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Is Actimel useful, calories. Benefits of Actimel with regular use

What beneficial bacteria and vitamins are found in Actimel? Actimel contains lactobacilli L. Casei Imunitass. It also contains vitamins B6 and D3, which are important for immunity - 15% of the daily requirement. How do lactobacilli L.Casei Imunitass work? 70% of our body's immune cells are found in the gut. Actimel, thanks to lactobacilli L.Casei Imunitass, has a positive effect on 3 levels of body defense: the internal intestinal microflora, cells responsible for the absorption of food into the intestinal wall, as well as cells immune system intestines. Thus, at daily consumption helps to strengthen our immune system. Why is it necessary to strengthen the immune system? Every day, the human body is exposed to many negative factors: ecology, microbes, viruses, stress, lack of sleep and so on. As a result, immunity weakens, and the risk of getting sick increases. To prevent this from happening, the immune system needs to be helped. What is the shelf life and storage temperature of Actimel? The shelf life of Actimel is 35 days. The storage temperature is from 2 to 6 degrees. Can Actimel be given to children? Actimel is a family product. If you are still in doubt about whether you can give it to your child, consult a pediatrician. What is the best time of day to consume Actimel? Actimel can be consumed at any time of the day. But it is recommended - in the morning (before breakfast). How often should Actimel be consumed? Since the immune system needs constant support, Actimel should be consumed daily - every morning before breakfast. Is Actimel good for the body? Actimel is recommended for anyone who wants to further strengthen the body's natural defenses. But at the same time, it is important that the rest of your diet is varied and balanced. Is it true that Actimel helps to strengthen the immune system? Conducted more than 28 clinical research around the world, the results of which revealed the positive effect of Actimel on various parameters of immunity. Is it true that if I use Actimel regularly, I won't get sick? Actimel is not a medicine, but a food product with proven properties - it has a positive effect on immunity, but does not guarantee total absence any diseases. How long does it take to drink Actimel to feel a noticeable effect? Actimel should be drunk regularly, as the immune system needs constant support. Can Actimel be heated (in the microwave or on the stove)? Actimel should be taken cold or at room temperature. Are there any contraindications for taking Actimel? Actimel is a food product, therefore it has no direct contraindications. However, attention should be paid to daily norms consumption of vitamins B6 and D3. Also, keep in mind the personal characteristics of the body: if you have an intolerance to dairy products or an allergy to certain fruits, it is best to first consult with your doctor. Is there an addiction to Actimel? It is impossible to become addicted to Actimel. On the contrary, it is recommended to use the product regularly. Lactobacilli L.Casei Imunitass work in the intestines, where 70% of the immune system is located. At the same time, after some time after stopping the use of Actimel, they are excreted from the body. naturally and stop affecting the immune system. That is why it is recommended to drink Actimel daily for regular positive impact for immunity. Is there an "overdose" of Actimel? Since Actimel is not a medicine, but a fermented milk product enriched with probiotic bacteria, there can be no overdose. It is recommended to consume at least 1 bottle per day for a permanent positive effect on the immune system. Can Actimel be taken during pregnancy? Actimel is a food product, so there are no contraindications to its use. At the same time, during pregnancy, it is especially important that the immune system works flawlessly, as it protects not only the mother, but also the unborn child. And vitamin B6, which is part of Actimel, is one of the essential elements for expectant mothers. However, you should pay attention to the daily intake of vitamins B6 and D3. Also, keep in mind the personal characteristics of the body: if you have an intolerance to dairy products or an allergy to certain fruits, it is best to first consult with your doctor.

There is nothing wrong with this yogurt. The composition is normal, without chemical dyes. Well, probiotics will not interfere with nutrition. I am in favor

Personally, my opinion is that it’s better to buy a homemade yogurt maker, or make it yourself on sourdough, than drink it .... preservatives ... chemistry ... beee

I love Danone. I love all their products. I buy and...
Expensive, but still tasty and healthy! As for me, it is better to spend money on a similar product than the same money on cigarettes and beer. I don't understand the fact that people are surprised by the price useful product, as a result, they go and buy for the same cost something that is harmful to the body.
I love Danone. I love all their products. I buy for myself and my children, I do not complain. The product is great!

The product is really needed and useful. I would buy it for every day for the whole family. But when you realize that the amount is accruing like the monthly salary of my mother-in-law ... Somehow, the hand immediately drops, and the brain boils. This is how much and for how long they will "raise the loot" on us. Some people have nothing sacred.

Yes, the taste is cool, but realizing that they sell you a tablespoon of kefir for the cost of half a bucket, you think about the meaning of life ...

I'm not sure of super-usefulness, but the child loves and calls it "milk")) it doesn't taste very good to me, but the child likes it, so I put 5.

Good people, Actimel is not drug And don't expect miracles from him. Comparisons with sour milk from homemade raw materials are meaningless, BUT for those who do not have enough time to cook delicious and healthy food I can say the effect gives more than one would expect from it. The use for 2-3 weeks after the operation helped to avoid dysbacteriosis. Paired with Activia. I recommend.

Delicious yoghurts. Usually we cook at home, but when there is no way to cook, or we just want yogurt on the way, we buy only Actimel and Activia. Of the store-bought yogurts, these are the only ones that you can eat and get at least some benefit.

My child constantly drank Actimel with great pleasure until he got poisoned by it. As a company representative told us, it turned out that the entire batch had microcracks in the lids. The poisoning was very serious. Now we will not buy this product.

I have heard and read a lot about Actimel. But refuse in spite of the most negative feedback, from him I can not. Just because for me Actimel is the most ideal starter for yoghurts. With what I just did not try to make yogurts for my own - and with a special starter, and with natural bifidobacteria, and with Activia, etc.. All the same, all ... I have heard and read a lot about Actimel. But, despite the most negative reviews, I can’t refuse it. Just because for me Actimel is the most ideal starter for yoghurts. With what I just did not try to make yogurts for my own - with a special sourdough, and with natural bifidobacteria, and with Activia, etc. Anyway, my whole family simply loves Aktimelka-based yogurts.


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I drink from time to time, more like a treat, but I begin to notice that if on an empty stomach, heartburn begins, so there is as much usefulness in it as in Dobry juice

In connection with recent events, I am looking for an alternative to Aktimel among Russian manufacturers .. I tried Imunele - not that, there is no such effect ... Tell me

- delicious
- benefits

then you just have to say - the product is good. And all that... It is wrong, in my opinion, to find out whether this or that product is "chemistry" or not "chemistry". It is necessary to look whether it is tasty, whether it is useful, whether it is harmful. And if actimel:
- delicious
- benefits
- there is no harm from it (except when someone is allergic to components)
then you just have to say - the product is good. And why fence a garden?

Maybe it’s chemistry, I won’t argue, but with the help of Actimel I got rid of constipation, which for two years I could not cure with any doctor. Previously, I treated store-bought milk with contempt, but my husband and I were on vacation and just wanted something sour-milk, I bought a couple of bottles and drank it right away. Well, in general, the effect was pleasantly surprised, now I drink it in the morning and in the evening and am very pleased).

It seems to me that Actimel contributes to the increase in immunity - the post-hose has become significantly less, what is called the quality of life has improved. Probably not from one actimel (me and... Before, about two or three years ago, I drank from time to time, just as a treat. Pleasant, invigorating, many flavors, etc. I started drinking every morning since the morning - after some events that changed my attitude to health.

It seems to me that Actimel contributes to the increase in immunity - the post-hose has become significantly less, what is called the quality of life has improved. Probably not from one act (I changed the mode of work / rest, and I had to reconsider something else), but nevertheless.

I will continue.

thank you very much for a good product Aktimel, my child was constantly on sick leave, complained of headaches and a tummy, he has been drinking Aktimel for two years, he did not miss a day of school, did not drink a single pill, although before that they had not been examined and treated anywhere. We drink a miracle drink two bottles a day day.

Is Actimel useful? Drink in in large numbers contains vitamins and lactobacilli. If you use Actimel regularly, you can do it yourself, without the help of drugs, strengthen the immune system and improve digestion.

Dairy drinks such as Imunele, Activia or Actimel can now be found in any grocery store. The advertising campaign, which often involves stars such as Ivan Urgant, creates, of course, a positive image of the product. The target audience has the impression that Actimel and similar drinks are something like, only more useful.

However, is this true? What products are crafts like Aktimel made of, what are in it active substances And what effect can they have on our body? After all, the composition of a fermented milk drink is really complex. In addition to cream, strawberries, several dairy varieties, yogurt starter and sweeteners, it contains:

  • Thickener. The substance is neutral, there is no evidence that it has negative or positive effects on health;
  • Natural flavors of Strawberry or other flavors. According to the test purchases of physicians, the flavors used in Actimel are not harmful. While it is generally known that such substances may not have the most positive effect on the body;
  • Carmine is an expensive coloring matter. Get it from rare species insects;
  • Gum. Obtained from some seeds. It enhances the effect on taste buds, the negative has also not been identified by doctors;
  • sodium citrate. A mixture of lemon acid and sodium. Has no harmful side effects. Stabilizes and enhances taste sensations.


Vitamins of group D, which are contained in Actimel, help our digestive system absorb mineral elements from other products. This strengthens the bones, joints and ligaments. Also, such a vitamin-mineral combination strengthens the immune system, favorably affects the functions of the kidneys, stomach, heart and blood vessels. B vitamins improve and speed up our metabolism. Thus, the body can more easily absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Immunity works better. Look more beautiful skin covering and hair, the heart muscle and nervous system become stronger.

Vitamin C stabilizes the immune system, improves metabolic processes.

And the main substance of such factory crafts as Aktimel is lactic bacteria. They help the body fight harmful microorganisms don't let us get sick. Destroy unfavorable substances: toxins and slags. Thus, using Actimel, you can benefit the body with your own hands. However, how much do you need to drink this fermented milk craft in order to get enough vitamin and mineral substances? After all, the improvement is imperceptible at first, and it does not make the same good impression as the heroes of advertising.

After antibiotics

Aktimel contains lactic acid bacteria in large quantities. They are beneficial to the body. But if a person is sick and needs antibiotics, positive impact drink can be reduced to zero. After all, drugs such as penicillin destroy bacteria. Not only pathogenic, but also beneficial, for example, the bacteria of our gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Bacteria in fermented milk drinks will also be destroyed by antibiotics.

On the one hand, the effect of lactobacilli will be reduced. On the other hand, you need to replenish your own flora. Regular consumption of Actimel yogurt , for example, with strawberries, will contribute normal operation digestion. With the help of Actimel, you can make taking antibiotics less traumatic for the gastrointestinal tract.


You should not use Actimel if there is an individual rejection of the substances included in the composition, or the body reacts to them with an allergy. In general, chronic allergy sufferers need to carefully compose a diet and prefer more simple products, for example, kefir or. Knowing for your digestive system constant whims, it is better to abandon the crafts of modern marketers.

At what age can you drink Actimel? Many young mothers are worried about whether their babies can use products such as Aktimel from Danone. Up to three years, it’s better not to, then sometimes you can treat your child to this drink instead of the usual milk and sour yogurt. Giving something new to try to the child, we always make sure that an allergic reaction does not appear. Even more attention is required if the child is prone to allergies.

Children like the taste of the drink, soaked in strawberries and other berries and fruits. This is another nice moment - after all, often kids do not like sour-milk products. And at the same time it is easy for a baby to learn to drink from bottles with his own hands. If the drink is consumed regularly in childhood, it will help the baby stabilize the level of immunity, improve digestion.

A very limited amount of sweet and sugary foods can be taken by patients suffering from diabetes. Unfortunately, Aktimel contains this substance, and you need to take into account the drink in the amount of total sugar taken per day. If the patient suffers from diabetes and wants to use Aktimel, this possibility and maximum daily dose should be determined with the attending physician.

If there is no individual intolerance and allergy, drinking Actimel will not bring during pregnancy and lactation more harm than kefir. In any case, being in a position, it is better to be attentive to your diet, to prefer natural food. And if you need to introduce some dubious craft into your daily diet, you should talk to your doctor or nutritionist and get his instructions.

Research results

Doctors doubted whether the product was a banal craft of marketers with a high-profile advertising campaign? Perhaps the food flavors of strawberries, strawberries and fruits mask harmful substances in the composition?

To test this thesis, the effect of the drink was tested on a statistical group of 400 patients. These people drank a bottle of the drink every morning for 50 days. To make the results more honest, it was forbidden to use medications that affect the immune system. Also, the subjects were divided into groups according to the presence of chronic diseases and general physical form.

Marketers could not be put in place, the strength of the patients increased due to the regular intake of Actimel. The results were noticeable, but not in the group more or less healthy patients. Precisely if observed chronic diseases, in many cases, after the course of taking Actimel, positive changes became noticeable. The study revealed the following data:

  • Improves overall well-being;
  • Patients needed less health care doctors;
  • The work of the digestive system has stabilized;
  • It was easier to wake up early in the morning;
  • Increased level of appetite;
  • I felt more energy and desire to act.
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At present, there are so many in our market fermented milk products, that eyes widen and the head is spinning from the question: What to choose when buying and which of them is useful and which is not?

Well, it is clear that such traditional drinks as kefir, fermented baked milk or curdled milk, provided that they are produced according to all traditional rules, are useful. But what to do with such products as Actimel, is it useful? http: // site / The severity of the issue arises especially when children use it, given that it is a sweet drink and children like it more than kefir.

What is Actimel (DANONE) made of?

Skimmed milk

Everything is clear with him, the only thing is that it is fat-free, which means fat soluble vitamins from it are absorbed worse.


In this drink, it does not bring any benefit, it is added only for taste, and there are already enough sugars in our diet, to say the least.

fruit concentrate

It is obtained by boiling fruits to a thick puree, which is then dried and turned into a powder. Then its already, when used in food production, diluted with water and added to the product in this form. It is clear that such a product does not bring any benefit at all.


Actimel uses modified tapioca starch as a thickening agent, which is obtained from cereals, which in turn are prepared from the roots of the cassava plant. This product cannot be called harmful, but also useful, given the multi-stage processing process.


It also has the abbreviation E440. This substance is obtained from fruits and vegetables rich in pectin. This supplement can be called useful, pectin does not threaten overdose and, moreover, absorbs various harmful substances from the intestines. In addition, it improves intestinal motility, which means it fights constipation.

Acidity regulator

E331 - sodium citrate, E330 - citric acid. Responsible for the taste of the product, but its main goal is to increase the shelf life. These supplements are obtained synthetically and although they are permitted, you need to be careful with them. Their excessive consumption leads to acid- alkaline balance in the body, which is fraught various diseases gastrointestinal tract, salt deposition and stone formation.


They add it just to make up for the smell. fruit juice who has already lost all his natural properties in the process of processing. It is clear that it is identical to natural, which means that it will not bring anything good to our body.

Lactobacillus casei

These are lactic acid bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of milk and are the only necessary component to obtain this sour-milk product. They are just beneficial for our body and are responsible for regulating the intestinal microflora.

What do we end up with?

Of all the components that make up Aktimel, http: // site / milk, pectin and lactobacilli are useful, the rest is an unnecessary load on our body, which only adds taste and attractiveness to this product.

Actimel cannot be called a product that is harmful to health, but provided that you do not use it daily. You need to be careful when using it with children, because their taste priorities have not yet been formed and they very quickly get used to drinking only sweet and flavored drinks.

By the way, looking through the reviews, you can see that recently it is not uncommon for children not to drink at all. plain water, giving preference to such drinks as Actimel, juices and carbonated drinks, which is a kind of addiction and it is very difficult to fight it.

To date, on the shelves of stores you can see a huge number of different dairy products. They differ in their structure, type, price and manufacturer. Regular user from this it is very difficult to understand which of them can benefit his health, and which consumption will be completely useless or even harmful due to the fact that they are fake. So a high degree Actimel dairy product, which is advertised as a unique healing yogurt that improves health and improves immunity, is now enjoying popularity. But is everything as smooth as advertised? Does Actimel suddenly bring harm to our body?

What is the composition of Actimel?

As you know, a conclusion about the usefulness or harm of a certain product can be made, having information about its composition. International standards stipulate that the components of food products must be listed on the label or packaging without fail. So on Aktimel yogurt it is indicated that it contains water and cream, a couple of varieties of milk (skimmed, as well as dry skimmed), in addition, it is a source of citric acid and yogurt starter. In addition, such a product contains glucose, sodium citrate, some fruit additives along with flavors, and a thickener with code E1442. Actimel also contains some gum carob, a share of carmine dye and a number of vitamins (B6, D3, and sometimes vitamin C). An important ingredient is also considered to be live lactobacilli L. Kasel imunitass.

Let's try to understand the usefulness or harm of certain ingredients in a little more detail.

What are the benefits of Actimel?

Vitamin D3 is a derivative of vitamin D, such a substance is a natural regulator of the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our body, in addition, this vitamin is responsible for their delivery to the bones. It also has a positive effect on the activity of the human immune system, its kidneys, digestive tract and the cardiovascular system.

Vitamin B6 is also called pyridoxine, it is needed to run all metabolic processes, normal assimilation of protein, acids, activation of immunity. It is also able to improve the activity of blood vessels, heart, central nervous system, skin and hair.

Vitamin C is familiar to everyone ascorbic acid. It has a positive effect on the state of immunity and takes part in various biological processes.

If we talk about the usefulness of Aktimel, based on the benefits of all the listed vitamins, then this drink is certainly useful. However, it is not clear how much you need to drink to get the right amount of such substances.

Fragrances, colorants and thickeners

Aktimel yogurt has in its composition flavors that correspond to natural ones. But it is worth considering that in Food Industry artificial aromatic aldehydes are commonly used to impart flavors of various fruits to products.

If we talk about the thickener with the code E1442, then it is a modified starch, in contact with water it swells and makes the product viscous. Such a substance does neither harm nor benefit.

Also, this yogurt contains the dye Carmine, which has natural origin- it is made from special insects that live on cacti. In certain cases, it may or may not cause allergic reaction although this is especially likely in children.

Gum and also sodium citrate

Gum is an inherently natural herbal supplement derived from the seeds of the carob tree. It plays the role of a thickener, and also enhances the taste of the product.

And sodium citrate is an exclusively chemical product. It is extracted from citric acid by combining it with caustic soda. To date, there is no official confirmation of poisoning with this additive, so it is considered safe for humans. Sodium citrate is used in food production to enhance the taste, it also plays the role of a good stabilizer and preservative.


These components are the most valuable of the entire list of Aktimel yogurt components. They are probiotics - beneficial live bacteria. This ingredient is really able to enhance immunity, as lactobacilli stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, and leads to a decrease in the number of opportunistic organisms, and to the disappearance dangerous bacteria. Among other things, experts argue that such lactobacilli effectively produce antibodies to certain types viruses. True, there is a question of how safe lactobacilli remain for more than a month of storage (the shelf life of 35 days is indicated on the package) in conditions of coexistence with other yogurt ingredients.

Thus, the usefulness of Actimel yogurt is not completely 100%. However, there are reports that some consumers have been helped with digestive problems such as bloating, heartburn, and irregular stools. However, there is no exact scientific information, that its consumption really has a positive effect on the state of the body.

In addition, harm this product may consist in high probability development of allergies in young children. The truth here is to pay attention to the word "may", which means that this may not be.

Accordingly, if we talk about the benefits of Actimel as a fermented milk drink, and remember its price, then it is probably better to replace it with ordinary kefir. However, even here there are skeptics who will say that 0.5% alcohol in kefir is also not a godsend ... So there is something for you to think about ... To colonize the intestines beneficial bacteria it is much more effective to drink them in the form of capsules. So they are more likely, as if bypassing the stomach, to be delivered to the intestines. Here is my opinion. What do readers think? I think they will comment if they want to. Finally, I will say that Actimel is delicious, and therefore we love many, and I am one of them!