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Suprax suspension for children: instructions for use and why it is needed, how to dilute it, price, reviews, analogues. Suprax suspension for children - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive feedback

The drug "Suprax" is widely used in medicine, and has recently been used in pediatric practice. Parents are always wary of doctors prescribing antibiotics to their children. After all, various consequences are possible when using them. The drug "Suprax" is a new generation antibiotic. Given medicine has a wide spectrum of action. The medicine "Suprax" is prescribed for children in the form of granules, and capsules are prescribed for adults. Usually an antibiotic is prescribed when other drugs do not help the patient recover. The drug "Suprax" is considered one of the most powerful semi-synthetic antibiotics of the third generation. The active substance of the drug is cefixime. The main advantage over other means is that it is effective and fast treatment. Recovery usually occurs on the second or third day after administration. But this medicine is not suitable for everyone. To learn more about this drug, read the article to the end.

Release form

Available for sale in pharmacies in the following forms:

Side effect

When using the drug "Suprax" you can observe significant changes in:

  • Central nervous system. The following symptoms may occur: headache, tinnitus, dizziness.
  • Urinary system. Interstitial nephritis is observed, kidney function is impaired.
  • Digestive system. Symptoms: nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Possible jaundice, cholestasis, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis gastrointestinal tract.
  • Genitourinary system. Vaginitis is observed.
  • Circulatory system. Agranulocytosis, neutropenia, pancytopenia, anemia, bleeding, decreased levels of platelets and leukocytes may occur.

Also possible allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, skin hypermia, urticaria. Hypovitaminosis, anaphylactic shock, eosinophilia, and fever may also develop. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The drug "Suprax": dosage, purpose, instructions for use

This medicine is intended for oral administration by both adults and children. The course of treatment is prescribed in individually attending doctor. The average daily dosage for adult patients is 400 micrograms. You can take this dose once or divide it into two doses of 200 micrograms. Dosage for children according to age:

  1. Up to twelve years of age, a dose of eight milligrams per kilogram of the child’s weight is prescribed. Apply once daily.
  2. From five to eleven years old. The dose is from six to eight milliliters of suspension per day.
  3. From two to four years old, the drug should be used at a dose of five milliliters per day.
  4. From six months to a year, the dose is from two to four milliliters.

Take the antibiotic both before and after meals. The drug "Suprax" is safe for children, but we remind you once again: it is not recommended to prescribe it to patients under six months of age. The suspension can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. He, first of all, must personally examine the child and correctly diagnose the infection. Then the doctor is guided by the patient's age and weight and prescribes a dose of medication. The course of therapy usually lasts about ten days.


Remember: you cannot prescribe Suprax yourself. Also, do not stop taking it at the first signs of recovery. This medicine is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. Medical specialists In parallel, probiotics are also prescribed to prevent dysbiosis and stomatitis. These are drugs that normalize intestinal microflora(for example, the “Linex” product).


If you decide to prescribe the drug yourself or take more than the prescribed dose, an overdose is possible. Its symptoms are an increase in the side effects described above. Possible to apply next treatment. But first of all, it is urgent to call “ ambulance" In the meantime, nausea must be initiated before her arrival. When you arrive at the hospital, your stomach should be pumped. And then carry out symptomatic and supportive treatment. Antihistamines and pressor amines are prescribed for this purpose. Transfusion is performed using infusion solutions. Do not forget in any case that taking such a strong antibiotic is only permissible if the infection is correctly diagnosed by a doctor. But only medical worker can prescribe the correct dose of the drug.

Indications for use

The drug "Suprax" is usually prescribed for diseases and infections:

  • respiratory tract;
  • integumentary tissues;
  • ENT organs;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • mastoiditis;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

When the drug “Suprax” enters the body, it inhibits the vital activity of gram-negative (E. coli, salmonella) and gram-positive (streptococcus) bacteria.

How to prepare a suspension

First of all, take the bottle and turn it over. Shake the contents well. Add water (about forty milliliters), preferably boiled. Then shake the bottle for several minutes to form a homogeneous suspension. After this, let it sit for five minutes. This will ensure that the powder is completely dissolved in water. Store the resulting suspension at temperature conditions from fifteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius. Be sure to use Suprax syrup within fourteen days (count the date from the day of preparation). Before each use, do not forget to shake the prepared suspension. Carefully read the instructions for the drug.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

There are not many prohibitions on the use of this antibiotic. But still, its use can also have Negative influence on the body, which can lead to a lot of trouble. So what can you expect? The drug "Suprax" is contraindicated in those patients who have increased sensitivity to cephalosporin and penicillin. Prescribe with caution to elderly people, patients with chronic renal failure, and children under six months.

Contraindicated for pregnant women. It can only be taken if the expected benefit to the expectant mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. What about lactation? If it is necessary to use the drug, it should be stopped in the future. breast-feeding. As mentioned above, the drug “Suprax” for children is recommended to be used in the form of a suspension, for the preparation of which granules are used, and their exact dose can only be determined by a pediatrician. Do not rely on the advice and experience of friends and do not prescribe this serious drug for treatment yourself, much less for “reinsurance.”

Organism little man is a system that is constantly undergoing change. Formed and developed internal organs, immunity is under attack external factors. And this process is natural: after all, the little man has not yet encountered many bacteria or infections. Therefore, the body’s defenses are very imperfect and weak. Children aged from birth to 2 years are especially susceptible to this process.

The main problem facing pediatricians is prescribing an effective drug for such young patients. It is necessary not only to eliminate the disease, but also to take care of the safety of the medicine for health. Increasingly, 3rd generation antibiotics are used for the youngest children in the form of the drug “Suprax” for children. Reviews from both doctors and parents indicate the high effectiveness of this remedy.

General information

The antibiotic "Suprax" for children is a targeted medicine that can effectively suppress active growth various microorganisms and destroy them. This remedy can fight infectious diseases caused by fungi or harmful bacteria. It is important to note that the drug "Suprax" belongs to the 3rd generation of antibiotics. They are more effective, better excreted, and cause minimal damage to the child’s body.

Cefixime is the active ingredient of the drug, it is able to act directly on cell membranes pathogenic bacteria, but do not destroy healthy tissue and do not cause side effects. Therefore, this remedy is successfully used even for the youngest patients, starting from 6 months of life. And this form of the medicine, such as a suspension, not only makes it convenient to use, but also allows it to act much faster than tablets and capsules. The drug quickly enters the bloodstream, “finds” bacteria or fungi and kills them.

What diseases does the medicine fight?

I would like to note that this antibiotic has enough strong effect for infections. It covers a wide range of diseases:

  • ENT organs.
  • Genitourinary system.
  • Skin infections.
  • Airways.
  • Infections affecting human bones.
  • Gonorrhea (simple and unadvanced forms).
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Clostridia.
  • Pseudomanades.
  • Enterococci serogroup D.

This drug is prescribed for bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and sinusitis. It copes well with problems including bacterial and fungal infections kidney, cystitis, pyelonephritis. He fights quite successfully with purulent wounds and skin lesions caused by certain fungal pathogens.

The active element cefixime copes with infections quite quickly, which can significantly reduce the treatment period for patients. Therefore, doctors prefer the drug “Suprax” (suspension) for children. Reviews from pediatricians confirm that this drug should be used only when “lighter” antibiotics cannot cope with the disease.

How to prepare medicine

For the youngest patients, the medicine is available in the form of granules, which are in a bottle. Parents themselves are able to prepare the suspension. Shake the powder thoroughly, then add 40 ml of boiled cooled water. It is better to pour in the liquid in two stages of 20 ml each, while shaking the vessel thoroughly. This will help avoid the appearance of lumps and completely dissolve the Suprax for children. The instructions say that it is necessary to achieve homogeneity of the suspension. Be sure to let the medicine sit for a while after preparing. Shake the liquid well and only then use.

Required dosage

Remember that adequate and effective treatment Only the attending physician can prescribe it for a child. According to the annotation for the drug, the dosage depends both on the disease and on the baby’s age and weight. Patients from 6 months to 12 years are prescribed the drug "Suprax" for children, the dosage of which cannot exceed 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Adequate treatment regimen:

  • Children from 6 months to 1 year are prescribed 2.5-4 ml of the prepared suspension, the dosage interval is 12 hours.
  • From 2 to 4 years old, use 5 ml up to 3 times a day.
  • From 5 to 12 years, a dosage of 6-10 ml of the drug 2-3 times a day is possible.
  • Children over 12 years old - up to 400 mg (no more) 1 time per day.

Depending on the type of disease and the complexity of its course, the doctor individually prescribes the duration of taking the suspension. Usually the treatment period is from 7 to 10 days. It is this period that is considered the most effective for achieving positive dynamics from the drug “Suprax” for children. Feedback from parents confirms this result.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that the antibiotic belongs to the 3rd generation of drugs, it can cause unpleasant symptoms. This is due both to the characteristics of the body and to chemical composition. It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s condition in order to notice in time bad influence. However, it is worth noting that when adequate treatment The drug "Suprax" rarely causes complications. Reviews for children confirm the safety of the product in comparison with analogues of the previous generation. However, some symptoms may still appear:

  • Itching, urticaria, zosinophilia, exudative erythema, epidermal necrolysis, fever, anaphylactic shock.
  • Nausea, repeated vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion, dry mouth, anorexia, sharp pain in a stomach.
  • Impaired liver function, hyperbilirubinia, and occasionally jaundice.
  • Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stomatitis, enterocolitis, glossitis.
  • Leukopenia, thrombocetopinia, neutropenia, less often anemia.
  • Interstitial nephritis.
  • Headache, dizziness.

Symptoms may also appear if you are intolerant to one of the substances in the Suprax drug for children. Reviews indicate that it is necessary to conduct allergy tests before starting therapy to avoid complications.

special instructions

Very often, cephalasporins cause an allergic reaction in a child, if any, to penicillin. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this fact, otherwise the medicine may even cause respiratory arrest. Violation of the prescribed period of use of the medicine leads to changes in the intestinal microflora. This, in turn, can lead to the growth of clostridium bacteria and the development of severe diarrhea. Uncontrolled bowel movements can cause dehydration child's body. If such symptoms appear, you must stop taking Suprax (suspension for children). Reviews confirm that discontinuation of the medication leads to normalization of the patient's stool.

In some cases, a false positive urine reaction to glucose levels develops during the course of treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

You must be extremely careful when using this tool in combination with other drugs. Consult your doctor about the compatibility of certain medications. The active substance cefixime significantly reduces prothrombin index. So the use of anticoagulants, which thin the blood, is strictly prohibited. The drug will enhance their effect and may lead to bleeding.

But the use of antacids containing aluminum and magnesium will slow down the absorption of the active substance. It is worth combining tubular secretion blockers (diuretics, allopurinol) with the drug Suprax for children very carefully. Reviews from doctors confirm a slowdown in the excretion of the drug by the kidneys, and this leads to an increase in the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood plasma.

Overdose and treatment methods

Under no circumstances should you violate the dosage of the drug! However, if this happens, it is necessary to immediately lavage the child’s stomach and consult a doctor. In the clinic, maintenance therapy is prescribed, which is aimed at treating the symptoms of overdose. In some cases, GCS and oxygen therapy are effective. When especially severe complications They use transfusions of infusion solutions that purify the blood. can significantly reduce the symptoms of antibiotic overdose.

Is it possible to replace the drug?

Despite effective action Suprax products, not everyone can afford it. It is quite expensive. However, there are many similar medications. It is very important to make sure that active substance they contain cefixime. Then you will be able to choose the right Suprax analogue for children. Check if it belongs to the 3rd generation of antibiotics. The following medications can be safely called worthy competitors of the drug:

  • "Ceforal Solutab".
  • "Ixim Lupin."
  • "Pancef".
  • "Tsemidexor".
  • "Cefix".

In any case, prescribing medications to your child on your own is quite risky; be sure to consult with your pediatrician. After all, analogues also contain Excipients, which can cause allergic reactions in the baby.

The antibiotic Suprax for children is produced by Jazira Pharmaceutical Industries, whose head office is located in Saudi Arabia. Suprax belongs to the category of semi-synthetic, cephalosporin antibiotics of the 3rd generation wide range. The drug contains cefixime tridigrad. For older children, Suprax is available in capsule form (200, 400 ml). In pediatrics, Suprax is widely used for the treatment of sore throat in children under one year of age in 60 ml vials, which contain granules for preparing a suspension (100 ml).

Suprax is a drug of the cephalosporin group, available in the form of tablets and suspensions, suitable for oral administration.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a considerable arsenal of antimicrobial and bactericidal agents for oral administration. When considering the usual methods of administering antibiotics (via injection), the most gentle method for treatment in pediatrics is to administer the drug orally. The parenteral method of taking the medicine is considered the main method of treating ENT diseases. Another advantage of such drugs is the precise dosage of the drug and high peak concentration.

The most important task of pharmacology is the creation the latest drugs, allowing to reduce the number of doses, not only with the widest spectrum of action, but also with reduced toxicity, which is very important in pediatrics. Taking medications orally definitely reduces the chance of infection multiplying and reduces workload medical personnel and provides the opportunity for treatment both in a clinic and on an inpatient basis.

The antibiotic Suprax for children is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by infectious agents, harmful bacteria that cause otolaryngological infections, which most often manifest themselves in the form of cough. Suprax is also effective for diseases genitourinary system and at gonococcal infections. In cases of problems with the respiratory organs, as well as in the treatment of relapses and chronic infections, Suprax can be used to treat children from the age of six months, both within the clinic and at home.

Suprax compares favorably with its cheaper analogues and is one of the most effective antibiotics for treating children at home from a very early age. It has a light strawberry aroma and is easy to use, well accepted by the body, which is important when treating a child. The antibiotic Suprax is prescribed by the attending physician and is available with a prescription. The exact dosage of the drug is clearly described by the manufacturer in the instructions for the drug. One of the advantages of Suprax is that it can be taken both before and after meals and the effectiveness of the drug is not reduced.

The half-life of Suprax is much longer than that of similar antibiotics; in the case of treating young children, this is an undeniable advantage, since you can take the medicine only once every 24 hours.

How to take as capsules

Antibiotic dosage for children 12 years of age and older, weighing 50 kg or more, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 400 mg in one dose, or 200 mg every 12 hours. The duration of the course of medication depends on the complexity of the disease. As a rule, if there are no complications, take 400 mg of Suprax once. For more complex cases, antibiotics should be taken for at least 10 days, 200 mg of antibiotic every 12 hours. If the child’s well-being improves, it is better to reduce the dose to 200 mg every 24 hours.

Preparation of the suspension

First of all, you need to shake the contents of the bottle. Measure out the required amount of the drug. Boil 40 ml of water. Cool the boiled water to 18-25 degrees Celsius. Mix the suspension with boiled water thoroughly until the components are combined. Then you should wait 5-7 minutes until the suspension settles. The granules should completely dissolve in water. The prepared suspension must be shaken before use.

How to take as a suspension

The intake of Suprax suspension is calculated based on the formula (8 mg of antibiotic per 1 kg of body) for small children aged 6 months and older. Or 4 mg of the drug 2 times every 24 hours. For children 5-11 years old, the dose of the drug is 6-10 ml of suspension, at the age of 2-4 years - 5 ml, at the age of 6 months. up to 1 year – 2.5-4 ml. at 24 hours. Adults and children over 12 years of age weighing 50 kg or more should take the antibiotic 400 mg once or 200 mg twice a day. The most common duration of drug treatment is 5-10 days. In more severe cases, Suprax is taken for at least 10 days. It is also possible to adjust the dose of the drug if there is deterioration in kidney function and for patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Contraindications of the drug

In general, Suprax is easily tolerated and correct dosage does not cause complications in children. At long-term treatment Suprax may disrupt the function of intestinal microflora, manifested by colic, bloating, and diarrhea. This can be easily avoided if you combine taking Suprax with taking medications that contain lactic acid bacteria and normalize intestinal function.

Suprax is contraindicated for people allergic to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

Allergic reactions are possible, manifested on the skin in the form of redness. When taking Suprax, it is also possible to reduce concentration and reaction speed. It is necessary to stop breastfeeding if you need to take the drug. For diabetics, please note that Suprax does not contain a large number of sucrose.


A study of the bactericidal activity of cephalosporin antibiotics of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations against pneunotropic viruses in bronchopulmonary infections in children showed the highest effectiveness of the 3rd generation cephalosporin. There were no significant differences in the effectiveness of antibiotics for injection and for oral administration . This explains the high popularity of the drug Suprax in pediatrics.

Studies of the effectiveness and safety of Cifexime (Suprax) revealed clinical effectiveness in 89% of sick children, which was expressed in an improvement in the child’s condition on average on the 3rd day, a decrease in sputum production, a decrease in cough and signs of sore throat on the 3rd day.

Normalization of functional parameters occurred on the 10th day of treatment. Shown enough high efficiency cephexime in the fight against acute inflammatory diseases respiratory organs in children in cases of relapse. Convenient dosage form, gentle frequency of reception, safe method treatments without side effects make the drug the most promising antimicrobial agent among analogues.

Analogues of Suprax are: Cefix, Flamifix, Fixim, Loprax, Pancef, Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Zinnat, Augmentin.

  • The most common analogue of Suprax for the treatment of cough and sore throat in children under one year of age is the bactericidal syrup Pancef. The popularity of Pancef in the antibiotic market is due to the fact that in some regions it is more accessible and cheaper than Suprax. Its main component is the antibiotic cefixime 100 mg per 60 ml.
  • prescribed for symptoms of tonsillitis (antibiotic tablets 1000 mg/200 mg, 875 mg/125 mg). Amoxiclav is also offered in the form of a 250 mg suspension in 60 mg tubes. It should be noted that the main active substance, which is part of amoxiclav - amoxicillin has many contraindications for the treatment of children under one year of age.
  • – broad-spectrum antibiotic. Available in the form of a 100 mg powder, which must be diluted in water at room temperature, 0.25 mg capsules and 0.5 g tablets. The main active component of the drug for the treatment of sore throat and other inflammations of the ENT organs in children and adults is. The cost of this drug is somewhat cheaper in comparison with analogues, since it has a number of contraindications for the treatment of children under one year of age. The instructions for use of the drug state that if the dosage of the antibiotic is not calculated correctly, the child may experience hearing loss.
  • – an antibacterial drug for the temporary treatment of ENT infections, urinary tract infections, sepsis, osteomyelitis.
  • a drug similar to suprax. Zinnat is produced in the form of granules, which are diluted in water to obtain a 100 mg suspension. The cost of the drug is somewhat cheaper than analogues. Zinnat is different in that it is a 2nd generation cephalosporin antibiotic, and accordingly it cannot be a full replacement for Suprax.


The price of Suprax depends on the form of release and mg dosage. The average price of the drug Suprax ranges from 280 to 580 rubles. If Suprax is replaced with a cheaper analogue, you should carefully study the instructions to make sure that the chosen drug has a similar composition and properties. The analogue must be a 3rd generation cephalosparin, and the main drug in it must be. A pharmacist at a pharmacy can tell you the availability of such drugs and correctly calculate their dosage. Don't take advice ordinary users without medical education.

Acute respiratory viral diseases are a common illness that affects children in preschool and junior school age. The danger of these diseases is that if not done correctly and untimely treatment they can cause complications, so doctors quite often prescribe antibiotics for treatment.

Today, after reading the instructions for use and reviews, we will talk about the antibiotic Suprax, a suspension for children, and we will figure out when its use is really necessary and how to properly treat with such substances.

Release form and composition of the drug

Suprax (suspension or capsules) refers to drugs III generation, because its main active ingredient is cefixime trihydrate (cephalasporin), which has higher activity against bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family than other drugs for children, which are considered analogues of the I-II generations and are slightly inferior in price.

It is available in the form of capsules and granules. Children under 12 years old this medicine can only be given in the form of granules, from which a suspension with strawberry flavor is obtained.

Excipients that make up the granules:

  • Sucrose;
  • Xanthan gum;
  • Sodium benzoate;
  • Strawberry flavouring.

Suprax is available in a dark glass bottle with a mark (the level to which the granules must be diluted). The kit also includes a dosing spoon and instructions for use.


This antibiotic is indicated for the following infectious diseases and their complications:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx ();
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis);
  • Inflammation of the nasal and paranasal sinuses ();
  • Bronchial disease () in acute and chronic form;
  • middle ear;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (uncomplicated infections);
  • Gonorrhea in an uncomplicated form.

How to take Suprax

Only a doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to a child as treatment and only in cases where it is really necessary.

As a rule, Suprax is prescribed when other less powerful antibiotics do not give any results. Or in case of serious bacterial diseases or complications that could arise after the child suffered from viral diseases.

Preparation of the suspension

  • Before use, shake the bottle with granules and add 40 ml of water (boiled and cooled) in two stages and shake well after each addition until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.
  • The resulting solution should sit for 5 minutes.
  • The contents of the bottle must be shaken before each dose, because... solid particles that do not completely dissolve in water will settle to the bottom.
  • From the moment of preparation, the resulting suspension must be stored for no more than 14 days at temperatures up to 25°.

Dosage of the drug

  • Children aged 6 months to 1 year Prescribe 3-4 ml per day. This dosage can be divided into 2 doses of 1.5-2 ml.
  • From 2 to 4 years daily dose is 5 ml.
  • Children from 5 to 11 years old may prescribe 6-10 ml of Suprax.
  • Children over 11 years old Prescribe 400 mg of the substance per day (for weight more than 50 kg).

It is worth remembering that the doctor can adjust the dosage of the antibiotic depending on the child’s weight and the course of the disease.


This medicine should not be taken in the following situations:

  • If the child has problems with kidney function.
  • If there is sensitivity to penicillin and cephalosporins (in this case, the child may experience an allergic reaction).
  • Age up to 6 months (such an antibiotic can be prescribed only in extreme cases).

Features of application

Firstly, every parent should know when a child really needs to be given antibiotics.

  • Such drugs are necessary for the treatment bacterial infections or in cases of complications of viral diseases (otitis media, pneumonia). If the baby has a runny nose or a sore throat, i.e. 100% viral infection, and the doctor prescribes an antibiotic. Parents should consult another specialist.
  • For prophylaxis, taking such a potent drug is extremely unwise and very dangerous. This approach is necessary only in cases where in the society where the child is or was, there are dangerous infections(meningitis, whooping cough, etc.).
  • You need to take Suprax for 7-10 days. depending on the condition and at a certain time (i.e. if you started giving the child the suspension in the morning, then throughout the course it must be given in the morning). It is also undesirable to take breaks.
  • Even if the baby feels much better within 2-3 days, you cannot refuse to continue taking antibiotics. Bacteria that are neutralized but not yet destroyed will develop resistance to this drug, and in the future it will no longer help.
  • Glucose may also be detected in a urine test during treatment. This feature must be taken into account if the child needs to take this test.
  • It is also important to remember that with long-term treatment with such a drug, the intestinal microflora may be disrupted and diarrhea may occur.

Suprax, instructions for use for children (suspension) which comes with the medicine, basically contains a semi-synthetic cephalosporin and is used to treat many diseases. It affects gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, killing them.

Cephalosporins are a type of antibiotic with selective activity against pathogenic microorganisms and resistant to penicillin.

The Italian scientist Giuseppe Brotz was the first to obtain Cephalosporin from the mold Cephalosporium.

The difference between them and penicillin was their good resistance to beta-lactamase enzymes secreted by microbes. But the structure of the drugs was similar. Therefore, it required improvement. Improved semisynthetic cephalosporins were obtained, developed on the basis of aminocephalosporanic acid. Modified antibiotics kill bacteria and then remove them from the body.

Most often used in the treatment of osteomyelitis and purulent arthritis, staphylococcal sore throat, staphylococcal meningitis, infection urinary tract and others generated by penicillin-resistant species, including against enterobacterial diseases caused by opportunistic bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Division by composition and sphere of influence has already been distinguished by five generations of cephalosporins. Suprax belongs to the third generation synthetic cephalosporins, the main active ingredient is cefixime.

It suppresses defense and integrity cell membrane microbes. Cefixime is stable to the influence of bacterial enzymes aimed at combating Beta-lactam antibiotics produced by gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Suprax, instructions for use for children (suspension), which must be read before use, is available in dark glass bottles of 60 ml. The drug looks like white or cream-colored granules for preparing a suspension. The product is dissolved in water until the composition becomes a homogeneous consistency.

The prepared suspension is administered orally. It is recommended to shake before each use. Medicine are produced together with a dosing spoon (size 5 and 10 ml). Each 5 ml of suspension contains approximately 100 mg of active substance.

Composition of the drug: cefixime trihydrate 1.402 g and sucrose, sodium salt benzoic acid, gum, strawberry flavor. Inhibits the compound of peptidoglycan, the main structural part of the bacterial cell wall, that is, it suppresses the integrity of the cell wall of the pathogen. Cefixime is stable to the influence of beta-lactamases produced by a predominant number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Highly active against pneumococcus, streptococcus, group B streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis (including species that produce beta-lactamases), coli, Proteus miribilis, gonococcus, Friedlander's bacillus, Klebsiella oxytoca, salmonella. But most strains of staphylococcus, enterobacter and clostridia, which are not susceptible to cefixime, are resistant to it.

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When used orally, the absorption of cefixime reaches 40–50% despite the consumption of food, but the bioavailability of cefixime in serum occurs 0.8 hours faster when taking the drug with food. When consuming the drug in capsule form and at a dose of 200 mg, absorption into the serum occurs after 4 hours and amounts to 2 μg/ml, when consumed at a dose of 400 mg - 3.5 μg/ml. The bioavailability of Suprax suspension at a dose of 200 mg in serum occurs after 4 hours and becomes 2.8 μg/ml, when using a dose of 400 mg - 4.4 μg/ml. About 50% of the dose is excreted in the urine and unchanged per day, 10% of the dose is excreted in bile.

The relationship with plasma proteins, mainly albumin, is 65%. The half-life is determined by the dosage and ranges from 3 to 4 hours. This allows you to use the drug once a day. Applicable to small children.

High concentration of Suprax for a long time found in blood serum, bile and urine. If the patient has renal failure it is possible to increase the half-life and, as a result, more high density drug in the plasma and slowing its elimination from the body natural ways. In patients with a creatinine clearance rate of 30 ml/min when consuming 400 mg of cefixime, the half-life reaches 7-8 hours, the highest saturation in plasma becomes about 7.53 mcg/ml, and removal in urine per day is −5.5%. Medicine Suprax (instructions for use for children) in the form of a suspension is administered orally, that is, through the mouth.

It penetrates into tissues and circulatory system. Fully therapeutic effect manifests itself within a few hours after administration - this allows you to take the drug once a day. Suprax, due to its bactericidal effect, penetrates the child’s body and disrupts the synthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. This drug is special because it is not broken down by gastrointestinal enzymes that produce streptococci, this increases the mechanism of action of the drug.

There is a high susceptibility to various types bacteria, in particular streptococci, since they are direct causative agents of respiratory, urinary, auditory system, as well as in cases of damage to the skin and subcutaneous fat. A group of bacteria that belong to staphylococci, on the contrary, are not sensitive to this drug.

Suprax for children: indications for use, contraindications and side effects

Young mothers do not need to have Suprax for children in their medicine cabinet, as it is a reserve drug.

This means that it is prescribed only when drugs such as penicillins and macrolides cannot provide a sufficient therapeutic effect.

Suprax is often prescribed to children for acute respiratory and viral diseases light and medium degree gravity. The suspension is used for lesions of the nasal and oral cavity, middle and internal parts of the auditory system, trachea, bronchi, inflammatory processes in the tonsils. If respiratory viral infections are not treated promptly, bacterial infections may develop. inflammatory processes, that is, a complication. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of complications and be sure to use antibiotic therapy. During exacerbation of diseases respiratory system Suprax for children should be prescribed; it effectively fights infection.

If infectious and inflammatory processes occur in the genitourinary system and in the kidneys themselves, you can confidently prescribe a drug. But the drug is prescribed for mild forms of acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as for exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis. If a child with a severe course of the above diseases is on inpatient treatment, then Suprax is used after the end of intravenous or intramuscular injection cephalosporins.

This fixative stage allows you to reduce the occurrence of relapse of the disease. Medicine knows of cases when the drug should not be offered to a child. This phenomenon cannot be called widespread, but there are contraindications, and they must be observed. Not all young patients are able to tolerate cephalosporin and penicillin group. Suprax is not suitable for such children. This category includes babies under six months old and with chronic diseases liver and kidneys.

To prevent dysbiosis and intestinal candidiasis from occurring in the child, in parallel with the use of Suprax, doctors prescribe drugs that can normalize intestinal and vaginal microflora, drugs with an antifungal effect such as Acipol and Linex.

If the baby is not yet 6 months old, and there is a persistent need to use Suprax, everything must be taken into account possible risks and existing contraindications to taking the medication. Parents, do not forget that the doctor prescribes an antibiotic when making a diagnosis.

Like anyone else antibacterial drug, Suprax has side effects. Can't give this drug child without prescription qualified specialist. Basic by-effect observed in the stomach and intestines. Being an antibiotic, it sharply disrupts the microflora of the stomach and intestines. One of the mechanisms of action is the ability to prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

Clostridium difficile and candida are those yeast-like fungi that do not express sensitivity to any antibiotic of various groups. If antibiotic therapy is carried out, it is necessary to take probiotics that protect the microflora digestive system. Candida is a danger to children infancy, as it leads to candidiasis of the small and large intestines.

It can also move at lightning speed to the child's other systems. But the most dangerous is Clostridium difficile; it causes frequent, incessant diarrhea, which leads to dehydration and damage to the walls of the large intestine. As a result, fluid absorption is impaired and colitis occurs.

Side effects that occur least often are headache, abnormal blood composition, urticaria, decreased appetite, sleep disturbance and dry mouth. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe a Suprax suspension to a child. It is forbidden for parents to use this drug independently. In case of overdose, a violation of the digestive system occurs as an increase adverse reactions child.

In case of overdose it is necessary:

  • rinse the stomach;
  • carrying out symptomatic therapy;
  • carrying out auxiliary therapy to normalize the patient’s condition.


When taking Suprax, false symptoms may occur. positive reactions urine for glucose.

Suprax for children: dosage and use by age

Suprax is prescribed to children by a doctor. The procedure for use and the dosage volume of the medicine are determined taking into account the original packaging and the age of the patient. The following options for using Suprax are possible.

Granules. The contents of the inverted vessel are shaken vigorously. Then, step by step, 20 g of cooled liquid is poured into 2 batches. boiled water. With each manipulation, the resulting composition is shaken. Leave the suspension for 5 minutes.

Shake the mixture before giving it to your child:

  • children from six months to 12 years of age are given medicine at the rate of 8 milligrams per 1 kg of weight once a day or twice during the specified period, 4 mg/kg;
  • for babies under one year old, a dosage of 2.5 to 4 g is provided;
  • two to four year old children take 5 g;
  • for ages 5-11 years, the appropriate dosage is 7-10 g.

The duration of the treatment course is approximately 8-10 full days.


  • Children twelve years old and older absorb 1 tablet (400 mg dose) well in 24 hours, because they weigh more than 50 kilograms;
  • the usual duration of treatment is at least 6–10 days;
  • in the absence of complicated gonorrhea, it is enough to take the medicine once.

Patients on hemodialysis. Patients suffering from malfunction kidneys, with CC not exceeding 21-60 g/min, cannot comply with the standard dosage. Their portion is reduced by 4 times. Cases of peritoneal dialysis with rates less than 20 g per minute allow a twofold reduction in the drug dose.

The period during which the patient should take the medicine is calculated in each individual case. The severity of the disease is taken into account here. Usually a week's course is enough. Infections, which are commonly called Streptococcus pyogenes, are cured in a maximum of 10 days.

How to prepare Suprax for children:

  • The pre-boiled water is cooled.
  • The bubble with granules is shaken sharply.
  • A total of 40 g of water is added in two stages to obtain a homogeneous mass; it is recommended to shake the bottle each time.
  • The prepared product should sit for 5 minutes - this is necessary for the granules to completely dissolve.

Suprax is recommended to be shaken during use. This antibiotic is also well absorbed by juice, compote or breast milk. In a situation where a sick child knows how to eat on his own. The diluted drug is mixed into soup or porridge in compliance with dosage rules.

Suprax refers to potent drugs, so it can aggressively affect the intestinal microflora. In order to protect the fragile body, the use of probiotics is indicated. This could be Bifidumbacterin or Linex.

Suprax for children: price and popular analogues

Suprax for children, the price of which is the same in all pharmacies, can be replaced with a similar product. An analogue or generic of Suprax should, first of all, be considered as a third-generation cephalosporin and have the main active ingredient cefixime.

How realistic is it to find such a medicine in pharmacies? There will be no difficulties with this. You can ask your pharmacist about this or use an Internet search engine. For example, the drug Ceforal Solutab, which is of Italian origin, contains instructions similar to the description of Suprax. True, its cost is in no way less, and often exceeds, its German counterpart.

Cephalexin has proven itself quite well, for which the buyer will pay an amount that is 7 times less than the cost of Suprax. Perhaps there are cases of it effective application. However, the instructions position it as a first-stream cephalosporin with the main substance - cephalexin, so there is no absolute reason to consider it a full-fledged substitute for Suprax.

But there are other drugs that best meet the standards in relation to substitutes:

  • Cefix - made in Jordan, costs 200-300 rubles.
  • Chinese Tsemidixor, priced at 200-300 rubles.
  • Indian drug Ixim Lupine, approximately 400 rubles.
  • Pancef from Macedonia, maximum 350 rubles.

All Suprax analogues contain main element- cefixime. The production of these drugs is carried out by different pharmaceutical companies. It is not surprising that the components included in their structures may not be the same, as well as purchasing prices. The main thing is that they guarantee the same effect when applied.

Cefix. Active substance: cefixime. It is considered a bactericidal agent with a multifaceted spectrum of action. The medicine is indicated: for infections of the ENT system, genitourinary tract, respiratory organs, which can be caused by microorganisms or bacteria.

No indications: porphyria, infants up to 6 months (mixture), patients under 12 years (in tablets), if there is a high sensitivity to constituent elements drug.

Pantsef. Main component: also cefixime. It has a reputation as an antibiotic with many functions. Has a bactericidal effect. Recommended: for sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, gonorrhea without complications, simple diagnoses urinary system. Should not be taken: if the body shows hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and penicillins. Adults should be especially careful when giving medicine to babies who are not yet 6 months old.

Ceforal solutab. Cefixime is active. The medicine is recognized as bactericidal. Its effect is aimed at removing or neutralizing infection from the affected organism. There is a beneficial effect of the product on the bulk of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Useful: when infected urinary tract and the respiratory system, which cause a number of side diseases.

Undesirable: if the body is particularly sensitive to the composition of the drug. The doctor should carefully monitor how the medicine is taken by infants and the elderly. When buying a cheap Solutab substitute, check for the presence of cefixime in it, and its volume in the original must necessarily coincide with the duplicate. When purchasing several packages, do not expect that the cost will necessarily decrease - options are possible.

Consulting a doctor on the dosage and method of taking the drug will turn out to be an indispensable benefit for you. Patients confirm cases of development of dysbiosis when using Suprax. To avoid unnecessary effects, it is advisable to take probiotics. Doctors rate Suprax for children, the price of which is quite high, as effective drug. It has a powerful effect and is prescribed in special cases.