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Useful properties and contraindications of Brazil nuts for men and women

Brazil nuts are significantly different from their counterparts. The exotic product contains a high percentage of selenium. The amount of enzyme is 10 times more than in almonds and pine nuts. Let us consider in order the effect of the Brazilian product on the body.

Benefits of Brazil nuts

  1. The benefits are achieved through a complex of enzymes. Taken together, the substances bring enormous value to the body. The product prevents the formation of colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer.
  2. The nut acts as an active protector against the effects of negative radicals and the DNA chain against certain structural disorders. The product significantly increases protective function the body from the effects of viruses and harmful bacteria.
  3. The herbal product suppresses almost everything inflammatory processes in the human body. The nut has a positive effect on hormonal activity and is actively involved in the production of thyroid hormones.
  4. Regular use leads to stable functioning of the pancreas and endocrine system. The product is in demand in the treatment of infertility in women and men.
  5. The nut stabilizes the production of sex hormones, resulting in increased sexual desire. Reproductive age in women it is prolonged. The nut is also necessary for the body to assimilate useful substances, extracted from other products.
  6. Including nuts in your daily diet will eliminate education cardiovascular pathologies. The product effectively prevents the risk of heart attack and stroke. The likelihood of developing thrombosis and atherosclerosis also decreases.
  7. Proven positive impact nuts on visual organs. The product suppresses the development of cataracts and improves visibility. Brazil nuts qualitatively cleanse the body of the effects of taking strong medications.
  8. The nut, originally from Brazil, is popular among athletes. When used, the product can significantly increase muscle mass. Valuable composition microelements restores damaged fibers and directly affects their growth.

Benefits of Brazil nuts for women

  1. The nut has a relatively low calorie content - 686 kcal. per 100 gr. However, raw materials are valued for their high content of tocopherol, magnesium, thiamine, and selenium. All these substances are necessary for women to function fully.
  2. Numerous studies by scientists have proven that selenium prevents the development of breast cancer. That is why doctors advise including nuts in your daily diet.
  3. Other valuable substances push back imminent attack menopause, and also reduce the number of hot flashes during menopause. Walnut reduces painful cramps during menstruation, regulates the stability of the cycle.
  4. Brazil nuts are often found on the menu of women who have difficulty conceiving. Therapy pathological changes can eliminate infertility.
  5. Fat-soluble compounds in combination with lipids are responsible for the beauty of the skin. Substances stimulate the release of collagen fibers and elastin, thereby fighting wrinkles and premature aging of the dermis.
  6. Brazil nut has a beneficial effect on hair. It saturates the hair with valuable minerals from the inside, closes the scales, controls the activity sebaceous glands. After a month of using the product, the mop looks much better.
  7. The composition is extremely appreciated by female representatives who have devoted their lives to sports. Incoming amino acids control the formation muscle fibers and do not allow them to disintegrate during sleep.
  8. Brazil nuts are great as a snack between main meals. It easily satisfies hunger and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time. At the same time, the product improves mood, fights insomnia and nervous breakdowns.

  1. Traditional healers have long had a positive attitude towards nut representatives, the Brazilian type is no exception. Three fatty acids cleanse blood vessels from bad cholesterol and do not allow it to form into plaques.
  2. Walnut increases blood circulation, thereby enhancing the work of all internal organs. Systematic use improves metabolic processes, cleanses the liver of toxic compounds.
  3. The product has a nice feature: complete cleansing digestive tract. Even 1-2 nuts eaten daily will rid you of old waste and poisons.
  4. A high accumulation of dietary fiber, namely fiber, accelerates intestinal motility and normalizes the microflora of the internal organ.
  5. Doctors advise including fruits in the diet of cancer patients. The nut blocks blood flow to the cells malignant formations killing the tumor. Prevention of lung and breast cancer is also carried out.
  6. The product enhances the effect medications aimed at treating cardiac and vascular diseases. If we add to this proper nutrition, you will quickly overcome the disease.
  7. The Brazil nut is responsible for the normalization of blood glucose, reducing the indicators to a normal level. This property is valuable for people with diabetes. It also reduces the likelihood of cholesterol deposits in the form of plaques.
  8. Folk connoisseurs advise people with problems of the endocrine system to use nuts. Product monitors activity thyroid gland, preventing many ailments.

Uses of Brazil nut

In medicine

  1. Extract brazil nuts added to most medications. The product has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antitumor, antioxidant, antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-sclerotic effects.
  2. Walnut bark is often used in folk medicine. They make it out of it healing decoction, which rids the body of the list serious illnesses. The composition actively restores vitality after serious illnesses and operations.

In cosmetology

  1. Brazil nut oil has been highly appreciated by professional cosmetologists. The plant component has a positive effect on the skin and tissues.
  2. When applying oil, a protective layer is formed on the epidermis that resists harmful effects environment. The composition prevents moisture loss in tissues, nourishes cells, and slows down the aging process.
  3. Herbal product in short time heals damaged skin. The oil will be used in professional means for hair care. Active components nourish the hair structure, relieve brittleness and dryness. The strands become obedient.

In cooking

  1. Brazil nuts are used in the culinary world in various variations. The product is dried, fried, salted and used in fresh. Raw materials are often added to salads, ice cream, sauces, jelly, chocolate, baked goods and first courses.
  2. The nut is often used as a savory seasoning; oil is also extracted from the fruit. The value of the latter cannot be overestimated. Plant composition added to quality art paints.

  1. All products have not only benefits, but also harm. Thus, Brazil nuts are contraindicated for individuals who have an individual intolerance to citrus fruits or allergies to exotic fruits and nuts.
  2. The permissible daily intake of nuts is 2 pieces. If you exceed the specified amount, there is a risk of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, and stool disorders.
  3. The supply of Brazil nuts to our country is strictly controlled. The peel of the product can concentrate aflatoxins in itself - toxic compounds, causing cancer liver. The product is allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation only after checking for the absence of poisons.
  4. Incoming fatty compounds, upon contact with the air, decompose and become dangerous to the body. The nuts are starting to burn. Store the product in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Do not consume after expiration date.

Brazil nuts bring undeniable value to the human body only if the product is consumed in a dosed manner. Do not eat more than 2 pieces per day. Start the first acquaintance with a quarter of the fetus to make sure there are no allergies.

Video: beneficial properties of Brazil nuts

Have you ever heard of Brazil nuts? He is not yet very well known in our area, but his popularity is growing rapidly. And not just like that! This is an extremely valuable culture, the fruits of which are distinguished by an unusual taste and miraculous healing properties.

But did you know that from the point of view of botany, the fruits of Bertoletia (the name of the Brazil nut tree) are not nuts at all - they are grains! And what about the fact that only two of these "grains" are enough to completely fill the body's daily need for selenium? Learn others Interesting Facts, and also what are the benefits of Brazil nuts, you can read in this article!

Let's delve a little deeper into botany...

Bertoletia is a beautiful, powerful and tall tree, the trunk diameter of which reaches 2 meters, and the height is as much as 50! Its homeland, as you might guess from the name, is Brazil, but it is also extremely common in Peru, Colombia and Bolivia. Interestingly, although this plant is cultivated, its wild varieties produce much more impressive and high-quality harvests - after all, pollination of these trees requires an abundance of bumblebees and large bees.

...and history

Beneficial features Brazil nuts became known many centuries ago - back in the 16th century. When European researchers came across the unusual coconut-like fruits of this tree, they quickly appreciated their ability to replenish the lack of fiber and many useful substances.

Today, thanks to modern scientific research, we know exactly what the benefits of Brazil nuts are and what they are due to (its composition, rich in all sorts of “usefulness”).


What exactly is hidden in these unusual “coconut-like” fruits? Why is Brazil nut increasingly gaining momentum in popularity? Let's figure it out. So, the “grains” of Bertholetia contain:

Talking about him nutritional value, it is impossible not to notice that Brazil nuts are a very high-calorie product. Judge for yourself - 100 grams of these “grains” contain 656 kcal, 14 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and as much as 66.5 grams of fat.

Benefit for health

Now we know what powerful “medicinal potential” lies in the unusual exotic fruits of Bertoletia. Let's figure out exactly how they affect our body:

Harm and contraindications

We can’t just tell you about the benefits of this product. After all, each product has its own side effects. However, don’t worry – the harm of Brazil nuts is not that bad:

  • You just need to eat it in moderation. It is enough to include only two “grains” per day in your regular diet - believe me, this is more than enough for your body!
  • It is especially important not to overeat Brazil nuts for obese people - because the product is very high in calories.
  • You should not use it if you have an individual intolerance to it. Don't know if you have it? Eat one nut and observe how your body reacts. If everything is fine, include it in your diet!

By following a few of these rules, you can safely include Brazil nuts in your regular diet - and, believe me, your body will thank you!

As often happens, the hero of our today's conversation is called a nut not because he is one in the biological sense, but because in appearance, taste, texture and smell he is most similar to a nut. In fact, it is a grain or seed from the fruit of the Berthollet tree. The Brazil nut is not divided into halves like its true cousins. And if you saw a Bertholletia fruit in person, you would most likely decide that it was a coconut. But it is worth splitting it, and instead of white pulp, large oblong grains covered with a peel will appear before you. What Mother Nature can’t come up with!

By name, it is easy to guess that the Brazil nut comes from the country of the same name. Although it grows throughout the Amazon Valley: in Guiana, Venezuela, Bolivia and part of Peru. This product has been known since the times of the Indians; it has always been valued for its excellent taste and high nutritional value. ethnoscience The Aztecs actively used the fruits of Bertholletia. They still play an important role in local cooking and healing.

Once on the European continent, Brazil nuts aroused great interest and universal love. This is an incredibly tasty delicacy, and modern scientists have managed to establish that it is also a healthy food product. Anyone who cares about their health wants to have a toned figure and beautiful skin, our today will be interesting detailed story about Brazil nuts.

Description of Brazil nut

The Bertholletia tree (in some sources - Bertholletia) is named after the great French chemist Claude Berthollet. This tree looks truly monumental: 50-60 meters tall, absolutely straight and smooth, up to three meters in girth, and the leaves with fruits are located almost at the very top. Bertolletia grows for about five hundred years, and begins to bear fruit only in the twelfth year of its life. Collecting nuts from such a giant, you understand, is extremely difficult, and it is not necessary: ​​the ripe fruits themselves fall to the ground. That's why the Spanish colonists, who first tasted the sweet, nutritious Brazil nuts, called them "God's gift from heaven."

The shell of the Berthollet fruit, although thin, is very durable. If it doesn’t break when dropped, you have to try hard to get the treat out. Monkeys have been very successful in this - one of the main connoisseurs of the Brazil nut. They crush the fruits on sharp stones. By the way, it is the rich fauna of the Amazon that contributes to the natural spread of Bertholletia. For example, the charming agouti animals (something like guinea pigs) store Brazil nuts “for a rainy day” by burying them in the ground. And then they forget where they hid the treasure. The seeds germinate safely, giving life to new trees. How similar is this to the story of our squirrels and acorns, isn't it?

Breeding a Brazil nut artificially is both a difficult and pointless task. In the jungle, one Bertholletia can take up to two hundred kilograms of fragrant nuts per year! And in "captivity" these trees do not want to bear fruit well either twelve or fifteen years after planting. Another mystery of nature! Today, Bolivia is the main supplier of Brazil nuts to the world market, but they have kept their name unchanged.

What is so remarkable about this large (5-6 cm long) oily nut, which tastes like a pine nut?

With its amazing vitamin and mineral composition. It contains:

    Vitamins E, C and almost all group B;

    10 essential microelements;


    18 valuable amino acids;

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids;


Let's take a closer look at how Brazil nuts can help you meet your daily needs. human body in minerals and vitamins.

Let's start with vitamins (calculations are given for 100 grams of nuts):

    B1 – 51% daily value;

Now we present data on microelements, also based on 100 grams of Brazil nuts:

    Selenium – 2739% daily value;

    Phosphorus – 104%;

    Magnesium – 94%;

    Copper – 58%;

    Potassium – 33%;

    Zinc – 27%;

    Iron – 24%;

    Manganese – 24%;

    Calcium – 16%;

    Sodium – 1%.

Just an incredible figure - 2739% of the daily value of selenium is contained in just one handful of Brazil nuts! That is, with the help of a couple of nuts you can be guaranteed to protect yourself from a deficiency of this important microelement.

Why does a person need selenium, and why is its deficiency dangerous? Let's figure it out.

Selenium in Brazil nuts

Iodityrinine 5'deiodinase produced in the kidneys and liver. This amino acid plays an important role in maintaining healthy hormonal levels in a person throughout his life.

Selenium, along with iodine, magnesium and cobalt, is responsible for the proper maturation of eggs. It also prevents cellular mutations, which means it helps to tolerate healthy baby, without developmental defects or congenital abnormalities. The role of selenium in strengthening and preventing development is very important. It is this microelement that is needed for the synthesis of enzymes that destroy foreign cells.

To avoid selenium deficiency, it is not necessary to buy vitamin and mineral complexes at the pharmacy, which many people start to suffer from. It is enough to eat right: regularly eat fish, seafood and nuts. It is precisely one of them – the Brazilian one – that we are talking about today. This is the most generous source of selenium that nature can offer us.

Benefits of Brazil nuts for women

As we have already said, selenium contained in Brazil nuts plays a role in vital role in preserving female reproductive function, provides correct flow pregnancy, protects the unborn baby from developmental pathologies, protects. But every girl is not only future mom. This is, first of all, a woman who wants to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. How can Brazil nuts help her?

The antioxidants included in its composition fight against inflammation, and therefore prolong our life. In an acidified body they develop serious illnesses, including cancer. Every woman is afraid of this terrible word. But if you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, you can at least, be confident that you have done everything possible to protect yourself from cancer.

Vitamin E, which is so abundant in Brazil nuts, is very necessary for women - it is often called the vitamin of beauty and youth. Shiny hair, elastic skin and strong nails are impossible without a sufficient amount of vitamin E, and since it is fat-soluble, it is very convenient to get it from Brazil nuts - it contains up to 60% fat!

By the way, the high fat content of these nuts cannot be a reason for those who want to lose weight to refuse to eat them. Brazil nut fats are almost entirely polyunsaturated fatty acids. Getting into female body, they reduce the level of “bad” and increase the level of “good”. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge yourself too much in Brazil nuts: two or three a day will be enough for you. beneficial effect, and just not enough to disrupt your weight loss schedule.

Other Health Benefits of Brazil Nuts

Not only women who want to prolong their youth, but also representatives of the stronger sex who care about their men's health. Regular consumption of these nuts increases potency and improves sperm quality. This is one of the reasons why native Latin Americans are so loving and fertile: in Brazil and Bolivia you can often find families where a young wife gives birth to babies for her sixty-year-old husband.

Like macadamia, Brazil nut is very popular in cosmetology. Its healing and aromatic oil is often added to face and body creams, shower gels, shampoos, conditioners and restorative hair masks. The effect is remarkable: Brazil nut oil makes skin and hair soft, healthy and beautiful. It perfectly saturates with vitamins and moisturizes, and also prevents moisture loss.

But let's get back to nutrition. Brazil nuts are worth introducing into your diet, because this unique product has a number of useful functions:

    Boosts immunity, thanks to the participation of selenium in the synthesis of macrophages, immunoglobulins and leukocytes;

    Improves digestion and cleanses the intestines with fiber;

    Neutralizes heavy metals , in particular, arsenic;

    Protects cell integrity, preventing gene mutations;

    Struggling with free radicals , interfering premature aging and the development of chronic diseases;

    Reduces cholesterol levels and, protecting from and;

    Extends the reproductive period, both for women and men;

    Prevents cancer and helps those who are already sick to overcome it.

The harm of Brazil nuts

Even such a useful product has a number of disadvantages and contraindications for use. More precisely, to abuse. But first things first. Here is a list of reasons why Brazil nuts may be harmful:

    Allergies are the most common problem. Many people have severe allergies not only to Brazil nuts, but to all nuts in principle. Therefore, if you have experienced a negative reaction, for example, to, try Brazil nuts with great caution;

    Aflatoxin is a natural poison found in the skins of Brazil nuts. large quantities can destroy the liver, cause cirrhosis or cancer. The sanitary and epidemiological legislation of some countries prohibits the import of unshelled Brazil nuts. However, such a harsh measure seems unnecessary: ​​firstly, it is unlikely that anyone would gnaw this hard, absolutely tasteless peel, and secondly, it would need to be gnawed every day for six months for pronounced consequences to occur;

    Radium – a few years ago an international scandal erupted around Brazil nuts. American scientists found this dangerous element in it and called on the whole world to refuse purchases. The incident is more likely to have political significance than medical significance. In fact, the root system of any plant absorbs substances from the soil - both useful and harmful. Imagine a fifty-meter Bertholletia tree: its powerful root system will suck everything out of the ground over the years. The concentration of radium in Brazil nuts is so minute that it is unnecessary to talk about harm;

    Excess selenium - a person can develop it from overeating Brazil nuts. Main symptoms: nausea, confusion, flushing skin, strange, garlic-like, difficulty breathing, in severe cases– and liver failure. This dangerous condition occurs only if long time consume 5 or more mg of selenium per day, that is, eat a whole bag of Brazil nuts.

Brazil nut calories

Brazil nuts contain a lot of oil - up to 60% of the total mass. Therefore, its calorie content is very high:

682 kcal per 100 grams

But at the same time, it does not contain cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of our blood vessels, skin, hair and nails. The most important fat soluble vitamins A, E, D and K cannot be absorbed in the absence of fat. And Brazil nuts are an excellent source of valuable natural oils.

How to store Brazil nuts?

When buying unshelled Brazil nuts at the store, be sure to shake them: if they rattle inside the shell, it means the nuts are shriveled, old and stale. Understanding the quality of shelled Brazil nuts is much easier. They should be heavy, fleshy and elastic, and also have a bright, characteristic aroma. If the nuts are almost weightless and do not smell anything, you have a low-quality product.

At home, Brazil nuts are best stored in a sealed glass container or porcelain vase. A small supply of nuts can be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator, but remember - they instantly absorb the odors of other foods. So if you put Brazil nuts next to sausage, don't be surprised by their strange aroma.

In a dark, cool and dry place, Brazil nuts can be stored for a very long time - up to two years.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Brazil nuts are the edible seeds of a South American tree native to the Amazon forests of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. The Brazil nut is called castanha do para or Para nut. It is grown as a commercial crop.

Brazil nuts are eaten raw or blanched. They contain a lot of protein, dietary fiber, thiamine, selenium, copper and magnesium. The oil is often used in shampoos, soaps, hair conditioners and skin care products.

When do Brazil nuts ripen?

The hard, flat fruits are pods up to 18cm in diameter that resemble large coconuts hanging at the ends of thick tree branches.

A mature tree produces more than 300 pods, each containing up to 24 nuts. The ripening season is from January to June. They are collected, the seeds are removed, dried in the sun, and then washed and sent for export.

Brazil nuts are one of the most valuable non-timber products in the Amazon. Trees produce fruit only in natural habitats and cannot be cultivated artificially. They rely on native bees to pollinate flowers and agouti rodents to disperse their seeds.

Agoutis are rodents that disperse seeds.

Brazil nuts are collected from the wild by locals. For many communities this is the main source of income. Brazil nuts provide protein and calories to the tribes, villages and cities of Brazil. Amazonians use the empty pods as utensils and boil the bark to treat liver disease.

Thanks to its pleasant taste and high nutritional value, Brazil nuts have become popular product nutrition all over the world. It is called "plant meat". The benefits of Brazil nuts are that they are a high-energy food. rich in proteins and microelements.If you are looking for nutritional quick snack, then Brazil nuts are an ideal option.

There is one drawback - the nut is often infected with fungi. This is a problem in many countries and affects product sales.

Composition and calorie content of Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. They are valuable because they are a source of organic selenium, an antioxidant that is beneficial for cancer prevention.

Brazil nuts are low in carbohydrates - 3.5 grams, compared to other types of nuts.

Eating Brazil nuts reduces age-related mortality nerve cells by 43%. Such death provokes the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Nuts reduce the risk of respiratory diseases by 39%.

Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E improves skin condition, softens and smoothes it.

Brazil nuts are a source of selenium, an antioxidant that is beneficial for cancer prevention. It can help prevent and reduce chronic diseases, by increasing the stability of the immune system.

Eating nuts five times a week was shown to reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 29% and reduce the risk of death from cancer by 11%. Even those who ate nuts less than once a week reduced their risk of mortality by 7%.

Dutch researchers found that people who ate just 10 grams. nuts per day reduced the risk of mortality by 23%. This study lasted 10 years and included more than 120,000 men and women aged 55 to 69 years.

Brazil nuts improve metabolism and reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%. Eating Brazil nuts is beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes.

Brazil nuts for weight loss

Brazil nuts will help you lose weight. Adding a small amount to your diet will keep ideal weight for a long time.

In one study, those whose diets included a lot of Brazil nuts lost about 1.4 kilograms and several centimeters from their waists. In a review presented on the 6th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, the role of Brazil nuts in reducing the risk of obesity was emphasized.

A diet that includes Brazil nuts is one of the effective ways getting rid of persistent excess weight, as it helps with Place the process of burning sugar before burning fat. This type of diet promotes mitochondrial health, which is important for general condition body and prevention of many diseases.

Harm and contraindications of Brazil nuts

Nuts should be consumed in moderation, not because they are high in fat and calories, but because they are high in protein. Excess dietary protein in Brazil nuts can lead to:

Brazil nuts during pregnancy and for children

Recent studies have shown that regularly eating nuts during pregnancy increases the child's risk of asthma by almost 50%.

It’s not for nothing that nuts are popular with supporters healthy image life. Thanks to their nutritional properties, they are suitable for a quick snack or addition to main dishes. Each species is unique in its own way. However, the benefits of Brazil nuts are slightly greater than other types.

Justifying high cost, these fruits are different unique composition. The high concentration of vitamins and microelements makes them ideal food additive. Moreover, all substances are contained in the most natural form and are easily absorbed. This means that a very small portion can be beneficial. Even the contraindications of Brazil nuts are minor. It can be eaten by anyone who does not have a nut allergy. The main thing is to observe moderation.

Not only from Brazil

Brazil nuts are the fruits of the Bertoletia talla tree, which grows in the Amazon jungle. WITH biological point from view, these are grains. They ripen inside a coconut-like capsule. If you cut it, in the middle there will be 8-24 nucleoli, covered with a dense three-layer skin. For this feature the seed is called a “nut”. The main exporting country of Brazil nuts also does not live up to its name. Today it is most collected in Bolivia (Brazil is in second place on this list, followed by Cote d'Ivoire and Peru). It also grows on the islands of Trinidad and Sri Lanka. So don’t complain about a fake when you see the names of these countries on the packaging.

Another feature of the overseas guest is the inability to cultivate it artificially. More precisely, it is possible to grow the tree itself, but to obtain a high yield is not. So it turns out that all the nuts ripen in natural conditions, without chemical fertilizers and genetic modifications. This makes them even more valuable and useful.

Friend of losing weight

Using this plant as an example, you can understand the role of counting proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in the pursuit of thin waist. Despite the fact that the calorie content of Brazil nuts is very high (682 kcal or 2851 kJ per 100 g), it is recommended to include it in the diet during diets. 100 g of nuts contains the following ratio of nutrients.

  • 18 g protein. They contain arginine. This amino acid helps expend energy and build muscle mass, making the body sculpted and not just lean.
  • 69 g fat. Most of them are "good". They do not settle on problem areas, improve the elasticity of the skin and vessel walls, help lower “bad” cholesterol in the blood and maintain a feeling of satiety.
  • 13 g carbohydrates. Mainly alimentary fiber, which are involved in digestion and improve intestinal function.

To avoid harm, you should consume Brazil nuts in doses. The norm per day should not be more than two pieces. Then excess weight will begin to go away rather than accumulate.

A treasure trove of useful things

Bertholetia fruits are not only tasty and nutritious. What makes them popular and in demand all over the world is their special chemical composition. Unlike other “relatives”, vitamins and microelements in this product are contained in very high concentration. Therefore, even a small portion is able to cover daily need adult human in biologically significant substances.

Amazonian nuts contain the most vitamins from group B (especially thiamine); vitamins E, C and A are present. Minerals include:

  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • manganese,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • iron.

In terms of selenium reserves, this product holds the absolute record. Only 10 g of nuts contain daily norm element. This is important because selenium has many roles. It acts as an antioxidant, supports immune system, is a prophylactic in oncology, improves heart function. Those who are concerned about the thyroid gland also need it.

Nutritional value and rich chemical composition determine healing properties Brazil nut. It is no coincidence that the Aztecs called this tree "the gift of the gods." They used it extensively to relieve pain in the stomach and liver.

Today, extracts from the plant are part of many medicines. Their effectiveness has been proven in the prevention of such serious illnesses, How diabetes and oncology. Traditional medicine suggests treating herpes with Brazil nuts. Just a handful of this delicacy can strengthen the body and quickly relieve skin problems.

Use of oil

The use of Brazil nut oil gives good results. His medicinal properties help heal wounds and fight skin inflammation. Doctors recommend using it as a remedy for edema and viruses.

The oil was also appreciated in cosmetology. The main indications for use are skin moisturizing, protection, combating wrinkles and rashes. To get a good regenerating effect, just add a couple of drops of this miracle product to your favorite cream. You can get rid of it by applying oil directly to the affected areas of the skin. It will also be useful for hair. To restore thickness and shine to your curls, you need to rub Brazil nut oil into the roots of your hair. Carry out the procedure several times a week.

Benefits of Brazil nuts for both sexes

What are the benefits of Brazil nuts for women? First of all, the influence on hormonal background. The fruits of Bertoletia prolong reproductive function, prepare the body for the normal course of pregnancy and significantly reduce the risk of developmental defects in the baby. They improve mood and help ladies maintain their youth and beauty longer.

No less significant impact nuts have an effect on men. Regular consumption of these fruits stimulates sperm production and improves their motility. This helps fight infertility. Brazil nuts are also useful for potency. They help increase testosterone levels in the blood and have a positive effect on libido.

How to use and store

To obtain maximum benefit, you need to consume Brazil nuts correctly. Nutrients They are better absorbed if you eat the fruits raw or slightly dried, without salt or other seasonings. The kernels can be crushed and added to a low-calorie dessert or salad. It is also permissible to use them in pure form like a snack.

To preserve the taste and health benefits, Brazil nuts should be stored in the refrigerator, placed in a closed jar or bag. Otherwise the kernels will absorb foreign odors, and the oil (of which there is a lot in them) will quickly age and go rancid.

Strict ban

Bertholetia grains are considered one of the most healthy foods. But there are contraindications that must be taken into account before overseas fruits reach your table. First of all, they are not suitable for the following persons.

  • For children under three years old. At small child risk of development allergic reaction higher than that of an adult. Therefore, it is better to postpone culinary experiments with all non-local fruits. In addition, the baby can easily choke on them.
  • People diagnosed with pancreatitis. In this case, the harm of Brazil nuts is due to its high fat content. A sick body will not be able to digest the product due to a lack of enzymes. In addition, the kernels are quite hard and rough and can provoke a painful attack.
  • Persons with allergies. Despite the fact that the fruits of Bertholetia are grains, they can cause severe allergies in those for whom real nuts are contraindicated.

Other people should not get carried away with tasting this product either because high content Selena. In this case, the valuable component of the Brazil nut can be harmful. Discard the fruits and consult a doctor if the following side effects occur after consuming them:

  • brittle hair and nails;
  • breath with the smell of garlic;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • general depression.

No more than three kernels - that's how many Brazil nuts you can eat per day. In this case, there is no need to worry about side effects.