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What is the temperature during pneumonia? Temperature regime for pneumonia


It is very important to know as much as possible about the signs of pneumonia, as well as how long the temperature lasts with pneumonia, in order to start the right treatment in a timely manner.

Pneumonia occurs as a result of the development of pathogenic bacteria. This disease often becomes a complication of the common cold. Most often, pneumonia affects residents of areas with a damp and cold climate.

The first signs of pneumonia are very similar to the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, greatest danger represents pneumonia, which became a complication of a cold transferred on the legs.

Fever, cough, weakness and apathy can be a manifestation of pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease, the body temperature is not higher than 38 degrees in the evenings, by morning it is restored to normal values. People with enough strong immunity this stage can last up to 2 weeks, while the cough remains dry, sore throat worries. In order not to start the disease, you need to see a doctor if the body temperature rises within 5 days.

There may not be any acute and disturbing manifestations, only a noticeable deterioration in well-being, weakness. Then the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, shortness of breath appears when walking, and the cough becomes wet, sometimes with bloody sputum. Headaches and chest pain may also occur. All these unpleasant manifestations can be quickly removed if you turn to a specialist in time and take the prescribed treatment.

Doctors do not get tired of reminding that you should not bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. And there is a scientific explanation for this. As a result of the development of pathogenic microbes in the respiratory tract, pyrogens are produced. They are also produced by the human immune system. It is the pyrogens that cause the temperature to rise. If it is kept within 37-38 degrees, then the metabolism is accelerated and the bacteria that caused the disease are suppressed. But if the temperature has risen above 39 degrees, then this means that the body itself cannot cope with the neutralization of the pathological process.

Too high body temperature, as well as low, aggravates the course of pneumonia. Therefore, experts in the treatment of lung diseases are advised to bring it down to normal physiological values.

How long does fever last with pneumonia

Usually, a high body temperature of up to 39 degrees persists until the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor begin to act. Usually, even after the start of treatment, it can last up to 3 days. If inflammatory process affected both lungs and developed bilateral pneumonia, the thermometer can show 37-38 degrees for several weeks, which requires careful and detailed diagnostics: Maybe, infectious inflammation affected other organs.

Sometimes pneumonia can occur without fever - this is dangerous. The patient may continue to lead usual image life, and the infection will gain momentum in the meantime.

If the temperature rises sharply to 40-41 degrees, you should immediately apply for medical care. You can not try to bring down the fever on your own and self-medicate.

In general, it is impossible to say exactly how many days the temperature lasts with pneumonia. It depends on the causative agent of the disease: virus, fungus, bacteria. It is possible to combine several pathogens at the same time, and then even during treatment the temperature will remain elevated. If the fever does not go down at home, you may need to go to the hospital to be constantly under the supervision of doctors.

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What is the temperature with pneumonia

For inflammation of the lungs, a temperature of 37-38 degrees is characteristic. If it persists for 5 or more days, you should consult a doctor.

Heat 39-40 degrees is an indicator that the inflammatory process has intensified, and the body is not able to neutralize the infection. If the temperature has risen to 41 degrees, you need to call an ambulance, especially when it comes to a child. This may indicate that the disease has taken over defensive reactions organism.

How many days it lasts depends on individual characteristics person, the causative agent of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But in any case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature and tell the doctor about it.

Focal pneumonia, when the infection did not affect the whole lung, but only its individual lobes, can manifest itself subfebrile temperature which lasts up to 5 days. Elderly people and those with reduced immunity may not have a fever.

If the thermometer shows 40-41 degrees, you should immediately seek emergency medical help. This condition is considered critical and requires immediate medical attention. It is especially important to remember this if the child is sick.

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When and how to bring down the heat

It is possible to reduce the temperature in case of illness only after consultation with a medical professional. He will recommend medicines that will be quite effective. But you can try to use folk methods, but it is very important to do this very carefully so as not to harm.

You can wipe the person with a towel soaked in a solution of water and vinegar. The water should be warm, but not hot. Berry fruit drinks, raspberry or cranberry are good in the heat. Linden or thyme tea will increase sweating. Drinks made from honey and lemon, as well as currant juice or rosehip decoction or citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is excellent for coping with pneumonia.

Pneumonia is a dangerous inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract and parenchyma of the lung tissue, in most cases having an infectious etiology. Quite difficult in its diagnosis, as it is characterized by polymorphism of manifestations. Of course, there are several signs of pneumonia in an adult with or without a temperature that can be used to diagnose the disease, but they often fail.

In some cases, even experienced medical workers cannot diagnose pneumonia in time, not to mention patients who may not even know that they have pneumonia. They simply believe that they have caught a bad cold, and there is nothing to worry about, they are in no hurry to seek medical help - this often leads to very unpleasant consequences.

However, it should also be noted that atypical forms of pneumonia in an adult, at which there may be no temperature (caused, as a rule, by intracellular pathogens), are quite rare, they are recorded only after the patient medical institution. In most cases, pneumonia manifests as severe intoxication and catarrhal syndromes, which force a person to still seek professional medical help, albeit untimely. It is good when the symptoms (signs of the disease) in an adult manifest on early stages This allows the patient to heal faster.

It is important to note that pneumonia is very rarely of a primary nature (the term “primary” means the onset of an initial inflammation of the parenchyma of the lungs and respiratory tract, and not a gradual deescalation of the inflammatory process from the upper respiratory tract to the bottom). However, in spite of everything, such a mechanism of development takes place. Typically, the occurrence primary inflammation lungs are preceded by severe hypothermia. In addition, for its occurrence, a concomitant unfavorable background is needed (lowered immunity, the presence of severe concomitant diseases, and so on). Regarding what temperature with pneumonia occurs most often.

Primary pneumonia has very pronounced symptoms, which manifests as febrile fever (increase in body temperature to 38 degrees Celsius), respiratory failure - an increase in the frequency respiratory movements, shortness of breath mixed type and some other extremely unfavorable manifestations. In addition, it happens that there is pain in the chest - extremely dangerous symptom, which indicates the possibility of complications such as pleurisy and pneumothorax. Temperature fluctuations in pneumonia can be in the widest ranges. Here are such a variety of symptoms (signs of this disease).

Clinic by stages

The presence of acute short term pain in area chest, as a rule, not irradiating and having a paroxysmal character, it is most typical for primary pneumonia of viral or bacterial etiology. In the event that pneumonia is of secondary origin, the clinic will develop gradually. That is, at the very beginning of the disease, the catarrhal syndrome will be mild, the temperature will not rise above subfebrile values. Further, due to the progression of the inflammatory process, both of the above syndromes will manifest more and more clearly. The defeat of the respiratory surface of the lungs (that is, the histological structures that are directly responsible for the implementation of gas exchange) leads to the development of the so-called respiratory failure- naturally, against the background of a temperature reaching febrile values.

Although, on the other hand, the presence of temperature during inflammation of the lungs of a viral or bacterial origin- this is not so bad, as it indicates the body's ability to resist the pathogen. It is very important to understand one rule - short-term febrile condition (that is, roughly speaking, a rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees Celsius within one or two days) is much more favorable in terms of prognosis than subfebrile fever that lasts for a week. In the first case, it will be possible to talk about the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the lungs, which, with properly selected antibiotic therapy, through certain period should be resolved.

In the event that a patient has persistent subfebrile condition that does not respond to antibiotic treatment, this indicates either an incorrectly selected treatment, or that there are some complications. In addition, there is a high probability of such a clinic occurring against the background of some unfavorable background - tuberculosis, reduced immunity, or both, an abscess, or simply a chronic inflammatory process (chronic pneumonia - this also happens). Regarding coughing, this is also one of the most characteristic processes for inflammation of the lungs. Typically, it is characterized by a large number sputum, which is caused by abnormal secretion of goblet cells. Moreover, a cough is characteristic of any process - both intense and sluggish, chronic. That is, it is clear that it will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer to how long the temperature lasts during pneumonia, due to the many factors that, one way or another, affect this process. Moreover, with pneumonia, the temperature sometimes does not rise (it happens extremely rarely). Evaluate and draw conclusions, it is necessary only taking into account other symptoms (signs of the disease.)

Physiological mechanisms of regulation

Human body temperature is an important indicator of the course of any inflammatory process in the body, characteristic symptom(sign of disease). Moreover, any pathophysiological process in which the immune system takes part - not only pneumonia of viral or bacterial etiology. Regarding inflammation of the lungs - it is based on this indicator that in most cases they conclude about the nature of the pathogen (that is, which microorganism caused the development of the pathological process).

The most common pathogens are streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and some others cause (with normal condition immune system sick) high fever. On the contrary, atypical, intracellular pathogens become, in most cases, the cause of prolonged subfebrile condition. In addition, as mentioned above, the nature of the fever can be used to judge the state of the body's defenses and the presence or absence of any complications. Why is it so important? Yes, because on the basis of these data, the whole tactics of managing the patient is built. That is, the scheme of its treatment depends on these data. Of course, antibiotic therapy should be started from the first days of the disease, and empirically, since the sowing will be ready only in a week, and will have an exclusively retrospective value. Inflammation of the lungs is rarely only of viral origin - often a bacterial infection also joins.

Thus, the assessment of the temperature curve will at least approximately determine the etiology of the microorganism, which will make it possible to more correctly prescribe treatment. Or refer the patient to necessary research, in order to timely identify and begin treatment of any complication. Important point- no response to antibiotic therapy in the form of ongoing fever for more than 72 hours from the start of treatment indicates the resistance of the microorganism to the prescribed antibiotic.

The most significant "parameters" of fever:

  • The maximum values ​​that the temperature reaches;
  • The time during which the fever lasts;
  • Resistance of fever and other symptoms to treatment;
  • Other symptoms (signs of the disease) of pneumonia, which has a viral or bacterial etiology that accompany fever.


Due to the competent assessment of the temperature curve as one of the characteristics general condition the patient, his objective status (together with all other symptoms), it is possible to determine the further tactics of the patient. It is important to understand - evaluate the objective symptoms of a viral or bacterial pneumonia(signs of the disease) is simpler and faster, but no less effective than laboratory data.

Video: Live Healthy! Pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs

Pneumonia is infection. It remains one of the most widespread in the world. It is a leader among nosocomial infections leading to death. It is important to know the symptoms of pneumonia in adults in order to take action in time. Treatment of pneumonia and the prognosis of the development of the disease depends on the nature of the infection, the age and general condition of the patient.

What is pneumonia and why is it dangerous

Inflammation in the lungs acute form called pneumonia. It is caused by infections that can be transmitted different ways, affects the lung tissue. In the list of diseases that caused death, it is in fifth place, and medicines do not always help. The lethal outcome among adults from pneumonia is 10-33%. Intrahospital and atypical form carries away the disease more lives- the risk of dying increases to 50%. In the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, the prognosis for the course of pneumonia is often disappointing.

From ordinary pneumonia, 1-3% of young patients die without diseases that could impair treatment. Among elderly patients, mortality is up to 40-50%. Causes of death from pneumonia:

Special risk lung disease represents for pregnant women. She's hard on her own dangerous pathologies. For a woman carrying a child, she is doubly dangerous - for future mother and fetus. On early dates the disease threatens the embryo, the tissues and organs of which have not yet been formed. In the last trimester, pneumonia is less dangerous for a child than for a mother. Prevention is simple: strengthening the mother's immunity.

The first signs of pneumonia

One-sided and two-sided

The inflammatory process is concentrated either on one side, or it is bilateral. Unilateral pneumonia is divided into two types:

  1. Right-sided - occurs more often, the right bronchus is wider than the left and shorter than it, the infection penetrates there more freely.
  2. Left-sided - develops less frequently, with it stagnant processes in the lung are observed.

Bilateral covers both lungs: the whole lung tissue, and the disease is provoked by bacteria (pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae). Against the background of one infection, others multiply additionally harmful microorganisms, mixed infection develops. Several pathogens come into the fight with a person, pick up antibacterial drugs difficult for treatment.


The focus of inflammation, located along the root of the lung, is difficult to diagnose. Such cases are called hilar pneumonia. Used in diagnosis computed tomography. The doctor must rule out tuberculosis and lung cancer, the focus of inflammation is similar in the picture to the tumor. Tuberculin tests are being carried out. If anti-tuberculosis drugs are mistakenly prescribed, but they do not work, this is considered diagnostic sign.


Bronchial pneumonia is characterized by damage to the small branches of the patient's bronchial tree. Bronchopneumonia refers to focal. The recovery process will take a long time. Sometimes the disease is secondary, develops against the background of bronchitis. A person tries to cure bronchitis, it drags on, the condition worsens, weakness appears, the temperature rises. The cough that accompanies bronchitis intensifies, unpleasant purulent sputum is separated, at times with streaks of blood.

Important Symptoms: shortness of breath, increased heart rate up to 110 beats per minute,. Not only bronchitis, but also SARS leads to the development of bronchopneumonia. This species is often called pulmonary inflammation viruses and bacteria, in order to treat the disease correctly, they establish the pathogen, prescribe antiviral drugs or antibacterial. How much the disease is treated depends on the type of pathogen.


Apart from community-acquired pneumonia developing in normal conditions, there is a severe form of the disease - hospital, it is nosocomial. The diagnosis is made when inflammation appears two days or more after a person is admitted to a hospital with a completely different diagnosis. This is the most merciless species, killing 50% of patients. Microorganisms cause disease. Types of nosocomial pulmonary inflammation:

  • associated with artificial ventilation lungs;
  • postoperative;
  • nosocomial - in hospitalized in serious condition.

Patients' immunity is weakened, the body was fighting another disease, it was not ready for the invasion of new microbes. To save the situation, patients are given droppers, intravenous nutrition is used to maintain vitality body, use drugs of a new generation, strong drugs. It is not always possible to cure nosocomial pneumonia. Treatment of the disease at home in this case is excluded.


Lobar pneumonia affects the lobes of the lung and pleura. With this type of disease, it is important to prescribe antibiotic injections in time, the duration of which is determined by the doctor. Physiotherapy, detoxification is used. The disease begins suddenly and acutely. There are three forms:

  • upper lobe - runs hard, with neurological disorders;
  • lower lobe - gives a pseudo-picture " acute abdomen”, which is confusing in the diagnosis, chills and “rusty” sputum are characteristic;
  • central - inflammation develops deep in the lung, the symptoms are mild, difficult to determine.


Runs sharp. The nature of the lesion of the lungs is bilateral. If the pathology is not recognized and treatment is not started quickly, the patient will die from brain hypoxia and cardiovascular failure. The first day the patient has a dry cough. The next day, rust-colored sputum leaves, vomiting occurs. On the third day, it gets worse, shortness of breath appears, tachycardia develops. The patient is unable to climb one floor. Treat lobar pneumonia in pulmonology, in a hospital or intensive care unit. The pulmonary lobes of the patient are totally affected on both sides.


Pneumonia - dangerous disease, it is important to determine it in the early stages, when treatment is effective even folk remedies at home. In the video below, experts will talk in detail about the symptoms of the disease, teach you what to look for if the disease proceeds without typical symptoms. Timely detection will avoid irreversible consequences.

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases respiratory system. The complexity of diagnosis lies in the fact that the pathology is often asymptomatic, especially in the early stages. Therefore, many people are interested in what temperature is most often observed during pneumonia, what signs will help distinguish this disease from other lesions.

Body temperature with pneumonia

The disease in question develops as a result of infection with bacteria. These microorganisms secrete a special kind of toxins called pyrogens. These substances, entering the blood, provoke a response of the immune system, which, in turn, causes an increase in body temperature. At normal functioning immunity, the thermometer rises only to 37-38 degrees, as a rule, in evening time, and in the morning the temperature drops to 36.6. This indicates the beginning of a sluggish or.

If the thermometer shows values ​​​​of 38-40, we are talking about acute inflammation lungs. In addition to this symptom, the patient suffers from chills, dry cough, insomnia, aching bones and joints. It is worth noting that the described type of pneumonia is fraught with lethal outcome, especially with low immunity and the absence of timely treatment. A high temperature during pneumonia often indicates not a bacterial, but a viral nature of the disease, so use in this situation is impractical.

How long does the temperature last with pneumonia?

With focal pneumonia, low values ​​of the considered indicator are observed from 3-4 days to 8-10 days. As a rule, the disease does not pose a threat to life, proceeds relatively easily and is quickly cured. If both lungs are affected, duration fever increases to 2-3 weeks.

Acute inflammation does not have a typical course. A high temperature can last for 1-3 days or several months, depending on the causative agent of the disease and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract.

The longest course of inflammation of the lungs with a temperature of 37 degrees in a chronic form. Protracted pneumonia often goes unnoticed, since a slight increase in body temperature is not accompanied by persistent clinical manifestations, the disease then recurs, then fades. This leads to irreversible pathological changes lung tissue, severe complications.

Inflammatory diseases in women are accompanied by symptoms, which can be used to suggest the presence of a specific disease and prescribe an adequate diagnostic examination and subsequently treatment. An increase in temperature often accompanies inflammation in the female genital area, being an important signal. And this signal must be responded to in a timely manner.

What does an increase in temperature in gynecology indicate?

Fever along with other symptoms ( pathological discharge from the genital tract, and lower back, sexual dysfunction, etc.) is often a sign of an inflammatory disease. Most often, such a symptom manifests itself in the acute form of the disease, but a slight increase in temperature is also possible with subacute and chronic forms. Sometimes inflammation is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which in some cases makes it difficult to make a diagnosis.

There are many reasons for the development of inflammation - from non-compliance with the hygiene of the genital organs to the usual decrease in a woman's immunity.
Inflammation can develop both in the lower genital organs and in the pelvic organs. Let's take a closer look at what diseases inflammatory nature can affect female organs.

An increase in temperature with inflammation of the lower genital organs

There are a number of inflammatory diseases, sometimes accompanied by a slight increase in temperature (37.2 - 37.5ºС), more pronounced (from 37.6ºС) or without this symptom at all.

  1. Candidiasis, which is an inflammation of the vagina caused by fungi of the genus Candida. characteristic feature, which makes it possible to suggest a disease - curdled discharge from the genital tract with a sour smell. Diagnosis using a smear study clearly determines the pathogen, and the antibiogram - its sensitivity to different groups antibiotics.
  2. - also inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, however, developing due to a different kind of microorganisms (staphylococcus aureus, coli and etc.). At the same time, an examination by a gynecologist and sexual intercourse can cause extremely unpleasant sensations.
  3. - inflammation of the external genitalia and vagina develops. The disease can be both infectious and non-infectious nature(allergy to latex, lubricants, mechanical and chemical damage).
  4. Cervicitis - about this disease in question when mucosal inflammation develops cervical canal cervix. It often accompanies other diseases of the internal genital organs, vagina or cervix.
  5. Urethritis - inflammation of different parts of the urethra develops.
  6. - inflammation of the glands of the vestibule of the vagina is detected.

What diseases of the pelvic organs are accompanied by fever

The most common are inflammatory diseases internal genital organs of a woman, which in frequent cases cause an increase in temperature:

  • Salpingoophoritis - an inflammatory process affecting the uterine appendages (ovaries, tubes);
  • - inflammation in the uterine mucosa;
  • Pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum develops. May be due to penetration pathogenic microorganisms from fallopian tubes or due to rupture of purulent formations.

Just like other symptoms, fever is a frequent but optional companion of inflammation. female organs. Therefore, the presence of other signs possible violations even without a temperature should be the reason for going to the gynecologist.