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At cmv igg titer blood. Positive IgG test result for cytomegalovirus: what does it mean?

Cytomegalovirus infection is a disease viral etiology directly related to the herpes family. In the case when this disease is in the active phase, it is characterized by inflammatory process salivary glands. and is transmitted through the placental route during pregnancy, through contact and sexual contact, as well as through kissing, during blood transfusions and organ transplant operations.

In medical practice There are also cases of infection of the fetus after passage through the birth canal. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic during infection. As for external signs, the infection is similar to herpetic rashes on the surface of the skin.

In addition, patients may experience an increase in body temperature. The duration of the disease depends on its severity, the condition of the body as a whole and the immune system. If the disease is not exposed timely treatment, then serious complications may develop. The infection has the peculiarity of manifesting itself not only externally, but also affecting internal organs, and also influence the condition nervous system.

This disease is particularly insidious, manifesting itself in a latent form. The danger is that the infected person does not feel signs of the disease, as a result of which it is not possible to take timely measures. necessary measures. In addition to the source of infection, reduced immunity, as well as the presence of concomitant colds, can contribute to infection.

During diagnostics, affected areas are identified at the cellular level under a microscope. It is worth noting that this disease is quite common in almost all countries and is characterized by alternating remissions, when the virus is dormant in the body, and acute recurrent manifestations.

Testing for cytomegalovirus

Carrying out IgG analysis for cytomegalovirus is carried out in order to search for specific ones. If we consider IgG value, deciphering Latin characters to understand what does it mean, then it seems possible to find the following:

  • Ig stands for immunoglobulin, which is nothing more than a protective protein compound that can destroy the virus and is produced through the immune system;
  • G is one of the classes of immunoglobulins.

In the case where a person is not infected and has never had this infection, then his body does not yet produce antibodies. If the virus is present in the body and cmv igg positive means the person is infected.

In this situation, it is very important to understand how immunoglobulins G and M differ.

IgM are rapidly forming immunoglobulins produced by the body for the initial response to infection.

IgG are colonies of antibodies, the formation of which occurs somewhat later. However, they have the ability to maintain the immune system at a certain level for life.

"Anti to cytomegalovirus igg positive" is the wording good result tests, which indicates that the person has already had this disease and the response to the pathogen is a persistently formed immunity.

Cytomegalovirus igg positive

The fact that a person’s infection is progressing is indicated by the result of an analysis, which makes it possible to track that cytomegalovirus igg positive, igm negative indicates that the blood samples being tested do not contain genetic material, therefore, there is no disease.

In addition, if the reaction is positive and if there is low index IgG we're talking about specifically about primary infection, the residence time of the virus is no more than 4 months.

To finally make sure that infection is taking place, the patient is prescribed special tests, the main purpose of which is to identify antibodies in the blood. On at this stage One of the modern methods is PCR.

After infection occurs incubation period, which can vary from 15 to 60 days. It depends on what age category the person belongs to, as well as on physiological characteristics his body. The immune system in any case is quite weak and is not particularly durable. The role of the protective reaction is due to the formation of antibodies of the IgM and IgG classes, which inhibit replication at the cellular level.

The degree of disease activity is determined by the quantitative IgM indicator, which makes it possible to establish more accurate diagnosis. A slowdown in the reaction occurs in complex forms of manifestation of this disease, accompanied by a severe course. Most often this affects children, pregnant women and people with low immunity.

Positive cytomegalovirus in pregnant women

If iggpositive during pregnancy, then there is a certain probability of transmission of infection to the fetus. Based on the results of specially conducted tests, which can be used to determine what stage the disease is in, the doctor makes a decision on prescribing treatment measures.

The presence of specific IgG indicates that the expectant mother has a functioning immune system, which characterizes the situation as positive. Because otherwise it can be stated that the infection occurred for the first time and precisely during pregnancy. As for the fetus, the disease most likely affected it too.

Positive cytomegalovirus in children

can be expressed in two forms:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The degree of its manifestation, as well as the overall clinical picture. The infection enters the fetus through the placenta. In the case when the infection occurs during pregnancy, the woman’s body lacks antibodies designed to fight the manifestations of this disease.

Cytomegalovirus igg positive in a child often manifests itself immediately after birth, which can be infected not only in utero, but also while passing through the birth canal.

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus in newborns include lethargy, decreased appetite, insufficient sleep and moodiness. Their body temperature often rises, diarrhea may appear, accompanied by constipation, urine darkens, and feces, on the contrary, become light.

In this case, rashes are found on the upper layer of the skin external signs reminiscent of herpetic manifestations. In almost every case, such children have an enlarged liver and spleen.

The acquired form manifests itself in malaise, weakness, lethargy, apathetic mood and a number of other similar symptoms, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Sometimes there may be abnormal stool, chills, fever, enlarged lymph nodes and tonsils.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the areas of the rash?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence...
  • And it’s somehow embarrassing, especially if you suffer from genital herpes...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medications recommended by doctors are not effective in your case...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already become a part of your life...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • There is an effective remedy for herpes. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

The question of the normal level of IgG immunoglobulins to cytomegalovirus in the blood serum worries most women planning pregnancy or already carrying a child, as well as many young mothers. The increased attention to the virus in recent years is explained by its widespread prevalence in the human population and negative impact on fetal development when the expectant mother is infected during pregnancy. In addition, cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) is often associated with the development of atypical pneumonia, delayed physical and mental development, visual and hearing impairment.

CMV infection is also of particular importance in organ transplantation and the treatment of immunocompromised patients.

Determining the level of IgG antibodies in the blood is the most common method for detecting cytomegalovirus infection and determining its status in the body. It is important to understand that the content of immunoglobulins G in blood serum is expressed in relative units, which may vary depending on the location of the laboratory performing the analysis and the equipment used.

Accordingly, the numerical expression of the norm may look different. It is considered normal presence of IgG in the body of adults, since more than 90% of the world's population are carriers of the virus. In this case, the production of antibodies indicates normal reaction immune system to virus infection.

The detection of IgG antibodies in a patient’s blood has a certain diagnostic value: this in itself is not an indication for treatment, but only indicates the presence of immunity to infection. That is, the body has already encountered the virus at some point and produces (for life) the corresponding antibodies.

What is the norm

The amount of antibodies to cytomegalovirus is usually expressed as a titer. Titer is the highest dilution of the patient's blood serum at which positive reaction. As a rule, for immunological studies, serum dilutions are prepared in multiples of two (1:2, 1:4, and so on). The titer does not reflect the exact number of immunoglobulin molecules in the blood, but gives an idea of ​​their total activity. This significantly speeds up obtaining analysis results.

There is no standard for the titer value, since the amount synthesized by an individual human body antibodies may vary depending on general condition body, lifestyle, immune system activity, presence or absence of chronic infections, metabolic characteristics.

To interpret the results of an analysis for antibodies to cytomegalovirus, the concept of “diagnostic titer” is used. This is a certain dilution of blood serum, a positive result in which is considered an indicator of the presence of the virus in the body. For cytomegalovirus infection, the diagnostic titer is a dilution of 1:100.

Currently, the arsenal of immunological laboratories has several dozen test systems for determining antibodies to cytomegalovirus. They all have different sensitivity and consist of different components. The only thing that is common is the research principle – linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).

The ELISA results are recorded based on the degree of coloration (optical density) of the solution to which the patient’s serum is added. The optical density (OD) of the analyzed sample is compared with obviously positive and negative samples - controls.

As a rule, to speed up the study, each test system is configured to work with one dilution of blood serum specified in the instructions for the test system. This eliminates the need to prepare multiple dilutions, and the analysis procedure is shortened by several hours.

There is currently no uniform diagnostic titer for all laboratories. For each test system, the manufacturer indicates so-called reference values ​​at which the result is considered positive or negative.

That is why in the forms of test results for antibodies to cytomegalovirus you can find the following: norm - 0.3, result - 0.8 (positive). In this case, the norm means the optical density of the control sample, which does not contain antibodies to the virus.

Details about immunoglobulins IgG and IgM

When cytomegalovirus enters the body, a nonspecific cellular component of immunity is initially activated - phagocytic cells (macrophages and neutrophils). They capture and neutralize the virus. The protein components of the virus envelope appear on the membranes of macrophages. This serves as a signal for a special group of T-lymphocytes - helpers, which secrete specific stimulators of B-lymphocytes. Under the influence of the stimulator, B lymphocytes begin active synthesis of immunoglobulins.

Immunoglobulins (antibodies) are soluble proteins circulating in the blood and tissue intercellular fluid, as well as those present on the surface of B lymphocytes. They provide the most effective and rapid protection against the proliferation of infectious agents in the body, are responsible for lifelong immunity to certain infections and are involved in the development of protective inflammatory and allergic reactions.

There are five classes of antibodies - IgA, IgM, IgG, IgD, IgE. They differ from each other in structure, molecular weight, strength of binding to antigens and types immune reactions in which they take part. In antiviral protection against CMV infection, immunoglobulins of classes M and G are of greatest importance.

IgM is the first to be synthesized when the body is infected with a virus.. They appear in the blood within 1-2 weeks after the initial infection and persist from 8 to 20 weeks. The presence of these antibodies in the blood serum usually indicates a recent infection. Class M immunoglobulins can also appear during reactivation of an old infection, but in much smaller quantities. In this case, it is possible to distinguish a primary infection from a reactivated one by determining the avidity of antibodies, that is, the strength of their binding to viral particles.

IgG immunoglobulins appear in blood serum approximately a month after infection with cytomegalovirus. At the beginning of the immune response they have low avidity. 12-20 weeks after the onset of infection, avidity becomes high. IgG remains in the body for life and allows the immune system to quickly respond to increased virus activity.

The amount of immunoglobulins synthesized depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, so there are no normal values ​​for this indicator. In most people with normal immune system activity, the amount of IgG to cytomegalovirus increases rapidly during the first 4-6 weeks after primary infection or reactivation of the infection, then gradually decreases and remains at a constant level.

Decoding the analysis results

In order to independently decipher the results of the analysis for cytomegalovirus, it is necessary to compare the data obtained with the reference values ​​​​indicated in the response form. These indicators can be expressed in conventional units(cu, IU), optical units (p.u.), optical density (OD), units in milliliter or as a titer. Examples of results and their interpretation are given in the table.

Possible options for the results of determining IgG in blood serum and their interpretation:

Reference values ​​(norm)

Patient serum


There is no virus

There is a virus

Negative index 1.0

There is a virus

Positive Control >1.2

There is a virus

There is a virus

OP syv: 0.5 – negative

0.5-1 – doubtful

>1 – positive


There is a virus

If the form does not indicate reference values ​​or normal indicators, the laboratory is required to provide a transcript. Otherwise, the attending physician will not be able to determine the presence or absence of infection.

High IgG titers do not indicate danger to the body. Determining only class G immunoglobulins gives an idea of ​​the body's possible contact with cytomegalovirus in the past, but does not allow one to determine the activity of the virus. Thus, if IgG is detected in the patient’s blood serum, this only indicates that they are carriers of the virus.

To determine the stage of infection, the level of IgG avidity must be assessed. Low-avidity antibodies always indicate a fresh primary infection, while high-avidity antibodies circulate in the blood of virus carriers throughout their lives. When a long-standing chronic infection is reactivated, high-avidity IgG is also detected.

A complete picture of the picture can be obtained by a combination of immunological and molecular biological diagnostic methods: ELISA for antibodies of classes M and G to cytomegalovirus, IgG avidity, polymerase chain reaction(PCR) for the presence of viral DNA in blood, saliva and urine.

Norm of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus in pregnant women

Testing for the presence of IgG to cytomegalovirus is mandatory when examining pregnant women. It has been proven that primary infection of the expectant mother can lead to spontaneous abortion and the development of severe complications in the fetus. congenital anomalies or long-term complications of infection.

In this regard, one should not neglect mandatory tests and submit them within the required time frame. It is advisable to take a cytomegalovirus test before 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. If a re-examination is recommended, it must be completed strictly within the specified time frame.

The ideal option is to determine antibodies to cytomegalovirus when planning pregnancy and in each trimester. This makes it possible to exclude or timely detect primary infection or reactivation of an old infection during pregnancy.

If a woman did not have antibodies to cytomegalovirus before pregnancy, she is at risk. When infected with the virus during pregnancy, the probability of intrauterine infection of the fetus reaches 50%. It is recommended to limit contact with children under 6 years of age and carefully observe personal hygiene rules.

If class G antibodies with low avidity and/or IgM are detected before pregnancy, a diagnosis of “recent primary infection” is made. It is recommended to delay conception for 2-3 months due to high probability fetal infection.

If a woman does not have antibodies to cytomegalovirus before pregnancy, but IgG is detected in her blood during pregnancy, this also indicates a primary infection. It is recommended to consult an infectious disease specialist and carefully monitor the health of the newborn, since the possibility of congenital infection cannot be excluded.

In practice, they are most often limited to a single determination of IgG and IgM in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the risk to the fetus is greatest. An immunoglobulin M test is necessary to determine the timing of infection. If this is not possible, a determination of IgG avidity is required.

Detection of class G immunoglobulins alone does not provide a complete picture of the duration of infection and the activity of the infectious process. The most accurate results can be obtained by performing all three analysis options: determination of IgG, IgM and IgG avidity.

Interpretation of test results for determining antibodies to cytomegalovirus in pregnant women and prognosis for the child:

IgG avidity

Risk to the fetus

Recent primary infection

High probability of infection

Not determined


Possible long-standing latent infection or late stage recent primary infection

Not determined

Not determined

See above and/or definition of IgM

Reactivation hidden infection

+ (increase in titer during double examination)

Reactivation of latent infection

Low chance of infection

+ (no increase in titer during double examination)

Long-standing latent infection

Virtually absent

No previous contact with the virus or a test taken within 7-14 days after the initial infection


Re-examination is required in 2-3 weeks

If questionable results are obtained or in the case of immunodeficiency conditions, it is recommended to confirm the diagnosis by PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

Possibility of superinfection in the presence of immunoglobulins G in the blood

As a rule, the immune system of adults and children over 5-6 years of age effectively suppresses the activity of cytomegalovirus in the body, and the infection occurs without clinical manifestations.

However, this virus is characterized by great genetic variability, which leads to frequent changes in the structure of its proteins. The human immune system is highly specific, that is, in response to the introduction of a virus, antibodies are formed that have an affinity for the specific structure of its components. With significant modification of viral proteins, the strength of the immune response decreases, therefore in rare cases Cytomegalovirus carriers may have a primary infection caused by a modified version of the virus.

It should be remembered that if the result is positive for cytomegalovirus, you should not immediately sound the alarm. An asymptomatic infection does not pose a threat to an adult organism and does not require treatment. Pregnant women and women planning pregnancy, as well as persons with clinical manifestations of CMV infection, need to consult an infectious disease specialist.

Doctor's explanations about IgG and IgM to cytomegalovirus

Clinical diagnosis of infection initiated by is associated with great difficulties due to the diversity symptomatic picture illness and absence of diagnostic significant signs. Therefore, verification of the disease is impossible without laboratory support.

Tests for cytomegalovirus include blood testing for the presence of antibodies of various classes, determination of viral DNA by PCR in various human biological fluids. Modern methods diagnostics make it possible to assess the duration of infection, the severity of the infection and determine.

photo cytomegalovirus

Currently, the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection is carried out using the following groups of methods:

  • cytological method;
  • virological methods;
  • serology;
  • molecular genetic.

Modern tests for CMV make it possible to detect specific cellular changes inherent only to CMV, identify the pathogen, grow the virus in cell culture and examine its DNA, and determine the level of antibodies produced to it in the blood serum.

Diagnosing CMV is not an easy task. Not always the affected tissues and biological fluids of the human body can reflect the course of the infectious process.

Verification of CMV infection should be carried out comprehensively: the more methods are used, the greater the chances of diagnosing the disease and determining treatment tactics.

The cytological method involves searching for cytomegalovirus-specific changes in cells, and the material is the epithelial cells of the most commonly affected organs or their secretions (salivary glands, urinary tract, mammary gland). Virological methods are used to isolate virus cultures in order to study their structure and identify the CMV strain.

The most popular diagnostic methods are serological and molecular genetic: antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgM and IgG, avidity of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, PCR of CMV in biofluids. These tests are used primarily when an infection is suspected and are, in a way, screening or screening tests.

Blood for antibodies to infection

The most accessible method for patients and easy to perform for the laboratory is serology - the study of blood serum for the presence of specific antibodies (AT) to CMV. In order to identify antibodies to the virus, use:

  • immunofluorescence reaction (RIF);
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • immunochemiluminescence method (ICHLA);

RIF and ELISA make it possible in a short period of time to evaluate class G antibodies to cytomegalovirus, as indicators of carriage and infection, and IgM, markers of acute cytomegalovirus infection or its exacerbation.


Serological methods are effective, since even with severe immunodeficiency, antibodies to CMV, both IgG and IgM, are produced in detectable levels.

Identification of total anti CMV IgM and IgG in serum is not considered sufficient effective method, since almost 95% of the population is infected with the virus and the phase of the disease - acute or chronic - cannot be identified. The total determination of antibodies or immunoglobulins of two classes is called titer. Thus, a high titer of IgG and IgM will be assessed by one general figure, which has low information content. This method called the complement fixation reaction and is rarely used in the diagnosis of CMV.

The feasibility of performing RIF or ELISA is due to the opportunity to obtain reliable information about the characteristics of the course of CMV infection. For example, an accurate indicator that confirms primary infection is the so-called seroconversion - the identification of antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgM in those individuals whose tests were previously completely negative.

The persistent form of cytomegaly is characterized by viral isolation - determination of CMV on nutrient media - and additionally, as anti CMV IgG a positive result, which confirms infection and the presence of the cytopathic effect of the virus.

The detection of anti-CMV IgG above normal, according to many experts, is a sign of an incipient exacerbation of the infection, and the antibody for cytomegalovirus IgG is positive and the result without increasing the reference values ​​is considered a sign of a latent infection, in other words, carriage.

In addition, CMV IgG is positive after positive IgM, indicating an emerging recovery after an acute primary infection. As a rule, if healthy man without signs of disease, donates blood for cytomegalovirus and receives positive antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG - this indicates carriage and indicates that the patient has been infected for a long time, and his immune system is familiar with the virus.

The result of a blood test for CMV makes many patients wonder what anti CMV IgG is elevated and what does it mean? If antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG are positive and their level is very high - exceeding the permissible threshold by 4 times or more - they speak of reactivation of cytomegalovirus infection.

Specific IgM antibodies are an indicator of active reproduction of the virus. If the result for antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG class is positive along with positive IgM, the infection is in the phase of active exacerbation.

If only IgM is positive against the background of negative IgG, the person has become infected for the first time and the virus is active. But the clinic does not always provide such a blood test. With a strong immune response, the body successfully fights CMV and the acute phase markers soon leave the bloodstream and are replaced by IgG.

Simultaneous elevated levels antibodies, namely IgG positive IgM positive to a significant extent (several times), indicate active replication of CMV, which is accompanied by clinical symptoms.

Avidity to cytomegalovirus

One of the methods for diagnosing cytomegalovirus infection is parallel definition avidity of antibodies along with calculation of their number.


Avidity is a term that characterizes the strength and speed of association of antibodies (leukocytes) and antigens (virus) in human blood. The lower the avidity level, the fresher the infection.

During the process of primary cytomegalovirus infection, there is a natural increase in the avidity of antibodies from minimal levels from the onset of the disease in acute form to a very high level during the peak period.

In the process of transition acute form in chronic, or more precisely in carriage, they become positive for cytomegalovirus G - antibodies, and it is these antibodies that have high avidity. But recent infection may be characterized by an even lower avidity of immunoglobulin G.

High-avidity antibodies exclude recent recent infection with cytomegalovirus. Determining this characteristic of antibodies to CMV makes it possible to distinguish from an exacerbation. Low-avidity antibodies are considered as indicators acute infection CMV.

Many are interested in if IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus are detected - what does this mean with a high level of avidity and positive IgM. In such a situation, they talk about reactivation of the virus; in addition, in this case, cultural studies often become positive, and it is possible to identify the virus on a nutrient medium.

Most laboratories consider a value greater than 70% to be high avidity, less than 40% to be low, and anything in between to be a questionable result.

Cytological method

Cytomegalovirus has an affinity for a number of cells of the human body, integrating into which it initiates diseases that are characteristic only of it. Epithelial cells of various ducts - salivary glands, bile ducts in the liver, mammary glands - have features characteristic of CMV infection. Damage to the lymphocytic series of blood cells in the form of atypical mononuclear cells is also detected.

Material for cytology for suspected CMV is:

From the obtained biological material, smears are prepared on glass, stained with special dyes and the result is evaluated under a microscope. The search is carried out in the aspect of atypical giant cells of cytomegaly.

Epithelial cells affected by the cytomegaly virus are gigantic in size, round in shape and have a characteristic color that does not raise doubts when making a diagnosis. The nucleus in the cell has a dark shell and is surrounded by a light rim, which resembles an “owl’s eye” - a term used in cytological diagnostics. Detection of giant cells in the form of an “owl’s eye” in smears is a reliable sign of CMV.

The cytology method is simple; analysis of CMV damage to epithelial cells is accessible and quick to perform compared, for example, with the determination of cytomegalovirus DNA by PCR or antibody analysis. The only disadvantage is the low sensitivity of the test, since even with obvious clinical signs infections, atypical giant cells of cytomegaly are visualized in 40-50% of cases.

In addition, such cells cannot indicate acute or chronic process, since they are detected within 5 years after past illness. On the other hand, if giant cells are absent, this does not exclude the disease. The cytological method is used in complex diagnostics along with antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM, CMV DNA during PCR.

Virological method

In order to isolate the virus from biological fluid, it is necessary to use special nutrient media for cultivating CMV. For this purpose, human fibroblasts or cells with a double set of chromosomes are used in laboratory conditions. Such media are obtained from the lungs of embryos.

Any human biological fluid is inoculated onto a nutrient medium and placed in an incubator for 5-10 days. The virus, if present in the material under study, exerts its pathological effect on the cells, and they become gigantic.

Under a microscope after staining the material, they are visualized as an “owl’s eye,” which allows a diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection to be made. Direct identification of CMV is carried out using RIF (immunofluorescence reaction), RN (neutralization reaction) and complement fixation.

The virological identification method using fibroblast culture is considered the “gold standard” in the diagnosis of CMV infection. The method is considered reliable and highly specific, but at the same time, it is expensive and requires a certain amount of time for its implementation.

An improved version of the virological method for identifying CMV is the addition of the method with monoclonal antibodies - specific proteins that can only bind to certain antigens. In particular, when analyzing for cytomegalovirus, such antibodies form a detectable bond with CMV antigens, which confirms the presence of the disease.

Embryonic lung fibroblasts are grown for three days and infected with material from a sick person. Incubate for 2-3 days and use RIF with monoclonal antibodies to verify the virus. The earliest analysis results can be obtained after 6 hours. The method is expensive and requires special equipment. If the results of a virological study are positive, positive antibodies to CMV IgG in the blood, as well as IgM antibodies, are noted.

Blood test results

The interpretation of a blood test for cytomegalovirus depends on the method of identifying antibodies in the blood, as well as on the laboratory reference values. The standards depend on the equipment of each specific laboratory and are assessed individually.

The results may be as follows:

  1. IgG positive IgM negative - the norm of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, which means the presence of memory cells in the human body and in the absence of signs of the disease, indicates the presence of protection. Carriage is safe for health and is observed in 95% of the world's population. With severe immunodeficiency, possible reactivation of the process and development of the disease. Some laboratories use grades of IgG, for example, from 10 to 400 IU/ml, indicating a positive result and remission. So, IgG result 250 or anti cmv ​​IgG CMV 200 IU/ml indicate carriage. Depending on the serology method, the data may be presented differently, but the essence does not change. For example, anti CMV IgG in the ICL analysis also means carriage or remission.
  2. Positive result IgM and negative IgG indicate fresh infection.
  3. A positive IgM result and a positive IgG result indicate reactivation of the virus or an exacerbation.
  4. Negative immunoglobulins of both classes indicate complete absence immunity to CMV and mean that the person has never encountered the virus.

Often, when diagnosing viral infectious diseases, serological methods are used, such as taking a blood test for antibodies to cardiolipin IgG and IgM. Such an analysis is often prescribed to pregnant women with spontaneous miscarriage.

These antibodies indicate autoimmune process– an allergic reaction to some proteins of one’s own cells, in particular to membrane phospholipids. A disease in which antibodies to cardiolipin IgM are elevated, as well as to other classes of antibodies, is called antiphospholipid syndrome.

For some viral infections, and CMV is no exception; there is an increase in antibodies to cardiolipin, but unlike antiphospholipid syndrome, such antibodies have a high level for only a certain period of time.

What should the test results be during pregnancy?

The process of pregnancy planning and the time after conception are necessarily accompanied by tests that involve determining immune status in relation to the cytomegaly virus. Often this analysis is performed within the TORCH complex. This block of research includes the determination of immunoglobulins in a woman’s blood for rubella, herpes simplex, CMV, and toxoplasma - the most dangerous infections for.

It is known that viruses of the herpes family, as well as rubella, have the most pronounced teratogenic effect, which means the formation of deformities and gross malformations, spontaneous miscarriages. Therefore, the dynamics of these infections in pregnant women is always carried out.

The most appropriate time to take the analysis is the planning period. As long as the woman is not pregnant, any test result will not pose a threat and will allow timely measures to be taken to strengthen the immune system or undergo vaccination.

Interpretation is carried out in the same way as in other patients, regardless of gender and pregnancy planning status. So, if IgG antibodies to CMV are detected in quantities greater than 140 when the laboratory norm is from 10 to 400 IU/ml, the result is considered normal and means the presence of a protective titer of immunoglobulins. At the same time, the high avidity of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus indicates a long-standing infection and that the future embryo and fetus are not in danger.

Since it is necessary to donate blood for immunoglobulins for cytomegalovirus several times: during planning and twice during pregnancy, consultation with an infectious disease specialist is required to correctly interpret the results in the future. When pregnancy occurs, the immune system naturally reduces its activity, which can lead to reactivation of the infection. Monitoring the level of antibodies will allow you to take timely measures.

Many women are concerned about what does CMV IgG positive mean during pregnancy and should they be worried? As a rule, this question arises among pregnant women who did not plan to conceive and have not previously been tested.

If anti CMV IgG is detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, this means the presence of circulating protective antibodies and a previous infection. This result is the most favorable for the fetus and the pregnant woman.

A good result of a blood test is the absence of markers of acute inflammation. So what does it mean - anti CMV IgM negative? This result is deciphered as the absence of activity and reproduction of the virus in the woman’s body. But the results may not always be good.

What does positive CMV IgG and IgM in the blood mean during pregnancy? Such data indicate reactivation of the infection and require urgent medical intervention. The virus penetrates the placenta to the fetus and can lead to negative consequences, including intrauterine death.

PCR collection

Molecular genetic studies in the aspect of identifying herpesvirus infections have found quite wide application.


The sensitivity and specificity of PCR in diagnosing cytomegalovirus infection is approaching 97%, which makes the method indispensable in identifying the disease.

The polymerase chain reaction method is based on the detection of virions in human biological material, even in small quantities, due to the ability of the technique to multiply the existing DNA in the substrate to a detectable level. The quantitative version of PCR is of greatest value in diagnosis, when in addition to the DNA of the virus, the number of virions is determined. This moment important in assessing the dynamics of infection treatment.

Any human biological fluid is suitable for PCR research, but most often the search for viral DNA is carried out in saliva, blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, cervical mucus, sperm. Much depends on the capabilities and equipment of the laboratory.

Examination of scrapings from the cervical canal, urethra in men, as well as a blood test for cytomegalovirus are performed most often. The interpretation of the PCR analysis is simple: normally there should be no DNA of the virus in the biomaterial. Its presence means the virus is multiplying.

  1. If a woman has cytomegalovirus detected in a smear from the cervical canal, antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment is carried out.
  2. If the PCR blood test for cytomegalovirus is positive, this means a generalized infection, characterized by the spread of the virus throughout the body. As a rule, this result is accompanied by positive antibodies for CMV. In addition, the blood is tested for the quantitative content of the virus using the PCR method. High virus activity is indicated by a value of 3 or more log⁵ leukocytes. Indicators of the norm of treatment effectiveness are characterized by a gradual decrease in this number.
  3. Saliva PCR positive for CMV indicates hidden current infections or sialadenitis - inflammation of the salivary glands. In such situations, even in the absence of clear clinical manifestations, a person is a source of infection for others.

Many women are concerned about how to get tested for cytomegalovirus from the cervix correctly? In order not to distort the results, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, douching and the administration of suppositories 2-3 days before the study, unless otherwise prescribed by the gynecologist.

Cytomegalovirus: basic facts

Cytomegalovirus IGG comes from the herpesvirus family. When it enters the body, cells can be damaged various organs- from the nervous system to the eyes. You can become infected through a blood transfusion (in Russia donor blood this virus is not tested for), organ transplantation, sexual contact, kissing or even contact with dirty hands. Babies can get this nasty element through the placenta (before birth), through mother's milk, or while passing through the birth canal. Premature babies are especially at risk because, unlike their healthier counterparts, they can suffer a severe blow to their immunity.

Where is the virus found?

In fact, cytomegalovirus IGG positive has the most wide use. According to studies, more than 95% of Japanese, about 45% of Swiss residents and about 80% of Russians are carriers of it. It is considered harmless to a person with good immunity, but is dangerous if “caught” during an organ transplant.

When is the virus dangerous?

To reduce the risk of infection of the fetus, it is best for pregnant women to donate blood for tests while planning pregnancy. This is due to the fact that if a woman is primarily infected (cytomegalovirus IGG positive) from 4 to 22 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may develop defects in the development of hearing, vision, mental retardation or muscle cramps.

IGG cytomegalovirus - positive or negative?

Preliminary tests can determine whether a woman was infected before pregnancy. A positive cytomegalovirus IGG indicates that antibodies have already formed in the blood. The health of the unborn child in this case is practically safe, because negative consequences may occur in 0.1% of cases. If a potential mother is negative for cytomegalovirus, this means that antibodies are not produced, and the baby can get severe illness in 9% of cases. Such ladies are prescribed frequent testing, enhanced hygiene measures, and reduced contact with their husband (if he has a positive factor) and with young children, who are most often carriers.

Additional indicators

If a positive cytomegalovirus IGG is detected in a pregnant patient when she first visits the doctor, then antibodies are considered based on the avidity index. With a high index and a period of up to 12 weeks, it is assumed that defensive reaction developed a long time ago, and the likelihood of risk to the fetus is minimal. A low avidity indicator means that antibodies have recently been developed and the baby may suffer. If the period is more than 12 weeks and the avidity index is high enough, then an analysis is performed amniotic fluid to clarify the results.

Medical standards

Cytomegalovirus IGG, the norm of which is up to 0.5 lgM, should be considered in conjunction with other indicators, for example, with IGM, which specifies how infected the body is and how dangerous the stage of the disease is. In some cases, a high IGG only indicates that the immune system has developed reliable protection.

Cytomegalovirus is especially dangerous for pregnant women. This pathogen causes severe pathologies in the fetus, so testing for antibodies to the virus is mandatory for all expectant mothers.

In front of everyone infectious diseases Blood tests are performed to determine the type of pathogen and the degree of immune defense of the body. If cytomegalovirus igg antibodies are detected, what does this mean, and what measures should be taken in relation to the sick person?

Cytomegalovirus infection is part of a group of diseases caused by herpetic viruses, their fifth type. The infectious agent spreads in different ways:

  • airborne;
  • airborne dust;
  • contact (through saliva);
  • sexual.

The infection is prone to chronic course- can exist in the human body long time, without showing oneself in any way. Under certain conditions, it is activated and clinical symptoms appear.

The presence of such an infection in the body is determined using laboratory blood tests. The most commonly used serological method is when blood serum is taken for analysis and determined whether it contains antibodies to the pathogen and how much it contains.

With the help of immunoglobulins (antibodies, ig), the body seeks to inactivate cytomegalovirus; a positive igg in the blood will indicate that the body has already encountered CMV infection and has developed immunity to this infection. The presence of these antibodies in combination with JgM will indicate that the infectious disease has been reactivated.

It is especially important to detect infection in pregnant women. Cytomegalovirus negatively affects fetal development, causing a large number of congenital abnormalities.

How is CMV analysis performed?

Cytomegalovirus is detected in the blood in different ways. The most common is blood serum testing. This analysis is called ELISA - determination of antibodies using immune enzymes. The following results may be observed:

  • all possible immunoglobulins are missing;
  • presence of JgM only;
  • there are antibodies to cytomegalovirus lgg and lgm;
  • There are only antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg.

If all possible immunoglobulins are absent, this indicates that the person has not had CMV infection and has no protection against infection. When only JgM is detected, the infection is acute; the infection occurred no more than a month ago. If antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg and lgm are detected, the infection has been reactivated, or the infection is more than a month old. When antibodies to cytomegalovirus igg are positive, but JgM is not, this indicates the presence of immunity and the absence of acute infection.

In addition to serological testing, PCR - polymerase chain reaction is carried out. Analysis can be qualitative or quantitative. This method allows you to detect the presence of the virus even with minimal levels. However, it does not assess the activity of the microorganism and its avidity.

It is important to undergo an enzyme immunoassay for a pregnant woman at 10-12 weeks, and it is also carried out when planning conception.

If the result is negative, the woman is at risk of contracting CMV infection. The presence of igg class antibodies is no cause for concern. Reactivation of the virus occurs quite rarely and the risk of harm to the fetus is very small. Worst option is the appearance of both types of immunoglobulins in the blood.

If acute infection is diagnosed, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It consists of taking drugs from the acyclovir group. In addition, the woman undergoes an ultrasound examination. If found serious defects development of the fetus, she is offered to terminate the pregnancy.

How are antibodies to the virus formed?

There are special proteins in human blood - immunoglobulins. They are formed in response to the introduction of a particular infection. These proteins can be either free or attached to the surface of lymphocytes.

When a person first comes into contact with an infection, such proteins are not yet present. The body recognizes the virus or bacteria as a foreign substance and begins to activate protective processes. As a result, immunoglobulins are formed, which have an affinity for the antigens of the virus or bacteria.

By attaching to the pathogen, antibodies begin to eliminate cytomegalovirus.

First, cytomegalovirus JgM is formed - they suppress the activity of the virus and contribute to its elimination. Such antibodies are detected in the blood from the end of the first week of the disease. They can be stored there for about 5 months. The period from the onset of the disease to the appearance of JgG is an acute infection. After 5 months, igm is negative.

After this, JgG class antibodies begin to form - they are responsible for immunity against a specific infection. Such immunoglobulins are produced a month after infection. They remain in the body for life and indicate the formation of immunity.

The next time CMV enters the human body, antibodies begin to recognize the virus. In this case, two scenarios are possible:

  • with normal immunity, the full development of the disease does not occur, since antibodies are able to inactivate all viruses;
  • with weakened immune defense antibodies are not enough to eliminate the infection, and the disease develops, although it is somewhat milder.

Now they will be the first to be detected igg antibodies to cytomegalovirus, since they were already in the body. Their number will increase. Then cytomegalovirus igm appears - based on this, it can be assumed that the infectious process is reactivated.

To assess the duration of infection, the property of antibodies is used. This is their ability to bind to antigens. The longer the infection lasts, the greater the avidity. If a person has just become infected, low-avidity immunoglobulins will be detected in his blood. If he had CMV infection a long time ago, the antibodies against cytomegalovirus will be highly avid.

Antibody content standards

It is not entirely correct to call the presence of antibodies to CMV the norm, since they are already a sign of a previous or currently existing pathology. However, indicators have been defined that provide an assessment of the state of the infection: latent or active.

If we are talking about pregnant women, then antibodies against cytomegalovirus in their blood indicate what the risk of contracting this infection and its reactivation is. Assessment of this is necessary to determine the risk of developing lesions in the fetus.

IN laboratory research The level of immunoglobulins is called titer. This value shows the maximum dilution factor of the blood in which immunoglobulin G begins to be detected. The higher the detected titer, the more antibodies are contained in the serum.

The average dilution at which the disease is considered active is the diagnostic titer. If such an indicator is detected in a person’s blood, this means that he is currently sick with CMV. The diagnostic titer for this infection is a dilution of 1:100.

All indicators that are less than this figure (1:80, 1:60) are not diagnostically significant. They cannot indicate the presence of an active infection and only indicate that the person once suffered from this disease. The highest titer - 1:200, 1:400 - will indicate the presence of clinically manifested CMV infection.

If cytomegalovirus is detected, is it good or bad? It’s impossible to say for sure. Males who do not have such antibodies in their blood are healthy and cannot be sources of infection. If JgG to CMV is not in the blood of a woman planning a pregnancy or already pregnant, this is not very good. This situation means that future mom at risk of contracting this infection. Infection during pregnancy has a much more severe impact on the fetus than reactivation of an existing CMV infection.

Preventive measures should begin at the same time as puberty, since the virus can also be transmitted this way. They consist of using protective contraception and observing personal hygiene rules. It's important to support good immunity. A pregnant woman who does not have antibodies to CMV infection should avoid large crowds of people and take vitamin complexes. When visiting public places during the epidemic season it is necessary to use by individual means protection.