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Treatment of advanced trophic ulcers on the legs. Trophic purulent ulcer: treatment with folk remedies. Traditional treatment of ulcers

Trophic ulcers are open wounds that do not heal for 6 weeks or more. It is very difficult to cure. Formed as a consequence as a result venous insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, bedsores, varicose veins lower limbs. They are most often located in the lower leg area. Incorrect therapy can provoke a purulent process. The ulcer spreads beyond the lesion, affecting tissue, fiber, and bones. Treatment of the problem must have an integrated approach. It is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the skin disorder.

Application natural remedies promotes wound healing. For a long time, recipes have been collected and passed down from generation to generation. Before using alternative medicine, consult your doctor.

Using traditional methods

  • Recipe No. 1. An ointment containing honey and egg white. Mix the components in a ratio of 1 to 1, apply to the affected area, varicose veins does not harm veins. Place a burdock leaf on top and tie with a bandage. Should be worn during the day or at night. We carry out the procedure 10 times. The result will not be long in coming. After a week, pink sores remain, covered with a crust. They pass on their own.

At severe itching and suppuration, sea buckthorn oil is very effective

  • Recipe No. 2. Traditional treatment trophic ulcers using yolks. Based chicken product preparing the ointment. Take fresh chicken yolk and add a 5% iodine solution. Mix thoroughly until smooth. We get a liquid mass of a brownish tint. Using a teaspoon, apply to the affected area of ​​skin, cover with a napkin, and apply a bandage. We change every 11 hours. The product should be applied carefully, without affecting healthy areas of the skin. The advantage of the method is that it does not leave scars and ensures complete healing.
  • Recipe No. 3. Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is carried out with blue clay. We take the powder, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Dilute to the consistency of sour cream, apply to the wound, and after drying, wash with soapy water from laundry soap. It is possible to cure the disease in 7-8 procedures. Preparing the solution is not difficult.
  • Recipe No. 4. Treatment can be carried out with ash. It is poured with boiling water, infused, after two hours the resulting liquid is poured into the wounds, cleaned with a swab dipped in a calendula solution. After drying, treatment with streptocide powder is recommended.
  • Recipe No. 5. Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat leg ulcers. It is enough to spread the surface, cover with a cabbage leaf or a napkin, and leave while you sleep. The next day we change the bandage. Heals wounds within a week.

To prepare the dressing, mix honey and egg white in a 1:1 ratio.

Compresses made from natural ingredients

Useful substances are contained in decoctions of calendula, yarrow, golden mustache, celandine, and rhubarb. These herbs are rich unique substances, capable of healing wounds in a short time.

  • Recipe No. 1. It is possible to cure the disease with the help of celandine juice. Fresh grass is used during the flowering period, and dry preparations for decoctions. You can find the plant in almost any garden, the main condition being a shady area. The herb contains more than 25 toxic substances who kill pathogenic bacteria. It has bactericidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Used to treat cancerous tumors. A decoction of celandine is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of herb in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then wipe the affected areas every hour. Juice is used. During the flowering period, the plant secretes yellowish juice; it is recommended to lubricate the surface of the wound. Over time, it becomes a crust, which falls off on its own.
  • Recipe No. 2. Rhubarb root is an effective herb for home therapy. Contains tannins that promote wound healing. Has a blood thinning effect. Grind the root into powder, use a coffee grinder or blender. Cover the wound and apply a bandage. After a few days, the result will not be long in coming.

Golden mustache against trophic ulcers

  • Recipe No. 3. Golden mustache. A unique plant that has a positive effect on the affected area. Fights bacteria and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The leaves are crushed with a mortar and the juice is released. The mixture is applied to the wound and a gauze bandage is applied on top. They endure as long as they have the strength to endure the pain. After removing it, apply the next one after 5-6 hours.
  • Recipe No. 4. Grandma’s folk methods will tell you how to treat a trophic ulcer at home. Aloe leaves. Helps heal wounds and relieve inflammation. We wash the wound with peroxide, cut a leaf of the plant, soak it in a manganese solution and cover the wound. Apply a bandage and leave for a day. We change the compress every day. We carry out therapy for 7 days. The wounds should heal.
  • Recipe No. 5. Home treatment involves using alcohol tinctures. For example, you can make it from calendula. Pour a tablespoon of flowers into a glass of vodka, infuse, moisten the swab, and apply to the wound. We make lotions throughout the week.
  • Recipe No. 6. Tomatoes will help cure the disease. It is recommended to use fresh, not overripe ones. We cut the vegetable, apply it to the affected area, and bandage it. It is recommended to wear the compress for 24 hours and change the bandages daily. The disadvantage is the duration of treatment. It will take about two months to fully recover.

Aloe is an effective treatment for trophic ulcers

Traditional methods described on forums and in magazines will tell you how to cure skin damage. Remember, before using the products, consult a doctor. Depending on your case, he will select the necessary therapy.

You can decide how to treat the disease yourself. The main thing is to remember the recommendations that must be followed if you choose traditional methods:

  • Disinfection. Doctors recommend treating wounds, the surrounding surface of the skin, and the distance between the fingers. Special solutions prevent the spread of infection to surrounding tissues.
  • Application of the product. Drugs are divided into two categories. The first is applied exclusively to the affected area, and the second to the surrounding tissues. Before use, decide where the product is allowed to be applied to determine whether it will damage the skin.
  • Timely change of dressings. It is recommended to change it once a day or every other day, depending on the degree of moisture in the dressing.

Traditional methods and remedies allow you to cope with the disease without harming the body. The disadvantage is the length of the treatment period. Conservative therapy acts more actively. The advantage of folk remedies is that they can be used during pregnancy, natural ingredients do not harm the baby, and the methods are not expensive. Should be abandoned poisonous agents. In any case, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Patient reviews on medical forums will recommend how to treat a trophic ulcer at home.

Trophic ulcer applies extremely dangerous looking a pathological condition in which there are many different defects on the skin, in the form of open wounds that are difficult to treat and remain open almost all the time. The main problem posed by this type disease, manifests itself in local lesions blood vessels accompanied by disruption of the circulatory system. Processes are particularly dangerous inflammatory in nature, which affect not only the skin, but also contact soft fabrics, gradually moving further, deeper.

Trophic ulcers are not independent disease, this pathology manifests itself against the background of failures in the cell nutrition system, the process of which in medicine is called trophism, which gave the name to the disease. Problems with cellular nutrition can cause various diseases as residual complications. This is the main reason, which manifests itself in the further destruction of cell nutrition processes, which are accompanied by a failure of the metabolic system in the body. Not only the process of blood circulation depends on the duration of stagnation of the venous system, but also the possibility of “acquiring” other diseases, in the list of which one of the leaders is a trophic ulcer.

During the process of growth, the disease can affect large areas of the skin, soft tissues, and nerve endings, disrupting lymph circulation and exposing them to destruction of various types of inflammation.

Signs of a trophic ulcer

The danger of the disease is that the symptoms that help diagnose the disease appear suddenly. Still, there are signs in the form of swelling, heaviness and pain in the extremities, against the background of which symptoms arise, which determine the onset of development of a trophic ulcer. The list of signs that indicate the possibility of the onset of the development of a trophic ulcer includes the main ones:

  • External changes in the skin: rough areas with a glossy surface appear.
  • Cramps that occur during sleep.
  • The presence of purple spots that can reunite during growth.
  • The appearance of the epidermis, which is accompanied by pain.
  • Heat and burning in areas of the skin.

The listed signs appear in the area where the veins are located, on the inside of the lower leg. This is due to the fact that the development of the disease begins precisely from the areas where the veins are located, where it manifests itself in the form of the formation of small ulcers. The shape of the ulcer resembles a volcano crater, with torn edges along the entire roundness, with possible suppuration at the ends, as a result of inflammatory processes. The damage to the arteries, namely they are primarily exposed to inflammatory processes and destruction of integrity, is determined by the following signs:

  • The appearance of small ulcers on the toes.
  • Paleness of the epidermis.

Ulcers of a neurotrophic nature resemble bedsores in appearance, which have a rounded shape. Their location is most often the heel area or the sole of the foot. Inflammatory processes are sluggish and do not cause any particular pain. Autoimmune lesions are expressed in a symmetrical location on both limbs; in diabetes mellitus, ulcers appear on the heel and one of the toes.

For of this type The pathology is characterized by the main signs: discharge of pus from the affected areas, or ichor.

Why do trophic ulcers appear on the legs?

Trophic ulcer refers to diseases that do not appear suddenly; pathological changes occur under the influence of many factors, but experts identify two of the main ones:

  • Pathological phenomena affecting the quality of blood supply to the legs and innervation of areas of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue that are affected.
  • A consequence of previous injuries that enhanced the effect of defectiveness.

Concomitant factors that can enhance the development of the disease include various manifestations of a pathological nature and changes that occurred against the background of complications of previously suffered diseases.

  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and other vein diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Arterial atherosclerosis.
  • Frostbite and burns (including thermal) of the lower extremities.
  • Vasculitis (autoimmune diseases).
  • Structural destruction of nerve trunks.
  • The presence of arsenic or chlorine in the body.
  • Dermatitis of various types.

And yet, experts say that it is the stagnation of blood in small veins, as a consequence of complications caused by varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, that is the main cause of the appearance of trophic ulcers on the legs. Damage to the arteries and loss of capillary tone create a lack of oxygen and disrupt the rhythm of tissue nutrition, which leads to pathological changes.

Trophic ulcers: stages

A trophic ulcer in its development is divided into 4 stages, which differ both in symptoms and treatment methods. Clarity of development of stages and predictability of further development of the disease, distinguishing feature this kind of pathological formations.

An important point A trophic ulcer has a stage that in fact is not yet the disease itself, but a so-called “pre-ulcerative” situation, when the symptoms indicate imminent changes for the worse, but the possibility of preventing the development of the disease is not excluded.

Trophic ulcers on the legs: initial stage

The detection of induration, or the presence of thickening of the skin on the lower leg and calves, accompanied by itching or burning, as well as neoplasms in the form of swelling, indicates the presence of symptoms that suggest the development of the initial stage of the disease. Occasionally in similar cases dilation of the subcutaneous veins, which are located immediately under the skin, is observed. During this period, the disease manifests itself in a change in skin color, at times there is a feeling of chilliness, and night leg cramps.

The appearance of blue and purple spots on parts of the extremities indicates the further development of the initial stage of the disease, which ends with the formation of an ulcer. The initial stage can be considered completely completed after the scab in the central part of the ulcer is completely ready for destruction under the influence of purulent accumulations. The initial phase can last in different ways: from 1-2 days to several weeks; several factors can influence it simultaneously.

Second stage

Once the ulcer is fully formed, the disease enters the second stage of exudation, during which the formation of perifocal edema is observed, accompanied by an inflammatory process. In the center of the ulcer, tissue necrosis forms, that is, the presence of an ulcerative defect is already clearly visible. From the wound, ichor and tissue death products are released abundantly, accompanied by an unpleasant specific odor.

On at this stage development, when studying material characteristic features the second stage is the appearance of new colonies of microbes, which in itself is a fact of increased contamination of the entire defect. The growth of ulcers in the area of ​​lymphatic vessels leads to lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis and the manifestation of erysipelas. Timely use of medications helps prevent obliteration of lymphatic vessels, usually accompanied by swelling, most often on the feet, and which experts define as the onset of lymphedema. The end result of the development of the second stage is the inability to step on damaged defects and the appearance of new ulcers, and in total the period lasts from a month to a month and a half.


The third stage (granulation, or reparation) lasts about ½ month, sometimes the period lasts up to three weeks. The walls of the ulcer and the bottom are constantly renewed with new granules; necrosis can begin to be treated with the help of flies that eat dead tissue without affecting healthy cells, swelling gradually subsides, suppuration disappears. The serousness of scanty separation increases and the beginning of scarring of wounds is observed.

The last stage of a trophic ulcer

Epithelization of the ulcer is the most last stage a disease that occurs a month or later from the beginning of the process of tissue destruction, accompanied by the appearance of epithelium or scar.

How to treat a trophic ulcer with medications at home

Since a trophic ulcer does not disappear on its own, any delay in treatment of the disease end result can lead to amputation of limbs, and in the worst case, death. A trophic ulcer is not treated in one day or even a week; the process differs in its duration, which can drag on for an indefinite period.

Doctors do not deny the fact that the use of folk remedies to treat trophic ulcers at home is highly effective, and if all procedures are followed accurately, it allows not only to control the disease, but also to completely get rid of it. An important point is the fact that the patient has to participate in his healing in conditions that differ from an inpatient stay in a medical institution. Since a trophic ulcer is a type of disease that manifests itself against the background of other diseases and is inherently a complication that occurs due to impaired blood supply and cell nutrition, treatment methods may have significant differences in the use of folk remedies. Using alternative medicine, specialists require their patients to report on the actions taken in order to combine medications aimed at treating trophic ulcers.

How to treat trophic ulcers with varicose veins

First of all Special attention is given to drugs that belong to the category of antiseptics; it is them manufactured in the form of gels, ointments, in combination with antibiotics that localize inflammatory processes, suppress the proliferation of microbes, inhibit the process of spread and development of the disease.

Special attention is paid to the condition immune system, improving the ability to resist diseases by taking vitamins and foods that contain all essential microelements, for the normal functioning of the body. IN folk medicine There are a lot of recipes prepared on the basis of herbs, honey, and food products. Particular attention is paid to taking medications that not only reduce the development of trophic ulcers, but also simultaneously resist varicose formations:

  • Fibrinolytics: reduces the formation of blood clots, the drug is usually prescribed in inpatient conditions, since there is a threat to provoke bleeding, but sometimes doctors, under the supervision of specialists, use medications of this type for treatment at home.
  • Anticoagulants. Reduce the risk of blood clots by thinning the blood.
  • Phlebotonics. The main objective of the drug is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, and improve blood circulation.

Along the way, antispasmodics, drugs that improve fat metabolism, and non-anti-inflammatory steroids are used.

How to treat a trophic ulcer in diabetes

Treatment is carried out in a complex, combining various drugs, promoting the healing of ulcers and resisting the development of the underlying disease.

  • Medicines for internal use: capsules, tablets.
  • External treatment of wounds with gels and antiseptic ointments.
  • Physiotherapy.

Most of the measures to control the development of the disease are given to external treatment of the affected limbs according to consultations, which are the basis for the treatment of trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus.

Home methods against trophic leg ulcers

The disease is extremely difficult to cure, so patients who suffer from this disease devote a lot of time to treating the disease at home using both folk remedies and medications. There are often cases when the efforts of specialists to cure a disease medications do not give positive effects, but in combination with folk remedies things begin to improve, and the disease can be overcome, if not completely, then for the most part.

Diet for trophic ulcers on the legs

Of great importance in the development of trophic ulcers is the properly adjusted functioning of the metabolic system, which promotes the digestibility of food products from maximum benefit for the body to function. Food products for creating a special menu are selected depending on the situation observed in the patient; in the presence of diabetes mellitus, many of them are not recommended due to metabolic disorders.

When creating a menu, experts advise paying special attention to foods rich in vitamins and microelements, which strengthen the immune system and help stabilize the metabolic system. The list of vegetables and fruits that are recommended when prescribing diets includes:

  • Brockle.
  • White cabbage.
  • Black currant.
  • Nuts.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Citrus fruits (if you have diabetes, there is a restriction on the intake of these fruits).
  • Carrot.
  • Tomatoes.

As for food products, you should not neglect the use of egg yolks, seafood, honey, white poultry meat, milk, and garlic. Depending on the restrictions that may be prescribed by specialists, a menu is created together with nutritionists, which is followed for several weeks. The right combination of products can significantly improve general state sick.

Leeches for trophic ulcers

One of the features in the treatment of trophic ulcers is the maximum provision of rest to the patient, in which the minimum physical exercise on a limb. Under such conditions of compliance with the regime for the treatment of the disease, specialists can prescribe a course of procedures that relieve swelling, improve blood microcirculation, and remove tissue stagnation. One of the methods of this type of treatment is the use of leeches, which are applied to the areas affected by the disease.

Treatment sessions are carried out with the consent of specialists, who determine on the spot how many leeches are required for a single use. Usually 4-7 procedures are sufficient for a course of treatment, but sometimes their use is increased to 10-15, depending on the patient’s condition. Initially, procedures are prescribed every day, then every other day, and then depending on the need.

Compress for trophic ulcers

Therapeutic compresses are one of the types of drugs that are used to reduce the size of the defect, dry out wounds and localize inflammatory processes. There are a lot of recipes that are used for these purposes using both folk remedies and medications.

The list of products that are used to make compresses includes:

  • Garlic.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Wax.
  • Butter.
  • Spruce resin.
  • Healing herbs.
  • Plant ash.

And this is only a small part of the list. One of the most popular compress recipes used to treat open wounds is based on a recipe that has been used for several centuries:

  • 70 gr. wax.
  • 2 medium onions.
  • 20 gr. hot sulfur.
  • 15 gr. spruce resin.
  • 50 gr. butter

All ingredients are crushed to form an ointment, which is applied in the form of compresses 2-3 times a day, changing the dressings. It is better to use linen fabric or a sheet as a bandage white cabbage, which is tightly applied and secured to the affected areas.

Treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs with folk remedies

Non-traditional remedies that are popularly used to treat trophic ulcers are very effective in combating the disease. The methods by which people have learned to heal involve the use of herbal preparations and other ingredients used to make ointments, compresses and tinctures.

Some of the recipes have truly magical healing properties, but one of the main conditions that involves treatment with folk remedies is discouraging and agreeing on this technique with the attending physician. There are several different methods of treatment at home using folk remedies.

How to treat a trophic ulcer with ash

Charcoal and ash have long been used in the treatment of purulent and inflammatory processes; the healing properties of this substance have been used by humanity, according to historians, from the very beginning of the revival of folk healing. The most popular use of ash for treatment is skin diseases, including trophic eczema, is a product of combustion of birch or linden. The recipe for preparing the potion is very simple, but the effectiveness of healing is still amazing in its indicators: up to 80% of cases of complete healing of areas affected by the disease.

  • 500 gr. ash.
  • 5 l. boiling water

The ash must first be sifted and large particles separated, after which it is necessary to pour boiling water over the product. The mixture is infused until it cools to body temperature (37-38 degrees), after which the affected areas are wiped with gauze, or by immersing the limb in a vessel for half an hour. After drying naturally the procedure is repeated after 4 hours, but no more than twice a day. The product can also be used as a compress, applied to the affected areas for 1.5-2 hours, twice a day. It is advisable after a period of time, when it is noticed that the ash is drawing out suppuration, to treat the wound with an infusion of antiseptic.

How to make ointment for trophic ulcers

Traditional healers have learned to independently make ointments based on medications, and in terms of effectiveness, they are sometimes several times better at healing than the drugs used in treatment. traditional means. One example is formulation, which is based on mixing several ready-made drugs.

  • 1 t. Gentamicin ointment.
  • 1 t. Geoxyzone ointment.
  • 1 t. Methyluracil ointment.
  • 1 t. Sinaflan ointment.
  • Streptocide – 4 packages of 10 tablets each.
  • Vaseline – 100 gr.

The listed drugs in combination represent means with which suppuration and inflammation are treated separately, and also have a healing effect. All components are mixed in a sterilized glass container (jar) and stored in a dark place, but it should not be a refrigerator, until the mass darkens. The ointment is applied to the damaged areas in an even layer and secured gauze bandage. Places of suppuration are pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide and, after allowing time to dry, bandages are applied, changing them twice a day.

Wax for trophic ulcers

Wax is an excellent material for treating trophic ulcers using folk remedies. One of a dozen recipes used by traditional healers is as follows:

  • 20 gr. spruce resin.
  • 20 gr. butter.
  • 100 gr. olive oil.
  • 10 gr. beeswax.

All ingredients are heated and thoroughly mixed, after which the mass can be used as an ointment or compress for application. The recipe has been used for several decades, and its use was first noted in Art. AD, in Ancient Rome and China.

Hops for trophic ulcers

Hops are in their own way unique plant, but its use for the treatment of trophic ulcers must be agreed with specialists. A recipe using hops is in most cases used to treat skin defects caused by varicose veins.

  • Dry crushed hop cones – 2 tbsp. l.
  • 0.5 boiling water.

The plant is poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which it is allowed to brew for about half an hour. Next, after straining, take ½ cup of the infusion orally, half an hour before meals, three times a day.

Resin for trophic ulcers

Spruce and pine resin is often used as an ingredient for the preparation of ointments, as a remedy for the treatment of trophic ulcers. You will need resin, lard and wax, everything is taken in equal proportions, melted and mixed. The product, which has cooled naturally, is applied to the affected areas, having previously washed off the areas of suppuration with hydrogen peroxide.

Aloe for trophic ulcers

Aloe is on the list of drugs used to treat trophic ulcers. Since the plant has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also promotes the resorption of scars, its juice is moistened in the affected areas and allowed to be absorbed into the wounds.

Other herbs for trophic ulcers

Many patients who have developed trophic ulcers owe their healing to representatives of the green pharmacy. With their help, they got rid of a serious and intractable illness. The list of herbs and other plants is very large, but we can highlight the main, most popular of them, and those that, without any doubt, have healing properties in the treatment of trophic ulcers:

  • Burdock (root).
  • Kalanchoe.
  • Plantain.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Licorice glabra (root).
  • Marsh dry grass.
  • Sweet clover.
  • Toadflax.
  • Coriander.
  • Regular chamomile.
  • Horsetail.
  • St. John's wort.
  • The sequence is tripartite.

List of herbs that have various properties, but in combination or individually helping to heal from damage to the extremities by a trophic ulcer, you can continue. Nature has made sure that a person, with the wise use of its resources, can be cured of ailments without the use of medications.

With various ailments of the legs, special non-healing wounds may appear - so-called trophic ulcers on the leg, treatment of which on your own at home is quite effective. Recovery is a very difficult and long process that includes a number of methods and activities.

Trophic ulcers are open wounds different sizes, located in the area of ​​​​the feet and legs. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in circulatory disorders, as well as problems with blood vessels.

Treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg with folk remedies consists of a local effect on the affected area of ​​the skin and trophism, and in eliminating the causes of the development of this pathology. With absence proper therapy the process of suppuration begins, in which inflammation spreads to the joints, muscles and tendons.

There are many different reasons why trophic wounds appear. Usually the disease is provoked by some pathological processes, which affect blood circulation, as well as damage at the site where the weeping wound will actively develop in the future. Of the many reasons that can cause such wounds.


  • Complications of vein diseases, for example, varicose veins, or thrombophlebitis - the most common reason the appearance of the disease.
  • Hypothermia and burns.
  • Various complications on the legs with diabetes - the most difficult case manifestations of the disease.
  • Autoimmune connective tissue diseases.
  • Any injuries to the nerve trunks.
  • – lymphostasis of chronic or acute type.
  • Metabolic disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Trophic ulcers on the legs do not develop just like that, out of nowhere. There are certain signs that necessarily precede them.

Here are the symptoms of trophic ulcers on the legs:

  • Swelling.
  • Leg pain.
  • Heaviness in the lower leg.
  • Burning and itching of the skin.
  • Coarsening of the skin.
  • Visual changes in the skin - they tighten, become more glossy, and purple spots appear on them.

(Video: symptoms of trophic leg ulcers and treatment)

Treatment of the disease

General information

How to treat a trophic ulcer? How to cure? What to treat and why?

For the described illness, there are two different directions for treating trophic ulcers: general and local effects.

General therapy is needed to normalize blood circulation, as well as localize the underlying disease. Local treatment trophic ulcers of the lower extremities is necessary for the immediate elimination of wounds on the leg at home.

In the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to treat trophic ulcers on the legs at home, without surgical intervention. The main principles of conservative therapy:

  • Suppression of bacterial or.
  • Removal of skin areas with tissue necrosis.
  • Regeneration of diseased skin areas.

Is it possible to wet a trophic ulcer? The patient is prescribed bed rest, as well as foot hygiene.

To reduce the risk of infection, bandages with a special solution are applied to the wound. For regeneration and disinfection of the affected area, they are used medicinal ointments for the treatment of trophic ulcers and gels. Any drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Surgical intervention

The most effective method of treating a trophic ulcer on the leg, if antibiotics do not help, is surgery. True, this method does not guarantee the complete absence of relapses from trophic ulcers, just like antibiotics. In case of trophic ulcers and surgery, the diseased areas are removed and eliminated main reason illness.

Currently, there are several surgical methods:

  • Vacuum therapy, which allows you to quickly remove pus, reduce swelling, and also create a moist environment in the wound, which will prevent bacteria from growing.
  • Catheterization – suitable for wounds that do not heal for a long time.
  • Percutaneous stitching is well suited for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities and the treatment of so-called hypertensive ulcers. The method disconnects venous-arterial fistulas.
  • Virtual amputation. The metatarsophalangeal joint is cut off and metatarsal, however, the anatomical integrity of the foot is not violated - but foci of bone infection are completely removed. This allows you to fight neurotrophic disease.

Treatment at home


Drug treatment of the disease can also be carried out at home with medications, subject to certain rules:

  • A diet that involves limiting the number of carbohydrates consumed and increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Frequent rest.
  • Performing exercises that improve metabolic processes.
  • Wearing a special orthopedic shoes with a high-quality sole to prevent tissue injury.


Treatment of purulent diseases on the leg at home involves taking medications that improve the blood circulation process and also eliminate the cause of development:

  • Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid tablet): the drug has antiplatelet properties (blocks the processes of platelet aggregation and adhesion).
  • Venotonic drugs: used for the development of varicose ulcers.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antihistamines.

Local treatment for ulcers is aimed at cleansing the wound of dead skin and eliminating pathogenic microbes:

  • Washing the wound with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, furatsilin).
  • Applying dressings using a medicinal gel (or using ointments): dioxykol, levomikol, streptolaven.

When ulceratively treating a diseased area of ​​skin with antiseptic solutions, non-viable tissue areas must be removed as much as possible. Then apply a bandage. The dressing must be done once every three days. More frequent processing can cause tissue injury.

Ulcerative defects heal after two weeks of regular treatment of a trophic ulcer on the leg with varicose veins. However, treatment and dressings should be done until the wounds are completely healed.

Folk remedies

Treatment with laundry soap

The ulcerative lesion must be washed and lubricated with dark laundry soap. Such treatment with folk remedies is accompanied by wearing compression stockings or knee socks, which are intended for patients with varicose veins in the legs.

A noticeable improvement occurs within a week; after five weeks, complete healing can be expected. Thus, you can even cure a trophic ulcer on the leg with soap.

(trophic ulcer on the leg - treatment at home)

Oil treatment

For this recipe, fry the onions in olive oil until golden brown. The cooled oil is well filtered through gauze into any sterile container and used for applications in the morning and evening, applied to the wound.

The crust that appears on the surface of the wound does not need to be torn off. Gradually, the ulcer will clear of pus; it should not be wetted.

A tingling sensation indicates that the healing process has begun. Regular use of this recipe will lead to very rapid scarring of the wound.

Folk recipe

Apply a paste of the following ingredients to the wound:

  • Economic dark soap, grated on fine grater– 100 g.
  • Water – 100 g.
  • Finely chopped onion – 100 g.
  • Millet cereal – 100 g.
  • Old lard – 100 g.

All components are mixed until a special homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to the wound in the morning and evening and hold until the strong burning sensation can be tolerated. Effective for already old wounds, in particular in patients with diabetes mellitus (diabetes).


For trophic ulcers on the leg, home treatment helps well with applications of sterile napkins for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs, which are soaked in Novocain and Chlorophyllipt. The napkins must be changed every day, secured with a mesh on top, and special compression stockings must be worn.

The wound will heal if a small crust appears on it. After two months, the wound will heal. There will be no trace left at the site of the moistened ulcer other than a dark spot.

Hydrogen peroxide

You need to drip peroxide onto the wound, then sprinkle the area with streptocide. Place a napkin pre-moistened in 50 ml on top boiled water. Add two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water. After this, cover the compress with a bag and tie it with a scarf.

Change the compress a couple of times a day. Add streptocide if the wound becomes moist.

Sponge Meturacol

Sponge Meturacol domestic production is a combination of methyluracil and collagen, which is white plates with a finely porous surface. Collagen is produced from the drumsticks of large cattle. The sponge has a specific smell.

This sponge is very easy to use. It must be applied to the wound so that the edges extend beyond the affected area by 1-1.5 cm. Before this, the wound is cleaned of necrotic tissue with an antiseptic solution.

The sponge should fit tightly to the surface of the skin. It is fixed with a special bandage for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs. The application is replaced every two to three days, if necessary, that is, if the drug is completely absorbed.

Wet areas of the sponge should be replaced with fresh strips. If Meturacol has not dissolved and there are no wet areas, then the sponge is left until the tissue granulation is complete.


Success in preventing the development of trophic ulcers depends on the effectiveness of treatment of the disease that causes them. To general preventive measures include the following:

  • Moderate physical activity as well as regular classes physical therapy and injections.
  • Avoiding overheating and hypothermia.
  • Preventing injuries.
  • Diet.
  • Monitoring blood sugar levels (diabetes treatment).
  • Quitting smoking and alcohol.
  • Use of compression garments, you can use an elastic bandage (trophic ulcers for varicose veins).
  • Smart choice of shoes.


Treatment with folk remedies is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. Recovery occurs only with constant treatment of diseased areas of the skin, compliance with correct mode nutrition, healthy lifestyle.

The folk remedies used must be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication may well lead to the development of all sorts of complications.

Healed wet leg ulcers heal. Scars also need to be treated, trophic ulcers, to reduce the risk of relapses. As a special preventive measure, they can be treated natural oils(St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula).

Long-term stress on the legs and walking very long distances can provoke the re-development of the disease.

Treatment at home for leg ulcers is advisable only at the initial stage of the disease, and with an integrated approach to the problem. In very severe cases, full surgical intervention is required. With timely and correct therapy, the patient's complete recovery is possible.

Pathological processes that lead to the formation of ulcerative defects have many causes. Doctors who promise a quick cure are more likely to cure the symptom, but do not remove the source of the problem. Trophic ulcers are localized in most diagnostic episodes on the lower extremities (in some cases on the arms) and are skin lesions that do not heal for more than 6 weeks.

What is a trophic ulcer

At its core, it is a trophic ulcerative lesion, which is accompanied by a violation of the upper layer of skin and tissue with damage to the vessels located under it (it is not contagious, except infectious diseases). Such manifestations are often localized on the legs, since they bear the maximum load in everyday life. In addition, ulcers are located on any part of the body where tissue microcirculation is impaired. They look like an ulcerated spot surrounded by skin defects, from which pus, lymph and blood are secreted.


It is difficult to notice the formation of an ulcer, because at the beginning of its development it is no different from a banal bruise. Patients often turn to specialists when a full-fledged surgical intervention is already required to eliminate damaged areas of tissue. If the patient knows that his disease can lead to the formation of such ulcers, then he should carefully monitor the condition of his skin. Signs of ulcerative manifestations and their initial stages of development (using the legs as an example, but all points apply to any part of the body):

  • regular severe swelling lower extremities;
  • severe periodic cramps in the calves (usually at night);
  • burning and itching in certain areas;
  • feeling of heat in the legs;
  • increased sensitivity skin to contact;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • discharge on the surface, similar to sweat.


A trophic ulcer is a symptom of a dangerous disease, and not an independent problem. If you treat only a skin problem, then after a while it will appear again (or the treatment will be unsuccessful). When diagnosing vascular surgeon he will definitely refer the patient for a full examination to identify the cause of the ulcerative lesion. What can cause trophic ulcers on the legs:

  • wounds of any type that were not properly treated;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • bedsores;
  • complication of varicose veins;
  • chronic vascular diseases;
  • chemical contact exposure;
  • radiation or radiation exposure;
  • constantly wearing inappropriate shoes;
  • complications of diabetes;
  • purulent infections
  • insufficient blood flow in the veins and arteries;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • weakened immunity, including AIDS;
  • chronic arterial hypertension;
  • sudden weight gain (occurs in bodybuilders who actively build muscle);
  • syphilis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brain and spinal cord injuries.


Trophic peptic ulcer Depending on the location and cause, it can have a different etiology, so accurate diagnosis of the original disease is important. Ulcers begin to form in different levels tissues, their varieties are also classified based on their formation and structure. There are six main types of ulcers:

  1. Arterial (atherosclerotic). Formed due to shear ischemia of the soft tissues of the leg (violation arterial circulation). The initial appearance is provoked by constant or severe one-time hypothermia, uncomfortable shoes, and skin breakdown. Localized in most episodes in the foot area. It looks like small semicircular painful wounds filled with pus, with dense edges and pale yellow skin around. Formed more often in elderly patients with destruction of the arteries of the extremities, formations from the heel to the lower leg increase in diameter and depth.
  2. Venous ulcers on the legs. The initial trigger is a violation of normal venous circulation in the veins, localized within the lower leg. They begin to develop from purple spots. Improper treatment can lead to the growth of the ulcer inward to the Achilles and muscles, it is possible death due to blood poisoning.
  3. Diabetic ulcers. They develop in patients with diabetes if treatment and prevention are not followed; ulcers often form on the lower extremities. Home treatment actually does not produce results, surgical intervention and serious drug therapy. Appearance: large diameter sores with deep defects in the tissue, heavy bleeding and pus discharge with sharp unpleasant smell (diabetic foot).
  4. Neurotrophic ulcers. Appear after injuries to the head or spine due to impaired innervation of the limbs and lesions nerve structure. Externally they look like small craters that secrete unpleasant-smelling pus. The depth of ulceration can reach tendons and bones.
  5. Hypertensive ulcers (Martorella). The occurrence occurs against the background of malignant arterial hypertension, which leads to the destruction of the walls small vessels. Outwardly they look like symmetrical small spots of a red-bluish tint with mild pain on palpation. Often develops in women after 40 years of age, the pathology is accompanied by severe pain at any time of the day, most prone to bacterial infection.
  6. Pyogenic. Hygienic ulcers that are typical for street dwellers. They appear against the background of furunculosis, purulent eczema when the rules of personal hygiene are ignored. The shape is oval, the depth of ulceration is small.


Ignoring any disease, regardless of its symptoms, will gradually lead to complications. Trophic ulcers of the lower extremities in this sense are among the most dangerous: purulent processes of small localization are a favorable environment for the development of infections with the gradual destruction of surrounding tissues (a typical example is homeless people with serious pyogenic lesions). What can be the consequences of ignoring trophic ulceration:

  • eczema of various types around ulcers;
  • development of fungal diseases;
  • streptococcal skin lesions;
  • deformation and destruction of joints, tendons;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • cancerous formations in rare cases with total neglect of the problem;
  • removal of affected muscle tissue;
  • amputation of totally affected limbs.


The initial indicators for identifying the presence of such an ulcer are varicose veins veins and previous phlebothrombosis. Diagnosis occurs after comprehensive examination the patient for the presence of diseases that provoke the problem. Primary diagnosis of the disease occurs by palpation of the area of ​​possible localization. If trophic manifestations are suspected (subcutaneous depressions on the legs or calves, hardening of the skin, discoloration), additional ultrasound examination of the leg veins, rheovasography and duplex ultrasound examination are performed.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

How to treat trophic ulcers on the legs if they appear? Long-term therapy similar diseases is an integrated approach that simultaneously aims to minimize the impact of the underlying disease and eliminate the non-healing ulcers themselves. Conservative therapy begins with the use of antibiotics to limit the development of purulent lesions and secondary local infections. Separately, drugs are selected to normalize the functioning of blood vessels and circulatory system, effective treatment ulcerations.

Ulcers are cleaned using special enzymes. After partial healing and normalization of tissue condition, vessels and veins are surgically restored, and total skin damage is removed. Ulcerated areas should be observed even after the underlying disease has been cured in order to prevent their reappearance due to weakened immunity. There is no strict treatment regimen, because the causes of ulcers and their forms are very different.


It is important that primary treatment and surgical intervention are carried out properly, otherwise there is a high probability of secondary progression of trophic tissue damage. Promptly remove the main foci of inflammation, affected areas, purulent discharge (vascular restoration - separate category operations, which are carried out after the elimination of the ulcerative defect). Treatment non-healing wounds on foot:

  • vacuum: pumping out pus, reduces swelling, stimulates blood flow and regenerative processes, reduces the risk of relapse, blocks access to bacteria and viruses;
  • catheterization: used for deep ulcers that are difficult to heal;
  • suturing venous-arterial fistulas to divide the wound area into smaller wounds for a more targeted effect.

Drug therapy

Invasive therapy is aimed at maintaining immunity, fighting infection and the underlying disease. Treatment of the ulcer itself is often limited to the use of medicinal ointments and creams, which will reduce the bacteriological component and stimulate the tissue to heal. Another way active substance impossible to deliver to the lesion. Lotions from the compositions are used only after thorough cleaning of the wound.

Drug name


Mode of application



The ointment is used to stimulate regeneration processes and cleanse the wound. Active substances ointments normalize blood flow in the vessels, which provokes tissue restoration, even over large areas.

The frequency of use directly depends on the degree of damage to the lesion and intensity purulent discharge(on average 2-3 per day).

Solcoseryl actually has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance).


A relatively new drug whose action is aimed at restoring immune defense body. Stimulates the restoration of blood circulation and stops the appearance of purulent discharge.

You can use the ointment only after consultation with your doctor, because there is a large list of contraindications.

Cannot be used by people with thyroid problems.


Antibacterial action. Relieves pain, burning sensation in the affected area, protects wounds from infections.

The ointment is applied in a thick thick layer to the wound as clean as possible 2-3 times a day to heal the damaged area.

Problems may arise with individual intolerance to sulfathiazole, congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. During pregnancy, the ointment can be used if the area of ​​damage does not exceed 20% and possible benefit prevails over the theoretical risk to the fetus.

Compression therapy

Fixation with compression bandages is mandatory in the treatment of trophic ulcerative manifestations and varicose veins at all stages of the disease. This effect helps to reduce the diameter of the veins and reduce swelling. Modern technologies offer the use of non-classical elastic bandages, but specialized compression garments that can be selected according to size and for a specific area of ​​the limb.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapy helps improve microcirculation of the blood vessels of the lower extremities, reduce inflammatory processes in tissues, and promotes healing of ulcers. Such manipulations are permitted if the therapeutic effect does not worsen the condition of the limbs and brings real benefit. Methods differ in the direction of influence:

  • reduction of inflammation: microwave and UHF therapy;
  • bactericidal effect: electrophoresis with an antibacterial component (cleanses ulcer localization from necrotic components), aeroionotherapy, darsonvalization (exposure to high-frequency currents);
  • vasodilating effects: galvanization, infrared irradiation, ultratonotherapy, electrophoresis;
  • for wound healing, formation of healthy tissues: paraffin therapy, oxygen barotherapy, magnetic therapy;
  • ozone and air baths.

Traditional methods

It is important to remember that a trophic non-healing defect is not a cold or a callus. Complete cure will happen only after complex treatment the provoking disease and the ulcer itself. The use of folk remedies must be agreed with the treating specialist in order to avoid worsening the condition or neutralizing the therapeutic effects of traditional therapy. Popular home remedies for treating ulcers:

  1. Burnet tincture. Stimulates the healing of the disease focus and the regeneration of skin areas. The root of the plant must be ground to a powder and pour 100 ml of chilled boiled water. Leave for 10 hours and take 1 tbsp before meals. l. three times a day.
  2. Compress made from birch ash. Pour 100 grams of powder into 1 liter of boiling water, close the container and wrap tightly in a blanket or blanket. After 2 hours, moisten the gauze in the resulting liquid and apply it to the cleaned lesion for 3-4 hours. The procedure should be carried out over 2-3 weeks.
  3. Wraps using golden mustache leaves. Finely chop the leaves and pound in a mortar until the juice appears. Treat the lesion with a sterile solution (hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine), place the mixture on the lesion and cover sterile bandage(possible burning in the first minutes). Treat the ulcerated area until complete healing.


It is important to remember that ulcerative lesions appear in diseases of the arteries and damage to the venous structure. For varicose veins, when the patient refuses surgical intervention, it is recommended to wear compression garments, which are selected individually. It is strongly recommended for patients to reduce the load on their legs, monitor their weight, if possible, avoid working in hazardous industries (hot workshops), adhere to a strict diet and avoid injury to tissues that are susceptible to ulceration.

Photo of a trophic ulcer on the leg


A pathological condition of the lower extremities that exists outside the classification of diseases is trophic ulcers. This disease is observed on the feet and legs. The cause is serious illness - diabetes, chronic venous or arterial insufficiency, injuries or burns.

Before you begin to treat the problem, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of the wounds. Many experts recommend treating trophic ulcers at home with the help of alternative medicine, because in certain cases they provide more benefit.

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities with folk remedies takes long time, but relapses are minimized and scars are not formed.

It should be noted that alternative medicine has the following advantages:

  • Does not leave scars.
  • They have virtually no contraindications.
  • Non-toxic, do not have a detrimental effect on the body.
  • Affordable cost of ingredients.


Only a dermatologist is required to select therapy. Experts recommend:

  • Adhere to a special diet. Avoid spicy foods and spices, reduce carbohydrate intake. Give preference to vegetables and fruits.
  • Have a full rest.
  • Perform exercises against blood stagnation.
  • Wear shoes with orthopedic insoles and special soles that will protect your feet from injury.


Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is based on the use medicinal plants, compresses, oils and inexpensive pharmaceuticals. Preparing these products is not difficult. to the common man, and the effect will be achieved within 3 months. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most in effective ways, get rid of the disease.


Taking certain decoctions and tinctures will help quickly get rid of ulcerative lesions on the lower extremities.

Burnet. Root tincture helps heal wounds and restore skin. You need to grind the burnet in a coffee grinder to get 2 tablespoons of powder. Raw materials are poured 100 ml cold water. When the liquid has stood for 10 hours, you need to start taking the medicine. Dose – 1 tablespoon, three times a day. Course – 30 days.

You will need licorice root, string and St. John's wort 20 g each, plantain, coriander fruits and marsh grass 15 g each. Mix thoroughly medicinal herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The decoction must be left for at least 2 hours. You should take 1.5 cups of medication per day (divided into 3 parts). Take the product warm 30 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture with horse chestnut - relieves pain and has antimicrobial properties. You will need 50 g of chestnuts and 500 ml of vodka. The ingredients are mixed and infused for 14 days in a dark, cool place. Take the medicine 40 drops 4 times a day. Course – 15 days. This medicine can also be used to treat wounds.


You will need chopped onions and carrots. The ingredients are fried on sunflower oil, squeeze out a little and, when cooled, apply to the ulcer. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day. After a week, you will notice that the skin has begun to heal.

Pork meat. Once every 5 days, fresh pork meat is placed on the ulcer, covered with cellophane, and the limb is bandaged. The compress should be left for 24 hours. After removing the product, the wound is washed with laundry soap and antiseptic.

You will need 3 tablespoons of honey and 10 tablets of a miracle cure. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, wait until the mummy is completely dissolved and apply the product to the ulcer. Cover the top with plastic and secure with a bandage. The medicine is left for a day. Stop treatment after complete recovery.

Golden mustache. Grind the leaves to a pulp and apply to the damaged area. The procedure is carried out at night. Please note that you may experience burning or itching at the site of the ulcer. You should endure the unpleasant sensations, because as a result you will get smooth skin no scars.

Dairy products. Wash the ulcers with the drained serum, and apply the cottage cheese as a compress. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. In the morning, a yellow crust forms on the wound. Gradually the ulcers go away and no scars remain.

Washing ulcers with infusion of ash. After the procedure, clean the damaged skin with a cotton swab and rinse with an antiseptic solution.

Applying tampons with birch tar to wounds.

Solid oil for 2 days. Clean the wound and apply the product. After removing the compress, rinse the ulcer with an antiseptic solution.

Before using the product, test for an allergic reaction. You can apply the medicine to the crook of your elbow, and if after 30 minutes there is no redness on the skin, you can use the mixture to treat trophic ulcers.

Oils and ointments

Excellent for removing trophic ulcers on the legs various oils. You can use one of the suggested means.

Recipe 1. Ferula ointment, the therapeutic effect is achieved regardless of the cause of the disease. You will need Vaseline and ferula root juice in a 1:1 ratio. The ulcers are lubricated 4 times a day.

Recipe 2. 8 procedures are enough for wound healing. Ingredients: 100 g of oleoresin, and the same amount of lard and wax. The ingredients are mixed and cooked over low heat. The ointment is applied to the wound and secured with a sterile bandage. Exposure time – 4 hours.

Recipe 3. Egg yolks. You will need 1 egg yolk and the same amount of iodine solution. The ointment is applied only to the ulcer; healthy areas of the skin should be avoided (may cause burns). The mass on the skin begins to harden, after 12 hours the crust is removed. Course – 7 days.

Recipe 4. Sea buckthorn oil is applied to a cabbage leaf and applied to the affected skin. Secure the compress with a bandage. The product is removed after a day. Course of therapy until the ulcers heal.

Recipe 5. St. John's wort oil. You will need 25 g of dry plant and a glass of olive oil. The ingredients are mixed and infused in the refrigerator for 2 weeks (shake daily). After 14 days, the product can be used to treat the wound up to 5 times a day.

Recipe 6. Onion oil. Fry a medium sized onion vegetable oil until golden brown. Collect the oil in a container and squeeze the onion into it. Treat the ulcer with the resulting product.

Pharmacy products

As a medicine to disinfect a trophic ulcer, you can use the following drugs:

  • Streptomycin is an inexpensive natural antibiotic. For therapy, you will need several tablets that are ground into a powder. The product is applied to the ulcers.
  • Baths with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Exposure time – 30 minutes.
  • Tincture of calendula . Baths with this drug are also useful. For 1 liter of water, 100 ml of medicine is required. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The wound is cleaned of blood and pus. After this, the ulcer is sprinkled with streptomycin and a napkin soaked in a peroxide solution is placed on top (1 teaspoon of the drug per 25 ml of water). If you apply a compress daily, after 10 days there will be no trace left of the ulcer.

Now you know how to properly treat trophic ulcers at home. However, to prevent reappearance them on the legs, you should choose a set of exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, and also be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment (video)