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Treatment of prostatitis at home - the best folk remedies. Review of effective ways to cure prostatitis in men Methods of treating prostatitis in men

Prostatitis and its treatment is one of the most painful topics for men who suffer from this disease. Treatment of prostatitis, according to experts, is a process consisting of many completely different procedures: physiotherapy, medication, massage. Only a comprehensive impact on the problem can help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and, most importantly, the cause of the disease. The main role in this case is given to medications in the form of tablets, injections and suppositories.

Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are selected by the attending physician. The set of remedies depends on what form of the disease the patient has. The type of infection that caused inflammation of the prostate also plays an important role. All doctors primarily pay attention to these two factors. What else can influence the choice of medications? Let's talk about this a little later. But first, let's try to understand what problems men have with prostatitis and what they have to deal with.

How to understand that it is prostatitis?

Treatment of prostatitis cannot begin without complaints from the patient. What signs may indicate that a man has it? Experts agree that the initial stage of the disease may not manifest itself at all. Weakness and fatigue that appear at the onset of the disease are often mistaken by men for normal fatigue, vitamin deficiency and stress. And only when the inflammation covers the entire prostate, they may notice pain above the pubis, radiating to the rectum, difficulty urinating and a constant urge to go to the toilet. It is with such complaints that patients most often turn to clinics. At this stage of the development of the disease, treatment of prostatitis with tablets gives good results. The risk of its transition to chronic form minimal.

However, about 25% of men with signs of prostatitis are in no hurry to visit a doctor and endure it. In this case, when applying, the complaints are much more serious. In addition to constant nagging pain, men complain of a lack of erection or too rapid ejaculation. In the urine of such patients, fibers, flakes and blood inclusions are visually observed. Treatment of prostatitis at this stage is a very complex process.

It is almost impossible to cope with the disease with pills alone. In addition, the risk of complications increases significantly, for example

Causes of prostatitis

What can cause prostatitis in men? Treatment (medication) begins with asking this question. After all, it is an accurate diagnosis that helps to select the appropriate medications for each case. Young men most often become victims of prostatitis, which develops as a result of sexually transmitted infections: herpes, candidiasis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, etc. Also, inflammation of the prostate gland develops as a result of regular hypothermia or congestion in the pelvis due to a sedentary lifestyle.

In men in adulthood, prostatitis most often appears as a result of inflammatory diseases internal organs, stress, purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as after the flu or other viral infections.

Elderly patients begin to suffer from prostatitis due to prolonged sexual abstinence. In addition, the cause of their illness can be a decrease in immunity and chronic inflammatory processes of internal organs.

Based on these statistical data, as well as from laboratory and instrumental research materials, the doctor selects medications for the treatment of prostatitis.

Treatment method

There are several important aspects to drug treatment pathology. All of them are aimed at restoring prostate tissue, eliminating inflammation, and combating microorganisms that cause the disease. Prostatitis in men is also of no small importance. In this case, the drugs relieve pain and spasms.

Elimination of symptoms is not the most important thing in the treatment of prostate inflammation. Antimicrobial and antiviral drugs play a much more important role in the treatment of prostatitis. Their selection is made based on the results of laboratory tests. This takes into account not only the type of pathogen, but also the sensitivity of the patient’s body to medications.

What else is needed to eliminate prostatitis in men? Treatment (medical) necessarily includes taking medications that restore immune status. This allows the patient’s body to resist infection on its own. In addition, attention is paid (if there are problems with it).

Restoring the functions of the prostate gland is also facilitated by such treatment methods as prostate massage, herbal medicine and special nutrition.

Types and forms of drugs for prostatitis

So, we have figured out which treatment methods are considered the most effective today. Because medical supplies for the treatment of prostatitis are considered the main measure to combat the disease, it is worth taking a closer look at which forms are used most often:

  1. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs - in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and injections.
  2. Alpha-1 blockers - in the form of tablets or capsules.
  3. Hormonal drugs for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma - in the form of tablets.
  4. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors - in tablets or capsules.
  5. Herbal medicines - in the form of tablets, capsules with powder filling or dragees.
  6. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - in the form of tablets or injection solution.

After a full examination of the patient, the attending physician decides how prostatitis will be treated: tablets, injections and/or suppositories.

What medications are most often used when a man is diagnosed with prostate inflammation? The names of many drugs mean nothing to most patients, and a few commercials talk about 2-3 drugs that can help in the fight against prostatitis. Next, we will consider each group of medications for this disease in more detail.

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis from this group are designed to eliminate pain and inflammation. In addition, in acute prostatitis they can reduce body temperature. The most suitable drugs are:

  1. Rectal suppositories and Diclofenac injections.
  2. Tablets and solution for injection "Ketorolac".

Both of these drugs have contraindications. Basically, their use affects the digestive system of patients, so in most cases the treatment regimen consists of three-day courses with a week interval between them. But the drug “Ketorolac” is recommended for one-time use for high-intensity pain.

Antibiotics and antiviral drugs for prostatitis

Antibiotics are completely new drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. The fact is that penicillin and similar substances are unable to sufficiently penetrate the prostate barrier and accumulate in the tissues of the gland. Therefore, for a long time known antibiotics are not sufficiently effective. What medicines Can I take it for inflammation of the prostate? Here is their list:

  1. Tablets and injections "Amoxiclav", "Augmentin" and "Ampisid". These drugs belong to the subgroup of protected amoxicillins and are effective for acute and chronic prostatitis.
  2. Solutions for injections "Cefotaxime", "Ceftazidime" or "Ceftriaxone". While highly effective, these antibiotics cause virtually no side effects.
  3. Tablets and injections "Azithromycin" and "Vilprafen", related to macrolides. With their help, you can fight microorganisms located inside the cells of the diseased organ, that is, the prostate.
  4. Tablets and capsules “Norfloxacin”, “Ofloxacin” or “Ciprofloxacin”. Besides antimicrobial action, they produce an immunomodulatory effect.
  5. Tablets "Gerpevir", "Zovirax" and "Acyclovir" are prescribed to patients whose cause of inflammation of the prostate gland is a viral infection.

So, we have listed the main medications used to treat prostatitis in men. Drugs should be selected and prescribed only by a specialist!

Drugs to enhance immunity

Any inflammatory process, including prostatitis, occurs against the background of reduced immunity. This is why it is important to take immunomodulators. The most effective for prostatitis are:

  • tablets “Interferon” and “Tactivin”, which protect against foreign microorganisms;
  • T-lymphocyte stimulator "Levamisole";
  • tablets containing which increase the activity of macrophage cells;
  • drugs “Methyluracil” and “Immunal”, which stimulate cellular immunity.

All of the above drugs are prescribed by your doctor. It is he who calculates required dosage and duration of receiving funds. It is not recommended to take them on your own!

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

Despite the abundance of synthetic drugs, treatment of prostatitis takes less time with regular use of special herbal remedies.

The most popular and popular tablets have recently become “Prostalamin”, as well as capsules and drops “Prostanorm”, “Peponen” and “Prostate Forte”. The herbs and minerals that form the basis of these remedies help eliminate spasms, pain and inflammation in the prostate gland. Many components have antimicrobial effectiveness.

Means that normalize urination

Drugs in this group are used mainly for chronic prostatitis. It is this form of the disease that implies the presence of As a rule, alpha-1-adrenergic blockers, which include the tablets “Kamiren”, “Sonirid Duo” and “Dalfaz”, help relieve swelling of the prostate tissue.

The most popular remedies for prostatitis

Currently, doctors specializing in the treatment of male diseases, including prostatitis, prefer to prescribe to patients complex preparations, combining several properties at once. For example, the injection solution “Prostatilen” is effective for both acute and chronic forms of prostatitis. Its use helps to activate the immune system, strengthen vascular and cellular walls in the prostate. As a result of therapy using this remedy, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is normalized, and prostate tissue restoration occurs many times faster. Drugs are also often used to treat chronic prostatitis in the form of rectal suppositories “Vitaprost”, capsules “Prostamol Uno” and so on.

Do I need to take hormones for prostatitis?

Hormonal drugs are not used in acute and chronic forms. The only condition under which a doctor can prescribe hormone-containing medications is the presence of a benign or malignant tumor in the prostate gland.

In conclusion, I would like to once again remind readers that all drugs mentioned in this article are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-administration of medications can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Men perceive urological diseases as severe discomfort, and the inability to conduct a full-fledged sex life.

Many people think about the possibility of treating prostatitis at home, but, unfortunately, they are embarrassed to go to the doctor.

We treat prostatitis in men: symptoms and causes

Before turning to the Internet or asking friends for advice, remember that this is a rather individual disease. Every person different reasons its appearance, as well as symptoms. How to recognize dangerous disease We'll look at it below. Prostatitis can occur in two forms - acute and chronic.

Symptoms detected during clinical examination

1. Frequent urination. The normal one healthy person, the frequency of the urge to go to the toilet should not exceed 12 times a day. But prostatitis irritates the receptors Bladder, which is why the following is observed:


After a man has gone to the toilet, there is a feeling that he has not completely emptied his bladder;

Urine excretion is accompanied by severe pain;

Often men cannot go to the toilet at all, even with strong urges.

2. Temperature. It occurs only at the stage of purulent prostatitis. IN late stage Body temperature drops and reaches 35-36. This dangerous condition.

3. Blood is released along with urine. This rare symptom, but despite this, danger sign. This kind of bleeding is quite difficult to stop.

4. Feeling pain. Complicated prostatitis always makes itself felt constant pain. Moreover, this does not even happen at the moment of urination. The cause of this condition is irritation of the gland.

Confirmation of prostatitis symptoms by laboratory tests

These methods are used to be sure of the presence of prostatitis, as well as to determine the severity of the disease.

1. Blood test. With prostatitis, leukocytes and ESR will increase.

2. Urinalysis. Experts use the three-glass method to identify hidden pus and bacteria at the beginning, middle or end of a man's urination.

3. Blood culture tank. This method is used only if symptoms of sepsis are observed.

Instrumental methods

1. TRUSY. This is a good way to identify prostatitis.

2. X-ray pictures of the bladder.

Thanks to all of the above methods, identifying the symptoms of prostatitis will not be difficult.

Reasons for the development of the disease

1. Complications after past diseases. These include: bacterial infections, decreased immunity, colds in the pelvic organ, STD infections.

2. Urethral reflux. The prostate cannot prevent the backflow of urine as before. As a result, bacterial contamination of the prostate occurs.

3. Incorrect rhythm in sexual life. If a man has sex irregularly, or does not do it at all, and his ejaculation always occurs with a delay, then there is a high probability of developing prostatitis.

4. Stagnation venous blood. This condition occurs only with a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Male sex hormones are not produced in sufficient quantities.

But acquired causes are also distinguished; their appearance is due to the following:

1. Urethritis. Inflammation of the urethra occurs. The infection must be treated on time, otherwise it will gradually spread to other organs.

2. Urethra narrows, this leads to the fact that the pressure in the urethra increases and the outflow of urine is disrupted.

3. Injuries in the perineum.

4. Stones have formed in the prostate gland.

5. Poor nutrition and abuse of bad habits.

After discovering at least one symptom of prostatitis, you should not think about the possibility of treating prostatitis in men at home, but go to the doctor as soon as possible. In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home: medications

Before prescribing drug treatment to a patient, a diagnosis is carried out:

1. Complete clinical examination.

2. Taking the necessary tests for laboratory research.

3. Study and research of the prostate gland.

5. Uroflowmetry.

After the diagnosis form has been accurately established, the specialist draws up individual plan treatment. Drug therapy is important part treatment of prostatitis in men.

The drugs are prescribed according to the following scheme:


Amoxiclav or other modern macrolides;

Products based on natural ingredients.

In the complex treatment of prostatitis, herbal remedies are often used.

"LICOPROFIT®" is a complex of natural ingredients. The components of "LICOPROFIT®" selectively accumulate in prostate tissues, reduce the manifestations of inflammation, help strengthen protective functions, protect cells from damage by free radicals and control the process of excessive growth of prostate tissue.* Due to the complex and balanced composition, difficulties associated with urination are eliminated , weakening pain syndrome. (1) The components of "LICOPROFIT®" against the background of standard therapy effectively influence the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, help improve urination: reduce the frequency of urination and increase the stream of urine, improve well-being and have restorative effect in patients with chronic prostatitis*

I would like to give an example of how prostatitis is treated in men in America. The common method of treatment there is antibiotics. Moreover, they are prescribed even when bacteria are not isolated from the prostate secretion.

Now we will consider in detail what medications should be used to treat the disease if there is no improvement after taking antimicrobial drugs. In this case, specialists should focus on pain relief, as well as eliminate the causes that disrupt the urination process. Drugs are prescribed for this NSAID groups, for example, diclofenac.

If you have causeless anxiety and irritability with prostatitis, then you need to consult a psychotherapist. Most likely, antidepressants will be prescribed.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is possible, only in some cases the patient is hospitalized.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home: folk remedies

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is quite effective. The main thing is to have willpower and not stop treatment after three days. Since many products are designed for at least 20 days. Below are the most effective methods.

Pumpkin seeds

Following the majority opinion, we can conclude that treatment with pumpkin seeds is the most effective method. Moreover, there is no need to incur any special expenses. Treatment with pumpkin seeds involves using them in an unusual way. For example, simply eating them will not bring practically any relief.

The first thing you need to do is get the live ones pumpkin seeds. You should not use the dried or fried type for this. You have to make a special mixture.

Pass the seeds through a meat grinder, and then mix with honey in equal proportions and heat a little. Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for several hours. Then form small tablets from the resulting mass. Every morning, 30 minutes before meals, take one tablet. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. But the first result will become noticeable within a few days, the pain will gradually begin to subside.

Herbal treatment

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is really effective. Thanks to folk remedies, you can not only relieve symptoms and eliminate the causes of the disease, but also prevent its occurrence in the future. Herbal medicine has always been popular. Our grandparents knew a lot healthy recipes, which were able to reach our time. Some of them will be discussed below:

1. Celandine. Take the leaves of the plant and squeeze out the juice. After this, dilute it with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. You need to drink the product every day, in the morning before meals. But there is a small nuance: on the first day you need to take one drop, and increase the dose every day, eventually by the end of the month you will reach 30 drops.

2. Pink radiogram. Grate the roots of the plant, separate one tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water. The composition should brew for one hour, then strain it. The treatment method in this way consists of drinking half a glass of the product every morning and afternoon.

3. Cloves. Dry the plant, chop it and pour it into a glass boiled water. Then you can make an alcohol tincture, just dilute the product in medical alcohol. Take a few drops in the morning before meals.

The advantage of herbal treatment is that there is absolutely no chance of developing side effects. But when treating with alcohol tinctures, it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases. So, for example, if, in addition to prostatitis, you have problems with the stomach or intestines, it is better for you to avoid taking such tinctures.

Treatment of prostatitis in men: massage, heating, physiotherapy

In order to cure chronic prostatitis, experts prescribe prostate massage. The course of his treatment is 10 secants. As a result, the following effect can be achieved:

The patency of the ducts is completely restored;

Antibiotics penetrate organ tissue better;

The sensitivity of microflora to drugs increases;

Improves muscle tone prostate and blood supply.

Warming up

Thanks to warming up, it is possible to improve blood circulation in the affected area, remove all bacteria, and relax smooth muscles. After several procedures, the pain disappears and the swelling subsides.

But this method treatment is effective only for early stages diseases. Warming is used for chronic prostatitis. There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

Warm enemas;

Baths or saunas;

Taking hot baths;

Special devices;

Tampons used rectally.

But, unfortunately, not all doctors have a unanimous opinion about warming up; most of them believe that warming up will contribute to the development of chlamydia.

One conclusion can be drawn, reproductive system in men it is quite important and complex, so you should not self-medicate and trust the advice of non-professionals.


Carrying out physiotherapy procedures has a beneficial effect on the male body, namely, it allows you to quickly get rid of prostatitis.

Physiotherapeutic techniques have a beneficial effect on many receptors from which impulses are sent to nervous system. Painful sensations gradually subside, swelling subsides, and immunity increases. After several courses of treatment, the patient will feel significant relief.

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home will be effective only if all your actions are carried out as prescribed by the doctor. Many measures need to be carried out comprehensively, using not only traditional medicine, but also other methods of treatment. This is the only way you will be able to get rid of this unpleasant illness as soon as possible.

*Instructions for use of dietary supplement LIKOPROFIT®
1. Spivak L.G. Efficacy and safety of using Licoprofit® in patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Urology. 2013, No. 2, pp. 118-122.;

Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men after 30 years of age. Every representative of the stronger sex knows what prostatitis is, and everyone hopes that unpleasant disease will bypass him.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be treated not only with medications, but also with some time-tested folk remedies. In turn, the prostate gland or prostate is a glandular-muscular organ in men, which is located in the area of ​​the bladder and controls urination, and also secretes a special secretion, which gives the sperm a liquid consistency.

Depending on the origin, the disease can be bacterial or non-bacterial, and according to the nature of its course - acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is most often caused by gram-negative bacteria and is easily recognized and treated with antibiotics.

The main symptoms of prostatitis include pain, difficulty and painful urination, sexual disorders. The symptoms are very unpleasant, so prostatitis should be treated when the first signs are detected.


The main cause of prostatitis is the penetration of infection into the gland, which is largely facilitated by the location of the prostate in the pelvis.

Basic routes of infection into the prostate:

  • descending - the infection enters the prostate gland with urine.
  • ascending - the infection enters the prostate gland through the urethra.
  • hematogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland through the bloodstream.
  • lymphogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland through the lymph flow.

The main causes and risk factors for the development of prostatitis in men:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity (stagnation of blood in the prostate gland).
  • disturbances in the normal rhythm of sexual activity - irregular sex, prolonged abstinence.
  • hypothermia in childhood, adolescence or adulthood (especially the corresponding part of the body).
  • sexually transmitted diseases (, gardnerellosis or).
  • Another reason may be injury to the tissues and organs of the pelvis.
  • reduced immunity in boys, young men and men.
  • unbalanced diet (fried, fatty, sweet food makes up 70% of the diet). Excessive use alcohol.

All of the above conditions can both contribute to the penetration of microbes into the prostate gland and lead to stagnant processes, a deterioration in the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of microorganisms and the progression of inflammation. In this regard, it is necessary to cure prostatitis on time, then complications will not bother you.

Signs of prostatitis in men

Frequent urination with weak urine pressure and pain during the process, a rise in body temperature, burning in the perineum, painful bowel movements are the first signs of acute prostatitis in men. You should also pay attention to the following clinical symptoms:

  • intermittent and difficult urination;
  • violation of the erection mechanism;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation in the urethra and perineum;
  • frequent imperative urge to defecate;
  • lingering discharge from the urethra;
  • floating fibers in urine;
  • prolonged erections, accelerated ejaculation;
  • manifestation of orgasm in an erased form;
  • increased general fatigue of the body;
  • anxiety, mental depression;
  • significant decrease in potency.

It is worth noting that in the chronic form of prostatitis, symptoms may not appear at all, or additional signs may be added.

Symptoms of prostatitis

In most cases, acute prostatitis begins with symptoms of increased body temperature to 39-40 ° C, fever and chills. Urination is difficult and painful. Swelling of the prostate gland develops, which can cause acute urinary retention. In addition, pain in the perineum that radiates to the groin area is also quite noticeable.

As for in rare cases it becomes the outcome acute process However, as a rule, primary chronic prostatitis develops with erased symptoms. The chronic form differs from the acute form in that it occurs without significant pronounced signs, that is, latent, without noticeable symptoms.

During the period of exacerbation of prostatitis, patients are concerned about the symptoms of pressure in the perineum and anus, Blunt pain, extending to the sacrum, perineum, rectum, groin area.

Signs of chronic prostatitis for men:

  • significant deterioration of erection;
  • decreased libido;
  • weakening of the stream when urinating;
  • aching pain in the perineum, sacrum, rectum;
  • discomfort and burning in the urethra;

Sometimes patients neglect the symptoms of prostatitis, relying on the presence of prostate adenoma. This should under no circumstances be allowed, since treating adenoma is fundamentally different from how to treat prostatitis.


What happens if prostatitis is not treated with antibiotics and other means? The following complications await you:

  • decreased potency;
  • infertility;
  • exhausting pain in the perineum;
  • depression, etc.

To prevent the consequences of prostatitis, you need to pay more attention to your health, be promptly examined and treated by a urologist.

Treatment of prostatitis

In case of severe intoxication, suspicion of purulent process hospitalization is indicated. Patients with uncomplicated acute prostatitis are treated by a urologist or andrologist on an outpatient basis.

To cure prostatitis, you need to adhere to a whole set of special measures that successively replace each other. which are prescribed first are antibiotics, especially if we're talking about about the infectious origin of the disease.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing the following medications:

  • antibacterial drugs– treatment is carried out to destroy the infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation, which is characteristic of this disease;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • drugs that relieve spasm of the urethra;

As additional measure Prostate massage is very often prescribed. It promotes accelerated recovery and also reduces pain. According to reviews, this is very useful procedure. Surgical intervention is recommended if the genitourinary canal is narrowed and removal of prostate adenoma is required.

How to treat prostatitis comprehensively? To do this, use all possible methods, prescribe:

  • diet, lifestyle changes;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • prostate massage and exercise therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • folk remedies from prostatitis
  • treatment of concomitant pathologies;
  • psychotherapy.

Also, do not forget that treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies gives good results only in combination with the main therapy. Therefore, it is recommended not to self-medicate at home.

Treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are necessary for acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, even if it is asymptomatic, and also as a trial therapy for the non-infectious nature of prostatitis, as a test therapy. Therefore, before starting a course of therapy, it is necessary to undergo examination and establish the type of pathogen.

Drug treatment of prostatitis includes the use of various antibiotics having wide range actions:

  1. Macrolides (Zitrolide, Fromilid,).
  2. Tetracyclines (Doxycycline).
  3. Penicillins (Augmentin, Flemoklav, Flemoxin Solutab).
  4. Cephalosporins (Suprax, Kefadim, Cefspan).
  5. Fluoroquinolones (Ciprinol, Ofloxin, Eleflox, Zanotsin, )

It is worth remembering that the treatment regimen is prescribed strictly by a specialist, where the use of antibiotics occupies one of the leading links in the chain.

How to treat prostatitis at home

Treatment of prostatitis at home is advisable in the chronic form. At the same time, treatment with folk remedies can help increase the body’s overall resistance and relieve pain.

  1. Take 2-3 g of dry, powdered orchis tubers, soak in a small amount of water, then pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then leave for 30 minutes, strain and take half a glass three times a day.
  2. Marshmallow root decoction – 40 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for half an hour, take 60 milliliters with food 3 times a day.
  3. Propolis extract helps a lot. It is obtained by evaporating 40 grams of propolis in 0.2 liters of 96% alcohol. Make suppositories from 0.1 grams of extract and 2 grams of cocoa butter and administer them rectally once a day. The course duration is 2-3 months, with monthly breaks.
  4. Celery decoction – 20 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for 12 minutes, drink 100 milliliters 3 to 4 times a day.
  5. Traditional medicine recommends using the seeds of some plants as auxiliary elements. Pumpkin seeds will be the healthiest, as they will enrich your body with linoleic acid and zinc. If you decide to end prostatitis, eat poppy seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

In addition, treatment with folk remedies involves complete failure from alcohol.

Suppositories with propolis for prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis in initial stage You can use special candles with propolis, which you can make at home yourself.

To do this, take 50 g of crushed propolis and pour 50 mg of 96% ethyl alcohol. Infuse in a secluded place for 2 weeks, remembering to shake daily. After the expiration date, the propolis infusion is evaporated in a water bath until it acquires a brownish-yellow color and softens to the consistency of honey.

At the same time, melt 20 g of cocoa butter in a water bath and mix with 1 g of the resulting propolis. 10 rectal suppositories are made from the resulting mass and stored in the refrigerator. One suppository is administered rectally at night every day. Duration of use is 30-35 days. It is recommended to take 3-4 courses with an interval of 30-60 days between them.

Prostatitis is not easy and very sensitive issue for any man, especially since many are embarrassed and afraid of this diagnosis, so they put off visiting a doctor. But it should be remembered that the earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of achieving positive results and live for many years full life. Treatment of prostatitis requires an integrated approach; in order to get rid of the symptoms of this disease and avoid complications, you need to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Diagnosis of prostatitis

Finger rectal examination prostate gland is an essential component of the diagnosis of prostatitis.

Before starting treatment for prostatitis, every man should undergo an examination. This is necessary in order to establish the cause and form of the disease. Typically, diagnosis does not cause any difficulties for a urologist, so the likelihood of making an erroneous diagnosis and prescribing the wrong treatment is negligible.

The diagnostic procedures required for prostatitis cause some discomfort and discomfort to the patient, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to do without them.

After collecting anamnesis and general examination The urologist performs a digital rectal examination of the prostate and takes gland secretions for analysis. In the acute form of the disease, this procedure can cause the patient not only discomfort, but also pain. The prostate secretion is sent to the laboratory for analysis, which allows us to determine the form of the disease (infectious or abacterial prostatitis). If in biological material When the causative agent of the disease is identified, its sensitivity to antibiotics is determined, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment and can shorten its duration.

If necessary finger examination supplemented ultrasound examination prostate gland, which allows you to visualize and accurately determine its condition. Ultrasound of the prostate can be performed in two ways: transabdominal (through the anterior abdominal wall) and transrectal (through the rectum).

The transabdominal method does not cause any discomfort to the patient, but its information content is significantly inferior to the second method. With this access, the doctor can determine the parameters of the gland, but it is impossible to obtain data on the condition of the prostate tissue. However, the transabdominal method is used for screening diagnosis.

Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate is very informative method examinations, since the ultrasound sensor separates only the rectal ampulla from the prostate tissue. Thanks to modern devices this procedure causes minimal discomfort to the patient, and the use of high-frequency sensors allows the doctor to see even the most minor changes in the structure of the prostate tissue.

Blood test for PSA (prostate-specific antigen)

Prostate-specific antigen is a substance produced by the prostate; if its level in the blood increases, the doctor may suspect prostate disease, including prostatitis. The normal PSA value is considered to be 4 ng/ml. This blood test is not only a screening test diagnostic method(it is recommended that men over 50 years of age undergo this test annually), but it also helps the doctor evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for prostate diseases.

Treatment of prostatitis

Treatment of acute prostatitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of this disease is carried out according to similar schemes. With adequate therapy, acute prostatitis is completely cured or long-term remission is achieved in the chronic form of the disease.

Antibacterial therapy

The selection of a drug prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis is made only by a doctor, taking into account the test results. Incorrectly prescribed antibacterial therapy can lead to the emergence of resistance of the pathogen that caused prostatitis to drugs, which will significantly complicate further treatment and can contribute to the transition of acute prostatitis to a chronic form. If the patient, shortly before starting treatment for prostatitis, took any antibacterial drugs for another disease, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this.

The course of treatment with antibiotics for prostatitis can last more than 2-3 weeks, but it cannot be interrupted when the symptoms of the disease are alleviated, as well as reducing the dose of the prescribed drug and changing the regimen.

Detoxification therapy and painkillers may be necessary for severe acute prostatitis. In such cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Local therapy

Rectal suppositories are widely used in the treatment of prostatitis, since they exert their effects directly at the site of the lesion.


Physiotherapeutic treatment helps to improve the trophism of prostate tissue and accelerate the healing process. The following methods of physiotherapy can be used: transrectal microwave hyperthermia, diadynamophoresis, laser therapy, ultrasound phonophoresis.

Suppositories for prostatitis

Rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis have high efficiency, because contained in them active ingredients enter the site of inflammation in the greatest concentration. Suppositories may contain antispasmodics, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory substances. Their use is often recommended by doctors to prevent exacerbations of chronic prostatitis.

Most Popular rectal suppositories with propolis (Vitol, Prostopin, Propolis DN), ichthyol and sea ​​buckthorn candles, as well as suppositories containing peptides extracted from the prostate gland (Prostatilen).

Prostate massage

This procedure is one of the most effective methods treatment of prostatitis. Thanks to it, the secretion accumulated in the prostate gland is squeezed out of it, and then independently removed through the urethra. In addition, prostate massage helps improve blood supply to the gland tissue, which increases the effectiveness of antibacterial and local therapy.

Prostate massage during the phase acute inflammation contraindicated as this may lead to the spread of infection. The procedure is carried out when acute inflammatory phenomena subside. Unfortunately, this method of treatment causes physical and moral discomfort to many patients, but it is not worth abandoning it.

Immunity correction

Strengthening the immune system is necessary for every patient suffering from inflammatory diseases prostate gland. A good immune status of the body will help avoid the development of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease. Patients are recommended to strengthen the body's resistance to disease with the help of natural methods(hardening, physical activity on fresh air), natural immunomodulators (schisandra, echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) and synthetic multivitamin complexes (biomax, vitrum, complivit, etc.).

Surgical treatment of prostatitis is necessary in rare cases, when prostate abscesses or strictures (narrowings) of the urethra occur.

Besides drug therapy men suffering from this disease need to change their lifestyle and eliminate factors that contribute to the development of acute or exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, stop drinking alcohol and lead an active lifestyle. Young men who are active sex life which are sexually transmitted using barrier contraceptives (condoms).

Which doctor should I contact?

Prostatitis is treated by a urologist. If an infectious agent causing inflammation is identified, a consultation with a venereologist is possible. Additional help A physiotherapist and an immunologist can provide complex treatment of the disease.

Prostatitis is a common urological disease characterized by inflammatory damage to the prostate gland. In this regard, the question of how and what to treat prostatitis in men is a very relevant topic for the strong half of humanity aged 25 to 65 years.

Like any other disease, prostatitis has certain symptoms, reasons why the disease occurs, and others. characteristics accompanying the course of the disease. To understand why it develops pathological condition, it is necessary, first of all, to consider the structure and functions of the prostate gland.

Prostatitis in men - main causes

Pathology occurs against the background inflammatory process, affecting the glandular, connective and muscle tissue organ. The main reasons leading to the development of prostatitis are:

  • sexually transmitted infections or spreading from foci of inflammation in the body;
  • stagnation of secretions in the prostate;
  • low physical activity (hypodynamia);
  • organ injury;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • long-term stress factors.

Various pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and other infectious agents penetrate the prostate in many ways, but the most common route is sexual. This is how mycoplasma bacteria, chlamydia and many other pathogens of the inflammatory process enter the gland tissue.

In addition to sexual infection, the development of prostatitis can begin due to penetration into the glandular tissue of the organ. pathogenic microorganisms with blood or lymph, this usually occurs when there are any chronic diseases or for untreated diseases urinary system, for example, with urethritis or pyelonephritis.

Good to know

Congestion inside the prostate usually occurs with a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, the presence excess weight or due to any diseases, for example, metabolic disorders or diabetes mellitus in old age.

In addition to stagnation of secretory fluid, the development of prostatitis can be caused by a violation of blood microcirculation inside the organ, which inevitably leads to a lack of oxygen and nutrients and reduces the viability of prostate cells.

The disease can be triggered by a hormonal imbalance associated with insufficient production of male sex hormones, which leads to erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders that negatively affect the rhythm of sexual life.

As for traumatic factors, the root cause of prostatitis can be blows to the groin, fractures in the hip area, pelvic injuries and much more. The fact is that such conditions are inevitably accompanied by hematomas, the formation blood clots, stagnation, which leads to disruption of the functions of glandular tissues and metabolic processes in this body.

Prostate gland: purpose of the organ

It was not without reason that medieval healers called the prostate gland the “second heart” of a man. It is the prostate that performs three functions at once: secretory, motor and barrier.

In fact, this unpaired organ is an auxiliary sex gland that performs an important secretory function. The functioning of the prostate gland is directly related to endocrine system. When testosterone levels decrease in male body, the prostate activates its production, and glandular cells organs are responsible for the synthesis of complex secretions that are necessary for fertilization of the egg.

The muscle cells of the organ perform two functions - they hold urine and ensure normal urination, and are also responsible for the release of secretions during ejaculation.

The barrier function is the main obstacle to the path of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing infection from entering the urinary tract. This effect is achieved due to special components contained in the secretion (lysozyme, zinc-peptide complex, spermine). Thus, the prostate gland is an important part genitourinary system responsible for maintaining men's health.


Prostatitis in men can only be diagnosed by a urologist who is able to adequately assess the signs of an increasing inflammatory process and identify the cause of the disease after a full examination. Do not delay in contacting a doctor when the first symptoms appear. alarming symptoms indicating problems with the prostate gland.

Prostatitis is treated much easier and faster in its early stages, and not when the disease progresses to running form and becomes chronic. Signs of prostatitis largely depend on the type of disease. In urology, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis;
  • chronic prostatitis in men;
  • non-bacterial prostatitis;
  • prostatodynia (thickening of prostate tissue of a non-inflammatory nature).
The main symptoms of prostatitis in men are as follows:
  • unpleasant “sharp” or “edging” sensations during urination, pain in the genitals;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet with difficulty passing small volumes of urine;
  • whitishness in the urine and a sharp specific odor;
  • periodically appearing discomfort, burning sensation in the prostate area;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature rise to high values ​​(in acute form of prostatitis);
  • general lethargy and fatigue, especially during sedentary work;
  • tendency to nervousness, susceptibility to stress, irritability;
  • sexual weakness, decreased libido, lack of erection. (effectively fights erectile dysfunction drug Libido drive)

Concerning common features such as weakness, nervousness and reluctance to have sex, then they indicate possible development prostatitis only in the presence of specific local symptoms related to urination. Sometimes manifestations of the disease may be completely absent; such an asymptomatic course of the pathology leads to the development of chronic prostatitis.

Consequences and possible complications

If prostatitis in men starts and does not start timely treatment, it will become chronic, which subsequently threatens the development of a number of complications:

  • prostate abscess;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • kidney damage (pyelonephritis);
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles;

In the most severe cases, due to diabetes mellitus or renal failure sepsis develops, which can be fatal.


To put correct diagnosis and select the optimal treatment regimen, the urologist will first conduct an external examination and palpation of the prostate. In the presence of an inflammatory process, a dense, swollen, painful prostate gland, enlarged in size, is detected.

Laboratory research methods primarily involve a general blood test and a bacteriological analysis of urine, which makes it possible to establish the type of infectious agent, as well as to examine the secretion of the prostate gland.

The final diagnosis can be made using such an informative method of instrumental research as ultrasound of the pelvic organs and TRUS of the prostate gland, performed transrectally (through the rectum).

Treatment methods for prostatitis in men

For successful treatment disease, it is very important to establish the type of disease, its form and possible reason. Chronic prostatitis in men and its acute form are treated differently. Generally complex treatment prostatitis includes the following methods:

  • antibacterial therapy (for inflammation caused by bacterial agents);
  • prostate massage;
  • the use of general strengthening agents and drugs to enhance immunity;
  • physiotherapy (transrectal and ultrasound).

When treating chronic prostatitis, the patient is additionally prescribed electrophoresis and magnetic therapy procedures.

Drug treatment

The chronic form of the disease is treated with medications that have immunocorrective properties and effectively cope with a wide range of bacteria. Most often, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • Prostopin (suppositories).

When diagnosing acute condition, the urologist may prescribe medications such as:

  • "Ridostin";
  • "Neovir";
  • "Lykopid";
  • "Diucifon".

Taking into account general condition the patient may be prescribed suppositories with ichthyol, propolis, Vitaprost Forte and Diclofenac. The choice of drug depends on the cause of the disease; most often during the treatment process, suppositories with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effects are used. Well antibacterial therapy for prostatitis it is long lasting and takes from 4 to 8 weeks. After it, the patient must be prescribed drugs that stimulate the immune system and probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

All medications are used only in the volume and according to the therapeutic regimen recommended by the doctor. Treatment of prostatitis is carried out taking into account individual characteristics patient. In each individual case, the dosage of medications and the regimen may differ from standard recommendations.

Prostate massage

All types therapeutic massages, used for this disease, are not an alternative to therapeutic measures, but merely complement them. Massage, gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures help cope with such phenomena in the prostate as stagnation of secretions, impaired blood microcirculation, sclerotic changes and atrophy in tissues, swelling or proliferation of glandular tissue.

That is, these procedures cannot be neglected, since they not only improve blood supply and metabolism in the tissues of the organ and tone it, but also significantly increase the effectiveness drug therapy and also reduce pain.

Prostate massage is performed by specially trained medical staff in a clinic setting. It should be taken into account that massage procedure cannot be performed in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the presence of pathologies such as urolithiasis disease, urethritis, prostate adenoma or suspected malignant tumor.

Prostate massage is performed transrectally, that is, through the rectum. This procedure helps eliminate congestion, relieve the accumulation of seminal fluid in the prostate and normalize impaired urination. In addition, massage reduces muscle tone, which allows you to restore blood circulation in the tissues of the gland, relieve pain and speed up recovery.

There are quite a few different types of massages, physiotherapy and gymnastics, but you won’t have to figure them out on your own, because the urologist will write out all the necessary referrals to physiotherapists and give a memo with a list and description of the necessary exercises.

To carry out effective self-massage of the prostate at home, you can purchase a special device. Such a purchase makes sense, since massage is not only an addition to treatment, but also an excellent prevention of relapse of the disease.

Treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies

Prostatitis in men appeared much earlier than medicines for the disease appeared on the shelves of pharmacies, so in folk medicine Many recipes and techniques have been accumulated to combat common male ailments. However, when using folk remedies, you need to understand that the use of these techniques is not a panacea and, even more so, cannot replace accurate diagnosis and treatment recommended by a doctor. Moreover, refusal medical procedures and medications often leads to the need for surgical intervention on the prostate.

Folk remedies are good to use as a supplement to the main course of treatment, as well as preventative measure with a tendency to this disease.

The most effective methods are:
  • Constantly eating fresh cucumbers, asparagus, parsley or freshly squeezed juice from these vegetables.
  • Pumpkin seeds are extremely beneficial for prostate health in any form; you should eat 30 to 50 grams of pumpkin seeds per day as a preventive measure. If an illness develops, squeeze out the seeds and take the resulting oily mixture a teaspoon three times a day, before meals for a month.
  • Ginseng root, daikon, parsley or celery. For prostatitis, daikon or Chinese radish. The root is grated, mixed with honey and taken a tablespoon in the morning for a week, then take a week break and repeat the course of treatment.
  • Red root tea. The root of this plant is sold in dry form in pharmacies. Practicing urologists recommend this remedy as an addition to the main therapy. The root is brewed as indicated on the package, and the resulting drink is drunk throughout the day instead of tea.
  • Honey with herbs. Inflorescences of linden, chamomile, St. John's wort are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, take 2 tbsp. l. collection, brew with boiling water, infuse and add a little natural linden honey. Drink during the day instead of tea.
  • Parsley juice. Parsley is considered healing herb, helping to maintain potency and reduce the inflammatory process. For prostatitis, it is recommended to drink 1 tsp daily. parsley juice before meals and add fresh leaves plants for salads and other dishes.

The product also has good effectiveness natural ingredients Urotrin. More information about the drug -.

Gives excellent health benefits hot bath with decoction medicinal herbs. First you need to prepare a herbal mixture of thyme, sage, linden, cucumber, and chamomile. Herbs are taken in equal proportions. Then 2.5 spoons of the mixture are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. Herbal infusion poured into the bath with hot water and enjoy the water procedure for 15 minutes. Such baths can be taken daily for 2 weeks.


Measures that can prevent the onset of the inflammatory process in prostatitis and slow down its development are general character. These include:

  • maximally active physical lifestyle;
  • weight normalization;
  • sports activities;
  • protected sex;
  • regular visits to the urologist;
  • healthy and nutritious nutrition.

Diet for prostatitis is based on choice the right products nutrition that has a positive effect on protective functions body, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, normalize intestinal function and digestive system, reduce the formation and excretion of urine at night.

The basis of nutrition should be fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, natural juices, salads with vegetable oil, dietary varieties meat (chicken, rabbit), nuts, dried fruits, dairy products. It is necessary to exclude coffee, carbonated drinks, spicy, pickled, fatty foods, smoked foods, pickles, flour and confectionery, alcohol in any form.

Exception bad habits And dangerous products nutrition will help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and speed up recovery. In combination with an increase motor activity, regular sex life and folk remedies, preventive measures will allow you to maintain man's health for many years.

Prevention is most important if prostate inflammation has already occurred. To prevent prostatitis from developing again in men, it is necessary to regularly visit a urologist and promptly treat any infectious diseases.