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Is it possible to mix plant and animal protein? What foods contain protein?

Squirrels were discovered in 1839.

Protein is an energy resource. From quantity muscle tissue The level of metabolism in the body depends. Our body breaks down proteins from food into their component amino acids and then builds new proteins that it uses to build the body. Amino acids that make up proteins are used for the synthesis nucleic acids, cell membranes, hormones, neurotransmitters and plasma proteins. All amino acids, depending on the body’s ability to synthesize from precursors, are divided into nonessential, essential and conditionally essential.

The National Academy of Sciences has identified 9 amino acids that are essential for everyone. age groups and can only be obtained from food:

  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valin
  • Histidine

In addition to essential amino acids, there are also conditionally essential ones:

  • Arginine
  • Cysteine
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Tyrosine

During growth, intense sports and various painful conditions the synthesis of its own amino acids, classified as conditionally essential, cannot satisfy the metabolic needs of the body. Therefore, their deficiency must be replenished with a nutritious diet.

How to calculate your protein needs?

  • The greatest need for protein in children from 0 to 3 years is 1.5 g - 1.1 g/kg
  • During active growth and puberty (4 -13 years) - 0.95 g / kg
  • At the age of 14-18 years - 0.85 g / kg
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the need for protein increases to 1.1 -1.3 g/kg
  • For healthy adults, the norm is 0.8 g/kg.

TO negative consequences can lead to both insufficient and excessive protein intake. Therefore, the amount of protein for each person should be selected individually, taking into account his needs.

Types of protein

Animal protein

  • Fish and seafood
  • Bird
  • Dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese)

Vegetable protein

  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soybeans)
  • Vegetables
  • Cereals
  • Nuts and seeds

Many people think that protein products are 100% protein, but this is not true at all! If you ate 100 g of meat or fish, this does not mean that you consumed 100 g of protein.

A glass of milk or kefir contains about 7 g of protein

In 100 g of cottage cheese - 14 g

100 g of cheese - 27 g

In 100 g of beef - 26 g

In 2 sausages - 11 g

In 100 g of boiled chicken - 25 g

In 100 g of pike perch - 21 g

In 100 g sea ​​bass- 19 g

In dairy-free rice porridge 250 g - 6.2 g

In dairy-free buckwheat porridge 250 g - 14.8 g

In dairy-free oatmeal porridge 300 g - 8.7 g

Boiled pasta 250 g - 10.3 g.

What is the practical difference between animal and plant proteins?

It turns out that not all proteins are equally useful and of equal value. Animal proteins such as chicken or beef contain all the essential amino acids because these proteins are the most similar to those found in our bodies. Animal protein products such as red meat egg yolks rich in zinc and heme iron, which is better absorbed than iron from plant products. In addition to protein, meat contains vitamin B12, which is not found in plant sources. This vitamin is critical for normal operation nervous system.

Milk and dairy products provide our bodies with both protein and calcium, which are essential for people of all ages. Milk contains all 9 essential amino acids. Milk and whey proteins are rich in leucine, which is responsible for the synthesis of muscle tissue. Research shows that consuming whey protein during and/or after exercise can improve muscle synthesis and relieve fatigue.

There is also back side Benefits: Animal protein products often contain high amounts of cholesterol and fat, which, if consumed in excess, can cause obesity and cardiovascular disease. Most useful sources Animal proteins include fish and poultry such as chicken or turkey. These foods are high in protein and low in fat.

Research recent years show that people who eat a lot of red meat have a higher risk of developing colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes mellitus. There are also scientific evidence that partially replacing red meat with fish, poultry, beans or nuts can help prevent heart disease and diabetes.

Protein products plant origin do not contain saturated fat and cholesterol. Soybean has the most complete amino acid composition, but even it does not contain the essential amino acid methionine. But in soy high level glutamine and arginine, which is important for increasing endurance during sports. Soy products can be an excellent alternative to red meat.

Nuts (such as walnuts, pecans and almonds) are also not complete sources of protein in terms of amino acid composition, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

Despite all the debates between vegetarians and meat-eaters, no consensus has yet been found, however, evolutionarily man was created as an omnivore. Diet healthy person should include different kinds squirrel. You shouldn’t completely give up animal protein and completely switch to plant-based. The more varied the diet, the greater the likelihood that the body will receive all the necessary amino acids.

Animal proteins should always be consumed. Proteins are necessary indispensable components for the formation of all organs and systems of the body.

Products containing animal protein - meat, milk, eggs, in addition to amino acids, supply the body with essential microelements: iron, calcium, zinc and many vitamins

Animal protein(a list of foods rich in animal protein will be discussed later in the article) differs from plant protein in many ways:

  • the human body accepts animal protein better;
  • list of foods rich in animal protein has big amount zinc and heme iron (foods such as egg yolks and red meat). They are absorbed several times better than iron from plant products;
  • meat contains vitamin B12, which is not found in any plant product;
  • The body spends more energy on breaking down animal proteins than processing plant proteins, since they are lighter.

These differences show that the diet must include foods containing animal proteins.

Signs of protein deficiency in the body and its excess

When proteins of animal origin partially or completely do not enter the human body, protein deficiency. Signs of protein deficiency in the body may be the following:

  • slight change in body weight;
  • dry, pale skin, decreased elasticity;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritability and apathy;
  • slight memory loss;
  • absentmindedness;
  • decreased performance;
  • decreased immunity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • deterioration of hair condition;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • slow pulse;
  • decrease in lung volume;
  • swelling.

But there is also the opposite side, when there may be an excess of protein in the body, which also leads to negative consequences. Signs of excess protein are:

  • there is pain in the area of ​​the kidneys and liver;
  • joint pain;

  • tooth loss;
  • slow metabolism, which contributes to the appearance of fat mass;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • nervousness and excitability;
  • cholesterol levels increase;
  • the risk of bone fractures increases;
  • decreased performance.

List of animal protein products

Animal protein, a list of products containing it, its amount per 100 g of product, as well as the rate of digestibility, have been clarified by scientists and are being studied to this day.


Eggs are dietary product, which contains absolutely everything essential microelements, necessary for the human body, namely: protein, vitamins A, B, D, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, micro- and macrocomplexes for building skeletal, muscle, and nervous mass.

In 100 g of this product contains 12.5 g of animal protein. A hard-boiled egg is less digestible because it takes a long time to digest and consumes a lot of calories. A soft-boiled product is much easier to digest.

In the list of products containing animal protein, eggs are in the leading positions, both in terms of the amount of protein and the degree of its digestibility.

Interesting fact! Raw yolk is very useful. To destroy microbes from raw yolk, it must be sprinkled with citric or acetic acid before use.

Dairy products

Among the list of animal products, dairy products are the richest in protein. Among them, the first places are occupied by:

  • cow's milk;
  • cottage cheese;

Derivatives from this list of products are not far behind them. These are dry and condensed milk, dry cream.

Cow's milk contains 4.3 g of animal protein per 100 g. List of products made from cow's milk very wide. Milk is well absorbed by everyone, with the exception of those people who suffer from lactose intolerance and allergies.

100 g of cottage cheese contains 14-18 g of protein. Its amount depends on the fat content of the product. It is easily and quickly absorbed, and useful elements interact almost immediately with the human body.

In 100 g of such a universal dairy product as cheese contains from 24 to 26.8 g of protein. Just like cottage cheese, it is easily digestible, and its pleasant taste adds more pleasure to consumption.

Important! In melted cheese under the influence high temperatures the amount of animal proteins is significantly reduced. The list of products in which protein is destroyed in this way is significant.


Highest in animal protein meat products are:

  • beef. In 100 g of such meat there are about 20 g of animal protein;
  • lamb contains up to 19.8 g of protein per 100 g;
  • veal and horse meat in 100 g contain up to 19.7 g of protein;
  • rabbit meat. 100 g of this valuable dietary meat contains 21.1 g of protein.

The largest amount of protein (22.6) is found in ham, which is made from natural meat.


Scientists have proven that seafood contains a lot of animal protein, namely:

  • in 100 g of chum salmon and pink salmon - 21-22 g;
  • in 100 g of red caviar - 28.9-31.6 g;
  • in pollock roe - 28.4 g.

In addition, animal protein is also found in other seafood products, only in slightly smaller quantities and their use should not be excluded.

Table of foods containing a large amount of animal protein per 100 grams

The product's name Amount of protein per 100 g
Rabbit meat21,1
Chum salmon caviar31,6
Sturgeon caviar28,9
Pollock caviar28,4
Powdered milk25,6
Dutch cheese26,8
Cottage cheese16,7

What is the best way to consume foods with animal protein? What are they better absorbed with?

In order for food to be better and easier to digest, and also to be beneficial, all products included in the menu must complement each other. Animal proteins should be combined with plant proteins.

So, Beef and pork are best digested if supplemented with vegetables such as cucumber or tomato. If such meat is baked with onions and carrots, it will absorb all the necessary microelements, which means the food will be more healthy and nutritious.

Chicken is usually eaten together with colored or Chinese cabbage. These ingredients combine perfectly, complement each other, are very healthy and easily digestible.

Milk and dairy products can ideally complement fruits such as kiwi, strawberries, raspberries and bananas, which facilitate easy absorption and also enhance the effect of nutrients on the body.

Seafood is complemented with garlic, parsley and other herbs. Thus, dishes with seafood are not only quickly absorbed and digested, but also acquire an exquisite taste, which helps you enjoy eating them.

You should not abuse food of only animal or plant origin. Because of this, the body may lose the microelements and nutrients it needs, which will lead to its improper functioning.

To avoid such situations and diseases, you should always eat only healthy and natural products animal and plant origin.

How to prepare food from animal proteins to preserve its beneficial properties?

In order for food containing animal proteins to retain as many useful substances as possible, it must be properly prepared in compliance with all necessary criteria.

Before cleaning and slicing, food must be thoroughly washed. cool water. If they are purchased in a store, then:

  • egg shells must be carefully removed with a brush from dirty spots, fluff, straw and other contaminants;
  • Wash every fold of meat, remove films, tendons and excess fat. Then put it in water to soak for at least half an hour. So everyone will come out of meat harmful substances, will leave specific smell(if it is rabbit, lamb, etc.), it will become softer;
  • the fish must be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Note! Each product has its own cooking time. If you overexpose it, it can lose a large amount of vitamins, taste, and become hard.

When cooking, you need to use less salt and other seasonings, as they can draw out all the liquid from the food, and with it, useful material.

Products containing animal protein are needed by the human body to maintain healthy functioning.

You should not exclude such beneficial substances from your diet, but on the contrary, animal protein and a list of products should always remain in memory in order to regularly eat them and eat them whenever possible.

Products of animal origin are perfectly complemented by products of plant origin, which promotes ideal absorption and digestion, which means maintaining the health and tone of the body.

10 cheapest products containing plant and animal protein:

The best protein foods (list of products):

All the foods we eat are usually divided into two large groups - micro and macronutrients. To micronutrients include vitamins and minerals found in food in very small quantities. They are not sources of energy, but it has recently become clear how important their role is in metabolism. They are directly involved in the assimilation of others nutrients and in the regulation of all vital important functions vital activity and development of the body.

To macronutrients include the painfully familiar proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When oxidized, they release energy to perform various functions of the body, and also serve as building material for various cellular structures.

All the food that we eat enters the digestive tract and is digested in it, that is, it is transformed to such a state that it can be freely absorbed and passed through the bloodstream to the organs and tissues in need. She transforms into digestive tract under the influence of many factors, the main of which are the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and liver. That is, simply put, a piece of meat you eat cannot be absorbed into the blood and float there in the form of small pieces of meat. During the digestion process under the action of enzymes, this is the meat itself (protein food products) is broken down into amino acids, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, and digestible carbohydrates - to glucose, fructose and galactose. Then, in this form, they are absorbed into the blood. Moreover, water, pure glucose, fructose and some other substances are absorbed directly, without digestion.

Food is an irreplaceable source of energy, and its main suppliers are fats and carbohydrates, and if they are insufficiently consumed, proteins. When oxidized in the body, 1 g of fat releases 9 kcal of energy, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, 1 g of protein - 4 kcal. Moreover, when simultaneously entering the body, carbohydrates are first used to cover energy needs and only then fats and proteins. The human body is designed in such a way that it uses carbohydrates first, and, if possible, always tries to put fats in reserve.

Plant and animal proteins.

If there are certain disagreements among modern nutritionists on the issues of eating fats and carbohydrates, then the issue of the importance of using a sufficient amount of protein in the diet is recognized by everyone unconditionally. This is due to the fact that this same protein is the “building material” for cell walls, muscles and fibers. Proteins make up 15 to 20% of tissue wet weight human body. They are the main component of nutrition, as they form the basis of structural elements and tissues, are integral component all enzymes and some hormones are involved in immune reactions, provide mechanisms of movement. They are constantly necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Food proteins come in animal and plant origin. Animal proteins in large quantities found in meat, fish, cheese, eggs and milk. Plant proteins are found in soy , forest nuts , almonds, in cereals, whole grains. Proteins of high biological value are characterized by a balance of amino acids and good digestibility. These include proteins from eggs and dairy products, as well as fish.

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Plant proteins are less complete because they have an insufficiently balanced amino acid composition. In addition, the proteins of many plant foods are difficult to digest in the digestive tract, as they are enclosed in membranes of fiber and other substances that interfere with the action of enzymes. This especially applies to legumes, mushrooms, nuts, and whole grain cereals. More than 90% of amino acids are absorbed from animal proteins in the intestines, and 60–80% from plant proteins.

To meet the body's need for amino acids, it is advisable to simultaneously consume both animal and plant products.

Ideally, we should consume as much plant protein as animal protein. But, if the goal is to lose weight, then a significant increase in the diet of proteins of plant origin is extremely beneficial. important. The fact is that, as you already understood, these proteins are more difficult and take longer to digest, and, therefore, additional energy is required to process and assimilate them. A person practically does not notice this, but the stomach and intestines work harder - energy consumption for this increases, and its consumption decreases - the person loses weight.

One more an undeniable advantage The benefit of consuming plant-based proteins is that many types of plant-based foods contain virtually no fat. At the same time, the combination of proteins, for example, with carbohydrates, reduces the overall glycemic index. That is, on the one hand, proteins slow down the absorption of sugars into the blood, on the other hand, the very presence of carbohydrates promotes better digestibility of both proteins and fats in food. But if there is little fat, then proteins are perfectly absorbed.

Preservation of the body’s protein mass while observing any low calorie diet is the main task. All human muscles are made of protein, and adipose tissue can decrease only by burning in muscle cells during their work. There is no other way to get rid of excess fat! Fat cannot be melted in a bathhouse, cannot be removed with the help of diuretics and cannot be burned with the help of other “miracle pills”. Fats can only be burned in the mitochondria of muscle cells with certain dosed physical activity!

Excess and deficiency of protein.

In conditions of complete or partial protein deficiency the body immediately begins to consume its own tissues - muscles, liver, immune cells. In addition, depletion of muscle and connective tissue fibers leads to the appearance of cellulite. In general, the reason for cellulite is that subcutaneous fat at some point begins to be deposited, roughly speaking, not in an even layer, but in the form of lumps and entire clusters, loosely connected to each other. To hold, or more precisely, to bind these body fat must be muscle and protein connective tissue. The stronger they are, the more evenly the fat is distributed. What happens if this fabric melts before our eyes? Hence the protruding tubercles of cellulite.

Muscle and connective tissue, in turn, cannot grow without the body entering a sufficient amount of “ building material" - proteins. In women, by nature, protein synthesis is always inferior in intensity to fat synthesis. And when the half-starved time comes " fasting days”, or even complete fasting (whether therapeutic or forced), then this gap - between the breakdown of proteins and their synthesis - becomes huge. This is another reason to think 10 times before going on any low-calorie diet.

Increased protein intake, so heavily advertised in a number of modern trendy diets, also unsafe! The total amount of protein should not exceed 110–120 g per day, and no more than 30–40 g of pure protein is absorbed in one meal. Remember this number! The rest of the undigested protein simply rots in the intestines, supporting the development of pathogenic flora and inhibiting beneficial bifido and lactobacteria. Long-term excess protein consumption causes damage to the liver and kidney tissues. Derivatives gradually accumulate in the body uric acid, contributing to the development of gout and urolithiasis.

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What is "protein"? Amino acids.

Proteins (polypeptides) are long protein chains that are connected by individual links - amino acids. Amino acid composition all proteins are not the same and are the most important criterion their value in the process of assimilation by the body. Amino acids are called the “building blocks” of the body. These are “building blocks” of protein molecules that can be connected in different sequences, like parts of a children’s construction set. Each such combination is separate species squirrel. Thanks to the versatility of amino acids, we can eat animal meat and plant fruits. In our digestive system foreign protein chains break down into “building blocks” of amino acids, and then they are combined in a new way, forming the internal protein of the body, including muscle protein. Most proteins in the human body are in a constant process of synthesis and breakdown. It is important not only the intake of proteins into the body in the required quantity, but also their qualitative composition.

All proteins are made up of different combinations of 24 amino acids. Moreover, only L-amino acids are used for protein synthesis. The letter L before the name of amino acids and other biological active substances means the left-handed form - that is, the one that is characteristic of the human body. The legal isomer forms (with the letter D) are not used in food and pharmaceutical technologies. They are harmful to humans.

Some amino acids cannot be synthesized in the human body and must be constantly supplied with food. They are called irreplaceable. These include valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine and in some cases arginine.

For normal synthesis of its own proteins in the human body, amino acids supplied with food must be strictly balanced (balanced) in composition, that is, they must be as close as possible in composition to human protein tissues. A lack of a particular amino acid limits the use of other amino acids for protein synthesis. A significant excess leads to the formation of toxic metabolic products. Protein from beef, pork, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, etc. contains amino acids in a ratio that is far from being the best for humans. Some amino acids are missing, while others are found in unnecessary excess in the protein structure. So if you're stuffed to your heart's content with the best chicken meat, this does not mean that you are providing yourself with enough protein.

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Constant, prolonged misalignment to the side certain types amino acids can lead to a chronic deficiency of protein synthesis in the body, especially if you decide to eat regularly, for example, just chicken. In your diet, you should vary protein sources as much as possible, including through plant-based products. This is the only way you will be able to provide your body with all types of amino acids!

Based on materials from the book Kovalkov A.V. "How to lose weight? Strategy for defeating weight"

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Foods and spices that fill the body with energy and heal the entire body. Recipes for energy cocktails, slimming products, natural antioxidants and much more useful information in a short ten minute video.

Excerpt from the speech of Elena Levitskaya.

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Hello my dear readers. Did you know that our bad feeling Is it due to a lack of protein (polypeptides)? Analyze how much complete protein you are getting. We snack on fast food and use processed foods. These foods are rich in carbohydrates, but have very little protein. This leads to excess weight gain and various diseases. To stay healthy we need polypeptides. Let's look at where plant and animal protein is contained in the food list, its pros and cons.

Protein is responsible for correct exchange substances, immunity, muscle growth. , thereby preventing us from getting better. This substance does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, we need to get it regularly through food. The source of protein is plant and animal foods. Polypeptides are made up of amino acids. There are replaceable ones that the body can synthesize, and. The difference between plant polypeptides and animal ones is the content of essential amino acids.

Vegetable proteins have a lower concentration of amino acids and are less digestible

I wrote more about this in an article with. The exception is soybean, where the content of organic acids is much higher than in other plant protein products. But in our country this product is not widespread.

The protein that vegetables and grains contain has a number of advantages over animals. This food contains virtually no fat. Therefore, by getting proteins from vegetables, we don’t have to worry about excess weight. The gastrointestinal tract does not receive the same load as when digesting meat and dairy products. This is especially important for those who have problems with the digestive system.

Vegetables and grains contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It improves intestinal motility and promotes weight loss. The most polypeptides are in soybeans and legumes. There is also a lot of it in nuts and seeds. Let me give you an example of the protein content per 100 grams of food:

  • soy - about 40 gr.;
  • peanuts and sunflower seeds about 26 g;
  • lentils 23 gr.;
  • peas 22 gr.;
  • white beans - about 21 gr.

Peanut butter and pasta are consumed by many athletes, models, and just active people. Pasta and oil are rich not only in polypeptides. They have such healthy vitamins, like , and . As well as microelements: iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. Many pediatricians advise children to consume peanut butter several times a week.

Do you love soy tofu? I like this cheese for its neutral taste. You can use seasonings and sauce to give it the flavor you like. It is made from soy milk. In addition to being high in protein, tofu is rich in isoflavones. These compounds are responsible for correct work muscles. They also increase blood flow and maintain the health of blood cells.

Which one is better to choose?

Nutritionists agree that there is no ideal protein. Despite this, polypeptides of animal origin must make up at least 50% of all proteins. Doctors came to exactly this conclusion because plant proteins are absorbed worse. Because of this, vegetables and greens do not dull the feeling of hunger well. This is the difference between plant and animal polypeptides.

When consuming animal protein, preference should be given dietary types meat, fermented milk products. The diet must include plant food. Cereals, vegetables, fruits contain fiber, vitamins, and salts. All these substances help products to be well absorbed.

Among plant polypeptides, grains and legumes are especially useful. Soy is the only plant protein that contains almost all the essential amino acids. I believe that it is not worth giving up some polypeptides in favor of others.

Why protein is important for weight loss

Recently they have become very popular protein diets. Perhaps the most famous of them is. So what are the benefits of protein:

  • animal polypeptides quickly saturate the body, satisfy hunger, a person eats less;
  • protein stimulates metabolism;
  • Despite the rapid saturation, insulin does not jump. Since polypeptides provide normal glucose levels;
  • in addition to losing weight, protein allows you to get rid of carbohydrate addiction. It is very useful for those with a sweet tooth who are losing weight.

Now you know what an animal is and vegetable protein. As you can see, it is impossible to say unequivocally that one type is better than another. Although, as practice shows, vegetarians can easily get by with only vegetables and fruits. A sufficient amount of soy: tofu, soy flour, oil, soy milk covers the need for animal protein. But, unfortunately, not everyone can take soy without harm to their health. There is simply intolerance to this food. Here you need to listen to your body, trying to achieve balance.

But for athletes, animal protein plays a huge role. Only he can fully support muscle mass. Despite all the advantages of soy, it is still inferior to whey protein in this regard. I hope my tips will help you balance your diet. Let's move together to healthy food. Check out my blog and... See you again!

I really like it when words are supported by numbers and facts. So this is one of those cases, who wants to know how much protein to eat per day and which protein is better, animal or plant? I talked about the same thing in one of the previous articles.

According to the recommendation of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, healthy, to a normal person(here we mean the leader active image life, doing physical activity, without excess body weight) protein required per 1 kg of body weight is at least 30-45 g/day. The norm is 1 g/kg body weight. Of these, 50% of consumption should be proteins of plant origin and 50% of animal origin. Protein consumption of less than 25 g/day leads to disruption of protein renewal and synthesis processes, metabolic disorders, and complex diseases.

Again, when creating a diet and consuming protein, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve or what tasks you face! If it is to maintain health, then the recommendations of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences will be enough. If you want to build muscle mass, then you will have to expand your diet with protein foods and sports nutrition. If you want to lose weight, then you also need to balance your diet in terms of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Everything is individual and depends on many parameters and goals. For athletes, for example, depending on the load, 2-3 g/kg body weight is recommended.

I note that eating protein increases metabolism by 30%. Perhaps that is why nutritionists like to recommend it so much for weight loss. Plus, protein products, such as cottage cheese and cereals, contain casein and fiber, which create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Excess protein intake, especially if you exclude carbohydrates from your diet, as well as protein deficiency is fraught with complications. In addition, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to eat 300 grams of protein from food in a day. It will most likely burst.)

What kind of protein do you have: animal or plant?

Animal proteins have high biological value. They are better absorbed by the body. Full-fledged protein composition Soy products are considered: soy curd, cheese. And at the same time, oat and buckwheat proteins can replace animal proteins in their composition! Isn’t this a joy for vegetarians and adherents of a raw food diet and fractional meals?

Differences between plant and animal protein:

  • Due to certain amino acid deficiencies, some plant protein sources are of lower quality. For example, 3 Essential amino acids lysine, tryptophan, threonine are absent in plant proteins.
  • Plant protein takes longer to digest and absorb (the fiber shell prevents the action of enzymes that break down the peptide bond between amino acids in proteins)

So, up to 93-96% is absorbed into small intestine proteins of animal origin, up to 66-80% - proteins of plant origin, and 20-40% of the protein is absorbed from mushrooms.

Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen. If you have any questions, please send them.