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Ovulation test: instructions, types, reliability, which means the result. Ovulation test is positive

It's amazing that most modern women prefer . They take it seriously. After all, a planned pregnancy prevents unnecessary accidents. That is, a survey of the health of spouses before pregnancy, healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition significantly reduces the risk of a baby developing not only infectious diseases, but also various pathologies. At the same time, external factors also minimally affect the unborn child during a planned pregnancy. When planning a pregnancy, future parents are fully and comprehensively prepared for the appearance of a child.

In order to conceive a child, certain conditions must be met. First, you need an egg ready to conceive a child. It must mature, that is, pass ovulation(- this is the maturation of the egg). Secondly, spermatozoa are needed (viable, with good motor activity). Thirdly, you need an environment suitable for conceiving a child (in a woman's fallopian tube, conditions are usually ideal). When all three conditions are combined, it is not difficult to conceive a child.

First, the egg matures. She is viable for 48 hours, after which she dies. During ovulation, a woman's body is fully prepared for conception - the hormonal system provides the body with all the right hormones. Because of this, ideal conditions are created in the internal genital organs of a woman for spermatozoa to stay there, which, by the way, can exist there without harm to themselves for four to five days.

During intercourse seminal fluid enters the internal genital organs of a woman, and the spermatozoa strive with all their might to the egg. She is quite far away. Sperm must pass through the vagina through the cervix, which opens slightly during ovulation, then half of the sperm goes into one fallopian tube, the other into the second. Those spermatozoa that have chosen the right path overcome "tunnel" fallopian tube and approach the egg. They unite and separate special substance, which "pierces" the dense shell of the egg. And only one sperm gets inside and merges with the egg.

So, one of the conditions for conceiving a child is it's ovulation day . When it starts and when it ends - you can determine.

Calculation of the day of ovulation

The day of ovulation can be determined by several methods.

With the calendar method, a woman must record the beginning and end on the calendar. If menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation begins around the thirteenth to fourteenth day. A more accurate day of ovulation with the calendar method can be found out only after five to six months. Because during this time, data on the cycle is taken, and then calculated using a special formula.

During (the temperature is measured rectally), the data is also recorded for several cycles, and then analyzed.

A blood test for ovulation hormone is done for a long time, and the result is usually provided after ovulation.

Quite accurately about when ovulation will occur, the ultrasound doctor will say. Ultrasound is very good at showing ovulation. But then again, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, pay a lot of money, get an appointment ...

Special tests determine the day of ovulation very effectively.

The essence of the ovulation test

There are about 400 eggs in a woman's body at birth. Two hundred eggs in each ovary. Only one egg matures every month. As it matures, certain female hormones are produced ( estrogens). They tend to accumulate. And during the day of ovulation, a woman forms hormone lutein- this is the essence of the ovulation test. Lutein can be found both in a woman's blood and in her urine. Ovulation Tests "work" like pregnancy tests - just hold the test in a glass of urine, one or two strips will appear.

Ovulation tests are quite affordable. You can buy them at every pharmacy. They most often look like strip strips. Many different pharmaceutical companies produce such tests. Ovulation tests have different sensitivity, different equipment and different cost. More sensitive ovulation tests, supplemented with instructions for use, are more expensive than regular strip strips. Information about such ovulation tests (those without instructions) can be found on the Internet, but the essence of the ovulation test does not change.

When is the best time to do an ovulation test?

Before you calculate the day of ovulation using the test, calculate the duration female cycle. Typically, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 calendar days. But for some it lasts longer, for others less. Then calculate the approximate day of ovulation. Take as a basis the shortest menstrual cycle. For example, 28 days is from the start of your period to the start of your next period. Ovulation will approximately begin on the eleventh day and will possibly continue for a week. Why a week? You only have two days to ovulate. But these two days "fall out" for any of the seven days. Considering that spermatozoa remain viable for five days, plus two days of ovulation, this is the week when there is.

On what day after menstruation should I take an ovulation test? You can calculate the day of ovulation using the test from the eleventh to the eighteenth day of the menstrual cycle.

But not always in women, the menstrual cycle is stable. It is often irregular. It depends on the features female body, work endocrine system, nervous work, restless situation in the family, due to frequent stress or shift work schedule.

In this case, if a woman wants to conceive a child, there is no need to spend extra money on tests to determine ovulation. First, on the second or third day after the end of menstruation, it is better to pass ultrasonography. It will show how the egg has "grown". The doctor who conducts such studies will advise when it is better to start using ovulation tests in order to.

Tests to determine ovulation are best done twice a day - after sleep and before bed.

Instructions for using the ovulation test

  1. Calculate the length of your menstrual cycle. An ovulation test is best done seventeen days before the start of the next menstruation (with a regular menstrual cycle). If the menstrual cycle is irregular, take the shortest menstrual cycle as a basis.
  2. Collect urine in a clean cup, open the ovulation test and lower the strip to the desired mark (or drop urine on the test) into the urine for five seconds. Then take the dough out of the cup and place it on a dry, clean surface. After ten minutes, evaluate the result of the test.
  3. Urine for the test should not be the very first. Due to the fact that there is the highest concentration of hormones. The test will show an incorrect result. The best time to collect urine is around ten in the morning and around eight in the evening.
  4. Before testing, it is best not to urinate for four hours.
  5. for the sake of correct result Before the test, it is better not to drink a lot of liquid.
  6. You need to open and take the test out of the package right before testing. It is better not to touch the special part of the test with your hands so that the result is reliable.

How to find out the result of an ovulation test?

There is a control strip on the ovulation test. It always shows up.

Negative result : the test line does not appear or appears weaker than the control strip. This means that the amount of lutein in the body has not reached the desired concentration, and ovulation has not yet occurred.

Positive result: the test strip is the same color as the control or darker. This suggests that the concentration of lutein in the body is large enough, and ovulation will occur within 48 hours.

No result: There is no control or test strip. This indicates that the test is most likely defective or has expired.

The test showed ovulation, but it was not - why?

This happens when there is a malfunction. hormonal system, when using some hormonal drugs, immediately after childbirth (when the woman's hormonal system has not yet recovered), with hormonal diseases. During pregnancy, an ovulation test will also show a positive result, because the hormone lutein is very similar to the human gonadotropin hormone.

Types of tests to determine ovulation

Ovulation tests are very similar to pregnancy tests. The essence of the ovulation test is exactly the same as that of the pregnancy test. Types of ovulation tests - strip strip, test cassette, inkjet test, reusable test, electronic test.

test strip. Such a test is the simplest and cheapest of its counterparts. It is made of paper impregnated with a special reagent. The disadvantage of such a test is not very high accuracy.

Test cassette. It looks like a plastic box with a window. You need to drop urine on it, the result will appear in the window. Pretty reliable ovulation test, priced a bit more than a strip strip.

Inkjet test. This test does not have to be lowered into a glass of urine, but can simply be substituted under a stream of urine. He is very sensitive and reliable.

Multiple test. It is a device with a set of test strips. These strips need to be lowered into the urine and inserted into this device, which will show the result.

Electronic ovulation test. This test differs from other ovulation tests in that it reacts to female saliva. Saliva is brought under the lens and the pattern is evaluated under a microscope or sensor (included). What the pattern means is indicated in the instructions. The electronic ovulation test is expensive, but it is the most exact test for ovulation.

Most importantly, when determining ovulation, do not forget that ovulation tests only show the level of lutein, and not ovulation itself. Ovulation may start a little later or a little earlier.

What is the best ovulation test?

Frautest, Eviplan, Pharmasco and Clearblue- companies that produce the best ovulation tests.


This five-day test will help a woman with a regular cycle determine the day of ovulation. The Frautest test is considered one of the most reliable. One package contains five sachets with strips and instructions for use.

A rather sensitive test - 30 mIU / ml - a positive result is determined 40 seconds after testing. Negative result - after 10 minutes.

Frautest thoughtfully packaged both the ovulation test and the pregnancy test together, which is a nice touch. In these "double" kits, in addition to five ovulation tests, there are two pregnancy tests, seven cups and test instructions.

In addition to strip strips, Frautest produces cassette tests to determine ovulation. They are very convenient with an irregular menstrual cycle, because there are as many as seven cassettes in the package. The cassette should be held under the stream of urine for several seconds.


This brand produces strip strips for determining ovulation and inkjet tests. Their sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml. The application is similar to that of Frautest ovulation tests. But the result is visible in five minutes.

There are five cassettes in the package of Eviplan inkjet tests. Instructions with questions and answers are also attached. Very hygienic for testing, Eviplan inkjet tests always provide an accurate result.


The Pharmasco company produces inkjet and strip tests. There are 5 pieces in a package with jet dough. The kit includes instructions, where a special table will help determine the day when you need to start testing.

The strip test package contains five test strips, instructions for an ovulation test and a small gift - a free sensitive pregnancy test.


This manufacturer produces digital test for ovulation. The Clearblue Ovulation Test is considered the most sensitive (hence the best) test for determining lutein hormone levels. The manufacturer indicates that the accuracy of the ovulation test is 99%. The result is determined after three minutes. During operation, the test strip indicator flashes.

The cost of this electronic test quite high - seven hundred rubles.

Ovulation test - benefits

Ovulation test - this is a very convenient form in order to calculate the day of ovulation. Nothing compares to ovulation tests calendar method calculating the day of ovulation, nor measuring basal body temperature bodies, nor the calculations of computers and mobile applications. All of them are approximate and conditional. And almost all are uncomfortable for a woman. And the essence of the ovulation test is that it is still a chemical analysis based on the development female hormone lutein.

An ovulation test can be done at home, and even at the workplace. It is very simple to dip the strip into a glass of urine, and then evaluate the result. A positive test result will show much faster, a negative one a little later.

Almost always, an ovulation test package comes with instructions, and some tests are equipped with both urine collection cups and pregnancy tests.

Manufacturers of tests for determining the level of lutein in urine indicate on the packaging that test accuracy is 99% . And it is true. If the concentration of lutein in the urine is high enough, the test strip appears at the control level - just as bright and clear. If the female hormone lutein in the urine is not enough, then the test strip will be pale and fuzzy.

There are times when the stripes do not appear at all. Then the test can be considered invalid. He either expired, or he was originally defective.

Planning the gender of the child

Knowing the day of ovulation is possible. There is a doctor's theory Landrum Shettles.

The sex of the unborn child is determined by the chromosomes of the spermatozoa. If the sperm carries male Y chromosome, and he fertilizes the egg, then there will be a boy, if the sperm carries two X chromosomes, then there will be a girl. "Male" spermatozoa with a Y chromosome are more mobile than "female" ones with an X chromosome. And the “female”, with the X chromosome, are much more viable and stronger.

Dr. Shettles offered to create conditions for the birth of a boy. And if the parents want a girl, they need to neutralize the spermatozoa with the Y chromosome (they are not so strong and tenacious).

To do this, determine the day of ovulation (preferably with a test). If you want to conceive a boy, schedule intercourse two days before ovulation, during ovulation, and two days after ovulation. On all other days there is an opportunity to conceive a girl.

This method was effective in three cases out of four.

Dear women! Do not save on your health, and even more so in such an important matter as planning a pregnancy. Because a woman, unlike men, has a limited time for conception, bearing and birth of a child. A woman's childbearing age is not infinite. Especially after thirty-five years, when you count every day, expecting a long-awaited pregnancy.


An interesting fact is that with the progress in medicine, a woman can find out at home what period ovulation occurs. Most of all, everyone is accustomed to the fact that you can find out with the help of a pregnancy test. The ovulation test allows you to determine the days for conception. Such tests are indispensable assistant women planning a pregnancy. It usually indicates the presence high level luteinizing hormone. An increased concentration is observed a few hours before the release of the egg. And now, the result is positive. What's next?

When to have sex to conceive if the ovulation test is positive?

To begin with, the procedure itself must be done correctly so that it shows the exact result. The basis of this test is to check for the presence of the LH hormone. The test itself, unlike a pregnancy test, should be carried out in the afternoon or evening. Immerse the indicator in urine and wait until the result appears. If you see two stripes, then there is maturation of the egg. If one - continue to conduct research further for several days. Approximately the time of the study should be calculated as follows: subtract the number 17 from the number of days of the cycle. Get the day of the cycle on which the test should be carried out.

Seeing the bright two stripes, know that you can start sexual intercourse. After a positive result, the egg must be fertilized within 1-2 days. In this case, the principle applies: the sooner the better.

How to calculate the time for conception with a positive ovulation test?

So, within two days after the start of ovulation, you are likely to become pregnant. The accuracy of these tests is almost 99%. Interestingly, if fertilization has occurred, then after 10 days with the help of express indicators you will know about it.

Some believe that the more intercourse occurs during this corridor of time, the greater the likelihood of conception. But this is not so, because every time male sperm loses his ability. Better once a day qualitatively. And even better a couple of days before the test shows an affirmative result.

So, let's put everything on the shelves. The following are tips that allow you to calculate the time for intercourse:

  • A positive result indicates that within a few hours the egg will be released from the ovary.
  • She lives only 24 hours.
  • Immediately after the release of the egg, you should not start sexual contact. Wait 5 to 10 hours and then proceed. But remember that you only have a day. Do not delay the last hours of the life of the egg, because in this way you may simply not be in time.

Why doesn't conception occur with positive ovulation tests?

Of course, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. How is it happening in practice? Here, the long-awaited ovulation is approaching. The woman takes a test and sees that it is positive. In this case, the couple proceeds to conception. Of course, manufacturers give an almost one hundred percent guarantee that it shows accurate results. At least 10 days pass, the girl does a pregnancy test and, oh no, it's negative. Waiting for more, then more, but fertilization never happened. What's the matter? Are manufacturers lying? Let's look at a number of reasons why false results can occur.

There is another option for a false positive ovulation test result - this is when it is positive, but it is not there and it is not visible on ultrasound. There are several explanations for this.

  • There really is no maturation of the egg, and a positive result is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs.
  • If the strip is pale pink, then this is not considered an affirmative result.

The ovulation test is an invention that really makes life easier for couples who want children.

Ovulation tests measure the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a woman's urine. During ovulation, its concentration will be maximum. The test is needed in order to identify the peak of the LH content. This information is used to accurately track the cycle and plan the timing of conception.

There are several types of test, each of which has its own characteristics.. However, the general concept is the same for almost everyone: if the egg has left the follicle now or will be released in the coming hours, then the test will show two bright stripes.

  • test strip- or strip test, the most common. It consists of paper with a reagent applied to it and a control strip.
  • Test tablet It looks like a small box. Urine is dripped into one window, the result is displayed in the other.
  • reusable- an electronic device with stripes, which is more accurate than other options.
  • Jet- This is a strip with a more sensitive reagent. In this case, urine is not collected, the strip can simply be substituted under the stream.
  • Digital- is a small microscope that allows you to examine the composition of the girl's saliva. It differs from other tests in that not urine, but saliva is used for analysis. In it at a positive result a pattern in the form of a fern is visible or reminiscent of frosty patterns on the windows. It is usually the most accurate and rarely gives an erroneous result. However, such a device has a high price, so they are rarely used.


What do two stripes mean and can they be shown for 3 days?

If the test turned out to be positive, then this means the favorable conception in the next 24 hours. In other words, in the next few hours, the egg will leave the ovary and become available for fertilization.

This procedure is carried out in most cases when planning a pregnancy in order to identify the most successful days.

The test usually shows a positive result within only 24-48 hours.. If this happens continuously for three days or more, then there are several possible explanations.

  1. The simplest outcome is that the test is defective. In this case, you need to buy a new ovulation test.
  2. If the color of the strip is dark, then the reaction is probably provoked by another type of hormone, to which the test is also sensitive.
  3. It is important to check the expiration date. If it has expired, then the results cannot be correct.

What if before menstruation such a result?

In the days before the onset of menstruation, ovulation cannot occur. A positive test at this time is false. Try to purchase tests from another company, preferably better in quality and run again. If two stripes appear again, then there is reason to consult a doctor. There may be hormonal disruptions or kidney problems.

When to conceive?

IN normal conditions ovulation occurs within 24 hours. In this regard, conception must be carried out a few hours after receiving a positive result.

The duration of the favorable period

The favorable period for conception lasts no more than 48 hours. However, after this time, there is also a chance of getting pregnant, albeit a very low one.

If it didn't work the first time

If you failed to get pregnant the first time, you should wait for the next cycle. Not every couple can conceive a child on the first try. Be patient and try again.

Can it be during pregnancy and is it normal?

The described test cannot determine pregnancy for the simple reason that it reacts to another hormone. Therefore, advice on using such a method is only a myth. However, there are cases where a pregnant girl or woman has a positive result. This happens in the early stages, when pregnancy has occurred, but not enough time has passed for the pregnancy test to work.

Important! In case of a positive result for ovulation during pregnancy for a long time, consult a doctor. This may indicate serious problems with health, which can harm both the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Can it show a false result?

A test may show a positive result, but not be. This means it is a false positive. Possible causes are described below.

What does a false positive look like?

A false positive test does not look different from a positive one.. This means that it will also show two bright stripes.

What are the reasons?

An ovulation test checks the level of luteinizing hormone. It breaks down quite quickly, and its content in the urine may be more or less than the actual content in the blood.

The concentration of LH (luteinizing hormone) changes depending on the frequency of urination. This means that if a woman has not gone to the toilet for a long time, then the test can be positive, even in the absence of ovulation. This reason for a false positive test is the most common, with the exception of the expiration date.

However, there are several other major causes of a false positive test.:

  • Morning urine is not suitable for an objective assessment of the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the body. Therefore, if it was used, then the test may be false positive.
  • The test was carried out at too early or late hours. The test should be carried out from 10 am to 8 pm.
  • The state of the hormonal system is disturbed.
  • HCG injections distort the test, so it will not show the correct result.
  • Diseases of the hormonal system or kidney disease.
  • Recent discontinuation of birth control pills.
  • A sharp change in nutrition, including if a woman goes on a strict diet.
  • Fertilization has already occurred, but the pregnancy test has not yet worked.
  • The expiration date has expired or a defective test has been caught.
  • Postmenopause.

What to do?

At false positive result another test from another company should be done. This will eliminate the options for expiration and manufacturing defects. Check the list of reasons to see if any item matches your situation. For example, whether morning urine has been used or whether hCG injections are being given.

Important! If your test always shows two bright lines, then you should consult a doctor. Check the condition of the ovaries, a false positive test may be the result of a cyst.

What does weak positive mean?

A weakly positive test is considered normal reaction in the absence of ovulation at the time of its implementation. It only shows that the urine contains a small amount of luteinizing hormone.

What does it look like?

A weakly positive result looks like this: a bright control line and a second light one are displayed on the test. It is often confused with positive test. This is a common mistake among girls and women taking this test for the first time.

What are the reasons?

Urine contains luteinizing hormone. Its amount is enough for a weak reaction, but not enough to start ovulation.

What to do?

In this case, the test can be considered negative, since it shows that there is LH in the urine, but its content is low. this moment not maximum. This result appears the day before ovulation or the day after it.

For competent tracking of the cycle, it is important to use the tests that determine ovulation correctly.. It is equally important to be able to correctly interpret the results. It is not uncommon for a false positive test to introduce errors in pregnancy planning. Following the recommendations from the article will be much easier to correctly schedule ovulation in the cycle.

To increase the accuracy of the results, it is worth using several different methods for determining. If you have not been able to determine ovulation for several cycles in a row, then you should go to the hospital. Serious kidney problems or hormonal disruptions are possible. The doctor will help track and, if necessary, correct the menstrual cycle.

Any girl who dreams of becoming pregnant knows that conception can only occur at the time of ovulation - the only day in the menstrual cycle when the egg leaves the ovary in anticipation of fertilization. For some, ovulation occurs on the same day of the cycle, but for many it often fails and the arrival of ovulation may be late even by several weeks, or, conversely, come earlier than expected. For this reason, the process of conceiving a child can drag on indefinitely at a time when a married couple dreams of becoming loving parents as soon as possible and hopes for a positive outcome.

Time runs inexorably, and the tests treacherously show one line, which means a negative result? How to bring pregnancy closer? How to predict that decisive day from which the countdown of pregnancy will begin? How to nullify unsuccessful attempts at conception? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Methods for determining ovulation

When a girl plans a baby, she uses various methods to determine the best date for the conception of her long-awaited baby. These methods include:

More about ovulation tests

Modern ovulation tests determine sudden jump an increase in luteinizing hormone, which occurs approximately 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation. Thus, the test signals a couple planning a child about the approaching cherished date favorable for conception.

Types of ovulation tests:

If your menstrual cycle is stable, and you know approximately what day of the cycle you ovulate on, then the tests are carried out a few days before the expected ovulation. If failures often occur in your body and the cycle is irregular, then it is better to start doing tests a few days after the end of menstruation, so as not to accidentally miss the right moment.

Evaluation of results

Ovulation tests can be carried out at any time of the day - it will be during the day, in the morning or in the evening, there is no difference, the main thing is that the tests are done daily at the same time. For a more reliable result, you need to refrain from urinating for 4 hours, and drink less liquid during this time. Large fluid intake can lower the levels of luteinizing hormone in the body. The first morning urine is not suitable for an ovulation test.

Consider in theory the results of an ovulation test, using the example of a conventional test strip, since it is this type that is most in demand among girls due to its cheapness and ease of use.

The test strips have a control line that appears as soon as the test is dipped into the urine. It was created so that when the second strip is developed, their brightness can be compared. If the result strip is much duller than the control line, or is completely absent, this means that the result is negative and ovulation is not expected in the near future. If the two lines are the same in brightness, then the hormone level has increased, and ovulation will occur within 1-2 days.

The most suitable time for conception is 2 days before ovulation, and it is at this moment that the ovulation test will show a positive result. After ovulation, there is no point in continuing sexual intercourse for the purpose of fertilization.

Positive ovulation test

It often happens that the ovulation test showed a positive result, there was sexual intercourse before the onset of ovulation, but the pregnancy never occurred. What could be the reasons for not being pregnant? One of the most common causes is blockage of the fallopian tubes. This reason indicates the impossibility of a “meeting” of the egg and sperm. There is also a more deplorable result of obstruction of the pipes - this is ectopic pregnancy when the egg develops outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube, less often in the ovary or abdominal cavity. Such a pregnancy poses a danger to the life of a woman, as it can lead to a rupture of the tube, thereby causing a fatal outcome.

False positive test results can show in such cases:

  • incorrect test evaluation time (only 5 to 10 minutes result is indicative);
  • stimulation of pregnancy with hCG hormones;
  • the test is of poor quality (defective, expired, integrity is broken).

Further actions in case of a positive result

We have found that sexual intercourse 1-2 days before ovulation is more likely to result in pregnancy if you do not have gynecological diseases or external factors did not interfere with conception. After fertilization, the egg is fixed in the uterus after about a week, and the level chorionic gonadotropin person gradually increases. After 10 days, you can already do a blood test for hCG to find out if you have " interesting position". In the blood, the concentration of such a hormone is the highest, in the urine its amount is less, and it takes a few more days for the pregnancy test results to be reliable.

If you have the patience, then it is better to wait for the day of the expected menstruation, and in case of a delay, carry out the necessary tests and analyzes to determine pregnancy.

Ovulation tests are a great invention for women who plan to become a mother in the near future and do not want to delay the long-awaited period of pregnancy. Believe in luck - positive emotions and a positive mood contribute to the fulfillment of your desires.

Folliculogenesis is a complex hormone-dependent process that occurs in a woman's body for the purpose of maturation and subsequent fertilization of the egg. To establish the fact of ovulation, various tests are done. We will try to tell you when to do an ovulation test, how to determine a positive result and when to conceive a child.

Ovulation is the process of release of an egg from the follicle through the action of estrogen and luteinizing hormone, followed by the migration of the gamete along fallopian tubes for the purpose of fertilization. The egg after release “lives” from 12 to 24 hours, which is why it is so important to know when to do ovulation tests.

According to statistics, the closer unprotected intercourse occurs to the time of ovulation, the higher the chance of conceiving a boy. In this case, a test is done to plan the gender of the baby. It is also done to establish the state reproductive function in the absence of pregnancy within 1 year. A negative test result is a marker of possible diseases.

Most often, a rapid test is used to plan pregnancy, since it can be used to determine best time for conception. The result is determined by how the test strip looks after development. With a positive result, an express pregnancy test is done before menstruation.

Operating principle

An ovulation test is a method for detecting a woman's fertility, understanding their principle of operation is necessary to establish the condition reproductive system. The rapid test is very sensitive to luteinizing hormone, because the release gestational sac occurs under the influence of LH and estradiol.

With an increase in the amount of estradiol produced by the cells of the dominant follicle during maturation, receptors in the ovary are activated, which cause the hypothalamus to actively produce FSH and LH. A sharp surge of luteotropin occurs 36-24 hours before the release of the oocyte.

luteinizing hormone in small doses is in the body of a woman throughout the entire menstrual cycle, therefore, when conducting an express test, there is always faint streak. It can be used to calculate auspicious days for conception.

Rules for holding

There are many rapid tests with different rules use, but in most cases the recommendations are almost identical. To determine the day of the release of the egg, it is necessary to study the growth of LH in dynamics - this means that the test must be carried out at least two days in a row, preferably a few days before the expected release of the egg.

It is recommended to start the express test from the 11th day of the menstrual cycle, since, depending on the individual indicators of the woman, the normal release of the egg can occur on the 13-17th day of the menstrual cycle of 28 days. The longer the menstrual cycle, the later the time of ovulation.

In the case of the norm, before the release of the gamete, 2 clear stripes should appear on the indicator. To conduct a test using a strip strip, the first morning urine collected after hygiene procedures is most often used.

The blast test is recommended to be carried out in daytime days, but for greater accuracy, ovulation testing is carried out in the morning and in the evening. Before it, you should refrain from urinating for 3-4 hours. You should not drink a lot of liquid, because the concentration of indicators decreases and the result may be distorted.

Ovulation test results

The quality of the response to the test depends on the amount of luteinizing hormone. Test results may indicate preovulatory growth of the hormone. Consider two situations of test results:

  1. Positive ovulation test. As the analysis proceeds, the number of stripes increases to 2, they become brighter. When two lines appear, this indicates possible exit eggs from the follicle within the next 24 hours.
  2. Negative ovulation test. If during its carrying out the strip is paler than the control one or is completely absent, the result is considered negative. This indicates a low concentration of LH, due to which the follicle will not be able to release the oocyte.

If the ovulation test is positive, every day after it is carried out, the strip becomes brighter, it is necessary to carry out fertilization with the same brightness of the strips.

It is worth remembering that, depending on the quality of the biomaterial and microflora of the vagina, spermatozoa in the body of the uterus can remain motile for up to 3 days, therefore, when planning a girl, it is recommended to have intercourse 2-3 days before the expected ovulation.

Note that if the test is carried out incorrectly, both false positive and false negative results are possible. It depends on the concentration of LH in the urine, therefore it is not recommended to drink too much or too little liquid, urination before the test should be about 3-4 hours ago.

Best Ovulation Tests

Difficult to single out best test, since convenience and price are concepts that are determined individually. To choose a method for assessing female fertility, it is worth considering all types of ovulation control:


The ovulation period is the most auspicious time for conception. The release of the egg occurs under the influence of LH, therefore tests are created for sensitivity to this hormone. To determine favorable days for fertilization, special tests have been created.

Depending on individual preferences, a woman can choose a strip strip, inkjet, electronic or reusable rapid test. Important to follow general rules its implementation, without deviating from the instructions. If the test result is positive, conception on the same day is recommended. What day do you think fertilization should take place?