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Maintain mental health in extreme. mental states. How to Maintain Good Mental Health

Most people understand how important the health of the body is. However, many do not consider the importance of mental health. Good mental health makes life more enjoyable. It also contributes to more high level physical health and endurance. To be truly healthy, you need to take care of both your physical and mental health.


How to deal with stress

    Get exercise. When you are stressed, your brain releases hormones that tell your body to prepare to respond to the threat. severe stress can jeopardize your mental health and sometimes lead to symptoms of physical ill health. Good way cope with stress - exercise.

    Eat well. Proper Diet and proper eating habits will also help reduce stress. In particular, try to stick to following recommendations:

    Get enough sleep. Sleep is the time when your body regenerates and processes the stress you've been through during the day. This is the time when your brain is resting. Sleep also allows the body and tense muscles to unwind after a hard day.

    Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that requires focusing on the present moment. The practice of mindfulness meditation focuses on just being and doing nothing else in the moment.

    How to increase your self-esteem

    1. Doubt your inner critic. Being happy with yourself is very important for mental health. Worry and negative thoughts can bother you and keep you from feeling good. Self-doubt can torment you the most. Next exercises will help you calm your inner critic and calm your anxiety:

      • If you catch yourself worrying and/or having negative thoughts about yourself, ask yourself some questions. For example, “Is this thought good for me?”, “Is this thought true?”, “Would I say this to another person?”. Answering these questions often helps reduce self-doubt.
      • Change negative thought to make her more faithful or kind. For example, you might catch yourself thinking, “I can never do anything right.” Try to make it more truthful: “Sometimes I can do something wrong, but other times I do a very good job. I can’t do everything in the world and that’s okay, I’m proud of what I can do.”
    2. Focus on your strengths. During difficult times, focus on those qualities of yourself that can help you cope with life's challenges.

      Practice self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is an exercise in which you remind yourself of your worth by saying or writing down what you love about yourself. Regularly recognizing the qualities you love about yourself can greatly increase your self-esteem.

    How to deal with negative emotions

      Make time for yourself. Dealing with strong emotions can be difficult, but they are an integral part of life. The ability to control your emotions and alleviate your own pain is an integral part of good mental health. Part of that is making time for yourself and the activities that you enjoy.

      • This activity will be different for each person. Perhaps you already have some activities that help you cope with emotions.
      • Talking to a friend, going for a walk, playing music, or other soothing activities such as taking a bubble bath are good examples.
    1. Practice self-awareness. Be aware of your own emotional reactions to external events. Take time to reflect on your reactions to difficult situations.

      • Instead of immediately reacting to negative events, try to mentally distance yourself to note your emotional reaction. Many people find it useful, for example, to make several deep breaths or count to ten before reacting.
      • Think about how you feel without judgment. This will enable you to respond in a more thoughtful way rather than impulsively.
      • Being aware of your emotions is especially helpful in communication and relationships.
    2. Keep a diary. A diary can help you organize your thoughts and feelings. This can increase your awareness of your own emotional reactions. It is beneficial for both mental and physical health, for example, it increases immune system and relieves stress. Here are some helpful diary tips:

      • How do my feelings relate to this event? How are they not related?
      • What do these feelings tell me about me and my needs?
      • Can I objectively assess my emotional response? What assumptions can I make based on my judgments?
      • Try to write in your diary every day for at least 20 minutes.

    How to Maintain Healthy Relationships

    1. Recognize the signs of a healthy relationship. Social support very important in difficult times. Friends, family members, and colleagues can offer social support and help with stressful life events. Social support can also help you feel accepted and secure. Look for the following in your relationship:

      Recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Unfortunately, some relationships can be unhealthy or contain elements of violence. Relationship abuse is often the desire to control another person physically or emotionally. Here are some behaviors that may indicate that a person tends to be abusive in a relationship:

      • He deliberately tries to put you in an awkward position, to shame
      • He is overly critical
      • He ignores you
      • Often moody and unpredictable
      • Controls where you go and limits your social circle
      • Uses phrases like “If you…then I…”
      • Uses money to control you
      • Checks your phone or email without your permission
      • Behaves like an owner
      • Shows his temper or excessive jealousy
      • Uses pressure, guilt, or forces you to have sex
    2. Assess your relationship. Once you understand what characterizes a healthy or unhealthy relationship, take the time to consider your social circle. Think about which relationships are most beneficial and which are harmful to your psyche.

    3. Invest in your healthy relationships. Maintaining a positive relationship doesn't just depend on other people. It also depends on your behavior. Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship:

      • Remember that each of you is a separate person, and think about what each of you wants from a relationship.
      • Express your needs and be receptive to the needs of others.
      • Recognize that you will not find complete happiness in one relationship.
      • Be willing to compromise and learn to negotiate outcomes that are acceptable to both of you.
      • Be empathetic, try to understand the other person's view and point of view.
      • When serious problems try to speak honestly and with empathy.

Experience, will, resistance to stress - this is a kind of "shell" of a person in modern world the ability to behave appropriately regardless of the situation. Chief Physician Tambov psychiatric clinical hospital Andrey Gazha shared with AiF-Chernozemye his opinion that there is a psychologically healthy person today.

In move

Natalya Vlasova, AiF-Chernozemye: Andrei Konstantinovich, is the definition that “there are no healthy people, there are underexamined” - is this an appropriate characteristic for us today?

Andrei Gazha: No, most of us are completely healthy people. Now, even by the definition of "health-illness", assessing the condition of people with disabilities, there is a clear opinion: health is the ability to satisfy physiological, psychological, social needs. Therefore, if a person is comfortable, if he feels healthy, it is safe to call him such. And the very phrase that sounded in your question makes you think. If the soul is restless, nothing pleases - why? What is missing in your life? The answers to these questions are simple. And it will be right to start the analysis of oneself. First install - don't worry! There are no such people in nature who would always succeed in everything. Everyone has their own problems. It is important to understand that they are solvable. Do not get hung up on difficulties, do not fuss - think, act - but gradually and calmly. And if you are in demand, relatives and friends are nearby and everything is fine with them, then, in principle, everything is already quite good.

- Does the crazy rhythm of life leave a psychological imprint on us?

Of course, we are all immersed in this rhythm. Dynamics today is in everything: in work, in personal affairs, in information - everything is in motion. But it's quite possible to do it. famous and correct option- draw up a plan of action. Difficult cases tend to come first. We fulfill them - but what to do? And we move down the list. It is possible that during the day everything will not end with a successful ending. Something from the insignificant will be transferred to tomorrow. But the system, built in the head and written down on paper, is well absorbed and helps to solve problems. You never have to panic. Calmly and carefully carry out the planned plan. I assure you, the result will be.

- But many consider it stressful ...

This modern life. Stress has always been there. It is an evolutionary process of adapting to different conflict situations. Of course, there are unfavorable combinations: accompanying illnesses e.g. traumatic brain injury, age-related vascular changes, or just a common cold - the combination of these factors can adversely affect a person's condition. Yes, stress is different. But it is wrong to consider that they are absolutely destructive for our psyche. Of course, life was and is - difficult, sometimes even difficult, but always very interesting. It develops us, disciplines us, makes us logical and rational. But is it bad to be always ready to solve life's difficult tasks?

But we're getting tired of this.

We get tired. And you need to rest. Changing the rhythm to a calmer one, for example, in the evening or on weekends, is also within our power. Who interferes after work to calmly walk down the street, breathe, slowly think about something pleasant? Why not watch a positive movie wrapped in a blanket with a cup fragrant tea in hand? Hobbies, hobbies, romantic meetings unload the head very well.

beside myself

When we say - "he (she) is inadequate today", we often mean anger and irritability. Is this agitated state really a sign of something wrong?

By itself. Irritability is a reaction to a situation. For example, the amount of information, cases, tasks and the inability to digest and accept all this. This is an emotional threshold that does not allow you to make the right decision. But at the same time, it is also a protective mechanism, like pulling your hand away from a hot one. It is always difficult to perceive a dispute, a conflict. In such situation great importance has the upbringing, experience, self-discipline of people. But in any case, if a person is angry - he is inadequate - this correct definition. He behaves irrationally, illogically.

- And if irritation occurs often?

Need to think. Calm down and abstract. Understand for yourself - "perhaps I misinterpret the situation." No need to “sprinkle ashes on your head” - they ignore me, they don’t like me, they don’t understand. Talk to colleagues, friends, family. Listen to advice. But be prepared for the fact that the way out of a problem situation is not the fulfillment of desires by movement magic wand. This is also a systematic work, primarily to change one's own mood and behavior.

normal conversation

A very recent terrible example is the tragedy that occurred in Sosnovka. 17 year old guy. Specialists psychiatric hospital were there and analyzed the situation. What could be the reason for such actions of a young man?

A tragedy happened. Now this is a matter of serious investigation. In the near future, our specialists will have a detailed conversation with the guy. From the picture of what happened, it can be assumed that he has a serious mental disorder. In any case, now the fate of the teenager will be decided by the court. But I have another question. Why didn't adults notice the changes that happened to the guy? And they were obvious. Without a reason, no one will take up the ax.

How are teenagers changing? What should serve as a signal to adults that something is wrong with the child?

Young people, as a rule, become withdrawn, communicate with reluctance, get annoyed when adults try to get them to talk. And if they do, their opinion often contradicts generally accepted norms and rules. New interests appear, to put it mildly, unusual. For example, increased attention to the occult, mysticism. In any case, if the behavior has changed in some way, the reason must be found out as soon as possible. But parents, please act within reason. The psyche of our children is not yet formed, there is no need to be intrusive. Normal conversation should become a habit. In the evening, calmly talk about how the day went, what happened, good or bad. And if a child is anxious, adults should definitely tell him - stop, everything is not so scary. I will advise you, then we will think it over together, and you will do it. Everything will work out.

- And if the situation is already running?

Psychological help is available today. There are psychologists in schools, and there are psychological services in the city. Adults can first come alone, learn more about the problem by talking with a specialist. Then - together with the child. Unfortunately, not many people decide to do this. It's a pity. Psychological assistance, as well as medical, in certain situations should be qualified and timely.

By the way, about qualifications. Today we are all people in the network. It is worth hoping for the result, if you believe in psychological help on the Internet, in offers - pay and, inspired, fly.

Did you find trainings, consultations, information on the Internet that turned out to be useful? Please use. Why not? And it will always help to determine whether this is exactly what you need. common sense and life experience. Concerning individual work through the network, paid classes, then, of course, the authors of the courses must have a license, a good reputation, and reviews. In any case, the decision is made by a specific person. He is responsible for it in this case - to himself. It is too important rule life. You cannot ignore it and try to blame someone or something for the failures. To make ourselves successful, confident and happy, first of all, we must ourselves. At least try, start small - give goodness and joy into life. We'll get a hundredfold.


Seeing how other people overcome obstacles and succeed can give you a big breath of inspiration and change the way you look at life.

Start your day with a cup of coffee

Before you go out the door and start an active day, have a cup of an invigorating drink. If you don't like coffee, this is a great alternative. green tea or freshly squeezed juice.

Solve a crossword on a day off

There is nothing better than lying in bed on a day off and solving a crossword, crossword puzzle or sudoku. Enjoy the brain warm-up process and train your mind.

Take a walk in the park

The brain also needs rest, and regular. When you are in the park, away from the noise, you can take a mental break, which will help you concentrate on solving the immediate problems.

Take up meditation

Meditation is an amazing tool for those who want to increase their mental strength. It helps to maintain balance, gives a feeling of bliss, soothes.

have breakfast

Don't leave the house, don't. Your brain needs fuel in order to function effectively. If you are one of those people who do not like to eat in the morning, at least have a banana in the car on the way to work: this will be enough.

Sleep at night

Your psyche needs support. You just need to sleep soundly and peacefully at night. While you sleep, your brain is busy removing toxic proteins, products of nervous activity that have accumulated during the working day.

play chess

This is one of the most difficult and rewarding games, and you will definitely enjoy it. The brain is pleased to receive a challenge, and throw it away without creating an undue load.

Ask questions

Mentally strong people they say that there is one thing that has changed their lives in a drastic way. These are the answers to the questions they asked. Asking doesn't mean looking stupid. On the contrary, it will show that you want to learn and understand your capabilities.

Don't eat at your desk

Your creativity increases when you leave workplace V lunch break. Use this time to distract yourself and think about something insignificant, briefly freeing your mind from problems that need to be solved.

Walk with a straight back 5 minutes a day

Stand up and straighten up proudly. Walk like this for at least 5 minutes a day. This simple exercise changes consciousness: it helps to feel more confident, to take control of the situation.

take a nap

Research has shown that a 10-minute nap improves concentration, productivity, and mood. If you think that this story is not about you, try to relax and lie down in silence with eyes closed the same 10 minutes.

Don't forget to give thanks

Successful people say that they accustomed themselves to a day for one thing, even the most insignificant. Even the joy of a simple cup of coffee helps keep you going and keeps you in a good mood.

Train yourself to do something out of the ordinary once a week.

Changing activities should become a habit. This brings up psychological stamina, which forms a harmonious personality.

Say no more

The more difficult it is for you to refuse people, the more often you experience stress. Mentally strong people know that saying no is okay.

Get off your phone for 30 minutes a day

Of course, none of us could afford to give up the phone for a day every week. But the planet will not stop spinning if you use your gadget for at least 30 minutes a day. For what? The answer is very simple: it liberates.


Affects all cells of the body. And brain cells too. It slows down the process of thinking, slows us down. Therefore, you need to use it at least a little less often.

Smile at a stranger once a day

Smiling reduces the amount of hormones produced during stress and bad for our physical and mental health. Smiling at a stranger, you only enhance its positive effect.

Sing in the shower

Singing in the shower elevates mood and stimulates the production of endorphins and oxytocin. These hormones bring pleasure and help to relax.

Free up one hour a week for your personal activities

You spend most of your time doing productive work. But it is equally important to stay alone and isolate yourself from other people, even if not for long. This is good for your mental health and performance.

Being sad for a couple of days, of course, is not scary. But if Bad mood lasts for weeks, here we can already talk about depression.

An epidemic of stress

Everyone is subject to depression large quantity people all over the world. According to scientists, by 2020 this disease will be the second most common after cardiovascular diseases.

Its development is primarily influenced by the changed rhythm of life. The bustle of megacities, constant crises in one country or another, instability in family relationships or at work - all this leads to prolonged stress, and it develops into depression.

Scientists explain that stress is a situation in which a person finds himself for the first time, he still does not have experience how to solve his problem, there is no knowledge of what consequences await him. Such uncertainty seriously affects the nervous system, but usually acute condition lasts 3-4 days, and then passes. When a person again and again finds himself in the grip of circumstances and knows perfectly well what the loss of a job, divorce or financial crisis will turn out for him, and these troubles come in a continuous series, it turns out that he constantly lives in a state of stress. And right here nervous system fails, unable to cope with an unbearable load.

What does it say about illness?

decreased mood

feeling that thoughts flow extremely slowly, the person does not think well, is not able to make a decision

slow motor skills

decreased appetite

unwillingness to do something

bad dream. Moreover, this may not be banal insomnia, often at 11 pm a person is seized by a desire for some activity, he sits down at the computer or starts doing laundry, preparing food for tomorrow - just to delay going to bed. And only when it comes nervous exhaustion, the man goes to bed.

Depression has a bad effect on appearance. Since vasoconstriction is constantly occurring, no cosmetics will help to give the skin of the face healthy look. Due to prolonged depression, hair may begin to fall out.

Rules of mental hygiene

Of course, we cannot always change circumstances, avoid stressful situations. But where possible, it is necessary to bypass sharp corners.

“A person has mastered oral hygiene, but forgets about mental hygiene,” says I. O. director of the State scientific center social and forensic psychiatry. Serbian Zurab Kekelidze. – If the same teeth are not taken care of, we will quickly begin to experience pain. When we do not observe mental hygiene, the pain does not appear immediately and it is not as obvious as a toothache. But it arises, and it should not be allowed.

What can help prevent depression?

Firstly, full night sleep. You need to sleep 8 hours and it is at night. If you go to bed at 2 am, sleep will not be full, regardless of its duration.

Secondly, the correct organization of the working day. The working day should have visible outlines, and not last forever. Every hour and a half, you need to take a break from work for at least 5 minutes, and at lunchtime - have lunch, and not perform labor feats. The thought “I’m not tired” suggests that the body does not give the appropriate signal or you simply did not hear it. In fact, the work of an overworked person is not very effective.

A tired workaholic can be compared to an exhausted horse on the run. They beat her with a whip so that she runs faster, but she only beats her hooves harder, depicting a swift run, but she cannot run faster.

Third, family. To create a so-called favorable microclimate in the family is within the power of everyone, it is enough just to be tolerant of one's neighbor. It is also expressed in the nature of your meetings after work. Someone after a long working day filled with communication wants to be silent at home. The other, on the contrary, spends the day in silence, and he wants to speak out close person. This is the case when it is very easy to come to a compromise, and the effectiveness of such a compromise is enormous.

Fourth plan your weekend. When we brake sharply at full speed on Saturday and look around in confusion what to do, it also unsettles. It’s more correct at the beginning of the week to discuss weekend options with your family, plan where to go, what to do. In this simple way, many family quarrels and dreary idleness can be avoided, when it seems that life is passing by and the working week would begin faster.

Fifth dreaming about vacation. Still, we work, including in order to fully and interestingly relax. Dreaming about a vacation is good for mental health. True, a vacation should still be relaxing, not extreme. Extreme is the same stress, and stress, by definition, cannot be rest.

survive the crisis

The news only talks about financial problems and the crisis. Of course, this does not add peace. How to treat them?

Most people treat the rumors about the crisis adequately. They have created some cash reserve for a "rainy day", hold on to work, maintain relationships with loved ones, take care of their health - in general, they have provided themselves with rears in case of possible problems.

The same small category of people do nothing for the reason that they are sure that nothing terrible will happen. These people live by the principle: this cannot be, because it can never be. It is clear that when this “impossible” happens, they have a very difficult time.

And the last, the smallest category of people in a crisis situation, abandons everything, breaks away from their homes and goes - to another city, region, another country. Sometimes it gives positive results, but more often such impromptu brings only new disappointments and failures.