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"Lazolvan" for children: how the syrup is used for respiratory diseases. Interaction with other drugs. With long-term use of a pharmacological agent in high dosage, there may be

Among all the problems that children themselves have of different ages, cough is one of the most common. In this case, you can treat yourself with the most different drugs. Now we'll talk about such a medication as “Lazolvan”: instructions for use. Syrup for children - how to use it correctly and what you need to know about this medicine.

Basic information about Lazolvan syrup

Initially, I would like to note that this drug is intended to provide expectorant effect. This is a mucolytic drug, in which the main thing is active substance– is ambroxol hydrochloride.

Its use leads to improved secretion and removal of mucus, which reduces the cough effect.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the body is reached no earlier than half an hour after administration.

The syrup works actively for 7-12 hours, after which it is successfully excreted mainly through the kidneys (90%).

Indications for use of the drug "Lazolvan"

Let us next consider the drug “Lazolvan”: instructions for use. The doctor may prescribe syrup for children for chronic and acute diseases of the baby’s respiratory tract, when viscous sputum is produced. This can occur with the following diseases:

  1. Pneumonia.
  2. Obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic) – COPD.
  3. Bronchitis, both chronic and acute.
  4. Bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by difficulty in sputum discharge.

It is also important to note that this drug is used to get rid of distress syndrome in premature babies, including newborns.

The drug "Lazolvan" (syrup for children): instructions for use

The drug "Lazolvan" is available in a variety of pharmaceutical forms. So, this is not only a syrup, but also a solution for an inhaler, as well as lozenges for resorption. Doctors most often prescribe syrup for children. After all, babies can choke on pills, and for inhalations they need a nebulizer - a special inhaler with which the baby can receive medicine.

It is important to remember that any medicine should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor in accordance with the disease and symptoms observed in a small patient.

"Lazolvan" (syrup): dosage for children

It is also necessary to talk about how to properly give this drug to children. So, it is important to note that the doctor can prescribe it even to the youngest patients. "Lazolvan" has been used since birth. Dosage:

  1. Children under 2 years of age are given 7.5 mg twice a day.
  2. For children 2-5 years of age, the same dosage is given not twice, but three times a day.
  3. Children aged 5-12 years are prescribed 2-3 single doses of 15 mg per day.

How to give Lazolvan syrup to older children? The dosage here will be the same as for adults. That is, in the first three days the dose will be 10 ml a couple of times a day, then 5-6 ml three times or 10 ml twice for 24 hours.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Lazolvan"

Let us next consider the drug “Lazolvan”: instructions for use. Doctors generally prescribe syrup for children without fear, because no cases of overdose have yet been recorded in medicine. If this happens, a small patient may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Abdominal pain may also occur.

There are two contraindications for use:

  • Personal intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Fructose intolerance, including hereditary (the drug has a strawberry flavor).

Side effects from the use of the drug "Lazolvan"

What else needs to be said about the drug “Lazolvan” (syrup for children)? The instructions for use state that certain side effects from taking medication (which, by the way, happens very, very rarely). So, these are mainly allergies in the form of skin rashes (

Lazolvan is an effective and extremely common cough remedy that is widely used to treat children. It is worth reading the instructions for use of Lazolvan syrup for children, existing direct and indirect analogues this drug, to make it easier to choose the most suitable product.

This drug has a pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effect; the main active ingredient in the composition is ambroxol, on the basis of which many other cough medications are made. Excipients the composition makes the syrup taste pleasant.

The drug is available in two forms - with a concentration of 15 mg of the active substance per five milliliters of the drug and with a concentration of 30 mg of the active substance per five milliliters of the drug. The dosage depends on the chosen form; which remedy will be better should be advised by the attending physician.

Lazolvan is produced in dark glass bottles, always with a measuring cup for ease of use. How much does Lazolvan syrup cost? The average price of a medicine is 200-300 rubles, depending on pharmacy chain and forms of means. It's worth saying that this remedy is not one of the cheapest in its category. The syrup is available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Important! The shelf life of the drug is three years. The bottle should be stored in a cool place, tightly sealed.

What kind of cough does syrup help with?

The official instructions for use of the medicine say that it can be used for any diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by inflammation and the production of viscous sputum. Thus, it can be used for dry coughs, or for wet coughs, if sputum is difficult to clear. The main active ingredient helps to liquefy it and speed up its exit from the lungs.

In general, this drug can be used for the following diseases, occurring in acute or chronic form:

  • spicy and Chronical bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • COPD;
  • bronchial asthma with difficulty releasing sputum;
  • bronchiectasis.

At normal cough It can also be used for colds, especially when there is difficulty in releasing phlegm. In other cases, taking the drug is possible according to a doctor’s indication.

Important! Before taking Lazolvan syrup, in any case, consult a specialist.

How to use

The syrup is taken orally; the use of the drug does not depend on meals. It is not necessary to drink the product with water. Depending on the age and form of release, the product is taken as follows:

  1. Syrup 15/5: children under two years old - 2.5 ml twice a day, children from two to six years old - 2.5 ml three times a day, from six to twelve years old - 5 ml 2 - 3 times a day. Depending on the indications, from twelve years old - 10 ml three times a day.
  2. Syrup 30/5: children from six to twelve years old - 2.5 ml 2 - 3 times a day depending on the indications, from twelve years old - 5 ml three times a day. Children over two years old should not take this type of drug.

Lazolvan syrup is suitable for children under one year of age, but it should be taken at a young age only under the supervision of a doctor. It is also worth noting that the product with a concentration of 30/5 can only be taken from the age of six, in contrast to the form with a concentration of 15/5. The syrup can also be taken by adults.

When to take

The time of taking the drug is practically irrelevant; it can be taken before or after meals. Although it is desirable that equal periods of time pass between doses of the medicine, this will ensure that the effect of the drug is most noticeable.

How many days can children be given

It is recommended to take this drug for a week until the symptoms of the disease finally begin to go away. acute form and exacerbation with chronic pathology. However, if no improvement is observed within the first 4 to 5 days, you should abandon the drug and choose a more effective drug.


This drug does not have many contraindications. First of all, intolerance to individual components of the drug: fructose, ambroxol, and other substances included in the syrup. Whenever allergic reaction you should stop taking the drug.

Also, syrup should not be taken by pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. During the second and third trimester, the product can be used with caution if the expected benefit is more noticeable possible harm from the medicine.

Important! If symptoms of intoxication occur after taking the drug, you should do a gastric lavage and take Activated carbon. This sign indicates an overdose.

Side effects

In general, side effects are quite rare and are tolerable in most cases. Some patients experience nausea, abdominal pain, dryness and sore throat. At pronounced signs side effects Symptomatic treatment can be used.

Important! With prolonged and frequent use Sorbitol, which is part of the product, can have a laxative effect.

The syrup can also cause allergies, such as urticaria, itching, allergic rhinitis or cough, you need to stop taking Lazolvan. Also, you should not take the medicine at the same time as drugs that make it difficult to remove sputum.


Since Lazolvan is not one of the cheapest drugs in its category, many are interested in whether there are cheaper analogues. Many other direct analogues are produced based on ambroxol, but it is worth considering that their effect may be weaker or more pronounced; it is worth reading the instructions for the chosen medicine before taking it. In general, you can pay attention to the following means:

  1. Ambroxol. It is also available in the form of tablets and solution, the average price is 50 – 60 rubles per bottle. You can use the medicine for up to two years; please read the instructions for dosages.
  2. Bronchorus. The main active ingredient is also ambroxol; treatment of children under two years of age can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The average price is from 60 rubles.
  3. Ambrobene. average cost drug - 130 - 200 rubles, the main active ingredient is ambroxol. You can take the drug for up to two years; it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids while taking it.

These are the main direct analogues of Lazolvan. Before choosing a product, you must compare the characteristics of the drugs; it is worth remembering that analogues may differ significantly.

All colds, which are inextricably linked with inflammatory processes respiratory tract, occurring in different shapes, accompanied by the production of sputum.

This is due to the penetration of infectious agents into the lumen of the bronchial tree. Our body begins to “fight” the disease and produces defensive reaction- cough.

Cough has a debilitating effect not only on the patient, but also on everyone who is nearby. If the disease is very severe, the bronchi become completely covered thick sputum. And this, undoubtedly, leads to attacks of suffocating cough. How to deal with it?

There are a great variety of drugs for this purpose, but the effect of their use does not always exceed our expectations.

Thinning the mucus and increased production mucous secretion. Some patients still adhere to the erroneous opinion that phlegm can be gotten rid of by inhalation over potato peels, etc.

To make it easier to defeat the disease, scientists have developed many medications that help thin the mucus in the bronchi and cough up sputum.

One of best medicines Lazolvan is rightfully considered in this area.

  • spicy and chronic diseases respiratory tract, passing with the separation of viscous sputum;
  • acute and prolonged bronchitis, occurring in a particularly severe form;
  • pneumonia;
  • COPD is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is a disease that makes it difficult for a person to breathe. This disease mainly affects heavy smokers;
  • bronchial asthma, accompanied by difficulty clearing mucus from the bronchi;
  • respiratory distress syndrome in newborn infants and premature infants.

Directions for use and dosage


Adults and children, over 12 years old take 30 mg of the drug 3 times a day for the first three days. Then - 30 mg - 2 times a day.

Children 6 - 12 years- 15 mg of the drug 2/3 times a day.

Tablets should be taken only during meals.


Adults and children, over 12 years old During the first 3 days, take 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day. All by next days therapy - 5 ml of the product 3 times a day. The syrup is drunk during meals, washed down with big amount warm liquid.

Lazolvan for children - kids, under 2 years old- 2.5 ml - 2 times a day. Children - 25 years- 2.5 ml 3 times a day. Patients 5 - 12 years- 5 ml - 3 times a day. This remedy must also be taken with water.


Lazolvan solution - intended for internal use. Adults- the first 3 days of treatment take 4 ml, the next days - 3 times a day, 2 ml. Children under 2 years old- 1 ml - 2 times a day. Kids 25 years- 1 ml 3 times a day. Children 5 - 12 years- 2 ml - 3 times a day.

The solution can be diluted in tea, water, milk or any fruit juice. Take only with meals.

Lazolvan solution is also given to patients intravenously up to 4 times a day.

Lazolvan for inhalation

Release form. Composition of the drug

The manufacturer offers the following release forms medicine:

  1. Tablets - 10 pieces in one package.
  2. A solution intended for intravenous injections- 2 ml in each ampoule. One package contains 10 ampoules.
  3. Syrup - bottle of 100 ml.
  4. Solution for oral administration - 100 ml bottle.


One tablet Lazolvan contains 30 mg of ambroxol hydrochloride. Additional ingredients: corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon.

Lazolva syrup n. 5 ml of the product contains 15 or 30 mg of ambroxol.

Solution for inhalation - 2 ml of the drug contains 15 mg of ambroxol. Auxiliary elements: citric acid, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, purified water.

Solution for intravenous injection- 2 ml contains 15 mg of ambroxol and various additional substances.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to use the drug with other cough medications. Since this can lead to difficulty in sputum discharge due to a decrease in the cough reflex.

The main active ingredient included in the product enhances the penetration of antibiotics into bronchial secretions.

Syrup, tablets and solution for inhalation are compatible with medications that inhibit labor.

Lazolvan solution cannot be mixed with those solutions with a pH greater than 6.3. If this rule will be violated, free Lazolvan will precipitate.


Contraindications for taking Lazolvan:

  1. The drug is contraindicated in persons who have individual intolerance to Lazolvan or its auxiliary components.
  2. First trimester of pregnancy.
  3. While breastfeeding.
  4. It is not recommended to take the product simultaneously with drugs that impede the removal of mucus.

During pregnancy

Numerous clinical researches showed that the medicine can be used by pregnant women after 28 weeks. No undesirable harmful effects of use during this period were identified. The drug passes into breast milk.

If strictly adhered to established by a doctor therapeutic doses, then it bad influence per child will be kept to a minimum.

Storage conditions and periods

Syrup Lazolvan, children's drug, tablets should be stored in a room where the air temperature does not exceed +30 degrees. Tablets are stored for no more than 5 years.

Syrup and children's Lazolvan - no more than 3 years.

The solution for oral administration and inhalation should be kept in a place protected from light. The air temperature in the room should not be more than +25 degrees. The medicine can be stored for no more than 5 years


average price in Russia.

  1. Tablets 30 mg. No. 20 - 194 rub.
  2. Tablets 30 mg. No. 50 - 329 rub.
  3. Syrup - bottle 15mg/5ml 100ml - 253 rub.
  4. Syrup - bottle 30 mg/5 ml 100 ml - 312 rub.
  5. Solution for inhalation - bottle 15 mg/2 ml 100 ml - 444 rub.

average price in Ukraine.

  • Lazolvan solution - 236 hryvnia.
  • Syrup - 15 mg/5 ml 100 ml bottle - 93 hryvnia.
  • Syrup 30 mg/5 ml bottle 100 ml - 69 hryvnia.
  • Solution for injection - pack of 10 ampoules - 252 hryvnia.
  • Tablets -30 mg No. 20 - 93 hryvnia.
  • Tablets - 30 mg No. 50 - 110 hryvnia.


The following medicines are analogues of Lazolvan:

Abrol, Ambroxol, Ambroxol extra, Ambrotard, Bronchoval, Medox, Milistan, Mucolvan, Flavamed, Flavamed forte.

Before deciding to replace a drug prescribed by your doctor with a similar one, consult your doctor.

It is difficult to imagine something more unpleasant than a dry cough that literally “scratches” the throat, especially if a child suffers from it. Lazolvan for children is one of the most effective and safe means in this area. It transforms painful dry spells into more productive ones by facilitating the passage of mucus.

Most often in childhood syrup is used, in more difficult cases inhalations are indicated. Already after the first procedures, the baby’s condition noticeably improves, breathing normalizes, recovery occurs faster and does not have a debilitating effect on the body. children's body.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The name Lazolvan was invented for commercial purposes; in fact, the syrup is called ambroxol hydrochloride after the name of the main active component. It's almost clear liquid viscous consistency with a fruity smell and pleasant taste. It is worth considering that only syrup labeled “children’s” can be used to treat babies. The volume of ambroxol in it is significantly less than in the standard medicine. Violation of the rule can lead to an overdose with all the ensuing consequences.

Advice: It happens that the cost of Lazolvan is several times higher than the price for the same volume of Ambroxol. In fact, these products are absolutely identical in terms of therapeutic effects, and may differ slightly only due to the presence of additional components (for example, aromatic additives). For coughs, both of these remedies can be taken with the same result. The main thing is to pay attention to the level of active substance content.

The mechanism of action of the main substance is very simple. If the instructions for use are followed, you can count on the following results:

  1. The composition, penetrating into the pulmonary alveoli and bronchial capillaries, stimulates the production of fluid, facilitating the process of formation and separation of sputum.
  2. Ambroxol begins to act in moist contents, promoting the breakdown of large molecules into smaller ones. The softened material comes out faster and easier when coughing, without causing pain.
  3. Lazolvan increases the activity of cilia in the nasopharynx, provoking their movement. During this process, mucus rises from the lower respiratory tract. If the instructions for using the syrup are followed, then all passages are cleared of mucus in just an hour or even less.
  4. Additional plus rapid removal sputum is that pathogenic bacteria lose an environment favorable for reproduction. This leads to a rapid decline pain and body temperature, suppression of the inflammatory process.

This syrup and its other forms are also valued by parents and pediatricians for the fact that if the product is taken in compliance with all conditions and recommendations, it will not cause negative impact on the child's body. It is even allowed to be used for inhalation or oral administration during pregnancy.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Lazolvan

Children's Lazolvan (syrup or solution for inhalation) is indicated for use in the following conditions:

  • , including at a very early age.
  • Some infectious processes in the lungs, accompanied obstructive syndrome, which is expressed in a cough.
  • Spicy and chronic form bronchitis.
  • Any form of bronchiectasis.
  • Prematurity leading to distress syndrome. The composition can be taken both for coughing and for violations of the basic functions of lung tissue.
  • In addition, the instructions for the drug state that the product should be used in the event of a number of pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract.

Even if a child has obvious indications for taking Lazolvan, before giving him syrup or inhalation, you should consult a doctor. Only in this case can you count on instant or very fast positive effect from therapy. Contraindications to taking the product include intolerance to ambroxol or auxiliary components. The dosage should be chosen with extreme caution if the child has liver or kidney problems.

Medication dosages for children

The instructions for using Ambroxol are quite simple and understandable, but before following its recommendations, you should check with a specialist to see if they affect the child in a particular case. additional factors that may affect the dosage or treatment schedule.

Children's syrup used for coughs is usually prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • Children from 0 to 2 years old. Half a teaspoon no more than twice a day.
  • Children from 2 to 6 years old. Half a teaspoon no more than 3 times a day.
  • Children aged 6 years and older. A teaspoon no more than 3 times a day.

If you take the drug directly with food, its effectiveness will increase significantly due to more quality assimilation. Modern children's composition It has a pleasant taste and soft texture, so it immediately softens the throat and does not cause any discomfort in the baby.

The adult form of Lazolvan is not prohibited for use in childhood, but it must be remembered that the concentration of the active component in it is twice as high as children's product. To prevent an overdose, you need to not just halve the recommended therapeutic dose, and additionally consult with a specialist.

Despite the fact that syrup is the safest, most convenient and fastest valid form Lazolvan, sometimes other types of product are used, for example, an inhalation solution. It can be used with a variety of devices (homemade and specialized), only evaporators are not suitable.

The dosage of the solution during inhalation again depends on the age of the baby:

  • Children from 0 to 2 years. No more than 7.5 ml, 2-3 times a day.
  • Children from 2 to 6 years old. No more than 15 ml, 2-3 times a day.
  • Children aged 6 years and older. No more than 22.5 ml, 2-3 times a day.

The use of syrup as an inhalation product is strictly prohibited. Even if you first dilute the product with saline solution, the molecules of the composition will still not reach the right size and they will settle in the wrong place. This may not cause serious harm to the baby, but therapeutic effect will be minimal.

Side effects, overdose symptoms and interactions of syrup with other medications

The instructions for use do not always contain information that Ambroxol can be used for no longer than 7 days. Even if the cough persists, it is necessary to change the medication or consult a doctor.

Despite the safety of the main component, the syrup or solution for inhalation can provoke the development of some side effects, even if taken according to all the rules:

  • In 2-10% of cases, patients experience nausea. Older children may experience dullness taste sensations, decreased sensitivity of the oral mucosa.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are very rarely observed.
  • Allergy to Lazolvan is considered an extremely rare phenomenon and manifests itself in the form of a rash, hives, and tissue swelling. Cases anaphylactic shock are isolated.

It is very difficult to overdose. True, this can happen if the baby finds syrup and drinks the sweet liquid. This will cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Timely gastric lavage will prevent more serious negative consequences.

Particular attention should be paid to combining Ambroxol with other medications, which are often indicated for children with cough. Taking Lazolvan simultaneously with antibiotics increases the penetration ability of the latter into bronchial secretions, which must be taken into account when selecting dosages.

It is strictly forbidden to give your child syrup and cough suppressants at the same time. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of treatment, but can also cause stagnation of sputum in the lungs and cause the development of pneumonia. It is worth considering that Lazolvan has a slight laxative effect and can accelerate dehydration of the body.

Despite the fact that the syrup has a shelf life of 3 years, open form it should be used within several months. If the product becomes sugary, it is better to replace it with a new product.