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How healthy are nuts? What form do nuts come in? Pine nuts: for a slim figure

Dear women, forget about expensive multivitamin drinks and unappetizing cocktails to strengthen your body. The best way slow down the aging of the body, strengthen memory, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails – regular use eating healthy nuts.

Scientists from the British Dietetic Association recently completed an experiment that lasted 20 years. Based on its results, a snack made from various nuts (without glaze, flavor enhancers, etc.) was dubbed a “superfood” with invaluable health-improving qualities.

Doctors have been watching for two decades eating habits 190 thousand women. Those subjects who ate 30 grams of nuts daily (the size of a golf ball) showed improved health and a lower metabolic age. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the product, vitamins E and B, fatty acids and other beneficial substances, the body showed an increased ability to regenerate.

Beneficial features for the fair sex can be reduced to the following points:

  • reducing the risk of gallstone formation;
  • prevention of age-related macular degeneration;
  • maintaining healthy bones and joints;
  • slowing down brain aging;
  • reducing the risk of developing oncological diseases;
  • improving the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • ensuring reproductive health;
  • prevention of type 2 diabetes;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • maintenance of functions of cardio-vascular system;
  • supply female body energy;
  • strengthening nervous system and anti-stress effect.

Comparative calorie analysis

The table shows the calorie content of nuts per 1 serving, or 28 g. Based on these data, you can plan your diet in such a way as to get beneficial benefits your favorite nuts without harming your figure.

Best helpers

In addition to the general health benefits of nuts, each of them has its own unique benefits for women's health. Which? Let's get a look.


One of the most popular almonds in comparison with competitors contains the most fiber, vitamin E, necessary for healthy skin and vision, squirrel. Iron, magnesium, potassium, and teeth-strengthening calcium make almonds a “vitamin bomb.”

The study, the results of which were published in " International magazine obesity”, proved the benefits of almonds in the fight against overweight. It successfully fights abdominal fat. To get one step closer to a waistline, you need to eat a handful of almonds every day for 6 weeks.

Half of women gain excessive weight during pregnancy, thereby increasing the risk of developing gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and preeclampsia. To avoid this, doctors from California recommend regularly eating small portions of almonds while pregnant.

The disadvantages of the product include the difficulty of digesting it. But if you soak almonds in water overnight, your body will absorb this tough nut much more easily. This explains the recent increase in popularity.

Brazilian nut

One of the most high-calorie, but therefore the most “long-lasting” source of energy. The product has proven itself among business women How healthy snack before training or during work - to increase concentration and energy recharging.

One nut contains daily dose Selenium is a trace element that increases women’s fertility and prevents breast and bone cancer. Selenium, together with other antioxidants contained in Brazil nuts (vitamins E and C), prevents the aging of skin cells and other tissues and organs, building reliable protection against free radicals. In addition, the mineral is important for healthy functioning thyroid gland, the state of which directly affects the metabolic rate.


They deserve to take a place in the menu of every woman who cares about a slim figure.

  • Cashews contain the least amount of fat. This allows small amounts of product to be included in diet menu.
  • The iron and zinc content ensures the supply of oxygen to cells and prevents premature aging skin.
  • This is a rich source folic acid, which is necessary not only for pregnant women, but also for everyone who plans to start a family.
  • The composition includes anti-inflammatory and analgesic components that help cope with the symptoms of inflammatory diseases and alleviate toothache.


The benefits of hazelnuts are difficult to overestimate.

  • Doctors say this healthy, natural snack boosts immunity and memory.
  • Do not deny yourself the desire to eat a nut if you want to have healthy hair and nails.
  • Struggling with varicose veins veins inside and out. For external use, hazelnut oil is used in the form of applications.
  • Opposes nervous disorders and syndrome chronic fatigue– a frequent companion of the modern business woman.


Groundnut, strictly speaking, is legume, a relative of lentils, beans and peas. A source of cancer-killing antioxidants, protein, vitamins E and B.

Roasting peanuts is not forbidden: according to an article in the magazine “ Food chemistry", as a result of roasting in groundnuts antioxidant levels increase by 22%.

But in combination with salt or in the form of sweet peanut butter the product is harmful to the pancreas, is difficult to digest and can cause more harm than good.


  • An ally of women in the fight against cancer and cardiac diseases, diabetes and dementia, because they contain phytosterols and fatty acid omega-3.
  • Strengthen bones and prevent the development of osteoporosis in women of the older age group.
  • The product benefits the skin by making it glowing and smooth.
  • Modern women leading an active lifestyle dream of getting real sleep. A 2005 issue in the Journal of Nutrition provides evidence that the product is effective in treating sleep disorders by increasing melatonin production.
  • How natural sources Biotin (vitamin B7) helps strengthen and grow hair and prevent hair loss.
  • Scientists suggest that a diet rich in nut fatty acids during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing food allergies in the child's future.

Unlike peanuts, after heat treatment, walnuts lose an impressive proportion nutrients.


If you don't suffer from allergies, you don't have to choose just one. Eat a varied diet and get almonds, hazelnuts and other wonderful nuts!

Nuts- unique gifts of nature, which contain a lot of useful substances for human body. Under no circumstances should you be afraid of nuts, even despite their high calorie content and content. large quantity fat! In this article I will tell you, which nuts are the healthiest and which ones you can eat when losing weight, and most importantly - in what quantity and in combination with what products.

1 place Walnut

2nd place – almonds

3rd place hazelnut

4th place – cashew

I’ll say right away that this rating is mine personally. subjective opinion, and this does not mean that it should be the same for everyone. As I said earlier, nuts are very useful product, created by our nature, and each of the varieties has its own unique properties, so choose your favorite nuts and eat for your health.

But before that, let's figure it out what are the benefits of nuts for our body, how many calories do they contain and how much you can eatnuts for weight loss.

Benefits and calorie content of nuts


Walnut contains a whole range of useful substances.

Scientists thanks to the rich composition walnut, calls it the “tree of life.”

This the most healthy nuts for the body. They are recommended for use in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diseases of the nervous system and heart. Nuts are often used even for complications with the stomach, liver and kidneys. And, despite the high calorie content of these nuts (654 calories per 110 g), they do not contain saturated fat at all, which is suitable for weight loss. And alpha-linolenic acid, which belongs to the class of Omega-3 fatty acids, makes this variety of nut the most useful for consumption. I wrote about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in the article ““, you can read it, as there I tell you in great detail what benefits this class of acids has for our body. Omega-3s are found primarily in fat sea ​​fish, as well as in such plant products like flax seeds, linseed oil, chia seeds, and also in walnuts. It is for this reason, I believe, that nut is the healthiest and necessary for everyone who wants to always be healthy, slim and have a good memory.


Almonds are commonly called an elite nut. It is not a stone fruit. TO main feature refers to the calcium content in large quantities - 264 mg per 100g! For this reason this nut is considered the best for supporting human bone tissue V good condition long years.

Almonds are recommended to be eaten for illnesses circulatory system and the heart, since it contains large quantities phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Almonds also help in the fight against insomnia, as they act on the nervous system as a sedative.

These nuts improve health in cases of gastritis, hypertension, ulcers, anemia, eye diseases, as well as urolithiasis. But it is important to know that almonds are considered one of the hardest nuts for the body, so I do not recommend eating them every day.


Hazelnuts - more one of the most useful species nuts. First of all, it is recommended to those who have cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, anemia and arterial hypertension. It contains paclitaxel (an anti-cancer substance), which can suppress the growth of cancer cells That's why hazelnuts are famous in the world natural remedy in the prevention of cancer.

The nutritional value of the Lombard nut is 628 calories per 100 grams. It is rich in vitamin C and A, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.


Cashews are often included in the diet menu. It is an excellent source of folic acid and the healthiest nuts for women. The product contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, including their help to relieve toothache and menstrual pain.

100 grams of cashews contain 553 calories.

Pine nuts

Pine nuts effectively help cleanse the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder. For nursing mothers, experts advise eating 2 tablespoons of pine nuts per day, as this helps better lactation and getting more nutritious breast milk. IN folk medicine the shell and kernels are used to treat gynecological diseases.

Pine nuts contain a lot of vitamin B4 or choline, which is responsible for the absorption fat-soluble vitamins(A, D, E and K), normalization fat metabolism, stimulation of the process of lipolysis (breakdown of fats) and short-term memory. This vitamin is also very important for men's health, as it increases sperm activity (note to all men and their wives).

100 grams of these nuts contain 673 calories.


Peanuts are a good preventive remedy for gastritis, cancer and heart disease. It helps the functioning of the nervous system, helps you fall asleep faster and calm down when overexcited. Beans contain large quantities Veryuseful substances for the body– antioxidants – which have a beneficial effect on maintaining your youth and beauty.

Peanuts make a very tasty peanut butter, which I personally adore. It is done very simply. See the recipe for homemade peanut butter below, and you can read about the beneficial properties of peanut butter.

There are 576 calories per 100 grams of peanuts. It is rich in calcium, iron and magnesium.

What form do nuts come in?

Question « which nuts are the healthiest?” refers not only to the choice of product, but also to the way it is consumed.

I recommend that everyone, without exception, eat nuts only in raw or dried. There is no point in roasting nuts; they will not benefit the body, but will only harm your figure. At heat treatment, heating with high temperatures value is lostany nuts, and useful poly unsaturated fats, such as linolenic (Omega-3), linoleic (Omega-6), oleic acid (Omega-9) and other polyunsaturated fatty acids form chains of very toxic and harmful substances.

If you really want to save taste sensations, then you can simply lightly dry the nuts in a frying pan, and this should only be done with those nuts that have the lowest content of Omega 3 fatty acids. You can do this with peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts and cashews.

Is it possible to eat nuts while losing weight: how many and which ones are better?

Remember that nuts are quite high in calories and contain an average of 55-60% fat. Their main feature, like everyone else’s, is fatty foods, which few people know about, is a gradual feeling of satiety. Yes, nuts are very filling, but some time must pass before you feel full. And this is far from 2, 3, 5 or even 10 minutes. In order for fatty acids to begin to be absorbed, it takes much more time, which is why very often people eat, eat, eat, and saturation does not come and does not come, but as soon as it comes, it turns out that a 200 gram pack of nuts as it was not. Common situation?

My most favorite nut I had peanuts in my childhood, as I remember now, if I had to go somewhere for a long time by train or on a bus, I bought a large package of peanuts and ate them in one go!!! And only half an hour later, having eaten the 2-day norm of my fats, I felt unreal heaviness and even nausea. Still would. Thank God, now my appetites are not the same, and it will be very difficult for me to eat even 100 g of nuts at a time, but still, in order to prevent possible overeating, I always pack my daily allowance of nuts into bags and take them with me on the road. It’s better to play it safe once again than to suffer later from heaviness in the stomach and remorse.

The main thing is to know when to stop, and this applies to everything, not just nuts. Even the most best and healthy nuts can become enemies to your figure if you consume them in excess of your daily norm. What is the norm?

When losing weight, the norm of nuts is 20-30 grams, depending on the type.

When maintaining weight, the daily intake of nuts is 30-40 grams.

The time for taking nuts is until 17:00. This is due to the fact that they are quite heavy food for the body, and it needs at least 2-3 hours to process them and fully assimilate them.


If the body is excessively polluted from eating fatty, salty, sweet foods, canned foods, fast food, alcohol, etc. It is difficult to remove fluid from it, and if you eat a large amount of nuts, this fluid will be retained even more, which will lead to additional swelling and weight gain.

But for people who watch their diet, nuts have the exact opposite effect: they have thermogenic properties, helping to accelerate metabolic processes in the body and quickly burn fat.

It turns out that nuts - one of the most usefulproducts for weight loss, but this is provided that you know HOW, WHEN and IN WHAT QUANTITY should they be consumed.

What is the best way to combine nuts?

The most successful combination of nuts is with fruits and vegetables. Vegetable fats They are more easily absorbed by the body if they are accompanied by fiber, since it passes through our gastrointestinal tract in almost unchanged form, and the main forces for digestion will be concentrated on nuts.

How to choose the right nuts

First of all, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of the product and its storage conditions. Fresh nuts always have a rich, bright smell. If nuts for a long time were in open space, they will have a bitter taste.

The product should not be wet; a prerequisite for the peel is its preservation. Walnuts should be selected when they are ripe (you can chop them for testing), since it is at this moment that the maximum amount of nutrients is concentrated in them. It is recommended to choose a shell thickness of no more than 1.5 mm without holes, cracks or chips.

If you buy already shelled nuts, then make sure that there is no mold or cobwebs on them. The color of the nuts must be natural. If the nut turns white or, conversely, turns black, then this is a sign that the nut has been sitting for too long, and it is most likely no longer suitable for consumption.

So let's summarize. When answering the question, which nuts are the healthiest for the body?, you should focus your attention on the method of consuming them, their quality, shelf life, usefulness for your body, knowing your personal health characteristics, but most importantly, you should not feel heaviness in your stomach from eating nuts. And remember that nuts and weight loss can be allies in the fight against extra pounds with the right combination.

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

There are a great variety of them. How are they different from each other? Igor SOKOLSKY, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, specialist in phytochemistry, tells the story.

Nuts are one of the most “ancient” foods, included in the human diet for many centuries. And no wonder. In addition to the fact that these fruits are tasty and nutritious (their calorie content is from 500 to 700 kcal per 100 grams), regular consumption (even in moderate quantities) reduces the risk of occurrence and exacerbation, normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels, promotes cell renewal of organs and tissues . This is explained by the rich vitamin (A, E, C, group B (B₁, B₂, B₅, B₆, B₉), K, PP) and mineral (more than 20 macro- and microelements) composition of the fruit.

They must be present in the diet of vegetarians - nut proteins can partially replace meat proteins, because fruits contain a lot of iron (which is also sorely lacking for people on a diet). Plant proteins also contain essential and non-essential amino acids. They are considered a recognized remedy

Now about the disadvantages. Nuts are heavy food and are poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, children can only enjoy them from 5-6 years old. They are also considered one of the most allergenic foods.

Of course, each type has its own specifics, but they are not so significant as to speak of clear advantages of some nuts over others. Therefore, if you don’t have money for expensive ones, buy cheap ones. They're about the same. And remember: nuts are delicious and useful supplement to food, but not a medicine that can work miracles.


Particularly useful in the elderly and old age- is deservedly considered an elixir of strength and vigor. At high energy value hazelnut refers to dietary products- its use as a supplement to main food has a beneficial effect on metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and stimulates cardiovascular activity.

Flaw- short term storage (5 months).

Pine nut

Most inexpensive type nuts with a high content of folic acid (vitamin B₉) - a stimulator of hematopoiesis.

Disadvantage - shelled peanuts during storage can be affected by mold, which releases the toxic substance aflatoxin. Provokes serious disease, in which they are affected various organs, more often - the liver and bronchopulmonary system. Mycotoxins are almost not destroyed when heated, so nuts, if they have expired storage and must not be eaten under any circumstances.


Sweet almonds are effective and have a positive effect on metabolism. In the old days when inflammatory diseases The gastrointestinal tract and kidneys were given almond milk to drink - almond nuts ground in water.

Flaw- bitter almonds cannot be eaten without pre-treatment - they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which breaks down in the intestines into benzaldehyde and hydrocyanic acid. At high concentration may cause poisoning. For a child lethal dose- 10 tonsils, for an adult - 50.


“Nuts are rich in vitamin E”, they “contain a lot of zinc and therefore are useful for men”, but “you need to eat no more than six of them a day, otherwise you will gain weight”... When I read such discussions about how nuts are beneficial in general, I always I'm surprised. After all, there is indeed a lot of vitamin E in almonds, but in 100 g of cashews it is only 5% of the daily value. Pine nuts are rich in zinc, but not hazelnuts. And six Brazil nuts will outweigh the same amount of pistachios in weight and calorie content.

In other words, all nuts are different. Both in composition and properties... And if you want to get the maximum benefit from them, this must be taken into account.

What are the benefits of nuts in general?

And yet, the benefits of nuts can be discussed in general. “They are all 50-60% fat,” says Evgeniy Belyanushkin, nutritionist, sports doctor of the GRAND Clinic network of aesthetic medicine centers. “However, these are healthy unsaturated fats that.”

Like any seed, plant germ, every nut is a concentrate of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. They are high in fiber and protein. “However, it is difficult to consider them as good source proteins,” emphasizes Evgeniy Belyanushkin. — Vegetable protein is incomplete and does not provide us with the entire set of necessary amino acids. And if you try to gain the required amount with nuts, you will also gain a fair amount of fat.”

For those trying to lose weight, experts advise eating no more than six to eight medium-sized nuts per day. It’s even better to calculate in advance how many of them will amount to 100-200 calories, put aside how much you need in a separate bag and take it with you for a snack or add it to salads, puree soups and desserts throughout the day.

“With a low-calorie diet, nuts make dishes more satisfying and generally satisfy hunger well,” reminds Elena Tikhomirova. “But I wouldn’t leave them in a vase in the public domain: it’s easy to get carried away and overeat.”

Nuts are completely off the menu fat people should not be excluded. According to long scale research, the results of which were published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who ate nuts at least twice a week gained weight slower than those who almost never touched them.

What are the benefits of nuts: each has its own properties

To get as many useful substances as possible, diversify your diet as much as possible, but also various nuts: today cashews, tomorrow pine nuts, the day after tomorrow pistachios. Or put special emphasis on one of them if you want to achieve a specific goal.

Almonds: for beauty and heart health

100 calories - 13 nuts

This nut is a champion in vitamin E content, which is also called the “beauty vitamin.” And it is one of the top three winners in terms of the amount of magnesium, which is also very beneficial for the skin. Together, this couple brings great benefits to the heart: it protects its tissues from attacks by free radicals and aging, and reduces the risk of hypertension and heart attacks.

Note. Almonds are usually sold with the skin on. If you need to peel it (for dessert, for example), blanch it for 3-4 minutes, then pour over cold water or place in ice and wipe between towels.

Brazil nut: for strong immunity

100 calories - 3 nuts

The best source of selenium on Earth, a trace element that strengthens immune system. And in particular, it gives the body strength to fight cancer. A study by scientists from the Netherlands found that selenium can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 60%.

Please pay attention . One hundred grams of Brazil nuts provides 1917 micrograms (!) of selenium. Whereas we need this microelement in much smaller doses. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends just 45 mcg per day for children and 400 mcg per day for adults. And its overdose can make nails brittle, lead to hair loss, and stomach upset. So especially on brazil nuts It's not worth pushing.

Cashews: against gray hair and osteoporosis

100 calories - 11 nuts

You can recommend these cute “bagels” to your grandmother or mother. “Firstly, cashews contain a lot of copper (100 g will cover more than daily requirement), a deficiency of which causes hair to turn grey, says Elena Tikhomirova. - Secondly, they are rich in magnesium, which, along with calcium and phosphorus, is responsible for bone density and strength and protects older women from osteoporosis. Finally, these nuts are a good source of tryptophan, an amino acid that our bodies convert into the happy hormone serotonin. It will protect against mood swings characteristic of PMS and menopause.”

Note. All nuts count allergenic product, but cashews and walnuts give reactions most often.

Hazelnuts: for a healthy pregnancy

100 calories - 13 nuts

The leader in the content of folic acid (vitamin B 9), which prevents congenital deformities of the fetus. A fair amount of vitamin E, which promotes conception and prevents miscarriages. Calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the child. And other B vitamins that calm the nerves. Hazelnut - definitely the best choice For expectant mother. “Especially considering that it is our local product,” says Elena Tikhomirova. “And it’s relatively rare for Russian women to develop allergies.”

Note. Hazelnuts will also be very useful for children. It contains a lot of manganese, which is involved in the formation of bone tissue and strengthens cartilage and joints.

Pine nuts: for a slim figure

100 calories - 85 nuts

Very fatty, high-calorie nuts, which, oddly enough, can help you lose weight. They contain unique pinolenic acid, which gives the body a signal of satiety. As a study showed, the results of which were published in the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, in order to suppress hunger and not overeat at the table, it is enough to put a handful of pine nuts in your mouth about half an hour before a meal.

100 grams of these “babies” also contain four times the daily requirement of manganese, a trace element necessary for proper digestion and absorption of food.

Note. Pine nuts contain more oil than any other. This means that it is especially important to store them correctly. It's best to eat them unpeeled. And without the shell, keep it in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quickly go rancid.

Pistachios: for heart health and vegetarian nutrition

100 calories - 30 nuts

Well balanced in vitamins and minerals, relatively little fat, a lot of protein and plenty of opportunities to use them in the most different dishes, from soups and salads to desserts and baked goods. Pistachios can be especially recommended for vegetarians. And for hearts: as a product rich in potassium and phytosterols. “An antagonist of sodium, potassium prevents the accumulation of excess fluid in the body, the appearance of edema, and the development of hypertension,” says Elena Tikhomirova. - Both it and phytosterols are beneficial for blood vessels. And the latter also reduce the level bad cholesterol in blood".

Note. Pistachios are often sold salted, which is not our choice. Eating 1/2 to 1 cup of these nuts, according to the department's Database Agriculture USA (USDA National Nutrient Database), you will receive at least two times the daily value of salt. That is, sodium, a potassium antagonist. And thereby neutralize useful action the last one.

Walnuts: for men's health

100 calories - 4 large nuts

Unlike most nuts, they contain not only essential omega-6 fatty acids, but also omega-3, which most of us lack in our diets. It is with this feature walnuts scientists link their ability to improve brain function and fertility in men. University of California Research have shown that regular consumption of this product (75 g per day) improves sperm quality.

Note. The skins of walnuts may be slightly bitter. “This does not mean that they have deteriorated,” says Elena Tikhomirova. — The reason is tannins, which are contained in small quantities. So there is no need to soak or blanch walnuts to remove the skin and prevent poisoning.”

Whatever nuts you choose, it is better to purchase them in the shell - this is the optimal “storage chamber” for the kernels. Having bought peeled ones, keep them in a dark place: in the light the oils they contain are more likely to go rancid.

And don’t stick to just pistachios, walnuts or cashews. Let’s repeat: alternate them in your menu to get the maximum amount of nutrients from nuts.

Include nuts in your diet and you will always be healthy and beautiful!

The beneficial properties of this product are very numerous: it has a beneficial effect on cognitive activity, increases the body’s resistance, and supports healthy condition hair and skin, strengthens bone tissue And tooth enamel, and also raises hemoglobin levels.

However, among all the variety of nuts, some can be considered the absolute favorites of nutritionists. So, which nuts are the healthiest?


This is one of the leaders in content. As a result, by adding it to your diet, you will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, it has a mild choleretic effect. It is also useful for representatives of the stronger sex, as it increases male strength. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that peanuts are contraindicated for arthrosis, arthritis, etc. Also, people prone to increased blood pressure. Daily norm peanuts are from fifteen to twenty kernels.

Brazilian nut

One of its main advantages is that it gives you a feeling of fullness very quickly. It is enough to eat just a few kernels to dull the feeling of hunger. In addition, they normalize the functioning of the pancreas and blood levels, and are also useful for the prevention of cancer. It should not be forgotten that Brazil nuts are allergens, and in addition they have the property of accumulating radioactive substances. Nutritionists recommend eating two to three kernels per day.

This nut is the most popular and affordable, at the same time considered the most useful. It is worth adding to your diet for those suffering from anemia, neuralgia, and vitamin deficiency. In addition, some studies suggest that this product reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. It should be excluded from the diet when intestinal disorders, peptic ulcers, as well as with a tendency to gain excess weight. You can eat no more than five nuts per day.

Pine nuts

These little nuts are a real treasure trove. They perfectly increase the body's resistance and are also very well absorbed. Because of this, nutritionists recommend adding them to the diet of children and expectant mothers. They are also recommended for emotional disorders, problems with hair and skin. People suffering from insomnia are recommended to eat several aromatic kernels before bed. Wherein this product not recommended for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. It is recommended to eat about two tablespoons of nuts per day.


One of the main advantages of these nuts is their low allergenicity. In addition, they help strengthen the body's defenses, normalize heartbeat, improve the quality of tooth enamel. Nutritionists recommend including these nuts in the diet of people suffering from asthma, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. It should be borne in mind that it contains plant oxalates, which, when combined with, can increase the risk of kidney stones. The daily consumption rate is ten to fifteen pieces.

This nut is a leader in protein content. This nut is also useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, relieves muscle cramps and helps normalize blood sugar levels. At the same time, it is contraindicated if there is a tendency to tachycardia; it is not recommended for diseases gastrointestinal tract, and can also provoke a reaction of individual intolerance. Nutritionists recommend eating 15-20 almond kernels per day.


They are rich in and, as well as other microelements. help strengthen blood vessels, improve liver function, and also increase male libido. Also, these nuts help with intellectual fatigue, align emotional background. They are recommended to be added to the diet of pregnant women to minimize the manifestations of toxicosis. At the same time, pistachios are allergic and are not recommended for hypertensive patients. The daily norm is fifteen nucleoli.


Hazelnuts are a source of minerals and... At the same time, due to the low content, it is considered relatively dietary variety. In addition, it helps lower levels and helps cope with vitamin deficiency. Wherein hazelnuts may provoke headache. The daily norm should not exceed ten nucleoli.

A close relative of the walnut has the ability to lower cholesterol. In addition, it contains useful material help reduce the risk of developing cancer. Also recommended for hypovitaminosis, anemia, decreased libido. At the same time, peeled nuts should not be stored for a long time, since their taste deteriorates and a bitter aftertaste appears. If you are prone to obesity, the consumption of this product should be minimized, since it is very high in calories. Children under three years of age are not recommended to consume pecans, because this product can cause an individual intolerance reaction. You can eat no more than 50 g of nuts per day.

Nutritionists recommend purchasing nuts in packaging, because this way you can be sure that the product is protected from dirt, dust and pathogenic microorganisms. Please note that the maximum shelf life of packaged nuts does not exceed six months. After this they begin to produce harmful substances which can cause poisoning.

To be on the safe side, rinse purchased nuts without shells under running water before eating. After this, place them on a baking sheet and bake for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Despite the fact that nuts lose some amount when roasting healthy oils, this way you will minimize the risk of poisoning.