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Proper nutrition for immunity. What should be the diet for strong immunity?

There are many reasons why our immunity can fail - these are: external reasons, for example, lack sunlight, cold dank weather, unfavorable living conditions, poor environmental conditions, exposure to harmful production factors.

TO internal reasons, lowering the body’s immune forces can be attributed to: physiological or pathological changes hormonal levels, various functional disorders, development somatic diseases, oncological pathology.

Behavioral factors also play an important role in reducing immunity. We act recklessly healthy image life, we are lazy to play sports, we eat incorrectly, we overload the body at work, we acquire bad habits, we prefer idle entertainment to active recreation.

Any chronic, whether psychological or exposure-related harmful factors and our behavior, sooner or later leads to the fact that the body’s defenses cease to adequately respond to external influences. The infection easily penetrates our body and multiplies in it unhindered. We start getting sick more often respiratory infections are more difficult to treat and often cause complications.

There are also a great many ways to strengthen the immune system. First of all, they are all related to countering the causes that undermine the immune system. Exercising, hardening, taking immunomodulatory drugs, ethnoscience, a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, improving the environment - all this has a beneficial effect on our immunity. There is also a way to strengthen the immune system through diet.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in providing the necessary plastic and energy materials, those processes in our body that are designed to counteract infections. Of course, nutrition should be balanced and optimal, but we cannot always provide this for ourselves. And then on help will come a special diet that, in a limited period of time, will return the body’s defenses to its previous level, which often plays a role important role in the prevention of infectious diseases.

Diet for immunity

This diet is indispensable in the autumn winter period and during spring, when the body is often exposed to hypothermia. It is best to start following such a diet two to three weeks before the moment when epidemics and pandemics usually occur. During this time, the body will receive a sufficient amount of micro- and macronutrients so that upon first contact with infection it will activate the factors local immunity, and also began to effectively produce specific antibodies.

This diet not only improves immunity, but also helps strengthen the general adaptation mechanisms of our body, as a result of which stress no longer has such an effect. destructive action on our health.

Features of a diet to strengthen the immune system

The duration of following such a diet is one to two weeks.

Products recommended for the diet contain sufficient complete protein, low in unhealthy fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, which helps the body produce antibodies more efficiently. , microelements, dietary fiber help normalize metabolism, normal functioning digestive tract and, among other things, efficient work factors of local immunity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices with pulp can be consumed with almost no restrictions. Alcohol, fried foods and foods rich in sugar and other easily digestible carbohydrates should be excluded; it is best to replace sweets with honey and dried fruits.

What products should be used for cooking?

  • Fish and seafood (tuna and cod are best), lean meat (pieces of lamb, beef and pork with the most fat removed), poultry (chicken, turkey, duck)
  • Cheese and dairy products
  • Fruits: all citrus fruits, apples, kiwis and bananas
  • Dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, etc.
  • Vegetables: colored and White cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, garlic and onions
  • Fresh or dried berries: sea buckthorn, cranberry, lingonberry, raspberry, black currant
  • Cereal bread and bran bread
  • Pine nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
  • Dried and fresh mushrooms
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal, sprouted wheat and oats
  • Natural vegetable and fruit juices with pulp
  • As seasonings, herbs, mustard, horseradish, black pepper

Diet for immunity day one

Breakfast first - oatmeal with nuts and berries, topped with natural yogurt, a glass of herbal tea.

Breakfast two – apple and grapefruit.

For lunch - chicken broth with herbs and vegetables, cod fillet baked with dill and onions, a side dish of boiled and grated beets with olive oil and walnuts, a vitamin cocktail of orange and pomegranate juices.

Afternoon snack – banana, apple and kiwi whipped in a mixer until creamy with natural yoghurt.

For dinner - stewed meat with prunes and vegetable mix(only fresh vegetables - they are more than available in the fall), a glass of rosehip decoction.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir with pieces of dried apricots added to it.

Strengthening the immune system with diet, day two

First breakfast - cream of bananas, kiwi, apples and light natural yogurt, a glass of green tea.

Second breakfast - freshly squeezed orange juice with pulp.

Dinner - vegetable soup with rye crackers, cod fillet with fresh vegetables, poached pears (the pears are peeled and boiled in boiling water) with a sauce of black currants crushed in a blender.

Afternoon snack – a cocktail of vegetable juices – cabbage and carrot.

Dinner – eggplants stuffed with fresh vegetables with herbs and sour cream sauce, a glass of kefir.

Before bed - a glass of fermented baked milk.

Day three on a diet that strengthens the immune system

The first breakfast is oatmeal porridge cooked in milk with pieces of dried fruit and chicory.

Second breakfast – a green apple or two.

For lunch - fish pate made from sardines or tuna with garlic and onions, boiled potatoes with vegetable oil, tomatoes and cucumbers, fruit jelly.

In the afternoon - a glass of rosehip decoction with a teaspoon of honey.

For dinner - shrimp omelette, natural yogurt with fresh fruit.

Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.

Immune diet – day four

During the first breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese with raspberry jam or raspberry jelly, bread with bran, a cup of green tea with a teaspoon of honey.

For second breakfast - tangerine and pear.

For lunch - chicken soup with buckwheat, sweet bell pepper stuffed with rice and broccoli, carrot juice.

Afternoon snack – grain bread with apple jam, glass mint tea with honey.

Dinner – mackerel baked in foil, millet porridge with nuts and carrots, a glass of pomegranate juice.

Before bed - a glass of kefir with cherry syrup.

Fifth day on the immunity-boosting diet

First breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk and honey, chicory drink.

Second breakfast – grapefruit.

Lunch – cod fillet and potatoes, steamed and topped with sour cream sauce, avocado salad with herbs, a glass of carrot juice.

In the afternoon - grain bread with cheese, tea with honey.

For dinner - chicken liver, stewed with garlic and onions, salad with tomatoes, green lettuce and olive oil.

Before bed - a glass of warm milk.

Immunity-boosting diet – day six

The first breakfast is natural light yoghurt with muesli, a bun with jam and tea.

Second breakfast – a glass of dried fruit compote.

Dinner - mashed potatoes With green onions and cabbage cutlets, a rye bread sandwich with dill and feta cheese, a glass orange juice.

During the afternoon snack - assorted fruits from pieces of pineapple, pear and kiwi.

Dinner - chicken stewed with sour cream, a side dish of kohlrabi with cheese, tea with mint.

Before bed, a traditional glass of kefir.

Immunity Boosting Diet – Day 7

The first breakfast is toast with raspberry jam, a glass of fresh orange juice with pulp.

Second breakfast - natural yoghurt with pieces of fresh apples, pears and oranges.

IN lunch time– baked or steamed fish, with herbs and cheese, beetroot and fresh cabbage salad, low-fat cottage cheese with berries, a glass of natural apple juice.

Afternoon snack – grapefruit.

For dinner - boiled pasta with basil and pine nuts, a glass of any vegetable juice.

Before bed – low-fat yogurt.

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Stress, uncontrolled use of medications, physical inactivity, bad habits and frequent visits Fast food establishments do not improve health. What should it be proper nutrition, and what is a diet for immunity. Each person, when born, already has a certain immunity, it is called specific. Thymus - main body human defense mechanism, and in children it is tens of times greater than in adults. Immunity is largely determined by lifestyle. By nature, in the vast majority of cases it is normal (congenital immunodeficiency cannot be treated and is very rare).

Presentation of products to enhance immunity

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Useful foods for immunity

So, what foods should be in your diet so that your body can actively resist viruses and infections.

  • Water. You need to drink a lot of it every day. It is no coincidence that it is at the very beginning of the list, although it is not a product. A person can live without food for 2 weeks, but without water - only 3 days.
  • Dairy products. Mechnikov I.I. established that diseases arise as a result of putrefactive processes in the intestines. To keep the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body healthy, kefir, yogurt, and yogurt should be on the menu every day. Bifidobacteria not only resist colds, they help improve skin condition.
  • Garlic. Suppresses viruses, destroys cancer cells, contains selenium, without which they cannot be formed necessary for the body enzymes. Every day you need to eat a clove of garlic.
  • Fruits and berries. They are rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins C, PP, A and B vitamins. Berries are strong antioxidants.
  • Vegetables. Brussels and cauliflower, broccoli prevents the development of tumors.
  • Carrots and celery should be on the menu; they also prevent oxidative processes.
  • Soy neutralizes the effects of nitrates found in other foods.
  • White cabbage and radishes are useful for hypertension and a tendency to blood clots.
  • Cucumbers lower cholesterol levels.
  • The grain shells of cereal crops remove heavy metal salts and other harmful substances. Bran bread contains dietary fiber, which is a kind of “brush” for the intestines. Give preference bakery products from low grade flour.
  • Green onions, parsley, dill increase hemoglobin levels and speed up the healing process of wounds.
  • Sea fish, especially salmon and tuna, contain omega-3 fatty acids, the benefits of which for the heart can hardly be overestimated.
  • Animal proteins, which are found in meat, fish, eggs, contribute to the production of immune bodies. Beans, lentils, peas contain vegetable proteins, they should be on the menu twice a week. Raw eggs It is good to eat quails raw, as they retain more nutrients.
  • Seaweed neutralizes radionuclides and reduces the amount bad cholesterol, increase the body's defenses.
  • Nuts and seeds are a source of fatty amino acids that are essential for normal operation immune system.
  • Green tea It is healthier than black, since its leaves do not undergo fermentation and withering, so it retains more useful substances.
  • Mushroom beta-glucans stimulate immune system. Mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin D, which increases the body's resistance to influenza viruses.
  • Honey – natural product, which has wide range actions. Beekeeping products, pollen and propolis, have a bactericidal effect, suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms.

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Factors that suppress the immune system

  • Canned food, sweets with dyes and flavor enhancers weaken the immune system.
  • Overeating is one of the factors of decreased immunity.
  • Some antibiotics, many painkillers, and corticosteroid drugs have a detrimental effect on our body's defenses.
  • An unfavorable environment (car exhaust fumes, pesticides in early vegetables and fruits, consumption of poor-quality water, etc.) reduces the ability of immune cells to absorb viruses, bacteria and cancer cells.
  • Ultraviolet radiation. An intense tan may look attractive, but excess pigment in the skin leads to mutational changes in cells.
  • Excessive sterility at home, dry indoor air, large cluster people - all this is harmful, especially for children.
  • Cigarettes and alcohol do not add health.

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Nature of immunity

A child who grows up in “sterile” conditions has a weaker immune system. Without an external enemy, immunity develops incorrectly, because it has nothing to “train” on. The immune system can even begin to attack the body’s own cells, causing autoimmune diseases eg asthma. It is important that the “meeting” with pathogens takes place in childhood; if bacteria penetrate the adult body, this can no longer change anything.

When a virus enters a cell, it begins to produce a protein (interferon) that tells other cells about the danger. “Warned” cells begin to produce special substances that neutralize the virus. Interferon can be synthetic or obtained from human blood. The state of immunity can also be judged by a blood test.

Exist physiological methods increasing immunity, that is, natural (hardening, cold and hot shower, physical education, walks in the fresh air) and pharmacological (use of immunomodulators).

Physical activity ensures normal blood circulation. To strengthen the internal defenses of both children and adults, one should not forget about sports activities.

The person of the 21st century is quite different from those people who were born 200-300 years ago. On the one hand, our life has become more comfortable, average duration life increased (in Russia until the end of the 19th century it was 32 years). Medicine has become more developed, many diseases that were previously considered fatal are being successfully cured. On the other hand, the state of the environment leaves much to be desired, the pace of life has accelerated many times over, and many simply do not have time to rest. Healthy man- This happy man. Get rid of bad habits, teach your children a healthy lifestyle and – be happy!

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

The cold is gradually leaving, but warm weather is coming to us not only with the sun, but also various diseases, in particular, flu and colds. Now the human body is more vulnerable than ever, so it is very important to take care of it with proper nutrition. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - improve your immunity and cleanse your body of toxins. Well, I bring to your attention a menu for the whole family. I hope you will definitely use it, because we're talking about about the health of your children and beloved husband.


Breakfast. A lightly toasted whole wheat muffin and a scrambled egg (you can use something higher in omega-3 instead of eggs) and some low-fat cheese. Add a glass of skim or soy milk, as well as anything that contains vitamin D.


Freshly roasted turkey and sandwich made with avocado, tomato, onion and a slice of whole wheat bread. Also add a few pieces of melon and hot green tea to this.


Spinach salad with fried salmon and berries, dressed with a sauce containing rapeseed oil, also called “Vinaigrette”. You will eat all this along with a plate of hot and delicious vegetable soup.

How will this help your immune system?

Whole grains and salmon will give you selenium, which is very good for the immune system. Spinach is rich in many ways, including folic acid and vitamins A and C. Melon will also supply your body with these vitamins, and avocado will add folic acid. Vitamin C is very good for the immune system; as we found out, there is a lot of it in melon, spinach and berries. Some studies show that this vitamin is so good that if you do get sick, it will help you get better much faster. Green tea reduces the likelihood of getting pneumonia; it is best to drink about 2-4 cups a day to be on the safe side. Rapeseed oil, which is added to salad dressing, is a source of plant-based omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid), while salmon is also rich in this component, but in its own specific form. A high intake of omega-3s also helps reduce the risk of pneumonia, according to a recent study. And hot tea and soup just help

Proper nutrition plays a very important role for human health, so a diet that improves immunity is relevant for everyone. Maintaining wellness should be practiced not only in winter, but also in any other time. It often happens that it is malnutrition, as well as stressful situations, one or the other bad habit or poor environmental condition negatively affects the human immune system. For this reason, in order to avoid such trouble, you should pay more attention to your diet.

What diet strengthens the immune system?

The basis special diet To improve human health, make up a balanced diet. Proper nutrition to improve immunity helps to resist various troubles. The menu must be designed in such a way that the human body can receive all the necessary and useful material. This includes proteins, carbohydrates and fats, various vitamins and all kinds of minerals.

When creating a menu for people with reduced immunity, you should leave room for sweet peppers, apples, kiwis, carrots, cod liver, and fresh herbs that you can grow at home. Then you can add an ecological product to various dishes all year round. If a diet to strengthen the immune system is prepared in summer time, then black currants can be added to the above products, since they are rich in bioflavonoids, and they, in turn, are considered antioxidants that stimulate the body’s defenses.

However, some foods can negatively affect the immune system, weakening it. This applies primarily fried foods, fat and sweet food. It is important to remember that caffeine can suppress the defenses, so you will have to exclude not only coffee, but also strong black tea and carbonated drinks from your diet at least for a while. We should not forget that our body needs special support in winter, so we need to start adjusting our diet. First of all, the emphasis should be on proteins that are not only of animal origin, but also of plant origin.

In addition, you must enter in the menu meat products(bird), legumes, soy, fish dishes, eggs. Particular attention should be paid to proteins: daily you need to consume 1.5 g of this substance per 1 kg of a person’s weight, thanks to this the body will be ready for any bad weather. It should be understood that too a large number of protein can be harmful to health, so the dose should not be exceeded, especially if a person does not exercise, otherwise it will create additional and unwanted stress on the kidneys.

In this case, the diet should include lard, dried porcini mushrooms, garlic, and corn. Selenium is classified as an antioxidant that has a positive effect on the formation of antibodies. It cannot be denied that in winter, onions and garlic are simply great products, protecting against colds. They contain vitamin A and phytoncides - special substance, which kills bacteria.

In cold weather, in order to strengthen the immune system, you will have to increase the amount of fat you consume. However, it is mainly about healthy fats, which can be either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. But there is no need to be afraid to consume fats of animal origin, since you cannot do without them either. But their number should be smaller. If you take 30 g of these fats, they will not harm your figure in any way, but at the same time they are simply necessary for the immune system.

It's all about what exactly they are construction material for the cell membrane of the lymphocyte, as well as some other so-called protectors human body. For this reason, the diet should be enriched with nuts, seeds, fish ( fatty varieties), oils. But in this case, too, you shouldn’t go to extremes, just like with protein. Excess fats can negatively affect your defenses.

What else is needed to boost immunity? It is necessary to include fiber and carbohydrates in the daily menu; they are very important for promoting health. In order for the body to receive them in the required quantity, vegetables should be consumed raw, this also applies to fruits, bran, whole grains, and bread, in the production of which wholemeal flour is used. These products have a good effect on intestinal motility and are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

A diet to improve immunity also requires B vitamins. This is especially true for B6, since they normalize the defenses after stress and can increase human activity. Other vitamins are also needed for the immune system, for this reason it is necessary to enrich the diet with foods that contain vitamins E, A and C. These substances are antioxidants, they can protect a person from carcinogens and increase the body's resistance.

Therefore, you should not give up citrus fruits, which are available all year round. Attention should be paid to rose hips, especially if we are talking about a child. You can brew tea from these fruits for your baby, which can perfectly strengthen the body. This drink can temporarily replace any other liquid that a person drinks during the day. But this can only be done if he does not have any problems with the kidneys.

Immunity is the body's immunity to harmful microorganisms, viruses, helminths and other agents hostile to our health. The tasks of the immune system also include monitoring the stability of the genetic composition of cells or, in other words, antitumor protection. Immunity is a very complex multi-level defense of the body, which was developed in the process of evolution and continues to change, more or less successfully adapting to changes in the human environment. Immunity can be congenital, that is, inherited (genetically) and acquired, resulting from a previous illness or due to vaccination.

But immunity is not a reinforced concrete wall; it is quite easy to undermine. Here are several factors that negatively affect the immune system:

  • Poor nutrition, which is dominated by refined foods, various chemical additives and semi-finished products.
  • The use of antibiotics, not only for treating humans, but when raising livestock and poultry for food production.
  • All possible toxic effects associated with production factors and unfavorable ecology.
  • Mutation and adaptation of bacteria, viruses and pathogenic flora - as a result of exposure to unfavorable ecology, use of antibiotics and toxic effects.
  • An ever-increasing amount of stress and depression caused by modern conditions life and work.
  • Chronic and incurable diseases, the number of which has been growing steadily in recent years.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Smoking.
  • Caffeine, found not only in coffee, but also in tea (except green) and carbonated drinks.

The main role in maintaining immunity is played by a healthy lifestyle, moderate physical exercise and, of course, proper nutrition. What is needed to maintain immunity? What foods that boost immunity are needed by our body. Nutrients There are quite a lot of foods that are important for immunity, so the diet should be varied and balanced. To maintain immunity, you need proteins, vitamins, Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, selenium, iodine, lacto- and bifidobacteria, phytoncides and dietary fiber. Each substance has its own special effect on the immune system. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Squirrels. Proteins are sources essential amino acids, are necessary for the synthesis of immunoglobulins, and also contribute to the restoration of cells damaged by bacteria and viruses. Products that increase immunity are fish, especially sea fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli), nuts, mushrooms, legumes, and cereals.

Zinc. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of hormones of the thymus - the main immune gland, regulates the level of cortisol, which suppresses the immune system, promotes the formation of immune cells, including phagocytes, and also enhances the immunostimulating effect of vitamins A and C. Products containing zinc include sea ​​fish, meat, liver, shrimp and oysters, oatmeal, nuts, mushrooms, egg yolks, cheese, green peas, beans.

Selenium. Selenium has an antioxidant effect, is involved in the production of antibodies that fight infections, and, among other things, helps preserve zinc in the body. Products containing zinc: sea fish, seafood, “live” (unroasted) nuts, seeds and cereals, mushrooms, brewer’s yeast.

Iodine. Iodine is very important for thyroid gland, since it produces hormones responsible for immune protection. Products containing iodine: sea fish, seafood, seaweed, fresh milk, eggs, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, beans, lettuce, green salad, asparagus.

Lacto- and bifidobacteria. Lacto- and bifidobacteria form immune status humans, create a favorable environment for the proliferation of protective cells, destroy pathogenic intestinal microflora, synthesize amino acids and promote digestion, suppress putrefactive processes and kill pyogenic microbes. Products containing beneficial bacteria: any “live” fermented milk products, sauerkraut, soaked apples, kvass.

Alimentary fiber. Fiber is a natural sorbent of poisons, cholesterol, salts heavy metals and others harmful substances, activates immune cells and neutralizes inflammatory processes. Fiber can be soluble (pectin, gluten) and insoluble (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin). Products with dietary fiber: oatmeal, citrus fruits, apples, cabbage, nuts, bran, unrefined cereals and legumes, sunflower seeds.

Phytoncides. Phytoncides kill pathogens, bacteria and fungi, increase the body's resistance to infections and enhance restoration processes in tissues. Products with phytoncides: onions, garlic, radish, horseradish, bird cherry, black currant, blueberries.

Unsaturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class help regulate inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Products rich fatty acids Omega-3: fish fat, fatty sea fish (salmon, tuna) and trout, seafood, olive oil.

Vitamin A. Vitamin A enhances the activity of the body's defenses, protects skin and mucous membranes from drying out and cracks, preventing the penetration of harmful bacteria, helps the work of phagocyte cells, is an antioxidant that protects the immune system from free radicals. Foods containing vitamin A: all red and orange vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, Bell pepper, mango, sea buckthorn, apricots, apples, melon, grapes, cherries, rose hips), green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, green onions, green peas), herbs (mint, nettle, parsley, sorrel), animal products (fish oil, liver of fish and animals, milk, eggs, butter, cheese, cottage cheese).

Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to unfavorable factors external environment(infections, stress, hypothermia, etc.), increases the production of interferon and antibodies that protect the body from viruses, strengthens blood vessels, participates in the production of immune cells, is powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Products containing vitamin C: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, kiwis, black currants, rose hips, strawberries, rowan berries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, persimmons, apples, sauerkraut, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, tomatoes, herbs , wheat sprouts.

Vitamin E. Vitamin E prevents inflammatory processes in the cells and tissues of the body, slows down the aging of cells and tissues, and is also an antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of free radicals. Products containing vitamin E: unrefined vegetable oil(olive, sunflower, flaxseed, corn, etc.), avocado, seeds, nuts, liver, butter, yolks, oatmeal, wheat sprouts, green leafy vegetables, legumes.

B vitamins. Folic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin stimulate the immune system during periods of stress and during recovery from illnesses and promote the production of antibodies to fight infections. Foods containing B vitamins: legumes, nuts, seeds, wheat germ, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, brewer's yeast, Rye bread, eggs, greens.

In addition to the above products, there are special herbs and plants in nature that increase immunity. These are ginseng, echinacea, licorice, goldenseal, red clover, dandelion, milk thistle, garlic, onion, St. John's wort, elecampane, celandine, aloe, Rhodiola rosea, spices (cinnamon, ginger), etc. These herbs can and should be included in a variety of herbs to boost immunity. Such immune fees can be taken during illness to speed up recovery, and also as a preventive measure.

Tonic drinks and mixtures can be a good help for the immune system. Try some of these recipes.

1. 700 g black currant, 500 ml. water, 6 tbsp. honey. Rub the currants through a sieve and combine with water and honey. The resulting drink should be drunk within 2 days, slightly warmed before each dose.

2. 1 stack. water, ½ lemon, 1 tbsp. honey. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with water and honey. Take ½ cup. 2 times a day.

3. 2 tbsp. chopped elecampane root, 500 ml port wine. Place elecampane root in port wine and heat the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool. Take 50 ml before meals. This drink is good for men.

4. Take dried chamomile, raspberry leaf And Linden blossom in equal proportions. 1 tsp Brew 1 cup of mixture. boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink a glass of infusion 2 times a day. This tea is recommended for women to drink

5. Mix honey and walnuts in equal proportions. Use 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day. This delicious medicine good for weakened patients, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

6. 1 stack. walnuts, 1 stack. dried apricots, 1 cup. raisins, 2 lemons, 1.5 cups. honey. Pass dried fruits and lemons, along with the peel, through a meat grinder and mix with honey. Take the resulting mixture 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

7. 100 g raspberries, 100 g strawberries, 100 g black currants, 1 cup soy or regular milk, 1 tsp. sesame seeds. Beat in a blender. This cocktail is good to drink in the morning.

8. 2 large heads of garlic, 6 lemons. Grind the garlic in a blender and squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Pour the juice over the garlic pulp, stir with a wooden spoon, tie the neck of the jar with a clean cloth and leave for a week in a dark, warm place. Take the resulting infusion 1 tsp. diluted in a glass of water after meals for 2 weeks.

9. Equal amount dried fruits red or chokeberry and grind the rose hips in a coffee grinder. Brew 1 tsp. powder for 1 cup. boiling water and drink instead of tea. This drink is especially useful for children.

10. 4 kg of celery root, 400 g of horseradish root, 400 g of garlic, 400 g of honey, 8 lemons. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, place in a glass bowl, tie a cloth around the neck and place in a warm place for 12 hours (at least 30ºC), then put in a cool place for 3 days. Then squeeze the juice, bottle it and put it in the refrigerator. Take the received medicine 1 des.l. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. It will be a pleasant bonus for you by-effect this composition has a rejuvenating effect.

11. 5 yolks quail eggs, 1 tsp. garlic oil, 50 g of “live” kefir or yogurt. Mix the ingredients and drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

This is just a small fraction folk wisdom, but all these drinks and elixirs will only help if you take care of yourself. Following the principles healthy eating, you will maintain your immunity at the proper level. One of these healthy principles- consumption of fresh, unseasoned heat treatment fruits and vegetables. Add to this moderate physical activity and Fresh air- and no colds will be scary for you!

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina