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How to use pine bud tincture? Pine buds - application and proper use

One of the wonderful natural doctors is pine. Its needles are used in the treatment of various diseases, but with therapeutic purpose Unopened spring pine buds are also used, because they contain resins, vitamins B, K, C and P, starch, essential oil, carotene, and tannins. Collection of pine buds

Pine buds are harvested before they begin to bloom - in February and March. To preserve all their beneficial properties, you need:

  • cut off crowns, which consist of several connected buds;
  • place the collected crowns in baskets, not in bags;
  • dry them in a room with good ventilation or under a canopy fresh air, but not in ovens;
  • spread the raw materials in a layer of 2-3 cm;
  • store in plywood or cardboard boxes.

What are the benefits of pine buds?

Have you learned about the healing qualities of pine buds and want to use them in treatment? Then, first of all, you need to make a decoction of them. To do this you need to pour 200 ml warm water into an enamel bowl that can be tightly closed, and add 1 tablespoon of pine buds there, cover with a lid and place for 20-30 minutes. water bath. Then strain, cool and bring with boiled water to the original volume.

During pregnancy, pine buds will help bring down the temperature. To prepare the medicine, you need to mix 100 g of buds, 50 g of raspberry roots and 100 g of sugar and put them in a glass jar. Pour all 200 ml hot water and leave for 20-26 hours, after which you will need to heat the infusion for 8 hours in a water bath. After 2 days you will see that a precipitate has formed; the product must be filtered and stored in a cool, dark place. Take it 10-20 ml before meals several times a day.

Pine bud tea is also an excellent diaphoretic. For every 10 g of raw material, take 1 glass of hot water. Before brewing pine buds, it is best to crush them a little. Drink 2 tbsp tea. spoons three times a day, but if you use it as an expectorant, you should increase the dose to 4 tbsp. spoons

In case of ARVI, help kill pathogenic microflora oral cavity and nasopharynx can or pine bud extract. To prepare the extract, you need to boil the infusion or decoction over low heat until exactly half the volume of the liquid has evaporated, and for inhalation, take 3 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water. spoons of kidneys (crushed) and bring to a boil, and then breathe in the resulting steam for several minutes.

In addition to its beneficial properties, pine buds have contraindications. So, they should not be taken by people suffering kidney diseases– nephritis and nephrosis.

Medicinal properties of pine buds

The benefit of pine buds, first of all, lies in the fact that a decoction of them is an excellent expectorant, it:

  • stimulates the secretory activity of the epithelium respiratory tract;
  • stimulates the functions of the ciliated epithelium;
  • reduces the viscosity of sputum several times.

Besides, useful qualities pine buds are manifested in the fact that they have a hemostatic, diuretic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, pine buds are the basis for breast collection. Tincture, decoction and infusion of these are taken orally for cholelithiasis, kidney and peptic ulcer diseases.

Treatment with pine buds is effective for tuberculosis. Alcohol tincture is used as an anti-tuberculosis agent. Decoction of pine buds in folk medicine also used for dropsy and old rashes, its vapor is used for inhalation for bronchitis.

The beneficial properties of pine buds have been known for a long time. Our ancestors even believed that they lengthen a person’s life by protecting the body from premature aging, so they added a few grams of dried pollen from newly emerging buds to their daily diet.

Even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial effects of air in a coniferous forest on their health. Therefore, over time, healers and herbalists paid close attention to pine buds - the use of this plant product turned out to be very effective. Decoctions and tinctures of this herbal raw material help with various pathologies respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The use of decoctions of pine buds for medicinal purposes

An aqueous infusion of the drug in question is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • migraine;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;

Pine bud decoction recipe


  • unopened pine buds - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 2.5 cups.

Preparation and use

Boil the kidneys for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for another 10 minutes, strain. Immediately before meals, drink 0.5 cups of the medicine, three times a day.

A similar solution can be prepared in a thermos (the number of components is the same). Only it infuses less, only 2 hours. This tool It is recommended to drink either in the indicated dosage, or use it as tea leaves during the day.

Using tincture of pine buds on vodka

Alcohol medications contain more high concentration biologically active substances from phyto-raw materials. Such infusions are prescribed for:

  • gastritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia.

Vodka tincture recipe


  • pine buds – 200 g;
  • vodka – 250 ml.

Preparation and use

Combine the ingredients in a half-liter jar and shake several times. Place the vessel in a warm place and wait 10 days. Strain the solution through cheesecloth. Three times a day, before meals, drink a little warm water (about 1 tablespoon) with the addition of 15 drops of medicine.

The use of pine buds and treatment with alcohol tincture

If the pathologies listed in the previous paragraph are severe, an even more concentrated drug is required, for example, an infusion of medical alcohol.

Recipe for the product

Wide spectrum healing properties possess the young buds of the tree. They contain the following medicinal components:

  • starch;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • turpentine;
  • vitamins of groups C, B, P, K.

What do pine buds help with?

Thanks to healing composition Preparations based on pine buds are used as:

  • expectorant for coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases,
  • antiviral for respiratory infections,
  • restorative,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • antiseptic and wound healing, used for skin diseases,
  • cleansing for weight loss and removal of toxins,
  • diuretic,
  • sedative, effective for headaches,
  • anti-inflammatory.

How to use pine buds? Recipes

Pine buds are consumed in the form alcohol tinctures, balms, applications and lotions, compresses, ointments and baths, powder from dried buds. Depends on the disease and area affected.

For medications to be effective, the buds must be properly collected, dried, and stored. The still unopened swollen buds are collected in the spring. Cut from young trees along with a small branch with pruning shears or scissors. Dry in the fresh air under the sun or in ventilated rooms. On average, drying pine buds takes from 8 to 12 days. Store in a dry, dark place in canvas bags for several years.

  • Tincture

Insist poured 2 tbsp. boiling water dried buds (1 tbsp) in a jar with a tight lid for about two hours. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l. The tincture copes well with colds, softens coughs, and has an expectorant effect. Cleanses the body, accelerates metabolic processes, promotes weight loss.

  • Alcohol tincture

Pour 100 g of fresh buds into 100 g of vodka. Place in a container with a tight lid. Leave to infuse for 10 days in a warm place, protected from light. Express. Dilute 10 drops drinking water and drink 3 times daily. The tincture will calm you down sore throat. It has general strengthening and immunity-boosting properties.

  • Syrup

It is easy to prepare an anti-cold, vitamin, immune-strengthening syrup from natural pine buds, which will become indispensable assistants V winter period children and adults. Mix tincture of pine buds (2 cups) with honey (300 g). Cook over low heat until the consistency of a viscous syrup forms. Children should take up to three tablespoons daily. l., adults – 6 tbsp. l., divided into 3 doses.

  • Inhalation

Boil pine buds (150 g) in two liters of water. Pour the broth into an inhaler or rubber heating pad. Breathe for 10 minutes. This inhalation is effective for children. Natural medicine will help quickly overcome acute respiratory infections, flu, cough, relieve redness of the throat and nasal congestion.

  • Baths and compresses

Take off nervous tension and stress, win headache and migraines will be helped by baths with the addition of a decoction of pine buds. Boil dry or fresh buds (200 g) in a liter of water. The procedure takes 15 minutes. In addition, this procedure will help with dermatitis and dry flaky skin. From the decoction you can make compresses and applications for local application for skin diseases.

Who should not eat pine buds?

Pregnant and lactating women and people with kidney diseases should not take medicines based on pine buds. Frequent use Kidney medications are not recommended because natural ingredients plants have an irritating effect on the stomach. Proper production and use of natural medicines from pine buds will be especially useful in the autumn-winter period. Natural ingredients They will gently and quickly defeat colds, provide the body with vitamins, and strengthen the immune system.

Today we want to continue our acquaintance with healing gifts nature. This article will discuss the beneficial properties of pine buds. You will learn not only why they are so valuable, but also how they should be used, as well as when they should be harvested.

Pine buds- marvelous valuable product, having mass medicinal properties. They not only have a general positive effect on the body as a whole, but also fight many diseases. However, first things first...


The composition of pine buds is unique, which is why they are so popular in folk medicine. In particular, in the kidneys of this coniferous tree there is a high content of resins, essential oils, vitamins P, K, B12 and C, tannins, phytoncides, carotene, starch, mineral salts and turpentine.

Pine buds: properties

Description chemical composition pine buds cannot paint a complete picture of their properties. Therefore, we will talk about them in more detail in this paragraph.

Pine buds have:
Anti-inflammatory effect.
Expectorant property.
Antiviral effect.
Antimicrobial and disinfectant effect.
Wound healing properties.
Choleretic and diuretic actions.

In addition, preparations based on pine buds relieve spasms, ease painful sensations in the muscles. This remedy is often used to cleanse blood vessels. And finally, pine buds have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Pine buds: contraindications

Before using a drug that contains pine buds, we advise you to consult a doctor, since they have their own contraindications.

In particular, You should not take drugs from the kidneys, as well as from cones and pine needles, during pregnancy.

Preparations based on the buds of this coniferous plant are contraindicated for glomerulonephritis, as well as for exacerbation of hepatitis.

Abuse of drugs based on coniferous plants can provoke kidney parenchyma, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as well as general malaise and headache.

Pine buds contain, as mentioned above, turpentine, the use of which is contraindicated for nephrosis and nephritis. People suffering from thrombosis should use preparations based on pine buds with extreme caution. Stop using similar drugs Naturally, it is necessary for allergies to pine needles and individual intolerance to the components.

Pine buds: application

In today's conversation, we decided to pay special attention to traditional medicine recipes based on pine buds. We are sure they will be useful to you.

Pine buds for tuberculosis

You will need:
Pine buds - 1 tablespoon,
Milk – 2 glasses,
Honey – 1 tablespoon,
Butter - 2 tablespoons,
Egg – 2 pieces.

Cooking method

1. Pour milk over crushed pine buds.
2. Add honey butter And raw eggs. Mix thoroughly.
3. Divide the mass into three equal parts and take it throughout the day.

Another recipe. You will need:
Pine buds - 5 tablespoons,
Vodka – 0.5 liters.

Cooking method

Fill the pine buds with vodka.
We take this infusion for tuberculosis three times a day, 25 ml.

Expectorant tea made from pine buds

You will need:
Pine buds – 10 grams,
Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method

Pour boiling water over the pine buds. The infusion should be taken warm during the day.

To reduce appetite

If you are suffering increased appetite, then we advise you to eat several pine buds 10 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of urinary tract infections

Dilute 15 drops of pine bud tincture, prepared according to one of the recipes suggested above, in a glass of water.

The product should be taken half an hour before meals three times a day.

For the treatment of female infertility

You will need:
Pine buds – 50 grams,
Water – 2 glasses,
Sugar – 500 grams (or 50 grams of honey).

Cooking method

1. Pour boiling water over the pine buds. We insist for two hours. We filter.
2. Add sugar/honey and boil until syrup is obtained.
You should take the syrup 5-6 tablespoons per day for a month.

To eliminate skin problems

Ointments and tinctures based on pine buds can relieve skin from redness and irritation. You will need:
Egg – 1 piece (white),
Pine tincture, prepared according to one of the recipes proposed above - 12 drops.

Cooking method

Whisk egg white with tincture of pine buds. This mask should be applied to previously cleansed skin 3 times a week. Keep for at least two hours. Rinse off with hot water.

Pine buds: preparation

You can buy pine buds at any time of the year at the pharmacy, but in the spring you can prepare them yourself. We recommend that you wear gloves when collecting buds, since the resin contained in them is quite difficult to wash off.

Buds should be collected when they have not yet opened. These buds are the most fragrant and resinous. The surface of the buds should be scaly, and the scales should be glued together and pressed tightly against each other. Suitable as raw materials for cooking medicinal tinctures pine buds are orange-brown in color, and greenish at the break.

After the pine buds have been collected, they need to be dried. To do this, spread them in a thin layer on paper and leave them in a well-ventilated area. The buds, ready for use, are dry at the break.

Raw materials should be stored for no more than two years in a dark and dry place in a cotton bag.

Pine buds will help in the fight against many ailments. The product, despite its availability, is quite effective. Try it and see for yourself. And, of course, dear readers of our online magazine, do not forget to share with us your health and beauty recipes based on pine buds in the comments to this article.

Since ancient times, healing drinks made from pine buds in alcohol have been famous for their beneficial properties. Products based on coniferous plants helped with various diseases respiratory tract, skin ailments, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system. Today, pine bud tincture is widely used in folk medicine. This is due unique composition young shoots, ease of preparation of medicinal drinks and their high efficiency.

Let's take a look inside

Young pine buds contain a number of useful substances, among which it is worth noting flavonoids, phytoncides, carotenes, essential oils, rich vitamin and mineral complex. Thanks to such components, pine bud tincture has a bile- and diuretic effect, and has a positive effect on nervous system And gastrointestinal tract, removes pain syndrome for migraines, gout, stomatitis and other diseases.

Regular use healing drinks from young green shoots can also reduce appetite, improve libido, and remove the consequences nervous overstrain, clean the vessels. For severe diseases of the respiratory system, tincture on the kidneys thins sputum and promotes it rapid elimination from the lungs, pauses inflammatory processes, makes breathing easier.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Before making the tincture from pine shoots, you need to take care of quality raw materials. It is best to collect plant parts in late spring, when they contain the maximum amount of substances beneficial to the body. At this time of year, pine buds acquire an orange-brown tint and have a dense structure. It is best to choose buds that have not yet opened.

When collecting raw materials, take care to protect your skin - tree resin is very difficult to remove from hands and clothes. Pine buds can be cut using scissors or carefully broken off. After this, the plants are laid out on a thick paper sheet in a well-ventilated room. After 10–12 days, you can start preparing healing drinks.

Recipes for folk remedies

On this moment You can find about a dozen varieties of vodka tinctures of pine buds. Before preparing the drink and starting treatment, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Recipe No. 1. Kidney tincture for colds

Make a tincture that will relieve the symptoms of colds, flu, bronchitis and sore throats
simple enough. To prepare you will need:

  • pine shoots – 150–200 g;
  • vodka – 1 l.;
  • honey – 300 gr.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

The buds need to be divided into two parts, one of which is filled with vodka and left for a couple of weeks in a dark room. The remaining raw materials are poured with a glass of water, add lemon juice and honey. The drug is thoroughly stirred and also removed for infusion. After time, both components of the product are passed through a filter, combined, mixed and put in the refrigerator for a month.

As soon as the drink is ready, you can begin treatment. 1 tbsp will help reduce the symptoms of colds. l. tinctures, drunk before meals 3-5 times a day. The same remedy can be used as a natural immunomodulator.

Recipe No. 2. Medicine for gastritis, tuberculosis and hepatitis

Alcohol tincture of pine shoots has proven itself in the treatment of diseases Gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis and tuberculosis. It's very easy to prepare. To do this you need to take liter jar, fill it a third with finely chopped pine buds, and add the remaining volume with alcohol or vodka. The tincture is kept in a warm, dark place for a week (it needs to be shaken periodically).

The finished drink is consumed 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Good results observed during course treatment. The duration of one course cannot exceed 1.5–2 months. After this, you should take a break for at least 3-5 weeks.

Recipe No. 3. Treatment of osteochondrosis

A tincture of pine buds with honey will help get rid of joint pain, reduce symptoms of osteochondrosis, restore ease of movement. To prepare the product, you need to thoroughly chop the pine shoots (you can grind them through a meat grinder), put them in a jar and add a glass of sugar or flower honey. The mass is thoroughly mixed and left for several weeks in a cool room.

As soon as the raw material begins to release a brownish syrup, you can begin treatment. Before use, the mass is passed through a cotton or gauze filter and squeezed out. Dosage – 1 tsp. half an hour before meals several times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. If the disease is in severe form, then healing may take several months. After each course you need to take a short break (no more than a week).


Even such a wonderful remedy may have contraindications. For example, tinctures from pine shoots should be discarded in case of glomerulonephritis, hepatitis acute form. During treatment, you should not exceed the indicated dosages, otherwise such problems may occur. side effects, such as severe headaches, inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, general malaise, exacerbation of thrombosis and hypotension.

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