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What is included in the table 5 diet. Fish and seafood. Meat and fish dishes

Diet table 5 for children is necessary when the child has diseases of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. Often the cause of gastrointestinal tract diseases is infectious diseases, irregular nutrition, poor diet, overcooked, fatty foods, dry food and frequent use fast food. This diet is prescribed outside the acute stage.

Prohibited products

To follow the diet table 5, it is necessary to exclude from the child’s diet all fresh baked goods, as well as pastries (pancakes, pies, pancakes, cakes), soups prepared with meat broth, fatty varieties fish and meat, mushrooms, ice cream, lard, products with cream, fried eggs and hard-boiled eggs. Also excluded are sour berries and fruits, radishes, green onions, sorrel, radish, spinach, mustard, legumes, horseradish, pepper, mustard. Caviar, smoked meats, canned food, and pickled vegetables are prohibited.

Do not be afraid of such a large list of prohibited foods, because it does not mean that your child will starve.

In reality, this diet is not considered very restrictive and offers a diet consisting of a variety of foods that are included in healthy eating young child.

This diet for children is characterized by a physiologically normal content of carbohydrates and proteins with a slight restriction of fats. This system assumes that your child’s menu will contain products containing lipotropic substances, pectins, fiber and liquid.

Menu creation

In general, during the diet period it is necessary to divide meals into 5-6 meals. Let's look at what products are on the menu.


From bakery products Baked or dried bread is acceptable. You can take rye, wheat and other types of bread, including coarse bread. Don't forget, however, that fresh bread, puff pastry, any pastry and pies are prohibited.

At the same time, you can add savory products with cottage cheese and apples to the menu, as well as give hard savory cookies and dry biscuits.


The diet can include a variety of vegetable soups, vegetarian borscht and cabbage soup, soups with cereals, beetroot soup, pasta in vegetable broth or fruit, milk soups. In this case, vegetables and flour for dressing are not fried, but dried. Soups can be salted, but only served warm.

Pasta and cereals

You can include puddings, casseroles, semi-viscous porridges in your diet, dishes made from buckwheat porridge and oatmeal are especially good. You can prepare pilaf with carrots and dried fruits, pudding with cottage cheese and carrots, semolina, rice, and krupeniki. Boiled pasta. In this case, pearl barley, barley cereal and millet.


When dieting table 5 for children, include in the menu different kinds vegetables and herbs, canned green peas, sour sauerkraut, squash caviar, ripe tomatoes. Vegetables are supposed to be either raw, boiled or stewed. They can be in the form of a salad, a side dish or as an independent dish.

Dairy products and milk

Milk is allowed in the diet; it can also be added to tea. Use sour cream in your diet skim cheese, curdled milk, acidophilus, mild types of cheese. You can cook lazy dumplings, puddings, casseroles, curd soufflé, omelet, curd babka, steamed cheesecakes. Vegetable oil and butter are allowed no more than 50 g per day.

Berries and fruits

Berries and fruits should be taken only sweet. From them you can already prepare jelly, compote, mousse, jelly, tea with lemon. You can offer your child jam, honey, and a little sugar in his tea. Marmalade, marshmallows, dried fruits and other chocolate candies.


Tea with milk or lemon, weak tea, tomato juice, fruit and berry juices, rosehip decoction. Cocoa, black coffee, cold drinks, including carbonated ones, are not allowed.

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We present the “5 table” diet with a description of what can be consumed and what cannot be consumed. The diet table and menu table 5 will help you create a diet: what you can eat, what you can’t, and thus achieve maximum result and maintain your health!

The essence of diet 5 table

Table No. 5 is a therapeutic diet developed by the famous Soviet scientist M.I. Pevzner for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. The diet is a series of restrictions and recommendations for creating a daily diet, following which it is possible to normalize the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. It is an effective complement to therapeutic and drug treatment, which is why it is so often prescribed by attending physicians. Despite the fact that the diet was developed a century ago, it has not lost its relevance and to this day helps people with chronic diseases to significantly improve their condition.

It is worth noting that table No. 5 is not a diet for weight loss, and its use should only be used as prescribed by a doctor for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Proper nutrition during illness is a determining factor in recovery. This diet is aimed at reducing the load on the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing bile secretion, liver function, lipid metabolism, thereby avoiding exacerbation chronic diseases.

Basic principles and rules of the diet

Let's consider the basic rules and principles of the Table No. 5 diet, following which you will be able to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases:

  • Daily water intake. Every day you should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of clean still water at room temperature;
  • Eat more often, but eat less. Fractional nutrition is one of the basic principles of not only this diet, but also healthy image life in general. Break your diet into 4-5 meals throughout the day;
  • Eliminate fried foods from your diet. Give preference to boiled, baked, stewed and steamed dishes. It is also strictly forbidden to sauté flour and vegetables;
  • Cold food is prohibited. Eat only warm or moderately hot food;
  • Follow the table. To create your diet, use the table that contains full list products available and prohibited for consumption;
  • Spices only in ready meals. Add permitted herbs and spices to ready-made dishes, and not during their preparation. This rule especially applies to salt;
  • Increase your fiber intake. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is advisable to eat vegetables ground, so that it is easier for the digestive organs to assimilate them;
  • Increase your intake of pectins and lipotropic substances. Pectin removes toxins accumulated in the body, and lipotropic amino acids improve cholesterol metabolism. Rich sources of pectin are: apples, apricots, plums, beets, currants, etc. Lipotropic substances are found in protein products: cottage cheese, beef, eggs, soybeans, fish;
  • Proteins and carbohydrates are the main source of energy. You should not reduce their consumption if it is normal, but the amount of fat in the diet should be reduced to 80 g per day by adding Omega-3 fatty acids to your menu;

These are, perhaps, the basic rules of the Table No. 5 diet, following which you will be able to maintain your health in good condition. As you can see, the diet does not have strict prohibitions and restrictions, so its use should not become something burdensome for you. The main task of the diet is to improve the system and relieve the digestive organs.


This diet is usually prescribed by a doctor to people with the following diseases of the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract:

  • Hepatitis (outside the acute phase);
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Chronic gastritis and colitis;
  • Cholicestitis;
  • Gastroduodenitis;
  • Cholelithiasis (outside the acute phase);
  • After removal of the gallbladder ( recovery period) and etc.

If you have diseases related to the digestive system, the issue of prescribing a diet must be agreed upon with your doctor.


  • Acute stages of gastritis and colitis;
  • Acute stage cholelithiasis;
  • Acute stage of hepatitis;
  • Other cases determined by the attending physician;

What is possible and what is not? Product table

To make it easier for you to create a weekly diet and schedule your menu, we have compiled a table for you that will answer 2 main questions: what you can and cannot eat. Please note that products from the prohibited section are completely or partially excluded from your diet. The permissible amount of consumption of products from the list of prohibited products should be determined by your attending physician.

Product group What can you eat on a diet table No. 5 What not to eat when dieting table No. 5
Dairy Low-fat kefir, milk, yogurt, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat mild cheese. Sour cream as a dressing in small quantities.Kefir (from 2.5%), full-fat cottage cheese, full-fat milk, cream, fermented baked milk, fatty hard cheeses, fermented baked milk, ice cream, full-fat sour cream.
flour products Yesterday's bread, dried; inconvenient baked goods (biscuits), dry biscuits.Fresh pastries and bread, puff pastry, pancakes, fried pies, donuts.
Meat and poultry Lean meats: rabbit, veal, beef.

Lean, skinless poultry: chicken, turkey. Boiled milk sausage.

Lean ham, tongue.

Fatty meats: pork, lamb. Fat bird: duck, goose. Lard, animal fat.

Sausages, smoked meats, canned meat.

By-products: heart, liver, brains.

Meat broths and soups made from them.

Fish and seafood Low-fat fish: perch, carp, hake, tuna, pollock, pike, pike perch, cod. Red fatty fish: salmon and salmon in small quantities.

Seafood in small quantities.

Fatty fish: beluga, stellate sturgeon, trout and others. Fish caviar: black and red (it is very fatty).

Smoked, dried, salted fish, canned fish.

Fish broths and soups made from them.

Eggs You can have no more than 1 piece. per day in the form of a steamed or soft-boiled omelet. Or you can have a lot of egg whites, they have no fat.Hard-boiled or fried eggs are not allowed.
Cereals and pasta Buckwheat, preferably green, rice, oatmeal, semolina, muesli. Pasta made from durum wheat.Barley, barley, millet, corn grits. Legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, beans.
Vegetables Boiled beets, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce.

Peking cabbage, cauliflower, sea cabbage.

Mushrooms. Sour and bitter greens: sorrel, parsley, dill, spinach, rhubarb). Parsley and dill are allowed as additives in the finished dish.

Eggplants, white cabbage, radishes, asparagus, garlic, any onion.

All vegetables are canned and pickled.

Fruits and berries Sweet apples like in fresh, and baked.

Banana, no more than 1 per day, pomegranate, prunes, other dried fruits.

Sweet berries.

Sour fruits and berries.
Oil Sunflower, olive, flaxseed vegetable oils.Butter(no more than 30 g per day is allowed as an addition to morning porridge).
Sweets In no large quantities jam from any fruits and berries. Marmalade, marshmallows, honeyChocolate, cakes, pastries, chocolates, halva, all confectionery.
Beverages Still mineral water, green tea, dried fruit compote, juices, but not concentrated, rosehip broth.Coffee, cocoa, soda, any alcohol, strong tea. Any cold drinks.
Seasonings, sauces No more than 1 tsp. salt per day, sour cream and milk salad dressings, vanillin, cinnamon, Bay leaf, carnation.Spicy and fatty sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, vinegar, ketchup, horseradish, adjika, etc.

Video: allowed and prohibited diet foods Table number 5

Diet menu for every day

We also present indicative menu for a week for diet Table No. 5. This table is not a postulate that must be followed. It is compiled based on the principles of the diet and the list of permitted foods. You can make adjustments to this table taking into account your individual preferences.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
MondayOatmeal with milk, dried fruits, black tea Baked appleVegetable soup, baked chicken, dried fruit compote Long-lasting cookies, rosehip decoction Mashed potatoes, steamed fish cutlet, green tea.
TuesdayBuckwheat porridge with boiled beef. Dried fruits compote Yogurt, appleBorscht without meat, cabbage rolls, jelly Low-fat cottage cheese with banana Vegetable stew with lean meat, fresh cucumber, tea
WednesdayRice casserole, tea; Low-fat yogurtVegetable soup, veal cutlets, baked in the oven, fresh salad Cottage cheese casserole, juice Durum wheat pasta, fillet chicken breast for a couple
ThursdaySoft-boiled egg, applesauce, Herb tea Kefir, favorite fruit Cod soup, a piece of black bread, rice, vegetable juice Baked appleRice milk porridge with a piece of butter, toasted bread with butter and cheese
FridaySteamed chicken cutlets with milk sauce, rice porridge. Apple compote. BananaBoiled turkey, pea puree, a little sour sauerkraut, peach juice Vinaigrette, tea, cracker Salad of squid and other seafood. Vegetables, bread
SaturdaySemolina porridge with milk with the addition of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, tea Kissel, savory pastry Soup with vegetables and vermicelli, steam cutlets, rosehip decoction Low-fat yogurtMashed potatoes, boiled meat, kefir
SundayOatmeal milk. Carrot-apple salad. Rose hip decoction Pear or apple Vegetable stew with chicken pieces, a piece of yesterday's bread, compote Low-fat cottage cheeseSemolina porridge with milk, a glass of herbal tea

Follow the principles of the 5 Table diet, eat right and be healthy! We hope our article will help you with this!

In the twentieth century in Russia, gastroenterologist Professor Manuil Pevzner studied the influence of human diet to alleviate the disease and treat various diseases. The result of many years of painstaking work was the creation of a series of therapeutic diets consisting of specially designed 15 tables. Each of the diets is intended for therapeutic nutrition of the patient depending on the disease and helps to quickly restore the body’s functioning.

The fifth diet is prescribed for liver diseases, impaired secretion of the digestive glands, and problems with the biliary tract. On different stages diseases and complications, the composition of the diet may change. We’ll talk more about diet options No. 5, how to follow them, and the list of allowed and prohibited foods below.

Table number 5

The fifth table is a food system, which consists of a list of dishes, regime, and rules for processing food. Can be used in both adults and children. Its main goal is to improve and restore the functioning of the liver and biliary tract. In this regard, the indications for prescribing diet No. 5 are: chronic cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis (without decompensation), chronic hepatitis, liver steatosis. In addition, it is prescribed for 14-17 days after removal of the gallbladder. Also, table No. 5 can be used for mild toxicosis during pregnancy.

Diet 5 is applicable only in cases of chronic diseases outside of exacerbation and during periods of recovery. The use of this treatment table is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of diseases and existing complications, as well as with concomitant gastritis or ulcers.

The diet is prescribed for long time. At first it is prescribed for about a week with constant monitoring of the patient. If the nutritional system is tolerated normally, the course is extended. The duration of a therapeutic nutrition program is most often one and a half years and depends on the dynamics of the disease. Also, the prescribed diet No. 5 can be replaced or adjusted during this period.

A diet that includes table 5 is most often prescribed to patients with impaired liver and gallbladder function. Such nutrition improves the functions of these organs, and also normalizes metabolism and the digestion process. The program has a beneficial effect on almost all internal organs and can serve as a prevention of other diseases.

The main therapeutic effect on the liver is gallbladder and bile ducts provide three sparing factors. That is, the food taken should be gentle according to chemical composition And machining. The temperature of the food you eat is also important.

Chemical composition. The main objective of diet No. 5 is to provide the patient with adequate nutrition, while excluding those foods that impair the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. For hepatitis, cirrhosis and cholecystitis, it is forbidden to eat foods high in essential oils. It is important to ensure that every day the patient consumes all the necessary components: fats in small quantities. limit to 10 g per day. Table No. 5 is completely balanced and involves consuming 2500 kcal per day. For pregnant women, the daily intake should be at least 2800 kcal.

Diet No. 5 requires compliance temperature regime consumed in the range from 20 to 60 degrees. Cold and too hot dishes are undesirable for liver diseases biliary tract.

Mechanical processing is the grinding of food, which is necessary to facilitate the digestion process. For the fifth table, it is not necessary to chop or grind everything; a lot can be eaten in whole pieces. Vegetables with high content it is necessary to grind: finely chop, grate, boiled - grind through cheesecloth. The same goes for stringy meat.

Dietary dishes can be baked, boiled in milk or steamed. Twice a week you can eat stew: vegetable stew, roast from minced meat, dietary cocotte. It is forbidden to eat fried foods, as such food contains fat oxidation products, which impede the production of bile, thereby impairing liver function. You need to eat often - at least 5 times a day, in medium portions.

Let's take a closer look at what the diet for a patient on the fifth diet may consist of.

Therapeutic diet

The list of permitted products is quite wide. Restrictions apply only to fatty, spicy, salty and fermented foods, because such food increases the secretion of digestive juices of the pancreas and irritates the gastric mucosa. Below is a list of foods that should be limited or completely eliminated.

Table ration number 5
  • vegetable soups with permitted ingredients (no meat);
  • the first with cereals or noodles;
  • milk soups;
  • fruit soup from permitted ingredients;
  • vegetarian borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup.
  • meat and fish broths;
  • mushroom broths;
  • cold soups;
  • any okroshka;
  • first with ;
  • soups with and.
  • boiled, baked and pureed: , ;
  • And , ;
  • green beans;
  • limited: , leaf salads;
  • , And ;
  • onion and ;
  • , spinach, sorrel;
  • , (maximum for flavor and very rare);
  • canned vegetables (including green peas and corn);
  • (at least in finished form).
  • without skin: , ;
  • low-fat: , ;
  • homemade and cabbage rolls (a little, without onion and garlic)
  • milk sausages.
  • offal: , kidneys, ;
  • sausage;
  • in any form;
  • fat meat;
  • , game, ;
  • canned meat.
Fish and seafood
  • V in kind;
  • limited: , ;
  • 1-2 times a week as a snack.
  • fatty fish: stellate sturgeon, and others;
  • crab sticks, fish by-products;
  • caviar;
  • canned and salted fish;
  • sushi.
  • dietary;
  • crackers without additives;
  • bran and wheat bread (1st and 2nd grade);
  • biscuits;
  • dry cookies and biscuits;
  • limited: well-baked pies with approved products (yesterday's).
  • fresh and baked goods;
  • and butter dough (in any form);
  • crackers with flavorings or from butter dough;
  • fried dough: donuts, pies, belyashi, pancakes.
  • well boiled: , ;
  • pilaf with dried fruits and boiled meat;
  • muesli and oatmeal;
  • bulgur, couscous;
  • , (except for leguminous);
  • limited to: , and ;
Milk products
  • V pure form, no more than 200 g per day;
  • low fat: , ;
  • low-fat in its natural form or in dishes: puddings, casseroles;
  • limited: hard cheese without additives (nuts, herbs, spices).
  • egg white omelettes;
  • boiled proteins;
  • half an yolk a day.
  • fried eggs;
  • whole egg dishes.
Berries and fruits
  • ripe and non-sour baked, boiled puree or grated;
  • and (1 per day);
  • dried fruits: dried melon;
  • and decoctions of berries (do not eat fruits);
  • (limited).
  • any nuts and seeds (except flax);
  • raw berries;
  • raw fruits;
  • citruses.
  • homemade puddings and jellies from berries and fruits;
  • marshmallows and meringues;
  • , non-sour jam (preferably in);
  • dry biscuits and cookies;
  • marmalade;
  • nougat and Turkish delight (without preservatives and nuts);
  • lollipops and sweets without cocoa and;
  • a little (substitutes).
  • products with cream and chocolate;
  • chewing gum;
  • halva, kozinaki;
  • desserts with seeds, almond flakes, sesame seeds, nuts;
  • hematogen;
  • chocolates and granola bars.
  • black tea (not strong, sometimes with milk);
  • non-acidic compotes, and;
  • decoctions, etc.
  • alcohol in any form;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • cocoa;
  • tea with knotweed and stevia;
  • store-bought juices;
  • cold drinks.

Having a list of acceptable dishes and products, you can make therapeutic nutrition. It is recommended to prepare the menu in advance, at least 2 days in advance. This way you can stock up necessary products and select recipes, and cooking will take less time. Exact adherence to all diet rules will protect against exacerbation of the disease and speed up recovery.

To make it easier to create your diet, you can consider ready-made sample menu and recipes for it.

The first day

Breakfast: milk oatmeal with pureed dried fruits, tea.

Lunch: pureed low-fat cottage cheese, tea.

Lunch: beetroot soup, 10 g sour cream, buckwheat with meatballs, bread.

Dinner: baked zucchini pancakes, a little sour cream 10% fat.

Second day

Breakfast: pudding, tea with milk.

Lunch: wheat bread toast, sour jam or jam, black tea.

Lunch: dietary cabbage soup, bread.

Dinner: buckwheat groats, berry compote.

Buckwheat: boil 200 g of buckwheat well in a large amount of water. Grate 200 g of cottage cheese, add to it a tablespoon of sugar, 100 ml of milk and one egg (mix everything). Combine the porridge and curd mass and bake under foil until fully cooked.

Day three

Breakfast: steamed carrot pancakes, tea.

Lunch: dry cookies, dried fruit compote.

Lunch: soup with pearl barley, a little sour cream, bread.

Dinner: steamed chicken dumplings, cauliflower boiled.

Day four

Breakfast: semolina casserole, weak black tea.

Casserole: cook viscous semolina porridge and cool it (200 g of cereal). Add one and a half eggs, sugar, or chopped prunes to the semolina. Beat everything well and bake in a greased pan until done.

Lunch: dry biscuit, fruit compote.

Lunch: soup with rice and vegetables, separately boiled chicken.

Dinner: boiled couscous with raisins, chamomile or rosehip infusion.

Day five

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, tea.

Lunch: cucumber and carrot salad.

Lunch: dietary borscht, sour cream, bread.

Dinner: vegetable stew, a piece of boiled lean beef.

Day six

Breakfast: baked pears with honey, tea.

Lunch: wheat toast with mashed cottage cheese.

Lunch: milk noodle soup.

Dinner: mashed potatoes, meatballs stewed in sour cream, rosehip broth.

Day seven

Breakfast: protein omelet with boiled green beans, tea.

Lunch: salad of dried apricots and grated carrots.

Lunch: soup with oatmeal, carrots and potatoes, bread.

Dinner: meat soufflé, rye bread toast, chamomile infusion.

Meat soufflé: mince 200 g of boiled beef twice and mix with 1 yolk. Pour 100 ml of milk into the minced meat and mix. Beat to a thick foam 2 egg whites and carefully mix them with the meat. Steam the soufflé.

Based on appetite, you can add snacks, second breakfast and afternoon snack. This is a sample menu for the week; you can make your own adjustments to it or come up with your own personal recipes. The main thing is not to deviate from the rules: eat only warm food from permitted ingredients in small portions.

Table number 5a

Diet 5a according to Pevzner is prescribed during periods of exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. It is used in case of combination specified diseases with gastritis and peptic ulcer. The diet provides maximum rest for the liver and gall bladder, and spares gastrointestinal tract, facilitates the work of the biliary tract.

This diet option differs from the fifth table in even greater mechanical and chemical sparing. All dishes should be soft, mashed, slimy and mushy. The list of products remains the same only with more restrictions.

Soups should be light, with finely chopped or grated vegetables and pureed cereals. You can add boiled vermicelli and a little milk to them. Types with a high fiber content are excluded from fruits and vegetables; consumption of and, as well as all varieties of cabbage, is not recommended.

Millet is prohibited from cereals. It is also not recommended to eat veal and young ones. As for bakery products, it is preferable to eat no more than three pieces per day of dried bread made from second-grade flour. Desserts and drinks remain the same as in the previous version.

The menu for table 5a will consist of cereals, boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes (potatoes, meat) and vegetarian soups. You can prepare souffles, jelly, jellies, puddings, steamed cutlets and meatballs. It is important to consume what you need every day. It is forbidden to go hungry or eat too much.

Table 5a is prescribed until improvement occurs, then switches to another diet. It is strictly not recommended to independently adjust the diet during exacerbations of diseases.

Table number 5b

In treatment chronic pancreatitis on the background drug therapy Diet No. 5b (or 5 p31) is used. This option is used in patients recovering from an attack. acute pancreatitis or in remission after exacerbation of chronic. The list of products remains the same as for table 5a. The food served should be warm and well chopped. The main restrictions concern fatty foods and sugar, which is replaced with sweeteners, preferably stevia.

The following are strictly prohibited: alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sweets, flour (except for dried wheat bread), smoked foods, fried foods, pickles, raw fruits and vegetables. Low-fat dairy products are added to dishes; pureed cottage cheese is allowed (preferably calcined).

The diet consists of 6-7 meals, in small portions. The patient should eat a little food every 3-3.5 hours. Per day - approximately 1500 kcal. Everything is boiled, steamed or baked without crust while warm. Salt is limited (8 g per day).

The rest of the rules remain the same, as in previous versions of table No. 5. The main difference is more frequent use food and enhanced mechanical sparing. This option can be used for patients with concomitant chronic gastritis.

Table number 5p

After an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, the next stage of table No. 5 is prescribed - diet 5p (or 5p No. 2). Therefore, you need to start introducing this diet no earlier than 7-8 days from the onset of the attack. The diet and list of products remains exactly the same as in 5b. The difference in the amount of food consumed should be at least 2500 kcal per day.

The majority of the menu should be protein food: steam omelettes, meat cutlets, quenelles, meatballs, pureed cottage cheese, viscous porridge. Nuts and beans are excluded from protein; there should be a maximum of one egg yolk per day.

A must for every lunch dietary soups without meat. You can eat some white crackers or dried day-old bread. Dairy products can be added to dishes (rarely). Desserts include only homemade jellies, jelly, puddings made from semolina, berries and vegetables. Plant food should be used only after heat treatment(raw vegetables, berries, fruits are prohibited).

After improvement, the patient is prescribed the fifth table or another diet. Violating the diet rules is highly discouraged, as this can lead to a re-exacerbation of the disease. For diseases of the pancreas, in particular pancreatitis, diet therapy takes first place in treatment. Very often, even with compliance with drug treatment, if there is an error in nutrition, the patient will experience an exacerbation again.

So, diet No. 5 according to Pevzner has several options and is aimed at restoring the functioning of the liver and pancreas. Therefore, in case of diseases of these organs, it is important to follow the rules of table No. 5. It is important to completely exclude fatty, fried, salty and canned foods from the diet, as well as fresh flour products, fresh vegetables and fruits, foods enriched with spices and flavorings. Food should be pureed, viscous or well boiled. You need to eat little and often.

Diet rules No. 5 can be useful in practice healthy people after festive feasts, eating dishes high in animal fats and marinades. You can use diet number 5 on your own with periodic breaks. In case of stool disorders, constant pain in the lower back and stomach, frequent bloating abdomen and changes in skin color - you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist.

Therapeutic diets
Diet No. 5
Indications for prescribing diet No. 5.
Diet No. 5 is prescribed for acute hepatitis and cholecystitis in the recovery stage; chronic hepatitis without exacerbation; liver cirrhosis without liver failure; chronic cholecystitis and gallstone disease without exacerbation (in all cases - without severe diseases of the stomach and intestines).
The purpose of the diet.
The purpose of the diet is chemical sparing of the liver in conditions good nutrition, promoting the normalization of the functions of the liver and biliary tract, improving bile secretion.
General characteristics of the diet.
The diet is characterized by a physiologically normal content of proteins and carbohydrates with a slight restriction of fats (mainly refractory). Recommended products with increased content lipotropic substances, fiber, pectin, liquid. Foods rich in nitrogenous extractives, purines, cholesterol, oxalic acid and fat oxidation products that occur during frying are contraindicated. Dishes are prepared boiled, baked, and occasionally stewed. Only pureed meat and fiber-rich vegetables are pureed; flour and vegetables are not sautéed. Very cold dishes are excluded. Diet: 5-6 times a day.
What is a diet in terms of chemical composition and energy value?
The chemical composition of the diet: proteins - 80 g (55% animals), fats 80 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 350-400 g (70-80 g of sugar); salt- 10 g, free liquid - 1.5-2 l. You can include xylitol and sorbitol (25-40 g). The energy value of the diet is 2400-2600 kcal.
Recommended and excluded foods and diet dishes.
Bread and flour products. Wheat bread from flour of the 1st and 2nd grade, rye bread from seeded and peeled flour of yesterday's baking. Baked savory products with boiled meat and fish, cottage cheese, apples. Long-lasting cookies, dry sponge cake.
Excluded from the diet: very fresh bread, puff and pastry, fried pies.
Soups. Vegetable, cereals on a vegetable broth, dairy with pasta, fruit, vegetarian borscht and cabbage soup, beetroot. Flour and vegetables for dressing are not fried, but dried.
Excluded from the diet: meat, fish and mushroom broths, okroshka, green cabbage soup.
Meat and poultry. Lean or fat-free, without fascia and tendons, poultry without skin. Beef, young lean lamb, pork, rabbit, chicken, turkey. Boiled, baked after boiling, in pieces and chopped. Stuffed cabbage rolls, pilaf with boiled meat. Milk sausages.
Excluded from the diet: fatty varieties, duck, goose, liver, kidneys, brains, smoked meats, most sausages, canned food.
Fish. Low-fat types. Boiled, baked after boiling, in pieces and in the form of quenelles, meatballs, souffle.
Exclude from the diet: fatty species, smoked, salted fish, canned food.
Dairy products. Milk, kefir, acidophilus, yogurt; sour cream - as a seasoning for dishes; semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese and dishes from it (casseroles, lazy dumplings, puddings, etc.). Mild, low-fat cheese.
Limit: cream, milk 6% fat, fermented baked milk, sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, salty, fatty cheese.
Eggs. Baked egg white omelette. Up to 1 yolk per day in dishes. If tolerated, use a softened egg, in the form of an omelet.
Excluded from the diet: hard-boiled and fried eggs. For cholelithiasis - up to 1/2 yolk per day in dishes.
Cereals. Any dishes made from different cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal. Pilaf with dried fruits, carrots, puddings with carrots and cottage cheese, krupeniki. Boiled pasta.
Excluded from the diet: legumes.
Vegetables. Various, raw, boiled, stewed - salads, side dishes, independent dishes. Non-acidic sauerkraut, onions after boiling, green pea puree.
Excluded from the diet: spinach, sorrel, radish, radish, green onion, garlic, mushrooms, pickled vegetables.
Snacks. Salad from fresh vegetables with vegetable oil, fruit salads, vinaigrettes, squash caviar, jellied fish (after boiling), soaked, low-fat herring, stuffed fish, seafood salads, boiled fish and meat, doctor's, milk, diet sausage, low-fat ham, mild, low-fat cheese .
Exclude from the diet: spicy and fatty snacks, smoked meats, canned food, caviar.
Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets. Various fruits and berries (except sour ones) - raw, boiled, baked. Dried fruits. Compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses, sambuca. Meringues, snowballs. Marmalade, non-chocolate candies, marshmallows, honey, jam. Partially replace sugar with xylitol (sorbitol).
Excluded from the diet: chocolate, cream products, ice cream.
Sauces and spices. Sour cream, milk, vegetable, sweet fruit sauces. The flour is not sautéed. Dill, parsley; vanillin, cinnamon.
Exclude from the diet: mustard, horseradish, pepper.
Beverages. Tea, coffee with milk, fruit, berries and vegetable juices, decoctions of rosehip and wheat bran.
Excluded from the diet: black coffee, cocoa, cold drinks.
Fats. Butter in its natural form and in dishes, refined vegetable oils.
Excluded from the diet: pork, beef, lamb fat, cooking fats.
Sample diet menu No. 5.
1st breakfast: cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, oatmeal milk porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast: baked apple.
Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup vegetable oil, boiled chicken in milk sauce, boiled rice, dried fruit compote.
Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.
Dinner: boiled fish with white sauce and vegetable broth, mashed potatoes, cheesecake with cottage cheese, tea.
At night: kefir.

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 11 minutes


This therapeutic diet is prescribed to patients who are at the stage of exacerbation of diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis), in combination with colitis and gastritis, with liver cirrhosis at the stage of compensation.

Basic rules of table number 5a– a diet that excludes any mechanical irritants for the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, eating pureed foods.

What can and should you eat on diet No. 5a?

Shown for treatment table number 5a 5-6 meals a day.

Basic diet rules:

Authorized Products

Authorized products

  • Unsweetened cookies, yesterday's bread (or dry in a frying pan).
  • Vegetable soups (vegetables are pureed), cream and puree soups. Milk soups are acceptable, but take into account the dilution of milk with water (1:1). As ingredients for soups: cereals (rice, semolina and oatmeal), finely chopped vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, potatoes). For dressing - sour cream or butter.
  • Meat and fish that meet dietary requirements: lean and low-fat varieties. For example, turkey (can be cooked in pieces), rabbit meat and beef (in the form of puree, soufflé, etc.). Chickens must be skinned and all tendons must be removed from the meat.
  • Fish is allowed only light varieties (low-fat). It can be boiled in pieces, steamed or in the form of cutlets.
  • Fermented milk drinks. You can eat cottage cheese in the form of cheesecakes and puddings, pureed dishes or steamed (low-fat, homemade). Milk in the presence of colitis is allowed only as an ingredient in dishes.
  • Baked egg white omelettes (yolk – no more than 1 pc/day, only for meals).
  • Semolina and rice souffle or puddings. From porridges (dilute milk with water) - semolina, pureed rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. You can have boiled vermicelli.
  • As for vegetables, you can eat pumpkin and zucchini in pieces (boil). Allowed with beets and cauliflower with potatoes (boil, mash, wipe).
  • Sweets are allowed only in the form of mashed raw and sweet (ripe, soft) berries / fruits, as well as baked and boiled, in the form of kissels and mousses, in the form of jelly. Be sure to wipe all dried fruits. Honey and jam are also acceptable, and marshmallows and marmalade are limited.
  • All sauces are prepared on vegetable broths, you can also use milk, without toasted flour.
  • Coffee – only weak, with added milk. Sweet juices are allowed (homemade, squeezed, diluted with water). Recommended – tea (lemon/milk), rosehip decoction.
  • – no more than 30 g/day. You can add refined vegetable oil to salads if your body tolerates it.

Prohibited Products

Prohibited for use:

  • Baking and puff pastries, as well as all fresh bread. Rye is also prohibited.
  • Strong broths, mushroom/bean broths, fish/meat broths.
  • Meat fried, stewed and in pieces.
  • All offal, any canned food and any smoked meats.
  • Fatty meats/fish, caviar.
  • Salty fish.
  • Any dishes made from eggs, except those allowed.
  • Sharp and salty cheeses, cream of any fat content, cottage cheese provided it is high in fat content and acidity.
  • All crumbly porridges, millet.
  • Mushrooms and legumes.
  • Any pickles and marinades.
  • Turnips with cabbage, onions with garlic and radishes, sorrel with radishes.
  • All snacks, fats and spices.
  • Cocoa and black coffee are not allowed. All cold drinks and any soda are prohibited.
  • During the diet you will have to part with ice cream and chocolate, cream-based products, as well as sour and fiber-rich fruits.

How to create a diet menu No. 5a for a week to treat the liver with cholecystitis and hepatitis C?

An approximate weekly menu for patients every day for table number 5a is as follows:



  • For 1st breakfast: weak coffee with milk + fresh salad (carrots/apples, grated) + cutlets (meat) with milk sauce
  • For 2nd breakfast: fresh apple
  • For lunch: berry jelly+ potato soup (crushed) + beets (stew) + piece of boiled fish
  • For afternoon tea: cookies with rosehip infusion
  • For dinner : krupenik (buckwheat) + mineral water
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir



  • For 1st breakfast: pureed beef + pasta with 5 g butter + tea with milk
  • For 2nd breakfast: lazy dumplings with 50 g sour cream
  • For lunch: vegetable soup (grated potatoes) + glass of jelly + cabbage rolls
  • For afternoon tea: a couple of soft fruits
  • For dinner: milk porridge (rice) with 5 g butter + cheese + tea
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir



  • For 1st breakfast: buckwheat (boil) + cutlets (meat) + weak tea
  • For 2nd breakfast: jam (apples) + puree (carrots)
  • For lunch: soup (pasta) with milk + pudding (cottage cheese) with 50 g sour cream + compote
  • For afternoon tea: jelly
  • For dinner: porridge (semolina), with milk + mineral water
  • Before bedtime – 100 g kefir


— This treatment table is not prescribed on its own, as a panacea for a disease, but exclusively in combination with medication and physiotherapeutic treatment. It is not recommended to start it on your own - only after consulting a specialist.

With strict adherence to the diet, remission can be achieved quite quickly - eliminate the exacerbation, bring all digestive organs back to normal. But you will have to follow all the recommendations of the doctor. If it is ordered to eat yesterday's bread, then it is absolutely impossible to eat fresh. If it is said that all roughage frayed - and we do it, otherwise there will simply be no point in the diet.

Therapeutic diet definitely makes sense in the treatment of such diseases. Oddly enough, nutrition in general can cure many problems in the body. As for table 5a, it allows not only to improve general state and stop the exacerbation, but also reduce weight, raise the overall tone.

Some useful tips: Prohibited foods should absolutely not be consumed both during and after the diet. Forget about alcohol, alcohol and delicious smoked meats with spicy seasonings altogether. Otherwise, the whole result of the diet will go down the drain. There should be no stress on the internal organs at all - only in this case will it be possible to normalize their work. The course of the diet, if necessary, is repeated, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

- For cholecystitis and chronic hepatitis it is extremely important to comply key principles therapeutic diet.
  1. Firstly, you should introduce a sufficient amount of protein into your diet - complete and quickly digestible.
  2. Secondly, do not exceed the permitted amount of fat, so as not to create additional stress on the liver. That is, everything fatty foods- we give it to the enemy. Sour cream, cottage cheese, etc. - only light or completely fat-free. Don't get carried away with oil. If you need to enhance the choleretic effect of the diet, increase the amount of vegetable fats.

For overweight patients, the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced even below the norm allowed for this diet. During the diet, grind all food, finely chop it, grind it through a meat grinder, etc. Careful processing of food will ensure that diseased organs are spared.