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Hellebore water for lice - detailed instructions for effective use. Hellebore water: method of application, reviews

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The main active substance of white hellebore is alkaloids. The most alkaloids are found in the roots (about 2.5%), less in the rhizomes (approx. 1.2%), and in the leaves - no more than 0.55%. Among hellebore alkaloids, amino alcohols (amino alcohols) have the main effect. Puppeteer alkaloids reduce blood pressure, while significantly slowing down the heart, stimulating sensitive nerve endings, provoke sneezing and coughing.

Puppeteer is an extremely toxic plant. It is superior to omegas in terms of toxicity. As a rule, it is used externally as an anesthetic and irritant for a number of diseases:

  • muscle pain;
  • age-related diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Hellebore is used in the form of an ointment, decoction or alcohol tincture.

For external application active substances hellebore water are practically not absorbed, or are absorbed in insignificant volumes. However, with prolonged use and active rubbing into the surface of the body, alkaloids are able to penetrate to the deep layers of the skin, thus entering the bloodstream and having a systemic effect on the body.


Pediculosis of the head and pubis.


  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • skin damage of an infectious nature.

Mode of application

Before using the drug, the contents of the bottle should be shaken. Before the procedure, hair must be thoroughly washed with shampoo or soap. Hellebore water is applied to the hair with a cotton or gauze swab. Particular attention should be paid to the back of the head and temple area. After applying the drug, the head is tied with a scarf. After the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap. After 30 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed warm water, after which they are washed with soap or shampoo.

After washing, comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove dead lice and eggs. If some lice have not died, then the procedure can be repeated only after a day has passed. Combing out dead lice and nits is a mandatory part of the procedure, especially for hair of medium and long length.

After carrying out the above procedures, it is recommended to monitor general condition. If you feel nausea or dizziness, you must take any sorbent, since these symptoms indicate intoxication with hellebore water. When consuming just 1 ml of hellebore water orally, there is a danger fatal outcome. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to store the drug out of the reach of children.

Side effects

Rarely - allergic manifestations in the form of itching and redness. If the medicine is accidentally swallowed, nausea, vomiting and the development of allergy symptoms may occur.


At long-term use the drug in large quantities, the active substances can enter the systemic circulation. This may cause the following symptoms:
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pronounced cholinomimetic effect;
  • depression of the heart muscle.
Upon entering the bloodstream increased amount active substance there is a risk of cardiac arrest, therefore oral consumption of hellebore water is strictly contraindicated.

In short, it should be understood that mixing hellebore tincture to an alcoholic means deliberately exposing his life to serious danger. Hellebore is not only contraindicated for oral consumption, but also requires precautions during collection and storage. The pollen of the plant provokes active salivation, sneezing, allergic rhinitis, lacrimation. When you touch hellebore, you feel a strong burning sensation, after which the skin goes numb. And just 1 g of hellebore, consumed enterally, leads to death.


Evgenia, 54 years old, Tyumen
A friend informed me that hellebore water makes hair grow well. I decided to try this miracle remedy on myself, because... After coloring, the hair began to fall out quite intensively and almost stopped growing. At first I doubted it, but in the end it really worked. I rubbed this tincture with a cotton swab into the scalp every evening, just before bed. As a result, after 3-4 weeks the hair became stronger, gained volume, and began to grow quite quickly. I'm going to continue using hellebore water - it's a very good remedy. If anyone has problems with their hair after coloring, try it, you will be satisfied.

Anna, 18 years old, Moscow
I picked up lice when I was 18, and I don’t know from whom. At first I didn’t think it was them that caused the itching. And then younger sister I found a louse in my hair. We waited until the weekend and bought a bunch at the pharmacy. different means for pediculosis and went home for treatment.
Nittifor didn’t help, they just spent money on him. We tried different ointments, benzyl benzoate did not work either.
But hellebore water helped. Good remedy– it gets rid of lice and improves the condition of the hair. Then I washed my hair, ironed it with a hot iron, and let’s comb it out. The next day I did the same thing - but apparently this was not enough, they found a couple more live lice. In total, these procedures were performed for 5 days until all the lice were removed. Towards the end, I no longer had enough patience, but one way or another it helped - since then not a single lice has been found.
So I advise you to try hellebore water - maybe I did something wrong, they say it should help in 1-2 times. Hope it helps you too.

  1. Eliminates the consequences of bites of blood-sucking insects.
  2. Eliminates the symptoms of many skin ailments, especially those caused by insect bites.

The product has complex composition, it refers to toxic substances. When using it, you must strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions or prescribed by your doctor.

If any side effects against hellebore, the use of the drug should be temporarily stopped. After a short break, you can use hellebore water again. If they arise again Negative consequences from using the solution, then treatment with it should be discontinued.

Hellebore tincture is made on the basis of the herb of the same name, from its rhizomes and leaves. After this, ethyl alcohol is added to the product. This composition completely retains everything beneficial features hellebore plants.

What is hellebore water?

Most often, this water is used for pediculosis. various stages. The drug can be used in following cases:

  1. For fungal diseases and bacterial lesions skin.
  2. For hair growth.
  3. As an antipruritic and analgesic drug.
  4. To dilate blood vessels.
  5. Has a stimulating effect on nervous system, gradually giving way to her oppression.

Reviews about hellebore water are mostly positive.

Effect of hellebore water on lice

The method of using the drug is very simple. Due to its liquid base, hellebore is applied directly to the affected areas. Since the skin probably has scratches and microcracks, if the solution gets on the wounds, you will feel a slight burning sensation.

Instructions for using hellebore water are as follows:

  1. First, damaged areas of the skin are cleaned. After this, the liquid is applied and left until completely dry.
  2. In the presence of large quantity lice and nits, the grass in solution is applied generously to both the scalp and hair. To avoid damaging the skin of your hands, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves first. When the work is completed, a plastic bag is wrapped around the head or a rubber cap is put on. After this, everything is fixed with a scarf. You need to leave the product on your head for 5-6 hours. Then you should rinse your hair big amount running water, using shampoo.
  3. Hellebore water has a beneficial effect on hair. They become silky, soft and obedient. The scalp also experiences healing effect. Excessive oiliness in the scalp is eliminated. Peeling disappears.

If water is used by a person for other purposes, then adults can apply the product to the skin 1-2 times per day. If you use the drug more often, you may experience allergic reactions.

Possible contraindications

There are also contraindications to the use of hellebore water:

  • if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or an allergy to the plant;
  • penetration of infection into the site of application of the medicine;
  • age up to 2.5 years.

Certain safety precautions must be observed:

  1. If there are bites or scratches on the skin, it is recommended to wait until they heal.
  2. Before you start processing, you need to carefully read the instructions for applying hellebore water.
  3. You must wear protective disposable gloves.
  4. Hellebore should not get on the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes, and especially in Airways. If this does happen, you should rinse the damaged area with plenty of cool and clean water.
  5. If you feel a strong burning sensation after treatment, it is better to stop. further actions and wash your hair immediately.
  6. The dosage depends on the length of the hair. This is necessarily stated in the instructions for the drug. If you violate the permissible dosage limit, an allergy will appear or a skin burn will occur.
  7. There is no need to rub the medicine into the skin with special care, otherwise the alkaloids will penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, and this is fraught with side effects.

Application for hair growth

The plant is also used for hair growth. A solution in the form of hellebore water affects their structure as follows:

  1. Hair becomes soft.
  2. They are easier to style and comb.
  3. Eliminates dryness and brittleness of hair.
  4. The product also has a beneficial effect on the scalp, especially if a person has dandruff.

Hellebore gives vitality hair roots, they begin to grow faster. Hellebore tincture for hair growth has the same sequence of application as for lice. That is, a solution is applied to the hair and scalp, after which a plastic bag or film is put on, the head is wrapped in a towel or secured with a scarf. You need to leave the drug on your head for several hours, if the procedure was carried out before bed, then until the morning. Then the hellebore solution is washed off in running water using a mild soap.

Hellebore water for alcoholism

Despite the fact that hellebore water is not usually used internally, many advise using the solution to get rid of alcohol addiction. It is very important to adhere to a strict dosage, otherwise the alcoholic will be poisoned and severe intoxication will occur. Hellebore water for alcoholism is prepared independently. Pharmacy tincture Hellebore will not work in this case. A special decoction is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. The grass is pre-dried.
  2. Take 1 tsp. dried hellebore roots.
  3. You will need ¼ cup of boiling water.
  4. The roots are flooded hot water. The product is infused for 1 hour.
  5. If the product has decreased in volume, add boiled water, so that the amount is ¼ cup again.
  6. Place the tincture in a dark and cool place. The product can be stored for up to 5 days.

Treatment is carried out gradual increase dosage. First, before drinking alcohol, add 2 drops of solution to food or water (using a pipette), if that doesn’t help, then 3. Maximum dose- 10 drops. You cannot add the solution to food more than 3 times a day. If hellebore water does not help against alcoholism, then you should stop such treatment and try to fight drunkenness with other measures. Hellebore water does not help with alcoholism in every case, no one can give a guarantee. Still, with such a problem, it is better to visit a doctor.

The hellebore plant has long been successfully used in medicine. Reviews about the solution are mostly positive. People get rid of lice, use the product in for cosmetic purposes, struggling with skin problems, there is even hellebore water for alcoholism, but it should be prepared according to the recipe yourself.

Hellebore water has the following constituent components: ethyl alcohol, hellebore rhizomes, distilled water. This is the optimal remedy for lice and nits. Pediculosis occurs due to body lice, spreading either through direct contact or through objects, underwear and bedding.

If you notice the first symptoms (itching of the scalp, a constant desire to scratch, a feeling of movement on the skin), especially at night, you need to examine your hair as quickly as possible, and then purchase an anti-lice tincture at the pharmacy.

Also, with normal scratching, abrasions appear. Often they fester or become inflamed, while hellebore has antimicrobial effect, and in case of its use inflammatory process stops.

The skin on the head becomes elastic and clean, hair growth accelerates, so this tincture can also be used as a mask.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

In pharmacies, hellebore water is sold without a prescription, and people use it, as a rule, ignoring consultation with a doctor. However, this remedy is not at all harmless.

Often after using the tincture you can see allergic reactions. Therefore, before using the drug in the treatment of head lice, you should undergo a sensitivity test. For this purpose, a small drop of tincture should be placed on the skin of the elbow with inside. If redness, burning or itching does not appear within half an hour, you can proceed to applying the product.

Sometimes signs of overdose appear:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • vomit;
  • burning.

If such symptoms occur, immediately wash off the drug and seek medical advice. medical care. There is no need to wait until the ailment goes away on its own, since failure to comply with the dosage can even lead to death.

Poisoning with hellebore water is treated with anticholinergics, cardiovascular medicines, as well as medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At orally of the drug, gastric lavage with a solution of tannin, a suspension activated carbon, white clay. Then the use of carminatives that prevent gas formation is prescribed. If the mucous membranes are damaged, use a 2% solution of procaine.

Treatment of lice with hellebore water is not recommended for patients with wounds on the head. It is also contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • patients with acute infectious diseases on the scalp;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

A remedy for head lice can be purchased at any pharmacy, but many of them contain very dangerous components. Compared to such drugs, hellebore water is not highly toxic, so it is a popular choice. However, the disadvantages of this product include inconvenience in use, especially compared to modern shampoos, sprays and lotions.

Wash your hair with any soap or shampoo.

The treatment algorithm is as follows:

If, as a result of one procedure, it was not possible to kill all the lice, and this common occurrence, then you can repeat it the next day. If unexpected “tenants” remain on the head even after repeated treatment, then it is allowed to use hellebore water again no earlier than a week later ( frequent use This product may cause patient poisoning.)

Throughout the week, it is recommended to continue daily combing, which will significantly increase your chances of fighting lice.

How to apply hellebore water correctly

There are several ways to distribute the product onto your hair, the use of which not only simplifies the procedure, but also increases its effectiveness. For example, application with cotton swabs, sponges or discs. It is recommended to do this with gloves.

If the patient does not have assistants and he has to perform the procedure independently, then extreme caution must be exercised: hellebore water should not accidentally get into the eyes, ear cavity, or onto the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

The drug burns thin skin and mucous layers. If the product gets on them, it is necessary to rinse the vulnerable areas with running water as quickly as possible.

The best option is to apply the tincture using ordinary disposable syringes or plastic bottle having a hole in the lid. The strands are wetted alternately with simultaneous combing of each of them, as well as even distribution of the product. It is recommended to use the tincture to eliminate nits and lice in 2 stages. At the first stage, the actions described above are performed, the second stage is prevention after about 10 days.

Hellebore water is a unique medicine that, in addition to treating head lice, helps get rid of excess oily hair, dandruff, stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth, and is actively used in the treatment of alcoholism. This universal remedy, however, before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor. This will minimize possible risks use of the drug.

Photo of the drug

Latin name: Aqua veratri

ATX code: P03AX

Active substance: Hellebore Lobel rhizomes with roots tincture (Veratri lobeliani rhizomatum cum radicibus tinctura)

Analogs: no data

Manufacturer: Red Star, Ukraine

Description is valid on: 04.10.17

Active substance

Lobel's hellebore rhizomes with roots tincture (Veratri lobeliani rhizomatum cum radicibus tinctura).

Release form and composition

The drug is produced by the manufacturer in the form of a solution for external use. Sold in dark glass bottles of 40 and 100 ml.

Indications for use

Hellebore water is intended for the treatment of lice on the scalp and pubis.

The drug is used to eliminate dandruff and increased oiliness of the scalp, activate hair growth and improve its condition. It not only restores the natural oiliness of the scalp and fights pathogens, but also helps improve tone blood vessels, contributing to the supply hair follicles sufficient oxygen and all necessary microelements.

Hellebore water is effective in treating the following diseases: arthritis, gout, radiculitis, muscle pain, neuralgia, age-related diseases musculoskeletal system.


The drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • In case of hypersensitivity to the active component of the drug.
  • If the patient has infected skin diseases.
  • Children under 2.5 years of age.
  • During pregnancy and during the lactation period.

When using the solution, do not allow it to come into contact with the eyes, mucous membranes, as well as the surface of burns and wounds, since through them the drug can penetrate the systemic bloodstream.

Instructions for use of Hellebore water (method of application and dosage)

Before the procedure, wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo. Before using the drug, shake the contents of the bottle and apply the drug to the hair with a gauze or cotton swab. In this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the temples and the back of the head. After applying the solution, tie a scarf around your head and wash your hands thoroughly with soap. After half an hour, the hair is first rinsed with warm running water, and then washed with shampoo or soap.

After washing, comb the hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove dead lice and nits.

Side effects

Hellebore water is a potent drug, therefore it should be used with extreme caution, following all dosage and application recommendations.

Repeated use may cause the following: side effects: nausea, vomiting, erythema, cardiac depression, itching, tingling, burning or tingling sensation at the site of application.

If ingested this solution has a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal tract And metabolic processes in organism.

Treatment of poisoning Hellebore water includes palliative care, as well as cardiovascular care medicines, anticholinergics and performance-restoring drugs digestive tract. In case of oral consumption of Chemerichnaya water, gastric lavage is performed aqueous solution tannin, a suspension of white clay or activated carbon, after which the patient is prescribed carminatives, and if the mucous membranes are damaged, a 2% procaine solution is applied to them.


In case of accidental ingestion of drugs, poisoning is possible, which manifests itself in the form of nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Within two hours you need to rinse the stomach and carry out symptomatic treatment.

Accidental ingestion of more than 100 ml of the drug can result in death.


Information is absent.

pharmachologic effect

The solution stimulates hair growth and has a mild antibacterial and analgesic effect. When used externally, the active substances of the drug are practically not absorbed by the patient’s body. However, with prolonged use and active rubbing of the solution, alkaloids can penetrate to the deep layers of the skin, entering the bloodstream and thus having a systemic effect on the body. This can lead to poisoning with Hellebore water.

In addition to effective disinfection, it greatly facilitates joint pain. That's why this drug often used to treat arthritis and neuralgia.

special instructions

Do not allow drugs to come into contact with open wounds, mucous membrane of the eyes, oral cavity, nasal cavity. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with running water.

The use of the drug does not affect the performance of potentially dangerous species activities requiring special attention and quick reactions.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Made from the hellebore plant by preparing an infusion of ethyl alcohol rhizomes and leaves, the drug perfectly combines medicinal properties of this plant. The high effectiveness of treatment is due to the balanced composition, the minimum number of side effects in treatment, and the interest from buyers is explained by the affordable cost of the product with many positive feedback those who have already used hellebore water in the treatment of dermatological problems.

Dosage forms

  • The drug is presented for sale in the form of a liquid solution made by infusing the leaves and rhizomes of the hellebore plant in ethyl alcohol (minimum 70%).
  • A dark-colored liquid, brownish-yellowish, hellebore water is offered in pharmacies in dark glass bottles with a screw cap and a narrow neck. The bottle is in cardboard box with the accompanying instructions.

Price of hellebore water


Due to the high content of simple alkaloids in the drug, it can be used to stimulate the contraction of the heart muscle with a parallel normalization of the amplitude of its movements. The expansion of the lumen of blood vessels, a decrease in blood pressure make it possible to call the drug one of the most applicable for various organic disorders, which lead to deterioration of cardiac function vascular system and the circulatory process.


The listed conditions can be perfectly corrected by using hellebore water due to wide range her actions.

However, due to the increased toxicity of the substance, extreme caution should be exercised when using it so as not to cause poisoning of the body, its intoxication if excessively long-term treatment using hellebore water.

Instructions for use

Using the drug is quite simple. Representing liquid solution, water should be applied to damaged areas of the skin. If there is significant damage to the skin, minor manifestations are likely discomfort in the form of pinching places mechanical damage upper layer of the epidermis.

  • Before starting to use the drug, you should first clean the affected areas of the skin, then apply a small amount of the drug to them and leave until completely absorbed.
  • When treating lice and nits, the drug is applied quite generously to the hair and the skin underneath, for which it is necessary to wear rubber gloves to prevent damage to the skin of the hands when in contact with a significant amount of the drug. The hair, abundantly soaked in the solution, is covered with plastic wrap and a scarf for better fixation, the product is left on the hair for 5-6 hours, after which the hair and head are washed with a significant amount of running water and a non-aggressive detergent.
  • When treating lice and nits, the drug also has an effect on the hair, which becomes softer and more manageable, as well as on the scalp - the skin stops flaking, its condition is normalized, and it is eliminated. increased fat content and dryness.

For adults

For the treatment of external skin lesions for adults, the duration of use of hellebore water is 4-8 times at a frequency of 1-2 times a day. You should monitor the skin reaction, since with excessively long use the likelihood of allergic manifestations increases.

Children, newborns

For children's skin, the use of the product in question is acceptable, but constant monitoring of its condition is required. To kill nits and adult lice, the drug is applied generously to the hair to wet it and the skin underneath. Then a scarf is put on to fix the hair, the product is left to act for several hours (no more than 3). Then the drug is washed off with running water and baby soap.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since the drug can be partially absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, the use of hellebore water is not recommended during pregnancy and while breastfeeding a newborn. In the absence of alternative remedy with similar therapeutic effect A doctor may prescribe this drug, but then constant monitoring of the skin condition of pregnant and lactating women is required.

Application for hair growth

Hellebore water is also excellent for improving the condition of hair and stimulating its growth. After using it, the following changes are noted in the condition of the hair and skin on the head:

  • hair becomes more soft;
  • they become more obedient when styling and combing;
  • eliminates increased dryness and brittleness of hair;
  • the skin also normalizes its condition - its dryness or excessive oiliness is eliminated, it is also eliminated, and the appearance of dandruff is prevented.

When using hellebore water, hair receives greater vitality and its growth process is accelerated.

To use hellebore water to improve hair growth, apply evenly to the scalp and hair. this remedy, cover with plastic wrap and a scarf. The drug should be left like this for several hours, possibly overnight (if there are no pronounced allergic manifestations when using the drug). Then rinse your hair with running water and a mild detergent.

Hellebore Water also helps against alcoholism, as the video below will tell us about:


Contraindications to the use of the drug include increased individual intolerance to the components of hellebore water and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Side effects

TO side effect when using hellebore water, allergic manifestations should be attributed to oversensitivity skin to the components of the product, and.

When using hellebore water for a particularly long time, special care must be taken: signs of drug poisoning may occur. In this case, redness of the skin occurs in the areas where the product is applied, and rashes appear. Also, excessive and frequently repeated application of the product to the skin leads to penetration of some of it active ingredients into the systemic bloodstream, which leads to the manifestation of poisoning of the body (vomiting, disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle). In this case, you should urgently stop using the drug, take an emetic, and conduct a course of cleansing enemas.

special instructions

The drug should not be used during current pregnancy (especially in the second trimester), during lactation and in early childhood in view of hypersensitivity skin.

Interaction with other drugs

Hellebore water can be used both as a monotherapy and for integrated approach. However, there were no cases of a decrease in the degree of effectiveness of the drug in treatment.