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What does Levomekol ointment consist of? Components and their characteristics. Levomekol ointment in gynecology

To treat external damage, it is not always necessary to resort to expensive imported drugs. There is a remedy that has been proven over the years that can solve many health problems, in particular, get rid of acne, boils, carbuncles, clean purulent wounds, relieve swelling, heal those damaged by chemical burn, treat hemorrhoids and trophic ulcers, cuts and other damage to the skin.

We are talking about effective drug domestic production called Levomekol, which is both a reparant and an antibiotic. Levomekol ointment, packaged in tubes and jars, is available without a prescription and is sold in any pharmacy. For external use only. The composition has powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, cleansing and regenerating characteristics.

How does levomekol ointment work?

The main active ingredients of the drug are chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and methyluracil, the auxiliary ingredient is ethylene glycol. The base of the ointment is polyethylene oxide, which ensures a stable consistency and adsorbing effect of the product. The drug easily penetrates deep into tissues without violating the integrity of biological membranes. Antibacterial activity The drug is completely preserved in the presence of necrotic and purulent masses.

Levomycetin (chloramphenicol)– antibiotic wide range action to which the following gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci, coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The mechanism of action of Levomekol is based on the ability of antibacterial components, in particular chloramphenicol, to destroy pathogens by inhibiting the synthesis of protein compounds in cells. Getting used to active substance develops slowly, so the ointment is effective over a long period of use.

Methyluracil improves tissue trophism and activates the production of interferon, a protein compound with powerful immunomodulatory and antiviral characteristics. It is interferon that leads to recovery from many pathological processes occurring in the body.

This same active compound exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and actively increases local immunity due to stimulation of the processes of synthesis of blood cells - leukocytes, the main function of which in the body is protection against pathogenic bacteria.

Thanks to the regenerating properties of the product, based on the presence of methyluracil, which is involved in the metabolism nucleic acids, when using the ointment, active stimulation of metabolism in cells occurs skin, which leads to rapid healing of wounds and restoration of damaged tissue.

What does levomekol ointment help with?

Since the ointment stops inflammatory processes, limits the area of ​​infection, destroys pathogenic microflora and relieves swelling in the affected areas of the skin, it is advisable to use it for the following pathological conditions:

- purulent wounds;

- boils, including those located in the external auditory canal;

- carbuncles;

- wounds infected with mixed bacteria;

- trophic ulcers;

skin diseases purulent-inflammatory nature (acne);

- bedsores;

- burst calluses;

- puncture wounds, for example, a heel pierced by a nail;

- weeping eczema;

— cuts (for example, during a manicure/pedicure);

— burns of II and III degrees;

- sinusitis;

severe forms hemorrhoids with the formation of necrotic areas.

The use of Levomekol is relevant in the purulent-necrotic phase of the process.

Levomekol ointment: how to use

  1. To cleanse wounds from pyogenic masses, the cavity is loosely filled with sterile napkins, generously moistened with ointment, which are changed daily until the end. pathological process. A loose fixing bandage is applied on top using a bandage.
  2. In some cases, the doctor recommends administering Levomekol to purulent cavities using a syringe and drainage tube, after preheating the composition to a temperature of 35-36°C.
  3. For purulent acne, the ointment is applied to the affected areas until the pus comes out. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime. After opening the abscess, the drug is placed into the formed cavity and covered with a bandage.
  4. When treating sinusitis and ulcers in the external auditory canal, tourniquets (turundas) made of sterile gauze soaked in Levomekol are used, which are placed shallowly in the ear or nose (depth 10-12 mm) for 12-14 hours.
  5. Levomekol is used in complex therapy hemorrhoids. In the evening cool water wash the anus area, blot it with a towel, apply ointment to hemorrhoids and cover with a clean cotton cloth. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Contraindications to the use of Levomekol ointment

  1. Individual intolerance to any of the components of the ointment. Before initial use, you should test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the composition is applied in small quantities to inner part elbow bend. In the absence of redness, itching and inflammation during the day, the drug can be used without fear.
  2. It is not advisable to apply Levomekol when fungal infection skin and nails, as well as for patients suffering from psoriasis, since there is a high probability of aggravation of these pathologies.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation period.

An overdose of the drug may have toxic effect on the hematopoietic system, causing confusion and the appearance of mental disorders.

All information about the properties and use of the ointment is provided for informational purposes. Despite the free sale of Levomikol, self-medication and self-prescription of the drug is undesirable. Therapy should not always be carried out using antibiotics, and only a doctor can determine the validity of their use. Experienced pharmacists recommend contacting a specialized specialist for any pathological conditions of the body.

The drug "Levomekol" is one of the best on this moment funds from various kinds wounds, burns, suppurations, etc. It successfully replaces gentamicin and many other similar drugs. Let's figure out what its advantage is.

Pharmacological properties

Composition of the drug

Finding out what Levomekol ointment is and what it is intended for, one cannot help but talk about its composition. It does not contain any auxiliary elements; it consists only of ingredients with a healing effect. chloramphenicol with methyluracil. Both components determine such a diverse sphere of influence of the drug. They also contribute to the fact that Levomekol ointment, no matter what it is used for, practically does not cause any allergic reactions in the patient or addiction from infectious agents.

Indications for treatment

And now in more detail, when we should resort to the help of the remedy.

Auxiliary action

In addition to being antiseptic, Levomekol ointment, the price of which varies from 77 rubles to 103 or slightly higher depending on the region, also has an effect. In addition, the ointment actively affects immunity, various viral and inflammatory infections. Under the influence of methyluracil, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, and a special protein, interferon, which produces an immunostimulating effect, is more actively produced.

The ointment is produced in tubes with a capacity of 40 and 100 g, shelf life is up to three and a half years. Application: external.

In what cases will Levomekol ointment help?

To the patient for correct use you should know what Levomekol ointment is - what it helps with, what its indications and contraindications are. Universal remedy local application has antimicrobial and bactericidal effects, relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration. The drug has proven itself in the treatment staphylococcal infection, hemorrhoids, burns and many other diseases.

What is Levomekol Ointment used for?

The topical drug, without harming biological membranes, penetrates deep into the skin tissue and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The healing properties of the ointment remain in the purulent and necrotic masses. An effective remedy used in the treatment of:

  • Bedsores and trophic ulcers . The ointment accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue, cleanses the wound of pus, and relieves swelling.
  • Hemorrhoids. The product applied to hemorrhoids has an anti-inflammatory effect. After 10 days of using Levomekol ointment, the remission stage begins.
  • Runny nose. The drug cleanses and softens the nasal passages. After rubbing the ointment into the membrane of the nostrils, you should tilt your head back and wait until Levomekol dissolves.
  • Rashes, pimples, boils. To cleanse the skin, apply a little medicine to the problem area and cover it with a band-aid.
  • Periodontal disease and stomatitis. Levomekol ointment can be used for tooth extraction or implantation. The drug relieves swelling and reduces pain.
  • Sinusitis and ear inflammation. A gauze tourniquet soaked in the product is inserted into ear canal for 10-12 hours. Treatment of sinusitis is performed in a similar way.
  • Burns. The product has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, accelerates the recovery of damaged areas. The drug is used even for 3rd and 4th degree burns.
  • Wounds, stitches, traumatic injuries . The product disinfects, removes pus and accelerates healing.

The disinfecting and cleansing properties of Levomekol ointment sometimes cause pain.

Methods of using the product

An effective drug is applied to the skin and covered with cloth or gauze. Treatment of the damaged area is carried out before complete cleansing wounds from pus. Levomekol ointment is recommended to be applied 1-2 times a day, the course lasts 5-10 days.

Features of using the drug:

  • It is advisable to treat purulent acne at night and cover it with a band-aid. After removing the boil, the problem area must be treated with ointment; if necessary, the composition can be placed in the hole that appears. After removing the pus, the medicine has a bactericidal and healing effect.
  • To treat ear inflammation, you need to make a thin tourniquet of gauze or bandage and lubricate it with Levomekol. The resulting tampon should be inserted into the ear canal for 12 hours. For sinusitis, a tourniquet is placed in the sinuses.
  • For bedsores, puncture wounds, cuts, eczema and torn calluses, apply the ointment to the damaged area in a thin layer.
  • Extensive wounds should be filled with wipes soaked in the composition and secured with a bandage. The tampon changes as pus and necrotic masses accumulate.
  • In narrow and deep wounds, into which it is impossible to insert a napkin, the ointment is supplied using a catheter. To do this, use a syringe filled with the composition and connected to a drainage tube. The ointment reaches the very bottom of the wound.
  • The composition is not recommended for use simultaneously with other topical medications.
  • It is necessary to treat damaged areas daily until the necrotic and purulent masses are completely removed. If the procedure was skipped, further dressings are performed as scheduled.
  • Avoid contact of the composition with the eyes and inside the body. If the ointment is swallowed, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with water and activated carbon. Clean running water is used to remove ointment from the eyes and mucous membranes.

On average, the duration of treatment with Levomekol ointment is 5-10 days. In case of severe damage to the skin or mucous membrane, the duration of the course increases.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account individual characteristics patient and disease.

Contraindications and side effects

Levomekol ointment is a low-reactogenic agent that has a minimal list of side effects. The drug causes minor allergic reactions. The patient may experience itching, hives, redness, or a rash. Most often, the cause of side effects is chloramphenicol, an antibiotic contained in the product. Also, the use of the ointment is contraindicated for people sensitive to the components of the drug.

Levomekol is prohibited for use for psoriasis and fungal infections.

The ointment, applied topically, can be used to treat children, nursing and pregnant women. For minor injuries, the product does not have a systemic effect, since it is not absorbed into the blood.

Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug for:

  • Cuts, abrasions, small wounds;
  • Minor burns;
  • Mosquito bites;
  • Treatment of sinusitis;
  • Ingrown toenails;
  • Inflammation;
  • Acne.

Despite the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using the drug.

A safe product suitable for treating children and even infants. The ointment is used to treat abrasions, insect bites, bruises, small cuts, ulcers, pimples, and prevent suppuration. Antiseptic The injection and vaccination sites are lubricated. The ointment also prevents rotting and inflammation of damaged nails and accelerates the regeneration process.

Composition of the drug

Levomekol is a white or yellow color with a homogeneous structure. The drug is available in tubes (40 g) or jars (100 g).

The product includes:

  • Methyluracil. This is a reparative that accelerates tissue restoration and healing.
  • Polyethylene oxide 1500 and 400. Substances increase the rate of absorption of the ointment and affect the uniform distribution of active elements.
  • Chloramphenicol. It is an antibiotic with antimicrobial properties.

Levomekol is a low-hazard substance. According to GOST, the drug has a hazard class of 4.

Storage and purchase

You can find the product in any pharmacy or online store. The ointment is available without a doctor's prescription. The cost of the drug in Russian pharmacies ranges from 107 to 127 rubles per tube weighing 40 grams. Depending on the region, the price of the ointment may vary.

The shelf life of the composition is 3.5 years from the date of release. It is recommended to store the product in a dry place at a temperature of 15-18°. Incorrect content of the drug leads to loss of medicinal properties.

Bottom line

Levomekol ointment is effective and universal remedy, which should be in every first aid kit. The composition, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, can replace several drugs at once. Patients using the ointment noted medicinal properties composition, reasonable price and no side effects.

Levomekol ointment is known for its wound healing and antimicrobial effect. It is used in such fields of medicine as dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. It deserves attention due to its rapid therapeutic effect and rare side effects. Contains potent substances, therefore requires careful handling.

Composition of the drug

The composition of Levomekol is a mixture of four active ingredients. There are no fillers that are added solely for volume.

All components of the mixture have one effect or another:

  • Methyluracil - added to the ointment in the amount of 40 mg per 1 g of the drug. Stimulates cell division. Promotes the formation of new tissues. Accelerates the process of scarring and healing.
  • Chloramphenicol is very strong antibiotic, used against streptococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the form of oral forms it is available under the names Levomycetin and Syntomycin. Added to the composition in the amount of 7.5 mg per 1 g of ointment.
  • Macrogol-1500 and Macrogol-400 are two types of polyethylene glycol, together they occupy just over 95% of the total volume of the medicinal mixture. Convert chloramphenicol from crystalline to liquid form. They exhibit independent action. They have great osmotic power. Causes fluid accumulated in areas of inflammation to migrate back to blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling and pain.

The ointment has a thick structure. It looks like a dense, whitish, cloudy gel. When applied to the skin under the influence of body temperature, it melts and spreads, turns into a liquid state, and becomes transparent.

Packaged in aluminum or laminated polyethylene tubes of 30, 40 and 50 g. The composition is intended for use within three and a half years from the date of production.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The components of the ointment penetrate well into the deep layers of the skin, leaving a greasy and sticky mark on the surface. At the point of concentration, the product draws out inflammatory exudate from the lesions. Reduces pain. Stops the growth and reproduction of rotting bacteria. The activity of the ointment remains high level, even if the wound at the time of treatment partially contains pus and semi-decomposed tissue.

The regenerating component of the drug has a beneficial effect on tissue trophism and causes cells around the wound to actively divide. The use of ointment accelerates healing and promotes the formation of an invisible scar.

What does Levomekol ointment help with?

The abstract describes cases of treatment of wounds with ointment at the stage of suppuration, as well as bedsores, calluses, infected abrasions, surgical sutures and boils. This composition can be used to treat herpetic rashes if pustules appear. The drug is used for external treatment auricle in case of occurrence on its outside any suppuration.

The product cleanses wounds well of pus and prevents the development of the pathological process.

As an adjuvant, this drug can be prescribed for external treatment of inflamed lymph nodes in a rare form of external infection.

With the permission of the doctor, the ointment is placed in the nose for sinusitis, despite the fact that the annotation does not directly allow such a method of treatment. With this treatment, you can reduce swelling in the nasopharynx and speed up the healing process. Turundas with ointment are placed in the nasal passages after puncture and pumping out pus from maxillary sinuses. Only inflammation caused by bacterial infection can be treated.

The product is used in dentistry. It is used to treat swollen gums to remove pain after tooth extraction or implant placement. The medicine is suitable for the treatment of stomatitis, as well as various ulcers within the oral cavity.

In gynecology, some doctors allow the use of Levomekol to restore the vaginal mucosa during colpitis. With the help of such manipulations it is possible to relieve swelling and accelerate tissue healing. The ointment is used to lubricate wounds and sutures during the postoperative and postpartum periods.

The drug is an effective drying and healing agent for hemorrhoids. The ointment relieves itching and burning. Cleanses wounds. Accelerates the epithelization of cracks. Stops the proliferation of microbes and prevents complications.

The product is used as an independent medicine only in the treatment of external injuries. If inflammation or ulcers occur against the background internal diseases, necessary A complex approach. In this case, the ointment is prescribed as an adjuvant.

Instructions for use for children and adults

The composition is applied to damaged areas treated with an antiseptic. By general rule A sterile gauze pad is generously moistened with the ointment, and then this piece of gauze is loosely placed into the wound cavity. Cover the treated area with a dry bandage on top.

If it is difficult to get to the abscess, it is possible to inject the composition directly into its cavity using a drainage tube and syringe. This is done, for example, with boils. After opening and washing the abscess on final stage apply ointment. The agent is injected into the wound cavity warmed up to body temperature.

Chloramphenicol present in the composition is a very strong antibiotic. IN high doses it is toxic, and therefore the composition cannot be used indefinitely.

If the surface to be treated is too large, you must adhere to the dose and do not apply more than three grams of product in terms of antibiotic.

For breastfeeding women, the instructions directly prohibit the use of the ointment. If such a need arises, feeding should be stopped.

Special instructions for use

With prolonged use of the ointment, an allergy may develop to the components included in its composition. You should remember this and not resort to the remedy at every opportunity. In addition, the antibiotic that prevents the development of infection is a highly toxic substance. In case of long-term use of the product (more than a month), it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body, in particular, control the blood picture.

Drug interactions

It has not been clinically established whether the components of the ointment can local use react with other drugs. It should be assumed that such an interaction is unlikely.

Contraindications and side effects

Due to imperfection metabolic processes in children under one year of age, the biological decomposition of the ointment components may be delayed, causing the toxic effect of these substances to become more pronounced. The instructions warn about the impossibility of using the product in infants under the specified age.

With hypersensitivity, the following phenomena may occur:

  • small rashes around the treated area, similar to hives;
  • severe swelling of the tissues, accompanied by redness of the lubricated areas.

Hypersensitivity is a direct contraindication to the prescription of the drug in question.

There have been no reports of cases of poisoning resulting from overdose.

Analogs of Levomekol ointment

On pharmaceutical market There are both absolutely identical analogues of Levomekol, as well as drugs similar in composition and action. Complete analogue The medicinal product is Levomethyl ointment, which is sold in volumes of 30 and 40 g. This drug contains the same active ingredients, but costs half the price of the original.

Levosin ointment has a similar therapeutic effect. In addition to the components already discussed, it includes one more antimicrobial agent sulfadimethoxine and anesthetic local action trimecaine. It not only disinfects, relieves swelling and promotes healing, but also relieves pain faster.

Another analogue, Olazol, is produced in a convenient aerosol form. It contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol, as well as other disinfecting and pain-relieving components. The action of "Olazol" is enhanced by sea ​​buckthorn oil, famous natural antiseptic which contributes fast healing wound

Levomekol ointment is a relatively safe and very effective remedy, which is almost impossible to come across negative reviews. But do not forget that the composition contains an antibiotic, and, therefore, frequent use hypersensitivity may develop to it.

About existence ointment Levomekol many of our compatriots know. A unique development by leading specialists for external use, it has the property of an antibacterial effect. This development significantly improves and restores the normal structure of wound tissue various forms. In fact, Levomekol is both an antibiotic and also a drug that promotes 100% wound cleansing and rapid healing.

The product is combined composition for local use. After using this development, the inflammatory process is immediately relieved. It should also be noted that the antimicrobial effect persists, including in the presence of necrotic masses and purulent discharge. First of all, it should be noted special attention rich composition of unique development. Because of this advantage, effective remedy actively used in modern medicine.

Levomekol is combination drug, playing a dual role: it stimulates tissue regeneration and disinfects the damaged area.

Main Components

There are two main active ingredients in the drug:

  • Levomcitin- a drug with an antimicrobial effect, active against a wide range of microorganisms
  • Methyluracil- a substance that stimulates cell growth and restoration of damaged tissues

Their combination effectively treats infections in wounds.

pharmachologic effect

Levomecitin effectively affects many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms:

  • Streptococci
  • Clostridia
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Escherichia coli
  • Chlamydia
  • Spirochetes
  • Rickettsia

The drug preserves antimicrobial effect in the presence of pus.

Frelease form

Levomekol is available in the form of an ointment for external use. One gram of the drug contains 7.5 mg of chloramphenicol and 40 mg of methyluracil. The ointment has thick consistency and a light yellow tint. One tube contains 40 mg of the drug.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Second and third degree burns
  • Wounds with purulent and purulent-necrotic contents
  • Furunculosis

Levomekol is used in the active phase inflammatory process, it pulls out of the wound, cleanses the wound surface, and stimulates healing. The antibiotic from the ointment penetrates deeply into the wound, destroying infectious agents, without damaging the cell membranes and the cells of the host body do not die.

Levomikol is also used in for preventive purposes to fight pimples and acne.

For purulent wounds

The ointment is applied directly to the wound or pustular lesion. For an extensive purulent wound, the ointment is injected into the cavity with a syringe. Drains are placed to drain pus. Before administration, the ointment must be heated to a temperature of 35-36 degrees Celsius.

Loose packing of the wound with gauze soaked in Levomekol is possible. It should be remembered that with an extensive wound surface, the drug can get into. In terms of chloramphenicol daily dose should not exceed 3 g of antibiotic.

For burns

Bandages impregnated with the drug are applied to the burn area until granulation tissue- antibiotics prevent suppuration, and methyluracil stimulates the formation of granulations. Therapeutic effect One application lasts about a day. Before changing the dressing, the wound must be washed to remove any blood or pus.

For trophic ulcers

Trophic ulcers are formed when venous insufficiency, if the immune system is weakened, an infection occurs and purulent-necrotic degeneration of tissue begins. Dressings with Levomekol are applied for prevention purulent infection, speedy healing of the ulcer.

It is possible to use Levomekol in a similar way for the treatment of grade 2-4 bedsores.

For staphylococcal skin infections

Staphylococcus aureus- one of the most dangerous pathogens purulent skin lesions. IN mild form staphylococcus causes folliculosis, in more severe cases boils and carbuncles develop. In the necrotic phase, such pathologies can only be treated surgically. At the beginning of the process, you can apply bandages with Levomekol: the ointment destroys staphylococcus, removes pus from the wound and reduces inflammation.

IN postoperative period you need to continue treatment with Levomekol: this will stop inflammation and reduce the risk of relapse.

For staphylococcal infection the emphasis is on complex treatment, together with external agents, are actively used, as well as other drugs for the correction of microflora.

It is necessary to carefully follow all the instructions of the attending physician, otherwise complications are possible, such as a diffuse purulent infection, sepsis or a breakthrough of pus in the meninges. Only after receiving medical care You can achieve full results and get rid of the disease.

For sinusitis and chronic runny nose it is possible to use Levomekol for treating the nasal cavity.

For chronic runny nose processing is performed twice a day for a week. The ointment is applied to cotton swab, with the help of which the nasal mucosa is carefully lubricated with ointment. Before the procedure, it is necessary to sanitize the nasal cavity using hypertonic solution or carefully remove the crusts with a cotton swab lubricated with oil.

For sinusitis cotton swabs are soaked in Levomekol and then placed in the nose. It is necessary to perform the procedure while lying on your back, and then lie down for about half an hour. Treatment lasts from five to eight days, the procedure can be repeated 3-5 times a day.

It should be noted that doctors mainly prescribe the drug for the treatment of purulent wounds, healing of sutures, etc. The effect is achieved quite quickly. Today, the ointment is popular, affordable and very effective in modern society.

Composition of Levomekol ointment

Levomekol ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 40 grams or glass jars in quantities of 100 g, or 1000 g. For the manufacture of jars, only dark glass is used. The ointment is so effective and unique that it has practically no analogues.

Levomekol ointment contains two active components– chloramphenicol and methyluracil.Chloramphenicol is chemical with antibacterial effect. A methyluracil has the property of accelerating wound healing, tissue regeneration and any repair processes. 1 gram of Levomekol ointment contains 7.5 mg of chloramphenicol and 40 mg of methyluracil.

With exacerbation of hemorrhoids

In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, Levomekol is used to stop inflammation and eliminate pathogenic microflora. The anus is treated before bed. Before the procedure, you must wash the perineal area and anus with soap and dry thoroughly. The ointment is applied in a thin layer and left until the morning.

When treating hemorrhoids, ointment is auxiliary, which speeds up the healing process, for a complete recovery you must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Seam processing

Levomekol is used for processing postoperative sutures in surgery, purulent surgery. Tampons and napkins made of cotton wool or gauze are soaked in ointment and applied to the seams. The bandage is secured with a sterile bandage.

In gynecology, Levomekol is used to treat sutures in the perineal area, including ruptures in women in labor.

Before treatment, the perineum is washed with soap, then treated with a solution of furatsilin and thoroughly dried with a napkin made of natural fabric. In order to avoid moisture getting on the bandage, you must wait 15 minutes. Then the napkin is generously soaked with Levomekol and applied to the seam area. If necessary, you can use several napkins. A pad and underwear made of natural material are put on top.

How should the new generation drug be used correctly?

Levomekol ointment is used externally with particular ease. The composition is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the affected area, after which the treated area is tightly covered with a clean cloth or sterile gauze folded in several layers. Treatment of infected surfaces is carried out once or twice a day, until the wound is completely cleansed of purulent discharge. Typically this process takes from 5 to 10 days.

At purulent wounds , which are also too large, the product must be applied first of all to a gauze pad, which, in turn, is applied to the surface of the skin. Accordingly, the ointment should be warmed to body temperature, about 35 degrees. As soon as the process is completed, the product should be placed on a gauze napkin and the procedure completed.

In the presence of an inflammatory purulent process Thin tourniquets are rolled up on the outer part of the ear canal from sterile gauze or bandages. Then gauze bundles are impregnated with Levomekol and inserted shallowly into the ear canal for up to twelve hours. According to experts, it is best to leave the gauze overnight. In the same way, ointment on gauze flagella can be administered through the nasal passages into the sinuses to treat sinusitis. In the presence of purulent acne they are lubricated overnight with a thin layer of Levomekol. After opening and removing any pimple this area It is recommended to lubricate the skin with a unique solution and place it in the resulting hole if a deep skin defect has formed.

When applying Levomekol, you should not use other medicines for external use. Even when treating large wound surfaces, including burns, in practice there have been no cases of overdose during the use of the drug. When applying the ointment, avoid contact of the composition with the eyes, mucous membranes and inside. If the product comes into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them immediately big amount flow-through clean water. In case of accidental ingestion of Levomekol ointment, it is necessary to rinse the stomach with water and activated carbon.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of the drug are increased sensitivity to chloramphenicol, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the ointment. Before use, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

As a side effect, allergic reactions to Levomekol develop in 2-3% of cases. The following symptom complex may be observed:

  • Redness of the skin
  • Itching, burning, discomfort and dry skin
  • Peeling skin
  • May develop atopic or papular rashes

If allergy symptoms develop, discontinuation of the drug is necessary. Symptoms go away on their own within a few hours after stopping treatment. In severe cases and with bright severe symptoms it is necessary to add antihistamines.

In order to avoid allergies, an allergy test is necessary before use: on thin skin on the fold elbow joint or wrists, apply a thin layer of a small amount of the drug, after which you need to wait 24 hours, observing the skin.

IMPORTANT:AtIn what cases can a unique development be used?

Before using the ointment, you must carefully read the instructions. First of all, you need to take into account that the ointment is distributed evenly over the skin. In order to facilitate the process of applying the ointment to the affected area and to ensure that the product is absorbed into the tissues of the human body, auxiliary chemical compounds are added to the composition that enhance the effectiveness of the drug. These include polyethylene oxide-400 and polyethylene oxide-1500. Sufficiently high-quality Levomekol ointment has a homogeneous structure and at the same time average thickness. The composition is painted pure White color, or white with a slight yellow tint. Before use potent drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists.

If there is allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor to replace the drug with alternative remedy. You cannot self-medicate, change your treatment regimen, medications or their dosage without permission.- this can lead to side effects, as well as complications that cause a serious health risk and negate the entire therapeutic effect.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug does not enter the bloodstream, therefore it is approved for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to apply the drug to the mammary glands.

In childhood

The drug is relatively safe, therefore it is suitable for treating wounds, abrasions and ulcers in children of any age, starting from the first year of life, unless individual contraindications have been identified. You can use Levomekol for any minor cuts, scratches and insect bites.


There have been no cases of overdose with Levomekol, however, long-term treatment and extensive damage, part of the drug enters the blood. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply a small amount of ointment. Extension of the treatment period is possible only in agreement with the treating doctor.

Drug interactions

Levomekol should not be used simultaneously with other ointments of similar action: in this case, the effectiveness of both drugs will be reduced. Does not interact with oral medications, as it bypasses the circulatory system.

Combination with alcohol

You should not drink alcohol during treatment: ethanol lowers immunity and promotes the development of purulent infection. Combination of ointments and regular consumption alcoholic drinks, worsens skin trophism and contributes to the development of an allergic reaction.

It has been proven that people who chronically consume alcohol are more likely to develop pustular formations on the skin of the face, since the susceptibility of such patients to Staphylococcus aureus increased.