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Chicken meat benefits and harms. Useful properties of chicken meat, calorie content

Scientists have long established that a product such as meat is extremely important for normal functioning body. Meat contains a large amount of protein. This product the diet must be included. Chicken meat has particular benefits. It is important to know how to prepare it correctly so that the maximum positive impact. Any meat can be harmful. Chicken is no exception. Therefore, it is worth understanding these issues before actively using it in cooking.

Healthful composition of chicken meat

When cooked, chicken meat has a rather pleasant specific aroma. This effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition essential oils, glutamic acid, nitrogen-containing substances. Among the vitamins, the following can be noted: vitamins of group B, A, E, C, PP. Chicken meat is rich in the following microelements:

  • Iron;
  • Potassium;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sulfur;
  • Sodium;
  • Animal protein.

It is worth noting that protein in chicken meat is contained in the greatest number, compared to other types of meat. The product is low-calorie. But there are practically no carbohydrates. Thanks to this, chicken has dietary value. Maximum amount useful components found in chicken breast.

The benefits of chicken meat

First of all, chicken is especially useful for people suffering from excess weight. The minimum amount of calories and carbohydrates allows you to include the product in your diet. It is important to eat boiled meat, benefits chicken breast at the same time the highest. Chicken broth is useful during colds. The fact is that warm broth promotes recovery immune system, enriching the body with proteins.

Next, protein is the main construction material for the body. Broth based on this type of meat is recommended for use by people whose activities are associated with high physical activity. Protein is essential for athletes. Therefore, boiled chicken breast should be included in your daily diet. The broth saturates the body for a long time, making it more resilient. Specialists in the field of traditional and traditional medicine It is recommended to use it during periods of recovery after surgery.

A huge amount of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Nerve cells come back to normal. Regular use of the product helps get rid of stress, insomnia, and depression. Vitamin E relieves the body of the effects free radicals, prevents the active aging process. It has been established what it is dietary food(boiled chicken, broth) helps fight the following ailments:

For diabetics, chicken is the main dish on the menu. The thing is that meat takes part in absorption by the blood polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary to normalize metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas. The product contains a component such as glutamine. It helps to build up in a short period of time muscle mass. Chicken-based broth is prescribed by doctors to prevent atherosclerosis and stroke. Normalizes blood pressure. Meat promotes elimination from the body bad cholesterol, after which the work of all body systems is improved.

B vitamins make the product beneficial for beauty. At regular use boiled chicken improves the condition of facial skin and strengthens hair. Over time, facial skin acquires a natural shine and gets rid of unevenness. Hair becomes more elastic and manageable. It is important to remove the skin from meat when cooking, because all the harm is collected in it.

Harm of chicken meat

Any product that is used incorrectly is harmful. Chicken meat is no exception. The maximum harm is found in the chicken skin. This is natural adipose tissue, which is very harmful when dieting for weight loss. Fat has negative impact on the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. The only safe skin is on the chicken's wing.

Harm from store-bought chicken is more common than from home-made chicken. When breeding birds, unscrupulous farmers can use various antibiotics for their rapid growth. The birds' food is also not of the highest quality. Such components can have harmful effects on the human body from poisoning to allergies. Allergic reactions manifest themselves as:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Vomiting;
  • Urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema.

If meat is not properly cooked, harm will manifest itself in the form of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. This is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis, poisoning, and helminths. A large amount of bad cholesterol is found in smoked and fried chicken. You shouldn't abuse them. Most useful option There will be boiled fillet and brisket.

It is unlikely that you will find a more popular one dietary product than chicken breast. High concentration protein and minimal carbohydrates - a real gift for those who adhere to healthy eating or wants to solve a problem excess weight. Let's try to consider the benefits and harms of chicken breasts, and also figure out why this type of meat is placed on a dietary pedestal.

Features of the composition

100 grams of white chicken meat contains about 113 kilocalories. The vast majority are proteins (23.4 g), significantly less fat (1.9 g) and virtually no carbohydrates (0.4 g).

However, after heat treatment the nutritional value of this product, and the calorie content, by the way, also changes somewhat. During cooking, the fat will boil into liquid, the calorie content will decrease to approximately 95 kilocalories. But breast cooked by frying, on the contrary, has more calories due to the fat in which it is cooked.

Vitamins and minerals are found in abundance in white chicken meat. 200 grams of the product can boast of content daily norm vitamin PP, provide 50% of the B6 requirement. There is also a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B3.

No other product contains such amounts of cobalt. In addition, white chicken meat is rich in sulfur, chromium, zinc, choline, and vitamins A, H, PP.

What are the benefits of chicken breast?

Thanks to the available micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other biological active components, white chicken meat is not just a dietary product, but also a very healthy delicacy.

The broth made from this product is used to treat colds. It tones protective properties body, helps strengthen the immune system. You can drink it in any volume; it is not capable of harming the body, since it contains very little fat.

Chicken breast, as well as broth cooked on its basis, are excellent medicines for pathologies of the gastrointestinal canal. To digest such a product, no special energy costs are required. Once in the stomach, it is softly enveloped. Due to the content of vitamin PP in the product, the functioning of the digestive canal is normalized.

Thanks to chicken breast, it is possible to provide the human body with most B vitamins. B1 takes part in metabolic processes with the participation of fats and carbohydrates, increases metabolism, is responsible for regulating the functioning of organs digestive system. B6 is also involved in metabolic processes with carbohydrates. With the participation of B2, biological oxidation occurs and energy is produced more intensively. Thanks to this component eyeball focuses better on objects that are located at a distance.

Choline, noted in the product, is able to stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, ensuring that the liver is not overloaded.

The systematic inclusion of such meat in the menu has a good effect on appearance. The skin becomes healthy looking, becomes smooth, curls are thick and shiny, and nails don’t break as much.

It is best to boil chicken breast. To make white meat pleasant and tasty, it is recommended to add some other ingredients during cooking (carrots, celery, onions, etc.). You can also bake white meat in the oven, you will get a juicy, rich dish.

Is chicken breast harmful?

White chicken meat - special product, which is practically incapable of causing harm to the human body.

It should only be noted that such a delicacy is not entirely suitable for people who primarily do physical work. If there are serious stresses in a person’s life, then it is advisable for him to eat meat that is not chicken, but fattier.

Chicken skin is formed mainly by fat alone, so those who are on a diet need to remove it.
Important! During frying, chicken skin becomes carcinogenic!

Chicken fillet must undergo a good test before use. heat treatment, since there is a high probability of contracting salmonellosis or toxoplasmosis.

The disadvantages of white chicken meat include the likelihood of an excess of protein. The presence of chicken in the diet in excessive quantities can overload the kidneys and liver and lead to undesirable consequences.

How to choose chicken breast

There is a danger of purchasing a low quality product. Suppliers vary. Some of them raise poultry at normal natural food. There are many among them who increase the massiveness of the breast by pumping the carcasses with estrogen or adding antibiotics to the feed. Such experiments have far from the best effect on human health. Immunity decreases, may occur allergic reactions, the result is violated hormonal background. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chicken meat in those places that you have already checked or in specialized stores.

If you can't buy natural product in the countryside, it will be possible to get rid of the vast majority of chemicals only through thorough cooking.

When planning to purchase chicken breast in a store, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Choose the product chilled, Pink colour, without bruises or inclusions. It is better not to take large pieces; most likely, such a chicken was overfed with hormones. It is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture: chicken breast can be stored for no more than 5 days.

Chicken breast is the main ingredient ideal diet. From this product you can prepare not only many different delicious dishes, it is also an excellent remedy to restore health and accumulate muscle mass.

Video: about the dangers and benefits of chicken breasts

Any doctor or nutritionist will tell you that a person should definitely include it periodically in his diet. meat products. With the right approach, any type of meat is beneficial. The only question is how much to use, in what form and of what quality. Interestingly, chicken meat can be eaten in larger quantities than any other meat. So let’s try to figure out what the benefits and harms of chicken meat are.

The main benefit of chicken meat is the animal protein it contains, which means a lot for our health. In addition, chicken meat contains a lot of phosphorus and potassium, compared to other types of meat.

Chicken breast has always been considered a dietary product. It contains a large amount of proteins and other nutrients.

The main disadvantage of chicken meat is the skin, which contains a lot of fatty tissue. That is why, in order to minimize the harm of chicken meat, it is better to remove the skin before eating it. The exception is wings: the skin on them is not greasy, so they are recommended for dietary nutrition.

The benefits of chicken meat include protein, magnesium, and iron. In addition, it contains B vitamins: B12, B6, B2, vitamins A, E. It contains no carbohydrates and little fatty tissue (which is concentrated in the skin), so chicken meat is usually included in diets. With a small amount of calories, it provides the body with energy.

At various diseases also used benefit . It helps in the treatment of gout, polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic ulcers, in the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. Elderly people especially should prefer chicken meat.

The meat of young chickens is the most useful, as it is the most tender and rich in vitamins and minerals. Protein and glutamine, contained in large quantities in chicken meat, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

However, all the benefits of chicken meat are manifested exclusively in domestic chickens. If we talk about a product purchased in a store, then we'll talk rather about the harm of chicken meat. It is better not to be used by children and elderly people. There's meat in this high degree antibiotic content. They accumulate most in the legs, and wings are much less safe.

Store-bought meat will not be beneficial either in the form of broth or fried. Broiler chicken meat contains many antibiotics and anabolic hormones. They are added to birdseed to increase weight and protect against all sorts of diseases. As a result, the health of the bird results in the detriment of chicken meat. It is better to buy domestic chickens so that the meat brings only benefits. If it is not possible to purchase homemade chicken, then during cooking the meat should be processed with special care.

What are the benefits of chicken? Chicken benefits for the body.

Chicken is a dietary product. It is much lower in calories than other types of meat. White chicken meat is low in fat, while red meat is high in iron. By removing the skin from the chicken, you will make it even healthier, because the skin contains a lot of fat and bad cholesterol.

The breast and wings will bring more benefits than the leg.

Chicken meat composition:

Proteins - 20%, fats - 8-9%, carbohydrates - about 1%, the rest is water.

Calorie content from 160 kcal to 240 kcal will depend on the part of the carcass.

Iron 1.6 g, zinc - 2.1 g, potassium and phosphorus in small quantities.

Lots of vitamins B, A, C, E, PP.

What are the benefits of chicken?

Only boiled meat will be beneficial; fried meat is very harmful. .

It also contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is important for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

And B vitamins will help improve the condition of nails, hair and skin.

If you suffer from insomnia or depression, chicken dishes are also for you. How to cook healthy ones?

What else is chicken meat good for?

It is perfectly absorbed because... there's not much in it connective tissue. This meat is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and diabetes. Elderly people should definitely include chicken in their diet.

A good amino acid composition is important for children's nutrition. It is a building material for bones and muscles, and the development of mental abilities.

Women especially reproductive age you need to know that chicken meat has a beneficial effect on women's reproductive organs due to the vitamins B9 and B12 it contains. And pregnancy proceeds better for both the unborn child and the mother.

Very helpful and chicken bouillon. It is used to give energy and strength after illnesses, especially influenza and ROVI and acute respiratory infections.

How do we cook broth in our time so that it is healthy?

Boil the chicken for about 15 minutes and drain this first broth. It will contain possible additives, hormones, and other substances that are not beneficial for us. And then cook in new water until done according to your favorite recipes.

You know the benefits of chicken meat.

Now, when eating chicken, do not forget about the harmfulness of fried, grilled and smoked chicken. Know your limits when determining the volume of a meat dish. And be sure to combine it with vegetables and herbs. This will facilitate digestion and prevent the formation of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

What else is the benefit of chicken?

The composition of chicken meat is of interest not only to nutritionists. The healing benefits of chicken are due to its high content of phosphorus, protein and the presence of glutamine.

  1. How to treat chicken dishes prescribed for peptic ulcers, gastritis, gout and polyarthritis.
  2. At diabetes mellitus Chicken is beneficial because it increases the level of polyunsaturated acids in human blood.
  3. Chicken in food contributes normal operation kidneys, strengthens teeth, bones, nails, hair.
  4. At viral infections V medicinal purposes use chicken broth.
  5. Chicken is indispensable for the prevention of stroke and hypertension, as it reduces the likelihood of developing anemia and promotes better blood circulation.
  6. The presence of glutamine in chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helps with stress, and also helps women on their menstrual periods.
  7. Nutritious and satisfying, chicken broth is valuable product during recovery after surgery or serious illnesses, its composition strengthens the immune system.
  8. Chicken normalizes the process fat metabolism and leads to normal levels of sugar in the blood and urine.

Harm of chicken, and contraindications to eating chicken

  1. The dark meat parts and skin of chicken are considered harmful, since they concentrate substances that are not beneficial to the body.
  2. Smoked and fried chicken accumulates a lot of cholesterol that is unnecessary for health.
  3. Grown in modern conditions chickens are treated with antibiotics and different drugs that stimulate growth. Therefore, store-bought chicken should be thoroughly cooked.
  4. Chicken is contraindicated for people who are allergic to chicken protein.

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Everyone is now trumpeting about what is right and rational nutrition, that you need to eat dietary low-fat foods, and then you will be happy in the form of slender legs and. Chicken breast is in first place of honor on the list of dietary products for all fitness girls and athletes who watch their figure. But is brisket as healthy as many people think? Does low-fat white meat chicken really give your body everything it needs?

Today I decided to examine in great detail the question of benefits and harms of chicken breast for the human body. And we will begin our research with good news, that is, we will find out what benefits there are from eating chicken breast.

The benefits of chicken breast

Chicken breast is a low-calorie dietary product; all athletes love it so much for its high protein content (23%) and low fat content (1.5-2%). But I note that it is chicken breast WITHOUT SKIN considered a reference source of protein! I'll talk about chicken skin a little later.

The table below shows the calorie content and mineral composition of chicken breast.

From the presented chemical composition we see that chicken breast contains B vitamins, vitamins A and PP, choline, as well as a small amount of minerals.

This set useful substances helps neutralize excessive acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, so patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers are especially recommended to consume white meat. This is benefits of chicken breast.

Also low in calories chicken fillet(113 kcal per 100 g of product) really suggests that meat is a dietary source of protein, and therefore recommended for consumption by people who are obese and overweight body, and due to its low fat and cholesterol content it is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

On this benefits of chicken breast ends, then we move on to consideration reverse side medals of “aristocratic” white meat.

Damage to chicken breast

In addition to 23 g of protein, 100 g of chicken breast contains very little mineral salts: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. The reason for this is the fact that white chicken meat contains very small amounts blood capillaries, which carry all the beneficial substances and microelements that the chicken ate during life.

It turns out that if, day after day, for six months or more, you eat only chicken breasts without skin, which are practically devoid of minerals, then this is fraught with very serious consequences: the body begins to use what it lacks. minerals from our own sources, and these are ours BONES and TEETH!

But this is not all the consequences that chicken breast lovers are doomed to. The fact is that the white meat of chicken breasts, as I already said, is almost completely fat-free. On the one hand this is good, but on the other hand it is very, very bad.

Animal fats are needed to the human body(both male and female) for the production of sex hormones: in men it is testosterone and androgens, and in women it is estrogens and progesterone. So, for their production, the presence of saturated animal fats, as well as cholesterol, is a prerequisite! If the body does not receive a sufficient amount of animal fats (20-30%), then sex hormones will simply stop being produced, which will lead either to “chemical castration” in men or to amenorrhea in women.

What to do? - you ask, - is it really necessary to completely give up eating chicken breasts and only eat fatty varieties meat? Not really. There are several ways to get out of this situation.

Method No. 1

Eating chicken breasts with skin on

Chicken skin contains a lot fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K, this is why eating chicken skin (not fried, of course) will enrich your diet big amount vitamins, compared to consumption only white meat chicken breast. Therefore, if you are not a professional athlete and are not preparing for a fitness bikini competition, then I recommend that you sometimes not throw away chicken skin, and eat chicken breasts with it.

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Chicken fat is considered the most easily melted among animal fats, which makes it minimally saturated, unlike beef, pork, lamb and other types of animal fat.

Method No. 2

There are not only chicken breasts, but also other parts of the chicken.

Chicken thighs, wings and drumsticks contain many more blood capillaries and vessels, and, accordingly, more minerals and vitamins that our body needs. Therefore, my advice to you is that if you are on a fat-burning diet and eat only breasts, then still replace the consumption of white meat with dark chicken meat a couple of times a week.

And if you are still terrified of the fat contained in the dark meat of chicken, then you can degrease it a little by removing the skin. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will get the minerals and vitamins you need contained in the meat itself, and reduce the overall calorie content of the entire dish.

Method No. 3

Combine eating chicken breasts and other protein sources

The world doesn't end with chicken breasts! There are many other dietary sources of protein that are chemically and mineral composition win over chicken breasts. This includes various seafood (shrimp, squid, crabs, crayfish, etc.) and white lean fish(cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, haddock, etc.). If you alternate eating white meat chicken with seafood, fish and lean beef, you can not only lose weight or gain muscle mass, but you will also maintain your teeth and strong bones.

Content of medications in chicken meat

Nowadays, I think it will not be news to anyone that various hormones and antibiotics are used to raise poultry (mostly broilers). Hormones allow broilers to grow 2 times faster than this process would otherwise occur naturally; and antibiotics protect them from various kinds diseases and infections, and thereby protect large factories from large losses and losses. It turns out that all industrial chicken meat, whatever one may say, is stuffed with various kinds of medications, which are by no means vitamins for our body.

And the highest concentration of all antibiotics and hormones is applied to dark poultry meat - these are chicken thighs and drumsticks, while chicken breast accounts for only a hundredth of all these harmful substances.

So, if we consider the white meat of chicken from the point of view of the presence of hormones in it, then it outperforms the dark one, and if from the point of view of the content in it useful minerals and vitamins, then loses...

So what to do? - you ask again, - it turns out that you can’t eat chicken at all, since the thighs are full of hormones, and the chicken breast is poor in useful microelements?! No, you can eat chicken, you just need to know that golden mean that will allow you to eat chicken and at the same time extract only positive properties. How can I do that?

1. Heat treatment of meat

Unlike the chemical composition of chicken breast and the content of useful substances in it, which are stable and which we cannot influence in any way, the content of dark chicken meat large quantity Medicines can still be partially or completely neutralized. And this is done very simply - by heat treatment.

Naturally, no one eats raw chicken, everyone cooks it. Everyone does it differently: some bake it, some fry it in a frying pan in oil, some boil it, some cook it in a double boiler or slow cooker. There are many ways to cook chicken. So, depending on which method you choose, it will depend on whether you can get rid of antibiotics in chicken meat or not.

The fact is that methods of cooking meat (absolutely any meat, not just chicken) such as baking, steaming, grilling do not destroy the products of microbial decay. What does it mean? This means that by baking your chicken thighs or wings, or steaming them, you do not get rid of toxic substances that are in them. All hormones and medications remain safely in the cooked meat, even though the baking temperature can be quite high. In this matter, cooking temperature does not play ANY role.

To get rid of all toxic substances that are contained primarily in the dark chicken meat, since we have already found out that chicken breast is lucky in this regard, and there are practically no antibiotics in it, you need to COOK this meat! It is during cooking that everything comes out into the water. harmful substances which meat contains.

All other heat treatment methods are not suitable for this purpose!

2. Reliable and verified sources

And another way you can protect yourself from hormone-containing chicken is to buy poultry, preferably grown personally in your village, at the dacha or with close relatives. If you are 100% sure that the chicken you are buying grew up in an ecologically clean area, without the use of medications, then you can safely eat the meat of this chicken, both the chicken breast itself and other parts of its carcass.


But remember that even if the chicken was raised naturally, this does not mean that the content of minerals and vitamins in its white meat will be greater than in the “dubious” chicken. No, chemical composition environmentally friendly chicken breast will be almost the same as industrial, their main difference is precisely the ABSENCE of toxic and toxic substances. Therefore, do not indulge yourself in the illusion that chicken breast from poultry is healthier, which means you can eat it every day, be slim and completely healthy.

Well, I really hope that I was able to describe everything in detail to you. benefits and harms of chicken breast. Now you know that eating one skinless chicken breast every day for a long period of time can be a serious reason for the lack of many things in your diet. useful elements, minerals and vitamins. The benefits of chicken breast is at the same level as her harm, so overuse white meat can tip the scales at any moment, and you will no longer receive benefits from dietary meat, but only harm. To prevent this from happening, diversify your diet as much as possible with other types of meat and fish.

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!