most pregnant bitches in the early stages of gestation lose their appetite and eat less than usual. However, loss of appetite is not always a sign of pregnancy. Also, not all dogs go through a phase of losing interest in food.
  • Behavior. Some dogs in the first weeks of pregnancy begin to feel worse - they may become lethargic, lethargic, slow and lack of energy. If the dog is usually playful and energetic, and after some time after mating, she began to sleep more and be reluctant to respond to commands, she may have become pregnant. In the first weeks of gestation, the dog may become more affectionate and sociable. The opposite situation may also arise - the pet will seek solitude in secluded places.
  • Pay attention to the size of the dog's nipples - in some individuals, they may increase as early as the 2nd week of pregnancy. The skin on the nipples becomes thicker, and in dogs that are pregnant more than once, the nipples may begin to droop.
  • If you regularly visit the veterinarian, you can determine pregnancy by the content of relaxin in the blood. This substance is produced in the dog's body at the 3rd week of pregnancy.
  • In the second month of pregnancy, the dog's appetite can increase significantly.
  • The fruits can be felt by palpation at 3-4 weeks. They are located on both sides of the female's abdomen in the form of dense lumps. Later, the offspring is palpated with difficulty.
  • The stomach begins to grow and become elastic, the nipples swell, filling with milk.
  • At this stage, a colorless or pale discharge may appear from the dog's vagina.
  • Toward the end of the second month, the dog's pregnancy becomes apparent. If there are a lot of puppies, the stomach can interfere with the dog when moving. By 45 days, X-rays can be taken and the number of offspring can be determined.

Signs of approaching childbirth

The dog begins to feel uncomfortable, does not sit in one place, randomly moves around the room. Some dogs can stay closer to the owner, some, on the contrary, seek solitude. On the last day or two before giving birth, the dog begins to look for a safe place to brood. If the owner gives her comfortable conditions for childbirth, the dog can lie down there and not get up until the very beginning of the process.

Security measures

In the first month of pregnancy, it is not recommended to hold dogs in their arms with their stomach up. This can lead to twisting of the uterine horns. Also, dogs should not be allowed to sleep on their backs. It is not recommended to feel the bitch at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. In young bitches pregnant for the first time, it is better not to touch the abdomen at all.

Keep children away from a pregnant dog - during pregnancy, the animal can become nervous and prone to aggression. Should not be allowed near dogs strangers and other dogs. By the end of the gestation period and in the first days after childbirth, the owner himself should be careful - protecting the offspring, the dog can bite him too.

Physical exercise

Until 40-45 days of pregnancy, the bitch should walk and move more, although it is during this period that the dog may become prone to laziness. It is not worth raping the dog, but try to walk with it longer - this is necessary for strengthening the muscles and, therefore, contributes to a more successful birth.

Correct physical exercise- a pledge of painless and quick delivery. In addition, physical activity somewhat slows down the growth of puppies, which also helps to facilitate childbirth. Puppies can gain height later, while breastfeeding. The load should be reduced 20-25 days before the birth, when the puppies begin to push. A week before giving birth, you can generally stop such physical activities as running and jumping.


It should consist of high quality foods, and the protein and calcium content should be increased compared to the usual diet. The best source of protein is raw (but boiled and safe) meat and offal, best source calcium - cottage cheese (especially if there are no bones in the diet). This is the basis of a pregnant dog's diet. Using natural products, the risk of overdose of any elements is reduced. If at normal times you feed your dog special food, then you should not stop giving it at all - just significantly increase the proportion of natural food.

During the gestation of puppies in the warm season, you need to spend more time with the dog on fresh air, increasing the duration of sun exposure (this promotes the production of vitamin D). Also needed folic acid(there is a lot of it in greens, especially in asparagus, crimson leaves, broccoli, etc.) and vitamin E (its in large numbers contains egg yolk).

false pregnancy

Given physiological state may occur in bitches that have not been bred. During a false pregnancy, the dog has all the signs of behavior that are characteristic of puppyhood. The dog may begin to prepare a nest and even experience something similar to labor pains. At the same time, she may begin to produce milk. This animal may need therapy. sedatives prescribed by the veterinarian.

After some time, the dog returns to normal. False pregnancy usually does not affect the possibility of real pregnancy in the future. Veterinary medicine considers the causes of false pregnancy to be excessive or uneven release of specific hormones in the dog's body. Normally, this neurohormone is produced only after fertilization of the egg. Sometimes false pregnancy occurs when inflammatory processes and accumulations of pus in the uterus.

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Let your dog lead healthy puppies. Health to them.

Canine pregnancy is natural process maturation of the fetus in female dogs, which each breed has its own characteristics. A dog is one of the animals that are able to bring several cubs at the same time - this is especially true for dogs. large breeds. Large females often give birth to up to 10 puppies, in medium breeds 5-6 puppies are born, in dwarf dogs- 2-4 puppies.

Features of pregnancy in dogs

Dog breeders estimate that a dog's pregnancy lasts an average of 59 to 73 days. It all depends on the breed of the dog, the number of puppies being born, the age and conditions of the pregnant bitch. But in general, large and small breeds dogs pregnancy proceeds in exactly the same way, which cannot be said about childbirth in different breeds.

Veterinarians distinguish between three types of pregnancy in dogs - physiological, pathological and false pregnancy.

    A physiological pregnancy is a normal, healthy pregnancy in which the process of carrying puppies occurs without disturbance. normal state female and fetus.

    Pathological pregnancy is a pregnancy that is characterized by a violation of the natural physiological processes and health of the female. In the process of pathology, the female has toxicosis and a decrease in appetite, caused by the rapid attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus.

    Pregnancy, which, according to symptoms, resembles physiological, but does not lead to fertilization. It occurs after 2 months and resembles a normal process in terms of symptoms - the mammary glands increase, milk appears, the abdomen acquires a characteristic shape, the female begins to behave like a pregnant woman (she prepares a “nest”, behaves excitedly, shows aggression towards other dogs, etc. ). A false pregnancy lasts two weeks, then the symptoms disappear. During such a pregnancy, the female may develop mastitis, so she needs special care.

How to tell if a dog is pregnant

The behavior of dogs during pregnancy is very different, and this is due not only to the characteristics of the breed, but also to the characteristics of each individual dog, her character and temperament. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the female shows some nervousness, absent-mindedness, some disobedience to the commands of the owner.

Only at the end of the first month of pregnancy, the bitch begins to "twist the nest", scratching the litter and correcting it with her muzzle. Sometimes the dog tries to hide food by denying himself food. To other people's dogs, the bitch begins to show signs of unfriendliness, even to acquaintances. Occasionally, aggression is also manifested towards people if they come close to her bed, which she began to perceive as a "nest".

At the same time, the dog begins to show a strange interest in objects that resemble puppies in shape, softness and size - she willingly drags small Stuffed Toys, shows increased attention to the squeak of toys that remind her of the squeak of puppies.

Pregnancy diagnostics

Determination of pregnancy in dogs early dates necessary in order to distinguish physiological pregnancy from false, and determine possible pathologies the process of bearing a fetus. To do this, veterinarians use examination, palpation and radiography.

Palpation on later dates effective, as it allows you to feel the fetus in the abdomen, determine the enlargement of the mammary glands, swelling of the paws and abdominal walls. At the same time, the fetus begins to be felt at the sixth week, and on the eighth one can even feel the body of the puppy in the womb. In the same period, radiography can determine the condition of the puppies in the womb, their number and correct development.

Prevention of pregnancy

In some females, their habitual behavior does not change even during pregnancy, however, their usual behavior can change at any time if you irritate or physically "strain" the female - instinctive defense mechanisms are activated. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, it is best to free the dog from training and service, walk it more often and prevent it from lying in one place.

In the same time, any dog ​​behavior, requires more attention and sanitary prevention from possible infectious and noncommunicable diseases that she could pass on to her offspring. It is also necessary to keep her away from children - she represents potential for them.

Breeding a breed is not only profitable, but also an interesting activity that introduces you to all aspects of the life of a particular animal. One of its most important stages is pregnancy, which allows you to enjoy the results of labor. New organisms developing in the mother's womb put a serious strain on the dog's body. In this regard, the expectant mother needs help and support from the owner. Consider how many pregnant dogs walk and how much the usual care of the animal will change.

Past mating is not a guarantee of pregnancy. In this regard, experienced breeders hold repeated meetings to consolidate the result.

During the first month, the pregnancy of the pet does not have clear signs. An observant host may note:

Upon detection indicated symptoms dog should be taken to veterinary clinic. The visit should be scheduled no earlier than a month after mating. When diagnosing, ultrasound is used, which helps to determine not only the fact of a special situation, but also the exact number of future babies.

A month after conception, you can see external signs:

  • enlargement and rounding of the abdomen;
  • secretion of viscous mucus from the loop;
  • swelling of the nipples, sometimes accompanied by their pigmentation.

You can feel the puppies with palpation by the end of 2 months. Please note that this action should not be performed independently. Lack of experience can lead to injury to the fetus.

Closer to the onset of childbirth observed:

  • puppies movement;
  • aggression towards strangers;
  • creation of hiding places with edible stocks;
  • device "nests" for the future family;
  • the appearance of milk;
  • loss of appetite.

How long does it take

As a rule, the onset of childbirth falls on the period from 55 to 66 days after conception. Nevertheless, puppies that appeared at an early (53-55 days) or, conversely, late (66-71 days) term, are also able to be born healthy under certain factors:

If the timing shifts from the norm for more than 10 days, you should seek help from a specialist. When confirming the maturation of puppies, a caesarean section is resorted to for their extraction.

Consider the timing of pregnancy popular breeds in the table:

Caring for a pregnant dog

A pregnant dog requires constant attention from the owner, including care and proper care. If caring attitude should be traced at any time, then the features of care vary depending on the weekly duration of the current pregnancy:

Dogs descended from wolves have retained one of their features. Despite the fact that only the alpha female participated in the procreation, the other she-wolves could also produce colostrum, feeding the newborns. This phenomenon is called a false pregnancy. It is determined by:

  • creating a "nest" and dragging favorite toys and food into it;
  • secretion of milk;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands and abdomen.

False pregnancy occurs even in the absence of mating. Under such circumstances, it is easier for the owner to diagnose the snag. The owner of the dog that participated in the mating will be able to find out if she is really pregnant only 2 months after mating.

Please note that the phenomenon in 64 cases out of 100 is regular and not dangerous. However, you should go for a preventive examination, because a false pregnancy can provoke the appearance of mastitis or other complications.


Pregnancy of a beloved pet is a quivering and exciting time. Competent care and support from the owner will help to bear healthy offspring and avoid possible complications.

Remember that the timing of pregnancy depends on many factors. Try to take into account all the circumstances and respond in a timely manner in case of deviations from the planned plan.

See also video

The birth of a new life is a magical process that requires a lot of trouble from the environment of the expectant mother. Below we will talk about how to determine that the mating was successful, how long the pregnancy lasts in dogs, why during this period the bitch needs extra care and how to properly prepare for childbirth.

Unlike distant wild ancestors, hunting until the very last dates, modern domestic dogs require increased attention from the owner during pregnancy.

First signs

In the first two weeks, signs of pregnancy in dogs appear purely individually, and tests at such an early stage will not give a result. Uncertainty often leads to the fact that the dog is bred repeatedly, and in the same litter puppies are born formally from different matings, and possibly from different males.

Experts identify four signs that help determine pregnancy in a dog at home in the early stages.

  1. Bad appetite. Soon it will recover and improve, but at the first stage the body is stressed. Change hormonal background and other sensations prevent the pet from enjoying food.
  2. Toxicosis. Like the body of a pregnant woman, the body of a bitch "defends itself" from developing in the womb of someone else's DNA. As with women, toxicosis goes away on its own. You can only help by providing peace and access to clean water. If nausea has not gone away after a month, you need to see a doctor - the health of the mother and puppies is no longer threatened by toxicosis, but by full-fledged intoxication.
  3. Behavior change. Some pregnant bitches become passive, constantly sleeping and not interested in anything. Others, on the contrary, become overly loving and constantly fawn over people.
  4. Nipple condition. In experienced parturient women, the nipples may begin to swell already in the first two weeks, in dogs with the first pregnancy, the color of the nipples may change, and the skin around it may become denser.

Test check

Science will help confirm the fact of conception from the third week. During this period, you can conduct a pregnancy test for dogs. IN laboratory conditions examine the animal's blood. An increase in the level of the hormone relaxin indicates successful fertilization.

After three weeks, the doctor can already listen to the puppies' heartbeats, and an ultrasound can also be done, although it is better to wait until 35-40 days, when the study can provide full information about the number of puppies and their health status.

At the age of one month, the puppies should not yet move and actively push, but they can already be gently felt in the abdominal cavity.

How long does pregnancy last in dogs: the norm by day

Inexperienced dog owners, tuning in to long-term care for a future woman in labor, ask themselves the question: how many months does a dog bear puppies? The process is very fleeting - two months, and if everything is done correctly, you will become the owner of the cutest brood of carouses.

The exact duration of pregnancy in dogs is individual, depending on the size and health of the animal, the number of puppies in the litter, and a number of other factors. Average:

  • pregnancy in small breed dogs- lasts up to 60 days;
  • pregnancy in large breed dogs- lasts 63-65 days.

If there are many puppies in the litter, childbirth may begin earlier.

The peculiarity of canine physiology is that fertilization does not occur as a result of mating. Male spermatozoa remain viable in the female's body for several days after mating. It is not always possible to accurately determine the day of conception. The first signs after mating may also not appear immediately, so it is better for the owner to focus not so much on the calendar, but on the well-being of the dog and the conclusions of the veterinarian. It is worth worrying when the gestational age approaches 70 days - there is a risk of transferring. In this case, the veterinarian will decide whether to induce labor or caesarean section.

The onset of childbirth is considered safe from 53 to 71 days. Childbirth earlier or later than the specified interval often ends with the birth of sick offspring or the death of puppies. Prematurely born puppies may have problems with independent breathing, delayed in the womb - they will face intoxication and lack of oxygen.

Stages of pregnancy and fetal development

Two months of gestation puppies are conventionally divided into six stages of pregnancy.

  1. 0-20 day . From the fertilization of the egg to the formation of the heart of the offspring.
  2. 20-28 days. Offspring accepts appearance future puppies, but still without wool. From this period, pregnancy is already visible to the naked eye, the dog's belly grows, movements and habits change.
  3. 28-34 days. Puppies are perfectly visible on ultrasound, they have already gained a quarter of their future weight, the bones of the limbs and ribs are being strengthened.
  4. 34-37 days. The formation of all life support systems of the body is entering the final stage.
  5. 37-55 day. The end of the formation of the body, weight gain, preparation for childbirth.
  6. From day 56. The bitch begins to look for a secluded place for childbirth, intensively licking herself, the nipples can already secrete colostrum.

Pregnancy in dogs is individual. The given terms are conditional. Follow the advice of your veterinarian watching your pet's pregnancy.

Caring for the expectant mother

The first stage of caring for the health of future puppies and their mother during pregnancy begins long before the conception process itself. First of all, look in the veterinary passport for the timing of the next vaccination and correlate them with the expected period of pregnancy and feeding of puppies. If they don't match, fine. If they match, then consult your doctor and get vaccinated a little ahead of time.

Do annual vaccinations it is necessary approximately three months before the onset of estrus, in which mating is planned. Big term due to the fact that more than once a quarter it is impossible to treat the animal from worms, and the deworming procedure is mandatory both before vaccination and before mating. In both cases, it is carried out two weeks before the procedures.

A month before mating, the dog should be taken for a medical examination and, at the discretion of the veterinarian, be tested for herpes, streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, brucellosis and other diseases.

Only a healthy, fully formed adult animal with no signs of malnutrition or obesity should be bred. Deworming and vaccination during pregnancy and lactation of puppies are dangerous for the health of the mother and offspring. In case of emergency, you can treat the animal from worms special means after the first third of pregnancy.

Physical activity

In the first month, outwardly, the animal practically does not change. If internal processes go smoothly, no changes in diet and daily routine are required. Depending on the dog's early pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, she may need to extra food or vice versa, reducing the portion with an increase in the proportion of proteins and a reduction in carbohydrates. If the pet is sick in the morning, try to make her diet more neutral, add broth, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. A dog should always have pure water. Experts strongly do not recommend increasing the amount of food in this phase, as you can provoke weight gain. The diet is still the same - twice a day.

Walk as long as you can and should. The animal retains its habitual activity, and as a precautionary measure, it is sufficient to avoid intense exercise and activities. Exceptions are some working breeds, for example, german shepherds, which even during pregnancy are recommended long walks until the animal is reasonably tired. Naturally inactive dogs of small breeds should be additionally protected from jumping from a height.

revise physical activity pets and her food is time for the fourth or fifth week. Most bitches themselves become less mobile during this period, and you should not load them with long walks. Even if all vaccinations are done, protect the animal from unnecessary contact with other dogs, especially males. During this period, it is normal for the animal to sleep a lot, seek solitude, or, on the contrary, fawn over the owner. Closer to the middle of the second month, many females have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of their favorite toy and react sensitively to any squeak that is vaguely reminiscent of a puppy.


Even before the diagnosis has confirmed pregnancy, make it a rule to wash your paws after a walk with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a similar disinfectant.

It is better to refuse bathing for this period and the time of feeding puppies - any stress can harm the expectant mother and babies. If nevertheless there is a need - avoid drafts and hypothermia, after washing thoroughly dry the coat and undercoat.

Pregnant small breed dogs are best carried up and down steps on your hands. You need to lift the animal under the chest and pelvis, without distributing the load on the stomach.


In the second half of pregnancy, critically examine your pet. If excess weight visible to the naked eye, do not enlarge daily intake calories. If the animal looks thin, an increase in the portion will be required. Often during this period, the dog's appetite increases, because she eats not only for herself, but also for the kids. In an infertile pregnancy, a dog may not need plentiful puppies. Focus on the appearance and behavior of the pet.

It is important that during this period the animal receives balanced diet covering the body's needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But at the same time, it is important to remember that during pregnancy, the female should only have a thin layer of fat, and not obesity, which will make childbirth difficult. Since puppies are getting bigger and can already physically press on internal organs, it is better to transfer the dog to three meals a day, and in the later stages to feed up to five times a day in small portions.

Animals fed dry food are transferred to special food for pregnant. It is important to follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer, do not overfeed the animal and ensure round-the-clock access to drinking water. natural nutrition must necessarily include dairy products, lean meat, boiled offal, rich in vitamins and macronutrients. Kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, if desired, can also be given as a moderate addition to dry food. Once or twice a week for wool it is useful to give an egg.

IN last week pregnancy, the diet is made more dietary, meat and top dressing are practically excluded from it in order to facilitate childbirth. Vitamins or special vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women should be given according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some are introduced into the diet from the first days, others begin to give even before mating.

The dog should receive additional doses of calcium. Breeds that are prone to joint problems also need phosphorus and vitamin D. In the second month, you can give an additional drop of vitamin E per serving of food.

When choosing vitamins for a pregnant dog, remember that the animal receives them not only in the form of tablets or powders, but also from food, and some substances are synthesized by the body itself. Consult your veterinarian for the correct dosage calculation or selection. complex means. An overabundance of vitamins is no less dangerous than their lack.

Home permutations

By the second month of pregnancy, your dog will require additional amenities. The animal becomes heavier, increases in volume, becomes less dexterous, and should have comfortable spot for sleep and relaxation. Buy, borrow or make a new, larger bed out of old blankets.

A week before the birth, the dog may begin to choose a secluded place where he plans to give birth. It can be a closet, a drawer, a cozy nook. You can offer her a box filled with blankets yourself or equip her chosen place. The future "rodzal" should be spacious enough, you or the veterinarian should have access to help.

Make sure that in the room where the mother and newborns will live, temperature regime stays around 30°C. Both hypothermia and heat are harmful to puppies. A little later, mother and offspring will need a playpen or an improvised aviary, from where an adult animal can easily get out, but babies cannot.

Calculate the approximate date of delivery and try to take a few days off or vacation. Prepare in advance:

  • rubber diaper - for the box;
  • diapers, sterile bandages or gauze- for wiping puppies;
  • cotton wool, iodine, brilliant green, vaseline- And antiseptic for hands and tools;
  • sterile threads - for the umbilical cord;
  • multi-colored woolen threads- to distinguish puppies;
  • sterile scissors- with rounded ends, for the umbilical cord
  • syringe - to remove mucus from the nose;
  • scales and a notepad - to record the time, weight and sequence of the appearance of babies;
  • syringe with oxytocin last resort to induce contractions.

In the normal course of childbirth, oxytocin is dangerous. Often an injection is given to remove the placenta.

Hours to add

It is possible to determine that childbirth is approaching in three to three to five days by whitish discharge from the genitals after sleep or urination. This is a mucous plug, the release of which gives rise to the preparation of the body for the birth of offspring. Monitor the temperature of the animal - during the day before delivery, it drops by a degree and a half. At this time, the animal behaves strangely, looking for something, trying to dig something in the floor, looking inquiringly into the eyes of the owners.

A few hours before contractions, a powerful mixture of hormones is released into the blood of the animal, which can temporarily make the dog not quite adequate, too mobile and sociable. Do not let the woman in labor away from you. After the animal begins to urinate frequently and squat, you can carefully place it in the “rodzal”, you have no more than an hour and a half before the first puppy comes out. After giving birth, you may need:

  • separate box with heating pad - if necessary, separate the puppies from the mother;
  • goat milk or infant formula- in case of lack of milk;
  • milk or broth- for a woman in labor.

Not all modern domestic dogs can cope on their own, especially if this is the first birth. Arrange with the veterinarian that during this period he will be ready at any time to provide you with advice or practical assistance.



In the case of a missed pregnancy, one or more fetuses stop developing. The greatest risks in the third week are at the stage of implantation, that is, the final formation of the embryo, or in the seventh or eighth week, when the placentation period ends. The body of the mother can get rid of the frozen embryo both by miscarriage and by resorption of the embryo, or by mummification and decomposition of the frozen fetus in the uterus and birth canal.

A miscarriage may be accompanied painful sensations, purulent secretions or pass completely asymptomatically. In any case, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian. A miscarriage can be partial, and then viable puppies remain in the uterus, and the pregnancy continues. At complete miscarriage all offspring die. In the latter case, it is important to make sure that there are no fragments left in the uterus.


There are cases ectopic pregnancy in dogs. It can be caused by a violation in the work of the sexual and endocrine systems dog or a consequence of an abdominal injury, when the wall of the uterus is torn, and one or more fetuses fall into abdominal cavity. There are no specific symptoms in this condition, it is manifested by pain in the abdomen, there may be discharge from the genitals, internal or external bleeding. In most cases, pregnancy in dogs is terminated. On early stages it could be drug effect later - surgical intervention.

Also, the need for termination of pregnancy may arise due to medical indications, or due to unplanned mating with an unwanted partner. In this case, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. Until the dog shows signs of pregnancy, drugs can be used to prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. abortion with surgical intervention often leads to subsequent sterilization of the animal.

Pregnancy in dogs is a long period in the life of an animal that requires special care and attention from its owner. It is important to know that pregnancy is stressful for the animal's body and sometimes carries the most different consequences. During pregnancy, the dog is vulnerable to illness and mood changes, as well as apathy or depression.

Before starting mating, an owner who is going to breed purebred puppies should read a lot of information about how the pregnancy goes and find out how many months a pregnant dog walks. We will talk a little about the features of dog pregnancy in this article.

A dog's pregnancy lasts approximately two months or 56-66 days.. You need to know that the duration of pregnancy in dogs begins from the first day after mating. Interestingly, primiparous dogs and dogs large sizes will carry their puppies longer, their pregnancy can last up to 71 days. It is also possible to give birth in early lines, starting from 53 days from mating.

If you are worried that the birth did not occur on the expected day, and are very worried about this, calm down. You just need to review the dates. In most cases, mating is carried out three times a week, maybe you just made a mistake with the exact time. Interestingly, how many days pregnant dogs walk depends on many factors, and the most common of these is how many pregnancies they had before this one. The more experienced the dog, the faster and easier it will be for her pregnancy.

Signs of Pregnancy in Dogs

Whether the dog is pregnant or not, it is impossible to find out the mating field the next day. Moreover, in the first month of pregnancy there are no external signs pregnancy. It is possible to indicate pregnancy in dogs in the early lines only by changes in their usual mood, the dog becomes vulnerable, seeks solitude, sleeps a lot, suffers poor appetite. But the first signs of pregnancy in dogs can sometimes be just coincidences.

Dog at 49 days pregnant (photo by Renee V).

Only a veterinarian can confirm the pregnancy of a dog with the help of an ultrasound. Best to carry out ultrasonography not earlier than 21 days from mating, but the most suitable period for indicating pregnancy is 30-35 days from conception. During this period, you can also already find out how many puppies the dog wears.

The peak of a dog's pregnancy begins as early as the second month. During this period, the appearance of the dog changes rapidly. As early as 31 days after mating, the dog gains rounded belly shapes and increases dramatically in weight. The mammary glands are taken to change their forms from the 25th day, but their milk appears 7-10 days before the expected date.

Starting from 49-51 days after mating, you can visually observe and feel how the puppies move in the uterus, but this should be done very carefully so as not to harm. IN last days pregnancy, the dog categorically refuses to walk on the street, behaves aggressively with strangers and persistently searches for a quiet and safe place for childbirth.

Caring for a pregnant dog

A pregnant dog is very vulnerable and unpredictable, it can either bark or be sad endlessly. In some dogs, toxicosis is even present during pregnancy, so it’s not worth being surprised at the animal’s changing mood. A dog in position needs a three-time walk every day, but it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden for her to be too active way life, you can not jump and run fast.

You need to know that how long a pregnant dog walks, how much she needs caring care. In the first month of pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the nutrition of the animal, it must be healthy and complete, with enough vitamins and proteins. Starting from the second month of pregnancy, the amount of food offered should be gradually increased.

The diet of a pregnant dog should contain vitamins of the group: B, A, D, E. This is a very important process during the dog's pregnancy, because starting from the second month, puppies need more useful substances. During this period, you need to feed the dog not three times a day, but five, while reducing the amount of food from the usual. Thus, you increase the amount of food taken by 30%.

A pregnant dog often seeks privacy, so you should help her find a safe corner in the house where no one will disturb her. In the second half of pregnancy, walks should be reduced to two. It is important that the amount of the proposed protein (eggs, milk, meat, fish) ten days before the birth should be reduced, so that for five days it was not present at all in the diet.

During pregnancy, the dog needs to add a little calcium to the food, which is necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton in puppies. Also, in the last days of pregnancy, you need to limit the dog from overuse liquids.

During pregnancy, the dog should be protected from excessive exercise, it is unacceptable for a pregnant dog to go up and down the stairs or jump on a chair or other high surface.

Now you know that the pregnancy of dogs lasts about two months, and at this time she needs special care and care. Make sure that a pregnant dog does not lie on the cold ground or floor, because in this way she will catch a cold for herself and the puppies.

Other useful articles Online:

  • Before mating, bitches must be anthelmintic, we recommend that you find out.
  • As a result of pregnancy, dogs give birth to puppies, do not forget to find out.