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Why do we want to eat sweets after meals and is it healthy: a conversation with a nutritionist. How soon can you eat sweets after a meal?

Have you just eaten a big, delicious and satisfying lunch, but you still feel like you want to eat something else? And this is not a second portion of meat or vegetables, but dessert? Psychotherapist and candidate medical sciences Mikhail Gavrilov explains why after a heavy meal you so often crave something sweet.

There's something wrong with your diet

Maybe the food is too salty and the body is trying to achieve balance with the help of a sweet taste. Or do you drink little water - it’s also a matter of balance, because simple carbohydrates retain water in the body. Or you don't eat enough fat, protein and fiber. Pay attention to how you feel after a full meal: if you order dessert because you don't feel full, your menu may be unbalanced.

Mikhail Gavrilov

The feeling of hunger directly depends on the level of glucose in the blood - it appears when the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases. If you have eaten a full meal, your sugar level rises gradually, and the desire to get energy quickly, that is, with the help of simple carbohydrates, should not bother you. If a person adheres to a strict diet or some special nutrition plan for ethical or religious reasons, it is quite possible that he does not have the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in his diet. Ideally, at least three meals a day should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example: breakfast - omelet with vegetable salad and olive oil, lunch - fatty sea ​​fish with brown rice, dinner - vegetable stew with sesame seeds and chicken. One meal should average 300-350 calories. If you think through your menu, then it is quite possible to keep the calorie content within this interval and leave the table full. Calorie tables ready meals can help you with this.

You are addicted to sweets

Sugar addiction is often compared to drug addiction, since the mechanism of action is the same: the more you eat, the more you want. According to doctors, addiction to sweets develops eight times faster than addiction to cocaine. To get out of this circle, experts recommend looking for pleasure not in food, but, for example, in sports, creativity or learning something new.

Mikhail Gavrilov

psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of a patented correction method eating behavior and weight loss, Institute employee functional medicine(IFM, USA)

When we eat sweets nerve cells the taste apparatus gives a signal for the production of opioids and endorphins - chemical compounds that are produced in the brain and bring pleasure. In addition, they can temporarily reduce pain and stress. This food stimulates the appetite, a person often overeats and notices the appearance of extra pounds ov. Addiction to sweets often manifests itself in those for whom food becomes the only pleasure - they eat emotions or the lack thereof with something sweet. To get rid of this problem, you should adjust your diet, learn to relieve stress in other ways, and work on your circle of pleasures.

You are lacking microelements

Constant cravings for sweets can be a signal that the body lacks vitamins and microelements. For example, chromium, magnesium and vanadium. They are responsible for delivering glucose into cells - otherwise it remains in the blood and forces you to go get a chocolate bar. If the desire to eat sweets after a hearty meal bothers you regularly, you should take a blood test. In case of violations, the doctor will prescribe suitable complexes.

You have intestinal diseases

Gut health affects appetite and food choices. Therefore, if you notice an uncontrollable craving for sweets, you should consult a specialist and check the health of your organs digestive system.

Mikhail Gavrilov

psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, employee of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM, USA)

Disruption of the microbiota, in particular the uncontrolled proliferation of fungi of the genus Candida in the intestines, increases cravings for sweets, including after meals. This is due to the fact that the basis of the diet of such pathogenic microorganisms are simple sugars. These fungi will "demand" sweet food, highlighting special substances, which provoke cravings for simple carbohydrates. You should get tested and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Your taste buds have lost sensitivity

This is possible if your diet contains a lot of foods with big amount preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes. The good news is that you can solve this problem in just 21 days.

In this article, I will tell you when you can eat sweets and in what quantities so that everything is fine :)

What is sugar?

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, energy (carbohydrate) in pure form, which is very quickly absorbed.

How is it harmful?

Sugar = not harmful, its excess (excessive amount) is harmful.

If you eat a lot of sweets (sugar) every day = then a large amount of INSULIN is produced as a result. For those who don't know, insulin is produced (in healthy people) own pancreas. So, provided there is an excess of sugar (sweets) = the pancreas works under heavy load. In this situation, long time, the pancreas can simply deplete (break), like a part in a car, and hello type 2 diabetes, and who knows, maybe from type 2 it will turn into type 1 diabetes (the most complex, insulin-dependent).

In addition to this, sweets, sugar, as I already said, are also simple carbohydrates (energy in their pure form), and this, in turn, is a lot of calories. And who doesn’t know, people gain excess weight, fat, get fat, increase weight due to the fact that they consume (enter) MORE of those same CALORIES than they expend (waste). This is the so-called excess caloric intake, which increases body weight...

And from obesity, excess weight, fat = just an incredible bunch of serious health problems - which should not be allowed if you want to look normal, live normally, and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, most people do not notice how much sugar they consume, and do not even realize, cannot even imagine, what danger such a “sweet life” threatens for them.

In life we ​​are surrounded by a lot of temptations, especially in food, which lie in wait for us at almost every corner/step, but this is not an excuse, most people, unfortunately, due to their weakness, do not even notice how much sugar they consume , sweets, etc. junk food, and they don’t even realize what danger such a “sweet life” threatens for them.

Strong personalities, unlike weak ones, control and manage their lives, even incl. eating (absorption) of food, and I’m not just talking about sweets (sugar), but in general. Have this in mind.

First. If there are sweets = then give preference to HEALTHY SWEETS (rather than harmful ones).

The vast majority of people consume unhealthy sweets, and in vain, because the healthy ones, unlike the harmful ones, contain vitamins and microelements, and not just empty calories.

Second. Consume sweets (sugar) in small quantities (dosages) (avoid excess).

Third. Which is the answer to the topic of the article. Use healthy sweets and in small dosages (without excess) and attention, only in the first half of the day (before 15.00). Ideal intervals, in the morning, and if there are no conflicts on goals, after strength training in the gym.

After 15.00 - there is a high probability that excess fat will accumulate due to the fact that people in evening time, as a rule, are passive, as a result, the energy received from sweets will not be “wasted”, as a result Negative consequences in the form of fat accumulation = health problems. And during the day, people are usually ACTIVE, so energy will be “wasted” due to “activity.”

Congratulations, administrator.

Drink after meals - bad habit. The stereotype to which we are accustomed actually leads to digestive disorders and poor absorption of nutrients, that is, to metabolic disorders.

You should drink before meals (water, tea, coffee without milk, juice). After you have quenched your thirst, you should wait 15 minutes and only then start eating. In this case, drinking removes weakened digestive juices from the stomach and “revives” internal secretion and... satisfies the first attack of hunger, the most acute, which leads to satiety with less food.

In the cold season it is good to drink something hot, but in hot weather you can drink both hot and cold. But remember that if you drink a lot cold water before eating, you need to wait longer.

Liquid taken at the same time as food or immediately after it weakens digestive functions: a well-publicized feeling of heaviness appears, food is digested more slowly and begins to ferment more easily, causing gas formation. But if you don’t drink before eating, it’s also not very good: food quickly saturates the blood nutrients, and this causes hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels), a feeling of fatigue, heaviness and thirst.

If you learn to drink before meals, this will most often help you lose weight and keep it off. normal level. If you drink after a meal, it contributes to excess weight, especially for those who are prone to it.

For those with a sweet tooth

Refined sugar is a dangerous and undesirable food. Sweets should be taken separately from any other food, that is, not at the end of the meal as dessert, but as an afternoon snack or a planned snack. If you eat sweets after your main meal, your digestion will be slowed down by exactly half. Nutritionists recommend that people with a sweet tooth switch to honey: it contains useful components, and at the same time you can’t eat a lot of honey - of course,

if you don’t dip a white bun in liquid honey. But this is not worth doing. Another variant healthy dessert- a mixture of dried fruits and nuts, just remember that this is a high-calorie food.

Sweets are most beneficial in the morning - from the moment you wake up until 12-13 o'clock - and most harmful at night.

About milk

Milk is not a drink, but a food. It takes time and quite a lot of energy to digest milk. Drink fresh cow's milk It is also better in the form of a separate meal, without mixing with other products.

Whole fresh milk - best product. It is quite fatty and high in calories, but is absorbed best.

It is advisable to boil whole chilled milk.

Pasteurized and sterilized milk from packages can be drunk immediately, but it is better to warm it to room temperature. Reconstituted milk is the least healthy.

It is good to drink hot milk at night,

it provides the necessary proteins, has a good effect on nervous system. Milk can be heated with a little spices and honey.

Milk cannot be combined with any flour products. If you want to live happily ever after, avoid combining milk with bread, cookies, pie, and milk porridge.

Let's get in line

After you've quenched your thirst, it's best to eat fresh salad or fruit. This food is digested the fastest. Next, you can move on to dishes of stewed or boiled vegetables, starchy dishes, and at the end of the meal, eat something protein or dairy.

Although there are no purely protein and purely carbohydrate foods in nature, recently it has been considered rational and smart not to mix bread and meat, potatoes and fish or chicken, that is, predominantly starchy foods with animal protein, in one meal. Such mixtures objectively take longer and are more difficult to digest,

since the digestion of individual components requires different digestive juices.

A sure sign

We learned from experts what to do if a child has an appetite for sweets and refuses a full meal.

Sweets on an empty stomach are evil. This is an axiom, the relevance of which is hardly worth discussing. Once in the body, fast carbohydrates cause sudden jump insulin. If you make such a meal plan (start with sweets, and even wash it down with candy) a system, then this will quickly and reliably lead to the development of diabetes with all that it entails.

With any meal, the body releases insulin, and it does this depending on the food eaten. Everything has its own glycemic index: for example, for parsley it is 4, and for white sugar it is 100. And if you start lunch with a salad, then eat soup, then a hot dish, then dessert, then the body secretes insulin in an increasing order - exactly as much as is needed to process a particular product . Starting with sweets, we destroy this pattern, that is, roughly speaking, parsley releases the same amount of insulin as sugar.

Can sweets curb your appetite? It can - if the calorie content and volume of food eaten are comparable to the energy needs of the eater. For an active adult, one candy, cookie or bun will not kill the appetite - on the contrary, it will stimulate the taste buds. olfactory receptors, and the sharply released insulin will tell the body: “More!” But a small child, for whom feeding is a problem in principle and for whom normal food is a punishment, will gorge himself on just sweets. And this despite the fact that real harm his body will: in response to one unfortunate bun or candy, insulin will be released in full.

Dinara Alieva

pediatrician, gastroenterologist and nutritionist of the Online Doctor service

A child’s diet, first of all, should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so you should avoid sweet snacks before full meals, since sweets provide a feeling of fullness for a short time. Having refused a full lunch, the child will not receive the required amount of microelements, and after an hour he will want to snack again. An improper diet can lead to loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss and various gastrointestinal disorders: functional disorders stomach work, reflux, gastritis and so on.

Here are some tips for normalizing your child's eating behavior:

1. Give your child the right to choose between two or three food options - this will allow the baby to feel important.

2. Cook with your child: Children always willingly eat food that they prepare themselves.

3. Have family meals. The example of adults contributes to the formation correct attitude to the child's food.

4. Offer a new dish only when he is hungry.

5. Take a walk! Frequent walks help improve appetite.

6. Reduce your meal time to 20 minutes. After this time, remove the food before next appointment food. You should not allow your child to sit before eating, as he may develop negative attitude to food.

7. Do not force feed your child and respect his refusal to eat.

Also try to introduce more complex carbohydrates (various grains) into your diet, which will make you feel full and provide the body with the right amount. useful substances. Porridge in the morning - much more healthy breakfast than various buns, muffins and others flour products: it replenishes the child’s energy needs and envelops the walls of the stomach, becoming a kind of protective barrier for it.

Natalia Botvinnikova

Head of the Department of Pediatrics at the Medsi Clinic in Khoroshevsky Proezd

When blood glucose levels drop to the extreme acceptable standards, the body begins to feel hungry. And it is better if he gets the necessary calories from food taken at breakfast, lunch or dinner, and not fast carbohydrates contained in chocolate and desserts. If the meal was complete, then the body will receive a significant amount of energy, thanks to which the child will be able to fully rest and work - both physically and mentally: that is, do lessons, and attend various sections, sleep soundly, gaining strength. If you eat sweets instead of food, the carbohydrates obtained in this way will quickly be used up, and the child will not have the strength and energy to active work. If you eat sweets before a full meal, the effect will be the opposite: the body will receive two to three times more energy than it really needs - in similar cases it simply does not have time to be processed in time.

It is believed that if a child eats well and regularly, then he has enough calories and there is no need for sweets in principle. But, since children love sweets very much and simply cannot do without it, parents can give sweet fruit or chocolate as a pleasant addition to the main meal. True, it is better to do this in small quantities and 30 minutes or an hour after eating.

Maxim Samoilov

trainer, nutrition consultant, YouDo.com service specialist

Basically, sweets are simple carbohydrates (sugars), which very quickly, but very briefly, satisfy the feeling of hunger: they sharply raise the blood sugar level, but within half an hour the sugar drops just as sharply, the feeling of hunger returns, and the food eaten is safely transformed into adipose tissue- due to the release of insulin by the body. So you can spoil your appetite with sweets in no time.

But there are ways to combine business with pleasure:

1. B small doses Sweets whet your appetite, so there is nothing wrong with eating caramel half an hour before meals. The key factor is the quantity of sweets, not the type of product. But eating a handful of sweets before lunch means completely killing your appetite.

2. Large dose no sweets the best option, but it is possible as a snack if there is fiber. It is found in apples, plums, apricots, pears, strawberries, grapefruits, bananas, peaches, blackberries, watermelon, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and figs. If you eat a handful of dates, it will delay the feeling of hunger and add satiety to the product, reducing insulin levels.

3. The most reasonable option to combine business with pleasure is to eat sweets with more complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals. For example, you can add it to oatmeal or rice porridge fruits or dried fruits. This way, those with a sweet tooth will be satisfied with the taste of the food and will remain full longer.

4. I advise you to eat something protein at every meal - both with and without a sweet product. This will lower glycemia ( high sugar in the blood) and balances the child’s diet, since proteins are construction material for a growing organism, and this nutrient cannot be neglected. Add a handful of nuts to the dish - in addition to proteins, the child will receive additional healthy fats.

And remember that the main thing in matters of nutrition is a sense of proportion and balance in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), each of them should be in your diet in the required quantity.

For those who do not have a special passion for various sweets, cakes and pastries, the question of whether it is possible to eat sweets in the morning is not relevant. However, for all lovers of tasty treats, it is very important to know what half of the day is best to consume them, so as not to harm your figure and the body as a whole. In this article we will try to expand as widely as possible on the question of whether it is worth eating sweets in the morning.

Why shouldn't you skip breakfast?

Although many people refuse to eat in the morning, preferring to increase the calorie content of food closer to dinner, scientists have long proven that breakfast is the most important in energy nutrition. Therefore, first, let’s figure out what importance a morning meal has for a person.

First of all, breakfast is a boost of energy. The opinion that during sleep the human body is in a sleeping state is erroneous. At night, the body's processes slow down, but do not stop completely. Accordingly, in the morning he needs to restore spent energy reserves, as well as stock up on reserves for the coming day until noon.

Secondly, breakfast helps control appetite and is the basis normal weight. Most effective way To lose weight or maintain the existing weight is proper nutrition, which is based on small but frequent meals. Prolonged fasting seems to be an additional stress for the digestive system, disrupting the usual metabolism. The body will soon try to compensate for the missing calories many times over in order to stock up on resources in case a similar situation occurs again.

Thirdly, a correct and timely breakfast is a fundamental contribution to physical health and psychological balance. After all, healthy and nutritious food is the basis for the formation of immunity of the whole body. It also helps to concentrate on further work, prevents stress, and improves mood.

Sweets are a body need

The debate about the pros and cons of eating sweets has been going on since ancient times. Some people cannot imagine their life without dessert, while others exist calmly and happily without such whims. However, this topic directly or indirectly concerns each of us.

Scientists have found that an obsessive desire to eat something sweet may indicate a lack of certain vitamins and substances in the body. More often this symptom reports a deficiency of vitamins A, B and E, as well as microelements such as magnesium, calcium, glucose, phosphorus, sulfur, tryptophan, chromium, carbon.

If the human body senses a deficiency of a certain substance, it will send certain signals to the brain and try to compensate for the deficient material from sources available to it. Accordingly, the subject at a subconscious level will choose products in which the missing element is greatest.

So, if you can’t wait to eat candy or any other dessert, it means that your body is sorely lacking magnesium. In this case, one of the symptoms of this problem is caffeine addiction.

If you abuse carbonated drinks, you should think about whether you have enough calcium in your diet. Its deficiency can be eliminated using daily use legumes, cheeses, sesame seeds, broccoli.

What half of the day is best to eat sweets?

More from early childhood We were taught that eating sweets could cause harm to the body. However, this makes sense when eating too many sweet foods, and if you eat such foods correctly and in moderation, you can also benefit from them.

However, regarding what half of the day to eat dessert in order to benefit from this maximum benefit, there is no unanimous opinion. Some people believe that it is best to eat sweets in the morning. Others, on the contrary, recommend not to do this.

Let's look at the arguments that justify why you can eat sweets in the morning:

  1. In the first half of the day, human metabolism is at its maximum, which allows you to quickly digest high-calorie foods.
  2. The calories you eat will be spent throughout the coming day and will not be deposited as excess weight on your waist.
  3. A sweet breakfast will help protect against overeating, since carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and send a signal to the human brain about satiety.
  4. Morning dessert can energize good mood and activate brain activity for the whole working day, this is confirmed by reviews from lovers of tasty treats.

Reasons why you should give up sweets in the morning

Let's look at the arguments that justify why you shouldn't eat sweets in the morning:

  • Dessert will not provide sufficient energy reserves to the human body for the upcoming part of the working day, since fast carbohydrates tend to be consumed instantly.
  • Sweets are not suitable for a separate meal, which contradicts next rule: “Sweets should not be consumed with other foods during the same eating session.”
  • An early dessert can push you to overeat during the day, since tasty treats provoke a sharp jump in insulin.

A few facts about sugar

Sugar is present in every person's diet every day. It is added to almost all dishes, both sweet and non-sweet. It serves as a convenient preservative for various berries and vegetables, jam, and even meat.

The set of products that contain sugar is usually divided into three groups:

  • one hundred percent - directly sugar, honey, starch;
  • healthy - fruits, some vegetables;
  • unhealthy - cakes, sweets, chocolate, sweet pastries.

The most common types are:

  • fructose;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose.

Useful properties of sugar

  • Sugar is a source of such important elements for the functioning of the whole body as carbohydrates and glucose.
  • Promotes the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin.
  • Eating delicious sweet foods helps improve your mood with psychological side, which has nothing to do with the hormonal picture.

The most interesting thing is that sugar in its pure form does not contribute to excess weight gain, unless, of course, you consume it in exorbitant amounts. Fruits and vegetables containing sugar supply the human body with essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Adds calories to sweets high concentration in some desserts there is fat.

Harmful properties

The harm of sugar is as follows:

  • promotes an increase in insulin levels;
  • synthesized into fat deposits;
  • satisfies the feeling of hunger for a relatively short period of time;
  • promotes the accumulation of glucose in the body, which threatens the development of certain chronic diseases;
  • causes food addiction;
  • negatively affects appearance, leads to excess weight.

Recently, scientists have discovered many new manifestations harmful effects on the human body:

  1. Sweets can lead to infertility.
  2. Sweet lovers are more likely to get thrush.
  3. May cause intestinal cancer.
  4. Goodies have a negative impact on the brain and mental abilities.
  5. It is not recommended to consume a lot of sugar during pregnancy.

How to lose weight without denying yourself pleasure?

Most people associate weight loss with certain dietary restrictions, but for many, giving up their eating habits is so difficult that it is sometimes impossible.

However, some women in their reviews claim that it is still possible to lose weight without denying yourself sweet foods. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. You should eat this food only before lunch. You can have sweets in the morning, because this gives a high probability that the calories received will be spent throughout the day.
  2. Do not eat sweets in the evening, and treats are especially strictly prohibited 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Harmful treats can be replaced with more healthy products- fruits, berries, marmalade, candies, marshmallows, dried fruits, honey, jelly.
  4. Avoid high-calorie and fatty sweets (cakes, pastries), as these products provoke excess weight gain.
  5. Do not eat sweets and fatty foods at the same meal, so it is better to avoid dessert after the main course. It is recommended that the break between consumption of these products be at least 2 hours.
  6. Do not overeat: if you follow moderation, you can eat almost all foods. Accordingly, it is better not to eat a lot of sweets in the morning.
  7. It is better to get rid of the habit of drinking, especially sweetened drinks, as they supply the body with unnecessary carbohydrates and lead to excess weight gain.
  8. Artificial sweeteners and sweeteners should be avoided immediately. They not only do not contribute to weight loss, but are also dangerous to health.
  9. The best way to burn calories after eating dessert is movement.

in the morning: all the pros and cons

Tea is a tonic drink and, in principle, has no special effect on the body. However, if used incorrectly, it can even be harmful. Let's look at a few facts that will tell you how to properly organize a tea party with benefits for your health and figure:

  1. Green tea is considered healthier than black tea. It is recommended to consume large-leaved varieties of the drink, as this is evidence of the quality of the product.
  2. If possible, tea should be drunk without added sugar. If this is too difficult, then it is better to gradually reduce the amount of sweeteners to a minimum.
  3. It is best to drink tea in the morning - it will help you wake up. However, it should not be consumed immediately after a meal, but 20-30 minutes after it. You should not drink tea immediately after waking up or to satisfy your hunger, as this can cause gastritis.
  4. Tea should not be cold or hot, the most optimal temperature is about 50⁰C.
  5. You should not be overzealous with tea leaves, because it is very Reviver Not only will it be too bitter, but it will also lose its positive qualities.

Sweets from the point of view of proper nutrition

For some people, the phrase “proper nutrition” sounds scarier than “diet.” However, their difference is that the first does not require any restrictions in products. The requirements relate only to their quantity, quality and some other nuances. The main thing is that with the help proper nutrition You can lose more extra pounds than on some diets.

Many people who closely monitor their figure are concerned with the question: is it possible to eat sweets in the morning while losing weight? The answer will be unequivocal - you can and should eat sweets, the main thing is to adhere to several of the above-mentioned rules.

Is it possible to eat sweets in the morning while on a diet: reviews

There are many diets, so anyone who wants to lose a few kilograms can choose the maximum for themselves. convenient way nutrition. Since it is most difficult for people to give up sweets, personal diets for those with a sweet tooth have been invented. One of the most popular is the chocolate one, the essence of which is that throughout the day you are allowed to eat only a bar of dark chocolate.

According to reviews from those losing weight, we can conclude that eating sweets while dieting is acceptable. The main thing, regardless of the chosen method of nutrition, is that daily energy expenditure exceeds the number of calories absorbed.

To summarize, it is worth mentioning that best time day for eating sweets - morning. However, this does not mean that it can be consumed in any order and quantity before lunch. To make food healthy and nutritious, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules.