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Varicose veins karmic reasons. Psychosomatics: why varicose veins occur in the legs. Physical suffering of the soul

Varicose veins are among the most common vascular diseases which are diagnosed in women and men. This disease cause various factors, there are also psychological reasons varicose veins

According to many doctors, legs can hurt due to various psychosomatic disorders, which sometimes causes complete asocialization of the patient. If the patient has tried different ways therapy, but the condition does not improve, the cause of venous disease may be psychological problems.

To get rid of pathology, improve the condition blood vessels, it is worth reconsidering your views on life, cleansing yourself of toxins not only physically, but also spiritually. Such a treatment system often helps to defeat lower extremity disease even in an advanced stage.

Why do varicose veins develop?

Varicose veins are characterized by enlargement and swelling of veins, resulting in skin surface relief bulges can be detected. The pathology usually spreads to the lower extremities, since it is the legs that are most often exposed to enormous physical stress.

Due to prolonged sitting or standing, blood flow is impaired. Due to insufficiency of the venous valves, normal outflow of blood from the lower extremities is not ensured. As a result, it develops varicose veins veins

Varicose veins are primary when their occurrence is associated with birth defects. In this case, the disease is usually hereditary. The cause of varicose veins is the presence of underdeveloped venous valves, congenital flat feet, and defects in the muscular layer of the vein walls.

Most often, doctors believe that varicose veins develop due to hereditary predisposition body. The disease awakens when exposed to certain factors. As for psychosomatics, not all doctors agree that pathology can develop due to psychological reasons.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of evidence that all diseases develop from nerves, including varicose veins. To get rid of a disease, you must first learn to cope with emotions, get rid of old traumas and grievances.

Additionally use traditional methods drug treatment.

Psychosomatic causes of varicose veins

Many patients wonder why some people, even having bad heredity, do not suffer from varicose veins until old age, while others complain of heaviness and pain in their legs already in their old age. adolescence. There are all sorts of factors that influence health. But more often than not, a birth defect is aggravated by some psychological cause.

According to psychosomatic data. Varicose veins develop in the absence of freedom - both global and everyday. That is, the disease affects those who do not have the opportunity to live the way they want. Such people cannot achieve their goals, solve a difficult problem, live without rest, do not work in a job they love, and at the same time pay attention to the opinions of others.

That is, those who suffer from varicose veins are people who feel constrained and do not have the opportunity to make their dreams come true. And until this person learns to relax, relax, live freely and realize his dreams, the disease will not leave his body.

  1. The appearance of pain and heaviness in the legs is a symbolic factor. A person feels that it is hard for him to live, he has no strength to move, but he cannot throw away the burden, which is why he begins to suffer.
  2. Varicose veins usually affect people who are responsible, dependent, perfectionists, who tend to blame themselves for everything, and who also strive to do everything perfectly.
  3. When the concept of “should” and “must” comes first to a person, he automatically falls into the risk zone.

There is a psychosomatic point of view that such people have narrow boundaries job responsibilities, and the debt expands as much as possible. Life, getting married, working, having children happens only because it is necessary. And since strength is running out and time is sorely lacking, one has to give up one’s cherished desires. As a result, dreams become illusory and unattainable.

Patients with varicose veins usually do not know how to enjoy life’s moments; they live according to the rules and orders of strangers. Such people also don’t know how to rest; if they slack once, then they reproach themselves for a long time for showing laziness or weakness.

To be useful to others, they work without breaks, which is why they quickly wear out and accumulate chronic fatigue.

It is this feeling that manifests itself in evening time in the form of pain and heaviness in the legs.

Psychological factors of varicose veins

As you know, any disease is a consequence. To understand what provokes the development of varicose veins, it is worth understanding the psychological causes. vascular pathology. This will allow you to understand what measures to take for healing, and how to prevent the disease from returning.

The cause of varicose veins is psychosomatics, as Louise Hay notes in her works. In her opinion, the disease begins to occur when a person is long time in a hateful situation. In this case, the condition is accompanied by a loss of strength, discouragement, and a feeling that the person has overworked and used his last strength.

To heal, Louise Hay suggests loving life as it is, learning to feel freedom and easily succumb to the flow, enjoying every moment and feeling right.

  • According to Liz Bubo, people suffering from varicose veins want to be free, have a lot of time, but do not know what to do for this. They are physically and emotionally overexerted and take the assigned tasks seriously, which is why they consider them overwhelming. During work, such a person does not experience joy; he tries to force himself to accept an unpleasant situation and live with it.
  • The heavier varicose veins, the more problematic the perceived life. All worries and overloads go to the legs, which causes pain in the evening lower limbs. To get rid of this burden, it is recommended to abandon the concept of “should”, give the body the opportunity to relax and rest, and you don’t need to blame yourself for it. It is worth mentally listening to yourself, your heart and desires.
  • To find out the cause of the illness, you need to answer simple questions: “How can I describe what I feel now?”, “What can I not do because of the illness?”, “If my dreams came true, what would my life be like? “, “If I allow myself to fulfill my desire, what terrible or unacceptable thing will happen in my life?”
  • The answers received will allow you to correctly assess the situation, identify blocked desires, determine the reason that does not allow self-realization, creates physical problem and results in illness.

Varicose veins, according to Sinelnikov, develop in people who feel overloaded and overwhelmed. Most often, such patients chose the wrong direction in life. The professor recommends assessing how much your current profession reveals creative potential or, conversely, hinders development.

Any activity should not only bring money, but also provide an opportunity to create, enjoy, and improve oneself. When a person is in a hateful environment for a long time, be it related to work or family life, the veins dilate and the legs become heavier. Also associated with a feeling of fear about the future, which prevents easy and free movement forward.

According to Guru Ar Santem, out of anger at life, destructive negative energy is generated. When a person suppresses it and accumulates inside himself, anger tries to come out through channels that go to the feet.

With prolonged dissatisfaction, the body cannot cope with negative energy, this is reflected in the tissues of the legs, as a result, the veins begin to dilate.

How to get rid of the disease

Helps cleanse the body of toxins and negative energy therapeutic diet. To reconsider your attitude to life, it is better to contact a psychologist who will help you find out the cause of the disorder and suggest ways to solve the problem.

It is important to learn to relax and give yourself joy. They start with 10-minute breaks and teach the body to relax regularly. You also need to put aside the idea that a person always owes something to someone. If this does not concern the family and dear people, it's better to spend time on yourself.

Psychosomatic teachings interpret in their own way the causes of various diseases person, given emotional condition person, fears, stress, internal disagreement with oneself. Psychosomatics of varicose veins will allow you to identify the provocateurs of the disease and find the right solution to get out of the problem situation.

Causes of varicose veins from a psychosomatic point of view

Doctors say that the cause of many diseases is negative psychological reaction, which provokes disruptions in the functioning of any system of the body, the same applies to the manifestations of the disease - varicose veins.

The causes of psychosomatic disorders are:

  • Psychological trauma, frequent worries, fear, hatred, anger;
  • Internal motivational conflict (dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s actions, etc.);
  • The conflict of motives that causes depressive state patient.

A stress factor triggers negative emotions that suppress a person on a psychological level, causing various kinds of diseases. Legs are movement, stability, support; if such factors are absent, there is no joy in life, there is no desire to move forward - localized dilation of veins (varicose veins) appears.


If a person goes to a job he doesn’t like, communicates with hated people, simply does not want to leave the house, then the legs become heavy, the veins swell. This situation can become serious for a person and lead to disability, even complete immobilization.

Varicose veins are a symptom of loneliness: a person has forgotten about his true purpose, has stopped developing, for him life is a prison where there is no hope and freedom. Such psychological problems affect the somatic system - there is stagnation of blood in the veins, lipid metabolism disorders, and the formation of blood clots.

Statements by famous psychologists

Psychosomatic medicine studies the influence of certain psychofactors that cause bodily diseases. A harmonious person does not get sick, and if some health problems arise, they are quickly resolved.

Liz Burbo

Varicose veins of the legs, according to the reference book by Lisa Burbo, is a person’s lack of freedom, the desire to move forward, develop, improve, there is no motivation to achieve goals, or solve complex life problems.

The psychological causes of varicose veins in men and women are caused by stiffness in the arms and legs, systemic dissatisfaction with life, and until a person leaves the usual framework, varicose veins will not recede.

Liz Burbo focuses on the severity of the signs of the disease - the stronger the degree of damage to the veins, the harder a person perceives his life. The main step on the path to recovery is awareness of your problem and the desire to break out of the vicious circle.

Louise Hay

According to the American psychologist Louise Hay, the psychosomatics of varicose veins is a problem of insecure individuals, with a lot of fears and reluctance to change the current situation.

Varicose veins indicate that man walking not on your own way, this is the first signal that you urgently need to change something in your life (work, home, family). In this case, Louise suggests replacing the usual uncertainty with a positive attitude:

  • I live in joy;
  • I move forward easily;
  • I enjoy life;
  • I easily solve life situations.

Yes, it is difficult to change your character and lifestyle in one day, but by regularly reciting “mantras”, you can gradually put your body on the right track. You just have to love yourself and allow yourself to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Valery Sinelnikov

The psychologist in his author’s book “Love Your Illness” states that varicose veins affect people who experience feelings of guilt, dissatisfaction, lack of self-confidence, the world is small for them, everything around does not bring joy, it crushes them from the inside. And the reason for everything is the wrong chosen path in life.

V.V. Sinelnikov calls to reconsider his earthly existence, profession, family relationships. Sometimes you shouldn’t give up what you have, but it’s better to change your behavior tactics, direct positive energy to the task at hand, and get rid of the fear of the unknown.


It is important to set your priorities correctly - these are not material values, but spiritual principles, love for the Lord, and doing good deeds. The Universe can give everything, the main thing is to ask it correctly!

Healing is a sinful awakening, the ability to forgive and live in harmony with oneself. This is the key to getting rid of not only varicose veins, but also many other disorders in the human body.

Oleg Torsunov

According to Torsunov's theory psychosomatic reasons varicose veins consist of a person constantly being in tension, tone, incorrect expectations of the future, the inability to relax and enjoy what is happening.

If a person is too fixated on some goal, then a constant pressure, which does not allow the coordination of other tasks and wishes of the individual. That's why it's important to let go of your dreams and learn to enjoy every minute you live. This is the only way to stop clinical manifestations varicose veins, improve the elasticity of veins and strengthen blood vessels.


Varicose veins from the esoteric point of view of Ayurveda is the suppression of anger, dissatisfaction within oneself, when from rage the blood stops in the veins, thickens, provoking thrombophlebitis and thrombosis.


Varicose veins are a long-term “carrying” of negativity within oneself, anger transfers to the legs and is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. It is enough to pay attention to the varicose pattern to notice that it is billowing black smoke emanating from within.

It is necessary to find the cause of this anger, forgive yourself and those around you, direct your thoughts in a positive direction, learn to love and forgive, without harboring resentment and disappointment in your soul. A person himself is capable of healing himself and destroying his life.

Psychological portrait of the patient

At risk of developing a disease such as varicose veins are people who are accustomed to carrying everything on themselves, “dray horses” who tend to blame themselves for all failures, striving to complete any assignment perfectly. A person himself creates the framework of his job responsibilities, and he has the right to fulfill his cherished dreams and desires, without abandoning them due to lack of time and energy.

The causes of varicose veins are fear of the present and future, lack of lightness and freedom. It's enough to let go negative thoughts, program yourself to be positive - how the blood in the veins will begin to boil and the disease will certainly recede.

Varicose veins mean dilation of superficial veins, which is accompanied by impaired blood flow and malfunction of the venous valves. With varicose veins, veins significantly increase in size, change their shape, and their elasticity decreases. Typically, disorders occur in the veins of the lower extremities.

Varicose veins – dangerous disease which can cause blood clots. In case of serious malnutrition of the skin, patients experience trophic ulcers.

The main causes of varicose veins are represented by impaired blood circulation, constipation, insufficient physical activity, improper treatment, smoking (read), wearing tight shoes for a long time. Quite often the cause of varicose veins is pregnancy: high blood pressure in the pelvic area, it slows down the movement of blood to the heart and lower extremities, causing problems with blood flow in the veins.

We analyze the psychological causes of varicose veins

As already mentioned, varicose veins are a disease, the manifestations of which are enlarged veins and reduced elasticity of the venous walls. When exploring the metaphysical causes of varicose veins, it should be noted that they are very understandable from a logical point of view.

Typically, people suffering from vein problems (especially in the lower extremities) take on high responsibilities for a long time and perform too many duties. It is difficult for them to cope with their affairs, so the pressure on them is constantly increasing; under this pressure the superficial veins expand.

Coping with varicose veins is quite difficult, since the metaphysical causes of varicose veins reflect main feature character of a person - his high responsibility. Forcing a person to relate to things more simply, to throw off at least part of his responsibilities is very problematic, because the patient will definitely show resistance.

The existing metaphysics of varicose veins is based on the inadequate thinking of people with varicose veins. The first thing they need to change in their minds is to convince themselves that they are not alone in this world and can share their responsibilities with others. The second important action is to realize that all problems in life are a passing phenomenon that should be treated more calmly.

To eliminate the psychological causes of varicose veins, a person suffering from this disease must stop forcing himself to do things that are unpleasant to him. If varicose veins appear in the legs, this is direct evidence that you are going in the wrong direction and are not living according to your destiny.

A person with varicose veins must learn to relax, rest, and forget about problems for a while. Otherwise, the disease will not recede, but will continue to progress.

To quickly eliminate the causes of varicose veins, it is recommended to repeat motivating daily get well soon phrases:

  • "I have balanced life which I enjoy."
  • “I know how to rest well.”
  • “I am calm, I quickly solve all my problems.”
  • “I live in accordance with my purpose, so it’s always easy for me.”

Emotional state, character traits, stress influence the appearance various pathologies in organism. Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that studies the psychological nature of bodily (somatic) diseases. Today we will look at the psychosomatics of varicose veins.

Varicose veins, psychosomatics of the disease

Louise Hay in her books “Heal Yourself” and “How to Heal Your Life” names the following causes of varicose veins:

  • long stay in a situation you hate;
  • disapproval of something;
  • feeling overloaded with work;
  • inability to relax and feeling guilty when receiving pleasure;
  • fear of the future;
  • increased anxiety.

If a person is not confident in his abilities, tries to suppress negative thoughts, is dissatisfied with work that is a burden to him, then all this forms stagnation, increases blood pressure and results in varicose veins. Legs in psychosomatics symbolize forward movement. Leg problems mean a reluctance to move. Legs also mean stability, firmness, which means if the disease concerns the legs. Then a person is worried about his position in society, his work, career, status in society.

Psychosomatics moves from the general to the specific. Varicose veins are not just a disease of the legs - it is a pathology of the veins, and veins are transport, highways that bring joy to life. Veins correspond to masculine, therefore, the disease more often manifests itself in women in whom this onset is not expressed. Women consider themselves “crushed” by everyday life, unfulfilled, deprived of joy in life. If these emotions are conscious, but “suppressed”, then they will look for a way out, which can result in trophic ulcers “gate”, through which negative emotions spill out.

Inflammatory processes occurring in the walls of veins with varicose veins appear in connection with anger at economic instability on the part of the husband, the man.

Varicose veins in men indicate that he is worried about his problems with family budget, considers himself obligated to create economic stability in the family.

It is also important where the dilation of the veins is localized. On right leg– what worries you is related to external, social conditions. On the left leg - with internal, personal experiences. Localization on the front surface of the leg - anxiety for the future, on the back - experiences associated with the past, etc.

Liz Burbo focuses on the severity of symptoms - the stronger the heaviness in the legs, the more difficult a person perceives his life. V. Sinelnikov claims that varicose veins are a punishment for those who have chosen the wrong path in life.

Of course, not every person has problems and an unloved job that will cause varicose veins. This requires certain factors that provoke the disease:

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  • genetic predisposition to pathology;
  • long-term influence of stress factors;
  • psychological characteristics, a tendency to exaggerate the significance of troubles;
  • character;
  • temperament;
  • rigidity (inflexibility) of thinking;
  • infantilism;
  • social problems.

The term “psychosomatics” was first used in 1818. Since then, science, developing at the intersection of medicine, has been enriched with new knowledge and from the category of metaphysical has become completely scientifically - psychosomatically justified.

Treatment of varicose veins from a psychosomatic perspective

The main step towards recovery is awareness and clear formulation of the problem.. After a person has understood the reasons that led to the pathology, it is necessary to change, change his views on the problem, on life, and change his emotional response. This is probably the most difficult thing, since it is easier for a person to persist in his beliefs, which indicates rigidity, than to try to detach himself from assessing whether this problem is so important?

If you are not happy with your job, maybe you should change it? Chronic diseases, which include varicose veins, are treated only when they work with the “head”, that is, in the literal sense - you need to change your thoughts.

Louise Hay, realizing that it is difficult to change your character and temperament in one day, suggests reciting unique “mantras” - affirmations that will gradually adjust the body in accordance with the desired state. For example, with varicose veins it can be:

  • " I'm happy. I look to the future with confidence.”
  • “I am excited to run towards a bright future”
  • “My path lies only forward and along it I move easily and joyfully,” etc.

S. Lazarev writes in his book “Diagnostics of Karma” that diseases of the human body are due to the lack of Love in the soul. I would like to add - and not least - love for myself. It is worth loving yourself, allowing yourself to enjoy life, dreaming and striving for a dream without violence against yourself, without tension, and varicose veins, and with it many other diseases, will recede.