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Beans - beneficial properties and wonderful taste of the most delicate dishes. The benefits and harms of different types of beans

Beans are one of the oldest legumes. It was grown in South America more than 7 thousand years ago. Since then, it has spread across the globe, leaving “traces” in Roman scrolls, medieval Chinese chronicles and archives Ancient Egypt. It is believed that beans were even part of the face masks of the great Cleopatra. The French brought this culture to Russia. To date, beans are presented in all their diversity on the tables of our compatriots.

Beans: composition, calorie content and methods of use

Beans are a plant-based analogue of meat. Any product can envy the beneficial properties of beans. IN large quantities it contains vitamin B and fiber. A serving of one hundred grams provides their daily requirement. In different proportions, beans contain microelements that are responsible for the vital functions of all internal organs and systems. These are zinc, iron, carotene, copper, lysine, arginine, etc. The list of vitamins is no less rich: A, C, PP, E. The benefits of beans can hardly raise doubts.

According to nutritionists, beans should be present in a person’s diet almost every day. After all, it is a valuable source of protein. The ideal norm is three glasses every week in different variations. For example, in the form of soups, side dishes, salads.

There are many varieties of beans, however, they all have similar properties. When choosing beans, you need to pay attention to appearance fruits They should be even and smooth without damage. Good green beans have a completely green pod with no spots. When broken it crunches. If the beans are frozen, there should be no ice in the package.

It is important to cook the beans correctly so they can reveal their maximum nutritional value. In stores, this product is presented in a large assortment in canned form. But there are hardly any health benefits from such beans - after all, at enterprises they are oversaturated with sodium and preservatives. It's better to cook yourself. Before cooking, the beans are soaked for several hours. You don’t need to cook for long – well-soaked beans will become soft very quickly.

The nutritional value beans are as follows: 21 g protein, 2 g fat and 47 g carbohydrates. In its raw form, the calorie content is almost 300 kcal, but in boiled form it is only 95 kcal per 100 g. The value, as well as the content of microelements in different types of beans, differ slightly.

Beans: what are the benefits for the body?

The health benefits of beans are due to their unique composition. It is an excellent dietary, cosmetic and medicinal product. It has been proven that regular consumption of beans is a powerful prevention of a number of diseases.

1. Recovery of cardio-vascular system. Beans are definitely included in the daily menu of those who suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, etc. With a low calorie content, beans nourish the body, saturating it necessary elements. This product contains a lot of iron, it improves blood circulation, increases blood flow to cells and promotes the growth of immunity.

2. Improvement of the digestive system. Bean diet restores impaired metabolism.

3. Recovery genitourinary system. The benefit of beans is that it removes stones from the kidneys, and also stimulates the diuretic process and relieves swelling.

4. Help with diabetes. Arginine, which is part of legumes, synthesizes urea, accelerates metabolism and reduces glucose levels. Its action is similar to insulin. Besides simple use When eating beans, drinking from them is beneficial. It is taken before meals.

5. Relief of well-being during exacerbations of chronic rheumatism. A special infusion of bean pods has a beneficial effect here. The fine husks are kept on low heat for two or three hours, then filtered and drunk several times a day.

6. General strengthening body. All the microelements that make up beans have a beneficial effect. For example, copper stimulates the production of hemoglobin and adrenaline. Sulfur helps cope with skin problems, rheumatism and bronchial diseases. Zinc regulates carbohydrate metabolism. In general, if you eat 100 grams of beans per day, the risk of developing malignant tumors, and the body will get rid of toxic substances.

In addition to eating, beans are actively used in cosmetology. The beneficial properties of beans allow you to make masks for your face and hands from it. They rejuvenate and moisturize the skin. To enhance the effect, add lemon juice to the mashed beans.

Beans: what are the health benefits?

Any product, even the most useful one, has contraindications. Legumes are no exception. Harm to beans can occur primarily when they are cooked incorrectly. This culture cannot be consumed raw. It must undergo heat treatment. Raw beans can cause stomach upset, and especially difficult cases even cause poisoning.

Bean dishes are known to cause increased gas formation. Pre-treatment helps reduce this negative effect. You can add soda to the water where the fruits are soaked, and then cook more long time. Good effect The use of various spices also helps, which reduce the harm of beans. For example, dry dill. It prevents the development of flatulence. Interestingly, white beans provoke gas formation much less than their red relative.

In light of this, it is better to avoid eating legumes for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Beans are contraindicated for gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcers, and gout. Beans can also cause some harm to the body of older people, so it is also better for them to refrain from consuming this product.

Beans for children: good or bad?

Beans are undoubtedly a storehouse of essential substances that are of particular value during the growth period of the body. Vitamins and amino acids, iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc - all this is extremely necessary for the little man. Especially considering that beans can retain up to 80% of their valuable properties after heat treatment, be it bean puree or soup. Moreover, in combination with other vegetables, it further enhances the beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, children over 3 years old can and should certainly eat beans.

But mothers of very young children need to be more careful when using this product. As mentioned above, beans increase gas formation and stimulate flatulence. Babies, especially in the first year of life, very often experience stomach problems. Immediately after birth, colic occurs, which torments the child for weeks and even months. Beans are not a helper in this matter, but rather the opposite. On top of that, it is difficult to digest and assimilate. This may cause constipation. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating beans in the first year of life and introduce this product into the baby’s diet later.

As for bean pods, they are much easier to digest and do not give the same effect as beans. Wherein beneficial features green beans no less. You can give its puree to your child as complementary food starting from one year of age. A little later, it makes sense to feed the baby small pieces instead of purees, making sure that he chews them thoroughly.

Beans: harm or benefit for losing weight

How dietary product, beans have gained popularity relatively recently. During research, biologists found that this plant contains substances that inhibit the processing of alpha amylase. It directly affects the breakdown of polysaccharides. They are converted into monosaccharides, which then enter the blood directly from the intestines. If there is little enzyme, carbohydrates dissolve poorly and come out mostly undigested. In addition, the beneficial properties of beans are that they stimulate the production of cholecystokinin. This is a hormone that reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism.

It is best to eat red beans for weight loss purposes. It should take root in the diet as tightly as possible.

Boiled fruits have practically no pronounced taste and do not smell of anything, so they can be added to ready meals without the risk of ruining anything. The calorie content of beans is extremely low due to the fact that the amount of fat in it does not exceed 2%. At the same time, it can greatly increase the feeling of fullness from the food eaten.

Many diets have been created based on beans that are suitable for almost all women, regardless of age and health problems. One of the most simple recipes- This is the use of bean broth during lunch and dinner. It’s easy to prepare: the beans are soaked, then the water is changed, put on fire and boiled. The water is drained and left until it cools completely.

Since beans reveal their maximum properties when combined with other vegetables, they can also be used to prepare salads and mixed side dishes. Those who want to reduce the number of kilograms and centimeters on their waist can actively consume beans also because they are an excellent natural energy drink. A person begins to feel active, cheerful and full of energy. He has a desire to play sports, move more, increase physical activity. All this directly contributes to weight loss.

Beans belong to the legume family. Breeders identify about 200 species of this plant.

The most common among them are white, red and green beans. The countries of Latin America and India are considered the birthplace of the product.

Then the plant spread throughout the world, it began to be grown in Russia, European countries, and North America.

Beans are the first product plant origin, which can be compared to meat in terms of protein.

This property has made it a favorite dish among vegetarians.

Beans have found their use in cooking.

You can prepare many delicious dishes from it.

Due to its low calorie content, it is a common product recommended in many diets, including folk remedies.

Composition and calorie content

White beans are a plant that is rich in minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. It includes:

  • amino acids including lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine,
  • folic acid,
  • coarse fibers that help remove toxins and other from the body harmful substances,
  • vitamins A, E, K, PP, B,
  • mineral elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, copper, zinc and others.

One hundred grams of white beans contain only 102 kilocalories. 100 grams of product includes 7 grams of protein, 16.9 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of fat.

Beneficial features

1. Beans are indispensable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

White beans fight heart rhythm disturbances and atherosclerosis. It can be used to prevent heart disease.

2. Significant amount of iron in this product improves the circulatory system.

This microelement increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, increases the body's resistance, and helps improve blood flow to all tissues and organs.

3.Large amount of vitamin E helps strengthen hair, improves condition skin and nails.

4. Sulfur, which white beans are rich in, helps with intestinal infections.

This mineral element indispensable for people suffering from bronchitis and skin diseases.

5. The plant has sugar-lowering property, it is useful to use for people with diabetes.

White beans contain arginine. This substance has actions that are similar to the work of insulin.

6. White beans are an excellent diuretic(This good prevention hypertension).

The product helps with illnesses Bladder and kidneys.

7. B vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

8. Large amounts of potassium and calcium will prevent problems with enamel and bones. Regular consumption of white beans will help you forget about dental diseases.

Harm of legumes

Beans have a beneficial effect on the body. But, like all products, rich useful microelements, beans also have contraindications for use:

  • age restrictions - beans are not recommended for use by older people, since they contain purines,
  • individual intolerance to this plant,
  • diseases gastrointestinal tractpeptic ulcer(), gastritis,
  • white beans should not be eaten if you have pancreatitis and cholecystitis,
  • people suffering from gout and pyelonephritis (read about treatment in women) are prohibited from consuming this product,
  • It is forbidden to eat beans raw, as they can cause poisoning.

Purchase and storage rules

1. Pay attention to the appearance of the beans - a good product there will be no rot or mold particles.

2. Store raw beans in a dry, airtight container (glass or plastic jars are ideal).

3. You can also store boiled beans, for this finished product You need to cool, put in a plastic bag and place in the freezer.

If you are going to prepare a large amount of boiled beans, then break them into small portions, placing them in different bags.

Features of cooking

Raw beans contain a higher amount of oligosaccharides - elements that contribute to increased gas formation and bloating.

But with the right heat treatment all toxins disappear. When preparing beans, you should use the following secrets:

  • raw beans need to be soaked in cold water and leave for 10 - 12 hours,
  • the first water must be drained immediately after boiling, cook the beans in the second water;
  • the product must be cooked over low heat in a large amount of water; during cooking, the beans should not be stirred, as they may crack;
  • You can salt the product after the beans are completely cooked and removed from the stove.

When consumed, white beans are ideally combined with vegetables rich in vitamin C.

This contributes better absorption everyone useful elements contained in this product.

Beans are rich in beneficial microelements. It helps in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improves hematopoiesis, fights intestinal infections and skin diseases. But it can also cause harm.

Before regular use product, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and consult a herbalist.

Watch a video about the benefits of beans for the human body.

I wonder why athletes who are losing weight and following a healthy lifestyle try to eat beans as often as possible? It turns out that the benefits of beans for our body are enormous.

What types of beans are there?

Modern food outlets They offer to buy different types of beans, everyone can choose it according to their personal taste.

Red beans

Red beans, also known as Kidney, perfectly complement soups and are a good ingredient in salads and side dishes. This type is also suitable as a filler for stuffed peppers and tomatoes. Due to their attractive burgundy color, these beans act as a spectacular decoration for many dishes that enliven a festive or everyday table. Cooking slightly changes the color of the beans, it becomes more delicate, closer to pink. Any spices are in harmony with beans due to their absorbent ability.

White beans

White beans are also very popular due to their pleasant taste and crumbly grain structure. Ideal product for home canned or stewed dishes. White beans are suitable for holiday treats and for everyday meals. Due to the long-term elimination of the feeling of hunger, usefulness and nutritional value, this product is called dietary.

Lima beans

Lima beans have an attractive appearance and creamy flavor. The appearance of the grains is such that they look like small shells from the sea. Excellent taste and the ability to hold their shape well allow these beans to be subjected to prolonged heat treatment as part of dishes: casserole, soup, stew.

Black beans

Black beans are interesting due to their unusual slightly bitter and at the same time sweet taste, as well as exotic looking grains Unusual black dish in finished form characterized by a dense and delicate texture. These beans are a tasty and beautiful ingredient for vegetable or meat dishes. It is often included in soups, salads, and stews.

Pinto beans

Pinto beans have a variegated color and acquire a pleasant color from heat treatment. pink color. This product has a delicate taste with creamy notes. These beans have a neutral taste that is ideal for all dishes.

Mash beans

Mung beans are often introduced into Indian, Chinese and Japanese culture. If you try the product in a boiled state, you can feel the taste of grass and the aroma of nuts. It is not necessary to use Mung beans in Asian cuisine; these beans are quite suitable for traditional use, so it is not prohibited to add it to stews and side dishes.

Black eye beans

Black Eye beans do not imply any difficulties in the cooking process. The first advantage is the strong vegetable aroma of this product. As a second advantage, let’s mention the very unusual appearance of the grains with beautiful spots.

By eating bean dishes, we get a lot of valuable substances necessary to maintain health

Beneficial properties of beans

Let's list what exactly the benefits of beans are, and what positive changes in the body can be expected when introduced into the diet of this product.

  • Together with beans, the body receives valuable vitamins and amino acids. The product is harmless and ideal for diets. Beans, and legume products in general, provide normal work all our organs and systems. With the constant consumption of any beans, a natural cleansing of the body occurs.
  • When cooking beans, you don’t need to eat everything - you should set aside a little product to prepare healing anti-aging skin masks.
  • It is believed that not only the seeds, but also the pods of the plant themselves are useful. This part of the bean contains minerals, protein, amino acids, sugar, and vitamins.
  • Bean grains are added to the diet if bronchial diseases, rheumatism, and intestinal pathologies are to be treated. The product helps restore the body due to its high content of substances: magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, calcium. But besides this, grains are a powerful source of sulfur, fiber, and acids.
  • One fifth of the mass of beans is healthy protein. It is known that grains are saturated with a number of vitamins, as well as vitamins: A, C, E, PP and K.
  • Due to the presence of several amino acids at once, protein is rapidly absorbed by the body. Moreover, this substance from beans has much in common with animal protein. The product is suitable as a source of protein for those who, for certain reasons, refuse meat.
  • For people whose body is in a state diabetes mellitus, dishes with beans are useful, since one of the components, arginine, provokes the synthesis of urea and is included in nitrogen exchange processes. Due to this, the sugar content in the blood naturally decreases.
  • The use of this product has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. Due to the mild diuretic effect, the likelihood of swelling on the body is greatly reduced.

It’s good that the benefits of beans are not lost due to heat treatment. By the way, many types of beans are recommended to be pre-soaked for several hours and cooked for about an hour and a half. In some cases, several rinses are required during cooking. When preparing, do not add soda to the water. You should not eat uncooked beans; in their raw form they can cause significant harm to health.

It doesn’t matter what color the beans are, they are in any case a valuable resource vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by our body.

But, if we approach the study of this issue most scrupulously, then we can say with confidence that red beans certainly have more advantages over their relatives.

By the way, the protein component is the same for all legumes. Beans with a thick, juicy red color have more benefits in terms of their content of microelements and vitamins.

If we are talking about vitamins, then I would like to dwell on the following fact: raw beans are a very toxic product, this applies to white, variegated, and especially red beans. Perhaps this is why there is a tradition that involves soaking all legumes in cold water before cooking.

Beans contain a number of hazardous substances that can cause serious disorder digestive system. And pre-treatment of the product in the form of soaking reduces all negativity to zero and reveals everything useful qualities beans.

Now you know that soaking beans isn't just about making them cook faster.

Red beans have long taken pride of place in the cuisines of many peoples around the world. It is part of the favorite dishes of Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, residents of Japan, Turkey, India and Latin America.

Perhaps due to the presence of a wide range of nutritional qualities against the background of an unusual color, it has led to the fact that red beans in many countries are considered as something similar to meat, but only of plant origin.

Many world-famous chefs believe that in order for this product to be better absorbed, it should be served with herbs and numerous seasonings.

Did you know that for a long period of time beans were used only as interior decoration. But, fortunately, there was one enterprising person who was the first to prepare a dish made from beans, and he liked it. The beans turned out to be not only very tasty, but also healthy.

What are the benefits of beans?

oh that red bean useful product, this is already a proven fact. If you eat it on a regular basis, then immunity will be significantly strengthened, improve general state will become stronger nervous system, improve the appearance of the skin.

At daily use 100 grams of red beans, you can minimize the risk of oncological diseases . Toxic and harmful substances that accumulate in it throughout life are also removed from the human body.

People who include this product in their diet do not have problems with blood sugar. It should be eaten by those who suffer from diabetes..

This legume is a kind of cleanser for our body and also promotes urine excretion.

Those wishing to reset excess weight and centimeters from the waist, they can safely eat red bean dishes. This product can quickly satiate the hungry, so it is super popular among those who decide to get into proper shape and lead healthy image life.

Red beans is an excellent source of energy. After a person eats a portion of a bean dish, he will immediately feel cheerful and confident. own strength. In this case, weight is not gained, since the “bean” energy is consumed very slowly and uniformly.

It contains a whole complex of vitamins: C, PP, B1, B2, B6, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of our body.

  • The copper, zinc and potassium contained in red beans have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels and the genitourinary system.
  • Red beans are good for men to eat, they improve the functioning of the reproductive system of the stronger half of humanity, improve potency
  • Stimulates the removal of stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • Increases the body's protective forces in the fight against viruses and infectious diseases.
  • The product is endowed with regenerating and antimicrobial properties, which facilitates the healing of internal wounds, ulcers and minor injuries.
  • Eating beans stimulates hair growth, improves hair condition, and reduces the likelihood of tartar formation.
  • Acts as a normalizing factor for bronchitis and rheumatism.
  • Normalizes intestinal function in the presence of infected pathologies.
  • Vitamin and mineral composition The product has a restorative and regenerating effect on the skin.
  • Red beans should be eaten by those who suffer from anemia, as this product is considered a complete source of iron.
  • These beans contain a huge amount of antioxidants, so they are considered a product of “eternal youth”.
  • Beans are good for reducing swelling.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of raw beans contain 292 kcal.

100 grams of cooked product contains 113 kcal.

  • 12% (8.51 grams) – proteins;
  • 0% (0.6 grams) – fats;
  • 6% (18.10 grams) – carbohydrates;
  • cholesterol – 0%;
  • sodium -0.5%;
  • fiber – 61%.

The advantages include low fat content, no cholesterol, low sugar, lots of fiber, iron, phosphorus, potassium and manganese.

All substances that make up beans strictly perform their function.

Harm and contraindications

Red beans should never be consumed raw. If the product is not cooked enough, it will have an effect on the body bad influence. Beans contain a large amount toxic substance– glycoside. It tends to collapse during heat treatment.

Contraindications include the provocative properties of beans that cause gas formation. If you eat beans, you may develop. This side effect This can be avoided by soaking the beans in cold water with a small amount of baking soda before cooking. Gas formation can be avoided by simultaneous use of dill beans.

It is not advisable for people diagnosed with gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, and nephritis to eat legumes.

Red beans should be consumed with extreme caution by older people.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Lately, we are increasingly hearing that eating red beans gives good performance for weight loss. It is successfully used in dietary nutrition due to saturation big amount vitamins and other useful substances. While There is a minimal amount of fat in this product.

We have already seen that red beans are healthy and completely unique product, which is successfully used in folk medicine. From different parts of the plant you can prepare various potions that will have healing properties.

  • Red bean flowers are prepared from healing decoction, with the help of which they get rid of from sand and kidney stones and gallbladder . Prepare the infusion as follows: take 20 grams of flowers and pour boiling water (200 ml) over them. Let it brew and take 0.5 cups instead of tea 3-4 times a day.
  • Chronic. You can try to cure this disease with the juice of unripe red beans. You need to squeeze out the juice to make 100 ml, add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. The composition is ready for use. You need to drink it 3 times a day.
  • Effective diuretic can be obtained from crushed red kidney beans. Take 40 grams of crushed product and infuse it in one liter of clean drinking water for 12 hours. As a result, we get a drug that you need to drink 200 ml 3 times a day.
  • With such heart ailments like arrhythmia, and weak heartbeat, a decoction of red beans will help you cope. The remedy is prepared as follows: take 200 grams of drinking water and place 1 tablespoon of beans in it. All this is cooked in a water bath for half an hour. After the broth has cooled, it should be taken 3-4 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  • Heal wounds, cuts, burns You can use flour, which is prepared from dry red beans.
  • For weight loss You need to drink 1 glass of red bean broth before dinner. In this case, you need to eat several of any fruits. The decoction is prepared using the following method: soak the beans in cold water for an hour and a half. Then place them in boiling water and cook until fully cooked. We strain the broth and drink it; if desired, you can eat the beans themselves. The bean diet must be adjusted proper nutrition, otherwise you won’t see the result. The decoction must be prepared from whole, undamaged beans.

Include red beans in your diet regularly and they will have a beneficial effect on your body as a whole.

Beans can bring both benefit and harm to the body. Beans are very tasty when properly cooked and have a high energy value. We’ll tell you how the varieties differ from each other and how to eat them correctly. Let's figure out the benefits and harms of beans.

Beans were brought to Europe from South America and India many centuries ago, and Europeans fell in love with it. Emperor Napoleon himself treated culture with great respect, calling it “food for strength and brain.” It was brought to Russia from France, so for a long time we called it “French beans”. Despite their exotic origin, “French beans” quickly took root in our cuisine, and cabbage soup with beans now takes pride of place among traditional Russian dishes.

The composition of the crop can be called unique: in terms of nutritional and nutritional value, it is close to animal protein, and vegetarians constantly replace meat with beans. There is no fat in beans, no cholesterol, but there is a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

Beans contain: vitamins A, B, PP, C; potassium, copper, magnesium, calcium, chromium; organic acids, amino acids.

The vegetable regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, preventing glucose from “jumping.” Beans are indicated for the prevention of diabetes, stimulation of intestinal motility, and relief from constipation. Beans contain saponins, which are recognized as effective elements for the prevention of cancer. Some varieties are off the charts in the amount of antioxidants.

There are, according to a conservative estimate, more than 90 varieties of beans, so everyone can choose a favorite to include in their daily diet.


The benefits of red beans for the body are explained by the huge content of antioxidants (even more of them than in currants!), thiamine, tryptophan, valuable amino acids, and a large amount of protein - 8 g per 100 g of product. Beans satiate, slow down the aging process, and serve as a source of healthy vegetable protein, which is why nutritionists recommend including red beans in the diet of people of retirement age and from time to time replacing meat and fish with them.

The best varieties are considered to be Skorospelka (tasty with neat, elongated grains), Tomato (ideal for Georgian lobio, soups, winter preparations), Tashkent - it is grown in Asia, where they love it for its pleasant slightly sweet taste.


White beans are the most delicious and crumbly. It is ideal for making pureed soups, and simply purees, which are easy to serve as a side dish for fish or meat. Vegetarians have learned to cook a lot of white beans interesting dishes, ranging from pates to sweets. It tastes sweet and does not have the bitterness that plagues the red variety.

From the point of view of benefits for the body, white beans are priceless. It is a source of calcium, magnesium, and fluoride (essential for healthy tooth enamel). It contains zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of the human reproductive system. White beans even contain iodine, which every second resident of central Russia is deficient in, as well as beauty vitamins B and PP.

It is believed that a woman should eat white beans to strengthen her bones; in addition, this type is a mild diuretic and is useful for those prone to swelling.

Three varieties of beans are very popular in our area: Black Eye (with a small black dot), Chali - large, boiled fruits and Nevi - pea beans with high content gland. All three varieties grow well and bear fruit in summer cottages and are not at all difficult to care for.


In Russia, only connoisseurs of Latin American national dishes know black beans. It can be dark burgundy (Kindi variety) or blue-black (variety called Preto). When cooked, these beans taste sweet and have a pronounced smoked flavor.

There is evidence that black beans are the healthiest of all beans. All useful material, inherent in this vegetable crop, are concentrated, so it is black beans that best cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, improves brain function, boosts immunity and even protects against cancer and type 2 diabetes.

The beans have a denser structure and take longer to cook. Maybe that’s why they rarely eat it in Russia. But in Brazil there is a real cult of black beans. The Preto variety is loved by Brazilians and the national feijoada is prepared only from it. Black beans go well with tomatoes, herbs, spices and, if you haven’t discovered them yet, it’s time to buy a pack and try stewing the beans.


Green beans are known for their ability to accelerate metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, and saturate for a long time.

Green beans are widely cultivated in Asia - under the southern sun, the pods grow longer, juicier, and sweeter. There are beautiful purple varieties that are stewed with spices and eaten as a separate dish.


Green beans are essentially the same as green beans. This is what greenpods are colloquially called, that is unripe fruits the usual beans. Green beans are actively grown in Indonesia, India, and Turkey and are eaten there in large quantities. However, beans are grown for export in China and Kenya. These countries are currently the leaders in the production of green beans and global sales.

Not all varieties of green beans are equally healthy, and not all of them can even be eaten: the shelled variety is grown only for its grains; their pods quickly become hard; Only universal varieties have edible pods.

Nutritionists believe that green beans must be present in the diet: they cook very quickly, go well with all vegetables and meat, benefit from spices, quickly absorbing the taste of spices. These beans are tasty canned, fresh, and do not lose their properties when frozen. Asparagus varieties are adored in Belgium - there they value it for its high fiber content, ease of preparation, taste and nutritional value.

True, it should not be confused with another plant of the asparagus family (the shoots of the plant are called asparagus): this is a completely different crop that is not related to bean varieties.

Canned beans - beneficial properties

Canned beans, in principle, are just as filling, healthy, and rich in protein and fiber. Canned beans have one huge advantage - they are already ready. For this reason, it is easy to add to soups, salads and simply reheat as a side dish for the same chicken or fish.

Still, beans in their own juice are healthier. IN tomato sauce it often causes heartburn by irritating the delicate lining of the stomach.

In Russia, beans are often used to prepare salads, for example, with croutons and crab sticks. And it’s also easy to cook Georgian lobio from it a quick fix: just heat the beans, sprinkle with herbs, suneli hops and walnuts.

Benefits and harms for children

Beans are rich in protein and rarely cause allergies, so pediatricians allow them to be introduced into a child’s diet from 7-8 months and given along with pieces of rabbit or chicken.

White and red varieties are considered more difficult for a child’s delicate stomach to digest, so it is not recommended to give it to children under 3 years of age. But then you can cook light vegetable soups with it, for example, with carrots, onions and tomatoes.

Use for weight loss

Regular consumption of legumes is very beneficial for anyone who is losing weight. It is better to pay special attention to the varieties of green beans. It is a low-calorie product and is quickly absorbed by the stomach.

There are only 31 kcal per 100 g of product, so all dishes made from green pods (if you don’t stew them in huge quantities) vegetable oil), the results are light and dietary. Interestingly, everyone who constantly eats green beans boasts that the kilograms do not return, and the weight continues to fall.

In what form are beans healthier?

It is better to eat beans boiled, stewed with vegetables and spices. It is very tasty steamed: to do this, simply boil it for a couple, prepare a rosemary sauce for it, olive oil And lemon juice. You can make salads with beans, adding a lot of fresh herbs, pine nuts (a handful), and dry ginger.

White, red, and black beans must be soaked: otherwise they will cook for hours. But after soaking, the cooking time is reduced significantly.

When adding to soups, it is better to cook them in water: the soup will already be satisfying. And, of course, not a single type of bean will be useful if you often eat fatty dishes with meat, season them with sour cream, butter, stew, or fry in lard, but you definitely need to treat yourself to a hearty feijoada on occasion.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite all my wonderful properties, beans can be harmful. For example, it cannot be eaten raw: the vegetable contains lysine, which is poisonous to humans, which disappears after heat treatment.

At acute diseases gastrointestinal tract - ulcers, colitis, gastritis - you should avoid dishes with beans: beans are considered solid food for humans and are difficult to digest.

  • with cholecystitis, gastritis, ulcers (with increased acidity), gout due to high content purines in the product;
  • in diseases of the pancreas and liver, beans can lead to stagnation of bile and its “reflux” into the pancreas. The product is especially dangerous if there are stones in the gall bladder;
  • with caution and in small doses, it is allowed for everyone who periodically suffers from bloating: beans provoke the formation of gases and worsen their general health.

Do not use often canned beans: Manufacturers preserve it by adding harmful preservatives, sugar, tomato and salt. But in general, if you know when to stop and don’t get carried away with fatty dishes made from beans and meat, it will only bring benefits to the body.