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Inflammation is lower. Immune based inflammation. Characterization of the inflammatory response

Inflammation can begin both from significant injuries and from small cuts that occur daily in a person’s ordinary life. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, fever, suppuration, tumors and other unpleasant symptoms.

How to get rid of inflammation

At home, it is possible to get rid of the inflammatory process

How to relieve inflammation at home

antibiotics for inflammation

One of the most important inventions of medicine - antibiotics, are designed specifically to combat any kind of inflammation. Antibiotics have been mass-produced since 1910, but to this day, they are sometimes the only way to save a person. Not yet invented effective medicine in fighting inflammation than antibiotics.

antibiotics for inflammation

Over the years, both official and traditional medicine have accumulated many recipes and methods in the fight against inflammation. It has long been believed that there is nothing worse than inflammation, especially if it is chronic. Any damage or injury is necessarily accompanied by inflammation. With many we encounter quite often - this is festering wounds, tumors, fever. The treatment of inflammation is a long and complex process, which has always been very acute.

Of course, many different antibiotics have been invented lately, but do not forget that they have a detrimental effect on internal organs, and often, while curing one organ from inflammation, another organ is subjected to a strong negative effect.

Traditional medicine will help in the treatment of inflammation

Even very skeptical experts are increasingly returning to effective anti-inflammatory recipes that exist in traditional medicine. These recipes are varied and especially effective in the treatment of inflammation in the acute stage. The treatment process is more difficult when we are dealing with chronic inflammation.

ethnoscience against inflammation

Not all recipes can save you from inflammation, and if the inflammatory process is observed for a long time, and there are no improvements, then you need to consult a doctor!

Consult with a specialist

Celandine will help get rid of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes

You probably know such a plant from childhood, with yellow viscous juice - celandine? This - best helper in treatment after angina lymph nodes. To do this, the stems must be cut, then washed, dried, cut as small as possible and poured with ordinary alcohol. In the resulting tincture, moisten the gauze bandage and apply it to the neck so that the lymph nodes are under the bandage, wrap the bandage with a plastic bag on top, wrap it with a shawl or scarf, and leave it overnight. Remove the compress in the morning and rinse your neck with warm water.

We treat inflammation with celandine

It is extremely important, in any inflammatory processes, to give your body a complete rest and sleep. Fatigue and lack of sleep are completely useless here, and will only aggravate the patient's condition. If possible, follow the diet. It's best to eliminate inflammation-increasing foods from your diet, such as pork, lamb, eggs, milk, and yeast. Drink as much water as possible, support your body with vitamins contained in raw vegetables. Most useful pumpkin.

And remember, each person's body is different. Be careful when using herbs, especially if you have a history of allergies, and check with your herbalist to be sure.

Folk advice for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the female genital organs

Treatment with cabbage leaves


Cook a quarter of cabbage until completely softened in half a liter of milk. Then the mixture must be filtered. We heat two bricks in the oven. They took out bricks, poured a decoction on them and sat down over the steam, repeated the procedure several times, after which they wrapped the entire lower part of the body in a warm blanket or blanket. Relief will come after the first time. In total, at least 5-7 such procedures are needed. If there is no cabbage, it can be replaced with 7-8 cloves of garlic.

cabbage is a doctor

After all symptoms are relieved, continue treatment with herbs such as sweet clover or cinquefoil.

Removal of all symptoms with goose cinquefoil

Fresh aloe juice: drink a dessert spoon of juice before meals, 2-3 times a day.

walnut leaves

Decoction of dry leaves walnut pour boiling water for 4 hours. You need to drink during the day.

Walnut leaves help

Treatment of gum inflammation with folk remedies

Inflammation of the gums is a common disease, which can be caused by beriberi, improper care of the oral cavity, decreased immunity, disruption of the digestive, endocrine or nervous systems. Treatment is carried out only complex - special treatment toothpaste, rinsing gums with decoctions of oak bark, needles, sage or chamomile, plus taking multivitamin preparations.

We treat inflammation of the gums

There are a large number of anti-inflammatory methods of treatment with folk remedies. This is the use and medicinal herbs, products, minerals that are effective against various kinds inflammation. Each herb, mineral or product works for a specific type of inflammation and for a specific organ.

How to treat inflammation with folk remedies at home | Folk ways to relieve inflammation

inflammation various bodies our body is very common problem which you have to deal with at the most inopportune moment. The cause of such inflammations can be various bacteria and pathogenic infections, such as staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, all kinds of viruses and viral bacilli, fungi and other infections.

How can inflammation be treated with folk remedies at home?

Inflammation is a process that appears as a result of tissue damage. It is aimed at combating the agents that caused the damage, as well as repairing damaged tissues. However, a prolonged inflammatory process means that the body needs help.

Each of us needs to know this. After all, inflammation is the most common pathological process that occurs in our body. They lead to:

  • slowing down blood flow
  • the occurrence of pain
  • swelling,
  • rise in temperature
  • and, ultimately, to the violation of the vital activity of the organism.

Therefore, we need to know how to cure inflammation in different parts of the body and how to deal with inflammation at an early stage of its development in order to prevent significant negative consequences.

The universal remedy is antibiotics. They inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria. However, to eliminate the consequences of inflammation, auxiliary drugs and methods of treatment are needed. Most of our organs are prone to inflammation, and each has its own means and methods of treatment. So, with inflammation of the lungs, it is necessary to use expectorants, antihistamines and inhalation drugs. Inhalations used for difficulty breathing and as a means of antibiotic therapy. By using expectorants the lungs are cleared of mucus. Antihistamines serve to reduce pulmonary edema and prevent allergies to other drugs.

Effective ways to treat inflammation of different parts of the body at home

Inflammation can be cured by using various antibacterial and antiviral medicinal herbs and plants in combination with other natural resources. Such treatment allows you to achieve excellent results and get rid of inflammation in a short time.

A common form of inflammation is inflammation of the female genital organs. We recommend that you use medicinal herbs as Bay leaf, walnut leaves, blueberry leaves, immortelle, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, sweet clover, nettle, licorice, blackthorn roots and others. It is also considered effective for inflammation of the ovaries to drink tinctures of aloe and pumpkin juice, and linden, thyme and chamomile inflorescences are used as a decoction. Propolis and mummy can also be used.

There are many old effective recipes for pneumonia, respiratory tract or tuberculosis. In such cases, it is required to use a tincture consisting of St. John's wort, essential oils, decoction of oats and medicinal herbs, like violet, pine buds, plantain, aloe, etc. Foods familiar to us, like honey, onions and garlic, are also quite effective.

In case of inflammation of the larynx, we recommend using rinses. various decoctions tinctures. For example, you can rinse your mouth with a tincture of ammonia in combination with a small amount of water, as well as a tincture of fresh walnut juice or rose oil. Also, you can prepare a healing ointment from the folk remedy of sage and camphor, they should be mixed with a small amount of honey. In addition, we recommend eating more grapes and pomegranates.

Inflammations are different. If your tooth hurts because your gums are inflamed, and you can’t go to the dentist immediately, you can rinse the tooth with salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass boiled water and thoroughly but gently rinse the aching tooth. This must be done at least once an hour.

Inflammation can occur due to small scratches - if the redness and swelling does not subside for a long time, consult a doctor, you may need more serious treatment than just tinctures medicinal herbs or decoctions. In addition, if you get a scratch, be sure to treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine or brilliant green - then more serious measures will not be needed.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, in addition to antibiotics, take decoctions of medicinal plants: boron uterus, chamomile, calendula. In addition, the use of various medicinal fees, consisting of various herbs used specifically for gynecological diseases. Herbal decoction is needed for douching, after which tampons or anti-inflammatory suppositories prescribed by a doctor should be placed.

To treat inflammation of the ear, ear drops are used, which have a local therapeutic effect directly in the ear cavity. Also apply ear candles and physiotherapy.

To combat inflammation of the oral cavity, antibacterial sprays or antifungal drugs are used.

There are a lot of diseases associated with inflammation of different parts of the body. In the treatment of most of them, schemes similar to those described above are used. But at the same time, in each case, there are some nuances and subtleties, additional medicines are used. And, although the basis of any anti-inflammatory course is antibiotic therapy, antibiotics alone to cure inflammation are not enough for a complete recovery. Therefore, an individual treatment regimen should be selected by a doctor who decides how to treat inflammation in each case.

How to quickly treat inflammation with colds and sore throats at home?

This question is probably one of the most common. Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when, on the eve of an important business meeting, vacation trip or holiday party, the temperature suddenly rises, the head starts to hurt, the throat is tickled and the joints ache. All these are signs of inflammation that accompanies diseases such as flu or tonsillitis. And here it is important not only to remove the symptoms of inflammation that disrupt the planned event, but to get rid of inflammation at an early stage. What needs to be done for this?

First of all, take antibiotics - Penicillin (or any other penicillin) or, if you are allergic to it, Erythromycin.

Drink more fluids for inflammation at home: warm water, tea with raspberry or honey, fruit drink and so on.

Mix in equal proportions crushed leaves of sage, yarrow, St. John's wort and coltsfoot. Measure out two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour, filter and gargle with the prepared infusion in the throat to quickly treat inflammation.

Mix one large spoonful of honey with 20 drops of propolis tincture and 5 drops of Lugol's solution. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, separate a quarter of the composition with a teaspoon and place it under the tongue. Try to dissolve the folk remedy for inflammation as slowly as possible, holding it in your mouth. Repeat the procedure four times a day.

Buy peach, eucalyptus or tea tree oil at the pharmacy. Mix 20 milliliters of purchased oil with 5-7 milliliters of sea buckthorn. Pipette the prepared mixture onto the tonsils with inflammation and lie on your back for half an hour, throwing your head back.

Prepare a two-liter pot of water. Pour a tablespoon of chopped eucalyptus leaves there and in the same amount of sage, thyme, pine or Birch buds. Put the pan on the fire, bring the folk remedy to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then put it on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and breathe over the steam for at least 20 minutes. Having finished the procedure, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket with your head.

Very useful honey-echinacea mixture for resorption. To prepare it, place a spoonful of honey with 20 drops of echinacea tincture in alcohol. The mixture should be sucked after meals, a third of the serving at a time.

Now, knowing how to quickly treat inflammation, you will be ready for any vagaries of your body.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes with a cold?

There are many folk remedies with anti-inflammatory properties. These include not only various medicinal plants, but also minerals. Each of these remedies is suitable for the treatment of inflammation of a particular organ.

For example, celandine is effective in treating inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes. You need to cut off the stems of celandine, wash and dry them, then finely chop and pour alcohol. The resulting tincture should be moistened with a gauze bandage Apply the compress to the inflamed area, covering it with polyethylene on top, and wrapping the neck with a scarf. This procedure should be carried out at night until the inflammation subsides.

To quickly relieve inflammation, you need to follow a certain diet and daily routine. However, nothing particularly difficult in this case is not required, rather the opposite. Sleep should not be neglected - even with a slight lack of sleep, the body's immune system weakens and inflammatory processes intensify. And one sleepless night can negate all your previous treatment.

In case of inflammation, it is also necessary to exclude from your menu some products that contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. These are lamb and pork, beans, milk, wheat, eggs and yeast. But raw fruits and vegetables should be eaten as much as possible. Pumpkin pulp especially helps. And to increase immunity, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C.

It should be remembered that the body of each person has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, using one or the other medicine from inflammation at home, try to foresee all the nuances, especially the possibility of allergies.

The inflammation can be treated if it is not too serious, but if the swelling does not go away for a long time, go to the hospital, otherwise the consequences can be very serious.

P.S.: Use our tips and recipes and you will forget about diseases forever!

The enemy inside you - signs of a chronic inflammatory process in the body

The cause of many diseases, including heart disease, obesity, etc. is chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is an enemy that knows how to disguise itself well, because it can independently detect signs inflammatory process in the body is very difficult. However, it is possible to identify this initiator of disease processes if you look closely at the signs of the inflammatory process and consult a doctor in time to undergo the necessary tests. Estet-portal.com will help you bring the inflammatory process to clean water.

What is inflammation, what are the signs of the inflammatory process in the body?

Inflammation is the body's response to injury. As a rule, we recognize inflammation in the body by typical features: redness, fever and swelling of the damaged area, as well as restriction of mobility, for example, in the event of a sprained ankle or bruised finger. Chronic inflammation accompanies all diseases ending in "it" - arthritis, hepatitis, bursitis, etc. The inflammatory process can proceed “quietly” inside the body, and a person may not be aware of its presence.

However, your body gives you some clues, and if you ignore them, you can face some pretty serious health problems in the future.

Chronic infections are very huge pressure on immune system and liver, so you need to take care of strengthening the immune system.

If you have found the above signs in yourself, you need to consult a doctor who, based on the tests, will prescribe the necessary treatment and nutrition for inflammation.

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What is an inflammatory process, what are its symptoms and treatment

What is inflammation

Many bacterial, fungal or viral infections, abscesses, wounds of various tissues, and other violations of the integrity of the body are accompanied by inflammation, this phenomenon helps to recover faster, but often causes a lot of harm. In order to help the body in time, you need to know what an inflammatory reaction is, how many types it has, the stages of this process, its symptoms and methods of treatment.

Inflammation is an aggressive defensive reaction of the body to a violation of the integrity of any tissue caused by a mechanical, chemical or biological agent. different stages processes are aimed at the destruction of waste products of dead cells and antigens (viruses, bacteria) that are toxic to the body, and sometimes at the disposal of the latter.

Stages of inflammation

There are 3 main stages of inflammation:

  • alteration - damage to the integrity of tissues by any agent;
  • exudation - the influx of fluid with histamine and immune cells to the focus of inflammation;
  • proliferation - healing of tissues, restoration of their integrity.

At each stage, various processes occur that contribute to the protection of the body, described below. Symptoms of inflammation may appear on different stages but treatment is important on each of them. It depends on the stage of the inflammatory process and the type of antigen.

How is inflammation

To understand the inflammatory response, we can consider a simple situation. Many in adolescence crushed acne, leaving small abscesses on the skin. The latter became convex, within 1-2 days there was redness around them. It was this redness that testified to the initial stage of inflammation.

Contribute to the development of the inflammatory reaction of basophils - blood cells containing histamine - a substance that causes vasodilation, a rush of blood to the site of its release and an increase in temperature. The main role of histamine molecules is to attract other immune cells to the site of damage, so that bacteria or viruses do not penetrate through the abscesses into the epithelium and blood.

The scheme of inflammation is as follows:

  1. At the site of violation of the integrity of the tissue, basophils are destroyed, releasing histamine.
  2. Histamine causes a rush of blood and "attracts" immune cells (macrophages, neutrophils, and others) to the right place.
  3. In the center of inflammation, a slight swelling occurs and the temperature rises.
  4. Immune blood cells actively kill antigens (bacteria, viruses) that enter through abscesses until the latter are covered with traumatic tissue.
  5. After restoring the integrity of the tissue, eosinophils secrete an enzyme - histaminase, which breaks down histamine, and inflammation ends.

Such a simple but powerful scheme helps to provide the body with protection against antigens at every stage of inflammation.

Damage from inflammation

Inflammation is also harmful. It is difficult to say exactly how long the stages of inflammation will last, often they take longer than necessary, for example, due to a lack of histaminase. Also, the accompanying phenomena have a negative effect - fever and puffiness. When it comes to a small abscess from a pimple, there is nothing to worry about, but an inflammatory reaction can also occur on a large scale, for example, with tonsillitis, diseases of internal organs, arthritis, then the symptoms will be much more difficult for a person to endure.

How long does inflammation last

An important question is how long the inflammatory process lasts, because when it occurs inside the body it must be treated, otherwise the person will weaken. The duration of inflammation depends on the location, extent, and pathogens that immune cells fight. If we are talking about acne abscesses, then the inflammation lasts no longer than 1-3 days, but in the case of a sore throat, it can drag on for weeks, and sometimes it does not end at all without the help of medications.

Signs of inflammation

Today, medicine helps to effectively treat inflammatory processes, so when he sees signs of inflammation and takes the right drugs, you can quickly deal with uninvited guests and it is easier to transfer the process of this struggle.

The main symptoms of inflammation are:

  • redness of the area of ​​inflammation;
  • local edema;
  • soreness when touched;
  • local or general increase temperature;
  • dysfunction (if we are talking about organs).

There are other signs of inflammation: allergic rashes, nausea, fever, but they are individual and rarely appear.

Types of inflammation

Inflammation is a broad concept, therefore, in order to be able to select suitable treatment, physicians have created a classification of this phenomenon. There are different types of inflammation, they are grouped depending on:

Forms of inflammation

There are three forms of the inflammatory process:

Acute inflammation is a process whose duration does not exceed several hours or days. A vivid example of it is acne abscesses, scratches on the skin, wounds in the mouth and other external injuries caused by a mechanical agent, many of which do not need to be treated (with the exception of, for example, appendicitis).

Subacute inflammation is a pathological phenomenon, the treatment of which takes from 4-5 days to several weeks or months (how long it lasts depends on the location of the focus and the type of antigen). Many in childhood suffered a sore throat, bronchitis, otitis media and similar diseases, the inflammatory process in all these cases proceeded in a subacute form.

Chronic inflammation is less common, it is a serious disorder that constantly exhausts the body's immune system. Most often it appears in childhood, and treatment almost does not give results. Diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, autoimmune disorders, cirrhosis and others occur in this form.

Sources of inflammation

The second classification is made based on the source of the inflammatory response. There are 3 main types of inflammatory agents:

Infectious agents include bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and helminths that attack the external and internal organs of a person with mechanical, chemical, and other types of damage to the integrity of tissues.

An autoimmune agent is the most unpleasant source of inflammation, because it can be treated forever, but there will be no result, because it will always be in the body. The classic example is lupus. This is a disease in which the inflammatory process occurs in the epithelium due to the fact that the immune system "does not recognize" the cells of the body and tries to destroy them.

Treatment of inflammation

To help the body cope with antigens faster and stop inflammation, you can carry out drug treatment. In the pharmacy there are different classes of drugs of different directions:

  • immune suppressors for the treatment of autoimmune disorders;
  • antipyretics based on ibuprofen or aspirin;
  • antibiotics and antiviral drugs;
  • immunostimulants.

The former help to treat the manifestations of autoimmune diseases, reduce the aggressiveness of the immune system to the cells of the body, but are not able to completely eliminate the cause of chronic inflammation.

The latter are used to treat the phenomena accompanying inflammation - temperature, body aches, weakness. When they are taken, the body spends less energy on eliminating these symptoms and quickly copes with the cause of the inflammatory process.

The third group of drugs is heavy artillery, which can be used only if the body itself cannot cope with antigens. Treating a person with antibiotics or antiviral drugs is a responsible task that only a doctor can handle, so do not take them yourself.

Immunostimulants are used when the antigen has already begun to penetrate the body, but the immune system does not respond to it, these drugs are designed not so much to treat as to induce inflammation.

The inflammatory process exhausts the body, it is often difficult to predict how long it will last, but you can help the body cope with it. It is necessary to treat inflammation, taking into account the stage, its source and type of antigen, which are important to understand, but do not prescribe drugs to yourself, but consult a doctor. All site publications

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Do not self-medicate, it can be dangerous. Always consult your doctor.

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The inflammatory process will recede if you eat it!

main reason chronic diseases for many people is a systemic inflammatory process that was not cured in time or was not even identified on initial stages and as a result leads to a full-blown progressive chronic disease. High blood pressure, bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, acid reflux, premature aging, heart disease, cancer, and many other common diseases are often associated with inflammation, which must be addressed at the time of occurrence in order to avoid such terrible diseases!

And the best way to do this is to resort to implementing complex lifestyle and dietary changes instead of using drugs that can lead to unforeseen harmful effects. side effects! If your health is affected by a chronic inflammatory process, following products and plants can help reduce and even eliminate it naturally without the need to take drugs:

1) Dairy products and drinks. Eat more food and drink more drinks rich in probiotic bacteria - i.e. bacteria that promote a healthy, disease-fighting ecosystem within gastrointestinal tract- is one of the most effective ways fight natural inflammation. Because probiotics are vital importance for the body by effectively breaking down food and making it more bioavailable, they can also help alleviate digestive problems caused by modern foods, which are largely responsible for creating inflammation in the body.

Foods include traditional fermented vegetables - kimchi (spicy spicy pickled vegetables, a Korean dish) and sauerkraut, which are among the most popular - traditional soup miso, kefir or yogurt, tempeh (the most easily digestible soy product with a nutty flavor and soft texture), and homemade pickles. Popular probiotic drinks include tea from kombucha, unpasteurized Apple vinegar(ACV), and kefir.

2) Omega-3 fatty acids. They act as a natural "lubricant" in the body and are powerful anti-inflammatory agents. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in wild oily fish, hemp and chia seeds, walnuts, domestic eggs and meat. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce oxidative stress in the body and reduce inflammation in the brain, cardiovascular system and in other places, which reduces the risk of developing other serious diseases.

high quality fish fat, hemp oil, chia oil, spirulina, pumpkin seed oil, and walnut oil are excellent sources of omega-3s. Each of these products will help offset the overload of omega-6 fatty acids that enter our body with modern foods, as well as avoid the inflammatory process.

3) Sour cherry. One of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods! It provides serious relief for those people who suffer from arthritis, gout, joint pain and other inflammatory conditions. Sour cherries are so powerful that Oregon Health and Science University researchers recently claimed they have "the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food."

Since it is not widely available in fresh- almost all cherries sold in the supermarket are sweet, not sour - the best way to get sour cherries is to buy them in powder, capsule or juice form. Drinking just the juice of sour cherries every day can significantly improve inflammation markers within a few weeks.

4) Saturated fats. This recommendation may come as a surprise to some readers, but the truth is that the inhabitants of the Earth consume too many omega-6 fatty acids, which are one of the main reasons systemic inflammation. And who can blame them for that, given the fact that the medical system actually encourages consumption vegetable oils rich in omega-6 and other foods, causing inflammation in the body, claiming that it is a healthy diet?

Low fat is another cause of inflammation and chronic disease because the body needs a regular intake of healthy fats to maintain circulatory system in good health and maintain healthy blood flow. Consuming healthier saturated fats in the form of coconut oil, homemade meats and butter, lard can not only help reduce inflammation, but also strengthen your bones, improve lung and brain function, and modulate nervous system function.

5) The fruits of the Mexican cactus. Uniquely rich in powerful nutrient A bioflavonoid known as betalain, Mexican cactus fruit is another must-have anti-inflammatory food that is delicious and easy to include in your diet. A member of the quercetin family, betalain helps neutralize free radicals, responsible for triggering inflammation, and also provides long-term protection against oxidative damage.

A 2012 study published in the journal Alcohol found that Mexican cactus fruit extract helped protect rat cells from inflammatory damage. And an earlier study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the Mexican cactus fruit has a similar anti-inflammatory effect in humans.

Now you, dear reader of our site, know how to treat inflammation, how to neutralize it in the early stages or avoid it in principle.

Treatment at Home

Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it considers the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to a few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs of inflammation are explained just by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further vasodilation, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. A rather sharp increase in filtration processes, a violation rheological properties body blood.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include - a strong thickening of the blood as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood to the inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Parietal standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a result of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation in the focus of the inflammatory process of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions, compression of the walls of the veins by exudate and lymphatic vessels are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the vein in the form of an increased blood pressure. And finally, the flow of blood due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi completely stops, stasis develops.

How does stasis of blood and lymph occur?

Violation of microcirculation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely, it becomes possible to accumulate inflammatory mediators in a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena in the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of an infiltrate, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells in the focus of inflammation is called an inflammatory infiltrate. Cellular composition infiltrate significantly depends on the etiological factor.

In the event that inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

For inflammation caused by pathogens chronic infections(Mycobacterium tuberculosis, coli anthrax), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells migrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and learned the name of Mechnikov's law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the focus of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

The emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. No wonder they are called "emergency response" cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to come out. Last but not least, lymphocytes migrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to different leukocytes.

The main place of leukocyte emigration is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, sticking to inner surface the wall of the vessels facing the inflammation.

Adhesion (adhesion) of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells in last years special attention is paid, because the management of the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent an inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the vessels, and, consequently, to prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at the sites of injury? So far, no definitive answer can be given to this question. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increase in the synthesis of adhesive proteins by endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

Contribute to the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of microvessels and the changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves when they are activated. First, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes contribute to the aggregation of leukocytes.

And, secondly, some products secreted by the leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the inter-endothelial gaps. Recently, the existence of another way of emigration - transendothelial transfer - has been questioned.

Lymph cleansing video

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How can an unprepared person detect an inflammatory process in his body? What should you pay attention to first of all?

Ivan, every person who listens to his inner feelings, will be able to understand that something is wrong. Well-being, a feeling of discomfort, temperature, pain, all this will indicate some kind of inflammatory processes.

Thank you for this story from the inside. Our body is still to study and study. So many subtleties all the time you learn. And it seems like you look outside, well, what is there to study then?

Hello. I am in this state almost all the time. Like there is no temperature (or slightly), but there is an indisposition. Sometimes pustules appear on the body. One doctor suggested taking antibiotics, but somehow I doubt that it is necessary to sit down on them. So I understand, I just have an inflammatory process.

What can you pay attention to?

Nikolai, a wonderful natural “antibiotic” - black walnut extract, although expensive, works great. Drink the course, it will surely get better. This is not the first person to eliminate inflammatory processes of an unclear nature in this way.

Where can you find this extract? Please tell me.

It is available in pharmacies, and even in supermarkets it happens on racks ... In a word, you can find it. Or order on the Internet - I will not give specific addresses, but it is easy to find.

Good afternoon. Such a question, half a year subfebrile temperature, a terrible feeling, like a vegetable, fog in my head. During sleep, late at night and early in the morning the feeling is excellent. Next comes the rise and clear mucus appears from the nose. A bunch of examinations, tests, pills, to no avail. But there is an inflammatory process, stab neutrophils are slightly elevated, and in the city at the beginning of the disease there was streptococcus heme. Groups A. Can you give advice on how this source of eternal inflammation and temperature can be destroyed?

I would be very grateful, it is very difficult to live with a temperature.

Konstantin, I advise you to watch Olga Butakova's video about lymph cleansing. There are many in the material useful information. I added a video to my post.

Today I would like to publish an article that is devoted to the problem of the inflammatory process in the body. This article is replete with special medical terms, therefore, although it considers the causes and symptoms of inflammation, it will be of interest to few. I publish it primarily for myself. So to speak, note. Well, maybe some of you will find it useful.

The mechanism of development of the inflammatory process

Many external signs of inflammation are explained just by the development of arterial hyperemia. As the inflammatory process increases, arterial hyperemia is gradually replaced by venous hyperemia.

Venous hyperemia is determined by further vasodilation, slowing down of blood flow, the phenomenon of marginal standing of leukocytes and their moderate emigration. A rather sharp increase in filtration processes, a violation of the rheological properties of the blood of the body.

Factors that influence the transition of arterial to venous hyperemia can be divided into two main groups: extravascular and intravascular.

Intravascular factors include - a strong thickening of the blood as a result of the transfer of a certain amount of plasma from the blood to the inflamed (damaged) tissue.

Parietal standing of leukocytes, swelling of the endothelium in an acidic environment, the formation of microthrombi - as a result of platelet aggregation and increased blood clotting.

Excessive accumulation in the focus of the inflammatory process of inflammatory mediators with a vasodilating effect along with hydrogen ions, exudate compression of the walls of veins and lymphatic vessels, these are extravascular factors.

Venous hyperemia initially leads to the development of prestasis - a jerky, pendulum-like movement of blood. During systole, blood moves from the artery to the veins, during diastole - in the opposite direction, since the blood encounters an obstacle to outflow through the vein in the form of increased blood pressure in them. And finally, the flow of blood due to blockage of blood vessels by cell aggregates or microthrombi completely stops, stasis develops.

How does stasis of blood and lymph occur?

Violation of microcirculation is a necessary prerequisite for the development of subsequent stages of inflammation. Only when the blood flow slows down and stops completely, it becomes possible to accumulate inflammatory mediators in a fairly short segment of the vascular bed.

Extravascular migration of leukocytes and their accumulation at the site of injury is one of the main phenomena in the inflammatory response. Without the release of leukocytes and their accumulation in one place in the form of an infiltrate, there is no inflammation.

The accumulation of cells in the focus of inflammation is called an inflammatory infiltrate. The cellular composition of the infiltrate significantly depends on the etiological factor.

In the event that inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococci), then neutrophils predominate in the infiltrate. If it is caused by helminths or is allergic in nature, then eosinophilic granulocytes predominate.

In inflammation caused by pathogens of chronic infections (mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax), the infiltrate contains a large number of mononuclear cells. Different blood cells migrate at different rates.

Mechnikov's law

The sequence of release of leukocytes into the focus of acute inflammation was first described by I. I. Mechnikov and learned the name of Mechnikov's law. According to this law, neutrophils are the first to enter the focus of acute inflammation, 1.5-2 hours after the onset of the altering agent, and the maximum accumulation of these cells occurs after 4-6 hours.

The emigrated neutrophils form an emergency line of defense and prepare the work front for macrophages. No wonder they are called "emergency response" cells. Then, after 3-4 hours, monocytes begin to come out. Last but not least, lymphocytes migrate.

Currently, the sequence of emigration is not explained by the simultaneous appearance of chemokines and molecules specific to different leukocytes.

The main place of leukocyte emigration is the postcapillary venule, since the endothelial cells lining the lumen of the venules have the greatest adhesive ability. The exit from the blood flow through the wall of postcapillary venules of leukocytes is preceded by their marginal standing, sticking to the inner surface of the vessel wall, facing the inflammation.

The adherence (adhesion) of leukocytes to vascular endothelial cells has been given special attention in recent years, because the control of the process of interaction of leukocytes with the endothelium opens up fundamentally new ways to prevent an inflammatory reaction.

The creation of inhibitors of the synthesis of adhesive proteins or selective blockers of their receptors would make it possible to prevent the release of leukocytes from the vessels, and, consequently, to prevent the development of inflammation.

What is the reason for the higher adhesiveness of the endothelium at the sites of injury? So far, no definitive answer can be given to this question. Now this is associated with many factors, of which the most important is the increase in the synthesis of adhesive proteins by endothelial cells themselves under the influence of certain inflammatory mediators, in particular chemokines.

Adhesins are molecules that control adhesive reactions. They are produced not only by endothelial cells, but also by leukocytes.

Contribute to the adhesion of leukocytes to the endothelium of microvessels and the changes that occur in the leukocytes themselves when they are activated. First, neutrophils in the initiation phase of inflammation are activated and form aggregates. Leukotrienes contribute to the aggregation of leukocytes.

And, secondly, some products secreted by the leukocytes themselves (lactoferrin) have adhesive properties and enhance adhesion.

After attaching to the endothelium, leukocytes begin to emigrate, penetrating through the inter-endothelial gaps. Recently, the existence of another way of emigration - transendothelial transfer - has been questioned.

Lymph cleansing video

Few of us have never had a cold in our lives, have not suffered from a runny nose, and have not received abrasions and scratches. All these, one might say, harmless health troubles, not to mention more serious ailments, such as pneumonia or gastritis, are associated with a pathological process in organs or tissues, the name of which is inflammation. He, like any disease, has different stages - from the initial, easiest and quickly treatable, to the last, most severe and irreversible. How does inflammation occur? What is happening in our body at this moment? How to treat inflammation? What are the forecasts and what are the consequences? We will try to answer each of the questions clearly and in detail.

The essence of inflammation

There are thousands of diseases in the world. All of them are either caused by inflammatory processes in human organs, or they cause inflammation. The stages of the latter with different ailments can change, the causes of occurrence can differ, the signs do not match, but the result without proper treatment is almost always about the same - irreversible changes in health, and sometimes death. However, inflammation also has a good side. It occurs in the body to protect it. This function has been formed for millions of years, throughout the evolution of man. That is, inflammation is such a pathological process that develops with any damage in order to eliminate the irritant and restore tissues. Inflammation can be called a trigger button that turns on the protective actions of the body and at the same time a barrier that does not allow negative processes to leave the inflamed focus. It accumulates toxins that can cause intoxication. During inflammation, specific particles are produced - these toxins are destructive. And another useful function of inflammation is that it produces antibodies and strengthens the immune system.

There are also negatives, and a lot of them. Such processes can lead to a breakdown and endanger human life.


Not only by the place of localization (throat, stomach, lungs, and so on), but also by many other signs, doctors classify inflammation. His stages are as follows:

  • alteration;
  • exudation;
  • proliferation.

According to the form of the course of inflammation are:

  • acute (lasting from several minutes to several hours);
  • subacute (the course period is calculated in days and weeks);
  • chronic (appear in cases where acute or subacute forms are not cured, last for years, sometimes for life).

In whatever form the inflammatory process is diagnosed, the causes of its occurrence are as follows:

  • infectious (viruses, bacteria);
  • toxic (exposure to harmful chemicals);
  • autoimmune (production by the body of unnecessary antibodies or aggressive cells);
  • purulent-septic;
  • traumatic;
  • paraneoplastic (develops mainly with cancer);
  • post-traumatic;
  • physical (for example, temperature effects that are unfavorable for the body).

The reasons why inflammation occurred, the stages and forms of its course are the main characteristics by which doctors classify the disease. Yes, pneumonia is infectious inflammation lung tissue, which can be acute and at the same time exudative. Let's take a closer look at the obscure terms.

How does the inflammatory process develop?

The start for anyone is such changes in the structure of cells, and with them the organs as a whole, in which their normal life activity. This determines the signs of inflammation. In the cell, under the influence of an unfavorable factor, changes in the cytoplasm, membrane, and nucleus begin very quickly. This process activates the production of so-called mediators - special biological chemicals that activate biochemical reactions, that is, give birth to mediators include histamine, bradykinin, serotonin and many other specific agents. All of them are responsible for different signs of inflammation. Thus, histamine leads to vasodilation and an increase in the permeability of their walls. Bradykinin and kallidin are involved in the occurrence of pain. In the area where the vessels are dilated, manifested initial sign inflammation - redness. Since the total cross-sectional area of ​​the dilated vessels increases, the volumetric velocity of blood flow in them increases, and the linear velocity decreases. This causes the second sign of inflammation - a jump in temperature.

In the future, each link in the chain reaction is characterized by a more severe manifestation. A drop in linear velocity activates the production of red blood cells, which further slow down blood flow. This increases thrombus formation, in which the vessels can overlap completely. There is a so-called stasis, which is the cause of tissue necrosis. After stagnation of blood in the capillaries, stagnation begins in the venules. This leads to the accumulation of exudate in the tissues. The next sign of inflammation appears - a swelling, and then another sign - pain.

Leukocytes, salts, proteins begin to seep through the thinned walls of the vessels (exudation occurs). In this case, leukocytes move towards the factor that caused inflammation, since their main role is phagocytosis. Later, in the inflammatory infiltrate (the place where biological elements that are uncharacteristic for it accumulate), some of the cells die, the other transforms, turning, for example, into macrophages.

To summarize, the following common symptoms of inflammation can be distinguished:

  • redness;
  • an increase in temperature either in the inflamed area or in the body as a whole;
  • swelling;
  • soreness.

In addition, common symptoms include:

  • development of leukocytosis;
  • increase in blood ESR;
  • a change in immunological reactivity (the body's response to the introduction and action of an inflammatory factor);
  • signs of intoxication.

But each disease has its own specific symptoms. So, with pneumonia it is a cough, with gastritis, nausea, sometimes vomiting, belching, heartburn, with cystitis, and so on.

alteration stage

The term "alternative inflammation" in modern medicine almost never occurs, but still exists in veterinary medicine. It means pathological changes in some organs (kidneys, heart, liver, spinal cord and brain), in which necrotic and in tissues (in the parenchyma) are fixed without exudation and proliferation. Alternative inflammation occurs most often in an acute form and can lead to complete destruction of the organ.

Alteration is divided into two subspecies - primary and secondary.

Primary in its essence is the result of the introduction of a source of inflammation into the body. Secondary is the body's response to damage caused by an inflammatory agent. In practice, both of them have no clear boundaries.

Diseases caused by such inflammation include typhoid fever, myocarditis, dysentery, and others. Now most physicians call alternative inflammation necrosis.

Exudation stage

Exudative inflammation is a stage of the pathological process in which there is an exit from the capillaries and other small vessels in the cavity or in the tissue of the body of various fluids (exudate). Depending on what exactly comes out, the following types of inflammatory processes are distinguished:

  • serous;
  • fibrous;
  • purulent;
  • putrefactive;
  • catarrhal;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • mixed.

Let's analyze each of them.


Another name for the disease is serous exudative inflammation. This is such a pathological process in which at least 2% and no more than 8% of blood serum protein is detected in the exudate, but there are literally a few leukocytes. It occurs in mucous membranes and in serous thin, smooth and elastic membranes (for example, in the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium). Inflamed membranes become dense, cloudy and rough. Symptoms of inflammation are not pronounced. The patient may experience slight temperature and mild pain. Causes of this pathology:

  • chemicals (intoxication, poisoning);
  • physical impact (injuries, including burns and frostbite, bites of some insects);
  • microorganisms (Koch's sticks, herpes, meningococcus);
  • allergy.

Serous inflammations are either acute or chronic.


This type of inflammation is characterized by the fact that the exudate contains leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, dead cells and fibrin convolutions, a blood plasma protein that forms the basis of blood clots. In the inflamed zone, tissues die off and a large number of platelets are formed, a thin fibrous film is formed, under which microbes actively begin to multiply. fibrous inflammation may be croupous and diphtheritic. With croupous film is formed on the mucous membranes of the trachea, peritoneum, alveoli, bronchi. It does not grow into the tissue, so it can be easily removed without leaving wounds. With diphtheria, a film is formed on the mucous membranes of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach. It turns out to be dense, as if fused with the layers located under it, therefore, when it is removed, the wounds remain. "Inflammation in a feminine way" - this is sometimes called a similar process in the uterus. It may arise from different reasons- infections (gonorrhea, syphilis), hypothermia, mechanical damage (abortion, childbirth), poor hygiene. In all cases, with an acute form, there are pains in the genitals or in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, fever. This can lead to kidney, heart, endocrine system. Inflammation in a feminine way that wears chronic, can occur without any noticeable symptoms, but leads to adhesion of the fallopian tubes, infertility. This form develops if a woman does not complete the cure acute illness, as well as with some types of infection (for example, gonococci), occurring at the initial stages are almost asymptomatic.

Purulent and putrid

If pus is present in the exudate - a specific substance, including purulent serum, tissue detritus, neutrophilic leukocytes, eosonophils - inflammation is accompanied by purulent processes. They are caused by various microorganisms, such as gonococci, staphylococci and others. Forms of purulent inflammation:

  • abscess (suppuration);
  • phlegmon;
  • empyema.

An abscess occurs either as an independent inflammatory process, or as a complication of a previous disease. This forms a barrier capsule that prevents the spread of pathogens into neighboring tissues.

Phlegmon differs from an abscess in that it does not have clearly defined boundaries. There are a lot of types of phlegmon. This is subcutaneous, and intermuscular, and retroperitoneal, and perirenal, and many others. If the phlegmon passes to neighboring tissue areas, sepsis may begin.

Empyema is somewhat similar to an abscess, but there is a significant accumulation of pus in the body cavity, and there is no protective membrane.

Putrid inflammation develops from purulent if putrefactive microflora enters the focus. In this case, tissue necrosis occurs, causing intoxication of the patient's body and characterized by putrid smell. This type of inflammation is possible with extensive wounds, for example, during military operations, and in women with unskilled abortions. How to treat inflammation in such a severe form? Only therapy with properly selected antibiotics in conjunction with surgery can make the prognosis favorable.


This type of pathology is a continuation of the above inflammatory processes and develops if the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, up to a violation of their integrity. At the same time, a large number of red blood cells enter the inflamed place, making the exudate dark red, almost black in color, and if the inflammation affects the digestive tract, then their contents become chocolate-colored. called hemorrhagic inflammation bacteria, viruses, sometimes fungi, certain chemicals and toxins. It is observed in diseases such as smallpox, plague, anthrax.


This process is not independent, because it is formed when mucus is added to an existing exudate. Caused by the following reasons:

  • infection (viruses, bacteria);
  • high or low temperatures(burn, frostbite);
  • chemical substances;
  • products of improper metabolism.

Examples include allergic rhinitis(hay fever, or, in a popular way, the well-known runny nose), bronchitis, which turned into a purulent-catarrhal form, in which the bronchi and trachea are inflamed. Is it possible and how to remove the inflammation of this form at home? Traditional medicine advises the use of aromatherapy (breathe with oils of fir, geranium, eucalyptus and others). With catarrhal sinusitis, remove mucus from the nose, do washing with solutions of salt, herbs or plain water, instill vasoconstrictors into the nose. At catarrhal angina gargle, while drinking a lot of warm liquid, do breathing exercises, take expectorants and antitussives. At any localization of catarrhal inflammation, medical treatment is carried out. antiviral therapy, but antibiotics are used only as directed by a doctor and only if there are complications, for example, with the development of purulent inflammation.

Proliferative inflammation

This form is observed in all types of inflammation, and it is most active in the final stages of the disease. The term "proliferation" can be explained as follows: it is a neoplasm, the birth of cells and entire cellular structures. Basically, this happens during the recovery of an organ or tissue after inflammation, when mesenchymal cells produce fibroblasts, which, in turn, synthesize collagen, which often ends in scarring. Types of proliferative inflammation are as follows:

Acute inflammatory process develops rapidly. It is characterized by the symptoms indicated above, namely: redness of the affected area, fever, swelling, pain, exudate formation, impaired blood circulation in capillaries and venules. Chronic inflammation is characterized by the fact that in this form, active macrophages begin to accumulate in one place. Pathological process give rise to the following reasons:

Acute inflammation, for all its severity, ends quickly (unless it comes to purulent abscesses), while chronic torments a person for years. It cannot end quickly for the following reasons:

  • macrophages, which are the trigger mechanism for inflammation, live a very long time;
  • while macrophages are alive and active, resorption of granulomas is impossible.

Chronic inflammation in the stage of remission of the patient practically does not bother and is activated (the stage of exacerbation sets in) when fresh highly active macrophages are added to the inflammatory focus.

Which inflammation is more dangerous: acute or chronic

For all their seeming harmlessness, chronic inflammation is the most dangerous. For example, inflammation of the ligaments of the extremities leads to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis, and others. The acute form of all these ailments is manifested by pain, redness of the body area around the focus of inflammation, fever. In the transition to a chronic form, pain occurs only under the influence of some external factors, for example, weather conditions, high physical exertion or mechanical stress. However, the chronic form is dangerous due to irreversible deformations of the ligaments, cartilage, joints, involvement in the process of neighboring sectors of the musculoskeletal system (for example, with rheumatoid arthritis affected cervical region spine), complete destruction of the joint and degenerative change in ligaments, which leads to disability. Inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs can be caused by multiple causes, including:

  • trauma;
  • increased physical activity;
  • infections;
  • metabolic disease.

Inflammation of the ligaments of the throat is caused by the penetration of infection into the upper respiratory tract, smoking, hypothermia, inhalation of harmful gases, and a strong cry.

The acute form is manifested by sore throat when talking and swallowing, redness, fever, tickling, hoarseness, but with proper treatment, the disease passes quickly and without a trace. If acute form becomes chronic, the patient develops shortness of breath, the larynx swells, and chronic catarrh can lead to mucosal atrophy.

How to relieve inflammation

If the body is strong enough to withstand inflammatory factor or this factor is short-term and weak (for example, a scratch goes away on its own after a couple of days. You can only slightly help this process by disinfecting the site of damage. At home, the treatment of inflammation of the mucous throat and oral cavity(along with drug therapy) is carried out with the help of decoctions of chamomile, celandine, calendula. Rinsing with a solution of soda with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine helps well.

In chronic forms of inflammation, supportive therapy is indicated, which consists in creating satisfactory conditions for the patient, a diet rich in vitamins, and eliminating irritating factors dangerous to health (fatigue, hypothermia, stress, etc.). During periods of exacerbation, medical and physiotherapeutic treatment is carried out.

The body to harmful stimuli, which is achieved due to the increased movement of the plasma and leukocytes (especially granulocytes) of the blood in damaged tissues. A number of biochemical events propagate and promote the inflammatory process, including the local vascular system, the immune system, and various cells within damaged tissue. Prolonged inflammation known as chronic inflammatory process, leads to a gradual change in the type of cells located at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of tissues.

Causes of inflammation

  • Chemical irritants
  • Toxic Substances
  • Infections from pathogens
  • Physical, blunt or penetrating injury
  • Immune reactions to hypersensitivity
  • ionizing radiation
  • Foreign bodies including splinters, dirt and debris
  • Alcohol

Types of inflammation

Comparison between acute and chronic inflammatory process:




Bacterial pathogens, tissue damage

Persistent acute inflammation due to non-decomposing pathogens viral infections, permanent foreign bodies or autoimmune reactions

Basic connected cells

Mononuclear cells (monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells), fibroblasts

Primary Intermediaries

Vasoactive amines, eicosanoids

Interferon- γ and other cytokines, reactive oxygen species, hydrolytic enzymes





A few days

Up to several months or years

Resolution, abscess formation, chronic inflammation

A protein that circulates passively until activated by collagen, platelets, or exposed basement membranes through a conformational change. When activated, it in turn is able to recruit three plasma systems involved in the inflammatory process: the kinin system, the fibrinolysis system, and the coagulation system.

Membrane attack complex



Complex of additional proteins C5b, C6, C7, C8 and several C9. The combination and activation of this series of additional proteins forms a membrane attack complex, which is able to be incorporated into the walls of bacterial cells and cause cell lysis with subsequent death.



Able to break down fibrin clots, separate additional C3 protein and activate Factor XII.



Separates the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to produce insoluble fibrin, which aggregates into a form blood clot. Thrombin can also cause cells, via the PAR1 receptor (proteinase-activated receptor), to induce several other inflammatory responses such as chemokine production and nitric oxide.

Cell component

The cellular component includes leukocytes, which are normally found in the blood and must move into the inflamed tissue through the exit from the vessels to assist in the inflammatory process. Some act as phagocytes, engulfing bacteria, viruses, and cellular debris. Others secrete enzymatic granules that damage pathogens. Leukocytes also secrete inflammatory mediators that promote and maintain the inflammatory response. In general, acute inflammation is mediated by granulocytes, while chronic inflammation is mediated by mononuclear cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes.

Powerful vasodilator, relaxes smooth muscles, reduces platelet aggregation, aids in leukocyte recruitment, directs antibacterial activity at high concentrations.



mast cells

A group of fats that can cause vasodilation, fever, and pain.

TNFα and interleukin 1


Primarily macrophages

Both affect the most different cells to provoke many similar inflammatory responses: fever, cytokine production, endothelial gene regulation, chemotaxis, leukocyte adhesion, fibroblast activation. Responsible for the general effects of inflammation such as loss of appetite, heart palpitations.

Morphological patterns

In specific situations that occur in the body, specific patterns of acute and chronic inflammation are observed, for example, when inflammation occurs on the surface of the epithelium or pyogenic bacteria are involved.

  • Granulomatous inflammation: It is characterized by the formation of granulomas. They are the result of a limited but diverse range of diseases that include tuberculosis, leprosy, sarcoidosis, and syphilis, among others.
  • Fibrinous inflammation: Inflammation, leading to a significant increase in vascular permeability, allows fibrin to pass through blood vessels. If appropriate procoagulant stimuli are present, e.g. cancer cells, then fibrous exudate is deposited. This is often found in serous cavities, where the fibrous exudate can transform into a scar between the serous membranes, limiting their function.
  • Purulent inflammation: inflammation leading to a large number pus, which consists of neutrophils, dead cells and fluid. Infection with pyogenic bacteria, such as staphylococcus aureus, is characteristic of this type of inflammation. Large, localized collections of pus surrounded by nearby tissues are called abscesses.
  • Serous inflammation: It is characterized by a copious outpouring of a non-viscous serous fluid, usually produced by the mesothelial cells of the serous membranes, but can be excreted from the blood plasma. Bullous skin lesions exemplify this model of inflammation.
  • Ulcerative inflammation: Inflammation occurring near the epithelium can lead to necrotic loss of tissue from the surface, endangering the underlying layers. The subsequent indentation into the epithelium is known as an ulcer.

A wide variety of proteins are involved in inflammation, and any one of them is open to genetic mutation that impairs or otherwise dysregulates the normal functioning and expression of that protein.

Examples of diseases associated with inflammation include:

  • Acne vulgaris
  • asthma
  • celiac disease
  • Chronic prostatitis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs
  • Reperfusion injury
  • Sarcoidosis
  • transplant rejection
  • Vasculitis
  • Interstitial cystitis

It has further been theorized that an acute localized inflammatory response to muscle contraction during exercise is a necessary precondition for muscle growth. In response to muscle contractions, an acute inflammatory process initiates decomposition and removal damaged tissue muscles. Muscles can synthesize cytokines (Interleukin 1 beta, TNF-alpha, Interleukin 6) in response to contractions that appear in skeletal muscles 5 days after exercise.

In particular, the increase in Interleukin 6 levels can reach up to 100 times. Depending on volume, intensity and other training factors, the increase in Interleukin 6 is initiated 4 hours after resistance training and remains elevated for up to 24 hours.

These acute increases in cytokines, in response to muscle contractions, help initiate the process of muscle repair and growth by activating satellite cells within the inflamed muscle. Satellite cells are essential for skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise. They promote hypertrophy by providing new myonuclei and repairing damaged segments of mature muscle fibers for successful regeneration after muscle injury, injury or during exercise.

Rapid localization of the Interleukin 6 receptor and increased expression of IL-6 occurs in satellite cells after contractions. IL-6 has been shown to mediate hypertrophied muscle growth, both in vivo and in artificial conditions. Unaccustomed exercise can increase IL-6 six-fold at 5 hours post-exercise and three-fold at 8 days post-exercise. In addition, NSAIDs may reduce the response of satellite cells to exercise, thus reducing the synthesis of inducible proteins.

The increase in cytokines after resistance exercise coincides with a decrease in levels of myostatin, a protein that inhibits muscle differentiation and growth. The cytokine responds to resistance exercise and running followed by a longer response.

chronic inflammation anda loss muscle mass

Both inflammation, chronic and extreme, are associated with impaired anabolic signals that trigger muscle growth. Chronic inflammation has been cited as part of the cause of the loss of muscle mass that occurs with age. Enhanced Level myostatin protein has been described in patients with diseases characterized by chronic non-specific inflammation. Elevated levels of TNF-alpha can suppress the protein kinase B and mTOR pathway (mammalian target of rapamycin), a critical pathway for regulating skeletal muscle hypertrophy, thus increasing muscle catabolism. Cytokines can counteract anabolic effects insulin-like growth factor 1. In the case of sepsis, an extreme inflammation of the whole body, the synthesis of myofibrillar protein and sarcoplasmic protein is inhibited in fast twitch muscle fibers. Sepsis is also able to prevent leucine from stimulating muscle protein synthesis. In animals, mTOR loses its stimulation ability through muscle growth.

Exercise as a treatment for inflammation

Regular exercise reduces inflammatory markers, although the relationship is not complete and seems to show different results depending on exercise intensity. For example, baseline measurements of circulating inflammatory markers showed no significant difference between healthy trained and untrained adults. Long-term, consistent exercise can help reduce chronic non-specific inflammation. On the other hand, levels of inflammatory markers remained elevated during the recovery period after intense exercise in patients with inflammatory diseases. It is possible that low-intensity training may reduce the remaining pro-inflammatory markers (C reactive protein, Interleukin 6), while moderate exercise has moderate to less noticeable anti-inflammatory benefits. There is a strong link between exhausting workouts and chronic non-specific inflammation. A marathon can increase the level of Interleukin 6 by 100 times and increase the set of the total number of leukocytes and neutrophils. So people are taking exercise as a treatment for other factors of chronic inflammation.

Signal/noise theory

Given that localized acute inflammation is a necessary component for muscle growth, and chronic non-specific inflammation is associated with disruption of anabolic signals that initiate muscle growth, it has been suggested that a signal-to-noise model may best describe the relationship between inflammation and muscle growth. By keeping the "noise" of chronic inflammation to a minimum, a localized acute inflammatory response is indicative of a stronger anabolic response than with more high level chronic inflammation.