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Nettle - benefits, harm and composition of the plant. Nettle is not a weed, but a vitamin-rich food product

Since ancient times, nettle has been used in medicinal purposes. I wonder what vitamins in nettles allow the body to cope with illnesses?

Previously, nettle was used for various purposes:

  • as a universal medicinal drug;
  • as a food product that contains a lot useful vitamins and substances;
  • as raw material for creating rope, fabric or rope.

It is very important to note the high benefits of the plant for human health. Various vitamins and minerals make this herb irreplaceable and miraculous.

Nettle and its composition

Except useful substances, the fiber found in this plant is of great benefit. Nature has very generously rewarded this herb with vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • carotenoids.

Nettle is rich in microelements:

  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • aluminum;
  • sulfur;
  • chromium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • barium.

Nettle contains vitamin C, the amount of which is 10 times greater than in lemons or apples. This herb contains more carotene than sea buckthorn, sorrel or carrots. All this allows us to talk about a wide range of beneficial properties of this herb.

Effect of nettle on the body

Nettle has an extensive list of beneficial properties for the body:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has general strengthening properties;
  • improves blood clotting during cuts or wounds.

Nettle is a unique medicine for anemia. With this herb you can say goodbye to dark circles around the eyes and ease your menstruation. It should be noted that the effect of stopping the blood can cause great harm to people who have blood diseases. In addition, it is scary for people with thick blood: for them, nettle is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots. The use of this herb by women who are expecting a baby is undesirable: nettle can provoke contractions in the uterus and cause premature birth.

But this herb is of great benefit in the treatment of muscle pain, radiculitis, rheumatism, pain in the bladder and liver diseases. The use of nettle helps improve heart function and has a stimulating effect in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. A large amount of carotene has a beneficial effect on the eyes.

Nettle leaves are also important. They contain a very large amount of organic acids, which increase immunity and contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

During the period after various operations, it is nettle that helps the body recover faster; it helps in resisting radiation and lack of oxygen.

IN large quantities Vitamins in nettle help strengthen hair and protect it from dandruff. This is very effective remedy during the period of baldness. It has been proven that if you rinse your hair with a nettle decoction for two weeks, you can achieve a noticeable reduction in hair loss.

Not only decoctions can be made from the plant, but also compresses, which can be used to heal wounds, abrasions, cuts or ulcers. The decoction will play good role with internal bleeding, it will provoke the formation of new red blood cells. A sufficient amount of secretin helps normalize blood sugar levels. This process stimulates the production of natural insulin, which is so necessary and beneficial for people with diabetes mellitus.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that wide application The herb has also been found in cooking. It is happily added to various salads and soups.

Harm or benefit from smoking nettle

Nettle is known to a large number of people for its harsh character. Many people associate it not with benefit, but with unpleasant sensations when interacting with her. But as you know, the juice that causes a burn on the skin not only does not contain negative influence, but also has healing effect. If a person is burned by nettles, then the worst thing that happens to him is only temporary unpleasant tingling sensations on the skin. Everything else is positive sides and beneficial effects on human health.

Experts have long proven the harmlessness of guardianship. There are approximately 40 varieties of nettle, and only a few of them can harm humans to some extent. But since such species are not found in our country, the risk of suffering from them is reduced to zero.

Benefits of using nettle

As noted earlier, nettle is actively used in the preparation of various foods. Young shoots of the plant are better suited for cooking: they do not have a bitter taste, they are softer and without nitrates. Once placed in boiling water, nettle stops burning, so don’t be afraid of damaging your tongue. When using the herb in salads, it is not necessary to boil it; it will be enough to rinse the leaves well with water. To use nettles for filling pies, simply boil the leaves in salted water.

In ancient times, nettle was actively used in the production of sailing fabric. Today, nettle has found its use in textile production. But now it is made into a delicate fabric that feels softer than silk. This fabric is wear-resistant; a product made from it will not stretch or lose its color.

But the most important, important and distinctive side of nettle is its medicinal properties. With the help of such a simple plant, which can be found in any garden, forest or clearing, you can cope with various diseases:

  • nettle can easily cope with skin rashes;
  • she can cope with small wounds or other external damage to the skin;
  • it helps in the fight against hair-related problems;
  • with the help of nettle decoction you can cure hair follicles, scalp and hair itself, after treatment the hair will be stronger, brighter, shiny and grow faster;
  • This is an excellent remedy in the fight against dandruff.

In addition to external use, it can be used internally. Decoctions and compresses have multifaceted meaning in various fields. This is a good remedy for gastritis, constipation, in the treatment of intestines or digestive tract, good helper For genitourinary system, as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Nettle is a godsend for health. During female menstruation A decoction of nettles works a miracle: it helps reduce excessive blood loss. During breastfeeding, the herb also has exceptional benefits: by adding nettle leaves to food, the mother improves the quality of milk, which, in turn, helps strengthen the baby’s body. The only thing is that before using and actively introducing nettle into the diet, it would not hurt to consult with a specialist, especially during pregnancy and lactation, in order to prevent excessive muscle contraction and the appearance of spasms.

The magical properties of nettle were discovered and widely used in ancient times. Even then we were able to identify many useful medicinal properties this plant. With the help of infusions and decoctions, our ancestors managed to heal various diseases. Today you can find nettle extract in the pharmacy.

Despite the wide variety of vegetables and fruits throughout the year, you should not refuse to use freshly grown nettles in the spring. Young nettles can be actively used in the preparation of various dishes: soup, scrambled eggs, salad, stewed vegetables can be made from it. Dry nettles can be used to make a seasoning and use it throughout the year, thus providing for yourself. high immunity and eliminating the need to use different medications, which are not only tasteless, but also not always healthy.

How rich is nettle?

Nettle - very widespread and grows like a weed, in abandoned places, along roads. It can also be found directly next to your home. Nevertheless - nettle is very useful, and is one of the few plants extremely rich in high content of vitamins and minerals. In addition to this, nettle is richer in green vegetable protein than other plants. Nettle contains chlorophyll (it helps to repair damaged cells and affects the longer preservation of oxygen in the brain), as well as acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, tannins, secretin, carotenoids (improve vision and prevent cataracts), acetic and formic acid .

Of the minerals, calcium (600 mg / 100 g), iron (three times higher than that of spinach: 7.8 mg / 100 g), silicon and manganese, phosphorus, copper, magnesium nitrate, sodium and potassium, as well as zinc and nickel.

Nettle is rich in vitamins. It is necessary to separately mention vitamin C (think about it: there is seven times more of it in nettles than in citrus fruits!), provitamin A, vitamins D, B2, B5, E, K and folic acid.

What are the benefits of nettle?

Nettle is a real treasure for the body. She happens to be good remedy treatment

gout, rheumatic diseases and arthritis. Helps with joint pain, tuberculosis, infections urinary tract, neuralgia, radiculitis, hemorrhoids, prostate diseases, eczema, hair loss and skin diseases. This plant will also help in the treatment of colitis, dysentery and diarrhea, because. also has astringent properties.

Nettle tea restores strength and energy, helps get rid of harmful substances in the body (due to the content of lignins and cellulose polysaccharides) and increases the defensive power of the immune system as a whole, due to increased metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

Nettle is very useful for diabetes and urinary tract diseases - it helps in the destruction of sand and small kidney stones, is a diuretic, and is effective for prostatitis. Our great-grandmothers also used it in the treatment of rheumatism, from lung diseases such as tuberculosis and bronchitis, because it also has expectorant properties!

Nettle also helps with diseases of the gallbladder and liver, constipation (strengthens digestion), anemia, stomach diseases, as well as in cases of menstrual cycle.

For women

Of the most useful medicinal herbs, nettle is considered an excellent ally of women, because female body needs a higher iron content in the diet.

For the same reason, during heavy periods, this medicinal herb will relieve pain and reduce blood loss. And thanks to vitamin K, it will help increase blood clotting and restore proper hemoglobin levels, increasing the number of red blood cells and platelets in the body.

Nettle infusion is recommended for women to drink after childbirth as a tonic. It makes it easier muscle spasms, will reduce the chance of hemorrhoids, reduce the chance of severe postpartum hemorrhage and reduce pain. It will provide good support to young mothers during breastfeeding - significantly increasing the stimulation of lactation, and will also reduce colic and gas formation in babies.

Nettle helps against diabetes

Nettle is useful for elevated level blood sugar. Nettle tea will become a great assistant for diabetics! Thanks to secretin and chlorophyll, which nettle is rich in, it helps stimulate the production of natural insulin and reduces the level of sugar, glucose and cholesterol in the blood.

Regarding hair health, nettle leaves and stems:

Improves the condition of the scalp;

Adds shine and shine;

Strengthens capillary follicles, which prevents hair loss;

Restores hair structure by activating hair follicle- hair roots become stronger and stronger;

Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;

Eliminates dandruff and itchy skin heads;

This occurs due to the action of vitamins A and E, which are found in large quantities in nettles.

It’s not for nothing that it is often used as a component of shampoos!

It is important to know: spring best time for collecting nettles!

It is better to collect nettles with gloves, this way you will protect your hands from an unpleasant burning sensation.

Eating it is a great way to give your body a healthy boost after winter.

Methods of use.

Add nettles You can use it in soups, sauces, salads, cook green cabbage soup, and in many other dishes. But only after the nettle leaves have been pre-soaked in hot water. The taste of nettle is usually comparable to the taste of spinach. This special taste is given to it mineral salts iron, which is also contained in spinach, only in nettles there is three times more of it!

It is very useful to drink nettle tincture in case of anemia and increased fatigue and depressive states. For better absorption of minerals, add a few drops of lemon juice to it.

Nettle tea- This fast way reset overweight, which you could gain over the winter. Drink a cup of this tea before each meal; tea helps you achieve a feeling of fullness faster and suppresses your appetite. After it, you will want to eat much less and your food portions will also decrease significantly. This tea removes harmful toxins from the blood and helps in the fight against fluid retention in tissues. By regularly drinking nettle tea, you can significantly reduce your weight (up to 2 kg per week!), and those who have problems with cellulite will also notice a positive effect.


  • Nettle tea is not recommended to drink during pregnancy, especially in the first and last months, as it can lead to premature birth, causing premature contractions or miscarriage.
  • Also, nettle is contraindicated for thrombophlebitis, bleeding caused by the appearance of tumors (cysts, fibroids or polyps), atherosclerosis and hypertension, since hypertensive patients have increased blood clotting.
  • At kidney diseases and for liver diseases, nettle collection should be used in a limited manner, preferably under the supervision of a doctor.
  • People taking iron supplements should discuss the dosage and advisability of using nettle with their doctor.
  • It is not recommended to drink nettle tea or dishes made from it for children under 12 years of age.

Before you start taking medicinal herbs, and this certainly includes nettle, you should definitely consult with your doctor, preferably a herbalist. This will help you avoid unwanted effects on the body.

In contact with

Everyone knows that nettle grows like a weed. But not everyone knows that it is very useful. Nettle is used with great success in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. How medicinal herb nettle has been known since ancient times by Avicenna, who described in detail what it is - nettle.

The beneficial properties of this weed have become known to us since the 17th century. Read More Today, nettle is specially grown and cultivated in a number of European countries. She got wide use in the northern and southern hemisphere Europe.

It grows in fertile, moist soil, as well as under our windows, in vegetable gardens and forests. Nettles can differ in their types - they can be annual or perennial. A perennial weed is most often used in medicine.

Nettle beneficial properties and composition

Nettle contains a large chemical composition microelements. For example, vitamin K, which has an excellent effect on blood clotting, has, among other things, an anti-inflammatory effect. It also easily treats blood vessels. Nettle contains a lot of calcium in the form of carbonate, it does not pose any burden to the kidneys, even if it is ingested in increased quantities.

In addition, nettle is also useful in the content of formic acid, some flavonoids, tannins. Previously, if a person had frostbite, they wrapped him in a nettle blanket, which often saved him from death. Nettle contains a lot of protein, even twice as much as regular legumes.

Nettle is also famous rapid elimination from the human body of various toxins. This is due to the content of cellulose and lignin polysaccharides in it, as well as vitamins of group B, C, E, K. Beta-carotene, as you know, increases visual acuity, but it is contained not only in carrots, but all trace elements strengthen the body from the inside.

What to figure out specifically, what kind of nettles beneficial features, it is worth considering carefully its chemical composition. Only 100 g of nettle contains 0.5 g of fat, 3.7 g of protein, 3.1 g of fiber, 5.4 g of carbohydrates, all of the above vitamins. Nettle contains calcium, selenium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, chlorine. Nettle improves blood clotting, has an anti-inflammatory effect, can eliminate dark circles under the eyes, has a healing effect on all diseases of the liver and bladder.

Nettle has beneficial properties for people who are sick chronic diseases, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis. With little body resistance, i.e. With low immunity, the plant stimulates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the body. If you need to urgently stop bleeding, then they will help medicinal properties nettles It has a hemostatic effect due to its pungency and also eliminates bacteria. Nettle can be safely applied to ulcers, wounds and ulcers.

Nettle relieves pain during menstruation, especially heavy periods. With the help of this plant you can reduce blood loss, make the menstrual cycle normal, and has a huge antimicrobial effect

Since nettle can increase blood clotting, there are some contraindications to it. If you have thick blood, thrombophlebitis, then you should not use nettle, as blood clots may appear. Also, you should not use nettle preparations for kidney disease, atherosclerosis, or hypertension.

Of course, nettle has a lot of beneficial properties, but there are also other contraindications. In any form, nettle is contraindicated for those who have problems with blood clotting, especially if it is elevated, hypertension, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis.

Nettle application

Nettle can be used not only in cooking, but also in therapeutic measures and cosmetology. Look at a few recipes that can prove to you the benefits and versatility of this useful product.

To strengthen general condition, cleansing blood vessels and blood, prepare this infusion of nettles: take a bottle of vodka and pour crushed nettle leaves into it in an amount of 200 grams. Keep the infusion on the window for 24 hours, then put the jar in a place where there is no sun for 8 days. Strain the finished infusion, filter, leave to stand in a dark glass container. Take half a teaspoon of this infusion 30 minutes before meals in the evening and during the day.

Nettle is an excellent remedy for muscle pain, as well as for radiculitis. Grind the nettle leaves in a meat grinder and mix them with butter, add grated horseradish to the mixture and use as an ointment. Seal the jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Tea made from nettle leaves and seeds can be used to increase potency, for rheumatism and liver disease, for enterocolitis, for diabetes, and stomach ulcers. This tea is drunk 30 minutes before meals.

Girls use nettle in for cosmetic purposes for hair treatment. About a liter of boiling water is poured with 150 grams, one spoon of thick honey is added to it and left to stand for an hour. After this, the decoction should be cleared of the herbs and divided into several parts. Take a bowl with warm water and dissolve two glasses of this decoction in it. Rinse your hair with this water. After nettle rinsing, the hair becomes strong, shiny and silky.

Nettle is used very widely in cooking. It is added to salads, many national dishes, and soups. This can be explained not only by all the beneficial properties of nettle, but also by its excellent taste.

Delicious and extraordinary healthy salad can come from young nettles. Take 100 g of green onions, 100 g of sorrel, 200 g of chopped nettle leaves, finely chop everything and pass through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped boiled eggs, fill the mixture vegetable oil. Add fresh radishes to your salad.

The use of nettle is popular in the preparation of millet balls, which turn out very tasty, as well as for pies: boil the nettle for two minutes, then dry the mixture and chop it with a knife. Mix it with millet porridge, make everything fine with a knife. Make little balls. Bake them in the oven and serve with sour cream.

It is used to prepare various delicious dishes, but still in medical purposes it is used much more widely. So tea from nettle seeds can restore lost male strength. And so that your heart can work as best as possible, take nettle infusion. You will need the tops of nettle leaves; they must first be dried in the shade and then chopped. Pour half a liter of water over the leaves, then put on the fire and boil. Strain the water into a separate bowl, take the decoction, sweeten it a little with honey, about 4 times a day.

Nettle can not only stop bleeding, but also help with heavy, painful periods. Nettle juice from the leaves will help with this. It is taken half a teaspoon per day. The juice is dissolved in a small amount of water. You can use a cotton swab on the nettle, especially if you have cervical erosion.

Nettle is also useful for gastritis. To cure it, take herbs and nettles. For every four spoons of herb you will need a liter of boiling water. Fill the grass with water and leave to steep for two hours, wrap in a towel.

The medicinal properties of nettle are used for general strengthening organism. Take 200 g of nettle leaves, fill them with 0.5 liter of vodka. Tie the neck of vodka with gauze, keep the first 24 hours on the window. Then for the next 8 days, put the bottle in a dark place. Nettle infusion should be expressed, take a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals and one teaspoon at night.

Nettle will help with constipation. This treatment will last about 14 days, but it helps 100% in such cases. To prepare a decoction, take equal parts of yarrow flowers and nettle leaves, as well as three parts of buckthorn. Mix everything and pour in 200 g of boiling water. Leave to steep for about 30 minutes. Strain everything and take half or a whole glass at night.

This decoction can perfectly rid your hair of dandruff and strengthen it: take calamus rhizomes, coltsfoot, nettle - all in equal parts, so that the mixture should be about 100 g. Pour the whole mixture with a liter of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes . Wrap the mixture in a towel, leave to stand for an hour, then cool and strain. Wash your hair with this decoction three times a week so that dandruff can disappear and your hair becomes strong.

This is not the whole way of medicine and different dishes, which are perfectly prepared from nettles. Try a recipe with nettles, at least one, so that it becomes beneficial for you.

Healing properties of nettle

You can use nettle in the form of an ointment and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with it. Ointments are prepared from crushed and dried leaves into powder, petroleum jelly and annual pepper. Apply the ointment about 2 times a day.

If you are suffering increased loss hair, dandruff, then rub the prepared nettle infusion into the scalp after washing: brew one tablespoon of the herb, pour a liter of boiling water over it, leave for about 1.5 hours and decant. Use at least once a week, but for a long time.

As a means to normalize metabolism and a vitaminizing medicine for anemia: herbs, leaves or flowers 2 tbsp. nettle, pour 200 g of boiling water, leave to stand for 15 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Take 2 glasses 3 times a day before meals.

Nettle treatment and use for various diseases

If you have weakened blood clotting, then make this solution: take two tablespoons of nettle, pour a glass of boiling water, boil again for 10 minutes and strain. Take a spoon 5 times a day. If you have bleeding, then take a tablespoon of nettle herb, brew 200 g of boiling water, and leave to boil for 10 minutes. Take strained.

For beautiful hair, use the decoction for rinsing and washing your hair. Pour 0.5 liters of vinegar into 200 g of crushed nettle leaves and add 0.5 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes and cool.

For rinsing and compresses, use the following: pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water over the plant and leave for 25 minutes. The fistula tracts should be washed with freshly squeezed juice, especially during the period of scar formation.

If you use nettle with all its beneficial properties together with bell pepper, then such a mask can easily strengthen hair growth. You should rinse your hair with the decoction before going to bed, but do not use soap. To prepare it you need to take 0.5 liters of vinegar, 100 g of chopped nettle herb, mix and add another half liter of water, cook for about 30 minutes. When the mixture has cooled, it will need to be squeezed out.

Take a bottle and fill it with fresh nettle leaves, add alcohol and close tightly. The bottle should sit in the sun for two weeks. If you have a cut or wound, it will be enough to soak the gauze in this solution, which will make the wound heal faster and heal it from infection.

To get an infusion for mouth rinsing, take 10 g of nettle leaves, pour half a glass of boiling water over them, leave to steep for about 10 minutes, then strain and cool.

The use of nettle for gout, articular or muscular acute rheumatism helps from the first day. Make this decoction: take a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves, pour boiling water into a glass, add the leaves. Wrap the mixture in a container convenient for you, leave to steep for one hour, and strain. For the listed diseases, take a tablespoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Nettle roots are great for chronic cough. To do this, they need to be finely chopped and boiled in sugar syrup for 20 minutes. You need to drink a tablespoon five times a day. Flowers will give the same effect. You need to take one pinch of them, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave. Can be taken as tea.

Due to its properties, nettle is excellent for pain relief. If the pain is too severe, then you can take this decoction: 1 part nettle leaves, 1 part buckthorn bark, pour a total amount of boiling water into 1 liter, heat the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes and leave to infuse. You need to drink a glass a day. The leaves are perfect for treating the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and gall bladder. Any infusions can be made in proportions of 1 to 10.

For acute gastritis or during exacerbations, make this decoction:

a) mix St. John's wort, plantain leaf, nettle leaf, and chamomile flowers. Take 4 tbsp. mixture and pour a liter of boiling water. Take a glass a day for a week.

B) take knotweed grass, nettle leaf, pepper leaves, mix everything. From this amount, separate 4 tablespoons of the mixture and brew it with 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for about two hours, do not put in the refrigerator, it should stand in a warm place. Drink up to 1.5 liters per day for a week.

Nettle can also help with constipation. Take a piece of buckthorn bark, yarrow flowers, and nettle leaves. Brew each tablespoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water, infuse as usual. Drink half a glass a day, preferably before bed.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, then using 2 parts of buckthorn bark, 1 part of oregano, 1 part of nettle greens is suitable for you. Mix everything. Brew one spoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for five minutes in a warm place. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

To strengthen the body as a whole, take a nettle decoction. The heart will start working like a clock, the person will feel much more energetic, the composition of the blood will completely improve, and sclerosis can easily go away. Place nettle leaves, picked in May, in a bottle and fill them with half a liter of vodka. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze. Keep the infusion on the window for the first day, and the remaining eight in the closet. Squeeze and strain. You need to drink the whole bottle throughout the course.

For various types of bleeding and heavy menstruation Take fresh nettle juice orally, squeeze a teaspoon from the leaves a day before meals. If you use pharmaceutical drug, then drop about 20 drops 30 minutes before any meal. If you need to spend preventive actions uterine bleeding, then it is enough to take a quarter glass of water.

To eliminate cervical erosion, insert a cotton swab into the vagina, which must be moistened with fresh juice nettles

Nettle: medicinal properties to increase lactation. To increase lactation, do this: 1 part of dill fruits, nettle leaves, sweet clover herb, anise fruits, add 400 ml of water and boil. Drink half a glass 2 times a day after meals. Another option is to mix

Come on, in childhood, which of us didn’t climb into the raspberry patch for juicy berries and, shouting “Ay!”, “Oy,” “Ay-yay-yay,” endured and gobbled on? Who were we so afraid of? Babayek? Moles? No, in the raspberry fields, in the fields, meadows, forests - biting nettles or, according to science, stinging nettles lay in wait for us everywhere.

Nettle is, in fact, a weed that no one specifically grows, but everyone knows it: children and adults, doctors, cosmetologists and even chefs. Interestingly, nettle, the medicinal properties of which are known to everyone, grows exactly where there is something to profit from - in raspberry thickets, among flowers. It’s as if the healer knows that we’ll go there - and she’s eager, really eager to treat us... And we, like the hedgehog from the well-known cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog,” still climb into the thickets, getting burned, groaning, but heroically enduring these torments. We are not hedgehogs and the sting of the grass, oh, how we feel.

What are the benefits of nettles?

Common sense dictates that since nettle stings, then probably the most useful thing is contained in the leaves, or rather, in the stinging hairs that frame both the leaves and the stems. This is true. Nettle contains so many vitamins and minerals that the first aid kit is resting. Remember what we said when nettle, the beneficial properties of which were unknown to us at that time, stung: “It’s all for health, don’t worry and chew raspberries.” And they endured.

Contraindications to the use of nettle

Stinging nettle due to its powerful therapeutic effect can harm a person.

It increases blood clotting, so it should not be taken by people at risk of developing blood clots.

For the same reason, hypertensive patients and those suffering from atherosclerosis should be careful.

Scientists have proven that active substances, which are part of the nettle, can cause growth cancer cells if they already exist in the body. Therefore, cancer patients or suspected cancer the use of nettle is contraindicated.

Nettle heals the kidneys, liver, bladder. However, when acute course It can be harmful to diseases – take it in small quantities.

And do not forget that there may be allergies or contraindications to any other herbs included in a particular recipe.

In general, with such a list of contraindications, you should think carefully before using nettle internally.

By the way, this video tells you quite a lot about nettle in 4 minutes, including contraindications:

Nettle in cosmetology

The same vitamins and microelements can improve the condition of the skin and hair, help cope with acne, make the skin elastic, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, even out the complexion, moisturize the skin. Nettle is useful for hair; reviews of masks and decoctions can be found on various forums.

Lotion for oily skin and acne

1 cup chopped nettle leaves pour 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and dilute 2 tbsp. water. Wipe cleansed face. In no case do not drink, alcohol is a dangerous poison, do not forget about it.

Rejuvenating face mask

Grind fresh leaves nettles, add the same volume of honey melted in a water bath. Apply the mask and keep for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Anti-acne lotion

2 liters cold water(a lot of water, because it’s better to make more lotion - don’t drink it, wash your face with it), 12 tablespoons of nettle leaves - boil, strain and cool. Wash your face after sleep and before bed.

Mask for problem skin

1 tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves, pour the same amount of chopped plantain leaves into 4 tablespoons cucumber juice. Apply the mask and keep for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Against dandruff and hair loss

To solve hair problems, rub nettle infusion into slightly damp hair. This can be done no more than once a week, but the course is quite long - at least three months.

Pour a tablespoon of nettle leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours, strain.

Nettle in cooking

We talked about medicine, about cosmetology too. What about food? After all, it is useful that it climbed into the mouth.

If young nettles are poured with boiling water several times, its pungency will disappear. Add it to salads and preserves, baked goods, and crushed into green oils and pates.

And what an amazing taste the sorrel soup will have if you add scalded nettles along with the sorrel. Try it, you will like it.

Oh, and nettle is useful, albeit stinging. Therefore, it must be harvested with gloves so that the hands are not covered with blisters. Although such treatment also has its place - in children's fairy tales, grass turns swans into people. Do you remember the fairy tale about the sister and her 12 brothers? They were doomed to remain beautiful swans during the day and only at night turn into young guys. They were saved by their sister, who with bare hands plucked nettles and knitted shirts. It’s just a pity that my youngest and most beloved brother didn’t have time to tie up his sleeve - so he was left with a wing instead of an arm. Although... The fairy tale is a lie and there is no hint in it, wear gloves and don’t play the savior of the swans!

(According to the US State Department)

100 grams of nettle contains:

Water 87.67 gr.

Calories: 42 cal.

Energy: 175 kJ

Protein (proteins) 2.71 g.

Total fat 0.24 g

Carbohydrates 7.49 g

Fiber (fiber) 6.9 g.

Sugar 0.25 gr.

Sucrose 0.10 gr

Glucose 0.07 gr.

Fructose 0.07 gr.


Calcium, Ca 481 mg.

Iron, Fe 1.64 mg.

Magnesium, Mg 57 mg.

Phosphorus, P 71 mg.

Potassium, K 334 mg.

Sodium, Na 4 mg.

Zinc, Zn 0.34 mg.

Copper, Cu 0.076 mg.

Manganese, Mn 0.779 mg.

Selenium, Se 0.3 mcg


Thiamine 0.008 mg.

Riboflavin 0.160 mg.

Niacin 0.388 mg.

Vitamin B-6 0.103 mg

Folates (total) 14 mcg.

Folic acid- No

Choline 17.4 mg.

Betaine 21.4 mg.

Vitamin A RAE 101 mcg.

Beta-carotene 1150 mcg.

Alpha carotene 114 mcg.

Lutein + ceaxanthin 4178 mcg.

Vitamin K 498.6 mg.

Beta tocopherol 0.01 mg.

Vitamin K 13.2 mcg.


Saturated fatty acids (total) 0.037 g.

Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.014 g.

Fatty acids polyunsaturated 0.117 gr.

Cholesterol - no


We present chemical analysis results dry preparation of nettle, carried out in the laboratories of NPO "Vitamins" and State Unitary Enterprise "GOSNIISINTEZBELOK":

Our research

(according to the laboratory of NPO "Vitamins" and State Unitary Enterprise "GOSNIISINTEZBELOK"):

Crude protein(s): :................................ 35.3
Carbohydrates: ...................::::::.::.... 23.8 (dry weight)
Moisture: ........................:::::...... 5.0
Cellulose::::::::::::::. 17.2
Lignin:::::::::::::::. 10.7
Pectins:::::::::::::::. 0.7

Amino acids,%
Lysine 1.08
Histidine 0.61
Arginine 1.05
Aspartic acid 1.62
Threonine 0.80
Serine 0.55
Glutamic acid 2.20
Proline 0.88
Glycine 0.97
Alanine 1.11
Cystine 0.32
Valine 1.06
Methionine 0.52
Isoleucine 0.82
Leucine 1.47
Tyrosine 0.57
Phenylalanine 0.92

Mineral elements, mg/kg:
selenium, mcg/.kg:::.:::.94

Chromium, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic were not detected.

Vitamins, mg/100g:
Thiamine (vitamin B1)..........:::::::.................... .1.0
Pantothenic acid(vitamin B3).........................:................0.993
Folic acid (vitamin Sun)::...................................0.167
Biotin (vitamin H)............:::::::......................0.0246
Vitamin PP............:::::::::::...................... 4.18
Ascorbic acid(vitamin C).........................:......145.2
Vitamin K........................::::::::::......: ..2.63

Such a rich set of amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins provides wide range restorative, healing and therapeutic and prophylactic effects of nettle on the human body. It should be noted: nettle proteins contain 9 out of 10 essential amino acids, which in combination with minerals and vitamins helps maintain high performance, quickly restore strength after hard work, fatigue or illness.

Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and must be obtained from food. Among them:
- lysine, which promotes the absorption of calcium and supports normal nitrogen metabolism, necessary for the formation and growth of bones, as well as during recovery after operations and injuries;
- histidine, protecting the body from the effects of radiation, necessary for the formation of red and white blood cells and maintaining immunity;
- arginine necessary to maintain metabolism in muscle tissue, which improves the condition of the skin, participates in the restoration of cartilage of the joints, strengthens the ligaments and heart muscles, slows down the growth of tumors and stimulates immune system;
- threonine, supporting protein and fat metabolism and immunity;
- methionine, normalizing liver function and preventing the deposition of fats in it, preventing muscle weakness and hair loss;
- phenylalanine, improves memory and attention, improves blood circulation, promotes the formation of insulin.

Other amino acids that make up the nettle are involved in the restoration of damaged tissues, skin formation, and strengthening of joints. Especially surprising is the effect of glutamine, the percentage of which is the highest. It improves brain activity, reduces cravings for alcohol and smoking, supports acid-base balance in organism.

Nettle is almost the only product that contains vitamin K - a hemostatic factor that increases blood clotting, especially with external and internal bleeding, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. These properties are especially important for gastrointestinal tract, in which microdamages constantly occur. The antitoxic effect of nettle is pronounced. At the same time, in the contained plant fibers, lignins and cellulose polysaccharides are combined with vitamins C, K, E, group B, therefore, when eating nettle, toxins are absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

Nettle also contains formic acid, tannins, and flavonoids. Presence of bioflavonoids - important factor antihistamine and antioxidant effects, which makes it possible to recommend nettle for the prevention and treatment of asthma. Nettle is rich in vitamin C, the content of which is not inferior to citrus fruits. In combination with the amino acid cystine, vitamin C affects the bronchi and mucus secreted by the pulmonary epithelium. Therefore, nettle should be consumed by anyone who has weak or diseased lungs.

Vitamin C and lipoproteins contained in nettle, being antioxidants, have positive influence for prevention cardiovascular diseases. The laureate drew attention to the connection between these diseases and a lack of vitamin C. Nobel Prize L. Pauling, who sees in this main reason cardiovascular diseases. Normalization of activities of cardio-vascular system Contributes to the high content of potassium and calcium. Therefore, constant use of nettle is one of the factors in reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases.
The high content of beta-carotene in nettles (2 times more than in carrots!) helps strengthen the retina and improve vision. Large quantities chlorophyll, which has an anti-radiation effect, is extremely valuable when working in conditions of increased radiation and during irradiation; at local application chlorophyll promotes wound healing. Therefore, nettle is a must for those who work with a computer.

The unique combination of substances in nettle ensures its unsurpassed effect on the body.

People suffering from diabetes mellitus especially need to consume nettle. Nettle normalizes natural metabolism, tissue metabolism and thereby leads to a decrease in blood sugar. There is evidence that eating nettle helps to restore the functions of pancreatic beta cells, resulting in a sharp decrease in insulin dependence in diabetic patients to full recovery normal sugar metabolism. In addition, the presence of secretin in nettle, which stimulates the formation of insulin, is also antidiabetic, contributing to the removal of sugar from the blood. Recipes for collecting plants recommended by Musina S.E. et al. for diabetics (2000), must contain nettle. Therefore, nettle is the main component of antidiabetic action, although more than 40 such plants are known.

Nettle is used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and beriberi, anemia, atherosclerosis. Nettle is believed to enhance milk production in nursing mothers. It is recommended as a nutritional, health-improving and therapeutic additive in soups, salads, sauces, mayonnaises and other products, it helps well against spring fatigue, anemia, increases resistance to various diseases, improves metabolism.

A nettle broom is an excellent remedy for relieving radiculitis pains if you take a steam bath with it in a bath, sauna; Compresses made from nettle powder also work. Baths with nettle infusion are also recommended. It is widely used as cosmetic product in lotions, ointments, various compositions with protein, sour cream and other components. IN Food Industry nettle is used as a dye, filler, in particular, in the manufacture of sweets. Received positive results the use of nettle with beets in the treatment of helminthic disease hookworm. The causative agent of this disease is a small intestinal nematode (0.8-11.0 mm in size), which is introduced into the mucous membrane small intestine and feeds on blood.

Nettle infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon (5 g) of powder per glass of boiling water, incubated for 10 minutes and taken chilled for? glasses 2 times a day. It is good to add nettle to beet, carrot, lemon, and fruit juices.

Take 5-7 tablets of lyophilized nettle. 3 times a day before meals.

In addition to lyophilized nettle powder and nettle tablets, the company "Biorhythm" produces combined nettle tablets with dry cabbage and beet juices. Their effectiveness increases dramatically due to the combined effect of a complex of substances contained in beets, cabbage, nettles. In nettle tablets with cabbage and beet juices, the antiulcer effect of vitamin U and the general healing effect on the human body are enhanced.

A strong remedy against fatigue and anemia is honey with nettle.


Nettle infusion and tablets are recommended for use:
- as an anti-sclerotic agent;
- as a hemostatic agent for internal hemorrhages (pulmonary, renal, intestinal) and, especially, uterine bleeding;
- for anemia (cleanses the blood and improves its composition);
- for menstrual irregularities;
- for the treatment of stomach ulcers;
- for prevention and treatment chronic colitis, kidney inflammation;
- for the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases, kidney stones;
- for dysentery;
- with hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation and bleeding;
- for the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, arthritis;
- for diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- for bleeding gums (stimulates wound healing);
- to stimulate mental and physical development children.