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Why we eat wrong and how to overcome bad eating habits. Bad eating habits that lead to extra pounds

However, a person eats when he is full; absorbs sweets in huge quantities. He knows what’s harmful, but he still eats, eats, eats. The question arises: “Why is the natural mechanism of food regulation disrupted in humans?”

So, a food habit is formed in several stages:

1. It all starts from the mother's womb. What a mother loves and what food she enjoys will stay with us for life. You shouldn’t be surprised that the child doesn’t want cottage cheese, kefir or semolina if the mother herself doesn’t like these products.

2. Next important point- the first taste that a baby receives after birth. It's good if it's breast milk. In the future, everything that is healthy, tasty, pleasant will be associated with this taste. This should be normal. Yes, but very often in maternity hospitals, the child is the first to be put into the mouth instead of breast milk 5% glucose enters. In this case, a person will consider it very tasty sweet food, products with flavor enhancers. And exactly sweet product He will further associate it with comfort and pleasure.

Thus, already in childhood, food becomes for us not just a source of energy, but something more, for example, pleasure. Slowly but surely we get used to giving the stomach pleasure intended for other organs, “eating” stress and negative experiences. If there is a lack of pleasure in the form of food, we experience withdrawal symptoms, which we eat again. And here it is a vicious circle!

3. The third stage of consolidation of eating habits takes place between the ages of 3 and 5 years. Check out the store! Almost all children's products (curds, fruit purees, yoghurts) are incredibly sweet. Sugar is the cheapest preservative. Store shelves are filled with candy and cookies, but there are very few healthy food products.

We ourselves teach the child to eat a lot of sweets. For comparison, our ancestors considered sweets cow's milk, dried carrots, beets, turnips. There was rarely honey in the diet. There was no sugar at all. The main taste of food was sour (yogurt, cottage cheese, sauerkraut, sour kvass, bread). It is this taste and these products that are necessary for development normal microflora intestines.

What about the mechanisms of overeating? Most parents force their child to finish eating when he is already full. It turns out that from childhood we force a child to eat more than he wants, and we firmly believe that we are doing a good deed, pushing a spoon for dad, a spoon for mom... So it turns out that as he grows up, he gets used to eating more than he actually needs body.

A food habit is fully formed by the age of 5-7 and remains with us for life. It lies deep on the subconscious level and guides all our eating behavior. Trying to suppress the demands of your subconscious through diets and fasting is useless. The subconscious is still stronger. At the same time, the deeper the habit is, the less we are aware of it, the more it controls us.

How many times in your life have you tried to lose weight?

Regarding “how many” there is an old joke: A husband asks his wife: “Darling, how many men did you have before me?” The woman frowned and fell silent. The next day, the husband could not stand it and asked: “Darling, are you silent because you are offended by me?” “No, I’m just counting!” - she answered.

I hope that things are not so bad for you, I mean trying to lose weight :), but I think this is not the first time you are trying to lose weight. What's the matter? Let's find out!

Any one consists of three equivalent elements:

  • awareness,
  • adequate physical activity,
  • changes in eating behavior.

And, if with the first two points of the program, as a rule, special problems does not arise, then changing eating behavior causes the greatest difficulties.

Is our eating behavior is largely the result of our established eating habits.

What is any habit, including food? This is a way of behavior that takes on the character of a need. In other words, habits are certain behavioral programs that always “work” under certain conditions.

Of course, it’s very good when our eating behavior is determined by “healthy” habits for being slim.

A few words about “good eating habits”. I’ll tell you about an incident that happened to me quite recently!

As you know, recently we were all required to undergo medical checkup. At the same time, they strictly warned that it would be necessary to take a blood test, so everyone must come for examination on an empty stomach.

The morning before the examination, I got up and had breakfast as usual. I already remembered that it was forbidden to eat when approaching the clinic.

What happened? The “good” eating habit of eating breakfast worked. That is, this is what we have already talked about - a way of behavior that is a need.

For me, it is the same habit and need as brushing my teeth. I no longer think about whether I want to have breakfast or not, my body always requires it. And that's great!

Although, at that time, I couldn’t have breakfast, I didn’t want to, and I thought that by skipping breakfast, I was speeding up the rate of weight loss.

This is a big one, don't repeat it!

It took me about 1 month to form the habit of eating breakfast, and for more than 5 years it has been natural need my body.

But more often than not, things with habits are not so positive.

Incorrect eating habits, which ultimately determine eating behavior, are formed in us over more than one day. And it is they who largely determine the problems with overweight that we have.

When we start, we try to change our eating behavior, but our attempts to change something collide with already established eating stereotypes. Which can destroy our endeavors in the bud.

I would consider the most negative food attitudes for slimming to be:

  • no breakfast,
  • habit of eating on the go,
  • eating in front of the TV,
  • food when bored or anxious,
  • endure hunger
  • don't drink water...

What to do with all this baggage?

Eating behavior: developing a new style

Eating behavior, as we have already found out, is determined by our habits. Accordingly, rational eating behavior requires new “correct” eating habits.

Change existing habits– it’s not an easy matter. They have been formed throughout life and have already become an integral part of each of us.

But nothing is impossible for a person who really wants something.

Of course, it’s easy to talk about this, but how can you put it into practice, which is filled with stress, worries and problems?

Friends, now I will share with you my vision of this problem, which helped me change many “wrong” attitudes.

Changing eating behavior requires:

  • faith in the result;
  • awareness of the goal for which you are ready to make efforts;
  • sequences;
  • patience.
  1. When trying to get rid of unwanted habits, do not go too far. Remember that you won’t be able to change everything at once.
  2. Make it a rule to work with one, maximum two “wrong” food attitudes at one time.
  3. On average, it takes us 21 to 28 days to form a new habit. These are, of course, average figures, and in your case they may change up or down.
  4. Start by identifying the negative attitude you want to work with.
  5. Next, create an image of your “ideal” behavior and set a deadline by which you plan to achieve it, and do not forget to assign yourself a reward for achieving the required result.
  6. The next stage is the gradual introduction of changes and consolidation of them in your behavior.

Let's now try to write a program for changing the “bad” habit of not eating breakfast.

So, now you are not having breakfast.

At the same time, do you know that eating breakfast within the first hour after waking up speeds up your speed? metabolic processes, makes weight loss faster and more effective, helps control appetite attacks, and ensures that the results achieved are maintained in the long term.

With all these benefits in mind, we come to realize that eating breakfast is a very good eating habit that will ultimately help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Great, the first stage of working with the problem has been completed.

Now let's think about the time frame that we will set for developing and consolidating the habit of having breakfast.

The minimum period, as we already know, is 21 days. Let's increase it to 30 days to have some time to spare. So, we give ourselves 30 days to develop a new useful skill.

Any achievement is worthy of a reward. Agree with yourself that if after 30 days you feel the need for breakfast every morning and, most importantly, eat breakfast, you will give yourself a gift.

What it will be - you decide for yourself. Let it be a thing or something else that you would really like, but, as they say, money is a pity. Just not a cake or pastry, but something pleasant for the body, something that will remind you of your achievement.

The process of developing a plan is completed: the goal, deadlines, expected results, and reward for achievement have been determined. All that remains is to begin implementing the plans.

Be prepared for the fact that not everything will go smoothly. At first it will take some effort.

Be calm when things don't go the way you imagined. This is completely normal, life always makes adjustments to our plans.

Take any problem as an opportunity to gain new experience. You don't have to be perfect in everything, you have the right to make mistakes. Possible failures This is just your experience, and not proof that you are unable to achieve your goals.

Be patient, keep your goal before your eyes and move towards it, albeit slowly and gradually, but most importantly, in the right direction. Don't be afraid of mistakes and failures - they are natural!

Friends, try to acquire habits that will make your eating behavior more rational. As a result, your slimness will not be the result of extreme efforts, but a natural consequence of your lifestyle and nutrition.

In the next article we will continue the conversation about slimming habits. Don't miss it and get new articles in your inbox.

Healthy eating habits

  • Regular breakfast
  • Light and healthy desserts
  • Eating by the hour
  • No extra products

Human habits are so diverse and changeable that, perhaps, everyone has them. And some easily admit their presence, while others stubbornly assure themselves and others of their absence and taking actions according to the circumstances. Hundreds of people eat food every day different composition and condition. But few of them seriously think about the eating habits that make their body stronger and life easier.

Does everyone have healthy eating habits?

Fatty foods, alcoholic feasts, fast food and quick snacks are bad eating habits that almost all people have. Few people are ready to give up their favorite dishes and start eating right. Many people often cite being too busy and not being able to devote time to their own diet. As a rule, this hides the usual reluctance to change one’s life or the fear of not being able to cope with difficulties that at first glance seem enormous.

However, almost every person has good habits, but does not always pay attention to it. A banal, but regular breakfast is already an ongoing process that benefits the body. Lovers of light dishes and large quantity vegetables and fruits, they also probably don’t think about the fact that eating such products has already become a habit. And, moreover, it helps you feel good and maintain physical fitness. There are quite a lot of such examples, because if you analyze your daily routine and meals, almost everyone can notice something useful in their diet.

Regular breakfast

It’s not for nothing that they say that how you start the day is how you will spend it. And it’s better to start it with something pleasant - delicious breakfast and your favorite hot drink. Everyone who thinks that proper nutrition implies the consumption of only cereals cooked in water without sugar and milk - they are fundamentally mistaken.

Firstly, because food should be enjoyable and positive emotions from its absorption. And secondly, healthy eating is not a diet medicinal purposes, but the exclusion of elements that harm the body. Therefore, breakfast can be milk porridge with the addition of nuts, dried fruits or honey, muesli with milk, and boiled eggs with chicken breast. Even delicious dessert in the form of pancakes with jam can be an excellent breakfast. And also those dishes, after consuming which a person will not feel heaviness, fatigue, pain and discomfort.

It is worth remembering that breakfast energizes a person for the first half of the day, helps the body wake up, prevents stress and speeds up metabolism. By getting into the habit of eating in the morning, you can increase your performance and improve your mood.

Vegetables and fruits in the diet

Fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, as well as elements included in almost every dessert. They contain sufficient amounts of water, carbohydrates, proteins and fats for normal life human body. Fruits are great as a snack because they don't contain many calories and are easy to digest.

Salad from fresh vegetables, seasoned with sour cream or olive oil. This dish can enrich the body with fiber, minerals and vitamins. Don’t forget about the benefits of greens, which go well with both vegetables and meat dishes.

Regardless of whether a person prefers vegetables or fruits, their consumption is always beneficial. Except in cases where there is an allergy to them or they are absorbed in large quantities.

Eating less calorie foods

All people want to feel good, to be cheerful, cheerful and slim. Few people like taking medications, hospital beds and grueling diets, but rarely does anyone think about what can lead to this poor nutrition. You can change your diet by reviewing the menu and excluding carbonated drinks, chips, fast food, fatty fried foods and other high-calorie foods. If you cannot deny yourself the consumption of such products, then you can try to reduce their serving quantity.

Light and healthy desserts

Sweet lovers most often understand perfectly well what the abuse of high-calorie desserts and flour products. But you don’t have to deny yourself your favorite delicacies. It is important to evaluate the calorie content of frequently consumed sweets and replace them with dishes that are identical in taste but less fatty.

Dessert is an integral part of the human diet. And that is why, every day new combinations of tastes, shapes and types of sweets appear, awaiting consumer evaluation. You should give preference to light smoothies, fruit salads, cheesecakes, apple strudels, casseroles, desserts - jelly, yogurt-based cakes and soufflés. This is just a small list of delicacies, the love of which can be considered a healthy habit.

Drinking alcohol in limited quantities

Fun parties and festive feasts are rarely complete without drinking alcohol. It significantly improves mood, increases appetite and has a high calorie content. The assortment of this kind of drinks is very large and everyone can choose what they like.

A positive dietary habit is considered to be limiting the amount or completely eliminating alcoholic beverages from the diet. However, it has been proven that wine can improve digestion, normalize metabolism, and lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, drinking a glass of wine at dinner will not only lift your spirits and allow you to relax, but will also benefit your body.

Eating by the hour

It is a pity that not every person is able to accustom himself to a clear temporary diet. After all, this could benefit the body. It is noteworthy that in this case there is no need to exclude any foods from the diet. It's enough to just eat by the hour.

Receiving food every time at a certain time, the stomach systematically produces gastric juice which contributes to it efficient work. It also reduces the need for quick snacks between lunch and dinner.

Naturally, it is not always possible to eat on time, and celebrations and holidays often knock a person out of his usual schedule. But these are just moments of exception, after which it is advisable to return to eating on time.

No extra products

One of the most important rules A rule that any person should obey is refusing to go to the store on an empty stomach. Under the influence of hunger, a lot of foods are purchased that are not regularly consumed by a person. They just catch your eye at the wrong moment and then, being in the refrigerator, act as a temptation for a person.

You shouldn't buy too many products at once. Optimal quantity food is the amount that a person eats per day. Consequently, everything unnecessary will be consumed in excess of the norm, and will force the body to work in an enhanced mode.

Starting something new is always difficult and doubtful. But having put your diet in order, after just two weeks you can notice positive effect. Feeling of lightness and vigor in the body, formation beautiful figure, good mood- the result of having positive eating habits.

Take the test

Do you follow the rules healthy eating?
Do you know the principles of healthy eating? Take the test and find out the whole truth about your diet!

Photos used from Shutterstock

Ekaterina Ryabova

It will help you figure out what eating habits you have now. Keep notes throughout the week.

  • Write down exactly what you ate, how much and at what time.
  • Make notes about how you feel: “I was hungry,” “stressed,” “bored,” “tired.” This will explain why you ate something. For example, you got bored at work and bought a chocolate bar.
  • At the end of the week, review your notes and identify your eating habits. Decide which ones you want to change.

Don't set yourself many goals at once, move gradually. To start, limit yourself to two or three goals. For example, like this:

  • drink skim milk instead of whole milk;
  • drink more water throughout the day;
  • instead of sweets, eat fruit for dessert;
  • take with you and homemade food for lunch;
  • Learn to differentiate when you eat because you're hungry and when you eat because you're stressed or bored.

2. Identify your triggers

Think about what caused these habits. Maybe something in your environment is causing you to eat when you're not hungry. Or the choice of food is influenced. Review your food journal entries and circle recurring triggers. For example:

  • you saw something tasty in the kitchen or in the vending machine;
  • you eat while watching TV series;
  • you are stressed at work or in another area;
  • you are tired after a day of work, but you have nothing ready for dinner;
  • you have to eat junk food at work;
  • you eat fast food for breakfast;
  • at the end of the day you want to please yourself with something.

Focus on one or two triggers that happen most often. Think about how to avoid them.

  • Don't pass by a vending machine on your way to work.
  • Make dinner or prep groceries ahead of time so you can make it through the evening quickly.
  • Don't keep unhealthy snacks at home. If someone in your household buys them, store them out of sight.
  • Offer to buy fruit instead of sweets for work meetings. Or bring them separately for yourself.
  • Instead of juice and soda, drink mineral water.

3. Replace old habits with new ones.

Find alternatives to unhealthy snacks

  • If you eat sweets at the end of the day, it's better to choose a cup herbal tea and a handful of almonds. Or go to a short walk when you feel a drop in energy.
  • For an afternoon snack, eat fruit and yogurt.
  • Instead of a bowl of candy, place a plate of fruit or nuts on the table.
  • Watch your portion sizes. Difficulty eating a few chips or other junk food, when there is a whole pack in front of you. Set aside a small portion on a plate and discard the rest.

Eat slowly

While you chew, place your fork on your plate. Bite off the next piece only after you have swallowed the previous one. If you eat too quickly, your stomach will not have time to signal that your hunger has been satisfied. As a result, you will overeat.

How do you know if you're eating too fast? About 20 minutes after eating, you will notice that you have eaten too much.

Eat only when you are hungry

Don't try to calm down with food, you'll only end up overeating. To feel better, call your loved ones or.

Let your brain and body relax. Take a break to relieve tension without eating.

Plan your meals

  • Decide what you will eat in advance to avoid impulse purchases.
  • At the beginning of the week, decide what you will cook for dinner and buy groceries. This way there will be less temptation to eat fast food on the way from work.
  • Prepare some of the ingredients for dinner in advance. For example, cut vegetables. Then it will take less time to cook in the evening.
  • Try to have a hearty breakfast so that you don’t feel the urge to have a sweet snack before lunch. If you don’t feel like eating in the morning, eat a piece of fruit, drink a glass of milk or a smoothie.
  • Have a hearty lunch and a healthy snack before dinner. Then you will not die of hunger in the evening and will not eat too much.
  • Don't skip meals. Otherwise, next time you will overeat or eat something harmful.

Once you've changed one or two bad eating habits, move on to the next. Take your time and don't beat yourself up. This will take time. The main thing is don't give up.

Eating habits

individual, family, national traditions in the field of nutrition and the corresponding adaptation of the body to individual food products, to methods of preparing and eating food.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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  • , Pomeroy Hayley. Food is the foundation of our health. If you want to feel great, get sick less, get rid of... extra pounds, prolong life and youth, then eating habits are necessary...
  • Creating Healthy Eating Habits by Pomeroy Haley. Food is the foundation of our health. If you want to feel great, get sick less, get rid of extra pounds, prolong life and youth, then eating habits are necessary...