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A feeling that all the internal organs have shrunk. “It felt like everything was dead inside.” How the Internet saved man. I often feel like I’m going to lose consciousness. What to do? What water should you drink for health and longevity?

VSD is a lush, terry bouquet of phobias and sensations. If there was a patient patient who would compile a classification of symptoms of VSD, it would turn out to be a whole encyclopedia with thousands of types of suffering. Even internal spasms, which many VSD sufferers repeatedly experience throughout their lives, have different reasons and manifestations.

  1. Echo empty stomach. The symptom appears at night, during sleep, or immediately after waking up. Unpleasant sensations arise suddenly. Left side the sternum begins to feel pinched, although palpation in this area does not hurt at all. If at the same time a person turns on hypochondria and starts waiting heart attack, the echo of an empty stomach can easily turn into a panic attack. And not just turn around, but gain a foothold at the subconscious level. If this happens, then every time the stomach “asks for food,” an adrenaline crisis will occur. No need to panic. Unfortunately, the nervous system of the VSD person is too sensitive and reacts in this way to an empty stomach. Do you want to solve this problem? Go to the kitchen and drink a couple of glasses clean water. The stomach will be full and the feeling of internal compression will disappear.
  2. Premonition of adrenaline. Remembering your panic attacks, The VSD person is no longer afraid of organic sensations, but of his all-consuming panic. Physical suffering nothing compared to the moral hard labor that the patient experiences every time. Often, at the slightest suspicion of an approaching crisis, a person overexerts the muscles of the peritoneum, as if trying to become smaller and “hide” from the attack. But this, of course, doesn’t work out. First, a wave of fear rolls in, then everything shrinks inside, and panic begins - this is already part of the program that the patient sets for himself. But it is quite possible to stop an impending attack - do not allow yourself to shrink, but rather sit down comfortably, relax, take a deep breath of air. It’s good if you have caring household members nearby who you can initiate into all the shades of your feelings. It is known that an attack experienced in the company of loved ones passes much easier and faster than if the patient is alone with him.
  3. Phobia situation. The feeling when everything inside shrinks with fear also overtakes healthy people in a situation of danger. And a VSD student, who comes face to face with his phobia, simply cannot remain calm. This usually happens when a hypochondriac suffering from agoraphobia (fear of crowded places) is forced to go to the store or to an important meeting. Stress will immediately make itself known from within with serious spasms. And then everything will develop according to the same scenario - a panic attack and reinforcement of the phobia. Apart from a psychotherapist, no one and nothing will solve the problem. Self-exile phobias rarely end in success and free walks.
  4. Muscle tension. When the vegetative system becomes overexcited and fails, unable to cope with its own games, the blood vessels begin to suffer. Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, preparing the body to fight or flee (which was not intended at all), and the blood vessels constrict, sending all the blood to the heart and brain. The belly naturally freezes, and this gives rise to that same feeling when everything shrinks inside. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to contract, trying to make up for lost heat, and the person worries that some strange processes are going on inside him. An ambulance in this situation will be the immediate supply of heat to all vessels. To do this, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and put your feet in a basin of warm water. But you should understand that without proper treatment you cannot cope with the feeling of internal compression.

Take off that hoop!

Every VSD student has in stock an innumerable amount of first aid: these are tablets, drops, and herbal teas, and even solving crossword puzzles to distract the brain.

But helping yourself at the scene of an emergency is like turning off the light in a room so as not to see the chaos.

Internal spasms are not as terrible as, for example, extrasystoles or phobias, but these are all flowers of the same bouquet. It is not the heart or the gastrointestinal tract that needs to be treated, but the nervous system. What could be a good remedy?

No. 26 408 Neurologist 11/29/2015

Hello. We really need your help. Exactly a year ago, my mother began to have a burning sensation in her chest (it feels like they put mustard plaster on your chest and forgot to take it off). They did a cardiogram - no abnormalities were detected, even age-related ones. Passed general analysis blood - everything is normal. After some time, the “mustard plaster” seemed to go away, but internal shaking began, which has not gone away to this day. I don’t know how to describe it, but if you believe my mother’s words, her heart is beating so hard that she feels it everywhere - on the left, on the right, in her stomach, as if all her internal organs are shaking at the same time. In this state, she again had a cardiogram (in another clinic) and again the doctor said that she could forget about the heart - everything was fine with it, and these were just nerves and possibly problems with the spine. Her pulse in this state is between 60-70 beats per minute. We went to an osteopath for 10 sessions, but there were no results. The doctor said that when she starts working with mom, it feels like all the organs are in a transformer booth. After the session, everything calms down, but the next day the picture repeats itself. No motherworts, peonies, valerian and other tinctures and tablets help. This made my mother have trouble sleeping. If earlier she could get up in the morning, have breakfast and go back to sleep, now she goes to bed around 12 am, wakes up at 5 am and can no longer fall asleep. My blood sugar level was tested and my hormones were normal. A couple of weeks ago we had an MRI of the brain and cervical spine (link to MRI images is attached). We immediately went for a consultation with a neurologist, but he didn’t say anything specific at all either about the conclusion or about the problem. He just suggested acupuncture and also physical therapy. Well, he said that his mother had severe depression and the nerves need to be treated. Mom also began to have a headache, or, more precisely, a throbbing headache. This didn't happen before. We really hope to get at least some advice. Thank you in advance. Ttps: //yadi. Sk/d/59PVhs4wko8rS

“It feels like you are on a desert island, and the only contact you have is with an online forum.”

Thomas Müller-Roerich from the German organization DepressionsLiga knows what he is talking about. He suffered from severe depression for more than six years. Nothing was going well at work, and my relationship with my wife and children became complicated. “Everything required too much effort, everything caused fear,” he admits. This private entrepreneur was no longer able to understand even the simplest texts. "I couldn't read anymore." This phenomenon is called “pseudo-dementia,” and this kind of disorder often occurs with depression.

Van Gogh's painting "The Grieving Old Man".

Added to this was shame. “For example, every day I felt ashamed thinking about how much my hospital stay cost,” says the 58-year-old man. After a while, he felt isolated until he accidentally stumbled upon a discussion forum for people suffering from depression. “It feels like you are on a desert island, and the only contact you have is with an Internet forum,” he emphasizes.

58-year-old Müller-Roerich tried to understand his illness using an online forum and realized that he was not the only one suffering from this illness. According to experts, about 4 million people in Germany are susceptible to depressive states. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in 2020 depression will become the second most common disease after diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

The increase in stress at work and in everyday life is becoming more and more noticeable, notes the founder of this online forum, Nico Niedermayer, a specialist in the field of psychotherapeutic medicine. “The situation at work is becoming more stressful, the pace of life is accelerating, the workload is increasing. It would be utopian to think that we can simply not notice this,” he emphasizes.

Müller-Roerich agrees with him: people are increasingly finding themselves in a dependent position, which causes fear in them. “You have to cross your own boundaries all the time, and this happens until the moment when you simply stop feeling like yourself.” At the same time, doctors have become better at diagnosing this disease, and patients are now ready to talk more openly about it.

The self-help forum also deserves credit for this, experts emphasize. Today it has 14,000 active users. Since its formation in 2000, it has hosted 360,000 anonymous messages. The psychological threshold is deliberately kept low. This online platform provides contacts and information, including for loved ones who also suffer seriously when their partners become ill.

Niedermayer explains: “Of course, the forum cannot replace therapy, but it is a way to deal with your illness and free yourself a little from the isolation associated with it.”

To his knowledge, there had been no suicides yet, although some attempts had been thwarted. As soon as someone on the forum begins to talk about such an intention, the moderators involve the police in order to prevent suicide. “We can say with confidence that we are not a suicide forum,” emphasizes Niedermayer.

Müller-Roerich today helps other people suffering from depression, writes inosmi.ru. As for his own illness, he has been keeping it under control for several years now - with the help of medications. A couple of years ago he tried to give them up. But during a trip to New York there was a relapse. “My sleep was disturbed and I could not control the fits of sobbing. I felt completely unprotected in the big city,” he admits. After that, he returned to medications again: “Now my life is like the life of a diabetic who must take medicine.”

Surely at least once in your life you have experienced the feeling that what is happening now has already happened before. Or from time to time you are sad that you will not see how your great-grandchildren will live. Do you know the incomparable feeling of comfort and warmth when it’s raining outside the window and you are basking in a warm bed under the covers? All these rather complex emotions and feelings have their own names. Most likely, among them there will be something that you often experience, but do not know how to express.


Not to be confused with hard drugs. Opium is sudden feeling excitement when alone gaze meets another. Visual contact that provokes a surge of energy. If this is a person you like, you will most likely enjoy it. And if your counterpart is a potential threat, such an exchange of glances can send a nasty chill through your skin.

Deja vu

Deja vu is translated from French: deja vu - “seen before.” This is the feeling when you feel like you've been somewhere new before, or when it feels like a new event is actually happening again. Déjà vu is a fairly common emotion, reported by about 75% of respondents to various psychological surveys.


Ellipsism is the sadness that a person experiences from not seeing the future. This emotion is most common among older people who watch their grandchildren grow up and worry that they will not live to see their future. important points in their lives.


The term comes from the Latin chrysalis - “pupa”, denoting one of the stages of butterfly development. This is a feeling of bliss, peace and security - for example, when you are in a warm and dry house, and a thunderstorm is raging outside the window.


This is the name of the feeling of annoyance that you experience after meeting a new person, when you realize that a person is very interesting, but it is almost impossible to get to know him better or it will take a lot of time. This word in Ancient Greece called the men's half of the house.


This is the name given to the desire to loosen control over your life and worry less. It’s a liberating feeling when you think, “I wish I could be a kid again and not have to worry about anything!”


People experience this bitter feeling when they receive an answer to a question that has been tormenting them for a long time and want to go back to the past to tell themselves about the future. There is a good proverb on this topic: “If I knew where to fall, I would spread straw.”


The name for this emotion is formed by adding to the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno, known for his reasoning about the impossibility of movement and the immobility of time, the name of Mnemosyne, who personified memory in ancient Greek mythology. The essence of this feeling is that with each subsequent year it begins to seem that the years are passing faster and faster.


Surely everyone, at least once after an argument or some kind of discussion, has replayed in his head what should have been said and what could have been said in response. These imaginary dialogues are called zhuskaya, and in Russian - “wit on the stairs.”

Fugu condition

No, we’re not talking about fish now, although that’s what’s in the photo. It's about about a state when a person does something, talks, goes somewhere, but is not aware of all this, and then cannot remember that he did all this. This may be the result of drug or alcohol abuse.

VSD is a lush, terry bouquet of phobias and sensations. If there was a patient patient who would compile a classification of symptoms of VSD, it would turn out to be a whole encyclopedia with thousands of types of suffering. Even internal spasms, which many VSD sufferers repeatedly experience throughout their lives, have different causes and manifestations.

  1. Echo of an empty stomach. The symptom appears at night, during sleep, or immediately after waking up. Unpleasant sensations arise suddenly. The left side of the sternum begins to feel pinched, although palpation in this area does not hurt at all. If at the same time a person turns on hypochondria and begins to wait for a heart attack, the echo of an empty stomach can easily turn into a panic attack. And not just turn around, but gain a foothold at the subconscious level. If this happens, then every time the stomach “asks for food,” an adrenaline crisis will occur. No need to panic. Unfortunately, the nervous system of the VSD person is too sensitive and reacts in this way to an empty stomach. Do you want to solve this problem? Go to the kitchen and drink a couple of glasses of clean water. The stomach will be full and the feeling of internal compression will disappear.
  2. Premonition of adrenaline. Remembering his panic attacks, the VSD person is more afraid not of organic sensations, but of his all-consuming panic. Physical suffering is nothing compared to the moral hard labor that the patient experiences every time. Often, at the slightest suspicion of an approaching crisis, a person overexerts the abdominal muscles, as if trying to become smaller and “hide” from an attack. But this, of course, doesn’t work out. First, a wave of fear rolls in, then everything shrinks inside, and panic begins - this is already part of the program that the patient sets for himself. But it is quite possible to stop an impending attack - do not allow yourself to shrink, but rather sit down comfortably, relax, take a deep breath of air. It’s good if you have caring household members nearby who you can initiate into all the shades of your feelings. It is known that an attack experienced in the company of loved ones passes much easier and faster than if the patient is alone with him.
  3. Phobia situation. The feeling when everything inside is shrinking with fear overtakes and healthy people in a situation of danger. And a VSD student, who comes face to face with his phobia, simply cannot remain calm. This usually happens when a hypochondriac suffering from agoraphobia (fear of crowded places) is forced to go to the store or to an important meeting. Stress will immediately make itself known from within with serious spasms. And then everything will develop according to the same scenario - a panic attack and reinforcement of the phobia. Apart from a psychotherapist, no one and nothing will solve the problem. Self-exorcism of phobias rarely ends in success and free walks.
  4. Muscle tension. When the vegetative system becomes overexcited and fails, unable to cope with its own games, the blood vessels begin to suffer. Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, preparing the body to fight or flee (which was not intended at all), and the blood vessels constrict, sending all the blood to the heart and brain. The belly naturally freezes, and this gives rise to that same feeling when everything shrinks inside. The organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to contract, trying to make up for lost heat, and the person worries that some strange processes are going on inside him. An ambulance in this situation will be the immediate supply of heat to all vessels. To do this, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and put your feet in a basin with warm water. But you should understand that without proper treatment you cannot cope with the feeling of internal compression.

Take off that hoop!

Every VSD student has an innumerable amount of first aid in stock: these are tablets, drops, herbal teas, and even solving crossword puzzles to distract the brain.

But helping yourself at the scene of an emergency is like turning off the light in a room so as not to see the chaos.

Internal spasms are not as terrible as, for example, phobias, but these are all flowers of the same bouquet. It is not the heart or the gastrointestinal tract that needs to be treated, but nervous system. What could become good remedy?

Blood pressure in the morning 120/80 in the evening 130/90

In fact, the uniqueness of neurotic disorders lies in the fact that their external (visible) manifestations can resemble the signs of almost any disease. Neurosis is neuropsychiatric disorder, which is caused primarily by traumatic circumstances.

Very often, with neurosis there are so-called - autonomic disorders. They are called differently: vegetative-vascular dystonia or VSD, neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD), somatoform autonomic dysfunction (SVD), vegetosis, angioneurosis, cardiac neurosis (cardioneurosis or cardiophobia), anxiety-neurotic syndrome, etc.

Autonomic disorders in neuroses can be of two types. In the first type, the following symptoms may occur: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, paleness and dryness skin, decreased salivation and dry mouth, " goose pimples", a tendency to increase body temperature, chilliness of the extremities, etc. The second type of VSD is characterized by a slower pulse, lowered blood pressure, increased salivation, increased intestinal motility, and redness of the skin.

External manifestations of neurosis, in practice, may resemble signs various diseases, but at the same time, neurosis is not accompanied by damage to the internal organs of a person. It may last for many years, but it is always a reversible disorder. In our psychotherapeutic practice, it refers to borderline states, and never leads to development mental disorders. This is a reversible reaction of the individual to some kind of traumatic situation.

Treatment of neuroses must be psychotherapeutic and comprehensive. Drug treatment for neuroses is usually of secondary importance.

Psychotherapy is a special type of treatment in which assistance is provided through psychological means in solving problems and difficulties of a psychological nature.

Psychotherapy does not set itself the goal of eliminating serious mental illness, it’s more of a practical help in solving life’s problems. Without such help, over time, a neurotic disorder can take on a chronic form.

The main goal of psychotherapy is restoration mental health. The goal of psychotherapeutic work is to help a person understand the meaning of what determines his behavior, feelings, thoughts and try to change ineffective reactions using psychological means. Currently, the latest, unique and very powerful psychological techniques, existential, narrative, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.

The most necessary thing in the treatment of neurosis is the desire of the person himself to cope with his problems. The task of a psychotherapist, as effectively and unobtrusively as possible, is to help a person move along the path of overcoming neurotic disorder, in the right and right direction!

I often feel like I’m going to lose consciousness. What to do?

Vegetovascular dystonia: symptoms

Symptoms of VSD usually include headaches, weakness, fainting or fainting, tinnitus, fainting, and drowsiness. Also typical when VSD dizziness. People with vegetos vascular dystonia They quickly turn pale and red, react sensitively to weather changes, and sweat more. Often with VSD, rapid heartbeat and changes in body temperature are observed (especially during vegetative vascular dystonia with impaired thermoregulation). Symptoms vegetative-vascular dystonia may appear constantly or occasionally, depending on the degree of the disease. As shown medical research, the constant manifestation of VSD symptoms occurs, as a rule, in people with congenital instability of the nervous system.

Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be frequent and insignificant, but can cause fainting and panic attacks. In the second case, we can talk about the serious development of VSD and the need for treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Unfortunately, crises (attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks, phobias) to one degree or another occur quite often. We can say that panic attacks are constant companions of VSD.

Doctors do not consider VSD an independent disease, but consider VSD symptoms as a consequence of various disorders in the body. The most common cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia today is overwork, stress and a signal that the body has diseases that require professional treatment.

When treating vegetative vascular dystonia, it should be taken into account that any manifestation of VSD is a poor interaction between vascular and autonomic system, in which vital role play nerve structures regulating emotions.

How to cure vegetative vascular dystonia?

* Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia can be quite effective folk remedies: in particular, infusions for cleansing blood vessels, cardiac infusions. There is a lot of information about this on various VSD forums. Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia with herbs (hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) also refers to traditional treatment vegetative vascular dystonia and are only auxiliary in nature. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies in practice does not provide recovery, but has a beneficial effect on the body.

and then you’ll figure out what to do yourself (=

If physiological reason then just go to the doctor, and carry ammonia with you in a small jar, it brings you to your senses

In general, you need to measure your blood pressure. And when such a condition appears unexpectedly, it is better to sit down and not make sudden movements.

Medical question

Neurologist ⇒ Feeling of loss of consciousness

mobile (from 17 to 20)

Please comment on the results.

When I did the ECG and EEG I was very worried.

ECG: sinus rhythm, vertical. EOS position, heart rate 76 in 1!

Installation: 8 channel chain.

The background EEG is represented by an insufficiently regular alpha rhythm, disorganized in amplitude, not modulated into spindles, slightly pointed, amplitude domkV, frequency 9-10 counts/sec. Zonal differences in the alpha rhythm are preserved.

Slow activity of the theta range is represented by individual waves and short groups of waves with an amplitude of up to 30 µV, a frequency of 4-7 counts/sec, mainly in the frontal-immune-central regions of the brain without signs of lateralization.

Beta activity is moderately expressed, the amplitude of microvolts predominates in the frontotemporal regions of the brain.

The reaction to opening and closing the eyes is preserved.

Hyperventilation causes an increase in the index and amplitude of slow theta range activity periodically in the form of short bursts of theta waves in the frontotemporal central regions. brain amplitude domkv, frequency 4-7 counts/sec with a tendency to bilateral synchronous generalization across the region. brain

Conclusion: moderate EEG changes according to the type of disorganization of the cortical rhythm with a predominance of alpha activity. The nature of the EEG may indicate dysfunction of the midline nonspecific regulatory structures of the brain at the diencephalic level.

No focal or epileptic forms of activity were identified.

Yes, I forgot to mention some little things. The headache is very rare, sometimes once every 2-3 months it hurts very badly in the morning, but I take citramon and it goes away. There is often a feeling of heaviness in the head, a foggy consciousness (in the evening it seems to be getting better, some kind of enlightenment sets in), and in the morning the feeling is as if you are in some kind of bag, the heaviness is mainly in the forehead area, on the neck under ears, also some kind of slight hum in the head (especially audible when you are in silence), lasts quite a long time, sometimes for several days, sometimes I get used to it and don’t notice it. The same hum was there when they did the EEG. Hemoglobin - 136, pressure mostly 120/70, pulse beats per minute, weight 48 kg. The worst thing is that it’s as if you’re constantly waiting for it to get dark in your eyes again, and you don’t know how it might end, I’m afraid to go out somewhere alone, I’m mostly at home, because... The work involves a computer. I occasionally take sedatives, although not regularly. I also take L-thyroxine (dose 50) every morning, because... thyroid nodule and TSH-6.7. In 2002, she was operated on for a nodule on the thyroid gland (benign), but after the operation there was a recurrence.

If I’m busy with something, I don’t seem to notice this state, but in calm state I start to think, to wait for the next darkening in my eyes.

Please advise how to get out of this state. Thank you.

Please answer, I’m very worried, is there something serious?

I've already read all sorts of things on the Internet. Maybe I'm starting to develop multiple sclerosis?

Or maybe a nodule on the thyroid gland puts pressure on the blood vessels (I had a relapse after surgery), but there is no pain.

My body temperature in the morning is 35.3 and in the evening it can rise to 36.2. Then I feel fine. And all day long I walk around as if in a fog, noise in my head (slight humming).

My blood pressure is always normal, my pulse is normal. Maybe it’s because I don’t eat enough?

Feeling blacked out

Question to a psychologist

Answers from psychologists

Fedorenko Galina Alexandrovna

Psychologist Moscow Last visit: 1 day ago

Replies on the site: 1581 Conducts trainings: 1 Publications: 106

I'm actually worried. I'm worried that it might be a tumor in my head. and who will raise the child(((

Tatyana, this is not the right place to see a psychiatrist.

First, to a neurologist, then to everyone else, for the purity of the experiment.

Submit tumor markers. They detect tumors even at very early stages.

If everything is clear, go to a psychoanalyst, look for underlying reasons Your problems, find them, and everything will be solved.

Fedorenko Galina Aleksandrovna, psychoanalyst, art therapist, Moscow

Kasparova Ksenia Vladimirovna

You can ask other psychologists a question

I agree with my colleague that you first need to be examined by a neurologist, maybe get a tomogram of the brain vessels.

You can also do examinations with those specialists you consider necessary to go to.

But, judging by the symptoms that you describe, this looks like psychosomatics.

There are some experiences, feelings, internal conflicts that cannot be realized and felt. For example, hostile feelings. There is a taboo on them deep down! You can't be angry, you can't be annoyed, you can't be jealous - it's bad!

But since the feelings and experiences themselves cannot be eliminated by simple taboos, they break out! And then the body takes on the function of the psyche, it begins to live and experience different feelings. That’s why my heart is pounding and my head is spinning.

Psychotherapy helps to establish lost connections between the body and the psyche, to decipher the messages that the body, in the form of symptoms, tries in vain to convey to its owner.

Psychotherapy, that is, conversation therapy, goes well with drug treatment, one does not cancel or contradict the other.

Tatyana, the feelings I wrote about are not necessarily yours. I just cited them as an example to make it clear how exactly the mechanism of psychosomatic symptoms works.

In the process of psychotherapy, a person gradually begins to better understand himself, listen to his states and experiences, understand what exactly such a strong reaction occurs to and how to cope with it. Over time, the need for the body to experience everything disappears; this function, as nature intended, is taken over by the psyche.

Kasparova Ksenia Vladimirovna, psychologist in Moscow

Dizziness, feeling of emptiness in the head, feeling of loss of consciousness.

Please tell me what this could be. Can you advise medicines improving brain activity and cerebral circulation.

I have hypertension, but I’ve had it since school (now my blood pressure is somewhere around 140×95, 140×90, 130×90 in the morning, maybe 125×85 and 120×80) and it doesn’t particularly bother me.

My age is 29 years old, gender is male

Good afternoon. About a week ago, an incomprehensible feeling began in my head: dizziness, but not that objects were spinning around, but as if they were vibrating, as if my brain was switching off, the feeling that I would faint and lose consciousness. In the first 2-3 days this bothered me especially strongly; before going to bed, when I closed my eyes, I even felt like I was dizzy, I felt slightly nauseous, and when I opened my eyes it became easier - against this background, the fear and worry that it would never end increased. In the following days, these phenomena were not so pronounced, but if you start trying to work mentally, then these symptoms begin again, but if you rest more (take a walk in the park, lie down, etc.), then these symptoms noticeably decrease. In recent months there has been activity mental activity(I also had to work a lot on the computer). I did a general blood test, as well as biochemistry (cholesterol, glucose, iron) - everything was normal, including hemoglobin and serum iron and glucose.

Please tell me what this could be. Can you recommend medications that improve brain activity and cerebral circulation.

I have hypertension, but I’ve had it since school (now my blood pressure is somewhere around 140×95, 140×90, 130×90 in the morning, maybe 125×85 and 120×80) and it doesn’t particularly bother me.

My age is 29 years old, gender is male

Good afternoon. About a week ago, an incomprehensible feeling began in my head: dizziness, but not that objects were spinning around, but as if they were vibrating, as if my brain was switching off, the feeling that I would faint and lose consciousness. In the first 2-3 days this bothered me especially strongly; before going to bed, when I closed my eyes, I even felt like I was dizzy, I felt slightly nauseous, and when I opened my eyes it became easier - against this background, the fear and worry that it would never end increased. In the following days, these phenomena were not so pronounced, but if you start trying to work mentally, then these symptoms begin again, but if you rest more (take a walk in the park, lie down, etc.), then these symptoms noticeably decrease. In recent months there has been intense mental activity (I also had to work a lot on the computer). I did a general blood test, as well as biochemistry (cholesterol, glucose, iron) - everything was normal, including hemoglobin and serum iron and glucose.

Please tell me what this could be. Can you recommend medications that improve brain activity and cerebral circulation.

I have hypertension, but I’ve had it since school (now my blood pressure is somewhere around 140×95, 140×90, 130×90 in the morning, maybe 125×85 and 120×80) and it doesn’t particularly bother me.

My age is 29 years old, gender is male

VSD by hypertensive type They put it when nothing is clear anywhere. For doctors working with the spine, everything is very clear. Contact osteopaths.

MR picture is moderate external hydrocephalus. Availability data pathological changes no focal nature was detected in the brain matter.

MRA picture of the variant development of the circle of Willis in the form of lack of visualization of blood flow along the left posterior communicating artery. MR picture S-shaped crimp prepetrosal segment of the left inner carotid artery. MR signs of decreased blood flow / depletion due to a decrease in the intensity of the MR signal and narrowing of the diameters of the arteries / peripheral parts of the posterior cerebral arteries. MRA did not reveal any evidence for the presence of arteriovenous malformations, aneurysmal dilatation, or pathological stenotic narrowing of the intracranial arteries.

MRI picture of the initial dystrophic changes cervical region spine (chondrosis); dorsal protrusion of the C4/5 disc.

1. Betaminal 1 tablet at night for 2 months

2. Actovigil 2 tablets for 10 days

3. Injections intramuscularly in the morning Mexidol (2 mg) for 10 days and Cerepro (4 mg) also for 10 days, but alternate them i.e. day Meskidol on the next day. Cerepro day, etc.

5. Antisten 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 months

Good afternoon. Did an MRI of the brain, cerebral arteries and cervical vessels. I’ll write a fairly detailed description of everything, only a conclusion (if you need a detailed one, I’ll post it).

MR picture of moderate external hydrocephalus. There was no evidence of the presence of pathological changes of a focal nature in the brain substance.

MRA picture of the variant development of the circle of Willis in the form of lack of visualization of blood flow along the left posterior communicating artery. MR picture of S-shaped tortuosity of the prepetrosal segment of the left internal carotid artery. MR signs of decreased blood flow / depletion due to a decrease in the intensity of the MR signal and narrowing of the diameters of the arteries / peripheral parts of the posterior cerebral arteries. MRA did not reveal any evidence for the presence of arteriovenous malformations, aneurysmal dilatation, or pathological stenotic narrowing of the intracranial arteries.

MRI picture of initial degenerative changes in the cervical spine (chondrosis); dorsal protrusion of the C4/5 disc.

1. Betaminal 1 tablet at night for 2 months

2. Actovigil 2 tablets for 10 days

3. Injections intramuscularly in the morning Mexidol (2 mg) for 10 days and Cerepro (4 mg) also for 10 days, but alternate them i.e. day Meskidol on the next day. Cerepro day, etc.

5. Antisten 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2 months

I'm waiting for your messages. I have not started treatment yet because... I have a cold and don’t want to interfere with my medication. drugs. Now there seems to be no dizziness, but during the day such attacks appear in the head - as if the brain turns off for milliseconds (difficult to describe) or this can happen - for example, you sit and move your arm (leg, head, etc.) to the side as usual and in the process of this you understand that some part of the movement was not controlled, you can also compare these sensations as if you had slept little for several days and in your head, I think everyone noticed a feeling of specific failures like this and for me the sensation is only more pronounced and they are lightning fast . If you hold your head with your hand or lightly tap it, then such attacks become less frequent. What is this, I’m very afraid that something very serious has gone wrong in my head?

As for the prescriptions, they are made professionally and accurately correspond to the diagnosis. Regarding the issue of MRI examination of the vessels (arteries) of the brain, the attached file does not open and is sent to the games website. Judging by the conclusion, I can note that this is indeed the case structural changes vessels (lack of visualization of blood flow along the left posterior communicating artery; narrowing of arterial diameters/peripheral parts of the posterior cerebral arteries). In other words, a development option or a consequence of vascular damage. You must follow your doctor's orders and manage with caution. vehicle. The consultation with a neurosurgeon was helpful.

Thanks for the answer. I am posting pictures from the MRI, download link

Hello. I’m 25 years old because of my job I have to travel a lot in a car, driving for 3 days and work on a computer almost every day. About 6 months ago I started feeling nauseous in the car, but it happened 3 times a week, then everything returned to normal and I forgot about it , after this, after 2 months, my blood pressure rose and unpleasant sensations began to appear in my head, where the back of my head is, I can’t even explain what they were. After two days, everything went away. And again, a week ago, after a business trip, I came home, went to the store, and I felt like something was wrong with me. not good, I’m generally a terrible coward, I was impressed in a second that I was losing consciousness, I felt my pulse rise, but my head didn’t spin, but my eyes darkened, I flew out into the air and moved away. You can feel the tension in your neck moving into your head exactly where the neck ends.

Thank you very much for the information!

Hello. I am 23 years old. About six months ago I began to experience dizziness, a feeling of losing consciousness for a split second, a feeling of dispersion, and memory loss. Tell me, please, what can it be.

Sincerely, doctor Elena Andreevna Chernenko

Good afternoon. About a week ago, an incomprehensible feeling began in my head: dizziness, but not that objects were spinning around, but as if they were vibrating, as if my brain was switching off, the feeling that I would faint and lose consciousness. In the first 2-3 days this bothered me especially strongly; before going to bed, when I closed my eyes, I even felt like I was dizzy, I felt slightly nauseous, and when I opened my eyes it became easier - against this background, the fear and worry that it would never end increased. In the following days, these phenomena were not so pronounced, but if you start trying to work mentally, then these symptoms begin again, but if you rest more (take a walk in the park, lie down, etc.), then these symptoms noticeably decrease. In recent months there has been intense mental activity (I also had to work a lot on the computer). I did a general blood test, as well as biochemistry (cholesterol, glucose, iron) - everything was normal, including hemoglobin and serum iron and glucose.

Please tell me what this could be. Can you recommend medications that improve brain activity and cerebral circulation.

I have hypertension, but I’ve had it since school (now my blood pressure is somewhere around 140×95, 140×90, 130×90 in the morning, maybe 125×85 and 120×80) and it doesn’t particularly bother me.

My age is 29 years old, gender is male

Today my daughter complained to me about the same thing, saying that every time she goes to bed she gets dizzy. She is only 9 years old. What to do?

SCT of the brain: CT signs of dyscirculatory encelopathy, external atrophic hydrocephalus.

Based on examinations, the neurologist diagnosed: Cervical osteochondrosis, Neurovascular syndrome.

Prescriptions: Cerebralysin i/v 5 mg/10 days, Vesticap 48 mg * 1 r/d for 1 month, Cerucal i/m for nausea, Diacarb 1 t * 2 r/d 2 days a week, Panangin 1 t * 1 r/d when taking Diacarb and Fevarin 50 mg according to the scheme: 1/2 t at night for 7-10 days, 1 t at night for 7-10 days, 1/2 t in the morning and 1 t in the evening for 7-10 days, 1 t in the morning and 1 t in the evening for 7-10 days and reduce Also.

I am completing the course, but I still have attacks. Why am I prescribed fevarin? The doctor didn’t explain at the appointment, and I can’t get an appointment with this doctor in the near future.

At about 10 years old, then in 11th grade before entering the university, there was a woman’s voice in my head, saying something, at first slowly, then faster and faster, as if in rewind, it was very unnerving and scary, I immediately began to breathe fresh air and just drank a glass of water, and cried, and forced myself to sleep, sleep best medicine for the nerves. its OK now. but this situation began to repeat itself for my sister, the symptoms are the same, only she has no voices. She’s really more irritable than I was, and a bit rude in her interactions, but everything’s ok. what could it be? What is the diagnosis? Unfortunately, we turned to many psychologists, but they did not help, and we have not yet reached psychiatrists

Last night, while having dinner, I suddenly began to worry about something, out of nowhere. That everyone was shouting, everyone had just come from work, the TV was loud, a very bright light appeared. As a result, I felt dizzy and a little nauseous. She went into the room and calmed down.

I decided to drink 20 drops of valerian. I am 24 years old. And turned on the TV.

Again, a feeling of excitement appeared inside me, I was scared, it was as if I was starting to pound from the inside.

And suddenly I notice that I don’t see the right half of the face of everyone I look at on TV. a faint thread of a multi-colored garland appeared in the eyes, upper right. and I see the full face only if I move my eyes a little to the right.

I know that there are flashes and spots in the eyes. But what happened yesterday scared me very much. I went to the bath and looked at my hands, I really couldn’t see the right half. and I didn’t see part of my face in the mirror. the pupils seemed to me to be constricted. maybe out of fear. I went into the room.

No temperature or pressure surge was detected. Despite everything, my head constantly hurts.

Tell me, please, what can it be. Which doctor should I see? Should I call an ambulance doctor if this happens again?

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8 thoughts that cause panic, 8 ways to neutralize them.

- Please, help! Teach me to live with this terrible thing, rare disease! The doctors don't know what's wrong with me!

Although people suffering from panic attacks often feel like they are the only ones in the whole world who are faced with a similar problem, the thoughts that accompany the course of a panic attack are usually very similar.

I have identified 8 main obsessive thoughts that fuel anxiety and panic attacks.

Panic thought number one - I'm dying of a heart attack!

Although at the time of the attack it may be perceived differently, but.

Our heart is created, among other things, to work under conditions of strong physical and mental stress. Remember our ancestors who chased the wild beast; athletes running the 100-meter dash, or yourself dancing at a disco; the moment when your loved one gives you the first bouquet; soldiers running to attack, or squashed into the ground under a hail of bullets. How many of these people died of heart attacks? And you yourself, who have experienced a panic attack many times, are you now alive or dead? Surely you measured your pulse and blood pressure at the time of PA, what are the numbers? Your heart probably beats more than 100 or even 120 beats per minute, and your blood pressure is 160 or higher.

Such “behavior” of the heart is felt in ordinary circumstances as unnatural.

I’m not under a hail of bullets, I’m not running a 100-meter dash, but it’s beating in my chest like crazy, which means there’s something wrong with it! - You say to yourself. And this thought makes you feel even worse.

In the process of vigorous activity, a person’s attention is concentrated on some goal, and not on pulse and blood pressure. We just don't notice them, and that's normal.

If you visited a cardiologist, tests were carried out necessary research(ECG, ECHO-KG), and the doctor’s report says in black and white: your heart is normal, organic disorders not detected, then at the moment of panic, there is no threat to him.

Panic thought number two - I'm dying of suffocation!

I don’t breathe often, 13 breaths per minute, deep breaths I don’t do it often, although I used to do it. It might start out of nowhere. For three days in a row it started around 8-9 pm. If I don’t get enough sleep, then in the morning I also feel suffocated all day long. That I won’t suffocate, everything will be fine at the moment of suffocation does not work. It's suffocating and that's all.

Feeling like you can't breathe full breasts that your chest is bound by a shell, that there is a lump in your throat, that you are about to suffocate, very unpleasant, but...

They are not harbingers of death! You are no more likely to die from suffocation during a panic attack than at any other time. The reason for these discomfort- in hyperventilation syndrome, which will be discussed in another article.

Panic thought number three - I'm having a stroke!

The PA retreated. And a month ago they returned to me. They plague my life at night. They started for a reason. I work in a hospital and we have opened a vascular neurology department. Seeing a lot of young people, I began to focus on the stroke. And away we go. Every night now I die from a stroke. And today I was informed about the death of classmates and a family friend. And I’m still sitting crying and afraid. About myself: woman, 46 years old. Examined from head to toe.

Your head is spinning, your vision is getting dark, you are out of reality, you don’t understand what’s happening to you?

Natural and normal reaction explain what is happening using what you already know, what you once heard about, saw the frightened faces of the narrator and listeners, that Uncle S. staggered, turned purple, began to gasp for air, fell, and had a stroke. Everything that happened to S. is tragic. People get sick and die - this is the natural course of life, but...

Strokes have nothing to do with panic attacks, so you can completely relax on this score! If you have a stroke, you won't be able to run home and call ambulance, call all your relatives, rush around the house and look out the windows waiting for the ambulance to arrive! However, if this bothers you, consult a neurologist.

Panic thought number four - I'm afraid of fainting!

A feeling that something is pressing on me, waves throughout my body, a feeling that my eyes will close on their own and I will faint or die, a feeling of the unreality of what is happening.

Do you often faint?

When you walk past garages and a pack of stray dogs jumps out, do you really faint? the best way out? When a wild beast chased ancient man, did he faint? If this were so, would humanity survive? Fainting is not the best solution in a stressful situation.

“Fight or flight” is the body’s response to stress.

The chances of panic causing you to faint are slim to none, but what if it did happen? How bad would that be? End of the world? Worse than death itself? Probably not.

The fear of fainting is worse than fainting itself!

Fear of fainting often occurs in connection with dizziness that accompanies hyperventilation, which in turn is often integral part panic reaction.

I will fall, I will lie in the middle of the street, like a homeless person or a drunkard. What will people think?

What would you think if you saw a person like you fainting?

Panic thought number five - I'm going crazy!

TERRIBLE fear of going crazy (derealization and depersonalization began - “being torn out” from the world, the feeling that it was all a dream, the hands were not mine, the voice was not mine and disgusting, the face was like someone else’s, disgusting).

If you were really going crazy, would you know or worry that you were going crazy?

You already know that anxiety, panic or the fight or flight response is a natural mechanism! And if you don’t drive this thought away, but live it, then to your surprise it will “torment” you less and less each time.

Remember in Carlson: “I have a buzzing buzzing in both ears! A-la-la-la-la-la-la, a-la-la-la-la-la-la... la, and I’m gone crazy... What a shame."

Panic thought number six - I'm losing control!

When an anxiety attack occurs, it can feel like a loss of control.

All that has happened is that control has passed from your conscious to your unconscious, so that everything is still under control, but in a different way.

Panic thought number seven - I'm so weak that I can't move or I might fall!

Out of the blue, attacks of fear arise, sometimes it seems that I’m just going to lose consciousness, I feel dizzy, my hands are shaking, weakness sets in, my heart jumps out of my chest, I want to jump up and run, but I’m afraid to move.

The feeling of weakness is caused by the shaking and dizziness that often accompany panic attacks. In fact, at the moment of panic, you become physically stronger, not weaker, than at any other time, since blood rushes to the mice and they are saturated with oxygen. This prepares the body for the “fight or flight” response.

Panic thought number eight - I'm sure I'm going to get into an awkward position!

How often have you actually felt humiliated or embarrassed as a result of a panic attack? If this happened, was it really as terrible as you imagine?

Panic is short term natural reaction. And what is natural is not ugly! (WITH)

If you have panic attacks, then you can be sure that your fight or flight response is in good working order!

Remember! If a patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless (Faina Ranevskaya).

With uv. Litvinova Oksana Nikolaevna, clinical psychologist, consultant.

All quotes used in this article are taken from "open" threads on the B17 forum.

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Hello, I've been feeling terrible lately. A feeling of unreality of what is happening. It’s as if someone replaced me, and everything goes automatically. I'm like a robot, and I don't know what to do. It feels like I just disappeared because my soul is so bad that I can’t do this anymore. I understand that I need to do something, but I can’t. Feeling of tightness in the throat.

I can’t force myself to do anything, I can’t learn anything. I can’t understand anything, I just have a headache and a terrible feeling, as if something is about to happen. And, most importantly, nothing seems to have happened, but I feel very bad.

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

You are smart and well done, because in difficult situation asked for advice! Apparently, you are worried about manifestations of deep neurosis. The feeling of unreality of what is happening is called derealization. The feeling of the unreality of your body, “as if someone has replaced you,” is called depersonalization. Derealization and depersonalization - two classic sign deep neurosis.

Anxiety in neuroses develops into fears

Neuroses differ in the types of fears that bother a person. This could be fear of open or closed spaces, fear of heights, fear of spiders, fear of communication, fear public speaking and so on. Your disorder has not yet reached the point where fears tied to a specific marker appear. For now, you only experience severe anxiety without fear. You can check its level. If you don’t take care of yourself, then after a short time your nonspecific anxiety will develop into fears. For example, specific fears, tied to the situation (fear of traveling on the subway, fear of making a phone call, fear of meeting new people, fear of going out, and so on).

Neuroses belong to the third level of mental damage

Please note that neuroses are cognitive psychopathologies and require thorough personal psychotherapy. Neuroses are mental disorders, and according to the principle of the psychiatric funnel, they can be masked by symptoms of the first and second levels.

In your case, level 1 symptoms include memory and attention problems. You write that you cannot understand or learn anything. This happens when, which reflects damage to the psyche of the first level.

The second level of mental damage includes mood disorders. It is advisable for you to undergo a screening test to identify any type of subdepression or Anxiety-depressive disorder, which belongs to the second level of mental damage, is the most common companion and mask of neuroses.

Now let's look at the third layer of mental damage, namely: neurosis itself. The fact that you cannot force yourself to do anything indicates an internal conflict between mutually exclusive programs, that is, unconscious contradictions in the psyche during neurosis - the third level.

You also write that you are bothered by a feeling of tightness in your throat. This indicates repressed aggression, repressed anger, rage and unspoken resentment. You may have reasons to be very angry at someone close to you, but because of this, you are not talking about your real needs in relationships. Moreover, the scale of aggression that is ready to come to the surface of awareness is so enormous that you experience overwhelming anxiety. Anxiety masks.

Inadequacy in close emotional contact in neuroses

And in this regard, a logical question arises: what is happening between you and your loved ones that your emotional, sexual and other needs are not satisfied at all? Which of your beliefs cause you to accumulate anger in your subconscious in huge doses? What do you tolerate - systematic humiliation, violation of boundaries, hidden aggression? You should come to a psychoanalytic session and figure out exactly how you suppress anger, why you do it, and how you protect yourself from suppressed anger with the help of neurotic defenses. Do you have unhealthy beliefs that cause you to act like a victim and not protect your sense of self-worth? Do these beliefs conflict with each other? Isn't it happening that you call compliance kindness, and fear of standing up for yourself - forgiveness? You are not happy with your lifestyle, but your beliefs lead you to repeat strategies that are harmful to you over and over again. Do you despise yourself, do you hate yourself for being imperfect? Do you compare yourself to others unfavorably and mentally beat yourself up for mistakes? You will have to answer all these questions with the help of a specialist.

When personal psychotherapy is combined with temporary medication support

You have a step-by-step response to suppressed aggression ahead and long work on correction of thinking, lifestyle changes and changes in relationships with loved ones. You can temporarily alleviate your condition with anti-anxiety medications, for which it is advisable for you to consult a psychiatrist in person. However, without changing beliefs, logic of thinking and principles of relationships with loved ones, medications will only bring a temporary effect.