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Why does women's appetite increase? Increased appetite (bulimia)

Each of us, at least once, has heard about such a phenomenon as increased appetite among women, that is, an exorbitant craving for food. For some, this is nothing more than a curiosity, but for others, it is a real disaster, which is incredibly difficult to overcome.

Constant overeating has an undesirable effect on body composition and general health. Uncontrolled food consumption overloads the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, food cannot be properly absorbed, toxins accumulate, problems with stool appear, and excess weight begins to gain. You need to carefully monitor your diet to look irresistible and healthy.

But what to do if you are constantly haunted by a feeling of hunger? After all, you just want to snack on a fast food dish, a delicious bun or aromatic chocolate. Keep under control increased appetite in women It will be much easier by identifying the source of its appearance. The most common causes of excessive and inexhaustible hunger

"Bad behavior" is not always main reason increased appetite. Gluttony is often associated with various diseases and other serious violations:

  1. Helminthiasis. If helminths are present in the intestines, then you may be constantly haunted by unmotivated excessive hunger.
  2. Hypoglycemia or diabetes- diseases in which blood sugar levels significantly decrease or increase.
  3. Cancerous tumors in different organs.
  4. Hypothyroidism is the excessive production of thyroid hormones.
  5. Pregnancy - increased appetite in women may appear during stay in interesting position. When the expectant mother is carrying a baby, she naturally begins to eat more, since the baby needs to be provided with additional vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients.
  6. Active training and physical exercise- during dynamic movement, the body spends a lot of energy that needs to be replenished.
  7. PMS - in this period menstrual cycle are happening hormonal changes, causing constant hunger.

To understand why you feel insatiable hunger, you should undergo a medical examination. And if it turns out that everything is in order, you are completely healthy and not pregnant, you do not need medical assistance, then you can try to help yourself on your own.

How to overcome the urge to eat

So, to overcome this eating habit you need to:

  • make snacks that are small in calorie content and portions if it is not possible to eat less often. Replace the sandwich with a handful of dried fruits, and the pie with some fresh fruit, for example an apple;
  • try to make breakfasts and lunches more filling. Thanks to this, a little later you will feel that you are hungry again. Some people who do not have time to have breakfast (lunch) constantly think about food;
  • increased appetite in women can be overcome by eating hot foods. They saturate the body more than food from the refrigerator;
  • Avoid eating while watching TV or working on a PC. You just need to stop bringing provisions into your room. Every time you want to bite something, you will have to make an important decision - stay sitting in front of the computer or TV or get up and go to the kitchen. As a result, you will begin to satisfy your deceptive hunger less and less;
  • As soon as the idea of ​​another unnecessary snack creeps into your head, immediately drink a cup of unsweetened tea or plain water.

It is important to psychologically work through the feeling of increased false hunger!

You need to understand your subconscious!

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Read also on our website:

Excessive appetite: constantly hungry

Hunger and appetite are different phenomena

Hunger is an objective and unambiguous reaction of the body to a lack of nutrients. Thus, the body signals that in order to continue functioning as usual, it is necessary to replenish energy reserves that have come to an end since the last meal. If there is no new replenishment, the body almost immediately begins to rebuild, first using the most accessible type of energy reserves - glycogen from muscle tissue, and then changing the hormonal balance.

This is why hunger must be avoided, even if you are on a diet and trying to lose weight.

Appetite is a completely different matter. Most often it is caused psychological factors, and in some cases diseases. What is dangerous is not the appetite that you experience while enjoying food, but the one that makes you eat much more than is necessary for normal functioning your body.

Increased appetite - health problems

If you look from a physiological point of view, increased appetite is also due to physiology: it is a protective mechanism activated by the body when there is a threat of hunger. The body creates an excess supply, which will be used up later when food restrictions begin. Such a malfunction in the body is most often a sign of disease. The cause of false appetite in most cases is dysfunction endocrine system, including diabetes mellitus and pathologies thyroid gland. Excessive appetite can be caused by helminthic infestations, as well as diseases of the digestive system, brain tumor, hypoglycemic syndrome.

Taking certain medications can also cause an increase in appetite, including hormonal contraceptives, hormone- and insulin-containing drugs, including synthetic glucocorticoids

If you are truly concerned about an unexplained increase in appetite, before taking any action, you should check with your doctor and take the appropriate tests to rule out these objective causes and begin to eliminate health problems.

Getting rid of hunger

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Psychological causes of increased appetite

If you are constantly hungry, this may be caused by psychological problems, such as:

  • chronic depression and apathy
  • nervous exhaustion
  • overwork
  • severe nervous shock
  • constant stress

When you feel like you're on the edge nervous exhaustion, compensating for it by overeating, and you cannot overcome psychogenic hunger on your own either by self-control or by resolving the current difficult situation, you should consult a psychotherapist. Do this without waiting for your psychological problems obesity and health problems will be added.

Other causes of false appetite

Fortunately or unfortunately, most cases of uncontrolled appetite are explained by completely different reasons, and these reasons are associated with a disregard for one’s health.

In these cases, false appetite may be a consequence of:

  • improper diet
  • dehydration
  • lack of sleep

Some people are simply accustomed to eating a lot and have accustomed their body to this, for which even a slight reduction in calories consumed becomes real stress. Incorrect eating habits and a distended stomach - this is the explanation for the increased appetite that some ladies suffer from.

When you eat in fits and starts and postpone your main meal until the evening, you feel hungry all day, and by night you have an increased appetite, aggravated by eating while sitting in front of the TV.

The craving for sweets - buns and chocolates - also contributes to the fact that these “fast” carbohydrates, although they bring satiation, do not last long, since they are digested as quickly as they are called. To reduce your appetite, eat unrefined foods rich in fiber - the feeling of hunger and appetite will disappear for a long time. In addition, you should drink more water - sometimes dehydration is confused with the desire to eat. Follow the regime proper nutrition And the right image life, include physical activity in your daily routine, go to bed on time and sleep enough to get enough sleep, and within a month you will lose the desire to constantly “sharpen” anything.

Do not use crash diets for fast weight loss. You will provoke hormonal disbalance and, as a result, increased appetite. By returning to your normal diet, you will quickly regain your previous weight.

Another reason for increased appetite is premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy. If this is due to PMS, it will be difficult to fight your appetite, accept it and make yourself a couple fasting days when you can eat normally. During pregnancy, you should control your appetite, based on the fact that if you gain more weight than normal, you are guaranteed to have problems with childbirth. But in order not to starve and not to deprive the fetus of essential nutrients, eat the “right” foods, your menu should be balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Nutritionist advice: how to eat less

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Why, despite the abundance of means to preserve your figure, is their effectiveness in reality so low? The thing is that all these drugs and devices are designed to eliminate not the cause, but the effect.

Many believe that the main reason for the presence extra pounds is a factor of increased appetite, and therefore they try to deceive the body by any means, which are not always effective.

What is appetite?

Appetite is a pleasant sensation associated with the need for food, as well as a physiological mechanism that regulates the supply of nutrients to the body. That is, the concept of appetite consists of two aspects - physiological and psychological. Appetite is vitally important, because without it it is simply impossible to fully regulate the body's intake of valuable substances contained in food products. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine what the causes of unhealthy appetite are, and only then draw conclusions and look for effective methods struggle.

Possible reasons for increased appetite:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system.
  4. Depression, apathy.
  5. Nervous exhaustion.
  6. Overwork.
  7. Psychological shock.
  8. Stress.
  9. Poor nutrition.
  10. Dehydration.
  11. Lack of sleep.
  12. Most often, an unhealthy appetite appears in a person as a consequence of emotional discomfort. In this case, a person eats not because he is hungry, but because he experiences anxiety, irritation, restlessness, resentment, disappointment, and even boredom. There is such a concept - a person “eats” stress, sorrows and problems.

Main reasons for increased appetite- disturbances in the process of carbohydrate metabolism. They are the main reason excess weight and obesity. In these cases, we are drawn to foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates. And this is bread, pizza, pies, white flour pasta, potatoes, rice, sweets, soft drinks with high content Sahara. In this case, the concentration of glucose in the blood actively rises. And insulin is released into the blood, because the body needs to bring the level back to normal and it releases insulin in excess, for this reason the glucose level decreases significantly. Because of active reduction glucose concentration, the brain again receives a signal that it is necessary to eat food. As a result we have vicious circle and serious disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

The reason for the brutal appetite is hyperinsulinism (excess insulin in the body).

What happens when the metabolic process is disrupted? First of all, an excessively large amount of calories accumulates, and insulin promotes the production of fat, but its breakdown is blocked. This is the reason for the increase in body weight.

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Carbon dioxide improves mood and improves appetite!

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What are the reasons for a brutal appetite?

What are the reasons for a brutal appetite?

1. PMS. Right now, my unhealthy appetite is explained by the imminent onset of those very days. Only every woman has a time of increased appetite during PMS time miscellaneous. For me this happens 2-3 weeks before the X date. For some, in a few days. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal surges that occur in women at this time.
2. Metabolic disorders. Most often, it is failures in carbohydrate metabolism substances lead to increased appetite. As a rule, with such disorders, people are drawn to bad carbohydrates.
Potatoes, pasta, baked goods, sweets, soda water, etc. - pests slim figure. People with metabolic disorders are obese and overweight.
3. Stress. During difficult times life situations, we begin to eat our problems with food. This happened to me several times. I bought ice cream, chocolate and sat and ate it all in front of the TV. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive happiness hormones, trying to fill them with sweets.
Thank God it didn’t become a habit for me. During times of stress, I would rather not eat than eat all the bad stuff on both cheeks.
4. Significant physical activity. If you noticed, people who constantly exercise eat a lot and do not gain weight. The body spends a lot of energy on exercise and requires it to be replenished in more than with normal mode activity.
When I was dancing professionally, I ate for two, but I was as thin as a matchstick. Many people thought that I didn’t eat enough, but that was a big misconception.
5. When you quit smoking. Many people say that this is a myth invented by man. But from the experience of friends, quitting smoking really contributes to gluttony. Many people gain several kilograms when they quit smoking.
6. Gluttony. Appetite is always present, because a person simply loves to eat and eat a lot. Why so many? Because the stomach tends to stretch. The more you eat, the more you want. As is known, big people eat a lot.

Enjoy a massage

Massage and diet: improves local and systemic blood circulation, optimizes work gastrointestinal tract and other vital important organs. Through the pores of the skin during massage sessions, toxins and fat are removed from the body, while the patient's skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic.
The ability of massage to relieve back and joint pain deserves special mention. Modern medical practice no longer has effective means for similar pains than massage.
By relieving muscle tension, physical and intellectual stress, massage and diet improve performance.

What to do with a brutal appetite?

What to do with a brutal appetite?

I strongly advise you not to think about appetite suppressants; you will get nothing but harm to your health from them. Don't get it wrong, increased appetite- this is a consequence of some problem. Not the problem itself. And you need to work not with the investigation, but with the problem. Although, of course, at first glance, what you most want to do is get rid of the consequence - appetite. But believe in experience, when the problem is solved, the symptoms disappear.

Nutrition is critically important in your life and you should approach it wisely and intelligently. There are two options, either the problem disappears by itself during proper nutrition, due to which it normalizes hormonal background. Either by direct psychological work with eating disorders, which also gives very good result upon settling down increased appetite.


Krotova Alina Arkadyevna


Hello Alina Arkadyevna, please tell me, I have severe type 1 diabetes for 6 years, I really want to lose weight, I read that I can drink LIPOMIDE, I am 70 kg with a height of 171, I will be very grateful for your advice

Dear Yuliana. From my medical experience: in patients who take insulin therapy and the drug “lipomin” at the same time, firstly: glycemic indicators (sugar) improve; secondly, the level of lipids in the blood (cholesterol) decreases; thirdly, secondary insulin resistance decreases and insulin consumption by tissues improves, which leads to a decrease in the amount doses of insulin, and thereby reducing weight. A short message cannot contain all the positive effects of the drug, both in monotherapy and in combination with tablet forms and insulin. And most importantly: the drug High Quality and safe, without side effects. I would advise you to take it according to this regimen: 2 tablets after lunch or dinner.

Krotova Alina Arkadyevna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical Hospital Lviv railway.


I am 78 years old. Sugar sometimes rises to 8.5. I control it with diet and teas, for example “Keys of Health”, which is hypoglycemic). It doesn't rise any higher. And I can reduce the level to 5.5. Lately I’ve been feeling severe weakness. Nothing may hurt, but there is no strength. The only medications I take are those that lower blood pressure (the same ones for many years) and those for blood vessels (lobster). Courses of vitamins for diabetics. Maybe I don't have enough iodine and that's why I'm weak?

Hello. Based on the glycemic indicators, we can conclude that your diabetes mellitus is compensated, although the disease progresses over time, which may be the cause of your malaise. Other causes of weakness may also be accompanying illnesses. My recommendations for you are to go comprehensive examination see a therapist, endocrinologist and perform all prescribed laboratory tests.

Krotova Alina Arkadyevna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical Hospital of the Lviv Railway.


Good afternoon, I am 31 years old, now my weight is 83 kg, with a height of 158 cm. A year ago, my weight began to slowly creep up (my initial weight was 65-68 kg). I went to the endocrinologist and prescribed reduxin. After 10 days of taking the drug I got sick in my stomach, felt some discomfort, and stopped taking reduxin. In 10 days I lost 1.5 kg, but after stopping the drug I regained my previous weight. Now I can’t lose weight on my own. Tell me, can I continue taking reduxin, will the composition of the drug affect the gastrointestinal tract, how else can I lose weight and regain my previous weight? Thank you.

Good afternoon. Firstly, the drug "Reduxin", i.e. the chemical substance "subitramine" is quite complex and has a lot of side effects. It is prescribed when all other treatments for weight regulation have been exhausted. Secondly, I think that you need to figure out why you are having problems. weight gain, in what is the reason. In this case, I would advise starting with an eating regimen, physical activity(nutrition analysis, etc.), and then she would examine the function of the thyroid gland, the functioning of the testicles, and the gastrointestinal tract. And after a full examination, she would prescribe treatment and talk with a nutritionist and fitness instructor.

Krotova Alina Arkadyevna

Endocrinologist of the highest category Clinical Hospital of the Lviv Railway.


Hello. I have hypothyroidism. I take Eutirox 125 daily. TSH is normal. Weight 75 kg, height 175, age 48 years. I try to stick to 1200 kcal per day. I don’t do sports, but I do take daily walks. How can you lose weight? Thank you

Hello. Judging by your brief history, your hypothyroidism is compensated. I think it's missing motor activity. You need 150 minutes per week of active movements - brisk walking, swimming, a variety of fitness (after consultation exercise therapy instructor). The fact that you stay within 1200 kcal per day is good. But I think we need to analyze whether “these 1200 kcal” and the daily distribution of this caloric intake are balanced in terms of carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Probably everyone knows the feeling increased appetite. In the morning we usually start a new life: during the day we monitor our diet, and in the evening, when the clock hands approach midnight, we open the refrigerator and... Then, in the morning, again new life, we last for several days or weeks, and then this situation repeats itself again. Our women's magazine conducted its own little investigation, trying to figure out what the reason is increased appetite and what ways exist to solve the problem.

Increased appetite: PMS

Many women experience brutally, incredible feeling hunger or craving for sweets before menstruation. This is explained by the lack of estrogen during the period, which takes part in the formation of substances that give vigor, great mood and serve as natural pain relievers. During menstruation, the level of hemoglobin decreases, a feeling of weakness and lack of strength appears, which we try to compensate for with “something tasty.”

However, it is necessary to control the restless desire to eat two chocolates at once, or go to the nearest cafe fast food. However, in this case it is absolutely pointless. You need to choose foods that contain a significant amount of fiber, and sugar should be replaced with fructose. For example, eating bran bread with pear, or cucumber and Rye bread, you can satisfy your hunger and not harm your figure. Seafood, red meat, and lettuce will replace your zinc levels. Particular attention should be paid drinking water, you can add lemon or lime to it.

Increased appetite: stress

Everyone is familiar with the method of “eating” stress; it is a really common phenomenon. At this time, the body mobilizes, all muscles tense, and reactions and sensations intensify. After and during eating, the opposite happens: the area nervous system, responsible for high-quality food processing, rest and relaxation. In other words, we cannot be stressed and digest food at the same time.

What can be done in the situation increased appetite under stress? - There is no need to strictly limit yourself in snacking for the benefit of your figure, as this can lead to more stress or even to psychosomatic diseases. It is better to eat foods that are easily digestible: fruits, some nuts, vegetables, but replace sweets with dried fruits or a small amount of honey. In addition, you need to find another way to get rid of stress and relaxation. Yoga, aikido, belly dancing are excellent, breathing exercises and walks on fresh air on or on foot.

Increased appetite: physical activity

Physical activity often whets your appetite. This is especially noticeable at the beginning of sports, because the body has not yet had time to adapt to a new routine. Intense intellectual work almost always affects the appetite, and it turns out to be especially tasty, which is a natural antidepressant, a source of magnesium; chocolate stimulates the work of the brain and gives strength.

Cope with increased appetite and a feeling of hunger after physical activity can be advised by a sports doctor or nutritionist; your individual menu can be compiled for the duration of the exercise. If you can’t get such advice, then you just need to adhere to general recommendations proper nutrition, and in no case allow the body to become dehydrated.

The desire to urgently lose weight, exhausting, newfangled weight loss techniques - all this serves as stress for normal metabolism. And the body tries to replace the spent energy, and also “save” it for future use, for repeated experiences with forced hunger. As a result, if you use diets, do it rationally, with love for your body.

Dear readers, if you have tried all sorts of ways to stop “unsolicited visits from the stomach”, but nothing helps, I recommend that you go to the doctor and get tested necessary tests. And regardless of the cause of hunger, answer yourself the question: do you really want to eat, or is the nature of this feeling psychological in nature?